Topic: September 2007

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-03 09:22 EST
Sunday, September 2

Violence Filled Thursday!

HEIFER Jewell returned to the Inn Thursday night to a hero's welcome!!! Witnessing the scene, one would think that she had won a baronial ring rather than having just broken out of prison. The patrons of the Inn certainly aren't a crowd much into law and order!!!

AWESOME Alain seemed a bit out of it when he was spotted in the Inn that night. Lassie Cassie was at his side, of course, but Alain only seemed to be interested in talking about her "dear" friend -- Cute Single Erin!!! BURN!!! He was also overheard mentioning a certain DoD-er!!! What a bevel of bodacious beauties Alain has collected!

Word has it that Deadbeat Dad Alex and his HAWTIE harlot, the Other OTHER woman Yami, (who were seen macking on one another in the Inn AGAIN) are THIS close to marriage!!! WHAT?!?! Didn't they start dating last week??? And didn't he JUST break off his relationship with Other woman Lain!!! Whoa! We think D.D. Alex might have lost his marbles!!!

And, by the by, what is Alex doing to these women that gets them so into him??? Of course, he's a good looking guy but this is RIDICULOUS!!! While he was in the Inn flirting and talking about marriage with his new girl, his two old girls were STILL fighting over him!!! HEIFER Jewell and a pajama-clothed Lain were arguing over who "had" Deadbeat Dad Alex. Lain accused Jewell's man of being an "animal" which pissed Jewell off. The man's a vampire and a pirate who refuses to bathe! We think she was being kind! And Jewell in return insulted Lain by throwing it in her face that she doesn't have a man. Tired insult!

We almost don't want to tell you what happened next. It's so sad and pathetic that it should be buried... but we must tell what our sources reported to us.

Lil' Miss Anger Management started the violence as usual. She threw a mug at Lain's head and it went down hill from there. How pathetic is it that they are STILL fighting over Deadbeat Dad Alex??? In fact, when Piper went in to break up the cat fight, she was elbowed in the face!!! Tucker finally had enough and picked up both women like they were sacks of potatoes!!! He threw them BOTH out on their fats butts!!! Ha!!! We HEART Tucker!!!

It seems that Piper will be okay. Eless tended to her and made sure she got an ice pack on her heads. HEIFER Jewell could learn some things from those two ladies -- like dignity and class. We certainly don't expect a lot from HEIFER Jewell any more but this was certainly a low point. We wonder if she's on something!!! And how must her husband feel that she's STILL fighting over Alex???

The adorable Sianna found herself a man MIGHTY quickly upon her return to RhyDin!!! She's been seen spending a good deal of time with a guy named Johnny. They've been spotted sharing meals, holding hands, kissing, blah, blah, blah. We're sure they're already in love and well on their way to marriage and popping out a couple spawn... but we're unimpressed. Sianna needs somebody a bit more spicy! That girl is FIRE HAWT!!!

Lang certainly seems like trouble to us but he keeps drawing the ladies in. We're definitely starting to see a pattern in the type of girls he gives the time of day, though!!! TRASH-tastic Jade and her equally trashy friend Kit attempted to impress Lang with their slutty ways (including corsets, thigh-high boots, and a whip) but he wanted nothing to do with them. GOOD MAN!!! However, he seemed blown away when Wolv's girl, Kaspar, walked through the door. If we were Wolv, we'd keep a CAREFUL eye on that situation!

Thursday night in the Arena??? Everybody knows what that means!!! All the hot ladies get a free groping and a healthy dose of slobber from the P-Imp! Although, there was a TON of dueling, there was little drama to be seen. It seems that many of the duelists were too busy getting ready for the Talon of Redwin Tournament to flirt and insult! Former Talon winner Wyh Not was seen in the rings! The ADORABLE Uriko, who we're sure will do well in the tournament, popped in for a bit as well! A fun, violence filled night was had by all!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-04 14:17 EST
Tuesday, September 4

Foot Long Friday!

We totally HEART Darren's antics! We could keep an entire blog just on his daily mission to annoy the Inn's regular patrons. Friday night he turned his talents on Sianna who had evidently allowed him to borrow some objects of hers. He initially refused to give them back but when she continued to demand them, he pulled them out from hiding spots all over his body, including one that had been hidden in his boxers!!! Niiiice!!!

Evidently Sianna didn't find it funny. It's a shame. A poor sense of humor takes away from her raw HAWTNESS.

He then moved on to getting New Girl Emmie drunk with assistance from Brale Brother Baker!!! These two guys should just not be allowed to be around impressionable girls or slutty women. DoD-er Koy seemed to agree with us!!! She advised Emmie that if she was going to get drunk with the boys to be sure she keeps her wits enough to remain fully clothed.

Elly turned the night into Baker's fantasy -- a hot girl and as much ale as he could drink. Evidently, the Inn's favorite witch has decided to branch her business ventures out further by creating a line of flavored ales!!! Is that competition for Jake's Red Orc Brewery (the maker of the staple beer of RhyDin -- Badsider)?!?! Elly even offered Baker 50% of the profits but... cue the head smack... Baker declined the money, saying he only wanted free ale.

HEIFER Jewell was back... ugh!!! Our sources overheard her telling Chryrie about the encounter with the city guards several nights prior. She actually admitted that she hadn't learned her lesson!!! It's time to GROW UP, girlfriend!!! We're so disappointed in you.

Evidently's Cor's long lost twin should up in the Inn Friday night, accusing Cor of being evil. The whole thing reminds us of this story we read about an average joe who thought his... uh... package was a bit on the small side. So when he met this new girl that he really liked and it came time for them to, you know, make the relations he formed a plan!!! He put out the lantern and went into the bathroom where his brother was hiding. His brother who was sufficiently endowed went out to take his place in bed with his girlfriend, did the deed, and then went back to the bathroom so that the brothers could switch out again.

...anyway, we think that's what Cor is doing with his long lost twin. Now the question is -- which one of them is sporting a mini-frank and which one is sporting a foot long???

Teagan was on duty and, while some callers fill you up on sugary treats or witty calls, Teagan uses magic to transform the rings into dangerous but exciting matches, including our favorite -- a swinging bridge over a pit of lava!!! BLOOD, GUTS, GORE!!! WE WANT MORE!!!

Gork hasn't seemed to gain any rust after his long absence. He was seen in the basement Arena Friday night brushing up on his armed combat skills!!! The kid still looks awfully good with a sword!!!

Is one of RhyDin's HAWTEST couples faltering??? Our sources have failed to spot Kaja in the usual haunts for several months and now there are reports that a goooorgeous blonde named Alex had her hands allllll over Naughty G'nort Friday night. Ooooh! We are shocked and dismayed!!! Shocked and dismayed!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-05 19:23 EST
Tuesday, September 4

We are NOT a Mini-Frank Saturday!

Yummilicious Brian was spotted in the Red Dragon Inn Saturday night chatting about his new little ones. According to what our sources overheard, Jenai is due any day now with their twins!!! How exciting!!! It's nice to see a loving, normal couple amongst all the chaotic relationships that fill this city.

And you'll never guess who our sources spotted walking through the door!!! Miss Mercy!!! That's right. The one and only. My faithful readers will remember that there were a number of fliers posted around town a little less than two months ago declaring her missing!!! And her main man Pelnar was all in a tissy over her disappearance! Well, she's baaaack, folks! And now she's the one looking for Pelnar. Welcome back, Miss Mercy!!! RhyDin missed your fiiiine rear end!!!

Is Deadbeat Dad Alex having second thoughts??? He was seen in a pretty private conversation with the OTHER Woman Lain, his ex-girl. And guess what??? His new girl, OTHER Other Woman Yami, was no where to be found!!! To make matters eve mooooore interesting, the pair was spotted leaving together!!! Man, we LOVE to hate on Alex and his drama is just soooo good for the blog!!! Keep up your pimpalicious ways, D.D. Alex!!!

Evidently, Brale Brother Baker is still attempting to convince people that your Gossip GangSTAR is Mini-Frank Cor and that Mini-Frank Cor is THE Marc Franco. HEIFER Jewell wasn't buying it just as she wasn't buying it when Brale Brother Baker and Brale Brother Reap bagged Mini-Frank Cor up, dyed his hair pink, and dropped him off at Jewell's door. However, Peeeeerfect Piper seemed almost convinced.

We are NOT Mini-Frank Cor. Mini-Frank Cor is NOT the all-powerful, all-knowing, and wondrously handsome Marc Franco! We are hurt and dismayed! Hurt and dismayed, we say!!!

Oh, and by the way, HEIFER Jewell was going around telling people that she's the daughter of a goddess. The reason that this blog entry is so late is that we've been laughing ever since our source reported that she said that!!! We used to totally HEART Jewell. What happened to the classy, modest woman we loved???

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-05 21:01 EST
Wednesday, September 5

Get your man Sunday!

Brian was spotted in the Inn again on Sunday night chatting to anyone who would listen about Jenai and the set of twins that are due any day!!! He's TOOOOO cute!!! His excitement must be grinding on Jenai's short pregnant nerves and, hence, the reason he keeps ending up in the Red Dragon Inn. SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee proved herself an excellent friend by listening patiently to just how excited he was. We so HEART Brian. It's a shame the rest of his family are such screw balls.

Our sources saw Alain doing some haaaard drinking at the bar. Perhaps juggling all those women is becoming a bit much for him!!! Speaking of which, he's got the MAAAADEST skillz on the block. As if a purple-haired snout-nosed chick, a DoD-er, a binge-drinking knitter, aaaaand a yo-yo master weren't enough for him, he was seen getting close to and leaving with a Scath-Babe!!! That's right!!! Trixie (one of our FAVORITE Scath-babes) was spotted getting cozy with Alain and then leaving with him. This is an absolutely SINFUL coupling!!!

Is it merely coincidence that G'nort was seen getting frisky with a new woman on Friday night and, lo and behold, Sunday evening his wifey Kaja is spotted shaking her thang in the Annex??? We think not!!! Girlfriend must have even better sources than we because news got to her RIGHT FAST about her man looking in other directions. She certainly made her claim on G'nort clear as day with more P.D.A. than you could shake a stick at!!! Get your man, girl!

The Annex was certainly the place to be seen Sunday night during G'nort's challenge against the Lizard King Bran!!! In the oldie but goodie crowd the illusive Morgan showed up to watch the match as did former baroness Karen and the HAWTIE Rand. Duel of Swords Supervisor Chris Graziano and his PiRATe buddy Napoleon we're there to represent their little slice of crazy as well!!! Wyh Not showed up to watch the duel and get in a couple Magic duels.

Bran gave G'nort a close run for his money but, in the end, G'nort stopped Bran's run for that triple crown. Congratulations, G'nort!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-09 21:50 EST
Wednesday, September 5


We are now proud to present your THIRTEENTH Rhydin edition of the often duplicated yet unequaled --


- TRASH-tastic Jade hanging all over her ex Michale. Our sources are saying these two are a couple.... again. Did he not learn the last time??? At least Gabe is smart enough to be done with this woman. Le sigh!

- Delivery Guy Chris who evidently remembered FINALLY how to get to the Inn!!! He was seen chatting with Den Mama Sid who seemed quite upset over losing something. Our sources never did figure out what. However, the commonly held opinion of the night was that it was very disconcerting to see Sid so... off.

- Kaspar and Lang snuggling in the late hours of the night in the Inn. We suppose we can officially say that Wolv is out and Lang is in now!!! This guy smells a bit dirty to us. We're not so sure about this match.

- Rhy, the chick Lang dumped to cuddle with Kaspar, in the Inn earlier in the evening with a new man of her own. She certainly wasn't teary-eyed that night!

- DoD-er Charlie warning HEIFER Jewell to never touch her again!!! We're not huge fans of those dark and deadly types like DoD-er Charlie but we have to totally HEART her for threatening HEIFER Jewell. Charlie also exchanged words with Lydia but it wasn't clear over what the subject matter was about. HAWT!!!

- another dark and deadly type in Raye, chatting up some of the ladies. She's another one that we wouldn't turn our back on after insulting her! She'd slice and dice!!!

- DoD-er Rena seeming a bit under the weather! DoD-er FLAWLESS Koy even stayed out of the rings of the Outback to keep an eye on her. We hear you! A Monday went by without Koy fighting??? No, pigs did not fly. Quite iiiinteresting, though!

- Max fighting Anubis for the Firestar Opal with SUUUUUPER Des (who had her faithful Gav at her side) keeping track of points!!! Max couldn't take down the current Firestar holder and Anubis took the win in two closely fought matches! Congratulations, Anubis!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-09 21:52 EST
Sunday, September 9

Archmage Tournament!

Monday night saw a spike in the magical energy on Twilight Island signaling another Archmage Tournament which was hosted by the lovely Topaz! Three of the Islands top mages in Vinny, Russ, and Lem gathered for a round robin tournament to decide who would face current Archmage Will Wulfson for the right to hold the title!

Bouncy Uriko was spotted on the shores of the Island watching the tournament! This lovely girl seems to study dueling as much as she practices it. It just makes us love her even moooore! During a lull in the action, she even offered to sing to entertain the crowd. LOVE HER!

Speaking of the young and energetic, Liena was also present but she's not nearly as sweet-tempered or patient as Uriko. She was overheard complaining about her inability to advance fast enough through the ranks. We think it would be best if someone made sure this little girl got to bed on time! She's awfully cranky!

The Archmage Wulfson showed up near the end of the tournament to find out who he would face! Vinny emerged from the small but talent packed trio and he will face off against Wulfson at a later date! Congratulations, Vinny! Good luck to both you and Wulfson!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-10 09:50 EST
Sunday, September 9

Back-stabbing Tuesday!

You know what our favorite part of break-ups in RhyDin is? Once both people move on to another, they completely ignore that their ex even exists!!! Love it!!! Lang walked into the Inn Tuesday night while Rhy was being all flirty with her new man (whose name our sources still haven't caught) and neither of them acknowledged the other. Classy!

Has HEIFER Jewell not yet learned to keep her hands to herself??? She was spotted kicking, shoving, and hitting Bad Boy Darren while she was TENDING BAR!!! When is Panther going to send this woman to anger management classes??? Does she have to kill a patron before he does??? Ridiculous! We think that she's the like the little boy on the playground that tugs the little girls' braids. She's totally got a thing for Darren!

The night took a turn for the somber when the darling Miss Mercy told Stephen that her dear Pelnar has passed away recently!!! Our heart breaks for her! She's such a sweetie and that man of her's seemed like a stand-up sort of guy. Stephen didn't even console the dear as he was too busy dealing with his wife's shenanigans. WHATEVER!

Our sources spotted The Gov Kitty!!! She certainly hasn't been seen much but her presence should always be heralded by trumpets and girls throwing flowers!!! Well, we can't do either but we'll sure give a giant "All Hail the Gov!" She was seen with her arm around Yummilicious Alain! Now his womanizing skillz are suuuuper crazy but if he bags a night with The Gov Kitty on top of the women already in his little black book, he is a LEGEND!!!

Our sources claim that Panther came in injured in the late hours of the evening and has his wound tended by The Gov Kitty while Panther's little cutie, S'jira, looked on anxiously. It seems that Panther will be fine but he appeared a bit... disturbed by the incident and had a talk with Alysia about his concerns. Iiiiinteresting! We're dying to know what the pair were discussing!

Lydia and her carpenter hottie Glenn were spotted having a looooong and intimate chat together!!! We knew Lydia was a back-stabbing man-stealer!!! Is she trying to take Glenn from Carley??? CRAZY! Not cool!

Sartan was spotted in the Outback gently turning down the caller on duty Good Boy Cor's advances. We knew that Good Boy Cor was a bit light in the loafers!!! Taneth! Our daaaarling Taneth was seen in the Outback as well, making Cor feel better with a cuddle. She also spent her time cheering for... well, everybody! That's why we HEART Taneth!

Over on Twilight Island, a small crowd gathered to watch as Topaz oversaw Vinny pressing his challenge against Wulfson to see who would be named Archmage! It took three close duels to decide a winner but Wulfson retained his title and will serve as Archmage of the Duel of Magic for another cycle. Congatulations, Wulfson!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-10 10:19 EST
Monday, September 10

HEIFER T-shirt Wednesday!

Oh LAWD! We totally HEART Super Cute Carley!!! Evidently, she was selling t-shirts for seven silvers in the Inn Wednesday night. No big deal, right??? WRONG! On the front of the t-shirt was a blue cow and on the back it read "HEIFER Jewell"!!! HILARIOUS!!! We bet those things will sell like HAWT cakes! As if the situation couldn't have gotten any better, Jewell was actually in the Inn at the time!

Lil' Miss Anger Management couldn't just laugh it off! Noooo! She got violent! She tackled cute little Carley and called her a "stupid little girl", accusing her of taking advantage of Jewell's "popularity" for her own profit. Someone must explain to HEIFER Jewell that there is a difference between popularity and infamy!

This must end!!! Panther must send HEIFER Jewell to anger management classes! We will no longer stand for her beating up innocent patrons like Bad Boy Darren and Super Cute Carley! Something MUST be done!

Cute Single Erin was spotted for the first time in, like, fooooorever! She was seen sharing a drink and a light-hearted chat with Lydia. The girls seemed very grateful to spend some time with one another! We were reminded what an ADORABLE pair they are together!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-10 11:04 EST
Monday, September 10

The Powerhouse Tournament!

To celebrate the coming end of the season, the Iron Fists' Chairman held his annual Powerhouse Tournament pitting this season's best of the best against one another! Entrance into the tournament is invitation-only but quite a crowd filled the stands to watch!!!

HEIFER Jewell proved once again that she's not the type you would want your young impressionable daughters around. Innocent, sweet Uriko was questioning her on the damage to her person and Jewell had to explain that she received it by "trying to beat up my ex-husband's ex-girlfriend for saying something awful about my current husband". Le sigh! At least lie to the girl! We hope that Uriko is set enough in her well-mannered ways that the taint of Jewell's ridiculousness does not spread.

Bad Boy Darren took an early exit from the tournament at the hands of Red Orc Brewery owner and mastermind behind Badsider Brew, Jake Thrash!!! Don't feel too bad for Bad Boy Darren. He got one heck of a consolation prize as he spent the night cuddled up with The Gov Kitty!!! While The Gov doesn't duel much herself and was not in IFL this season, she often does her governly duties by showing for these sporting events. Bad Boy Darren and The Gov along with DoD-er Rena were brainstorming ways to get Darren's girl Sugar out of her room at the Inn... which she's evidently been locked in for some time, claiming she doesn't ever want to leave.

There was all sorts of CUTE doing well in the tournament! PiRATe Napoleon kicked MAJOR butt and took names as did energetic Uriko! However, in the end it was FLAWLESS Koy from Team Fist and Kelten from Champions of Mythos who emerged from the pack to battle it out for the newly redesigned Kiowa Belt! FLAWLESS Koy's hubby Man-tastic Matt was there to cheer her on... which we must admit was adorable!

His support was not enough to bring her through the last duel in a long night of fighting. In the end, Kelten took a 5-2 win and became the new belt winner! Congratulations, Kelten!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-10 12:00 EST
Monday, September 10

Cheating Husband Thursday!

It was a dragon's night out evidently Wednesday night in the Red Dragon Inn as Icer and her hubby Aurthur as well as her father Aurok were all spotted in the Inn! When The Gov Kitty taunted Aurok for being old, he made a point of advising her that, while he may not be young, he is not old and is still a fine breeding partner. Aurthur seemed to think it information about his father-in-law that he'd rather not know.

On a side note, though, is there anybody but The Gov who has the balls to taunt a dragon???

Eless was spotted at the bar still not looking that great. She's been looking a bit under the weather for some time now. We sure hope she's okay! Tucker seemed to be looking after her and mixed her a few drinks to ease her headache. Well, if we can't have Tucker with Julie, Eless seems like a more than adequate substitution! Make your move, Tucker! Ask her out!!!

Taneth was holding court with her usual collection of odd friends. Thursday night she was even spotted keeping company with a black ale-drinking squirrel named Chester! The pair talked about all of Taneth's favorite subjects -- fruit, cuteness, and dancing! The large bear of a man Guthorm squeezed the peppy blonde up into a big hug! Love them both!

Depsite Imp's sway with the ladies, Thursday nights seem to becoming Guys' Night in the Inn's basement Arena! Our sources spotted Chris Graziano, G'nort, Bran, and Man-tastic Matt all up to trouble without their significant others present. Chris got his butt handed to him by Querylon while G'nort and Matt had a conversation that went in circle so quickly that it made us dizzy! Also, Bran admitted that he duels to impress the lady lizards!!!

The ladies began to pile in later in the evening and, of course, Imp got his gropes in on Koy, Kaja and Rena. After brushing off as much Imp drool as possible, Kaja then engaged in some of that hideously awful P.D.A. that she and her hubby G'nort are known for!!! Finally, they were separated when Imp broke the news to Kaja that G'nort's been kissing on Teagan!!!

It's about time somebody told Kaja about G'nort's cheating ways!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-11 21:52 EST
Monday, September 10

Knock Us Over With A Friday!

Pslyder (yes, we did say Pslyder) and Max were spotted catching up on Friday night. It gets even odder!!! Pslyder and Max were caught catching up in the Red Dragon Inn! We blew your mind, no??? Okay, so maybe not but you do have to admit that Pslyder hasn't been seen in a while and the Inn isn't the first place you'd expect to see the two of them. They reminisced about old times, caught up on the current happenings in the dueling world, and talked about their families! Cute!

The Gov Kitty was later seen introducing herself to Psly. Is it only us that sees these two as major trouble if they spend any time together???

Baker was up to trouble as usual. According to our sources he got a nasty burn but there's no word how he received the nasty wound! DoD-er Eve wandered in just in time to revive Baker with... yep, you guessed it... ale!!! HEIFER Jewell even got over herself long enough to supply Baker with some burn cream but she ruined her good deed by later giving into her MASSIVE ego by introducing herself as "the Empress".

...The Empress of the Buffet Line, maybe.

We HEART Ewan!!! He's delicious! He wised up and got back together with the DIVINE Storm! And he always seems to keep an eye out for lovely little Taneth! Last night he was seen chatting her up in what seemed to be an attempt to keep her out of some brewing melodrama. He gets major props in our book... and not just his fiiiiine rear end!!!

Down in the Inn's basement Arena Friday night, the caller on duty -- Teagan -- had gained quite the crowd!!! But... who wouldn't show if that HAWTIE is on the couch??? She is absolutely SMOKING!!! Chris Graziano sure knows how to hire the cutie callers to appease his mostly male duelers!!!

And you could have knocked us over with a FEATHER when our sources told us who showed up!!! Roland!!! No lie!!! The former baron hasn't been seen in the rings in yeeeeaaars but showed up out of the blue and seems to be back to try his hand at dueling again. G'nort, Jaycy, and Karen were tasked with the task of catching him up on the happenings over the past years... which is certainly a monumental chore!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-11 21:54 EST
Tuesday, September 11

Overheard Around Town!

- "If'n I could be findin' a drinkin' spirit to cure the aches o' the heart, Gabe, I be nae 'avin' to earn me coin tendin' this joint. Why dun I jus' make ye somethin' tha' be gettin' ye shite-faced?" Den Mother Sid tending to Gabe's broken heart. Lordy, how we HEART Den Mother Sid!

- "Now Ewan.. I don't eat babies. Entirely too much fatty tissue for my tastes." So declared Kitty. We feel ill.

- "Why can't there be a day where everyone just humors me? Like...Darren Appreciation Day. Heh...DAD. All you girls could call me daddy." Darren's suggestion didn't go over well.

- "Frogsss are amphibiansss. Now I'm going to show you what it meansss when I sssay I'm ssstylin' and REPTILE-in'!" Bran defended himself against being called a frog!

- "Ya know...Reap got this chick to make him vale one night.......turned out to be dale." Brale Brother Baker recounted to Brale Brother-in-training Darren.

- "Franco's a sad little man with no life of his own so he overanalyzes ours I suppose.. I'd not worry about it. You look fine. What can a man with pink hair say about us, really?" Now our question is how can a woman who has spent so long in chlorine that her hair turned green make fun of the FABULOUS color of our hair??? RIDICULOUS!!! And, rest assured Miss Lydia, the Gossip GangSTAR is a perfectly happy man whose advertisers have paid him a pretty penny to "over analyze" the lives of the celebs, athletes, and bar flies of RhyDin!!!

- "It's just really hard for me and every woman in this place to coexist. My animal magnetism just sets any female into a fit of jealous rage." Or so claims Darren. Sometimes we feel that we should make this section the "Baker and Darren Overheard Around Town" entries.

- "Well, if I had to be in the ring with anyone, I'd say I'm glad I'm in the ring with the woman who has the hottest ass of those present. That way, I don't feel so bad when I'm looking up to you from my back." G'nort to FLAWLESS Koy before she beat him soundly in the IFL Powerhouse Tournament!

- "Y'know, you better be careful. One of these days something is going to happen to horribly disfigure you and our relationship is purely based on both of us being smoking hot." Our Evie to her Baker! You've just got to love her!

- " I *am* a scandal. I'm a Helston!" Has The Gov Kitty ever spoken truer words???

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-13 21:21 EST
Wednesday, September 12

One Lucky Saturday!

The lovely Julie was overheard chatting about her often-absent husband with the super manly Tucker Saturday night!!! We certainly can't say she was crying into her tea cup but she didn't seem happy with her new husband's many out-of-town trips. We have our fingers crossed that this one works out but it has the phrase "going down in flames" stamped allllll over it!!!

....And just when we thought we had a handle on the Lang/Kaspar/Rhy/Wolv love web, we're left confused once again! Lang and Rhy were seen having what appeared to be a veeeery intimate conversation Saturday night! Are they back together??? Only time will tell!!!

Whenever we see Lucky, he's always surrounded by beautiful but dangerous women! He must be our kind of guy!!! Saturday night he was spotted with Alysia and the Faaaaabulous Chryrie! This is certainly the type of man that knows how to rooooooll!

Den Mama Sid had at least one twin with her behind the bar Saturday night!!! Darren's absent girlfriend Sugar emerged from her room upstairs to take a shift behind the bar. Darren certainly seemed encouraged to see her out and about! She went about her duties happily but as soon as her shift was over fled back up to her room. Poor girl needs some serious mental help.

We spotted the very even-keeled Charlotte spending a bit of time with the crazed TRASH-tastic Jade. Lordy, we hope that spending time basking in Charlotte's class may rub off on the cleavage-exposing unabashed bed-hopper!!! Charlotte did seem to be giving her a brief stern lecture but Jade did spend the evening in the company of her on-again/off-again boyfriend Michale.

Somebody forgot to lock up the doors to the Duelist Retirement Home Saturday night!!! Not only was Var spotted within the Arena's basement Arena but Xeno was calling matches! There was also a decent helping of HAWTIES with Teagan and Alex present. And, of course, with the hard-hitting HAWTIES comes the man with the ENORMOUS sex drive -- G'nort!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-17 11:36 EST
Friday, September 14

HAWT Pepper Sunday!

Rumor has it that Darkmere broke up with Bloody Psycho Sera and it certainly looked that way Sunday night when the pair were spotted not speaking to one another in the Inn. Poor Bloody Psycho Sera sure seems to get dumped an awfully lot!!! We totally HEART her but this is certainly good for her! She's totally the dominating type not the submissive type. However, Darkmere seems to have found just his type of malleable woman in Emmie. The pair was seen whispering and carrying on with one another. Poor Sera. Le sigh.

Deadbeat Dad Alex and the OTHER Other Woman Yami seemed to have taken the plunge into marriage. The newlyweds were spotted in the Inn smoooooching up a storm. How long until Yami's knocked up??? We already know that D.D. Alex has SUUUUUPER Sperm! We're sure, by the way, that this marriage will last FOOOOREVER! What? Sarcasm? Who us? NEVER!

Congratulations, D.D. Alex and OTHER Other Woman Yami! We wish you at least forty-eight hours of wedded bliss!

Lassie Cassie must be awfully good in bed because something keeps YUMMY Alain coming back for more and we know it's not her stunning personality. BLAH, Alain! Wake up and smell the psycho coffee!!! They were kissing all over one another and we were left grossed out. What happened to all those freaking sexy ladies Alain's been seen with lately??? STEP UP YOUR GAME, women!!! You can't let Team Cassie win!!!

Yummy Alain was up to trouble!!! Our sources caught him slipping hot peppers into Gav's hamburger. That must have been one seriously HAWT pepper!!! We think Gav might have actually cried. We HEART practical jokes and Yummy Alain!!!

Lain was seen pulling a curtain around a booth that she occupied with a young man whose name we are told is Tenzo!!! Take that D.D. Alex!!! We don't think this coupling screams "long term potential" but it's nice to see Lain doing well. We're really starting to like this chick!

What would Grem think of his lady Lydia engaged in an intimate and, from all appearances, serious conversation with the handsome carpenter Glenn??? We are shocked and dismayed, Lydia! Shocked and dismayed, we say! Our sources couldn't overhear the conversation but we're told that the pair only had eyes for one another despite all the commotion of the busy Inn!

We hear that Darren's little love muffin Sugar managed to become brave enough to emerge from her room Sunday night for a bit. The dear, sweet Eless had a conversation with her, offering to help with the monumental case of agoraphobia that has crippled the bubble-blowing blonde over recent months. Unfortunately, Sugar didn't look to eager to accept that help. However, she did make it through the night without running upstairs and was even seen leaving the Inn with Darren!!! Good for her!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-17 12:03 EST
Monday, September 17

Talon of Redwin Tournament!

On Sunday evening, a crowd of ten of the Arena's best up-and-coming duelists gathered to show their stuff in the rings in order to gain the title of "Talon of Redwin" through the Fall months! The Talon of Redwin Tournament is open to all duelers below the rank of Warlord, and is held in a single-elimination style in honor of one of the Arena's most illustrious and well known duelers, Siera Redwin, past Overlord and Baroness of the rings.

The night was full of some of our absolute favorites!!! The RAT-tastic PiRATe Napoleon was present and, ooooh, how we love him! He has completely changed our feelings on rodents as a whole! He fought hard but, unfortunately, could not duel his way into the finals.

Although she did not participate, Alex (the female version) was spotted ringside, enjoying a drink and the matches!!! We think she's delightfully yummy as well! Alex was overheard talking about G'nort's (who she calls Gustavus) libido to Uriko. Alex is getting awwwwfully friendly with the married Baron of the Old Market district!

Rory actually appeared somewhat sane as she and her husband Sartan sat ringside watching the matches. In fact, with Rory sane, the pair were actually pretty cute together!!! Sartan is quite the manly sort of man. He makes us swooooon at his hunkiness!!! Plus, he certainly seems very loyal to his quite clearly half-crazy wife so we must love him all the more!

To make the tournament even MORE interesting, Vinny and HEIFER Jewell were forced to face off against one another!!! If you remember correctly back in May, Vinny gave Jewell a serious beat down, claiming that she wasn't taking the sport seriously enough. This time, however, it was HEIFER Jewell doing the teaching! She walked away from the match the winner. Vinny seemed to want to make nice but Jewell was having NONE of that!!!

This title that has been DOMINATED by women (even though historically the sport has been owned by men) since it's inception. Prior to Sunday night, thirteen tournaments had been fought and from them nine female winners had held the title. Sunday night was the fourteenth tournament and the TENTH time a woman has walked away the winner!!! This cycle it was HEIFER Jewell who took top honors!!!

Congratulations, HEIFER Jewell!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-17 13:51 EST
Monday, September 17


The Gov Kitty was over heard telling Julie about all the "freak shows" she must deal with on a day-to-day basis Monday night in the Inn. This has us thinking that The Gov really should be kept away from innocent or impressionable minds. She's certainly a corrupting influence!!! Wonderfully corrupting!!!

The Inn turned DEATHLY quiet as Bloody Psycho Sera confronted Darkmere over their break-up. She was clearly looking for a reconciliation and it seemed that EVERYONE in the Inn was waiting on baited breath just hoping it would NOT happen! We got our wish. Darkmere told her to get over it. UGH! He needs to GET OVER HIMSELF!!! We're still PRAYING that the absent Dameon comes swooping back into RhyDin so that we can have the reunion between him and Sera that we've been waiting on for MONTHS!!!

Oh my God. Oh. My. God. OH MY GOD!!! Darren fooled his lovely bubble-gum blowing Sugar into drinking beer and our sources could barely keep themselves contained!!! Evidently, alcohol has a very.... interesting reaction with that twin's magic!!! The meek, mild-mannered blonde suddenly turned into a sexual MANIAC! Darren quickly led her out but she was throwing out some WONDERFULLY horrific pick-up lines at him along the way. Sugar even gave a "MROW!" in the direction of looovely Eless! Poor Eless looked like she might faint in shock!!! HILARIOUS!!!!

Edible Ewan and the DIVINE Storm are so cute that we could simply EAT THEM UP!!! They were spotted cuddling and canoodling in the Inn Monday night! If Ewan is smart, he'll put a ring on her finger before she can get away. That woman is a freaking GODDESS!!! And classy to boot!

In the Outback, DoD-er Rena was overheard catching up with SUUUUUPER Des! It seems Super Des is unhappy with the crime and nastiness of RhyDin. Gav evidently agrees that RhyDin is no place to raise young children. Their packing up their small family and moving to a ranch outside of town.

Playboy G'nort was up to his womanizing ways and Monday night he picked quite the target in The Gov Kitty!!! The Gov Kitty reminded him that he was married. It seems that G'nort gets that reminder a lot these days!!! The light-hearted conversation hit a brick wall when the subject of Tass came up. It seems that Kitty is still torn up over Tass. In fact, she was overheard admitting to G'nort that she is IN LOVE WITH HIM!!!! WOWZER!!!

NOOOOO!!! Keep HEIFER Jewell away from our DoD-er Evie and the gorgeous Piper!!! The trio were spotted drinking and chatting. Ugh, ugh, ugh. She's going to infect them with her dismal personality!!! HEIFER Jewell of course took the time to insult yours truly over our choice of hair color. We're still continuously shocked how a woman with BLUE hair makes fun of ours!!! AND WE DO NOT DYE OUR HAIR, HEIFER!!! IT'S NATURAL!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-18 21:37 EST
Monday, September 17

Don't Resist the Divine Tuesday!

We wonder how Darkmere felt to see Bloody Psycho Sera moving on so quickly!!! We're telling you, men looooove this girl!!! Tuesday night she was spotted at the bar with a new guy named Brian (not the Ravenlock variety). He's a bit of a hottie and was clearly interested in getting to know her better. We HEART that she has her old body back! We HEART that she has her attitude back! And we HEART that she's stealing the boys' hearts once again!

Despite recently losing her Pelnar, Mercy is doing her best to keep an upbeat attitude. She was overheard stating that there was no reason for moping. We LOVE strong women who can keep their head up in the face of adversity!!! We wish Mercy the best!!!

Sianna set a romantic mood in the Inn with her beautiful lute. It was a mood that Ewan seemed to take advantage of!!! He's never one for P.D.A. but even he cannot RESIST the DIVINE Storm. He was seen quite nearly cuddling her in public. And why not??? She's to diiiiie for! These two are so steamy HAWT!

Alysia was in the Inn and up to her usual trouble!!! And, man, do we love her for it!!! In fact, she somehow convinced Guthorm to start stripping in the bar! He didn't get very far but it was a great show while it lasted. WORK IT, BOY!!!

Poor little bubble-gum blonde Sugar was quite a mess Tuesday night!!! She was beside herself when the stories started coming out of how exactly she had spent the previous night. It seems she has some sort of "alcohol allergy" that turns her into a raging slut every time she drinks. Honey, that's EVERY woman!!!

Uriko was in the Outback losing a piece of her innocence to G'nort as he accurately guessed the type of underwear she was wearing. He also advised her of a woman's power to turn boys into men. Le sigh. G'nort should join the list of people that includes The Gov Kitty of people who should not be allowed to be around impressionable and innocent minds!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-19 22:02 EST
Tuesday, September 18

Sultry Wednesday!

It looks like Rhy and Lang ARE in fact back together. The pair were seen sharing a meal together at the bar on Wednesday night! Kaspar has not been seen in some time. Should we consider ourselves a cynic because we always have an ounce of doubt every time a woman's romantic rival disappears in this city???

Does Lydia have a soft spot for the rough and tough types??? Maybe not. She was seen engaged in quite the intimate discussion with Gavin at the bar but the conversation ended with a teary-eyed Lydia throwing a glass at Gavin!!! Well, at least Grem doesn't have to worry about this one. He's still got Glenn to contend with, though.

Just when we were starting to worry that the Scath-babes had fled RhyDin for less testosterone driven cities, our sources spotted not one BUT TWO Scath-babes Wednesday night. The fantastic Trixie was looking HAWT!!! So that's not exactly news but it cannot be repeated enough. And head Scath-babe SMASHING Issy also made a stunning appearance!!! Dangerous women make us SQUEAL!!!

Speaking of things that make us SQUEAL, the Outback was full of some of the city's HAWTEST men!!! RhyDin's HAWTEST father Kheldar called a match between Playboy G'nort and Sultry Sartan! We so love hot, sweaty men duking it out!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-20 20:36 EST
Wednesday, September 19

Cue The Drooling Thursday!

The OTHER other woman Yami sure had Deadbeat Dad Alex an interesting shade of red Thursday night. It seems that he was slightly embarrassed by their new nickname for him -- Lexibear. Wow. They just snipped his manhood right off with that one, huh? Thanks, but no thanks, ladies. We like our nickname for him better!!!

We have a new name for our list of people that should not be allowed around impressionable minds -- Bad Boy Darren. He was spotted at the bar chatting up adorable little Carley. Speaking of Carley, we believe she may be our soul mate!!! Cute, perky, and a fan of the Gossip GangSTAR!!! She was overheard talking about her love for yours truly. Le sigh! LOVE HER!!!

One of our FAVORITE tenders was on duty -- Tucker!!! Cue the droooooling! He fixed the lovely Charlotte a drink while HEIFER Jewell went on and on about what a shameless flirt she is. Is that really something a married woman should be admitting to??? She was also heard making some choice comments regarding how she really didn't care if her husband showed up that night in the Inn or not!!! TROUBLE IN PARADISE??? We feel the shelf life on this marriage expiring quickly!

Our sources overheard naive Brandon having a discussion about his new girl (whose name we unfortunately missed) with HEIFER Jewell, Eless, and Icer. We do hope that if he was looking for relationship advice her took it from the latter two women. HEIFER Jewell also attempted to explain the idea of lust to him. She certainly seems to be an expert on lust. Perhaps she can also explain to him how one may confuse lust with love!!! Man, do we LOVE to hate on her!!! Pour us another cup of Hater-ade, baby!

Once Tucker's shift was over, he was spotted having a drink with Eless!!! Wowzer!!! What we wouldn't give to see THAT coupling?!?! They engaged in some quiet conversation and Tucker seemed awfully attentive until.... Connar walked through the door! If you remember correctly, Eless and Connar were seen getting cozy a couple months back but he hasn't been seen in some time. WHAT WILL ELESS DO?!?! Will she choose the smooth-talking but absent Connar or the gentle giant Tucker???

Stitch certainly seems to have quite the temper but we HEART the drama it produces!!! In the late hours, he was overheard having a loud argument with Bad Boy Darren over their common friend Cute Single Erin!!! Does Darren have a thing for Cute Single Erin??? Inquiring minds NEED to know. Darren told him to take the conversation outside while a frustrated Lydia attempted to defuse the situation. Iiiinteresting.

Xeno was overheard down in the Inn's basement Arena suggesting that what we all assumed was retirement may have simply been a break. It seems that Cletus surpassing his record in number of times having held the Overlord title may have encouraged Xeno to brush off a bit of rust!!! What we wouldn't GIVE to see a Cletus vs Xeno showdown for the Overlord title!!! Can you imagine the hype???

Tareth's last visit to RhyDin left us wondering if he and his ex Charlie were indeed on for a reunion. Well, all questions were answered Thursday night when Tareth was spotted on a return visit. The dangerous DoD-er was actually spotted ON THE LAP of her former CDR teammate!!! And, no doubt about the status of this reunion, the pair was spotted leaving together later that night.

A story beneath the basement in the Annex, a small crowd gathered to watch Maria defended the Barony of Battlefield Park against Max!!! With SUUUUPER Des calling the match, Maria choose a single match format against her opponent. As neither duelist is particularly well liked (as they are two of the most OBNOXIOUS people alive), the cheering was at a minimal. However, Maria's ass seemed to be a fan favorite and it was she who was able to take a solid win for her first defense.

Congratulations to Maria!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-21 10:51 EST
Thursday, September 20

HAWT, Dangerous Friday!

SPLENDIFEROUS Kairee's been noticeably absent as of late. Word on the street among the mages is that her presence has not been felt since a disruption in the Nexus. Due to Kairee's rumored strong ties with the Nexus, many are saying that it may have had something to do with her disappearance. We sure hope she's alright and wish her a safe return to us!!!

In the Red Dragon Inn on Friday night, Darkmere was overheard announcing to TRASH-tastic Jade and Icer that he is planning on getting married. Icer didn't seem all that happy for him and TRASH-tastic Jade doesn't have the brain cells left to adequately react to a change in the weather much less this sort of news with any emotion more complex than surprise! We never did hear who he is marrying but we doubt they'll make it to the altar anyway.

The news hadn't seemed to reach Bloody Psycho Sera but we doubt she'd care much now if it had. She was back to looking UBER adorable in a simple, non-revealing but still slightly sexy baby doll dress. LOVE IT!!! And we're evidently not the only ones!!! She was seen spending quite a bit of time with that Brian (not the Ravenlock variety).

UGH! We have been again mistaken with Mini-Frank Cor!!! Piper was seen tugging on Mini-Frank Cor's hair to see if it was a wig hiding his pink hair!!! NOOOO!!! Et tu, Piper? The Gov Kitty kindly stood up for us by reassuring Piper that she has met your GREAT Gossip GangSTAR and we are certainly not Mini-Frank Cor!!!

Our sources overheard Amber explaining to Taneth why she has not been making her normal tending shift. Evidently cute Amber decided to take a second job in the roller derby and took a nasty fall on her first day on the job. Poor, sweet Amber has been recovering and is now to the point where she's almost ready to come back to work. Taneth told her that the patrons certainly miss her.... and that's a fact! Our sources rave about the snacks she serves during her shifts!!! We wish you a speedy recovery, Miss Thang!!!

The Inn's bad ass lady Raye has seemingly decided to make a name for herself in the Arena as well! She was spotted in one of Teagan's enchanted rings Friday night, taking on challengers. We LOVE seeing RhyDin's HAWTEST and most DANGEROUS women entering the rings!!! We've got our fingers crossed that we may start seeing one or two Scath-babes strutting their stuff next!

Later while off duty, Teagan was heard stating that she would never duel in one of her enchanted rings because they look too dangerous!!! We HEART her dry sense of humor. Love this girl!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-21 11:29 EST
Friday, September 21

Randy Saturday!

We used to think that Sianna was a sweet-natured, classy young lady. Man, were we WRONG!!! Instead of ignoring Brale Brother Baker and Bad Boy Darren on Saturday evening in the Red Dragon Inn, she engaged them in a round of insults and then ended the confrontation by dumping her drink over their heads after they spent a couple minutes oogling her in a very.... brazen manner! Her actions might have been over the top and a littl left of cultured.... but we LOVE IT!!! Hilarious!!!

As if the Inn wasn't full of enough troublesome men, Randy Robert and Good Boy Cor showed up!!! Good Boy Cor seemed to have important news for Randy Robert and Brale Brother Baker. However, Randy Robert and Bad Boy Darren were only interested in checking out the DIVINE Storm!!! Storm's way of dealing with the boys (by ignoring them) was much less.... dramatic but we can't love her any less for it.

Storm was too occupied with Edible Ewan to even pay the boys much mind!!! And who wouldn't be??? He's totally droooooolable!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-24 10:10 EST
Friday, September 21

OMG Batman Sunday!

Le sigh. Gather HEIFER Jewell, her husband Stephen, and his brother Robert in a room and drama will ensue. Robert was busy being his usual classy self when Miss Mercy decided to take that moment to give him a lecture on how he should speak with his sister-in-law. HEIFER Jewell who STILL is badly in need of anger management classes slapped Robert upside the head while Stephen merely buried his face in his hands. We feel the same way, Stephen!

Classy Cieara and her brother, Dashing Daniel, FINALLY managed to make an appearance in the Red Dragon Inn Sunday night!!! It's about time!!! We have missed them so!!! HEIFER Jewell and her unwashed husband Stephen were overheard inviting Cieara to wrestle on the floor with Jewell. You've got to be kidding us!!! Must she bring down any woman with any poise and dignity in the Inn?!?! STAY AWAY FROM THE GOOD GIRLS, HEIFER!!!

Dakota found his way back to the Inn. We can only imagine where he's been spending his time. It certainly hasn't been spent where it should be -- at home with the lovely Charlotte. We suppose we should just give up on any possibility of a reunion there but we soooo HEART that unlikely pairing. Dakota was discussing parenting with Icer and our sources overheard that Icer's broad is at 26 now!!! OMG, Batman!!! Between Icer and HEIFER Jewell, this city is going to be fully stocked with dragons and ill-tempered fairies!

Amazing Alain was seen getting a bit frisky with Cute Single Erin!!! Now wouldn't these two be a-freaking-dooooorable together??? However, Lassie Cassie certainly didn't seem pleased with sharing Alain's attentions. She got in a fight IN THE MIDDLE OF THE INN which, of course, caused Alain to have to pull her off of her latest victim. He did NOT seem pleased. Come on, Lassie Cassie! What happened to the cool, suave chick that we fell for??? Anybody get the feeling that Alain's probably asking himself the same thing???

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-24 10:13 EST
Sunday, September 23

Overheard Around Town!

- "What do you say we go do some math? Add a bed.. subtract our clothes, divide my legs and multiply?" Blonde bubble gum popping Sugar after Darren fooled her into drinking alcohol. WOWZER, we love that pick-up line!!!

- "I don't really anticipate that you could be much rougher with me than she is. I mean, unless you spew sulfer and brimstone when you climax, there's nothing I wouldn't be able to handle." G'nort after The Gov Kitty informed him that he couldn't handle her in bed.

- "I learned from television and a lack of parental supervision like a normal child." That explains a lot about our DoD-er Evie.

- "What's with the influx of cat people lately? Did they hear about Napoleon and send out a hunting expedition?" Sartan declared in the Outback!

- "I can make boys become men? Wow! That seems like quite an accomplishment. Better then the old Indian rituals they had to go know..go out into the woods, kill and eat a whole bear to become a man." Uriko's take on the power of virginity.

- "Girls are nothing but trouble. Especially the pretty ones." DoS Supervisor Chris shoots us another nugget of knowledge!

- "Sweet...full on Scathlesbianism..." We HEART Baker's new word. Scathlesbianism. Fantastic!

- "I may not be Wilma, but I can still make your bedrock." Yeeeep, and another pick-up line courtesy of Sugar. This one was directed towards Brandon. LOVE IT!

- "STAMPEDE!!!!!" Darren calling out when HEIFER Jewell was on the mooooove.

- "Honey ye mus' nae know who ye be talkin' tae...women must pay me fer me attentions...I am after all Captain Robert One foot' ye will notice I dun 'ave a peg leg." Robert announced to his sister-in-law.

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-24 11:58 EST
Monday, September 24


We are now proud to present your FOURTEENTH Rhydin edition of the often duplicated yet unequaled --


- Brian and Bloody Psycho Sera in the Red Dragon Inn, getting to know one another better over drinks. We have a good feeling about this one, B.P. Sera!!! But remember, slow and steady wins the race!

- Cute Single Erin and her business partner/dear friend Lydia discussing the Stitch's fall line. Our sources tell us it will have a good deal of color!!! We can't wait to see it!!! Lydia did not seem happy when C.S. Erin found her way into Bad Boy Darren's lap at the end of the night. Wowzer! We don't even know what to think about a Darren/Erin pairing except that it is entirely too annoying that their names rhyme.

- Den Mama Sid exchanging words with Cute Single Erin. Our sources could not overhear the conversation in its entirety but they seemed to be discussing Inn business and it seemed to be intense. Iiiiinteresting!!!

- Vinny showing up in the Outback with a small entourage (that included a pair of medics, a lawyer, and an appraiser for any damage to the building) for his challenge match against Anubis. The entourage didn't help him secure a win and Anubis was able to hang onto the FireStar opal yet again. Blah, blah. Congratulations, Anubis. Whatever. We feel dirty now. The good news is that the Outback is still standing.

- A gaggle of DoD-ers hanging out together. Eve, Rena, Charlie, and Koy were all spotted hanging out in the Outback Monday night. The only one missing??? PJ. Is she still recovering from that motorcycle accident of a couple months back? WE SO MISS HER!

- Allllll of HEIFER Jewell's naughty bits!!! No lie!!! She even received a lecture from her husband Stephen about dueling in a dress without undergarments. The shame! The shame!

- Lassie Cassie getting absolutely riiiiipped in the Outback. Yeah, we're really starting to feel sorry for her. We can't even make ourselves make any more heartbroken jokes about her. We used to totally LOVE this girl! TURN YOUR LIFE AROUND, CASSIE! It's not too late! Le sigh.

- Craaaazy Rory demonstrating her mental spaciness to FLAWLESS Koy and Man-tastic Matt. Her husband Sartan quickly swooped in, of course, and made excuses for her. He is being super shady!!! What happened to Rory, Sartan???

- Rena. Alone. We've been seeing her a lot by herself lately. Whatever happened to that man of her's? Has anyone seen Boy Toy Val at all in the last couple weeks??? Iiiiinteresting!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-24 13:14 EST
Monday, September 24

ZOMBIE Tuesday!

In the early hours of Tuesday night DoD-er Rena was overheard telling Darren that she has to make a trip back to Boy Toy Val's homeland. Did Val and Rena break up and now she realizes what a mistake it was and has to go find him??? We're dying to know what's going on here but Rena seems to be quite tight-lipped about whatever it is. Inquiring minds what to know, Rena!

Our sources spotted a new little joy in Risa! We're told she IS geek chic! And, oh how we love geek chic! DORKS RULE!!! She snorts when she laughs. She makes video game references in conversation. And she's absolutely hilarious. What a breath of fresh air this girl is! Automatically one of our newest favorites!

Then the ZOMBIE INFESTATION struck the Inn! One heck of a fight broke out between the tenders and the impending zombies. For once, HEFIER Jewell's anger management and Lassie Cassie's trigger happiness came in handy!!! The pair helped battle back the strange intruders.... who from time to time broke out in a break dancing time out.

Amid all the chaos, love emerged! .....And we're still squealing like a fan boy! Connar and Eless were seen quite cozy and having a wonderfully intimate conversation. Unfortunately, we do NOT knowing what they were discussing because they were speaking French!!! Le sigh. While we may not be an expert in French, we are an expert in body language and, let us tell you, those two are SCREAMING "love birds"!!!

The banks of Twilight Island and the confines of the Outback were quite quiet Tuesday night according to our sources. However, the did report back that the lizard-man Bran was on the Island singing up a storm! That sounds like something somebody should sell tickets to!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-24 14:10 EST
Monday, September 24

Work it Wednesday!

Wednesday night found longterm couple Lydia and Grem having a quiet discussion over drinks. That is they were having a quiet discussion until Stitch joined them. It seems there was a lost kid in the Inn that the three of them were trying to place. People in this town need to keep a better grip on their kids. They should hand out those kid leashes in maternity wards as a parting gift when a mom takes her new little rugrat home!

On a side note, don't you think it's time to make an honest woman out of Lydia, Grem???

DoD-er Evie seemed to spend a good deal of time at the bar with Bad Boy Darren. Considering Bad Boy Darren has been linked with Sugar, TRASH-tastic Jade, and most recently Cute Single Erin, perhaps Brale Brother Baker should keep a better eye on who his girl is hanging out with??? Who wouldn't pay some major money to see Baker and Darren duke it out in an ale filled tub?

Evidently, we're not the only ones who spotted Geek Girl Risa! This fabulous lady has caught the attention of one or two men. In fact, Wednesday night she was seen spending time with a man named Ganon and one named Sorento. WORK IT, GIRLFRIEND!!!

The Gov Kitty was NOT happy about the zombie infestation. To prove that she's the "hands-on" sort of leader, she went medieval on some undead tail!!! Our sources spotted an irritated looking Kitty blowing off zombie heads left and right! GO, GOV!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-24 15:43 EST
Monday, September 24

Pirates and Zombies Thursday!

TRASH-tastic Jade was seen Thursday night toting around a baby in the Red Dragon Inn and claiming it was her own. Lord. We really just don't even know where to begin so we'll pretend as if we didn't hear that disturbing news.

A baby on her hip certainly didn't stop her from flirting with every man in the Inn. She had her eyes on Lang, who seems to be a popular one with the ladies, until his damsel Rhy strutted her stuff on in. Lang had little time for the feminine attentions as he was busy using his vast collection of weapons to keep the zombies at bay.

Rhy's certainly HAWT but the damsel in distress act doesn't light our fire. What does light our fire??? The next woman that walked through the door. The Gov Kitty came in heavily armed and with an ammo belt around her waist. Now that is HAWT!!!

Kitty joined forces with Lang in attempting to keep the zombies at bay. In fact, the pair had a marvelous idea!!! They took The Stew out of the kitchen and threw it out the window on the zombies! The pair then began boarding up the windows!!! It's quick thinkers like Lang and Kitty that helped save lives during this infestation. THEY ARE HEROES!!!

Everybody was certainly in need of a stiff drink by the time Tucker fought his way through the undead horde. He helped Kitty and Lang board up windows before taking his shift behind the bar which included serving his drink of the day -- the Flaming Zombie!!! How yummy is Tucker??? He's our kind of hero!!!

Speaking of heroes, a tired and dusty Harry appeared later in the evening to pick up sandwiches for the crew working with him to rebuild the Dockside district. Maia arrived shortly after and Harry immediately wrapped his arms around the standoffish beauty. Certainly not worthy of pairing them together, right? Well, perhaps if that was the only incident but our sources are belatedly reporting back to us that these two have been seen in each other's company quite a bit in recent weeks.... and they seem to be a bit more than buddies. Another odd coupling but certainly one to watch out for!!!

Underground seemed the place to go to avoid zombies! The Inn's basement Arena was packed full of people who seemed to be avoiding the infestation! And, in fact, they were having a PARTY!!! The crazy Imp was hosting "Talk Like A Pirate" night with dueling, costumes, and OF COURSE Stephen!!! Because what is Talk Like A Pirate night without an unwashed, ill-tempered pirate???

Hilariousness ensued!!! We cannot wait for the next "Talk Like A Pirate" dueling night!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-24 16:16 EST
Monday, September 24

Date Night Friday!

As if to answer the question of whether or not they are/are not dating, Maia and Harry wandered into the Red Dragon Inn Friday night TOGETHER!!! Two grown adults out on a Friday night having drinks and calling each other "love"??? Sounds like a date to me!!! We get the feeling that Maia's the type of woman that would try to bash our head in for suggesting she was on a date. Unfortunately for her, that sort of thing turns us on so.... date, date, date, date!!!

Antonio made sure that the pair had one heck of a dinner -- some thick steaks, heaping baked potatoes, and salad. The date was often interrupted by those offering their thanks for the pair's zombie fighting efforts and others asking where they should send supplies that they wish to donate. No rest for the weary, we suppose. However, we do wish to send in our thanks for the efforts of all those that were involved in braining the zombies, including Maia and Harry!

Lydia and Alain spent a bit of time gabbing. Alain sure spends time with a lot of good-looking women, no??? Evidently, Carley got thrown in jail!!! OH NO!!! HOW DARE THEY?!?! This is ridiculous! Law and order in this city is a joke! The Gov Kitty should be ashamed! We're outraged! How could someone do that to dear, sweet Carley?!?!

What is it with all the cute but crazy women in this town??? Taneth was overheard stating that she'd never been to the Inn before and appeared quite confused. She didn't even seem to recognize her good friend Guthorm. That's certainly odd. We do hope that there is nothing wrong with her!!!

DoD-er Charlie was overheard lecturing Cute Single Erin briefly over Erin's relationship with Bad Boy Darren. Charlie clearly did not approve... and if Lydia's reaction to seeing Erin in Darren's lap is any indication, Charlie isn't the only one!!! Erin quickly assured Charlie that her relationship with Darren is kept strictly at a friend type of level.

Naughty G'nort swooped in on Cute Single Erin as soon as Charlie left and started talking contracts with her. If you remember correctly, Cute Single Erin has agreed to sign on to Company of the Dragon for the upcoming TDL season! Erin agreed to sign the contract in question and not to show any of her lady bits unless CDR was getting paid for it. Knowing G'nort's reputation, we do hope she had a lawyer.... or twelve look over it before she signed anything!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-24 16:43 EST
Monday, September 24

Cross Dressing Saturday!

Yuuuuummmm! SMASHING Issy made our night Saturday night by strutting her HAWT stuff around the Red Dragon Inn! How we love her! She downed some whiskey while chatting with TRASH-tastic Jade. We'd need alcohol too to get through a conversation with her!!!

Frat Boy Matt was also strutting his stuff -- in a dress, stiletto heels, a blonde wig and some seriously horrendous make-up! He certainly doesn't make a pretty woman!!! Evidently Matt had lost a bet to Frat Boy Gage who was present and seemingly quite pleased with his work. Gage was overheard trying to convince Matt to take his hairy legs for a wax. We don't even think that could help make those hairy legs more appealing in a dress.

Remember how we were just wondering how Lang gets so much female attention??? Well, our sources spotted him spending time with yet ANOTHER hottie Saturday night. He was seen discussing the rebuilding situation with the lovely Kacey. She definitely has potential!!!

The Arena was pretty dead Saturday night. Perhaps after fighting zombies all week long, people were tuckered out on violence. With no action in the Arena, some of the Arena's regulars were seen hanging out in the Inn. DoD-er Rena was seen chatting with a fellow warlord in Rand. They certainly seemed chummy and left us wondering if Rand is Boy Toy Val's replacement! They discussed their views on the current political state of the Duel of Swords and the need to reinvigorate the barons! How we'd love to see them lead that charge!!!

...And just when you thought you were surprised to the degree that Maia seems to have gone public with her relationship with Harry, she surprises us again! She was seen looking all sorts of snuggly with him Saturday night as the crowd thinned out. We're starting to be swayed towards thinking this pairing might actually be seriously HAWT!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-24 20:34 EST
Monday, September 24

One Night Stand Sunday!

We HEART when boys are being boys!!! Darren and Stitch were up to some manly chest thumping Sunday night in the Red Dragon Inn over.... well, tea. Okay, so it wasn't a manly subject they were arguing about and no punches were thrown but.... You know, on second thought, it was kind of a girly argument. Sheesh!!! Piper was there to witness it first hand and, according to our sources, she was left quite dumbfounded by the pointlessness of the conversation.

Lydia showed up with a face full of make-up and a fairly... revealing outfit. Our sources were unsure if this was some sort of silly Nexus trick or if Lydia had taken a wrong turn in her fashion journey but either way the general consensus was a giant ICK!!! Even Grem seemed not pleased with the slutting up of his girl.

As if life with HEIFER Jewell and her pirate husband Stephen couldn't get any weirder, things took another turn down the twisty round of STRANGE. Stephen somehow (and we'd rather not know the details, thank you very much) got a marble stuck up his nose. Jewell offered to yank it out (YUCK!) only to have him sneeze it out. The nasty marble struck her in the cheek before landing in the cup of an unsuspecting patron. We really don't even know where to start on these two anymore. Soooo... insert your own joke here.

While Cackling Cassie was in the Inn downing tequila and telling anybody who would listen how loyal she was to her boyfriend, said boyfriend was downstairs joking and sharing a flask with DoD-er Charlie. The pair received more than one curious glance from their friends gathered, including Naughty G'nort and Cute Single Erin!

Naughty G'nort certainly had no room to talk as his questionable relationship with UBER HAWT Alex continued to blossom. The pair continued to discuss getting a permission slip to have sex with one another from G'nort's wife. THAT should be an interesting conversation!!! We, however, are reaaaally starting to fall for this Alex chick.

Cute Single Erin spent the night getting her groove on as well. After facing Alain in a couple matches, she spent some time in a flirty conversation with Cas, Naughty G'nort, and his Alex before heading back upstairs to the Inn. By the time she stumbled her way up to the Inn, our sources advise us that she was LIT! The drinking continued there with Bad Boy Darren.... and, in the shocker of all shockers, the pair was seen headed upstairs together!!! NO LIE!!! Darren and Erin sitting in a tree. K. I. S. S. I. N. G. OMG, Batman!!! Now THAT is one heck of a one-night stand!!!

The luscious Swords caller Teagan wasn't calling Sunday night. Instead, she was battling fiercely in the rings! And let us tell you, that girl will do anything to get a duel!!! She was seen in Soerl's lap, trying to convince him to get into a ring with her. He, of course, obliged the beautiful lady. We're curious to see if this goes any further!!! She's a baaaaad girl but, man, do we love it!

FLAWLESS Koy was spotted in the Arena as well. Evidently, she had just returned from a business trip. Our sources adamantly advised us that Man-tastic Matt was incredibly antsy to talk to her. We're sure "talking" isn't the only thing he wanted to do to her! MEOW!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-28 19:00 EST
Friday, September 28

Panther's Claw Tournament!!!

Typically we start our blogs with the drama that took place in the Red Dragon Inn as it tends to be the biggest source of juicy gossip. However, Monday night it was not the Inn but the Outback that seemed to be the epicenter of a serious DRAMA EARTHQUAKE!!!

In the midst of the cycle's Panther's Claw Tournament being overseen by SUUUUPER Des, some MAJOR break-up action went down. Evidently cute, peppy Sugar saw the Gossip GangSTAR's latest blog which mentioned that her man Bad Boy Darren (and, man, has he earned that moniker now!) went up to the room of Cute Single Erin!!! Sugar was LIVID!!!

She stormed into the Outback and laid into Erin while her sister Spice begged her to stop. It seems that Sugar's anger was wrecking havoc on the magical bond the twins share. Darren stood aside and watched shamefully as Sugar laid one heck of a curse on Erin and then a similar one on Bad Boy Darren. Both Cute Single Erin and Bad Boy Darren looked like they wanted to crawl under a rock and die!

In the middle of this, G'naughty G'nort (who was a participant in the tournament) decided to stick his big nose into the drama. He was overheard calling Sugar a "banshee"! WHATEVER!!! Spice didn't take too kindly to the insults against her sister and under the influence of that magic, she hauled off and punched G'nort!!! GOOD FOR HER!!! Unfortunately, he decided to hit her back. WHAT A GIANT IDIOT! Thankfully, Mini Frank Cor (who evidently is still dating the dark-haired twin) stepped in to pull Spice away which seemed to help bring her back under control.

Needless to say Bad Boy Darren and Sweet Sugar are OVER!!! And this break-up supersedes even the MARVELOUSLY DRAMATIC fall-out of Bloody Psycho Sera and her Dameon. This gets an immediate spot in our countdown of BEST BREAK-UPS EVAR!!!, the drama didn't stop there either!

For some odd reason, Unwashed Pirate Stephen and HEIFER Jewell, who were there to watch the tournament but spent most of their time threatening to take their clothes off, got into it withG'naughty G'nort. G'nort was evidently making all sorts of friends. Stephen lunges at G'nort but somehow tackled Good Boy Cor instead. We LOVED to see HEIFER Jewell and G'naughty G'nort go toe-to-toe!!! The battle of RhyDin's Biggest Ego Whore!

In the midst of it all, Snaggle-toothed Cassie sat and whined the tune of "Why can't we all just get along?"

SUUUUPER Des was evidently too busy running around the Outback attempting to track down a thief to stop the out of ring antics. See, she really is a super hero! And the Outback's Big Boss Man-tastic Matt also seemed uninterested in the drama. He was evidently too busy planning his new business with his equally Man-tastic new partner Sartan and avoiding looks of DEATH from his new wife FLAWLESS Koy... who is evidently NOT at all happy about her husband's new business venture.

Speaking of Sartan, our sources have FINALLY confirmed to us that he is finally admitting that there is something wrong with his wife Rory. The exact details are vague but she has evidently suffered some sort of ailment and her condition is permanent. We hear that he has threatened violence against whomever spreads rumors of her, uh, disability. We're not scared!!! Come and get it, big boy!!! We like it rough!!!

Our sources also have reported back to us that there was some sort of girl-on-girl action between Alex (the girl version) and Pirate-Girl Teagan!!! We, unfortunately, have no confirmation of this report and, even more sadly, no photographic evidence. Le sigh!

Oh, and there was dueling among all this chaos as well!!! G'naughty G'nort evidently stopped causing problems long enough to make it into the final round but he was stopped from taking the title by DoD-er Rena!!! And guess what??? DoD-er Rena's man was STILL not present. What's up with that???

Anyway, congratulations, Rena, for being able to concentrate on fighting in that mess!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-28 20:02 EST
Friday, September 28

We Want Wedding Bells Monday!!!

HAWT! That's really all we can say about Maia and Harry who were seen together again this past Monday night in the Red Dragon Inn. This coupling is MAJORLY HAWT!!! Now we've always known that Maia is spectacularly spicy but Harry's always been that cute guy next door type. Evidently Maia's gotten under his skin because he's gotten.... SEXY!!!

Our Evie and her Brale Brother Baker were spotted at the bar drinking up a storm and causing problems. We HEART their witty banter and silliness. In fact, we want these two to be the next (in)famous couple in RhyDin to get married!!! HOW MUCH FUN WOULD THAT WEDDING BE?!?! Everybody would be snuckered before the ceremony even began!

As if Maia and Harry weren't enough HAWT for one blog entry, two of RhyDin's CLASSIEST ladies -- Cieara and Eless -- were spotted chatting with one another in the Inn. DROOOOOOL!!! These two should teach classes for the trashy women of the Inn. You can be SEXY AND DEMURE! They're not mutually exclusive terms. Learn it! Live it! Blah. Anyway, we suppose even Cieara cannot be perfect. It seems her little flirtation with Veighn continues on. Yuck. Just typing his name makes us want to take a shower.

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-29 08:45 EST
Saturday, September 29

Foul-mouthed Tuesday!

There's a new dark-haired beauty named Adrianna turning heads!!! Wowzer! She's a hawt little tamale! One head in particular she's turning??? Phillippe! He was spotted having an intimate chat with the little cutie Tuesday night in the Inn. We think we're going to LOVE this girl. She's got DRAMA QUEEN written alllll over her!

Lang was overheard by our sources telling the seeeexy Aaron that he has broken up with Rhy.... AGAIN! That would certainly explain Rhy's haggard looking appearance earlier in the day. Man oh man! We love these on-again/off-again couples. We doubt this is the last time these two will break up!!! We think Lang just likes steamy make-up sex!!!

...Or maybe Lang has eyes on another? He was busy propositioning The Gov Kitty while Aaron was trying to get her to promise to set him up with one of her friends. Iiiiinteresting.

The dark-haired twin Spice was spotted briefly in the Outback while her boyfriend Good Boy Cor was calling duels. She certainly did not look well after the events of Monday night. G'naughty G'nort was seen giving her the evil eye but, thankfully, he kept his beating on women to the rings!!!

FLAWLESS Koy was seen in the Outback as well looking absolutely flawless as always! She was dressed in a black crepe dress which was belted at the waist. And, in fact, she dueled in that very same outfit!!! This girl is absolutely FIERCE!

It appears Dakota may have found a home in the Outback. He was seen getting in a couple fights on Tuesday night. It seems like a perfect fit! It's one place where his foul-mouth and ill-temper will fit right in with the general populace!!!

There certainly was some drama going down on Twilight Island. Lucien and Topaz seemed to get into it over some unknown issue. Relationship drama is yuuuummy! It appears Topaz wanted to accompany Lucien on a trip that he didn't want her to. When he left without her, she left shortly after to follow him!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-30 09:45 EST
Saturday, September 29

Green Is The New Blonde Wednesday!

Wednesday started off with a highly intellectual debate (read: schoolyard during recess) between Lang and Brian (the un-Ravelock one). Things got pretty heated with Brian zinging in a couple about Lang's propensity to change women about as often as he changes bath water. HILARIOUS! We don't know who would have won a physical fight between the two but Brian certainly won the battle of the wits! We were unimpressed with Lang's "it takes a moron to know a moron" comeback. Brian's gal, Bloody Psycho Sera, showed up on the scene to break the argument up before it turned into a scuffle. Awwww! What a bummer!

Sera's distraction technique briefly failed when the target of Lang's frequent dumpings Rhy arrived and was immediately ALL OVER Brian. She hugged on him right in front of Sera.... who appeared right stunned! Poor Sera! Not again!!! Well, thankfully for her, it appears she might have actually found a loyal one this time!!! Brian was quick to cast off Rhy and escorted Sera out for a more quiet night.

What is it with the craziness in this town??? It's spreading!!! Our favorite little muffin of positive energy Taneth has been seen around town acting as if she doesn't know ANY of her former friends. Ewan tried to break through to her Wednesday night in the Inn but it seems as if NOBODY can get through to her. She doesn't remember ANYBODY!!! Poor, dear Taneth!

Carpenter Hunk Glenn was spotted with Luscious Lydia and DoD-er Rena having a conversation over drinks. Are we the only ones who find it a bit curious that Lydia is spotted in the company of Glenn far more often than she's spotted in the company of her man Grem. If we were Grem, we'd put a ring on that green-haired beauty's finger RIGHT QUICK before Glenn snatches her away!!! Our sources tell us that later in the night Lydia was getting attention from another interested male -- Aaron. He was attempting to get Lydia to share a drink with him but ended up settling on conversation at the table in question. Lydia's getting AWFULLY popular, Grem!!!

Maybe green is the new blonde!!!

Marc Franco

Date: 2007-09-30 10:29 EST
Sunday, September 30

Hormone Crazed Girls Thursday!

Thursday night immediately began with a depressing start as Rhy sobbed into Ryo's shoulder over Lang's many failings as a boyfriend. A man cheats on you once, definitely his fault. If he cheats on you once, you take him back, and he cheats on you again? Well, don't you share a bit of blame in your own heart ache? Well, Rhy'll be happy to know that Ryo laid into Lang later about his cheating ways. We don't think it did much good, though.

We're growing tired of heartbreak. I know it's that time of year. All the summer romances coming to an end. Yadda, yadda. But, come on? Isn't there one hot, new couple to get behind? A upcoming nuptial to look forward to? We're dying here! Isn't there anybody that will step up to the plate?

Speaking of heartbreak, Sweet Sugar was spotted in the common room of the Inn for the first time since her VERY public break-up with Darren and the drama that followed. Sugar was kept mighty busy tending bar and attempting to break up fights. It seems that Phillipe just can't seem to keep his hands off other people's property. Sugar spent most of her night attempting to make sure that the other patrons didn't murder the man!

Bad Boy Darren's got some nerve! He actually came in and attempted to convince Sugar to talk to him. She seemed polite enough but no deep conversation ever occurred. The loooovely Eless kept an eye on Sugar alllll night in that den motherly sort of way of Sid's. We HEART Eless!!!! Tucker joined Sugar behind the bar a bit later and, man, if looks could kill Darren would have dropped dead!!! Tucker clearly didn't like the idea of Bad Boy Darren being anywhere NEAR Sugar!

While "break-up" was the word of the night in the Inn, hormones were running rampant in the basement Arena. The single women of the Arena seemed a bit... crazy!

...Even cute Uriko was looking for a man! She was overheard by our sources playfully looking for a husband. G'nort volunteered his son while Imp volunteered his cousins! Thankfully, Uriko didn't take either of them up on the offer!

Hawtie Pirate Teagan tried her darnedest to lay a lip-smacker on Space Man Sartan while the pair were dueling. Sartan managed to avoid it and gave a stern lecture about how his lips belonged to his wife and his wife alone!!! He's so ADORABLE!!! It's really too bad his wife is... well, as crazy as a jay bird. Rory did appear later in the night and P-Imp attempted to cause some problems between the married pair by repeating what had happened earlier. Rory seemed to take it coolly enough but did give Teagan a lecture about attempting to kiss other women's husbands.

G'nort's little mistress Alex was up to all sorts of trouble Thursday night in the Arena as well!!! She was spotted SITTING ON GOOD BOY COR'S LAP AND KISSING ON HIM!!! NO LIE!!! Even Cute Single Erin was being flirty with Cor and... well, everybody else! In fact, there was at least one mention of some girl-on-girl action between she and Alex!!!

What a crazy, crazy Thursday night!