Topic: Jaden & Eddie

Jaden Linares

Date: 2009-01-16 08:54 EST
Cozy By The Fireplace

It had to be the coldest night in RhyDin history, or at least it was to Eddie. Even though she'd left the Isle years ago, she still wasn't used to the bitter chill in the wind, or the snow that piled up in the streets. Good thing the Main House was well-insulated - there wasn't a single draft to tickle her feet as she walked towards Jaden's office.

Black was still her favorite color, this time in a soft fitted black sweater, and slim velour leggings. The only color was the stone of his ring catching blue in the hall light, and the red of the garnets in her engagement ring.

Jaden sat at his desk, much like every night. However, his chair is turned, his eyes gazing out the large window, just next to that large oak desk. Fingers tapping lightly on to the arm of the chair, soft tap, tap, tap. He had many things on his mind, again, much like always. Taking care of a full house of men, young boys, even women and children, does tend to weigh heavy on one man's shoulders. He would not have it any other way, however. Both hands came up to run through his much longer hair, would be time for a haircut, it had grown longer over the summer and now for winter weather, worn down around his shoulders. His clothing much for warmth and comfort, nice navy blue sweater, black slacks, dress shoes, at least for one night it was not a suit and tie. Another turn and he faces his desk, hands now rummaging through the endless papers that needed filing.

Eddie edged towards the door, very grateful it wasn't shut all the way - because her hands were full! Carefully, she backed against the door, not wanting to upset the tray in her hands - she'd planned a little surprise. She called out as she headed for the coffee table, setting the tray down to show off the coffeepot, two steaming mugs, and the plate of scones. "I thought you might need a break - it's so cold, so I brought coffee and a snack."

Eyes looked up the moment his lovely Daisy made her way through the door. The smile was an instant. "Daisy, coffee and a snack? You do rather read my mind at times." The gathering of papers are left to their own as he stands up from his chair and decides it is time for a stretch as well as a break. Arms up over his head for a moment, before they fall back down at his sides. "I believe I will never be finished with all of this. More applications, additions, opinions on things, financial reports. My days seem to be full of numbers and faces." However one face always did make it through the haze of busy, and she would happen to be in the room with him now. Moving from around the desk, he glances down at the tray and smiles warmly back up at Eddie. "Thank you. What would I do without you?" One hand moving to caress lovingly upon Eddie's cheek.

That sweet name - Jaden was the only one who called her Daisy, plus the gentle touch to her cheek, had her blushing. No matter how long they were together, he still made her go all rosy. "Well, I think without me, you'd be living in here. She grinned, and stretched up to brush a kiss against his cheek, then she sat and curled up on the couch, gently catching Jaden's hand so he'd sit as well. "I swear, with all the extra applicants and all the new additions, you need an assistant." She reached over to the tray and took up a mug, handing it off to Jaden before taking hers. "I hope this is good - the new chef said he brewed it up extra special."

"You would be correct, in fact before you, I believe I had." Gentle chuckle adding to his words. He leaned some for that brush of a kiss to his cheek, and had he caught her, his face would of turned to get a kiss to the lips, she tends to be rather quick for him. He does however, settle himself on the couch next to her and lean over to also press a soft kiss to her forehead. "You are too good to me." Whispered with a smile. He takes the mug gratefully and brings it to his lips for a careful sip. "It is excellent. The new chef is doing quite well, I believe. No complaints as of yet. And I so very much agree with you, Daisy. I need an assistant. Perhaps, that is something I will be looking into very soon." Brows furrow in thought while he sets in for another careful sip. He moves over some to share a warmth of contact with his beautiful couch mate.

She was just tall enough to fit perfectly in the crook of Jaden's arm, her head resting on his shoulder after that soft kiss to her forehead, those cheeks still all rosy as she took a long sip from her mug. "Mmmm.... it is good - even better than the stall in the Marketplace. And I didn't think anything would ever top that." Eddie took another sip, snuggling in even closer - the quiet moment making her smile softly. "You think I'd make a good assistant?"

"That it is. This new chef may work out after all. Be wonderful, I am rather tired of applications and interviews." His arm keeping a nice wrapping around Eddie's shoulders and having her firmly settled next to him, as if that is what they were made for. "I would not wish those papers on you, darling. Keeping you couped up in this office, how selfish that would be of me." Another soft chuckle while his chin dips down, so that his cheek can rest against the side of Eddie's head, a breath of her hair and the smile grows into a warmer one. "Unless of course the idea of it sits well with you. I would not keep you long, perhaps a few hours during the day. That would leave you free to do other things, like shaping up some of the brothers that need it." Fingers kept the mug in his other hand, thankful for the warmth from it, and the warmth of the woman next to him. The fire added to it, eyes drifting to gaze at the flicking flames. "I believe we also need to go over our security as well, hire some more men to keep at the gate. There had been some attacks recently. I would hate for anything to get in here."

"I agree - how many ran screaming from the kitchens before this new one came and tossed Ollie right out?" She giggled softly, snuggling in even closer, nuzzling her cheek against his. "I like the idea of spending as much time with you as possible, Jaden. Besides, less paperwork means more fun for you, right?" She lifted her head a little to catch his lips with a soft kiss. His words about security bring a slight frown - security still being something she took very seriously. "I have to agree - someone with a brain as well as muscles." She took another sip of her coffee. "They should be fast too - fast enough to keep up with me, you think?"

"Many, far too many." Jaden chuckled. "I must agree with you, spending even more time together sounds like a grand plan. And yes, the less paperwork does mean I could get out of this office at times." His head turning to let Eddie get that kiss, his own pressing in for it, smile forming after. "Yes, someone skilled, not just the brawn." Head settling back to rest against the top of Eddie's head. The hand on her shoulder caresses there while they speak and rest together. "I doubt there is any as fast as you, Daisy. To even keep up would be a feat. But yes, they do need to be fast and on alert at all times."

"Then it's all settled - I'll give you a hand with the paperwork, and test the security applicants myself - there's no way anything's ever getting in here that doesn't belong." She leaned away from Jaden just long enough to set her mug on the coffee table, quickly moving back into that snuggle, her arm looping about his waist, her head resting on his shoulder.

It was a cold sort of night, the kind where you kept wrapped in a warm blanket by the fire, and with someone you loved.

The night continued as such. Soft laughter and the two voices drifted from Jaden's office this night. All could hear the happiness.