Topic: Camping Trip

Jaden Linares

Date: 2008-02-12 10:36 EST
The alarm sounds.. Out from under the covers his hand grabs the clock, fingers move around trying to turn it off. Snooze, off, anything! Alas it continues until he finally pushes the covers from over his head. The alarm screaming with its usual loud beeping, as if to say, "Rise and shine!"

A large yawn and Jaden sits up in the bed and finally smacks the alarm clock off. Large white numbers telling him it is four in the a.m. "Why did I agree to this?" He mumbles as he throws the covers off of his body. He stands up and stretches his arms over his head, then they come down to slide his long hair from his face and scratch his bare stomach. Not many know that the president sleeps in the nude, and he would very much like to keep it that way.

"Wake up call." He yawns again as he moves over to the intercom, grabbing his robe on the way there. "Time to head out everyone! Everyone that is going on the camping trip, for the weekend, should have their things packed, and out on the porch in half an hour! The vans are waiting, breakfast will be eaten at the campsite." He pushes the button for the loud and obnoxious buzzing to each room. He can already hear yelling and groaning and things being thrown, he chuckles to himself. It is good to be president.

His hands go through his dark hair again as he moves into the bathroom to do his usual ritual of brushing his teeth and getting ready for the day. He hopes that this camping trip will take some of the stress off. With new brothers moving in, older ones moving out and children running around, it can be hectic. However Jaden would not have it any other way. He loves his home and everyone within it.

Still brushing his teeth as he walks out of the bathroom he gathers up his clothes from the chair that he had set out last night. Nothing extravagant, the average jeans and t-shirt, hiking boots as well. Been ages since he has not had to wear a suit and he is looking forward to being out and about like the rest of the brothers for the weekend. To be just himself, not the big wig. Back to the bathroom he rinses and puts the toothbrush up, not long after he is dressed and ready to head out.

Another push to the intercom to annoy his brothers further, a smile on his face as he does.

Brandon Holyfield

Date: 2008-02-12 11:49 EST
Brandon's alarm clock was set, ready to go. And it would have gone off at 4 am, as was requested of them when they were told of the plans for the trip. That is, if he had remembered to turn it on. Sleeping peacefully, he dreams with a smile upon his face.

He's in some luxury resort, sitting on a beach with powder soft sand. Warming his body was a brilliant yellow sun in a crystal clear sky. The ocean lapped at the shore with placid little waves that left the little sand crabs digging into the sand, little bubbles of air the only indication they were ever there.

Two bikini clad ladies, one to each side of him were pampering him with soft kisses and gentle massages. Yes, he was having a very good time. One of the girls opens her mouth to speak, only it's not her voice but Jadens. "Wake up call" She smiles to him. He shakes his head and looks up at the brunette again, and then to the blond. "Wake up call." Again, Jaden's voice coming from the blond this time.

Backing away from the girls, he hears a buzzing sound. The sky grew dark as it filled with swarms of bees. Buzzing and diving bombing him. He tries to scream as the dream has made a horrible turn. Still in his swim trunks, but now it's freezing cold outside and the bees are still swarming at him. His voice fails him, as in most dreams it does. Glued to the spot, his heart racing a million miles an hour as the swarm comes in for an attack. Just as the first one reaches him with it's deadly stinger, Brandon sits bolt upright in bed, sweat pouring from his brow.

Blinking rapidly, he looks around the room and sighs with relief. He had kicked the blanket from his bed during the dream and he sat there with nothing but his boxers on. Slowly he looks to the intercom and can't help but laugh. Thank God for Jaden! He would have missed the trip if he hadn't been woken by the President's intercom antics.

He quickly showers and shaves, brushes his teeth and gets dressed in comfortable and casual clothes, of course hiking boots on his feet. His bag already packed, he picked it up and carries it out of his room and down the hall to the living room, waiting for the others.

Oliver Stephens

Date: 2008-02-12 12:10 EST
The buzzing from the intercom has Oliver looking over with a brow arched. "I'm awake, bro!" He throws his pillow at it as he climbs out of the bed. A sly grin already on Ollie's face. Oh yes, he's got something planned alright.

Already dressed in his jeans, black long sleeved shirt, and boots, he grabs his bag from the corner of the room and pushes through the door. Smiling to those bros that he passes on his way down to the kitchen. "S'up Cook!" He calls out to the old man behind the counter, Cook is always awake before the boys, even this early. However he's not cooking, he's helping to load up the food that he had prepared over the last couple of days. He didn't think the boys could fish for food, not at all.

"Cook, my man! You rock!" He clicks his tongue and points both fingers at him as he rounds the large bar, on to the fridge. He pulls out a huge tray of brownies and sets them onto the counter. "My beauties." He can almost kiss them! Back into the fridge he pulls out yet another large tray. "Thanks for the help Cook, couldn't of done it without you." He grins and closes the fridge by kicking it.

Moving his bag to be over his shoulder, he grabs both trays and walks on out the door to the vans. "What's up bro?" He smiles at Jaden who is standing just outside the door and making sure everyone is getting ready to go. That cheshire grin almost giving away Ollie but he shakes it off and slides the wonderful, perfect, brownies into the trunk.

"Going to be a good time, oh yeah." He chuckles and hops into the vans along with some of the brothers already in there.

Jamie Wingate

Date: 2008-02-12 13:25 EST
Jamie had already been up and was ready to go before Jaden came over the intercom. Very excited about being on his first trip with the bros, he had packed and unpacked three times just this morning. And just as soon as the vans had pulled into the main driveway, he was already out there, tossing his bags into the back. The driver had looked at him like he was crazy, three bags for a weekend trip. A camping trip no less! After he loaded his things into the van, he bounded back into the house to help anybody else. He grabs Brandon's bag and runs outside to toss it into the back of another van. Jaden's and Ollie's bags, the same. He finds himself waiting in the living room, pacing, wanting to go right now. Brandon was just sitting there and he was becoming nervous. "Why don't you go wake up the other bros?" Anything to get Jamie and his unending bundle of energy away.

Jamie jumps to. "Ok!" he laughs and goes running to the stairs and up the hall. He pounds on a few doors, and stops at Dean's. It was ajar so he steps in. "Deeaan. Oh Deanny!" he calls out all singsong like. Plucking a long ostrich feather from one of the planters, he walks over to the bed and lowers the very end to Dean's nose. "Wakey wakey, we got a trip to go on!"

Dean had had a rather long and exhausting night and is sleeping rather deeply at this moment. Covers were long gone, crumpled down on the ground. His black and green boxers the only thing on him at the moment. His arms stretched over his head, and then he feels a tickle of sorts on his nose. He blows out a breath from his mouth and turns his head. The buzzing of the intercom, the yelling from everyone still has yet to wake the sleeping monster.

Jamie laughs when Dean turns his head and he moves to the other side of the bed and persists with the feather. "Wakey Brother Dean! Can't go camping without our spiritual adviser.." Then he kneels on the edge of the bed to make the feather reach better. The bed is soft and Jamie cannot resist a bouncy bed! So he starts to bounce on his knees, that feather touching Dean's nose, forehead and lips. "Come on Deeeean! Wake up!"

A slight furrow of his brows. Is someone yelling at him? Now bouncing on his bed? And what is the blasted thing touching his nose?! He shakes his head. Dreaming, must be dreaming, nobody is crazy enough to come into his room to try and wake him up. Not after last time. He groans and grabs his pillow and plops it on top of his head and passes right back out. The bouncing even soothing him more to sleep.

"Oh no no no!" he laughs and tosses the feather aside. Pushing with his feet, he launches himself onto Dean, grabbing his pillow from atop his head. "Deean! Oh Dean!" he laughs. "We got to get ready to go, bro!" He laughs at his own rhyme.

"Oof!" As he is jumped on. The pillow being pull from him and he lifts his head up, one hazel eye open. "Who the?" Then laughs and shakes his head. "No no no, more seepies." He grumbles and curls up on his bed and tries to pull the pillow back from Jamie.

He tugs the pillow back and shakes his head. "Come on, I told them I'd wake you up!" he laughs and tosses the pillow onto the ground. Straddling Dean's back, he grins at the Jack Skellington tattoo. "That's pretty neat-o man." Then a thought strikes him! Oh yes, it will work! Suddenly his hands are on Dean's side's and he's tickling mercilessly.

The pillow slips from Dean's fingers and he groans again. "Tell them I'm .. drunk. Yeah." Despite that he doesn't drink, the brothers could fall for it right? He grins at the mention of his tat. "Thanks." But then fingers are on his sides and he's being tickled. The one thing that can make Dean beg for mercy! "Oh no!" He laughs loudly and tries to push Jamie's hands away, he tries to talk but nothing comes out but laughing.

"I'll stop if you get out of the bed!" Jamie laughs with him and his fingers are all over his sides. "Promise to get up and I'll stop!"

Dean can't talk! He's just laughing and trying to get those hands away from his sides. "Ahhh!" He laughs even more and tries to lift up with Jamie on him. Then one final attempt is to turn and get Jamie to fall onto the bed.

When Dean wiggles under him, it knocks him sideways and he lands on the bed with a thump. "No fair!" His laugh is loud and he squirms around to try to start tickling his sides again. "Say it! Say you're going to get up!"

He can finally breathe and takes in a deep breath. He scoots far from Jamie and reaches over to grab his blanket. He'll catch the ball of energy in it and plop his butt outside his door! Great plan Dean. "Look Jamie!" He points behind him.

Of course, being young and naive that he is, Jamie falls for it. "Huh?" he turns and looks to where Dean is pointing.

Dean can't do it. When Jamie's head turn all he can do is laugh. "You need to wise up, little bro." He chuckles and tosses the blanket down. But then hazels turn to the door seeing Nate. "Noooo!" He laughs and wraps himself up in his blanket as Nate walks over and smiles at Jamie. "Hey little bro." Nate says as he grabs up Dean in the blanket. "Let's get going, Dean." He laughs and carries a laughing Dean in a blanket out the door.

"What? Huh?" He turns and looks up at Dean and then laughs. "You tricked me!" He shakes his head and then looks up at Nate. "Oooo big brother's coming to get you!" He jumps on the bed and dances about. Then he's following Nate and Dean out into the hall. "Dean did you have a bag ready?"

And from the blanket comes the muffled voice. "It's in the closet." Then Nate carries Dean on out the door and past Jaden. Jaden's brow arches. "Dean?" Nate nods and laughs as he walks by and sits Dean into the van. Jaden just laughs.

"Right!" He goes to Dean's closet and grabs up the black leather bag. He hefts it up and carries it out through the house and to the van that Nate deposited Dean into. It gets loaded into the van and he grins at Jaden. "Who's next?"

Geoffrey Palimore

Date: 2008-02-13 09:42 EST
Geoff only got about an hour's sleep, being next door to Julian. He'd just drifted off when his alarm clock and the intercom buzzed at the same time. Oh the noise, noise, noise! With a mumbled grunt, he rolled over and slammed his hand on the OFF button.

"Coming!" he yelled in the general direction of the speaker as he got up, stretching as he went to his closet and dressed. Jeans, plain blue tshirt, and hiking boots, very proper for a camping trip. A quick brush of hair and teeth and Geoff was good to go.

He came down just in time to see Dean plopped in the van by Nate. Grinning and shaking his head, he tossed his duffle bag into the van and climbed in. First trip, he was raring to go.

Burn Feuer

Date: 2008-02-14 20:06 EST
Jaden's voice over the intercom pulls him from his dream. "Huh?" His eyes open and he looks around his room. "The hell?" He mumbles and keeps looking around as his eyes try to adjust to the dark.

With just a snap of his fingers fire ignites from his right hand and lights the room. "Camping trip?" He grumbles and he blows out the fire on his fingers as he climbs out of the bed. He sways to the right as he moves over to the intercom and presses the button. "Jaden! What's with the buzzing!?" He yells and only gets a laugh in response. He has to chuckle to himself and smacks the intercom, truly if he wanted to he could just melt the sucker and be done with it, however he doesn't want to have to pay for it either.

"Alright, alright." He shakes his head and goes on into the bathroom and gets ready. His bags had been packed and left downstairs with almost everyone else's that are going. Once he has on his black jeans, white T, and boots on he pushes out his bedroom door and almost collides with Joel. "Holy crap, bro!" He laughs and turns to go on down the stairs.

Smokes pulled out of his back pocket and he blows on the tip, lighting it with ease, a strong pull from it as he walks out the front door. "Good morning!" He says with the smoke between his lips as he goes over to the van and climbs in.

Dirk Stevens

Date: 2008-02-18 10:45 EST
As the vans were now nearly full of the brothers and a few of their girls, Dirk finally strolls out of the house. His bags had been placed into the van along with all the others as he had sat it by the door the night before. He waves and gives up nods to the brothers that are still hanging out, having that last smoke. "C'mon guys, time to go." he calls out to them as he jumps into the driver's seat of the last van.

He knew how to handle a large vehicle. There were countless times that he and the brothers had climbed into his truck and just drove for hours. In fact, Dirk had missed the feeling of the open road under his tires. So that's why he was driving the third van. He honks the horn, van still idling. And when the last brother got onto the van, the door was shut and Dirk put the van in drive.

Because he was driving the last van, he had hitched to the trailer a large enclosed trailer full of equipment, extra tents and anything that they'd need in the kitchen. Getting use to the trailer wasn't hard at all and soon the three vans found their way out of the city, onto the open road and up into the mountains.

When they crossed under the campground sign, Dirk sighs with relief. They'd been on the road a good four hours and he had to pee. Not to mention he hadn't had A cigarette in that entire time period either. The vans rolled through the camping area and came to a stop before some low built cabins. Most of the brothers had brought along tents, air matresses and sleeping bags. But others, like Dirk, had rented out the row of cabins. The cabins would offer some modicum of privacy and could be locked. That meant no pranks on Dirk and whoever was rooming with him.

Jumping out of the van, Dirk disregards the rest of them and runs to the tree line. "Ahhh" he smile as he relieved his bladder. Using hand sanitizer that he had in his pocket, he wipes his hands together and makes his way back to the already bustling camp. Lighting a cigarette, he walks over to the back of one of the vans and starts lifting out bags, making ready to set up camp.

Zack Stevens

Date: 2008-02-18 14:56 EST
Zack had slept most of the way to the campgrounds. Curled up with his earbuds in place to drown out the din from the other bros in the van. So once they get to the campground, he wakes and is full of energy. Which, is a good thing considering.

Placing his music player in his pocket, he walks back to the trailer that had been hitched to the van and he helps start to unload it. Tents in one place, sleeping bags in another, and then the kitchen equipment in yet another. Once it's unloaded, he picks up his tent, nice and neat in it's blue and yellow bag, and walks around, surveying the area near the cabins for a nice level spot free from rocks.

He puts his tent down once he finds a good place. He calls out to the others that the field that he found was a great place to set up camp. Retrieving a tarp to put under his tent, he places it down and then with a snap of his wrist, his tent is put up. He secures it with spikes hammered into the ground. Then he goes to help the others set their tents up.

The air was full of laughing brothers. Already one had been pushed into the creek that was nearby. There would be several more to follow and he just knew that Dirk would be by to make sure that Zack got his dunking. A chuckle at that. He loved his brother, even if he was a jerk sometimes.

Once the tents were set up, he grabs the hatchet and goes out searching for any dead fall that he could scrounge up. By this time he's sweating pretty good and his jacket comes off and he ties it around his waist. When he had a good armload full of wood, he heads back to the camp, leaves crackling under his feet.

A fire pit had already been dug and lined with large stones by the time Zack got back with the wood. Placing most of it to the side, he hands off a few pieces of the dry wood to the bro starting the fire. Then, and only then, does he take a few minutes to grab a drink and settle into a camp chair. Looking around, he grins. A good day's work and tonight, camp fire stories!

Dean Santiago

Date: 2008-02-21 21:06 EST
Hearing the soft "ow's" from Emma as they walk through the trail, Brandon stops and waits for her to move in front of him. Placing both hands on her waist, he walks behind her and brushes away the branches that hung low in front of them as they walked. The day was perfect, the sun overhead in a cerulean sky, with only a few puffy clouds here and there. The temperature was warm, but he kept his long sleeves on. Didn't want bites from any flying insects. After walking in silence for about a half hour, he stops to lean on a tree. Lifting a couple of bottles of water from his back pack, he holds one out to her. "Here you go, beautiful." He smiles.

She moves in front of him and keeps walking, a smile when his hands go to her waist. When they stop she turns and watches him, she reaches out and takes the water. "Thank you." She opens it up and has a sip. "It's very pretty out here." She turns and walks over to a bit of a clearing and looks around. "Such a nice day too."

"Welcome." he smiles and pushes off the tree to follow her out to the clearing. "The day's all that much more beautiful, because you're in it." He whispers and as he steps up behind her, one arm slides around her waist and he grazes her ear with his teeth. "I love you."

"Is that right?" She laughs softly and leans back against him. A soft sigh and she rests her head against his shoulder. "I'm not sure I want to go back to the houses after all of this. So nice out here. Could stay here for a lot longer then this weekend."

"Yes, that's right." He laughs softly and looks up into the sky as she speaks. "I'm sure it can be arranged." He chuckles softly. "I've loved every moment we've been out there. I don't want to go back either."

"Just is so nice." She sighs and closes her eyes, her hand laying on his, the other still holding the water bottle. "But we would start going crazy eventually. You would get so sick of me." She laughs.

"I'd never get sick of you." He smiles and brings his chin back down to rest on her shoulder. "Bears, yes, I'd get sick of those..." He opens his eyes and funny he should say bears. There were two cubs, coming from the clearing, rough housing with each other. "Hey, shhh quiet, look." He points to them, water bottle held between his palm and last three fingers, index finger pointed to the bear cubs.

She opens her eyes and watches them with a smile. However that smile fades.. "Well, if the cubs are here.." She whispers. "The mother can't be far."

"I know." he whispers and slowly pulls her back, not to disturb the cubs in their play. "Let's go back to the cabin?"

She nods and puts her hand into his. "Mmhmm."

The momma bear came into the clearing and lifted up onto her hind legs and sniffed the air. She looked to Brandon and Emma, but sensed their hasty retreat and let them be. "Whew." Brandon whispered and starts down the trail towards the cabin. "We can call whoever owns the place and get an extension to stay a bit longer if you'd like?"

She walks with him and smiles, her hand squeezing his and thankful mom didn't come to eat them. "Just you and me?" She looks up at him, brushing those golden locks from her shoulders.

"Just you and me, Angel." he smiles and looks down at her. "Then we can go skinny dipping again."

"Oh, just trying to get me naked!" She pushes at him and laughs as she runs ahead of him through the woods.

"Of course!" he laughs and he runs after her.

She laughs more and runs around some of the large trees, turning to watch him, then ducking behind a larger tree and laughing, but with her hand over her mouth to muffle it.

He started to weave through the trees, but he must have missed a turn. He finds himself in a small clearing, no Emma in site. "Emma?" He calls out and looks around in a circle. "Emma, where are you?"

She laughs softly and keeps her hand over her mouth. Blue eyes looking around, she slowly peeks around the tree.

"Emma?" he thought he heard a soft giggle, and turns his attention to that area. "That you Emma?" as he walks slowly forwards.

She gasps and turns back to be hidden by the tree, that is.. till a very big guy comes out of nowhere and picks her up, throwing her over his shoulder. She screams and laughs. "Stop that!"

He heard her scream first and that makes him take off running. "Hey!" he yells out. "Emma, are you ok?" He runs up behind them. "Hey, put her down!"

Gage turns around and sees Brandon. He laughs. "We were calling you two for like an hour, the hell are you doing so far out?" He tickles Emma's leg and she laughs and screams again. "And out here with my little sister at that.." Dark brow arches as he looks at Brandon.

He takes a step back when Gage turns around. "Oh, hey." he looks up at Emma, then at Gage. "We were just walking..." he looks at Emma again, then at Gage again. "Put her down, please?"

She laughs and smacks Gage on the back. "Scared me to death just about."

Gage grins and looks down at Brandon. "Problems?" As he slides Emma to be on her feet.

Eyes dart to Emma then back to Gage. "No problems bro." As he reaches for Emma's hand. "We were just out walking, right, Angel?"

A slight frown at the way Brandon is acting. "Yeah well, dinner." He shakes his head and walks off.

Emma watches them, then turns to Brandon when Gage walks off. "What was that about?" She whispers.

"They know you're my girl." he steps closer to her. "He wouldn't like it if I picked up his girl and started to walk off with her."

'Oh.." She shrugs but then smiles. "Is that a rule?"

"Kind of an unwritten code." he nods and takes her hand. "Hungry?"

Gage walks through to the fire and looks around at all the brothers there, grabbing a beer from the cooler. "Is it mandatory when one of you get a girlfriend you turn into dickheads?"

"A little." She smiles and starts to walk towards camp.

He walks with her, his stomach growling the entire way.

Dirk looks up at Gage and smiles. "He's threatened by your rugged good looks and your sexy body baby."

Gage shakes his head. "I never did like him much.." He growls softly and takes a large tug of his beer.

Once to the camp Emma smiles at them all and walks on over to the grill to get a plate.

Smiling happily, Brandon follows behind her. Taking a plate himself, he loads up on the grub. Even a smile thrown out for the bros that were gathered around the fire.

Cole just stands there and watches it all, he snorts and laughs.. he can't help it.

"You shush." Gage smiles and winks at Cole.

Dirk grabs Cole and wraps him in his arms. "Monkey Man!" he growls playfully and showers his neck and shoulder with kisses. A grin to Gage, won't be much longer for them to be retiring to the cabin they had shared.

Brandon waits for Emma to get done loading her plate and he looks over at Cole. "What's so funny?" he laughs.

Cole laughs and is grabbed, then laughs even more at Brandon. "You are going to get your butt kicked!"

Gage grins and keeps sipping his beer, just, standing there.

She turns and watches them all and smiles. "What is going on?"

"Good question." he steps out from behind Emma and protectively in front of her. If there's going to be punches thrown, Brandon didn't want her accidentally in the way. "What'd I do to deserve an ass beating?"

Dirk just shakes his head and laughs. "Down boy, you don't want to jerk Gage's chain anymore than you already have." He looks up at Gage and smiles. "If anybody is going to be jerking him, it'll be me or Cole or Jessie."

Jessie had been sitting quietly, eating the rest of the dinner and nearly chokes on his coleslaw at Dirk's comment. "Oh dear." he coughs, pounding his chest.

And that just makes Cole scream with laughter in Dirk's arms. "Too funny! Can't... breathe!"

Emma watches Cole and can't help but laugh at how cute he is, then a frown at Jessie. "Are you alright?"

Gage however.. he's calm, quiet.. and eyes stay on Brandon.

Brandon feels the weight of the stare, and he matches it. Sure he has to look up, but still, he stands his ground. He moves his hand to the side, to put the plate onto a little picnic table, eyes never leaving Gage's.

Dirk laughs when Cole does, tickling his sides, to make him laugh even more. He loved Cole's laugh. And if Gage was going to kick somebody's ass, well there was nothing sexier than that. Well, watching Cole and Jessie... his minds starts to whirl and he gets a very dopey grin on his face.

Jessie picks up his pop to take a drink, and when he's done he puts it down and gulps in the air. A smile for Emma. "I'm fine, thank you." he takes another deep breath and smiles brightly for her.

Cole gasps for breath but then he's tickled even more and he screams with more laughter. "Run Brandon, run!" As he smacks at Dirk's hands to stop him from tickling him more.

She nods to Jessie then watches them all. "I don't know what's going on, guys. But nobody needs to do any fighting, right?" She puts her plate down on the table and moves around Brandon to Gage and looks up at him. "No fighting."

Gage's eyes flashed a golden color as he stared down Brandon. His jaw clenched, the more Brandon even looked at him the more he was getting pissed off. However then Emma is in front of him and he sighs. "Who the fuck is he to say I can't pick you up? By the way, I'm not deaf mother fucker." He growls to Brandon.

He reaches for Emma as she walked in front of him. He watches her speak then looks up at Gage, eyes narrowed slightly, his own teeth grinding, causing his jaw to flex. "She's my girl." he whispers.

Dirk stops tickling and just keeps Cole held close. When Gage speaks, he sighs heavily. Deciding to keep out of it, he merely watches the three while nuzzling and nibbling on Cole's ear.

Jessie gets up and dumps the rest of his food into a trash bag. Without a glance back, he walks to the cabin and closes the door behind him.

Cole smiles and watches them, popcorn would be so great right now! Two hot guys fighting! And being nibbled on by his lover, he's a very happy boy right now.

"No fighting, please?" She whispers, but she gets out of the way. Stepping away from them all and walking over to the cabin and going up onto the porch, leaning on the railing. Not wanting to be in the middle of this at all.

"I'm not blind either." Gage growls softly and watches Brandon. With Emma out of the way, and knowing that Jessie left the area he calms down just a tad and closes his eyes, turning his neck just enough for it to crack with a popping sound. "I've known her longer then you, you come in here and think now you fucking own her? Fuck you."

"You're not worth my time." he whispers and turns to walk towards Emma and the cabin.

Dirk winces visibly and holds onto Cole a little more tightly. "Oh, he's asking for it." he whispers.

"Ooo..." He shakes his head, olive greens dart from Brandon's back to Gage, and back again. "What will he do? What will he do?" He whispers and nibbles on his bottom lip, dying to know.

"He's not going to do anything." Dean walks out of the woods and puts his hand on Gage's shoulder. "Calm down." He whispers. "We are all brothers here, we can't be fighting among ourselves when we have greater enemies out there ready to fight us. Right?" He smiles and pats him on the back. "Come on now, it's almost campfire story time."

Gage of course calms right down and blows out a breath. "Right." He nods and drinks down the rest of his beer, tossing it into the trash.

Dirk looks up at Dean and smiles. "Couldn't have said it better myself, bro." He nuzzles Cole's ear again as he's looking up at Gage then. "Anybody ever tell you you're sexy as hell when you're mad, baby?"

Brandon reaches Emma and looks up at her, still standing on the ground. Holding his hand up to her he sighs. "I'm sorry. Come listen to campfire stories with me?"

Jessie opens the door and peeks out when he hears Dean's voice, then joins the rest of the group back out at the fire.

She reaches down and takes his hand and nods. "Yeah."

Gage turns and grabs Jessie up. Smothering him with kisses. "I'm sorry." He whispers and holds his baby closer. A wink to Dirk and Cole.

"Awww.. no fight." Cole frowns and pouts, but then that vanishes when he sees them bring out marshmallows!

Dean stands there and watches them all gather along the logs that are set around the fire and he smiles. "Alright everybody, now I have a very scary story to tell you all." He grabs the flashlight that is tossed to him by Joel. Turning it on he puts his close to his face. "It was the first time I saw Russ... early in the morning without his make-up. Muahahahaha!"

Hoots, laughter and even a few shrieks heard around the campfire from all of the brothers.

Jaden shakes his head and laughs loudly. "Not this story again."

Russ had been munching on a marshmallow, not really paying attention until he heard his name. "Hey!" he yells out and shakes his head, laughing.

And Zack, being new to all of this, leans forward on the log, listening intently and watching the marshmallow ignite in the flames of the fire on the end of his stick. He picks it out of the fire and blows on it, waits for it to cool before devouring it in one bite. Looking up at Dean he gasps. "Ewww!" then laughs.

Burn walks over and chuckles under his breath as he blows out a bit of breath to keep that large bonfire ignited. Pays to keep a pyro around.

A large grin as Oliver walks out with a huge platter full of brownies. "Brownies are served!"

Oliver Stephens

Date: 2008-03-27 08:08 EST
Inside the cabin previously..

"Special, special, special, brownies." Oliver sings softly as he moves about the large kitchen area of the main cabin. "Hmmm, hmmm.. hmm... Oh yes, special indeed, aren't you?" He pats the large platter of brownies. "Going to make the brothers have a good time."

He bites his bottom lip and does a move that no man should ever, yes, he's humping the air. "My sweet little babies, how daddy loves you." He leans over and picks one up. "What is that baby? You want me to eat you? Now, that's not fair to the other brothers, I can't keep you all to myself!" He grins and steals a bite however. "Mmm, mmm, mmm." He laughs and sets the half eaten brownie on the table.

Just then Chester, Gage's big old Talbot hound pads his way in. Olivers eyes look over and he chuckles. "Chester! What's going on man? How are you!?" He kneels and scratches the big dog's ears and kisses the top of his snout. "Aren't you just the sweetest ugly dog there was!" Chester snorts and sneezes at Oliver, his tail wagging like crazy.

And before Oliver realized that brownie was awfully close to Chester, Chester opened up his jaws and is gulping it down. Oliver's eyes go wide and he looks more then stunned. "Uh oh." He stands back up and wipes the back of his neck with his hand. "Well pooch, you are in for one hell of a ride." He laughs, hopefully Gage won't notice his dog running around in circles and acting like he's on cloud nine. One can hope.

"Have a safe trip!" He pats Chester's head and chuckles, grabbing up the platters and pushing his way out the door.

"Brownies!" He calls out. "Milk and brownies!" He laughs and walks over to Jaden. "Dude, milk and brownies, you can't say no.."

Jaden smiles and reaches over. "You did not urinate on them or anything?" With Oliver, one could never be sure. However Jaden grabs a brownie and takes a bite of it, and seeming enough it tastes alright.

"Me? Only once, bro. Only once." Oliver chuckles and watches Jaden eat the brownie. "Alright if the Pres ate it, all you lowlifes have to too!" He calls out and looks around. "Who's next?" He grins, no mistaking that glint in his eyes.

Brandon Holyfield

Date: 2008-03-27 08:29 EST
At the mention of brownies and milk, Brandon excused himself from Emma's side and walked over to the fire. "Well if the President says they're all right, I think I'll grab me a few." And he reaches onto the platter and grabs four of the chocolate goodies. "Two for Emma." He smiles with a nod to Ollie. Grabbing a bit of the milk, he then heads back over to the cabin where Emma is sitting on a chair out front. He offers Emma her brownies then sits the milk down between them as he sits in the other camp chair on the porch. "Hey look, I'm the cookie monster!" he makes funny growling noises as he shovels the first brownie into his mouth and consumes it.

Dirk was hanging out by the fire and when Ollie passed him, Dirk grabs a couple of the brownies. "Thanks man." He grins and takes a healthy bite of the brownie in his hand. Looking around at the others that had already started to eat, a thought occurs to Dirk and he laughs out loud. He didn't care that Ollie probably spiked the brownies. He just ate his and sat back to see what the others would do.

Dirk looks at his cousin passing around the brownies. Leave it to Ollie, he was always pulling stuff like this. And Dirk laughs again.