Topic: War of the Shadows


Date: 2009-03-03 00:12 EST
Khest had plans for this world, now that he had brought Aetheria from the misty prison that was Ravenloft. He sacrificed thousands of his people, their blood, their souls in order to free himself and his domain. But in doing so Khest brought upon himself yet another curse. He would have to feed the blood and souls of 13 living beings, each Full Moon. Each time he brought these victims to his dark Forest land, the Moon would turn blood red. But he had to keep feeding his land, in order to stay here. In order to keep from returning to Ravenloft.

A terrible plan he conceived in his dark, undead heart. He needed people, many people to keep Aetheria on this new world. A war, a brutal war he would have to fight, to capture slaves. As he would take their blood, draining each person through the cutting of their bodies, and rip from them their souls. Each vicitm would raise, undead and enslaved to Khest, their Dark King. Each would be added to his growing legion of undead warriors. But in order to gain such numbers, he would call his troops to War. To begin conquest of lands of the World outside his Kingdom, hidden amongst the Shadows of the World.

His first target, HighGard, a Noble land, with a wise, yet old king. A Land were goodness and virtue thrived. But even in the brightest realms, darkness would be found. Highgard had noblemen, both living and undead that would help Khest, for a promise of power and wealth. Though in the end, when he finally invaded this Noble land, those who allied with him, would be his slaves.

So begins the War of the Shadows..


Date: 2009-03-07 14:38 EST
Raithmoore stood at the top of his citadel, conducting horrific experiments on slaves and prisoners. He smirked at their pitiful screams, laughed at their pleas for mercy, and continued on his dark sadistic way.

"Hmm...this war, will prove either fruitful or disastrous," he mused to himself, and his personal servant, a young woman whom he'd gifted with immortality, not out of affection, but practicality. "Make sure, that you inform me of every move Khest makes, we are allies, but I don't trust him," how could he be expected to anyways? They were both beings of darkness, and such beings rarely were as honest as they claimed to be.

She nodded silently, murmuring words of assent, then stood off to the side and allowed her master to continue his work.

Raithmoore sighed at the experiments, and with a muttered incantation, killed the slaves and prisoners who were being tested, his theories had proven false. "Either way, this will prove to be an interesting, and amusing war, to say the least," he mused to himself with an ever growing smirk.


Date: 2009-03-07 14:56 EST
"And you should be right to be concerned.."

<He said as he appeared out of a mist of Green Chlorine gas. As if he had been there the whole time. Stepping forward towards Raith, looking at what he was doing.>

"So..what are you doing there? What dark and most foul torturous experiments are you conducting? Can I watch?" <He said with an almost disturbing enthusiasum to Raith.>


Date: 2009-03-07 15:32 EST
He snapped his gaze toward the lich, his frown unseen, but there.

"I don't take kindly to random intrusions of my home," he said darkly as he turned to regard this new presence.

"And my experiments are for mine, and Ishtar's eyes alone," he said motioning to the girl who stood off to the side, his servant.


Date: 2009-03-07 15:42 EST
<Bowing his head some, but nothing more formal as such.>

"Very well, but I was not sure if you would not let another Lich, or I should say DracoLich into your home. I know how us liches are."

<He gave a slight hollow laugh.> "I am known as the Hidden Lord. And don't be so damn uptight, its unbecoming of what we are. You sound like some greedy Gnome that won't share his inventions."


Date: 2009-03-07 16:02 EST
He gave the dracolich a flat look then. "Leave," he said coldly, darkly, and menacingly.

"Do not compare us, no matter how similar our race may be, we are not the same, you'd do well to vacate my home now," he said forcefully as he narrowed his gaze on the intruder.


Date: 2009-03-08 15:07 EST
"So be it..Drow.."

<His eyes gave a flash of burning red, as if angered.>

"Know this before I leave, I am not one to triffle with.. You would do well to have me as an Ally."

<With that, the DracoLich, instead of leaving in the usual manner, bursted forth from the tower top morphing into a huge Undead Dragon, a true DracoLich, with a blaze of green flame and chlorine gas and was gone. Roaring as he left Raith and his citadel.>


Date: 2009-03-11 17:53 EST
"You would to well to not be such self pretentious ass." Raithmoore replied to the departing draco-lich with a roll of his eyes. Then he turned to face his servant, the woman Ishtar. His eyes narrowed as he noticed her face, a look of fear up at the hole left by the draco-lich. She instantly snapped her gaze down to Raithmoore, and that fearful visage only grew, but became an uneasy, smile of sorts, at his hollow chuckle.

"See to it that the mess overhead is taken care of," he said dismissively as he turned away and headed for the exit of the chamber, "and then go to the archive room, and start researching this Khest character I've allied myself with. Ignore the draco-lich, such beings are easily dealt with, I'll handle him." He finished as he exited the chamber and started down the large circular staircase.

Some three hours later, he sat in his study, studying various old and dusty tomes for a certain bit of information, getting a few reports on certain magical effects, before testing out his new spell. Ishtar knocked lightly on the door, then entered at his command, holding a large stack of books and documents.

"Master Raithmoore, I've not found anything on Lord Khest in particular, but I've discovered some information that I think you'd be interested in." The woman said as she slowly made her way over to the Raith's desk.

Raithmoore sat up, and closed the tome he had been reading, then pushed it aside, narrowing his cool green gaze on her silently, bidding her to continue.

"It involves...the artifact," she said as she set the stack down on his desk, then bowed low and stepped away from him. "The one you've been searching for." She finished.

He arched a brow, then reached out for the book on the top of the stack, pulled it over, and opened it. His eyes scanned the pages while she stepped around, then reached out and turned to a certain section, and pointed out a paragraph. Raithmoore's eyes widened slightly, then slowly his face took on a very characteristic, and dark smirk.

"Hmm...I see...interesting," he mused to himself quietly. "Alter the wards on the Citadel, change the shape, we're moving," he said as the book was slammed shut, and he stood to walk around his desk, and exit the room. The Raith's plans had just changed, dramatically.