Topic: October 2007

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-01 22:10 EST
Monday, October 1

Whore-acious Friday!

Lang appeared quite frustrated Friday night when in the middle of the Red Dragon Inn he was accused by ex-girlfriend Rhy of manipulating her and telling her that he loved her all in order to sleep with her. Ryo had to literally pull the crazed jilted lover away from the scene so that cooler heads may prevail. That's what happens when you play the game, Lang! If you're going to be a player better be ready for the DRAMAZ! And, man, do we love Rhy. She's totally the new Bloody Psycho Sera!!!

The Gov Kitty and Miss Mercy were in the Inn and up to trouble as usual. These two shouldn't be allowed within a hundred yards from one another!!! They're faaaar too much HAWT TROUBLE when together. This dynamic duo spent their time hitting on Antonio while he tended bar and passing mugs of ale to Lang to ease his "heartache".

Speaking of getting people liquored up, Brale Brother Baker was seen keeping our Evie in constant supply of booze! They looked all cute and snuggly as Baker whispered sweet nothings in her ear. We're still dyyyyying for these two to get married!!!

DoD-er Rena was seen in the Arena finally discussing the whereabouts of her Boy Toy Val with fellow DoD-er Charlie!!! Unfortunately, our sources FAILED to catch any details! We are ashamed and embarrassed by this disgrace and we promise to keep our ear to the ground for more details. Let's just say that by the looks on the women's faces, it doesn't seem like he's away on holiday!

Whore-acious Erin was also in the Arena shaking her lack of stuff. Now we used to think she was cute but since she decided to lead the charge against yours truly, we've decided she's a slimy little wench!!! It's on now, Whore-acious Erin!!! You don't BOYCOTT The GangSTAR!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-03 21:02 EST
Wednesday, October 3

Plunderin' Saturday!

Whore-acious Erin has been seen spending a LOT of time with the girls of DoD! Saturday night she was seen having drinks with FLAWLESS Koy, Rena, PJ, and Charlie. It appears she's even moving in with DoD-er Charlie. Perhaps this is where Erin's poor attitude is coming from??? What has happened to our Cute Single Erin??? She must be seeing someone again. She is NO FUN when she's not single.

The Gov Kitty and Big Mama Icer were kept quite amused by the always FANTASTIC Miles and yummy Keaton!!! The Pluderin' Pirate and the Delicious DJ had quite the frank discussion in regards to The Gov's lady bits!!! And the conversation only got more entertaining when trouble-maker Stitch showed up!!! The Gov knows how to give as good as she gets, though. We're told that she grabbed Keaton's ass once and gave it a good hard squeeze. Oh, what the women (and some men!) of this city would pay to do that?!?!

Dear sweet Eless was spotted in the common room of the Inn looking quite sickly! She was being tended to by Icer and peppy blonde tender Sweet Sugar. We're dying to know what's wrong with our Eless!!! She's been ill for quite some time. Honey, you'll never catch Connar's heart looking all pale and unhealthy. Snap to it!!!

Later in the night Whore-acious Erin was seen keeping Eless company and the pair seemed to be having a heart-to-heart. We sure hope that Eless's manners and class rub off on Erin. She sure could use them!

We're pretty curious what Darren's approach is on winning back Sugar's heart!!! We certainly haven't seen him make any grand gestures. Late Saturday night, he merely sat in a back booth and looked on as Sugar had a silly conversation with the fabulous Viking lady Shy and FLIRTED with man-whore-wannabe Lang. Gah, whatever you do Sugar, stay AWAY from Lang. Haven't you had enough of bad boys?

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-03 22:26 EST
Wednesday, October 3

Birthday Sunday!

Here's the shock of all shocks. Sunday night in the Red Dragon Inn started off with Rhy demanding Lang tell her why he no longer wants her to be part of his life. We just don't even know where to begin but we'll give it a try....

OMG, Clingy Rhy!!! Please don't make use feel sorry for Wannabe Man Whore Lang!!! We don't want to!!! We will have to be dragged their kicking and screaming but you've got us by our gorgeous pink locks and are tugging us in that direction!!! Leave the poor man alone!!! The next time you want to go cry on his shoulder, take a deep breath and turn away. IT IS OVER!!!

HEIFER Jewell sure likes her pirates!!! Plunderin' Pirate Miles continued his time on land by spending time in the Inn. We have to think that he could find better company than HER!!! For example, the loooovely Eless was tending bar!!! She actually appeared nearly healthy. Maybe she'll catch her man after all!

Sianna and her main man Johnny were both spotted making the rounds Sunday night. We hear the couple is engaged after a delightfully short courtship which we're sure will be followed by a delightfully short marriage and then a spectacular blow-up of a divorce. But we digress, Sianna was sporting a darling tri-color gold engagement ring with vines and leaves and a sparkling diamond in the blossom of a rose. They are soooo cute and soooo in love. Blah, blah, blah.

As for an engagement that's been a bit longer in coming, we're told that the DIVINE Storm and her YUMMY Ewan are getting married VERY sooooon! FABULOUS! It's about time that Ewan took our advice and took that girl off the market! These two are fantastically HAWT together and will have the CUTEST kids!!! Hm. Maybe the DIVINE Storm is already pregnant??? How sinfully juicy would that be???

Much to the amusement of Annex goers, Nutty Rory, who was the caller on duty for Fight Night, certainly seemed to have a bee in her proverbial bonnet! She spent much of the night reminded HAWTIE Pirate Teagan not to kiss unsuspecting men (because if you remember correctly Teagan tried to kiss Rory's husband Sartan) and actually laid into Anubis at one point for some unknown reason. Anubis and Rory verbally sparred for a couple minutes before the issue seemed to die an uneasy death. Those two certainly seem to have some history!!!

Wyh Not was seen in the Annex for the first time in aaaaages! It was certainly good to see her out and about. She got in a duel against Bran and had an informative discussion with him on the amount of knowledge that the Towers of Duel of Magic hold. She encouraged him to study the secrets that his Tower holds. Iiiiiinteresting!

DoD-er Charlie and YUMMY Alain were again seen in each other's company in the Annex. He seemed to be sporting an injury and the pair of private investigators seemed to be having a pretty serious one-on-one conversation... again much to the dismay of their friends. Has Alain finally picked a woman out of his rotating bevy of beauties? Has Charlie given up on her TDL teammate returning home? Inquiring minds want to know, kids!!! We're not huuuuge fans of DoD-er Charlie's... but at least she's no Lassie Cassie!

Uriko popped in towards the end of the night and was overheard telling G'naughty G'nort that it was her birthday. G'nort at least managed to stop hitting on her long enough to wish her a happy birthday... or perhaps that was a line to get into her pants as well. At least Uriko managed to escape the scene without being punched. We all know how G'nort likes to hit unsuspecting young women!!!


Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-08 10:47 EST
Thursday, October 4


We are now proud to present your FIFTEENTH Rhydin edition of the often duplicated yet unequaled --


- Grem and Lydia were spotted at the bar in the Inn having an intimate conversation that left Lydia looking sad and disappointed. Come on, Grem!!! Get with it!!! If you want to keep your girlfriend from hopping into bed with that cute carpenter, you better give her a reason to stick around with you!!!

- Mercy seems to be moving on after the death of her man! She was seen being hit on at the bar by a big guy named Aaron. Mercy is awfully popular... but who could blame the men!!! Have you oogled her body lately???

- Jake in the Inn peppering the ladies, including Eless and Shy, with his lines. He has been linked with several women that frequent the Inn but Monday night he was seen spending time with one of our faaaaavorites in Piper. Niiiiiice taste, Jake!

- Tucker hanging out at the bar in the Inn. Tucker's much like Jake in his propensity to be linked with many of RhyDin's most beautiful women. Monday he was seen getting to know that dark-haired HAWTIE Eva a bit better. We don't know much about her yet but we do hear she's a doctor. SMART AND HAWT!!! Way to bag a good one, Tucker!

- G'naughty G'nort with The Gov Kitty sitting in his lap in the Outback!!! We truly believe that these two should not be allowed within twenty-five feet of one another. Not only is The Gov far too good for G'naughty, GangSTAR-Hating, Women-Hitting G'nort but their evil powers combined is certain to wreck havoc on this city!!!

- Super Sexy Sartan trying to convince his wife Nutty Rory that it's time to try for a second kid! Is it just us or do you also see Sartan as the type to get turned on by knocking a women up??? That guy's probably got half a dozen kids running around that he doesn't even know about.

- Sex-Crazed Alex joining the pair and plopping down in The Gov Kitty's lap. The trio took to kissing on one another. A very, very odd situation considering one of them is married to someone not in the group and another is supposedly "in love" with someone who has been kidnapped.... and we just don't even know what to say about Alex anymore. It takes a lot to shock the GangSTAR but she certainly seems to on a regular basis!

- Querylon proving that Vinny hasn't offed her (he scares us like that) by showing up on Twilight Island to exchange magical blows with her man. TDL season is fast approaching and Querylon's always one of our favorites to watch! We cannot wait!!! LET THE TDL DRAMA BEGIN!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-08 11:25 EST
Monday, October 8

POSTAL Tuesday!

In an interesting twist of fate, it seems that in Bloody Psycho Sera's current man, she may have found someone who is even too psychotic and blow-up prone for her in Brian F.!!! When our sources spotted her Tuesday night in the Red Dragon Inn, Bloody Psycho Sera seemed to be getting awfully sick of her current man's on-going feud with Wanna-Be Pimp Lang!!! Sera attempted to get them to knock off the arguing but nothing seems to be working with those two. Poor Sera just can't catch a break!

The MAN Xeno was seen getting quite snippy with someone that he appeared to know quite well at the bar. Wow! We'd love to see the former Overlord totally go POSTAL on someone's unsuspecting ass!!!

So can we consider these two official yet??? The private investigators (and quite the hell-raising pair), Awesome Alain and DoD-er Charlie, were again spotted in each other's company in the Inn! The alcohol flowed heavy and the looks exchanged were hooooot!!! Our sources were unsure if these two were about to kill each other or about to have sex right there on the table! Definitely interesting! We hear that they then took the show down to the Outback and things got quite testy between Charlie and G'naughty G'nort!!! Could he disapprove of this budding.... well, whatever it is???

We LOVE tall redheads so we were just as excited as Chryrie to find that Basalt is back in town!!! The HAWTIE bartender was seen at the bar getting her drink on and Chryrie was as giddy as a fan girrrl! What fabulous news!!!

Our sources report back that Koy was seen acting incredibly odd in the Outback laaaate Tuesday night. Even her fellow DoD-ers seemed startled by her behavior!!! Is the stress of trying to remain hip and current in the ever-changing fashion industry starting to weigh on her???

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-08 20:34 EST
Monday, October 8

Duel of Magic All Ranks Tournament!

Tuesday saw a party atmosphere on Twilight Island as four of Magic's best casters showed up to take part!!! The goblins cooked up one miiiighty stew and delicious pumpkin treats!!! The goblins make great treats and these tournaments always turn out to be quite a blast!!! No pun intended.

The new Keeper of Fire Bran was speaking with Russel, the Keeper of Air, about facing off against a troublesome dragon that seemed to have his eye on the towers. Bran didn't have the power to slay the dragon but was able to turn it away. Russel didn't seem all that interested in helping out. Is it just us or is he a bit on the sleazy side?

With Topaz calling the action, the tournament turned into a round robin shoot out with Rena and Bran tying for third place and Russel coming from behind to end up in second place. That left the night's winner as the vastly unpopular but oh-so-wonderful drama-causer Vinny!

Congratulations, Vinny! We hear you took home quite the purse. We sure hope that you took that pretty Querylon out to one heck of a dinner!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-08 21:36 EST
Monday, October 8

Redheaded Wednesday!

Johnny was overheard by our sources Wednesday night at the Red Dragon Inn gossiping with Puuuuurftect Piper and Stitch about exactly how he popped the question to Sianna!!! Evidently it was during the zombie infestation and wasn't exactly the most romantic proposal we've ever heard of. Well, he's only known the girl for a month and a half so it's not exactly like he's had all the time in the world to prepare. We still say that this relationship has all the makings of one hell of a flame out!!!

Finally, it appears that Rhy has stopped following Pimp Wanna-be Lang around. All it takes to ease a broken heart in this city is a taut rear end and a set of nice biceps!!! Rhy has now moved her attentions on to a more interested recipient in Brandon!!! If you remember correctly, Brandon's last relationship ended with the women whom he had just asked to marry him turning him down COOOOLD!!! Since these two are both quite familiar with being on the losing end of love we have a feeling that they might do quite well together.... at least for a couple weeks.

Not only has the goooorgeous redhead Basalt returned to RhyDin but it appears that the patrons of the Red Dragon Inn are lucky enough to get her HAWTNESS back as a bartender as well!!! She was seen pouring drinks and entertaining the drunks from behind the bar with SUUUUUPER Des at her side!!!

Brian was seen in the Inn catching up on the goings-on that he missed while away for the birth of his twins and catching the Inn up on the goings-on of his growing family!!! We do hope this means that Jenai will be returning soon. We have missed them both!!!

G'naughty G'nort was again seen with Sex-crazed Alex in the Outback in the late hours of Wednesday night. Despite what we hear people saying, we have an awfully hard time believing that these two have not yet had sex!!! Such silliness. Just seal the freaking deal already!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-09 13:45 EST
Tuesday, October 9

Man-errific Thursday!

Is there already problems in paradise for DoD-er Charlie and Awesome Alain??? Are they even really seeing each other??? Our sources are disappointing us miserably on this issue. Thursday night in the Inn, DoD-er Charlie was seen chatting with fellow DoD-er Rena while Awesome Alain flirted with new beauty Adrianna. They discussed their mutual love for motorcycles but not Alain's ingrained love for being suuuuper friendly with every woman he stumbles over. Perhaps they made up because a short time later the pair was seen giving each other those heated looks over coffee.

Carley! Carley! Carley! Oh how we love us some Carley! She is absolutely adorable! Things appeared a bit awkward between she and Hunky Carpenter Glenn at first and actually degenerated into a staring contest at one point. Thankfully, though, she seemed to crack through his aloof exterior a bit and even gave him a KISS on the cheek!!! These two are sooooo adorable!!!

Perhaps the conversation that Piper and Stitch had with love birds Johnny and Sianna put the pair in a romantic mood!!! The next night, a pretty fabulous piece of graffiti art showed up on the wall opposite the back door in the alley. It reads "Piper HEARTS Stitch!" LOVE IT!!! Those crazy kids!!!

Panther and The Gov Kitty are viciously HAWT when in the same room. STEAMING HAWT!!! The two make us droooool with their silly flirting! It's really too bad that they're not serious because they would totally be our "it" couple. We can't help but grin at their antics!!!

Sweet Sugar just doesn't seem to learn! With Man-eriffic Tucker keeping a watchful eye over Sugar and giving off that whole big brotherly vibe, she and Bad Boy Darren had a quiet, intense discussion. It seems they're getting back together again!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Are you crazy?!?! Le sigh. These girls never learn.

In better news on the status of current relationships, we hear that Maia and Harry have saaaailed off into the sunset together. Literally!!! After battling zombies and assisting in the rebuilding effort, they are taking off on a much needed vacation. It seems there's no question whether or not these two are a couple. It's CONFIRMED!!! They deserve it!!!

Sex-crazed Alex was up to her usual trouble down in the Arena Thursday night as she continued to kiss every man, beast, reptile she laid eyes on. Bran seemed a bit shocked by the impromptu kiss and led to G'naught G'nort telling her to brush her teeth before she kisses him again!!! Classy as always, G'nort!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-10 19:29 EST
Tuesday, October 9

MUST SEE Friday!

Our sources were quick to report that they saw new love blossoming right before their very eyes Friday night in the Red Dragon Inn!!! Evidently, Brandon was a blushing fool over the bubbly Rhy while stumbling his way through asking her out on a date. If it had been just a bit less awkward it would have been cute but according to our sources it just proved difficult to watch!!!

Speaking of new love blossoming, Phillipe and Adrianna were lubricating their relationship with massive quantities of alcohol. We hope they slept together and he knocked her up. That would be some deliciously wonderful gossip.

SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee returned to the realm!!! Any man who loves shapely legs and a tight rear end will rejoice and be glad!!! She was seen spending a bit of quality time reuniting with her oh-so hot man, Julien. Welcome back, oh SPLENDIFEROUS one!!!

Otherwise, the bar was pretty quiet Friday night! That doesn't mean that Antonio wasn't kept busy behind the bar, though! Everybody's favorite boozing couple (remember, kids -- the couple that gets trashed together, stays together!) Our Evie and her Brale Brother Baker kept him busy refilling their mugs of ale. We're still dyyyyyying for these two to get hitched!!!

Down in the basement Arena, The Gov Kitty was seen cuddling up in G'naughty G'nort's lap. Ew. Yuck. We thought she had better taste than his skankness!!! We're still wondering when G'naughty G'nort's wife is going to come back in town to seriously lay some smack down on his less than loyal tail!!!

The Overlord Cletus and his brother Magnus were both spotted in the rings of the Arena while Xeno called!!! Certainly a night of legends!!! We're still just waiting on a challenge from Magnus. He has to have enough wins by now.

Perhaps he's just waiting to see the results of Wednesday night's challenge with Damien and Cas! Speaking of which, that's a total MUST SEE EVENT!!! You like trash-talking? You like to watch two talented duelists duke it out? BE THERE Wednesday night at 10 in the Arena to witness the action!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-14 07:56 EST
Sunday, October 14

We Can?t Believe We Missed It Saturday!

Insane Harris was back to interviewing candidates for the position of ?Second Wife? in preparation of his wife kicking him to the curb. Saturday night?s vict? er, lucky potential homemaker? The Gov Kitty. Well, we suppose she does need SOMETHING to keep her busy once her political career comes to an end!!! Kitty didn?t seem to thrilled about the prospect. She offered to take temporary staffing as a mistress but advised Harris that she doesn?t have the long-term commitment to the concept of monogamy that one must need to be married.

?.evidently, she hasn?t heard about G?naughty G?nort?s marriage without monogamy scheme!!!

The silliness ended with Guthorm and Kitty exchanging some heated words!!! He DEMANDED to speak with her on the porch for a more private conversation and, more surprisingly, she complied with his demand!!! Wowza!!! The man?s got one heck of a set of you-know-whats there, doesn?t he?

With her man Julien absent, SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee was getting her mack on!! The man in question??? A drow named Ilztyn!!! The pair shared several drinks at the bar before hitting the town for some dancing!!! Julien better shape up or he?s going to be booted to the curb!!!

WE CAN?T BELIEVE WE MISSED IT!!! Lydia was overheard telling DoD-er Rena that Ewan finally wised up and MARRIED the DIVINE Storm!!! We are so excited for the both of them but so dreadfully disappointed that we were not invited. Can you only imagine how beaaaauuutiful Storm was??? We?re dying to know some details. If you were there and know something, PLEASE contact us!!!

Congratulations to the both of them! That is fan-freaking-tastic!

Speaking of DoD-er Rena, later in the evening, she introduced her new ?pal? Soerl to Lydia!!! Rena?s former Boy Toy Val still isn?t around and now she?s taken to keeping company with Soerl??? Iiiiiinteresting, no? She?s even introducing him to her friends!!! We starting to think that Rena?s replaced Val in her life!!!

Down in the Inn?s basement Arena the kids were up to their usual antics. Dioxane was breaking in a new caller named Minstrel, introducing him to all the patrons as her future ?BF?. We?re not quite sure how he felt about that. Our sources told us he looked a tad bit uncomfortable!!! But come on!!! It?s Dioxane!!! She?s super HAWT!!!

Clueless Chris, the Duel of Swords supervisor, seemed, well, clueless in regards to his new hire. In fact, he seemed more interested in talking the kid out of a paycheck then checking his references. It?s time?s like these that you have to wonder about how the Arena runs so smoothly under such?. uh, interesting leadership. However, he sure makes things entertaining, no??? And how can you hate a man who?s brought us such ENTERTAINING callers as the sex perv Imp and nutty Rory and dirty sexy DoD-er Rena and boy-crazy Dioxane and SUUUUUPER Des and cranky Cicero???

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-15 08:56 EST
Monday, October 15

Ex Wife Sunday!

Sunday night started much as Saturday night ended in the Red Dragon Inn!!! Soerl and DoD-er Rena were again chatting with Lydia who appeared very much the third wheel at this table!!! Soerl was directing heavy flattery Rena?s way and could barely tear his eyes off of her.

Ilztyn was overheard by our sources chatting up SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee once again!!! Evidently he told her that he had a fantastic time in her company the night before. The pair didn?t last in the Inn long!!! SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee seemed to fall for the man?s charms and they headed out to take the ?conversation? elsewhere. OMG, Kairee moves FAAAAAAST!!!

WHOA! Did we miss something??? Evidently Deadbeat Dad Alex was spotted exchanging some R-rated looks with her former girl, Other Woman Lain, during a very private conversation that the two were having! Our sources inform us that D.D. Alex?s wife, The OTHER Other Woman Yami, hasn?t been seen with him in quite some time. D.D. Alex does seem to have second thoughts a lot after leaving a woman, no???

Just when we thought HEIFER Jewell had finally left for good! Blah on her! She was spotted in the Inn with her uncouth pirate husband Stephen. Evidently they?ve been at sea? blah, blah, blah?. they?re just stopping for supplies? We HATE writing about her! We only do it because we know YOU sickos looooove to read about her. MAKE IT STOOOOPPPPP!!!

HEIFER Jewell did at least warn our lovely Eless when Wil took a seat at the bar when Eless was tending. We certainly haven?t seen Wil in a while but he hasn?t changed in the least!!! He did some HARDCORE hitting on Eless but, thankfully, she seemed quite immune from his charms. That man reaaaally needs a lesson in subtly! Big Boss Man Panther stepped in to save the day, advising Wil that as Eless?s boss, he was the only ?special man? she needed in her life! And, thus, just another reason why we are maaaadly in love with Panther!

Wil is never one to dwell on defeat so he quickly moved on to the Luscious Piper!!! We know we don?t have to worry about Piper falling in with that sort of man, though. She?s too mouthy for their taste!!! That?s why we love Love LOVE Piper!!!

Our sources CLAIM that they actually caught Uber-serious but Uber-HAWT new hubby Ewan grinning in the Inn Sunday night!!! Well, wouldn?t you be grinning if you woke up and realized that you get to make the relations with the DIVINE Storm for the rest of your natural life??? He seemed quite content with married life and we are so happy for them both!!! Storm came in a bit later and, let us just tell you, they were TOO CUTE together!!!

It was nice to see Sweet Sugar out and about! The blonde half of the twins ventured down into the depths of the Red Dragon Inn for Fight Night in the Annex with her man-again Bad Boy Darren!!! She actually seemed to be in quite a good mood and was even a bit on the social side!

Brandon tried to get a Swords duel in but it turns out that, for some reason, the healing Ward of Gondar doesn?t protect him!!! NOT GOOD!!! Luckily for him, HAWT redheaded elf Katarina was quick to spot him and bandaged him up!!! Brandon wisely decided that it was probably best if he didn?t stuck to Fists dueling from then on. Good idea, kid!

Although we hate woman-hitting, cheater G?naughty G?nort we must love his way of signing up talent to the two TDL teams he will own this year!!! He was overheard TELLING Mini-Frank Cor that he was signing him up and that Mini-Frank Cor WOULD win. LOVE IT!!! HATE HIM!!!

Man-tastic Matt and FLAWLESS Koy were seen spending a bit of time together and having an intimate conversation. It seemed like the topic was Matt?s ex-wife but our sources failed to overhear any details. However, they say that by the look on his face, it wasn?t a happy discussion!!! LOVE THE EX-SPOUSE DRAMA!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-15 10:24 EST
Monday, October 15

Overheard Around Town!

- ?Ey big bad an? fury?paws? literally paws off me wifes backside.? Unwashed Pirate Stephen to Panther. LOVE IT!!!

- ? I didn?t get voted in just because I?m sexy.? Kitty, after coming up with the BRILLIANT plan of throwing The Stew at the zombies.

- ?Oh, Baker told you about that thing I do with my tongue?? OMG, Evie! We?re dyyyyying to know!

- ? I just figured out what i?m gonna be for halloween. I?m gonna be Lady Godiva?s horse?yeah! And Sammie can be naked and ride me all night long.? Wow. Way more information than we wanted to know, Darren.

- ?Haven?t you heard? I?m already damned. I?m the Governor. Politicians are doomed from the moment they take office.? The Gov Kitty telling the zombie infestation.

- ?It is the Red Dragon Inn, sometimes hilarious, sometimes dangerous, but always illuminating.? Wise words from Sylvia.

- ?Sugar fried Erin?s brain and made her sad or something. And Darren can?t get happy in his pants, I guess. Touche all around.? Evie?s run-down of what went down between Cute Single Erin-Bad Boy Darren-Sweet Sugar on Monday night.

- ?I?m what Darwin was talking about bud, I eliminate the weak? so the strong can survive.? So said Brian Fury to Lang during a heated argument in the Inn. This is the bad ass quote of the week!

- ?Do I need to rearrange your testicles again?? So asked Harris to Darren. We didn?t know these two were so?. close.

- ?And I?m really great at fighting. You should have seen me destroy that Fatty Fae. ? From Carley, evidently referring to HEIFER Jewell! OMG!!! WE LOVE CARLEY!!! That?s the best nickname EVAR!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-15 10:56 EST
Monday, October 15

Sick Patron Monday!

Oooooh, the drama!!! Our sources aren?t incredibly sure of the details but the Red Dragon Inn certainly got off to a rough start on Monday night!!! New girl AJ lost her lunch on the floor in the Inn (YUCK!) while her guy Phillipe sobbed. THERE?S NO CRYING OR YACKING IN THE INN!!! Why can?t people remember that??? Especially men! Sheesh. We have no idea what happened but we?ve got a feeling these two are going to provide us drama for quite some time.

Speaking of being green around the gills, Tucker was seen in the Inn not looking good at all! He couldn?t even finish a bowl of soup and Lydia tended to him by making him a mug of tea. Pooooor Tucker!!! Tucker seemed quite adamant that Lydia get a message from him to Doc Babe Eva! Maybe Tucker?s just aching for a bit of TLC??? Forget Eva, Tucker! We?ll volunteer!!!

Lydia went on to have a conversation with Stitch and Maeve that involved the topics of fighting, balance, and instincts. Blah, blah, blah. What?s with the meaningful conversations??? Let?s get to the gossipy subjects already! Our sources DID overhear Stitch telling Lydia that there is a female version of him out there somewhere and she?s evidently even more NASTY!!! LOVE IT!!!

Evidently as a prank, someone came in and replaced the ale with a nonalcoholic version!!! Johnny didn?t seem to find that particular prank all that funny. His gooooorgeous wife-to-be Sianna certainly did, though!!! Unfortunately, she continued to enable her alcoholic partner by providing him with a couple bottles of Badsider to accompany the meal she made him and his friend Peredhil. Bah! These men don?t appreciate what they have!!! Sianna is the best!

What a pleasant surprise! The lovely Sylvia was behind the bar Monday night! We looooove her! She met a cute new girl named?.. Hodge. Really?!?! Hodge? Did your parents hate you??? We think that Kitty should pass a law not allowing the parents of this city to name their kids any longer. We should be put in charge of the task. You don?t name your daughter HODGE!!! Anyway, Hodge is cute and she should be thanking her lucky stars that she is because it would be ten times worse being coupled with that name if she was, you know, the size of a cow?. like a certain Fatty Fae!!!

Cute Carley was hanging out at the bar which caused the chaos and fun that always seems to accompany that adorable bundle of trouble!!! She exchanged insults with Stitch and had some choice words about HEIFER Jewell but spent most of her time tending to her Hunky Carpenter Glenn who also seems to have caught the virus that?s going around! That must be one heck of a cold!

In the Outback, Red Orc Brewery spokesmodel PJ showed her face (and, oh, what a pretty face it is) for the first time in a long time! Her leg is still in a cast from her motorcycle accident but she does seem to be getting around with her crutches better these days! Fellow DoD-er Rena seemed just exhausted by the drama as PJ was hauled off by her former man Gavin! The pair had a low but obviously heated conversation before PJ stormed out.

There was a bit of drama happening on the sandy shores of Twilight Island as well! Innocent, bubbly Taree is back in town but doesn?t seem to remember any of her old friends. Esper and Topaz seemed especially concerned for her but both were at a loss over what was causing the memory loss. Iiiiiinteresting!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-15 13:56 EST
Monday, October 15

Town Drunk Tuesday!

We knew that AJ and Phillipe would be gossip gold!!! They started us off Tuesday night in the Red Dragon Inn on the right foot! Phillipe was evidently upset about something YOUR Gossip GangSTAR wrote (Don?t kill the messenger!) which led to an uncomfortable argument. Phillipe smoothed things over by telling her that she?s his everything while she cried. Le sigh. These men reaaaaally need to learn to take their time with the Drama Queens. We know this one is going to end badly and, we may be horrible for saying this, but we just CANNOT WAIT for the break-up!!!

On the other hand, we find new guy Jason A.?s growing relationship with dark-haired stunner new girl Savannah absolutely adorable! There?s something about this pairing that makes us want to pinch their cheeks. Too cute!!! Definitely look out for this blossoming romance!!!

Oooooooh Nooooooo! We fear our dear sweet Eless might be falling for the charms of Playboy Wil!!! Our cold black heart weeps for her lost soul!!! Eless certainly seemed a bit flustered when Wil showed up at the bar while she was tending with Cutie Pie Amber.

OMG!!! Even though Eless has baaaad taste in men, we still LOVE her! After Wil took off, our sources tell us she was passing out buttons that read ?Just say no!? with a picture of Bad Boy Darren!!! LOVE HER SNARKY SENSE OF HUMOR!!! We have a feeling that Bad Boy Darren was just proud of himself for earning such infamy with his trouble-making abilities.

We hear that Tucker wasn?t looking much better Tuesday night than he did Monday night. This time, however, he was able to locate his Eva. And let us tell you, there is certainly some chemistry here! Although, they didn?t even touch, the looks that Eva and Tucker exchanged were hot hawt HAWT! We think that the two of them together is toooooo perfect!

Over in the Outback, Whore-acious Erin got pissy with Mini-Frank Cor for joking that she was an unreliable drunk and reminding her that she was voted Town Drunk!!! Really, Erin??? You can?t truly be upset with him saying that. After all, it?s the truth!!! And it?s not like you do anything to change your image. In fact, if anything since being voted that, you?ve done MORE to encourage that image!!! If you don?t want people to think your a drunk, put down the shot glass! Pick up a book! Step away from the DoD girls! Spend more time with Lydia!

There was lots and lots of action over on Twilight Island thanks to the MegaCast Tournament hosted by the always fantastic and ever so hunky Brig!!! Oh, how he makes us droooooool!!! The free for all tournament attracted quite the crowd, including Vicious Vinny, Cranky Cas, and the Lizard-man Bran! In the end, however, it was the experienced and quite hunky in his own right Will Wulfson that emerged the victor! Congratulations, Will!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-20 23:02 EST
Saturday, October 20

Sex-Addicted Wednesday!

Just when you thought the Lang/Brian F. drama was over, the matter exploded once again last Wednesday night in the Red Dragon Inn. Claaaaassy. Brian F. made mention that he failed in killing Lang which got Icer and the gang all riled up. Then Brian called Rhy a moron (which, come on, she is!) which got her new man Brandon all riled up. Of course, TRASH-tastic Jade had to get involved because what is a undignified argument without her jumping in and spouting some of her verbal garbage?

Brian had some stellar comebacks for the TRASH-tastic one? but they?re just a bit on the randy side for us to post in here. We?ve got to admit, we have a bit of a soft spot for Brian and it?s not just because he told Jade what she could do with her mouth!

Bloody Psycho Sera showed up to try to calm the situation down but it just led to a nasty argument between her and her man Brian. Poor Bloody Psycho! She finally finds a man who is really into her and it turns out he?s more psycho than she is!!!

Deadbeat Dad Alex and The Other Woman Lain were both hanging out in the Inn during all the chaos and, of course, they assisted in instigating the mess. The bigger question, though, is where is The OTHER Other Woman Yami??? Are D.D. Alex and The Other Woman Lain back together??? We sure hope not because we liked them better when they were apart. Although, it would be awwwwwesome gossip fodder if Alex has left a second woman to be with Lain!!!

The Inn got a bit quiet after that. Our Evie and Brale Brother Baker did some of their drinking at the bar and kept Basalt quite busy refilling their mugs. There?s still no engagement ring on Evie?s finger and that makes us saaaaad! Pop the question already, B.B. Baker!

In the Outback, what started as ?friendly? punching between Sartan and Harris denigrated into the pair duking it out in a ring. This match turned into a ground wrestling HAWT-a-thon?. and we remembered why everybody LOVES the Outback! HAWT, shirtless men getting it on! What? That?s not why YOU love the Outback??? You?ve got to be kidding me!!!

G?naughty G?nort was overheard giving The Gov Kitty some political advise. Doesn?t she have staff more mentally equipped to give her sound advice??? Must she really go to that sex-addicted, woman-hitting moron?!?! Come on, Gov!!!

Down in the Inn?s basement Arena, Cas was pressing his challenge against the Baron of Seaside, Damien! Overlord Cletus stepped in, as is his right, to give the Warlord a Test of Worthiness. Baron G?naughty G?nort decided that Cas was worthy and, as is his right as a renegade baron, stepped in to face Cletus on the behalf of Cas. G?naughty G?nort did not do well! He did not do well at all! The Overlord took a perfect match and then took the Warlord down with almost as much ease!!! SIIIIICK!!! Well, that?ll certainly discourage some people from trying a shot at the Overlord or one of his loyal barons!

It was a good thing that the Overlord won the match because, by the looks of things, Damien was faaaaar too hammered to walk straight much less duel.

Congratulations to Overlord Cletus! And congratulations to Baron Damien for knowing the importance of talented friends in hiiiiigh places!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-20 23:38 EST
Saturday, October 20

Raw Thursday!

So we are getting soooo tired of writing about TRASH-tastic Jade?s mess of a love life but you people are still terribly interested in this train wreck? so, with reluctance, we will fulfill your addiction. Thursday night, the TRASH-tastic One was at the bar in the Red Dragon Inn with the often dumped Michale. We?re POSITIVE that Jade has broken up with him at least a half a dozen times. Yet, there he was begging for her to come back. Some men never learn.

Lydia was chatting up DoD-er Rena about expanding her business ventures. Iiiiiinteresting, no? What do you guess it might be? An alteration and tailoring shop? A sports bar? A porn store? We?re DYING to know?

HEIFER Jewell just can?t keep her promise to stay at sea! Blah! She was seen at the bar with her usual humility and charm. GAG US!!! She was, of course, flirting with a man and talking up her importance and advising him that she was an Empress. She?s totally PSYCHO!!! We think she might actually believe that she is some sort of empress.

To make us feel better, we?ll talk about our favorite DeAusters!!! Daniel brought in his looooovely sister, Cieara, in for a drink and the pair continued to make us droooool with their HUMILITY AND CHARM!!! Perhaps one of these days their class will rub off on HEIFER Jewell. In the mean time, we will continue to be in awe of their RAW HAWTNESS!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-21 09:07 EST
Sunday, October 21

Boy Toy Friday!

Our sources were thrilled to report back to us about the events that took place in the early evening hours of Friday night in the Inn! They tell us that Tucker appeared a mess of emotions when Doc Eva walked through the day!!! And when Mercy asked him if Eva was his ?lass?, Giant Tucker turned a SPECTACULAR shade of red!!! We looooove this pairing!

Mercy seems to be spending quite a bit of time these days with tall, good-looking Peredhil!!! Perhaps her broken-heart has been soothed since Pelnar?s loss and she?s ready to move on! We sure hope so. Mercy sure could use some loving! And who better than Peredhil???

G?naughy G?nort and The Gov Kitty were AGAIN seen hanging out together and AGAIN seen leaving together!!! You?ve got to be kidding us!!! This pair together has the ego to smother the entire city and the combined sexual energy that leaves us feeling the sort of dirty that no amount of showers can save us from. Say it ain?t so, Gov!

Speaking of unusual pairings leaving together, DoD-er Rena was seen having a very private in-depth conversation with Soerl and then later headed out with him!!! Our sources think that these two make much better sense than Rena and Boy Toy Val. We shall see but we do believe that they are quite cute together!!!

Black Book Special Jaycy must have run out of married men in her Dockside District as she showed up in the Arena to look for new talent?. and to get a duel in, of course! Friday night?s unsuspecting victim? Her old friend Rand! Jaycy certainly had him distracted in the ring! She took a solid win as Rand spent most of the match admiring her legs. Unfortunately for Jaycy, she didn?t hook this one. He moved on to the next Baroness waiting for a duel ? Aya. Poooor Succubus Jaycy!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-21 10:04 EST
Sunday, October 21

Mistress vs Wife Kiss-Off Saturday!

UUUUURRRRRGH! Alright! That?s it! Our sources come back more confused than ever after an encounter with Deadbeat Dad Alex and The Other Woman (?or is she now the Other OTHER Other woman???) Lain? and that?s just what happened again Saturday night after they were spotted together in the Red Dragon Inn! It?s like the pair talks in their own special language. Our sources can NEVER figure it out! However, since they seem to be spending soooo much time together, we?re just going to go ahead and deem them an ?official? couple once again! So congratulations, The Other OTHER Other Woman Lain for stealing D.D. Alex back again!

Oooooooh! Carley?s going to be cranky! Lydia was again spotted spending time with Carley?s Hunky Carpenter Glenn Saturday night. Is it just us or is anybody else just dyyyyying to see Carley lay some serious smack down on Lydia?!?!

G?naughty G?nort was in the basement Arena whining about his slump which includes getting shut out in his intercession against Overlord Cletus and dropping SIX straight duels!!! HA HA HA HA!!! That should teach him. Maybe if he?d lay off sleeping with all the womens, he might have a bit of mojo left for dueling!

Interestingly enough, G?naughty G?nort?s wife Kaja did make an appearance and even got to meet G?naughty G?nort?s mistress Alex! ?.And immediately the two women started kissing!!! WHAT?!?! Yep, you read that right. Kissing. Only in G?nort?s world would the meeting between his wife and his mistress go so swimmingly.

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-22 12:12 EST
Monday, October 22


We are now proud to present your SIXTEENTH Rhydin edition of the often duplicated yet unequaled ?


- Piper overheard telling DoD-er Rena and WHORE-acious Erin that she is marrying Stitch and that they?re having a litter of Jackalettes. Stitch, according to our sources, appeared more than a little overwhelmed! We have attempted to assure our sources that Piper was being sarcastic but they are sticking to their guns!!! We still don?t buy it and believe Piper was making a funny!!! ?.but we only report the gossip so you?ll have to decide for yourselves!

- Phillipe all gaga over his new girlfriend AJ who he is DESPERATELY in love with (Gag us with a spoon!) . He seemed in heaaaaven when she threatened to kick some drunks? rear ends for fighting in the Inn. What is with the men of this city? Why are they soooo into over aggressive women?

- WHORE-acious Erin being decent for a change by tending to poor, sweet Kacey who somehow broke her hand in the chaotic crowd that Erin, who was tending bar, just couldn?t seem to keep under control.

- some Alex-on-Alex action!!! The male Alex was seen kissing the female Alex and then the female Alex was seen kissing the male Alex?s partner in crime ? The Other OTHER Other Woman Lain! Deadbeat Dad Alex reaaaally has something special. We have no idea what it is but he?s sure got a pull with the ladies! Kissing Bandit Alex does as well!!! Her lips have been on half the patrons of the Inn and Arena!

- SMASHING Issy enjoying a bowl of soup and some bread. She seemed a bit introverted and spent her meal watching the crowd. That poor woman always seems to have a lot on her mind!

- TRASH-tastic Jade being her usual trashy self! Not only was she letting her young daughter hang out at the bar for an extended period of time but she proceeded to have a long talk with Michale about her love troubles with Gabe RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER! Le sigh. That kid?s probably already screwed up.

- Daniel introducing a lovely dark-haired woman named Sorcha around to the Inn?s patrons as a ?family friend?. We don?t believe that for a HAWT MINUTE!!! Those two appeared awfully chummy!

- G?naughty G?nort looking like he?d just taken a big bite of sour candy when WHORE-acious Erin told him that she?d hired Alain and Robert to be a part of the TDL team that the pair co-own!!! We?re so EXCITED about TDL season!!! We can barely contain ourselves!

- A breathless Soerl rushing into the basement Annex to tell DoD-er Rena that he was concerned for Topaz as there was a man looking for Topaz and her husband Lucien. DoD-er Rena didn?t seem all that concerned and assured Soerl that Lucien is bad ass enough to take care of whatever threat might be looming. We HEART Rena!

- Wyh Not brushing off the rust from her magic spells during Fight Night in the Annex! It?s so good to see her in a ring again!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-22 12:44 EST
Monday, October 22

Confuzzled Monday!

You know what? Despite ourselves, we?re almost starting to like Rhy?s silliness! But don?t you dare tell anyone else that we told you that!!! Rhy was seen in the Red Dragon Inn Monday night with some awfully bright purple hair and, while certainly a questionable fashion decision, she sure does seem to make Brandon happy!

Speaking of people who we didn?t like but are starting to grow on us, our sources spotted Johnny mixing drinks for folks out of the kindness of his heart! He made SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee a concoction which she certainly seemed to love! Who doesn?t love a man who can mix a mean drink??? In this city with as much drinking as the women do, it?s the equivalent of a man that can cook!

Now our sources SWEAR on everything holy as to the facts on the next little bit but?. well, wow. Evidently Kissing Bandit Alex laid quite the lip smack on Alain in the Outback Monday night which turned Lassie Cassie ABSOLUTELY red with rage!!! Lassie Cassie yanked Kissing Bandit Alex away and threw a punch outside the ring (?a big ?no-no? in the dueling world). Then, believe it or not, DoD-er Charlie stepped in to SAVE Alex. We were absolutely positive that our sources had it wrong. After all, isn?t Charlie supposed to be the bad guy and Cassie the good guy??? And hasn?t Alain been seen spending time with Charlie, not Cassie??? We are just thoroughly confuzzled!!!

Later in the night, Cassie and Alain were seen headed upstairs in the Inn with The Gov Kitty. Man, The Gov?s sexual exploits need a blog of their very own.

In the Outback, Our DoD-er Evie was overheard claiming she was pregnant. Now we definitely don?t buy this one? or at least we?re praying that it?s not true. Can you imagine Our DoD-er Evie and Brale Brother Baker as parents??? We shudder at the thought!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-22 13:07 EST
Monday, October 22

Equally Psycho Tuesday!

SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee was seen Tuesday night spending a bit of time with a dueling regular Daryl!!! He certainly appeared quite attentive to her needs. He invited her to spend a bit of ?alone time? with him and the pair were seen leaving together to get to know each other a little better! Cue the knocking the boots music!

Wow! Now this is scary! Bloody Psycho Sera has been seen looking quite green around the gills lately and Tuesday night she was seen rushing for the bathroom!!! Also, Tuesday night a sparkling diamond ring was seen gracing her left ring finger and her man Equally Psycho Brian was seen beaming! Could she be pregnant??? Are they engaged??? What is this city coming to???

Blue-Haired Fiend Harris was spotted on the shores of Twilight Island early in the evening and then the Outback later in the evening bothering anyone and everyone because that?s what Harrises do best!!! Somebody needs to find his wife. We think he needs a good beating to get him back in line and she seems to be the only one who can do it!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-22 13:29 EST
Monday, October 22

Rehab is Calling, Wednesday!

Le sigh. TRASH-tastic Jade will never change. We truly hoped that motherhood would make her at least a semi-classy woman but she still FAILS at? well, life. Enabler Brandon didn?t even seemed surprised when his completed wasted friend fell on the floor. REHAB IS CALLING, JADE!!! PICK UP THE PHONE!!! She went on to tell anybody who would listen that she used to be a stripper and offered to dance for them. For Pete?s sake! This is someone?s mother!

Darren was overheard asking The Gov Kitty the burning question on every man?s mind. The question? We?re too well-mannered to state it. The answer? Well, alright. 34 D.

Speaking of Darren, it seems that he and that little blonde twin Sugar are still going strong. In fact, he was trying to talk her into getting a tattoo at the tattoo and piercing parlor that he and Dakota are in the process of opening up. Sugar, RUN AWAY! As fast as you can! Really, this is the last time we?re going to warn you!

Vinny and Bran were spotted in the Outback chatting about the upcoming Diamond Quest which they both plan on entering! That should definitely be an interesting night! Diamond Quests are ALWAYS good for lots of gossip and lots of the dueling venues? best getting drunk and hanging out!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-22 23:35 EST
Monday, October 22


We HEART seeing Panther behind the bar! He?s so darn yummy! In the early evening hours Thursday, Big Boss Cat-Man Panther was behind the bar slinging drinks in the Red Dragon Inn! As usual, The Gov Kitty was present to leer. It is, after all, what she does best! To make the yummy factor even better, Panther was relieved behind the bar by Man-errific Tucker! Drool-icious!

Beowulf seemed to be making friends with The Gov Kitty until she got an attitude when he suggested some sort of monetary exchange for sex! It seems the Gov was offended. Psh! Don?t you know, Beowulf?!?! She?ll give it away to any and all for free!!! Beowulf eased his sorrows with some snappy conversation with SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee! The pair seemed quite taken with one another. She?s certainly keeping her options open, no???

There was lots of dueling happening in the basement Arena!!! The Duel of Swords Supervisor Chris G. was getting rid of a bit of rust. Perhaps he?s gearing up for the TDL season??? We hear that his family?s Wrecking Crew will be returning this year!!! WHORE-acious Erin and Mini Frank Cor were also both seen in the Annex! The pair are supposedly on an as-of-yet unnamed team that will be co-owned by Erin and G?naughty G?nort!!!

Yay for TDL season!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-23 20:00 EST
Tuesday, October 23

Overheard Around Town!

- ?Blue hair means yer nuts. Green hair means yer too uptight. Or something I guess.? Ooooh, the gems that come from Carley?s mouth!

- ?This would be more entertaining if we were in chocolate sauce instead of mud. Or possibly mustard. Mustard is an underrated condiment. ? We sometimes wonder if even Harris knows what he?s talking about.

- ?Maybe if you ask Xeno politely he?ll sign your Duel of Swords collectible card or his ?Wizards of Rhy?din? card. He does love to have his ego stroked that way.? Only Kairee has the nerve to talk like that in front of Xeno! That?s why we HEART her!

- ?Some marry fer wealth, I married fer violence.? So says FLAWLESS Koy. And she?s supposedly the ?classy? DoD-er.

- ?What? Was that over the line? I get so confused over where the line actually is. Everyone has their cross to bear in life, I suppose.? DoD-er Charlie in response to Erin shooting her a glare for threatening to make Cassie drink out of a straw for three months.

- ?I call Moe!? Our DoD-er Evie when Lang called her, Brale Brother Baker, and TRASH-tastic Jade RhyDin?s version of the Three Stooges.

- ?It?s nice hair, it?s just the wrong color. Warmer colors are needed for cold climates to stand out.? Elly?s stance on blue hair. We HEART her sage fashion advice!

- ?I?m sure you already scare children enough. You?ll probably get all the candy in the neighborhood this year. You?ll even win the ?My Face is My Costume? contest.? Harris continues to cause trouble while being ABSOLUTELY hilarious!

- ?I met Gustavus? wife! And she knows an amazing amount about sex.? So said Alex about the sex-tacular Kaja!

- ?Mmm.. pillage? I hear that is back in fashion this week. I hear down near the docks, it?s pillage one ship - get one free.? We love when Panther gets all witty!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-23 20:52 EST
Tuesday, October 23

Funny Friday!

The comedy relief came early Friday night in the Red Dragon Inn! Brale Brother Baker and OUR DoD-er Evie were doing what they do best ? drinking ale and making the other patrons laugh (either with them or at them? we don?t think they care which). Evie and Baker are still claiming that Evie?s pregnant and we?re still praying that they?re pulling our legs. Even TRASH-tastic Jade, Lang, and The Gov Kitty seemed a bit appalled at the idea of this pair reproducing!

And then the night took an even odder turn (if that is at all possible) when Baker proposed to Eve using a rubber washer as a ring. The pair then immediately began talking about creating their gift registry.

?.there aren?t many times when we just don?t know what to type but we must admit that this is one of those times. We suppose congratulations are in order? but, honestly, we?ll believe it when we see Evie walking down the aisle with an ale mug instead of a bouquet and the pair performing brale/dale in front of a minister instead of the ring exchange. Either way, we better get an invite to this shindig!!!

We last reported that Cutie Savannah was seen hanging out with Jason A. and it seems that she was quite taken by him! She was overheard by our sources spilling to Phillipe about just how ?amazing? it was to be kissed by Jason A.!!! PUPPY LOVE ALERT!!! Too freaking cute!!!

Evie and Baker weren?t the only ones celebrating! Icer was surrounded by friends as she celebrated her birthday!!! It appears that TRASH-tastic Jade seemed to believe that she needed to do the drinking for her friend. Jade proceeded to get utterly WASTED while her on-again/off-again man, Gabe, looked on glumly. Icer didn?t seem to mind. She was too thrilled by the BEAUTIFUL necklace that her hubby Aurthur got her! Wives are so easy to please on their birthdays if you know the one simple rule to giving them gifts. Expensive jewelry = Everlasting love! Men! Learn it! Love it! Live it!

Dueling in the basement Arena started off with a hilarious twist as well!!! Baron of the Seaside District Damien faced off against Baroness of Dragon?s Gate Aya with Mini Frank Cor calling!!! Let us tell you, this was a battle of complete opposites! Tough, straight-laced Aya did not seem to find drunkard Damien the least bit amusing!!! She was even unhappier when she only managed to put one point on the board against the stumbling wino!

Really, it was a night of comedy! Shame on you for not being out to witness it!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-23 20:53 EST
uesday, October 23

Overheard Around Town - The Baker and Evie Edition!

- ?Baker.. and Eve.. are spawning? Please tell me this is a joke. Contraceptives? I must start handing out free ones? soon.? The Gov Kitty?s take on Baker and Eve reproducing.

- ?Oh god, I had vale once. But I was young and in college.? Our DoD-er Evie admitted in the Inn. Don?t know what vale is? Just think about it for a minute. It?ll come to you?. Got it? Sad that you didn?t go to Evie?s college? Yeah, us too.

- ?Can we have a midget preside over the wedding!?? So asks Baker.

- ?I?m just glad that if she is knocked up, I?m not the father.? G?naughty G?nort?s oh so CLASSY take on Eve being knocked up.

- ?Or an Uncle! I don?t know if it?s a boy or girl!? Evie to fellow DoD-er Rena in response to Rena mentioning that she would be an aunt to this baby.

- ?Who to feel sorry for here? The kid or Rhy?Din?? Lang on the subject of Baker and Evie reproducing.

- ?Yeah, and then back to yer place?we should have all the fun we can now before you get all bulbous and whiney.? Are we the only ones surprised that Baker can use the word ?bulbous? in conversation?

- ?I?m gonna give him a gift certificate for a free neutering..? The Gov Kitty on the present she was planning to bring to Baker and Evie?s baby shower.

- ?Besides?what?s the big deal about parenting anyway? They get hungry, you give em a Twinkie.. They cry?you leave? They crap themselves, you put them in the yard and turn on the garden hose?.? Baker?s take on parenting. OMG! We wet ourselves!

- ? If you think I?m poppin? out yer booze runner without you gettin? me a ring you got another thing comin?! I can cross my legs and hold it a really long time, man!? Evie to Baker on getting married before the baby pops out. We just don?t even know what to say anymore!!!

- ?You know?boy or really doesn?t matter?.the important thing is that it gives us a tax deduction.? Baker. These just keep getting better and better!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-23 23:10 EST
Tuesday, October 23

Tall, Dark, and Furry Saturday!

TRASH-tastic Jade and her equally classless friend Casidy started Saturday night the same way Jade ended Friday night ? in the Inn drinking waaaaaay too much. This is somebody?s mother, people!!! Her life has turned into SUCH the train wreck!!! Gabe was again present but he certainly didn?t appear happy with her behavior. We?ve got a bet down that he doesn?t put up with this much longer!!!

Panther was spotted behind the bar in the Inn again slinging drinks and keeping the patrons happy! Man, is that HAWT!!! We like our tenders tall, dark, and furry!!!

Our sources were a bit distracted from their Panther gawking as Soerl came in with Savannah. There was nothing too lovey dovey about the couple but they did have a looooong conversation. Is Savannah forgetting those ?amazing? kisses already???

The basement Arena was huuuumming with duels Saturday night and G?naught G?nort was the caller on duty! G?nort spent some time flirting with Frenchy AJ? which really, in itself, isn?t a big surprise but AJ was pretty flirty in return!!! We?re thinking that her man Phillipe might be a bit hot under the collar over this!!!

SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee and her new ?friend? Beowulf were again spotted together! This time they were hanging out and flirting in the Arena! Kairee certainly knows how to keep her options open. We?re quite certain that her man servant Julien will have something to say about this!

The lovely but poorly named Hodge caught the eye of a old-time duelist in Rix!!! He actually stuck around for a couple hours to attempt to seduce her with some bad pick-up lines. No go!!! We don?t think Hodge was thrilled with Rix. No worries. We?re sure he has a half dozen dueling groupies to keep his bed warm at night!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-24 21:57 EST
Wednesday, October 23


Sunday night in the Inn wasn?t nearly as crazy busy as it was the week prior! WHORE-acious Erin tended bar in the evening hours and was later replaced by her much more?. sane counter part Eless later in the evening. WHORE-acious Erin was overheard making some plans for celebrating Lydia?s upcoming birthday! We hear she will turn 23 on November 4th!

Speaking of Lydia, she just can?t keep her hands off Cute Carley?s man!!! She was seen with her hand on Hunky Carpenter Glenn?s shoulder while the pair seemed to have an intimate conversation!!! Wowza! We warned Grem. It?s his fault for not listening. He should have put a ring on that woman?s finger a loooooong time ago.

Jake was NOT happy to overhear Robert calling Eless uptight (HOW DARE HE!) and WHORE-acious Erin a slut (Well?. DUH)!!! Eless attempted to give Robert a stern talking to but Jake was more interested in doing the sort of talking that Robert is used to ? talking with his fists! Jake CLOCKED Robert AND got the girl!!! Our sources say that Erin and Jake were spotted chitchatting on the porch and there was even the suggestion that a kiss may have been exchanged!

With many of of the city?s finest athletes participating in or watching the Diamond Quest in the Outback, Fight Night in the Annex was a bit light on action as well! Our sources did spot the ADORABLE Savannah hanging out with the new late night Sunday caller ? Soerl! It seems Jason A. is OUT and Soerl is IN! Nice work, Soerl! You deserve a pat on the back for landing that little beauty!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-24 21:58 EST
Wednesday, October 23

Diamond Quest!

Oh, where to begin? Where to begin??? We HEART Diamond Quests because it is SUCH a gathering of the dueling venues? most iiiiinteresting duelists! This one was no disappointment!

Artemus scored big brownie points in our book! He took quite the beating from Gork in the early rounds but humbly shrugged it off! We love good sports who don?t take themselves too seriously!!! We may have to stop bashing him so much in this blog?. NAAAAAAH!

RhyDin?s HAWTEST Dueling MWLF Caedia showed up to cheer on her husband ? RhyDin?s SEXIEST Dad Kheldar! These two are devastatingly sexy and if the little one that they had along with them is any indication they make some DARN CUTE babies!!! ?.And they?ve certainly made a handful of them!

Our sources tell us G?naughty Woman-Abusing G?nort seemed particularly happy to see Caedia out and about. She?s taken some extended time away from dueling since the birth of her latest batch of kids. We told our sources that he was gloating! Despite the commonly held opinion that Caedia would not return to TDL this season, league insiders are now saying that she may have signed on for ANOTHER year with one of the TWO TDL teams that G?nort is fielding this season!

?.We can?t help but wonder what sort of blackmail he?s holding over her head.

While DoD-er FLAWLESS Koy faltered in the ring, she was looking viciously fashionable while doing so! Her outfit, we?re told, was straight from her line of active wear called Ruling Body! She was dressed in a sporty cream colored fleece jacket that was belted at the waist and covered the top of her simple black leggings. A pair of wild orchid flats added a little extra color to the outfit! We must step away to wipe the drool from our chin.

It seems that Alain and DoD-er Charlie are DEFINITELY over!!! Charlie was seen looking particularly thrilled to have Tareth, her on-again/off-again? well, whatever, around. And our sources claim that they overheard him advising his friends that he has quit the job he had that was taken him out of town and is now back in RhyDin for good!!! By the looks the pair were exchanging, it seems the he?s picked things up right where he left off!!!

?Alain did make an appearance towards the end of the night and we?re told he was shot some scaaaaary looks by Tareth!!! Wouldn?t this be so much more amusing if Lassie Cassie now tried to seduce Tareth to get back at DoD-er Charlie??? That would make this Love Triangle sooooo much more interesting!

Enough of the gossip, though! The dueling itself was quite entertaining! However, two leaders quickly emerged from the small but awfully talented pool ? the Lizard Bran and experienced duelist Gork! Bran has made quite the name for himself very quickly and Gork hasn?t been in the ring much in recent months. However, it was Gork who slammed through the competition to take home the title of Diamond for this cycle! Not a bit of rust on his dueling skillz!

Congratulations, Gork!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-10-25 22:44 EST
Thursday, October 25


We made an appearance in the early hours of Monday evening in the Red Dragon Inn! And we were thrilled to see some of our favorite smiling faces!!! ?And we were smooooched by Kissing Bandit Alex!!! Is this some sort of new right of passage that someone forgot to tell us about???

Savannah is such a lovely girl! Our sources informed us that earlier in the day AJ told her that Jason A was back and was looking for her. Savannah seemed pretty clear that she was DONE with him and she didn?t change her tune when we questioned her in regards to the same subject matter. Savannah EXCLUSIVELY told us that she and Soerl are DATING!!! That Soerl sure moves fast!!!

Speaking of lovely girls, we are falling for Savannah?s friend Frenchy AJ as well. She has DELICIOUS DRAMA QUEEN written all over her!!! Her boyfriend Phillipe sure seems to be a pill. We think she can do better! This relationship has a very short shelf life!

During our short visit to the Inn we were also THRILLED to get an up close look at Our DoD-er Evie?s gooooorgeous engagement ring! It was very?. rubbery! We DEMAND an invite to this wedding! DEMAND, we say! DEMAND!

We?re told that Piper spent a bit of time with a delightful man named Elliot? who sure knows how to wield a makeup brush! He gave Piper quite the make over according to our sources. However, we can?t believe them. How could you POSSIBLY make Piper any more loooovely than she already is?!?!? Elliot was offering his services to men and women alike. No word if he has a shop where you can seek out a make over of your own but we?ll keep an ear out!!!!

Ooooooh! In the Outback, Sartan was overheard asking WHORE-acious Erin how old she was. When she responded with ?21″, he said he didn?t believe her and that she looked at least 30! BUUUUUURN!!! Sartan just got MAJOR brownie points in our book!!! It certainly doesn?t hurt that he?s a major, major, major fox!

Was WHORE-acious Erin a bit jealous when Jake was spending time with Hodge??? We don?t know but our sources did see her glancing over at the table where the two were hanging out!!! If you remember correctly, Jake stood up for Erin the night prior and there were even rumors of a kiss. However, Jake seemed quite taken Monday night with the dark-haired beauty with an unfortunate name! We REALLY like the idea of Jake and Hodge together! That would be adorable! Hodge is certainly collecting an array of male admirers!