Topic: From Sea to Sea - Moving Waters

Reiko Souma

Date: 2015-09-07 12:12 EST

Six years. Almost nothing remains the same when you return to a place that was once considered the place to be after that long. The Shaabti War has been over for little greater than one week now, leaving the archipelago that Reiko once called home in shambles. Schian'tlo, the place her entire life was? That, along with the entire central region, managed to spare itself damage beyond the minimal level. It surprised the S.D.F. Regional Ranger that she even had a home to return to at all, much less the guardian who had helped her out after clinical insanity had completely consumed her late parents' lives. But, that scenario was completely different from the one in which the Ranger found herself now.

Thousands of people have died for the sake of maintaining the independence that the Islanders have peacefully enjoyed since its establishment so long ago. Might a note be made in interjection that the U.S. Virgin Islands wasn't even the bubblegum pink-haired woman's hometown? No sir, it wasn't. Finding that out had been another mess made and cleaned up swiftly. Camden in New Jersey was actually where Sir Reiko Souma was delivered. Schian'tlo was where she and her parents had moved for the sake of changing environments. Nice that it was to see the world at such a young age, the woman would've preferred remaining in the mainland area of the United States.

Her upper left arm would've been spared the burned-on tattoo that still hurts like the bloody hot rod that had been used, to this day. Abuse would've also been spared, but that hasn't been an issue for twenty years now. Not since her parents had their drinks poisoned with a slow-acting substance during their last night of their last vacation in Las Vegas, anyways.

Reiko doesn't like to talk about that. That's why she let her legal guardian train her in swordsmanship six years after he took her in. Hearing the sounds of metal hitting metal in the heat of combat provided the thrill with the pumping of adrenaline through the woman's bloodstream. In combat situations where her military-issue bow and handmade arrows weren't an option, the Souma Katana was the weapon of choice. Reiko's commanding officer still questioned her decision to wield two weapons, but admired her nonetheless.

That sixty-seven centimetre heirloom blade has both spared and slain thousands. Who in the Hell were these H'orliak to try invading their beloved capitol city, setting up camp, and then claim it as their own? That's how wars get started. Shaabti is beloved to everybody who lives on the Islands, especially those who enlisted on their eighteenth birthday with little torches of determined pride burning brightly in their eyes. In the Shaabti Defence Force, there was no such thing as passing judgement on the outer appearance. If you could fight and were willing to die for your country and the innocents, then you were in.

Women have only been allowed to take on combat-based roles on the Islands for three years prior to Reiko's enlistment. Hence why it remained a territory to the United States. Women weren't allowed such a privilege in the mainland. When news of the Shaabti War reached Reiko's ears, the woman had been drinking heavily at the bar at the Red Dragon Inn. Her prized red berry wine had gone from full to half-empty in minutes before she then switched to whiskey. At the time, it had been the only way for her to forget about the immense pain that her first love had inflicted upon her. What had started off as a new breath of fresh air, became a very dark spiral which ended at the Arena after little more than a year. One who didn't even know Reiko had fought and killed Shade after exposing the bastard for the scum he was.

And to think, she had married that man.

Forget about concepts of love from that point on. Fighting in the war had given fresh memories whilst allowing the Ranger to unleash her built-up grief and anger upon the enemy. Hundreds of handmade Rune Arrows pierced hearts, heads, and limbs. Decapitations with the Souma Katana joined the arrow-induced deaths and injuries to bring the total body count up to the ten thousand range.

A bloody six years later, S.D.F. Regional Ranger Reiko Souma stepped off a boat at the port of Rhy'din. Correction, medically retired S.D.F. Regional Ranger Reiko Souma has stepped off a boat at the port of Rhy'din as a veteran.

Welcome back to Rhy'din, soldier.

Reiko Souma

Date: 2015-09-08 19:34 EST
One of these days, I'm gonna go home and meet Fate.

That one and the same thought always comes to me at least once each day. Understanding that everybody has their own secrets is one thing, which I suppose is why nobody's asked me why I'm no longer serving as a member of the Schian'tlo Defence Force. For the most part, this is relieving. For all I know, anyone who hears mention of my being on medically-induced retirement from the military thinks that my Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is the underlying condition that forced me away from it. They wouldn't be completely wrong for thinking this. No sir, they wouldn't be. Why don't they try having to make a split-second decision between following their commanding officer's orders to destroy an enemy's entire village - men, women, and children included - and taking the risk of court marshal on the grounds of treason to spare the children's lives?

In the end, I ended up following orders and led my entire platoon in taking that village out...along with the next three.

For a moment, when I first stepped inside of that bar after abandoning it for so long, I forgot about my actual diagnosis which had about landed me in the hospital countless times before the conclusion of the Shaabti War. There were many new faces with a few familiar faces mingled within. Although the blue dragon has been around since before I went off, I never did learn its name beforehand. Same with the other regulars, human and not human. Whilst on this subject of humans, it should really be mentioned that I remember taking a vow to maintain the romantic solitude of a nun for the duration of my existence. My lesson was learnt after the train wreck of a marriage ended with the death of the man I had meant to divorce. The papers had been drawn up because he had felt it satisfactory to commit adultery with another.

Well, damn. You can say that vow may or may not have gone out the window...or pretty close to it, anyways. That part still needs figuring out.

Alas, the Inn appears to take on a lighter atmosphere as of late. Fights don't transpire everyday like they used to. Peaceful is what it's mostly become; here's to hoping that it stays that way. Many people are sociable now. As much as I like it, it's not exactly something that I'm used to. Friendly-looking people greet me with a nod and a smile. Did I mention that I'm not used to that either?

All of this was overwhelming to me. It was almost as if somebody took a coin and flipped it over without warning. Personalities and moods changed without warning. Oh Fate, how can I ever handle such drastic changes? From slaying the enemy and their camps to watching my own comrades eat their guns and poison their own drinks, I was about ready to become one more soldier who did the same. Almost.

Who would've ever thought that a smile and a wave from two such individuals not one, but two nights in a row, could force me to reconsider the irreversible decision that I had made and been on the verge of carrying out? When I'd sat inside of room number seventy at the end of my second night, every option was weighed in my mind. Joining those options were the images, images of those who had showed themselves friendly in at least one way or another. Even if they and I never spoke...

...just why in the Hell could I not remove their smiling faces from my mind?! Bloody Fate!

Those smiling faces had names attached to them, Mark and Billie. Siblings, I remember the older brother telling me at the bar that night. Eavesdropping isn't a favourite pastime of mine, but it's afforded me some of the knowledge that they're part of a group of travellers. To be honest, I didn't even think that nomads existed anymore. How quickly I forget, however, that I'm on the other side of the sea. Apparently, nomads are fairly common here.

To be honest, a lot of self-reflections seem to be repaving the path that should have been paved clearly from the very beginning. Rather than have a few drinks of that favoured red berry wine and allowing my tipsy self to kiss Mark's cheek in front of others, I should have been busying myself with the one goal I finally accomplished last night: finding a place to call home. With Schian'tlo no longer having the "homey" atmosphere that it used to have meant a necessary relocation, and Rhy'din has felt like the true meaning of what a home should be since I first set foot on its soil seven years ago. I am forever in Andu Krost's debt for offering me an apartment which meets my basic needs. A roof over my head, a secure enough place to sleep, and a place to eat comfortably is all I require. Everything else? That's something for me to take care of myself.

There are other things for me to take care of as well, and I can't be having thoughts of the very first person to welcome me with a smile, occupying my mind so often. All of my belongings have safely arrived from the village, and I was able to settle in quickly. My guardian has been wisely emptying out my bank accounts in increments and sending cheques over to me with certain amounts on them. All I need to do now is deposit them into a new localised account here in Rhy'din, and I'll be able to afford the house that I've always wanted to live in.

Damnit! Why can't I get him off of my mind?!

Saving me from a drugged pint of Lager and handing him a knife that my priest blessed for the sake of safety shouldn't be purposed to anything more than a friendship! Oi...I'm screwed if Rhy'din's government refuses to acknowledge my status as divorced, because this would be considered adultery in the S.D.F.

Reiko Souma

Date: 2015-09-12 08:13 EST
Trouble with a capital T. Something about the way he had looked at me had set me right off. You know the feeling that comes when someone fires off a remark that just seems to rub you the wrong way? Well, that's pretty much what happened. Okay, so placing my hand on the man's shoulder for the sake of getting his attention wasn't the best idea. Having someone do that to me wouldn't sit well with me, so why I did it at all escapes me.

Well, here I am now. Because of my ridiculously stupid actions last night, Andu had to go outside and retrieve me. I mean literally. Thank the Fates for him doing so (by now, I owe Fate my life several times over again), too. I would've either been pummelled into the porch, or my heirloom would no longer be my heirloom. I could very well be sitting in a holding cell as well. The charges against me are pretty damn serious if the S.D.F. was to find out about that.

The question really does beg with emphasis, what in the Hell was I thinking?

Easy. I wasn't.

A bit of wine and scotch were already in me when my mind thought it would be brilliant to follow that man outside. Did I mention drawing my Katana on him in the presence of a child as well? Drunk isn't what I was; tipsy, maybe. I was still in control of my actions, for the most part. Tunnel vision? Sure was, for my mind had only been focused on one thing: going after that arsehole.

My reward for this was a forceful teleport back to Gaia and a temporary lock down until I had come back to myself. This is the one night that I don't want to sleep. Every time I shut my eyes, even for a second, I see images of the innocent children that I had to carry out my orders on. Oh Fate, why couldn't they just live? They deserved much better than their demise by one who already had blood on her hands. Alone, that bent me to my knees at the realisation of my actions. I drew my weapon in the presence of a child.

It would be perfectly understandable if I was viewed as a maniac of some sorts who had escaped from the loony bin. Hell, sometimes I wonder if I should be there for a few days (weeks) myself!

So, I was to become Andu's Padawan (student) or face worse consequences. Not wanting to know what said consequences would be, I reluctantly agreed to become his padawan. Why not? I've already been through more than enough school...but this is where I mistake myself already. This is nothing like any form of school or training that I've ever been through. You mean I get to move about my new home freely and stuff?

Not...quite. I'm under Andu's supervision whenever we're out in public. In other words, I'm a prisoner on escort, only I at least get to have some form of fun. There was a carnival coming up, I'm told. Rhy'din has one in the Docks around this time every year. I've never been to one in my life, so I really want to go. I suppose it only makes sense that I do, considering Andu is most likely going as well.

"Unarmed," is the condition that I'm given. What. The. Flip. I'm clearly not happy about this. What if there's trouble? An unprecedented attack of some sorts, someone who needs saving. Nope, Andu wasn't having it. My weapons were to be locked up if I wanted to go out. Sigh. I really want to go to this carnival, but I also want my weapons with least my Katana! (Funny, the weapon I almost lost is the one weapon that I want to take with me.) "Unarmed, or not at all," was pretty much what convinced me. There was no having it both ways, or even meeting halfway. With great reluctance and - yes - a pout on my face, I agreed to handing over my Katana and my archery kit to Andu for lockup when the time came.

I hope I have a good time without my weapons...

Reiko Souma

Date: 2015-09-13 14:21 EST
Weekends are called weekends for a reason. The end of one week brings the start of the next week, but I wonder how many people realise that the beginning of a week is also an end of a week. It's just a new end whilst the conclusion of that week is the old end. As I know it, I ended up going to the opening night of Rhy'din's Citizen's Carnival at the docks. With Andu's imposed restrictions, that is.

Traveling by portal or by transport still takes some getting used to. At least the bright lights aren't so startling anymore. I just have to shut my eyes is all. Maybe I'll be able to open one eye next time. Maybe next time, I'll be ROR'ed - released on my own recognisance. Not yet.

Alcohol is also a taboo, but I was told to not worry about that. When I was in Andu's company, someone named Nova was also in our company. She seems really nice. This carnival, though...there are so many things to do here. Some distance away is a giant wheel, a Ferris wheel. I've never been on one of those before...has anyone looked down, or around, from their seat once they reach the very top and seen all of Rhy'din? Maybe they can see beyond the city and look at mountains in the distance, the entire body of seas and the ocean for as far as their eyes can see, and be at eye level with some of the birds that soar the skies. What a beautiful sight that must be.

Nova wanted to play a game nearby, a dart game. It looked like a lot of fun! Although the darts weren't nearly as sharp-tipped as my arrows, I dealt with that. Paying earns you three darts, of which you have your chance of popping as many balloons as you can with said darts. Ridiculous as the prices are (they tend to be extravagant at places like this), this is a chance to do some target practise. Hell, this is the closest that I'll ever get to being armed since my sword and archery set were still locked away. Thanks, Andu.

Admittedly, I found the game too easy and walked away from it with two giant stuffed animals: a pink and black panda, and a black cat. We were about to go onto the Ferris wheel when three kittens suddenly popped out of the minotaur's pocket! According to my "teacher" (jailor), these three kittens are under the same restrictions as I am, but only because they're really young. They also have to be supervised. Just look at those little balls of fluff, their growing whiskers, and their innocent faces...yes, those cute little faces...and...oh my Fate, these things are growing on me. I'm already becoming attached to them.

Rosie is the name of one of the three little fluffers. The other two are her siblings, and all three of them wear matching shirts that read, "I'm a big sister!" Rosie appears to be the dancer of the three, having stepped onto my open hand after sniffing it and demonstrating some kind of dance. How can anybody not like cats? These ones, especially the kittens, are just too adorable to not be nice to. Really. Just look at them!

I really wish that I wasn't too tired to stay at the carnival, but it wiped me out rather quickly. Alas, the fun came to an end before it could truly begin; I had PT in the morning...that took its emotional toll on me. That much was obvious when I found myself arriving at the Inn tonight. Much thinking had led to the conclusion that something I had been hoping for, was a bust. Nobody is to blame for this; Fate simply didn't want it to come to pass. Other plans are in mind, I'm sure, but a small part of me aches.

To be honest, I'm a little bit irritated with Andu. Toby had been the one to give me the advice that I still intend to follow the next time an opportunity comes; he has my thanks for it still. It would've been nice to have a continuation of last week's conversation tonight, but "Mr. Guardian" seemed to think otherwise. Why, I dare not even question, lest my doing so prolong my eventual restoration to personal recognisance. I don't want this probation period to last any longer than it has to, thank you very much.

Some wolf-like humanoid found me on the porch with my bottle of water as well. Whoever he is, I hope I didn't offend him by walking away from him. I'm still getting used to talking creatures that aren't human...speaking of inhuman, some creature just appeared out of nowhere over by the hearth! It looks a lot like Chewbacca when he was a kid, all covered in hair. I wonder if it has any eyes, because I can't find them underneath all of that brown mass.

And what do you know, this Chewbacca-like fluff is my new pet! Once again, thanks Andu. Since it doesn't remind me of anything but that character from the movie, guess what I decided to name it? You guessed it - Chewbacca. The only difference between him and this tribble is, the character makes weird noises and eats different things. Chewbacca the tribble purrs when held, has no gender, and eats nothing but straight grains. Son of a flipping bitch, is that going to be fun! Maybe I should pay the library a visit and start reading up on tribbles, now that I've got one of my own to care for.

Reiko Souma

Date: 2015-09-21 20:30 EST
Is it a bad thing at all to dream about the kittens at the end of each day? If it is, then please slap it out of me. Otherwise, I'll probably spend the rest of my life dreaming about the day that I'm completely surrounded by the little fluffers. Black, white, orange, brown, chocolate, vanilla...

...wait a minute. I've also been eating a lot of pastries lately.

Sorry, Andu. Sometimes, these PT sessions really do drive me to stuff my face with all the pastries that I can fill myself with. I've had to stop drinking, wine included. Now I have to keep finding alternatives to my main beverage of choice.

Fortunately, I'm allowed to carry a small dagger that I recently bought. What's the best use for it so far? A wood-carving knife. Carving my name into a wooden cup with a calligraphic style is the best use for it at the moment. Six years of carving up enemies, and I'm now carving up wood.

What in Fate's name is happening to me?

Reiko Souma

Date: 2015-10-07 20:29 EST
It would be an outright lie for me to say that physical training isn't kicking my bloody arse. That just might be literal, this time.

Come now, don't think I'm not hearing you out there. "Craycray?" Drawing a weapon doesn't make one crazy. Drawing a weapon in a public establishment doesn't make one crazy either. Worse things have happened. Besides, I only wanted to shut the cube up. I'm not the one who started to talk to a talking cube. Who's the crazy bitch now?

Said "crazy bitch" gave me a box of clothes...and jewellry. Okay. I'll wear that black jacket. It's the closest thing to my typical attire that I'll get as far as civvies are concerned. The rest? They would take some (a lot of) getting used to. I wear my dog tags. That's my jewellry. I wear a cuff around my upper left arm. That's my accessory. I carry dark sunglasses and will sometimes wear a hat. That's my style.

Andu's decided to amp up the physical training. He's waking me up earlier and adding more to the exercises. It's making me want to look forward to various forms of therapy more and more...whatever forms those come in, anyways. Whenever the Katz come around, I feel better. Rosie, Mayflower, and Wander seem to really like me. Not only do they come up to me and let me pet them, they turn me into their human tree and climb me without reserve, making a bed out of the top of my head. Fun, right?

Kittens and Stars End Bar. Now there was something to talk about at night. Whenever Toby's at the bar, I drop everything and run. Why? Well, he does give good advice. He also appears to have a soft side to his personality; maybe his being married and a father has something to do with that. He's certainly likable. He listens, not that Andu doesn't. Toby's way with words just rings to something.

Why do I only see Mark when I'm in a foul mood lately? Nice to see you too, man! It's only been a month is all...let me drink those snakebites with you, sure. What a great time. I'm feeling all good and tipsy, just flipping dandy. So, my drunken self wanted to kiss you. Again. What the Hell did you put in our drinks? Sober me would never think to just steal a kiss to your cheek like last night.

Now I'm freaking hungover at Toby's bar...

...somebody please save me.

Reiko Souma

Date: 2015-10-09 06:15 EST
"Day ###. Mood: Why am I awake? Dear diary..."

Sleep has begun to elude me again. Not that it hasn't eluded me in the past. It's worse than the last time I had a spell of insomnia that robbed me of the actual amount of sleep that I need for function. It's comparable to that of being back in the barracks again. You slept with a gun in your hand, and your finger was curled around that trigger in readiness to fire in defence. No pity was given to the fool who dared attempt to wake you from a deceptively sound sleep. If you weren't supposed to be awake, and a fool came into your barracks to wake you up, then the chances of them dying a fool were up there.

Which is why I miss having my weapons, even the little dagger I bought a couple of weeks ago. All of them remain locked up for me to only look at whenever I'm not cleaning them, especially my Katana. I may love my archery set; Hell, I made those arrows myself! But, my Katana is my baby. My baby has years of blood on it that I'm still trying to clean off to this day. Make it shine to the point of a blinding glisten whenever anyone sees their reflection on the blade like a mirror.

I can still never forgive myself for losing control not once, but twice now. Both times, Bitch was present. Other than my lousy timing and me not cutting myself off on drinks, what should that tell anyone? I don't hate her, per se...but I definitely don't like her. Something about how she carries herself just pisses me off to no end. Andu? I don't hate him either. I just call him my "jailour" because he chose to take me in and get stuck with me, putting me through physical training. If I didn't call him that, then something might be wrong with me, but I definitely don't hate him. Me turning him into my Minotaur pillow on some nights should speak for a basic level of trust that I have for him, after all. If I didn't trust him to not kill me in my sleep, then I wouldn't trust myself with falling asleep near him at the Inn.

Then there's the Stars End Bar...something that I did mention in my previous entry as something to talk about at night. Bloody Hell, anybody who starts playing a piano is guaranteed to cut right to the core of my heart and put me on my knees with tears. That was tested and proved last night. Toby can play a mean piano, that's for sure! A bartender with talent is what he is. He gets more credit than he probably gets from his customers...except for his family and closest friends, of course. One thing's for sure: I may not be able to show my face to that man (what was his name?)* for a long, long time. He definitely saw me crying when he placed those napkins next to my bottled water. I never did thank him for that, by the way.

I want to go to another one of those carnivals. But, they don't seem to have one every weekend. If Rhy'din had a carnival at least once a month, or every two or three months even, then I would be there. That ferris wheel looks really nice; I never did have the chance of riding one at the Rhy'din Citizens Carnival a couple of months ago. How disappointing. The closest I got to having fun was easily winning two giant stuffed animals and eating that overly-sweet cocaine on a stick ? I mean, cotton candy. Yeah, I meant that.

Take me to another carnival, and I'll act like a little kid on my birthday again. +amorous+

Reiko Souma

Date: 2015-10-12 14:26 EST
Word has it that my guardian is searching for me. Only one word comes to my mind:


He must've found out that I have no intention of leaving Rhy'din again, and of my trouble with a few locals, or else he wouldn't have sent me a sign that he himself was coming to Rhy'din.

In other words, he's going to find me, make sure my vitals are still good, likely lecture me on my drinking. He knows that's the only reason I'd get myself into trouble is if I was drinking (again).

This is where I start saying my Fate Lines, Our Fatelands of Salvation, every prayer that my priest has ever taught me! Pray to Fate for dear life that Shourim doesn't decide to do more than half-kill me!

Yes, I am most assuredly afraid of that man when he announces a search for me. Why? Because that means he's pissed...

Reiko Souma

Date: 2015-10-17 16:26 EST
Drained... I pen these words, I lay in my bed. Pausing after every few thoughts or so to shut my eyes for a spell is beginning to become frequent in less time. Rest invades me, and I feel as if I could sleep for an eternity. Then I wake with the feeling of rejuvenation for a few moments before the feeling of being drained returns.

This first started yesterday at the Teas'n Tomes. Originally thinking that it was only me staying up too late, I took to laying aside the skeleton puppet project for the day and remained in bed. Sure, I don't particularly enjoy being given the order to bed rest. Who does, really? I'll protest to attempt prolonging it for as long as I can before I can protest no longer. By then, the feeling of the lack of energy has come to visit. Talk about an unexpected and unwanted visitor.

Andu has requested that Gaia monitor my vitals. Since that doesn't require having somebody physically present to do so, I have no issue with this. I think that request was made two or three days ago, maybe. Hey, this means I don't have to do much in the way of talking or facing people I don't know. Or like. I'm not about to get into detail on the latter any...lets just say that I stay away from them. I remove myself from their presence.

Quieter and, dare I say it, nicer? I can almost hear it now from some people: "She should get sick more often."

This is all I can write for now, for I can feel sleep threatening to overtake me yet again. I fear I might not have the energy to venture outside at all today. Andu has my apologies that I haven't been able enough to complete physical training in three days; Toby has my apologies that he might have to come to me for therapy if I haven't the energy to teleport to the coordinates that I'm to meet him at, with or without his daughters.

Reminder to listen to some more music for meditation purposes upon wake from this spell of slumber, should these thoughts to those innocent children on the war casualty list resume yet again.

Reiko Souma

Date: 2015-10-25 19:39 EST
Yesterday, I was able to get out of bed and do some jogging for some time. Shourim wants to visit tomorrow since he missed his opportunity to speak in length with Andu about my health. Or was it Toby? At the moment, I slack.

It was Toby he wanted, and still wants to, speak with. Damnit. Father had might as well admit to carrying around an obsession with the friendly bartender.

That'll happen. (Not.)

After jogging around and getting out more often, it was determined that I'm once again fit to resume physical training with Andu. Is it weird that I find myself missing this? It's because it was something to do. Now that physical training has picked up again, a diet adjustment has also been made. That means eating more meat and including more iron and protein with each meal. Father believes that, within a few months, he may be able to begin a slight reduction of my regular iron pill dosage.

He didn't have to slap me across my face, though, that bastard! What in Fate?! It wasn't hard enough, for I don't see any red marks on my face where I was slapped. There may have been, there were witnesses. Father had slapped me because I had expressed my disagreement with him.

Rewind to earlier in the day. Earlier yesterday, I stepped inside of a salon that I had passed by multiple times during my jogs. Strange that it might be, I was just in that mood where I decided it was time to change something about my looks. Of that ended up being my hair; several centimetres were cut off, bubblegum pink hair layered. Having hair cut from halfway down my hips to my waist feels weird, almost naked.

Once I'm used to having my hair this short, another trip will be made to that salon. People sometimes dye their hair, right? I see nothing wrong with having the bottom tips of my hair dyed black. My parents had black hair, after all... what lies beneath the cuff on the upper left arm...that is one vicious demon that's truly going to be more difficult to overcome than any other. Even more difficult than that of those poor children I had obeyed the orders to eliminate like the lifeless targets that my commanding officer had perceived them as.

How am I not having more nightmares than this?

Reiko Souma

Date: 2015-11-04 08:45 EST
They say that the holiday season usually does something to people. Whether it?s a new leaf being turned over or a blessing, Fate only knows what happens to each person. This apparently includes love being in the air as well. All I have to do is look around the Inn. It seems that, just about every other day, people are hooking up or ? dare I say it? ? falling in love. Something like that.

As it was, Shourim happens to be back in Rhy?din for a leisurely visit. Come on?he doesn?t usually come back just to try one of the local ales! I?m waiting for Father?s punchline. That line that states why he?s really here. If it really is just for a leisurely visit, then I?ll be at a loss for once.

Speaking of losses, I thought I about lost my dinner when the Nexus grabbed me. Father was already gone by then, and good thing. Until last night, that damned thing had left me alone for a good six years. So much for that. Father was already gone by then, and good thing. When I was dumped back down inside of the Inn, I somehow found myself laying on my side?behind the bar. My head was using the shelf as a very uncomfortable pillow, and my legs had about been contorted about like a pretzel. Ow. Seriously?ow.

Prior to that, two cats had just caught my attention. Now I know why. At least one of them, the black and white one that looks like he has a tuxedo on, can apparently become a human! I?m not sure if I?m supposed to know of said ability, but the human that joined Manami in helping me up from the floor happens to be very handsome. How charming he is, at that, and froward enough to pull me into his lap! A very silent prayer had to be said to Fate in my mind that someone would inform me of this being a dream; however, mutual unspoken responses from both of us indicated that this in fact was not a dream. A head-butt from the cat that I now know as Moneypenny helped with that.

These character references?I hope I?m not attempting a break into some unknown dimension here. But, Moneypenny and Bond are too familiar for names that I could never forget, right down to the strong British accents.

Where was I going with this entry today, Fate? Please remind me ? oh, right. Non-combat skill for the week, and what am I doing? Making sandwiches. I hope Andu, or whoever was still awake at the time of my leaving for the night, likes salami and provolone cheese as much as I do. Maybe I?ll start volunteering my time behind the bar again sometime, and I?ll make a whole bunch of cold sandwiches for the patrons. If they like some sandwiches, then they?ll get some sandwiches, because I?ve been through with feeding my alcoholism for a month now! (Even though I oh so badly wanted to steal a few sips of the pale ale that Father was drinking?sigh.)

Damnit. Now I really want some ale. I?m supposed to be a good woman now though, which means I?m supposed to drink something non-alcoholic whenever these urges come on. Water is for the weak urges, and blueberry-pomegranate juice is for the particularly strong urges. It?s looking like a blueberry-pomegranate juice kind of morning before I get whipped through more physical training. Wonderful.

And, this is where I get off of my arse and get going. :cat

Reiko Souma

Date: 2015-11-08 19:00 EST
Dear Fate,

My mind doth wander to places unknown as of late. Whenever one thing is supposed to be done, another crosses the front of my mind as a dancing baboon and sends me astray. Enough sleep or not, everyday has sent me into a daze. This has transpired for the last few days. Why?

Perhaps I'm about to answer my question. However, another one now comes to mind that has nothing to do with this daze. Eyes and ears, dear Fate, eyes and ears. I sat on the porch swing with company at this time. What point does spreading literal eyes and ears from whoever, or whatever, serve? My task had been to guard Mayflower inside the Inn, so I hid her behind the bar with me in the event of somebody trying to come in for an attack. Had Gaia not allowed me to use my weapons during this time last night, I would have been royally screwed.

Sitting my kit next to me provided comfort in knowing that I would not be defenceless in guarding this little one. Thank you, Fate, for looking upon me with favour last night. I wouldn't have known what else to use as a weapon, and poor Mayflower was petrified. The poor Kitton...I didn't know what else to do, what to say. Comforting others isn't my strong point. Killing others is, and I wanted to be out there...but who would have guarded Mayflower otherwise?

Before I was sent inside, there was a cloaked figure spreading these things around. Surveillance or bomb devices, I wouldn't know. Fate, my Divine, is there going to be another war? Will I take up arms once more and shed my new skin?

I shouldn't fear, Fate, my Divine...but I do. I like this new life that I'm adjusting to, and I don't want to abandon it. There is a wonderful group with whom I consider a family, those I am now protective of. To lose a single one of them in any way, I don't want to think about the aftermath.

Please protect them better than I'm able to, Divine Fate.


Reiko Souma

Date: 2015-11-22 15:23 EST
What is purpose? What is life?

Deserving neither and having both felt rather...dangerous at first. Some things just didn't belong at first.

The old me believed that at one point.

Emerging from underneath layers of hardened skin is a being that has an identity. There is a place for this identified being in this multiverse, and it's right here in Rhy'din. Not a single dream of returning to my native planet of Terra has interrupted my slumber since my temporary departure back home for more intensive training just about two weeks ago. Coming face-to-face with realities that I was formerly unprepared for was something of a fierce effort.

I'm not a soldier anymore.
I'm not a Terran resident anymore.
I'm not always going to be compensated by the S.D.F. either.

I've not had to report my earnings from my two part-time jobs to the Force yet. Are they waiting? Nothing has been said of it yet; they must surely know by now that I'm making candles and taking to the local bars for payment up to twice a week. Sheesh. That's not all I'm doing with my life.

Tux and Mayflower have been so nice to invite me over to their house (Kitton Base?) for Thanksgiving. They really are too kind...many here in Rhy'din are too kind and generous. A bloody meltdown at the bar triggered because I never had a family to enjoy the holidays with. How could I not accept their invitation?

Dear Fate, please don't allow me to make a fool of myself on the Thanksgiving holiday. I'll be dining with somebody else's family, albeit a family of cats, and I haven't a blessed clue of what to do. Whatever I should know, please open me up to so as not to make myself a fool. If I should bring some sort of gift to the hosting family as a token of my gratitude, then please let it be appropriate for the coming occasion.

An "adoptive" father was mentioned just prior to my falling asleep last night. I must have really needed that sleep, to have fallen asleep in the chair like that without moving another muscle afterwards. Shourim was the first to take me in and adopt me, although he is unable to return to Rhy'din. His patients need him there. He also can't keep on chasing me around for an appointment that I clearly don't always have a need for.

I sigh with a hoping prayer that I won't turn on the tear factory at the Katz home.

So. Dinner dish or dessert?

Reiko Souma

Date: 2015-11-26 17:02 EST
My salutations to you:

(Reiko draws a single line through the first line and continues writing.)

I've never been any good at writing letters to anybody, even during my childhood. Sitting down now to try composing this letter is leading to a giant blank. A question mark occupies my mind in place of words. Oh joy. So, here I am adding to my personal journal instead. I guess I went really overboard with the Bacardi. Gee, I hope I can get something down with this hangover I'm nursing.

(Shutting her journal, the woman now neatly removes a clean sheet of paper from her notebook and tries again at composing a letter. It takes three tries, but at last she finds the motivation to get going.)

Dear Bond;

Days are getting shorter, the nights longer. Meanwhile, a constant is maintained in that my happiness of late is without question. Beneath the surface is a heart that beats like most others in existence. That is no different from any other day. The reason for it is.

I have only been a permanent resident of Rhy'din for three months, and I have met many whom I can gladly call family: brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews, friends from different walks of life. I couldn't be more thankful for all of you. Each of you bring a smile to my face in your own way; whilst this doesn't fill the hole that lingers with the simultaneous deaths of my parents, it doesn't cause my gratefulness to waver any.

At the risk of further beating around the bush for this letter's purpose, I won't prolong any further. You are a great joy to be around; my heart flutters like a butterfly whenever we meet. I'm honoured and humbled to be observing my first Thanksgiving holiday with you and the rest of the Katz family.

From this point forward, I want to know you better. If I appear to shy away or move too froward, then it isn't intentional. I want to know you more and hope that the feeling is mutual on at least some scale. I care about you in more ways than one.


(As of now, the letter sits in a sealed envelope. A brown turkey-shaped seal covers the bottom flap of the envelope. It hasn't been delivered yet because Reiko doesn't know of the right timing or the place for it because she doesn't want to rush things. Perhaps when it's closer to Christmas, she'll do this. Until then, the letter remains in a location that she considers secret.)

Reiko Souma

Date: 2015-12-05 08:38 EST
Oh Fate, today is the first time all week that I've felt so happy. Whatever I've done for this to happen, I thank you. I can truly feel you smiling down upon me for my efforts of late.

I had Gaia help me print up the pictures that were taken last night. Seeing the last one being turned into a statue somehow...ah, how did Toby explain it during our lesson? I swear, I was paying attention. It was kind of hard not to after he blew me away with the demonstration that led to said explanation. My mind is still processing all of that, by the way. Some of it has started to make sense at last. Being stone-cold sober does help with that in more ways than one.

"Magic is technology that cannot be explained." I'm starting to really understand the meaning behind these words.

I've also been meditating with that leaf that Toby gave to me. He had tasked me with spending an hour in deep meditation with this leaf. That is, do that each day...or whenever I can. Funny how the demonstration is revisited each time. Is it supposed to be significant of something?

(Reiko pauses in her writing to meditate. She always meditates at the same time each morning, at 08:00 sharp. During this hour-long session, the leaf gives a quick twitch. However, it goes largely unnoticed by the meditator. A second twitch follows after a few minutes, only this time it looks like the woman is trying to concentrate. Finally, the leaf flips over and faces the opposite direction. Upon completing her hour-long meditation, Reiko doesn't give attention to the changed position of the leaf. It should be noted that there are no windows or doors open. Chewbacca, her pet Tribble, is fast asleep on Reiko's neatly-made bed. He usually sleeps through her meditations.)

I'm going to make a frame that holds all of the pictures that were taken last night. Painting it shouldn't be that hard to do...but there are those snowflakes as well.

But first...before I forget...whose idea was it to draw a freaking mask on my face?! Those Sharpies weren't for drawing this time! They were used at the store I'd bought my dress at...ugh. Andu. Only he would be brave enough to actually draw this gothic-looking clown mask on my face. Now I look like a rock guitarist clown...this is going to take awhile to wash off! Thanks a lot, Andu! I hope you're satisfied with your exacted revenge now!

I had to get that out of the way...I'll wash it off once I'm done writing. Then I'll add to the pile of wooden snowflakes that I promised the Governor I would make for the orphans. That he personally likes the idea is something that tends to stick around for a very, very long time. When one comes from a land such as Terra, the politics tend to be divided from the rest of the people with this really thick wall of sorts. The governor of New Jersey certainly couldn't bother himself with walking amongst us unless there's a lot of money tied to that walk, whether it be the person or the occasion. The Council of St. Thomas and the President? Ha! They're still licking their wounds since the war ended in our victory! They owe the people a lot of money...and new homes, too.

Many people in Rhy'din would not want to live on Terra. Even with the truly anarchistic ways of West End that I heard a somewhat full discourse on from Governor and the others last week, nothing could possibly compare to the basic structure of Terra. There are laws in place there. Here, I have yet to come across any actual law or system of checks and balances. That is for better and for worse...more reading must be year. Picking up a book still isn't one of my favourite things to do.

I see blocks of wood, my brand-new wood-carving set, and supplies calling me...

(Upon end, Reiko makes a beeline for the bathroom to fully survey the damage done to her face. It is this second full look that she curses having such white skin, for she really does look like a member of the rock band K.I.S.S. After taking a picture of this look with her phone for future reference, the long, gruelling process of getting rid of the Sharpie art from her face begins. One hour, several scrubs, and two blackened face cloths later, the overwhelming amount of black is finally off of Reiko's face. Lesson learnt?)

Reiko Souma

Date: 2015-12-15 22:26 EST
Mischief. It's a form of behaviour and can be quite fun. Ah, but that's just putting it lightly with what I like to do. Or rather, what I enjoyed doing. I never realised that I would come to enjoy using the word "quiet" so much. Any word, I just didn't think there would be enjoyment in using. When it comes to the Rhy'din locals, they sure are superstitious! People cringe and frown at the mention of it. They don't even speak the word, lest they fear some form of chaos. It's best known as "the 'q' word."

Could anything be done to reverse this? I would be a fool to even entertain the thought of changing settled minds. It would be like trying to talk me out of wanting to see my parents again. Harsh that they had been to me, that's exactly why I want to see them again. I want them to hear my anguish as I unleash twenty years of stored-up pain. Anger at the physical aspect, grief at having been abandoned...everything.

I really do have this sneaking suspicion that I'm being watched by Gaia. A tiny light and a lens at the upper corner of each room isn't just there to grace it with decorative pieces. That light just have to belong to a camera. I'm being watched, for paranoia attached. I'll try to talk to Andu about it sometime.

Right now, there are bigger problems on my hands. Something about chocolate and caffeine...I might have had too much of it. Okay, so I definitely had too much of it. How do I know? For starters, I have no recollection of Friday apart from what I saw on the video that Gaia played when I woke up yesterday morning. Those brownies and hot chocolate, though...that sale at the Tomes was so irresistible! Those snowflakes had to get done as well...well, now I have a quarter short of a thousand ready to be painted. I think there will be more than enough for every orphan, including those at the West End. Especially those in the West End.

The "talk" really didn't go as planned...really? A journal?! I have to keep a bloody journal of everything I'm eating and tempted to eat before I eat, and the reason for it?! Hell no! That hunger strike could last me an easy nineteen days.

After writing this much, Reiko stands from her chair and moves away from her desk. On a wall above her desk is a large dartboard, and a ten-dart set sits at one corner of her desk. Those darts are retrieved, and she steps far back from her desk. Target practise! Reiko aims for one number at a time and throws. Once she runs out of darts, she lays on her bed and bursts into tears. Chewbacca comes to the crying woman and comforts her, purring and nuzzling her. He eventually serves as her neckliner and warms her up as she falls asleep, where he then curls up on her chest where her heart is.

Two hours later, Reiko wakes up and resumes writing. This time, she opts for writing from her bed instead of her desk. It should be noted at this point that the woman is indeed on a hunger strike and hasn't eaten anything since Andu handed her the journal. Reiko is opting to not eat until her 'Big Brother' either stops the journal-keeping or the year ends, whichever comes first. This is a dangerous game that she's playing, remembering her anaemia. Taking extra iron pills to compensate did the lack of food wouldn't do nary a thing to provide the nutrition that she needs. Water is all that she was going to drink.

Andu, Ember, and I decided to go to the Yule Ball together, although none of us actually had dates at the time. Well, once I was done humming peanuts at Andu from the rafters and then vomiting from the anxiety I experienced about whether I would see Bond or not. Icer ended up braving the Stew in the kitchen...and ate some! How?! I don't even want to know...

...I'm just grateful that my night got better. Dare I say it? Holy bloody chaos of Fate! That crowd...I'm not exactly tall like some of the locals here are. I'm just two clicks over a metre and a half in height and standing against a wall that had many people nearby. How I was found so easily and my arm raised visible around these tall people, I don't know. It must be a special talent of Bond's.

So, we danced. None of us expected Buster to stow away somewhere and go after the food, though! Oh Buster...I do hope that your black hole of an appetite will shrink soon. I worry for the day where you'll one day expand to be three times the size of your siblings. We can't have that, now can we?

My heart fluttered at the words spoken in conversation. I meant every word that was spoken and truly believe that Bond did as well. He has my appreciation, and my heart, in spades. Warmth fills me at the very thought.

My thoughts, and my emotions, need to be in better check. Then again, what happened after would have been avoided if not for my somehow losing my late mother's hair clip. I really don't know how it managed to slip free of my partial braided fishtail without me noticing. It was clipped rather securely over my hair elastic, or so I thought. Wrong. With help from Moneypenny and Andu searching the floor by the buffet table, I was reunited with it. My rubies on white gold bracelet is no longer alone either.

Right. My thoughts and my emotions; that's where I was going with this. All I wanted to do was show that I could move two napkins! That didn't go as planned; the entire stack flew off of the table and scattered onto the floor. Worse, the Governor saw and watched me embarrass myself further when I got upset and apologised. All of this tired me right out to where I ended up falling asleep on the floor. My last memory of that night? Governor talking to me about my telekinesis and making sure I got back to Gaia safely.

Why do I keep on getting into one thing or another? I don't like this, not when it's bad or just negative altogether. Two days after Hope Jubal questioned me about someone starting fires, I found the person I was questioned about at the Inn and prayed so silently to Fate that she wouldn't tell anybody about the gun magazine that someone had given to me. Hey, I like those plastic guns that can fold up like a wallet, all right? Plastic guns with plastic bullets aren't designed to be lethal, and I can shoot them at my dartboard whenever I need a break from throwing my darts.

I already know where my buying that gun would go, though: lockup, along with my other weapons. Any day would be nice for getting those back, by the way, where I can keep them in my own lockup on a high shelf.

At this point, Reiko is shaking her head and her writing hand is starting to get sore. This is the longest she's sat down to write, but that's because she hasn't been at Gaia for days. She is actually writing this lengthy entry from the Palazzo Estate, where Chewbacca has been keeping the woman in very good company since she retrieved him. Now at her second time rising, this becomes Reiko's second time going to her bed and curling up to cry herself to sleep with her tribble by her side as well. The rest of this entry is written after she wakes up a few hours later.

On a more positive note, Shourim nearly ripping me a new one for my hunger strike aside, I woke up from my lengthy nap on time to catch word of a wedding. I'd been formally invited to witness Rachael's and Ian's wedding. We've barely seen each other before then, but I was asked to stand behind the bar that night. What a pleasant surprise to have teamed up with a former bartender! Taking this as an opportunity to learn more about my upcoming promotion, I welcomed it. It felt wonderful to present the wedding cake as a gift to the newlyweds after I spent the entire ceremony crying.

My silent tears were full of mixed emotions. Happiness should always have room in them, and there was. I've not witnessed a wedding in Rhy'din before and was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn't really different from the traditional American ceremony on Terra. Seriously, what a relief. It would have been more than a little bit embarrassing to have to ask some fast questions about etiquette in new traditions, just minutes before the ceremony. On that note, I masked embarrassment over my tears for another reason: I had gotten married at the Inn six and a half years ago. Dear Fate, I pray for Rachael and Ian to have a far better marriage than Shade and I did. That my last name hasn't been Hellfire since 2010 should tell anyone who remembers that day how my marriage went...alas, I shall have to present the newlywed couple with a more proper gift to accompany the cake and the topper with the first letter of their last name on top.

I wish I could freeze time, or at least slow it down drastically, to enjoy the chance of celebrating Rachael and Ian longer. It's impossible. I know this. There's no interrupting the flow of time just to grant a wish. I get it. Can't I dream, though? Come on...I wouldn't have fainted whilst drinking Carnivore Soda, Falcon and Anya wouldn't have had to tend to me on a chair by the hearth, and I wouldn't have been practically force-fed iron supplements and sustaining food.

It went to the sun, Fate! Since yesterday, I really don't think Andu has been the same. He barely talks to me. He barely acknowledges me these days. Was my personal crime, so to speak, so heinous against him that I deserve such a punishment? Apparently so, if my sarcasm led to him getting pissed with me. It was either calm sarcasm laced with annoyance, or somebody gets punched out once I recovered my strength. I took to the former...and now I'm writing this lengthy entry from the Palazzo Estate.

I had to get away. I needed to. But, I still attended my lesson with Toby and do my exercises. Even if I wanted to - and believe me, I don't - there's no getting out of them here. After the lesson with Toby...HELL NO! I'd rather watch paint dry than even think about skipping anymore exercises, or try demonstrating my telekinesis again! What the Hell!

Did he really have to move that napkin like a butterfly?! Ugh!!! Thanks for the nightmares of butterflies disintegrating in front of me!!! That's all I really needed...only now I'm having dreams of a different sort as well. Bloody Hell! I'd had these dreams before on occasion, though...I barely dream. Or, I barely remember any of the dreams that I have. I'm pretty sure I've seen this before...

"Two feet are walking through a forest. That's all I see. My feet; they're my feet. From the looks of them, I'm seven years old and have been walking through this dense forest for some time. These feet are barefoot; they're all I can see up to my knees with an obvious white cotton nightgown to adorn.

"Zooming out reveals that I am scared, and I am shivering. Both of my arms are crossed. I look like I am lost. To be honest, I feel very lost right now just from seeing this. Why? Why am I seeing this? There surely must be a reason for it.

"Next, I am standing before a tree. My hand reaches out to touch the trunk at eye level and makes contact with sap. It's just finished raining before this walk even began, so the sap is especially slick. My white feet look even whiter with the fresh mud coating the toes and the bottoms, yet I see no end to this walk just yet.

"Suddenly, a leaf floats down in front of me. I've held this leaf before, for sure. It's examined closely as I hold it in my left hand. A wind kicks up then, taking it from my hand. Wanting to relive the pleasant familiarity of the leaf, I begin to give chase. You would think that I would be exhausted after walking for a few hours already; however, I feel afresh with new energy whenever I stop and then continue. This leaf is worth giving chase to.

"Time is irrelevant here. Distance is equally irrelevant, for I have no concept of how much I've travelled into this forest already. I just want my leaf back...but wait, it's stopped moving. In fact, it falls to the ground in front of a pair of feet that wear traditional black boots. The owner of these feet simply stands there, watching. I hesitate. Dare I pick my leaf up?

"A single hand gesture invites me to step forward, but without a voice. It's as if the very thoughts of my mind have opened up like a book. I know of no way to explain this, but I take slow steps forward until I'm close enough to retrieve the odd treasure. Before I can step back or continue, the same hand straightens vertically to tell me to be still.

"I still myself.

"A second gesture is made, but not to me, it seems. Suddenly, a flurry of leaves not covered in mud from the earlier rain start to lift from the ground as if they've developed minds of their own. But, this isn't their doing. This strangely silent person standing in front of me is doing this. That 'come hither' gesture with a single finger has done this, and now I watch as these leaves begin to spin around us rapidly. My own leaf, I press close to me for fear of it becoming part of the spiral. Faster and faster it goes...faster and faster it forms into a tornado. Soon, I'm trying to grip at the mud with my toes to keep myself steady.

"Suddenly, fingers snap, and the leaves seem to vanish from view. But wait, there's now a bunch of fine powder on the ground. What has happened to these leaves? I look around quickly, my heart beating faster as I try to make sense of what has happened. Something has happened, but not to the leaves alone. Parts of the trees around us now have little holes in them as well. What caused that?!

"My head turns back to the person standing in front of me, only I'm now staring at an undamaged tree behind the place where the boot-wearing person once stood. Where have they gone?! My heart is now beating even quicker as I search around me. The search is short-lived, as there is now a whisper from directly behind me:

"'Next time, that could be you in the hands of the wrong person.'"

I awakened this morning with screams of utter terror and have been afraid since. This is the third time I've had this dream.

Reiko Souma

Date: 2015-12-30 20:06 EST
Waking up to the feeling of being run over by a bus is something that Reiko isn't unfamiliar with. Neither is the feeling of having pigskin for a right arm. Having received stitches up and down her right arm from last night's chance encounter with a wolf. It was more painful than it was frightening, at least at first. Reality soon hit her hard and heavy, and she spent a good number of days freaking out upon realising that she could have very well been turned into a wolf. "Anya," as Reiko has come to call the doctor and wife of Antonio Falcon within a short time, had saved the pink-haired Terran native right on time.

Because the arm that Quinn scratched was Reiko's right arm, the same arm that had just healed enough from last week's first-degree burn, the woman was forced to learn how to write with her left hand. Much of her scrawling may look like a four-year old got a hold of her pen and took over the paper, but there's quite enough evidence through the wording alone that Reiko is indeed writing this entry. That's because she's trying to alternate between writing with both hands as well. In the woman's own words, "Only an absolute moron would think that I would ever give them permission to pry my journal from my cold fingers."

Proof enough?

What in the actual feck would a wolf want to curse me for?! Lycanthro-lycantropy- oh, I give up. I don't want to know! Just call my right arm useless, because I can't even bend it or carry certain objects over twenty kilos without feeling the pain. Dare I risk reopening my wounds in such a way? Hell no! That stupid Quinn...if Mark hadn't answered all of my questions then, then I would be planning another conversation in the future.

Ah, no. No, I wouldn't be.

These days, my telekinesis is seeing better levels of control. I'm not sure if I'm ready to move past the leaf and napkins just yet, however. Those are feather-light in weight. I could fling around as many leaves and napkins as I could manage to access, but that means next to nothing if my emotional control still sucks. Toby's been over this with me multiple times before, even. I need to defeat myself. I need to forgive myself...

Immense guilt from her actions of the last several days has finally overcome Reiko, who is unable to continue writing. Emotion finally overcomes her, her actions from the last several years having caught up with her. Suddenly, she hums both her journal and her pen across the room. Both palms slam down on the desk as a breakdown begins. Although she has experienced the forgiveness of others, she still hasn't quite grasped the concept of forgiving herself. Her question that she keeps on asking herself is, "How can I even begin to forgive myself when I can't apologise to myself?" It's much easier for her to apologise to others than it is for her to apologise to, and forgive, herself.

By the time she's ready to resume writing, she's holding onto Chewbacca with her left hand. She's struggling to keep herself together and is of the mind to put in a request to Toby for another lesson.

I've gone and made another mess. This time, I've shredded napkins. My leaf has been out of sight, lest that also be shredded. I don't want to wreck it again. It's become very important to me that I feel I should be responsible for it, like it's an extension of who I am. The shredded napkins? My weights and stress. I know that quite well now.

Lesson after lesson. If I was Toby - and what a good thing it is that I'm not - I would have long since given up on me after the first two times I screwed up.

What am I even doing...I don't make any sense.

The third time that Reiko pauses, it's to give her tribble attention as he purrs in comfort. A sudden spark ignites within her as she shuts her eyes and realises that some things can be released. She has to start letting go of the baggage she's been carrying around with her. Self-blame for the tattoo she's kept on her arm, self-blame for her uncle walking away from her...what she continues to blame herself for are the orders she carried out against her very conscience and the abandonment issues that she carries with her.

Those things aren't my fault.

But those children dying by my blade? That still is.

Oh Fate, please help me!

Reiko Souma

Date: 2016-01-05 19:04 EST
The same question flows through every channel of my mind like a constant: "What has happened?" What a good question that is. What has happened? As far as I'm aware, nobody got hurt. No bitter feelings are harboured either.

Why did I accept the anonymous invitation to watch the duels at the Annex, anyways? Oh, that's right...I thought I could handle it. No, no, and no. I was so afraid that I had forgotten to dismiss my pair of penguins right away. This is no place for them to be. They don't need to be seeing these duels after they spent Fate knows how long in captivity. Well, they're away now.

Sitting down was required. Even then, the chair felt me shaking like a leaf. Maybe it was worse? No way I could tell. My feet were moving from the chair to the back of the bar as if they had developed individual minds. Fortunately, Brother prepared tea. Fate knows I really needed it with the wreck I was.

So, what happened next? Something, possibly something, within appeared to snap. Possibly like a cord snapping, out of this mouth came the issuance of a challenge. It sounded better when it was just a thought, really. Punch someone who wanted "to scrap" when I looked like I was about to be eaten up and digested by a grizzly? Not the smartest idea ever, but I'm still writing...I'm breathing.

At this time, it should be noted that the woman has barely slept a wink. Nightmares and flashbacks resembling one of her worst inner demons have refused to leave her alone to where she is ready to beg for quarantine, if she doesn't put herself there first. Reiko has thrown the card which contains the invitation in front of the "office" where her last "conference" with Andu had transpired at; he's free to investigate further if he must. She doesn't want to see that invitation again because, as far as she's concerned, it's now a done deal. She's satisfied whoever it was that gave it to her to begin with.

Ordinarily, Reiko would be preparing for her nightly visit to the Inn at this time. Not today. Instead, she's giving strong consideration to paying Stars End Bar a visit. If not there to throw darts in peace, then she just might traverse to Dragontopia. Anywhere that she might go, she wants to avoid a crowd. She may enjoy providing service to crowds at the Inn, as she did last night, but she can't do this all the time.

A greeting might be sent to Amber tonight, but that is all. Of utter importance is casting the ugly memories of her past aside, or outright away. For now, the woman is taking Chewy with her on an excursion outside. To do what, one may ask? For the curious-minded, Reiko is taking quite a bit of her wood and carving supplies with her to a remote location outside until she's able to decide which indoor location she'll be venturing to. Her journal entry appears to be incomplete, but it in fact is quite complete.

Reiko Souma

Date: 2016-01-15 16:53 EST
Some things are meant to come and stay. Those are welcomed upon their arrival.

Then there are some things that are meant to not come, and just keep going. When those come and stay awhile is when things start to get foul, my mood going with it.

No, I'm not talking about the whole concept of discipline. Even if I don't appear to take a liking to it upfront, the reason for it will eventually sink in. A lesson is learnt. Sometimes it just, you know, takes a little bit longer. A good shove is needed, although it may or may not seem painfully obvious that such shouldn't be needed. Nobody is fooling themselves. I see how I'm looked at.

Ugh. Deadpool. Where do I even begin with that crazy lunatic? Put simply, he drives me up the walls. If he could stop breaking the Fourth Wall already, then that would be nice. Who the Hell did he follow here from Terra? I somehow doubt that he only came because of Magneto, or whoever he said he was here to see. It's really hard to tell with that guy because he's always talking to himself...and you...and me...and whatever his mental defect is. Pft. And people around here think I'm the crazy Terran who does crazy things and says crazy things. Enough with that, already! Have they not heard of Deadpool?!

Walking Insane Asylum is being set aside for now because of the other things that I find troubling. When it rains, it pours. Seriously. I think I'm making steady progress at last, overcoming another obstacle, starting to forgive myself for things that I shouldn't be blaming myself for, and start facing one of my worst demons when smack! Another hits. My nightmares aren't anything new. I've already come to the conclusion that those are never going away until the day I die. That much is obvious.

If said nightmares would at least not be so gut-wrenching is all, then that would be nice. Woken by the latest one of an especially graphic recollection of that order, that I won't detail. Let's just say it was enough for me to utilise the trash can in unfavourable ways before I sent myself to the Inn. Normally, I would be hugging Big Brother or Ma Tante.* This time, it was Izumi-chan. Everyone else was going home for the night.

There sure was an interesting character hanging around. David. He's...some sort of turtle-like being. It happened again...things moving. This time, it was a box of tea. I'm pretty sure it was near the brink of my weight limit for things I can move with my mind. I'm quite sure I wasn't supposed to be able to move that. Focus! Focus! I keep on having to remind myself that I have to focus on control in order to keep things under control. My control is probably that of a primary school child, which is better than no control at all...but still not too good. I must get better!

Well...damn. Here I go with writing things out of sequential order again. How could I possibly neglect to write about Ma Tante's Archmage tournament from a few nights ago? Ugh. Focus...whoever finds this is going to see a longstanding track record of mental disorganisation. Ma Tante invited me to attend her tournament last Sunday. It was the first time I was willing to watch magic in action like this; after the exposure to Brother's recent bout of magic, I was determined to find some answers to my own question regarding this...practise.

After all of this, there's one thing I still don't understand. How can people be so happy to possess this ability to use magic as naturally as a music prodigy, or even desire to learn the various concepts, without finding anything evil about it? I really don't understand it. Shourim has warned me about practitioners trying to lure me into this field...what would he think, what would he do, if he was to learn of my ability to move things with my mind?

Moreover, what in the worlds would he say if I was to tell him that I've been hearing voices?!

I have got to talk to Toby about this. Brother already knows about this. He was maybe the first to know, actually. Dare I ask him for help, though? Not on my life. He had already made some kind of mage-like faux-pas when trying to "heal" me of my migraine prior to the Governor's meeting, which was my fault to begin with. Now that? I don't even want to write about that.

Besides, I only need one teacher.

Reiko pauses in her writing, as she's due for her afternoon exercises. Today shows a lack of motivation for stepping outside of her apartment to do anything, so she decides to spend extra time in meditation. Since it's relatively quiet and distraction-free, she moves from her desk to sit cross-legged on her neatly-made bed. How ironic it is that her entire apartment, not just her bed, is entirely more organised than the contents of her own mind.

Shutting her eyes now, the leaf that's already been repaired once sits in front of her. It's undisturbed, at least for now. Suddenly, it begins to stand straight on end with the stem on the bottom. Inside of the responsible party's mind is a visual of the branch it had come from, followed by the tree the branch belonged to, and the land that tree sat on. Just one tree in a world of millions, really. In a world of millions of trees, this leaf is like an ant that can be snuffed out of existence very easily. Reiko relates it to herself in that she's just one person in a world of millions, if not billions. The number itself is irrelevant to this connection that she's established.

"Out of that many people...I don't feel like I'm special at all. I'm insignificant." Was she really looking at the bigger picture at all, or was she really focusing in on herself? "One person can't destroy a world, though...too many would rise up to defend it. They would fight for their freedom, just like I fought for my freedom and the freedom of my land."

With those things said, Reiko resumed meditating. This time, the still-standing leaf seemed to turn to stand on its opposing end. The skinniest point of the leaf required more focus to keep it intact than the other end did, of which she really didn't want to risk ruining this leaf a second time. It's already been repaired once. She wanted so badly to prevent a second destruction due to it being a gift from her teacher. It meant a lot to the woman as a person who hadn't been the recipient of many gifts.

When she's finished with making that leaf stand on end for fifteen minutes per end, she's adapted a new idea for a fun new game. Call it practise in a different perspective, if one may: Telekinetic Cutthroat Darts. It's when she's throwing the third dart that the voices return. This time, Reiko believes they belong to the near two hundred additions to Gaia, the survivors of the explosion.

Why won't they shut up? Is there something I'm doing wrong? I do my exercises. Hell, I'm even trying my best to meditate as soon as I start hearing them...what am I, schizo? Schizos and the like hear voices that aren't there. Never have I started to hear them until maybe two weeks ago. When I meditate, they go away, but what if that should become ineffective? I fear for that day, in all honesty...I swear to Fate on my parents' graves, I'm losing whatever's left of my mind.

Back to the drawing board Reiko goes, losing herself in meditation until she finally falls asleep for the third time today.

Reiko Souma

Date: 2016-02-24 19:45 EST
Finding time to write has been so difficult lately. Not a single word has been written down between the previous entry because of the amount of time that's been spent in training. So, where have I been lately? short. There's far more than that.

Life at Gaia has just become so crowded lately. By crowded, that would be about two hundred stronger. That's a little bit much for this one here, so a tough decision had to be made on whether to stay or not. As of Friday, the latter was decided upon. Chewy, my stuff, and I have relocated to the Palazzo Estate. I have a bedroom to call my own there, people who are helping me learn how to make more than sandwiches and simple drinks, and basic accommodations for my health.

Good-bye, apartment at Gaia. You were my first real home in Rhy'din, and Big Brother was the first real "landlord" of sorts.

Oh, why am I making it sound like I've moved too far away from civilisation when I'll still be able to see everyone at the Inn? That's's because Little Brother up and left me behind with a letter instead of a face-to-face good-bye! That bastard! When he gets back is when I'll be looking to have a talk with him about what he's going to do next, provided he even remembers me...and then I'll happily request a duel or two with him in swords to take out my anger on him for taking the coward's way out. Really, leaving me with a letter! Why!

Duelling is one way that I pass the time. Carrying my Katana on me is something that I've really missed doing. See, I can wield my weapon without suddenly swinging it around like a madwoman. Yet after showing that I can control myself and not resort to physical violence, Big Brother tells me that I'm still considered a danger to myself and others whenever I get angry. Sorry, Andu ? not this time. Those days have been over and done with since I started to discover what it is that I've been missing from my life.

A purpose to live; not just this flaky thing, either.

I used to spend much of my years fighting: fighting to destroy, fighting to kill, fighting to protect. That last part, I didn't do so much of. was different. I'm free from the obligation of taking to the front lines to give harrowing orders that I received. It's because I miss being able to wield a weapon without consequence that I've decided to take up sword fighting.

Standing in the ring...right. Blood still happens, regardless of who draws it. My poor reactions to the sight of it is what prompted some action within the first week. Big Brother, I'm forever in your debt for providing me with the pink armoured jacket and tinted lenses. No more will my own blood be drawn so easily (unless one of my future opponents is that intent on inflicting serious harm to me that would only be healed anyways). No longer will I have to worry about losing my day's meals over the sight of someone else's blood!

There's one other matter. Most of the fights are in the Annex. The majority of my duels must be fought in the same place that triggers flashbacks and nightmares. Losing control of telepathy because of said mental reactions seems to be fixed now. The black floral headband has been doing wonders, but when I sleep? Well, that headband can't stay on when I'm asleep.

When the nightmares are at their worst, or focusing just won't happen, the Inn was the place to go. It still is sometimes, but now there are individuals who are right there when I need a shoulder to cry on or that familial presence to just sit with me.

Oh Bond, whatever will be done about those dreams..? Can anything be done about those particular dreams that trigger cat-like responses? Meows and purrs, the occasional craving for milk and fish; what a good thing it hasn't gone any further than that! Thanks to dear cousin Johann, however, I'm now doing daily inspections of my face to make sure there aren't any whiskers starting to grow. There doesn't appear to be any fur growing anywhere either.

"It looks like your desire to be with Bond could be triggering these reactions," or something of the sort was said. There's no way to be sure because I was too busy acting like a cat and trying to make heads and tails of this. Something has got to be done about this...before anyone knows it, sleep will no longer be quiet. The entire mansion will probably start hearing the weirdest and most high-pitched meowing sounds coming from my room.

Yup, I can see it already. Someone will pass by my bedroom, hear the meows coming from within, and keep walking with this odd expression on their face. It's either that, or they'll hear the noises from the other side of the door and start knocking on it with the hope of shutting me (or my subconscious self) up. Maybe someone would even go as far as foregoing both of those options and walk right in to silence the source of those sounds. A pillow over my face, a sock in my mouth, or simply flip me over on my stomach to muffle the sounds. Or, perhaps whack me with a pan to knock it (and me) our completely...or cast a blasphemous magic spell! Ugh, no...I can actually see Antonio himself wanting to put a pillow over my face.

Start investing in earplugs, Palazzo Estate!

Reiko Souma

Date: 2016-04-02 08:31 EST
When it's not with actions, words seem to just completely undo every good thing that's been done.

Story of my life.

Travelling is all that's been done lately. Going from one place to another life a rogue, trying to find the right crowd to accept without strings attached (by that, seemingly endless criticisms aren't included), and making the effort to follow through with getting the help that's so desperately needed are the three primary things that's been done lately. Up until I ended up getting sick - yet again, it would seem.

Do some really think that I was born yesterday? Strong gut instincts come at that thought like several swift punches to the gut. Everybody has a bad day here and there, but when I seem to have one really off day amidst good or already mediocre days, minds seem to go topsy-turvy. Excuse me for being a sentient being with many issues that are quite difficult to work out.

Whoever may find this journal at some point in the distant future would more than likely realise that, if it's not burnt, this is going to be one helluva doozy of a rant.

Come to think of it, in addition to my not writing in this for so many weeks, it's been even longer since an actual rant has been written. The poor soul who should open to this particular page first is starting at a tumultuous point in my life and should hopefully flip back several pages to slightly happier times. Yeah...remember those? I do.

Right now, I'm actually nowhere near civilisation. My current health indicates that I really should be in a nice warm bed, drinking a lot of hot tea with honey and lemon, and letting those I've come to love as my family (and hopefully one as my future special other in the way distant future) tend to me. That's the thing. My sitting around like an invalid prevented me from coming to my heart-family's aid when they needed the help the most, and that to me is absolutely not okay.

"There is nothing you can do, or could have done to make one bit of difference," Andu said last night. Bloody Hell, there isn't...I refuse to be useless. Tell anyone where I am, and why, and I might be mocked as one with a death with. I can almost hear it now, actually, and whilst I may not be one to feel great about carrying a gun on me? There's no use in denying that obtaining a gun permit and permission to carry for the sole purpose of defence hasn't crossed my mind to the point of looking through a few of Rhy'din's specialty magazines. What's stopping me from following through with this is my not wanting my nieces and nephews to see such an ugly mechanism on my person. They don't need to see their Aunty Reiko carrying such a controversial weapon.

What exactly am I doing here when I run the risk of being shot right through my thin armour? The armour gifted to me by Andu is for duelling and doesn't stand a chance of surviving a possible onslaught of bullets if ambushed. That's exactly why I've found somebody who can craft me a full suit of armour that's much more suited for surviving multiple gunshots. I'd likely be screwed if there was an armour-splitting weapon involved, but...I have to try doing something to help. Andu's useless as long as he's blind, Icer's moving rather slowly these days because of her being shot, and I heard her mate got the worst of the injuries. With three of them as they are, and my worst being a nagging cold that doubles me over whenever my fits are particularly bad, I'd like to believe that I'm better off than all of them put together.

This may seem incredibly foolish, but paying this amount to have this armour crafted for me and wearing it to the area I suspect the ambush took place might be my only option; I must do this alone with the sole intent of reasoning with whomever did this. A child is undeserving of any act of aggression...

...I just hope that my seeking him out with a full set of armour on won't be considered initial aggression to the misguided soul from the start, or else my mission is due to fail before it begins.

Reiko Souma

Date: 2016-05-14 20:07 EST
I deserve a freaking medal.

Within the last three weeks, I've returned to my home planet, visited my extremely dangerous hometown, sold my parents' home (with a very heavy heart at first, that is, but also with tremendous relief that the thugs had left it alone), donated most of said parents' belongings to charities, and somehow managed to survive a visit with both my priest and my guardian in the same room. Such is worded in that fashion due to one fine little detail that just happened to "drop" like a nickel from a pocket. I've been magically inclined since I was a little girl. Yeah...that. Me, a little sorceress.





I'm still trying to wrap my head about the "how," but some of the things make more sense now. Just a couple of days ago, I was able to stand a rose in one hand and hand it to somebody. Mind you, this was something that I had imagined. Imaginations can run wild and wreak havoc...but this. What I thought was telepathy was a combination of that and my Fae-fused genes.

By the way, very little of this makes any sense!

Enough about the one thing that makes my head want to implode. In other news, my uncle is apparently somewhere out there searching for me. Problem: nobody knows where he is anymore. Ever since he retired from the United States Marine Corp. a few years back, he's dropped off of the family radar. Shourim has no idea of where, or how, to find my dear Salem-Ojikuno.

Sigh. I really, really miss my Bond...

At this time, Reiko has resettled herself into her bedroom at the Palazzo Estate. Her lengthy trip back to her home planet has done many a things towards her mental stature, such as setting free many of the heavy weights and burdens regarding her late parents that she's been carrying on her all this time. Upon her return from the Terran Earth is a huge stack of gifts for everybody. By everybody, Reiko made sure to include everybody that she knows in her Heart-Family that she's been part of for nine months now. That's a lot of presents!

Most surprising of all is the hairstyle that she's sporting these days. Reiko's hair is short, really short. Bubblegum pink is still the dominating colour (because it's natural like her other unnatural features), but now black is starting to come from the roots. Don't worry, though. This woman isn't about to abandon her ability for being fantastically obnoxious when it comes to cheering for her friends and family. Quacking is here to stay - permanently.

"Ain't nobody gonna take that away from me."

Reiko Souma

Date: 2016-06-19 19:33 EST
* Until she has her journal, Reiko is writing this on sheets of paper from the safety and security of an isolated location.

Well. If I didn't know any better, then I would start questioning my memory recall right about now.

I'm not quite sure how to word this entry, to be honest. When I agreed to temporary arrangements away from the Palazzo Estate (where I should have been to begin with), Big Brother brought me there. The place where I am at now is said to keep things out. That means it can help keep me in. I am safe. I am secure.

Something has got to give. My memory is usually better than this, yet lately there are hours of time missing from my mental timeline. It's scary. It's really scary. There may be some who live like this everyday. What I want to know How are they able to live their lives, knowing that they've lost hours or even days of their memories?

I am safe. I am secure.

I was safe the moment I came to my senses and saw that I was in good company. I was secure the moment I saw that no harm was going to come to me. Anybody at the Inn could have jumped me and tied me up, punched my lights out, or even beaten the stuffing out of me. No. Nobody did that. For that, I have them all to thank.

There were intermittent moments where I had come to in a very dark place. When I had, there was an empty bar. The rest that I saw was so disturbing that I can't even write them down. It would be better if I those few moments were blocked out of my mind forever and, given the circumstances I'm currently in, I would give anything that isn't harmful to me or anyone else to banish them from my mind the instant I feel them starting to resurface.

I am safe. I am secure.

These six words are a mantra that I will speak as a reminder to myself that everything is okay. If things don't seem to be okay now, then one day they will be. What is okay about me now is that I am still alive. I'm tangent. Before I was transported to where I write this from now, I felt this blanket of peace gradually covering me, guarding my mind. What had disturbed me to the point of becoming physically ill earlier in the evening no longer even existed in my least for the time being.

The lights were off when I went to sleep last night, but I woke up screaming and covered in cold sweat. My mind screamed, "DANGER!" with my body responding as it did. That was when those six words came to me: I am safe. I am secure. That's because I am.

My phone and other important belongings are at the Estate. All I have on me are the dress I'm wearing, my boots, and the leaf that Toby had given me. It must have fallen into my boot when the effects of the spell had started to take effect on me.

Reiko has to take a sudden pause in her writing to drop her pen and grab at her head. "I am safe. I am secure," she starts reciting. This mantra is repeated as she tries so desperately to focus on pulling that blanket of peace back over her, or otherwise establish a new one. "I am safe. I am secure. I have peace. I won't give up! I've come too far to throw it all away now!" Bond is the first to come into her mind, followed by her nieces and nephews, and finally the rest of her family that she has come to greatly care for. At ease once more, Reiko retrieves her pen from the floor and resumes writing.

It's been days since I've spoken to Ma Tante and Mon Oncle. Considering the kits dwell with them at the Celestial during Ma Tante's reign as Archmage, it's best that I not be around them. In fact, it's better that I'm not around anybody who can't defend themselves, especially the young. That is something I simply cannot risk at all. Forgiving myself for all of those that I killed during the war is something that I still haven't been able to do. All of those children...

Are the young of Rhy'din safe? Are they secure, now that I'm in this place?

I want to believe that they are.

My hair is no longer at the dreadful mid-shoulder length that it was at two mornings ago. Miracle-Grow is Ugliness-Dead, and I have Toby to thank for that. It may be weird to some that I take a lot of pride in the condition of my hair, and its shortness is my signature of independence. Right now...I am not independent. I'm still a victim of the spell that clearly seeks to exploit my suppressed darker nature.

I am safe. I am secure.

Don't let me ask to be trusted again just yet. I wouldn't trust me either right now. After accruing Fate knows how much of a tab by breaking this bottles at the Inn, a window, and people being cut by a result, I'd have to say that there is absolutely no reason to trust me until I can walk around without being a danger to myself or to others...the memory would be nice too.

I amend that. I need to be able to control myself in order to avoid being a danger to myself and to others, if I care to regain trust and respect again. Until then, I can cross those off the list. As well as seeing my nieces and nephews again...I don't know about the rest of the family, though.

Why do I suddenly have this feeling that I'm probably going to come back to the Estate to find all of my stuff sitting just inside of the entrance for me to "pick up and get the Hell out?" Only time can tell.

Reiko Souma

Date: 2016-07-20 16:11 EST
Gift of Freedom
Give to me the freedom unlike anything I've ever tasted before in my life.

Sweeter than honey, I desire it.

Does one suppose me to have lost my mind? As easy as it is to assume it, I think not ? those words had become a critical part of the first prayer for my lips to utter forth after the first encounter with my priest. I question not what he saw in me when we first met at camp in St. Thomas; reasons aren't always required. The tent I sat in then had been occupied by none other; my immediate subordinates were at lunch just a short distance away whilst I hung back to analyse our next skirmish.

The lengthy interruption by this man of perceived great wisdom had been worth it. As I think back on the memories of the war and redirect my mind towards better things, this is still one of the fonder and pleasant of memories I hold onto today. Staring out the window adjacent to my bed as I lay at conscious rest brings me to the realisation of just how much my perspective of life has changed. Instead of identifying my dead comrades alongside the dead civilians and seeing no end to the bloodshed and perpetual storm, I see hope for a positive change. I wake up every morning to a better tomorrow instead of opening my eyes with the bittersweet relief that I've survived another day.

Of those I've gotten to know during this past year, there are a number of whom I'll only be too happy to sever any and all associations with very soon. They have become very toxic that for my peace of mind, any bond between them and myself must be cut. I must be the one to cut the ties myself.

The rest? Some serve to be strengthened in spades. Others are perfect the way they are; I don't want to touch those.

Sorry,'re unfortunate enough to not have your little head sitting on the chopping block just yet.

With her head undoubtedly screwed on tight enough, Reiko pulls her notebook over to her and starts writing a letter. Its intended recipient might find it surprising that the woman is writing them at all, but there's a favour she feels the need to have done as soon as possible. Said letter is lengthy enough that it might take the reader several minutes to read it.

Reiko Souma

Date: 2016-08-10 21:05 EST
Six weeks, six really long weeks, felt more like six years. Feelings all over the spectrum couldn't have been more bothersome. That fight with my boyfriend? I feel like I'm in secondary school all over again. Nothing is ever perfect; I absolutely understand that. It didn't mean playing the avoidance card for so long, though. Every time I thought of this amidst my time spent with Shourim only upset me all over again.

Did I mention that I hate fighting with the ones I care for and the one I love so dearly?

He noticed. Kind of really hard for dear ol' Pirate Dad not to. One good eye doesn't equal stupid or blind; he saw right through the thick fa?ade and ripped right into it with his favourite tool. Psychology. It hurt. It hurt a lot.

"You can't avoid him forever, Rei. The longer you run, the more it'll hurt when you finally see him again," Shourim told me, "this time, Bond may end up coming to you. You may not have a say in the timing then. Will you run then, like you've been doing? Or will you stand there and confront what you've been allowing to scare you and send you running?"

We had been right in the middle of a lesson at the moment as well when he had stopped it. Stop a lesson in psychology with a psychology lesson of his own. That's exactly what Shourim did. What did it do? It left me curled-up in a ball of uncontrollable tears. Right then, it became obvious of just how strong my feelings for Bond were. Too bad it took a month and a half for me to truly see this.

How can it be possible for somebody to love another in under a year? I thought it a bit soon to even use the word love when a one-year anniversary hasn't even approached. Two years maybe, but eight I too quick on the draw, maybe. All I know is what can't be denied. It's too prevalent for me to even consider denying for any reason:

I love you, Bond.

I almost don't deserve you, for you ended up being the one to come to me after I spent all this time dodging you. Had there been any calls or e-mails from you, I ignored them all without reading them. Had there been any flowers or gifts sent to me, I had set them aside (but cared for the flowers regardless) due to how upset I was. Yet you came to me last night when you could have very easily turned on your heel and walked right back out of the Inn with Mayflower - who I didn't expect to see as a young human child, by the way, until the explanations came back at Arcadia!

Instead, I'm the one who left you and everybody else behind to be alone on the porch, crying my eyes out for the nth time in six weeks. Instead of ditching me and giving up on me, you went after me and apologised. That really didn't sound like something you were at all good at doing and probably took a lot of mustered-up courage to do as well. No way could I try to build my wall back up anymore after this. I can't do it.

You have both my forgiveness and my apologies as well...just please tell me what it is that I did to deserve your love and attention. 💗

Reiko Souma

Date: 2016-08-18 18:03 EST
Let the record indicate that I accepted the presence and role of sorcery in my life for all eternity months ago.

Accepting that fact doesn't mean that I'll just let any random being come up to me and use their sorcery on me. Yes, that actually happened last week. That purple-haired woman spooked me from behind and then touched my shoulder with one hand. When I asked what she was doing, she simply stated that I "needed to calm down." After that? It was lights out for me. I didn't wake up until halfway through the following morning, and I found myself in Arcadia with Bond. Big Brother had brought me back.

The next time somebody uses their sorcery on me without my permission, I'm going to start hitting pressure points in self-defence. Seriously, leave me the feck alone with that when I'm not in serious need of it.

Now, a moment to digress away from my rant. My life has been saved as a result of sorcery. Two months ago, Eregor and Tenball worked together with Ma Tante, Mon Oncle, and I think Big Brother's strength in sorcery to set me free from the control spell that had been inflicted upon me by Agrylax. I still want to kill that bastard Drow, by the way. Just let me have a few minutes with him so that I can unleash my full fury on him unlike what anybody has ever seen before. I will reserve absolutely nothing of my own strength to see him disintegrate into nothingness. All of the chaos that came about as a result of the spell he put me under...and the violation to my body?!

Nightmares of the latter have been joining the nightmares of the bloodshed of innocent children lately. I still wake up screaming at various hours of different nights. I'm still scared to resume duelling regularly out of fear that a child might be injured, or worse, killed. Maggie, for instance. No, I just can't do it!

Last night, I slept in my bedroom at the Palazzo Estate because of therapy this afternoon. Without Bond by my side, I almost feel physically cold.

And then it happened: my mind's eye opened, detecting the threat of the same to try taking me over again. It could be paranoia setting in, but I can't be careless. When I woke at dawn, I bolted upright on my bed with my arms reaching out for someone to hug and to hold onto for a moment as the tears came. I ran from my bedroom in search for the nearest person to hug with the look of fright on my face, be it Antonio or Anya...or Carlo, even. Somebody on the Estate. I didn't care.

I need heavy-duty sleep medication...

Reiko Souma

Date: 2016-08-29 10:42 EST
Trigger alert: miscarriage

They're adorable, the pride of life for anybody who wants one. Little fingers reaching out for the one they depend completely on at first, communicating their wants and needs with the various sounds of coos and cries. Giggles come from them without their knowing why; they are totally innocent. The beginning of their life in this world is such a joy that brings so much happiness to the fortunate ones. Watching them grow up reminds one of how fast, but otherwise how finite, time itself is.

Provided one is able to carry and deliver without fail.

Six and a half years ago, perhaps more or less, was when the first glossy photo and the happy news penetrated my ears like music. I was going to be a mother for the very first time. Still married then, though I can look back now and admit without fail that it wasn't a happy marriage by any means, part of me thought that this might be what was needed to keep that spark alive. Today should tell you what the outcome was. Let's just say, the wedding bands from him and myself were sold for a good amount of money back in my hometown prior to my departure for war. I regret nothing.

Time seemed to slow down as the days of morning sickness and cravings for dark chocolate-covered everything came. Half of those pregnancy cravings disgust me now, like dark chocolate syrup on a hot dog...gross! How I didn't make myself sick from that is beyond me. The galaxies may never know.

Surprise came at my next checkup. I wasn't carrying just one inside of me, but two. Twins were in the near future! One boy and one girl now had to spend the next several months growing inside of me and tolerating my odd taste in food. Or, that's what I thought. What did I know back then as opposed to now, though? Hindsight truly is twenty-twenty.

The tipping point didn't come when the one I foolishly called my husband had an affair with another. Not to worry, as I did have a very good divorce lawyer to help me with the paperwork. Don't get married if you can't be loyal to the one you bestow your love to and exchange vows with on your wedding day, simple as that. Adultery is a chargeable offence in the military that can easily result in court marshal, depending on the country you serve in. Though not the most serious offence in the Special Defence Force, it's enough to question your overall loyalty. If one can't be loyal to loved ones, then how could they possibly be trusted with loyalty to one's own comrades or even their country in the thick of combat? Hence my not needing more than a single thought to decide on divorce. My life is much better without that bastard in it.

Nobody could have told me that when I watched the end of his life! My heart shattered into a million pieces then. I'm glad now that he never bothered to apologise in his final words, and I'm glad he didn't utter my name either. The divorce couldn't be made official because of his being murdered prior to its finalisation, but that's okay now. What wasn't okay was how I had a tonne of questions flooding my mind regarding the twins.

What would I do? Would they ask for their daddy? What would I tell them? Would I even be able to tell them that I watched their daddy get killed and couldn't do a thing to stop it? How close to adulthood should they be before I told them? What if they hate me? What if they can't forgive me? What if I'm a bad mother to them? Can I even raise them by myself? Will anybody help me raise them if I asked? What if I'm too ashamed to ask for help? What if my pride gets in my way? What if I screw up and fail?

I'd fallen backwards and fainted from shock, only to wake up in a hospital some time later. My initial dazed state hurried away at the immediate thought of my babies growing inside of me, and my hands flew right to my baby bump. I thought I'd felt a little kick or nudge from one of them and gave a little rub to let them know that I was still there. What was I to do now? Without the questions, I could at least hear myself think again. My mind was at peace, at least for now.

My anaemia wasn't a serious concern to the twins' health or my own, and they appeared to be unharmed from my fainting earlier, so I had been discharged with the instructions to rest and maintain the extra iron regiment. Giving me any form of medication had become trickier than ever during my pregnancy, so none was given at all.

Then it happened - the moment I had been dreading all this time. I had just about arrived at the Red Dragon Inn on foot (slowly, I must add) when I felt ill. I had to sit down nearby and frowned with concern. Something was terribly wrong, and all of a sudden the questions flooded my mind once more as I questioned my ability to be a good mother to my fatherless kids. Sweaty, chilly (it was summer!), other gross things that make me feel sick just thinking about them, and cramping like nobody's business with other pains meant a return to the hospital. It took everything within me to not succumb to hyperventilating and pounding the bed between me once I was able to find someone nearby who could help me. To this day, I still don't know who they are. Otherwise, I would thank them.

Being close to halfway through my pregnancy meant talk of either a miscarriage or a stillbirth. All of my complaints about time dragging by so slowly were now completely irrelevant and of the past. Everyone who tended to me seemed to speak ten kilometres a second as they were able to retrieve the twins from me.


I thought I had cried my hardest when their father's life had ended,

Seeing what would've been my two prides and joys denied their lives did it for me.


In the place of the rest of this journal entry, which was written at Arcadia and was left open to the page next to her, are Reiko's tears as sobs completely consumed her. Instead of spending the night with Bond, she had ventured out to the beach on her own and cried herself to sleep on the sand with the hopes of nobody hearing her.

Reiko Souma

Date: 2016-12-22 11:00 EST
Did anyone wonder of my happenings? Of the last two months, Shourim has only been too happy to put me on the field with him in the hopes of trying to curb my weakness for blood. Bringing me from one place to the next, giving me on-site instruction in medical techniques that hadn't been covered with combat training, and exposing me to scenarios that aren't just found on the battlefield - as I've learned - there are surprises. These people I've assisted Shourim with have no idea! On the front lines, the difference between friend and foe are clearly established by the colour of the uniform (or lack thereof).

Away from the battlefield and in civilian life, however...unless every veteran is a psychic like I am, there's no way to differentiate friend from foe, ally from enemy.

To make it back from the field on time to see Sis Murelle and Father again was just the start of my happiness. All that's transpired had caused me to unintentionally forget that the Yule Ball was happening that Saturday night; well, I couldn't have forgotten entirely. Seeing as I was dressed like one of the "Santa Clause's elves" in a dress-fit of sorts (who even is this Santa Clause creature?) had to say something. With thanks to the Fates, I wasn't dateless the entire night, for Bond had returned from a mission of sorts to join me as well.

My Yule Ball was complete.

No Ball seems to go complete without something occurring, it seems. By that, I'm referring to my big mouth reminding Bond of last year's Ball. Not only was it our first formal dance together as a couple, it was that same night when Buster had stowed himself away in someone's pocket (I think Moneypenny's) and made a sneak attack on the spread table, promptly taking the tablecloth with him in the attempt of climbing up. That didn't happen this time around (disaster averted), although he did succeed in devouring at least half of one of the cakes that someone had brought. Yikes! At least his coordination's improved from last year. The bath to be given wasn't so bad this time around, and I wasn't so quick to want to show off any of my psionic abilities this time around.

Too bad I can't pretend that away.

All in all, this had to be the first incident-free night that I've enjoyed in a long time. What a wonderful way to start off my time away from Shourim's medical boot camp. Sheesh. I swear, he's trying to make me a doctor or something just so that I can stop vomiting and falling back at the sight of blood. (Barely working, by the way.) guide this poor soul named Ash to where he needs to go...and I don't mean hiding in the women's restroom with me, either. A piss and vomit-scented room is hardly the place for a getting acquainted conversation.

Reiko Souma

Date: 2017-02-10 19:52 EST
First, just three words: Damn you, Shourim.

Now that I've got that out of the way, it's why that has me slightly irritated. I don't mind not having the time or energy to get into trouble, but I do mind not having the time to spend with my heart-family. I mind being too exhausted to spend time with the man I love, when I'm around to spend time with him anyways. The worry is that it's going to drive a rift in our relationship. That, that's what I truly fear.

An anonymous letter from an apparent admirer was certainly of no help! Poor Carlo saw the look on my face when I fixed myself some black tea to soothe my nerves prior to meditation and probably regrets giving me the envelope now. Like he had any idea of its contents, let alone my reaction. What am I even doing, writing about this? Why am I even keeping the letter anymore? Shourim didn't want to look at it.

I should be burning the letter instead of saving it. My heart-family doesn't think I should tell Bond, but I don't think it's a good idea to keep this from him. I don't even know this person! Why would someone on Earth want anything to do with me and follow me to Rhy'din! This is my home, my sanctuary, my happy place of peace. I just want it to stay this way for at least...a little bit longer.

Awkward was an understatement at breakfast this morning, as the only thing I could do was poke at my food and rearrange it to make it look like I had eaten. Even though I couldn't, I at least took two bites before abandoning my meal. Apologies, Rosalie...I just can't eat. This matter simply presses me too much.

It took my concentration to prevent the use of my telepathy to determine whether anyone was going to try talking to me or not. I don't want to be talked to right now. I just want to deal with this and move on. Ugh. I'm making a far bigger deal of this than I should be.

Oh, that's right. I'm fecking worried about what Bond will do once he finds out!

At this point, Reiko couldn't take anymore. Her mind has become entirely overwhelmed with stress that she took to leaving the house in what she thought was the least noticeable way, opening her window and leaping outside from it. Her landing was flawless, her legs spread apart at a shoulder-length distance as she landed on her tiptoes. Jogging, she reached the nearest wooded area that she could access but didn't stop.

She didn't stop until she was thick enough into the wooded area that she wouldn't be disturbed. Or, so she hoped. This area of the woods had several trees that were very much dead and not coming back to life anytime soon. All of a sudden, a bright pink glow spread around the woman at roughly eight metres in radius. When it vanished, all of the trees that had been caught in the energy blast had come crashing down around her.

Why isn't this making me feel any better?! I meditate, I meditate some more, and I release my emotion before it can become bottled-up in a dangerous way. So, why? Tell me, Fate! Why? What am I doing wrong?!

That's it, I'm taking a break from working with Shourim. It's obviously getting me nowhere but pissed and pushing me to the brink of what little sanity I have left. I can't do this anymore. Please give me back my shell to hide in again...I need it so much more than ever. I feel out of control over my destiny.

Reiko Souma

Date: 2017-04-30 10:27 EST
"Give thanks to the deity for each blessing bestowed upon you; great is she which looks wth favour, and great is the one who is looked upon with grace! For they shalt be rich, their jug running over." ? Rhet 5:01

Fate has looked upon me with favour unlike any other recently, for she has blessed me with the noncoincidential encounter of a life-giving goddess! No, this isn't the first time that Chryrie and I have crossed paths this year. Though my memory might be in a slight haze as to when exactly we did meet, it's perfectly clear as to when she graciously blessed me with good health in return for the gift that I gave her. One week at first, given with a kiss to my forehead, and now a few more.

I must not allow greed to penetrate my mind. When friendship is taken advantage of and reduced to a one-way giving is where I draw the line. In truth, I feel so unworthy of such blessings. Yet I will not complain or be ungrateful. Never look a gift horse in its mouth. What benefit is there from doing so anyways?

Oh Fate, something unusual happened at the rings a few nights ago. Me managing to get carried away with my poking fun and pissing Big Brother off during our Swords duel isn't unusual. Nor is he the first one I've pissed off during a duel, but that's beside the point. It's when I stepped out of the ring victorious at the end of said duel. For some reason, the wards didn't heal the minor injuries I had sustained during the duel. Once I had taken exit, I found myself on my knees almost instantly. What the Hell?

It was a given that good health doesn't automatically make one impervious to all pain. This development with the sorcery that the rings are equipped with not working as they should, however, troubles me. Was there a counter measure in effect that I wasn't aware of? Hopefully not, but it did raise curiosity and lead me to speak with Anya about this.

Oh Fate, I've picked up the alcohol again...I went to straight vodka this time. I'm not sure if it's good or bad that I'm able to convert my psionic energy into physical effect. The red tint, for example? It meant, "stay away." Usually, I end up starting a fight whenever I'm drunk. Not this time. I was far too depressed to even do that.

I was only buzzed enough to bake snickerdoodle cookies instead. Erm, alcohol-free. They were for my nieces who had come to the Inn - Mayflower, Rosie, Wander, and Ai. I hope they liked them and understood my reason for staying away from them that night, for I didn't want them to see their Aunty Reiko drinking.

Too late, and I'm ashamed that they had to see that. Which is why I cut myself off once the bottle was empty and isolated myself to the kitchen. I made a mess and slipped in the process of cleaning it up, sadly. Ugh. Just how strong had that berry-flavoured vodka been for me to fall on my arse and hit my head?

No matter, I suppose.

Yet the conversation that followed...oh dear. Mist hit the nail on its head. When I thought I had found myself, I still had a ways to go. Perhaps I had only scratched the surface with truly discovering who I really am, and I still have a long self-journey ahead. This...everything that we discussed (because I needed a different listening ear, and a friend, that bad), wow, what a mess I'm becoming again.

As much as I want to hang up my hopes and move on to seek another teacher, I pine away at the potential disillusioned hope that Toby will take me on as his student once more. Nobody will ever teach me like Toby just won't be the same. Realistically, nobody teaches the same as another, even in the same subject. It's the feeling that comes with having your first teacher: you either love it and are eager for the lesson with great amounts of pride, or you hate it and dread the moment with every fibre of your body. The former of the two, that was me. If Toby was to show up at the Inn or at the Palazzo Estate one day and offer to give me some kind of a lesson right now, then I would still take great pride in being chosen to be taught anything by him and await with eagerness (as well as some possible impatience due to said eagerness).

I feel as if I will always have this pride, even years down the road.

Until that day comes, Toby is not my teacher, and I am on my own regarding my abilities ("gifts," they were referred to at least once). I only hope that I don't screw up. Again.

Reiko Souma

Date: 2017-05-14 21:02 EST
Last night felt just right to be back at the Red Dragon Inn. My work on Earth was finished, and you bet I couldn't wait to return to Rhy'din. After taking an advanced interplanetary transport to Texas from there, I decided to test the limits of Gaia's transportation system and asked her to take me from my arrival location back to Rhy'din.

It worked! I arrived outside of the Inn in full civilian attire with a few...additions.

And, that's where the recap begins to how I ended up working alongside the southern sector border patrol at Texas to begin with.

For one, apparently my medical discharge from the military no longer means anything. Got Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder? If you haven't eaten your gun after some years and are able to function productively in society without having meltdowns and full-fledged flashbacks, then you can be put to work on some level. Have anaemia? No problem! You can still wield a gun, just as long as you make sure you don't screw up your daily regiment required to stay healthy and perform your duties.

The confusing phone call came in from the familiar number forever known to me as headquarters, two months ago. Bond had just gone to bed, and I was right behind him. Or, I had been. With that, the phone call consisted of the commander informing me of a written notice being sent to the Palazzo Estate with official orders to report to El Paso. Dear Fate, why there? Surely there were better places to go.

Nope. I was to depart for the RTS at 0400 the day after receiving the written notice. That meant having to do the farewell to Bond and the others right away, but I couldn't give my farewells to everybody without taking too long. Some sacrifises had to be made...and any homesickness had to be suppressed. Never had I been sent off with any actual support awaiting my return, all of which I'm grateful for.

As it would turn out, El Paso was simply a randevous location. I was given my uniform there, and it was from there that seven of us were taken by military transport to the location from where we would patrol. We were to stand in position several metres apart and patrol. Apparently the government has gotten tired of letting people get away with sneaking into the country, or they wouldn't have given us the order to shoot them in the leg and treat them before sending them back over the meager border.

Total number of people I've shot in the leg with a single bullet in the course of two months: 1,021

That's way too many people to shoot, if you ask me. At least I was able to leave them alive this time.

"No kids?" I asked my commander on the first day.

"We've got something gentler in mind for them, Souma." He held up a stun gun. "One button push to their thigh, and there's just enough juice to stun them without any serious injury. They will live."

Live they did. Not a single child was harmed. Sleep came unhindered each night as a result, at least until the start of the last two weeks of my patrol duty.

The distinct sounds of meowing woke me in the dead of night. No way were they close enough to be heard. It had to be imagination playing games, or so the thought was. Exploring was inevitable based on curiosity, so a flashlight became my companion as I ventured out of my tent and into the woods.

It didn't stop; in fact, they only became louder. Calling out didn't cease them, and it soon became clear that I was hearing them in my head. Why? How? Curiosity wasn't sated with the questions. Stopping now was out of the question.

On I walked. It was now clear that this was telepathic in nature. How else I would know about where to go couldn't be explained in any other way. Soon after I started, I came to a stop in front of a boulder. What in the world..?

I was still hearing those meows, louder than ever! Quickly, I knelt down to inspect the bottom. At first, there was nothing.

Then, underneath a small bend to the left, I saw it. Or them. Four of them, squirming like worms, struggled to move. I had to act, and fast, as it was starting to rain. Who knew how long they had been buried there? It had to be awhile, seeing as they were completely covered in dirt.

It took quite a few minutes to retrieve them. I had to use my telekinesis to remove the oppressing dirt as the rain quickly turned it into mud. Quicker than using my bare hands, I used my jacket to shield them from the rain. Now the telepathic meows were replaced with quiet audible hisses during the walk back to camp.

My commander saw me with four mudballs and asked, "What in sam hell did you do, pick up mud rats?" he demanded. Rather than answer, I grabbed a dry towel and started to wipe the mud from each hissing kitten. When they were dry, I left them on my blanket to toddle about and remained as I was.

"They would have been suffocated. Like a brother in arms, I will not leave these civilians to die without cause." That was my answer and, to my surprise, the commander allowed them to stay. Like it or not, I wasn't about to abandon them anyways. They were in my charge for the remainder of my stay, and it was back to Rhy'din that they went with me.

Maybe my Post-Traumatic Stress isn't as severe as it used to be. I was curious as to how Chewy might handle having four companions. I kind of still am.

Seeing my family again upon my return felt so wonderful. To hug them, to be welcomed back with open arms, and to still be loved...I couldn't appreciate these things more. To have the help and support in raising my four new kittens as my own, man am I going to need all of the help I could possibly get. Which is probably going to mean a lot more sleepovers at the Palazzo Estate...

...I think it's time for me to ask Antonio and Anya to ready that separate house.