Topic: Going after his heart. (NSFW)

Baby Ice

Date: 2013-11-23 22:33 EST
note: (If you want to help you must ask the permission of the mun of Ivy)

A few of Dimtri?s loons was following Icesong through the marketplace. Trying to hide from her blue eyes. What they don?t know she could smell them. Since they destroy her home with Ivy, She swallow and moves to grab the small dagger, she held it close to her.

Dimtri figures the best way to get to the living vampire was get to the one who Ivy will give his life for, The men comes closer and she tried to move further in the group, away from the tall men that was following her. Hearing the one man growled out. ?Get her.?

Hearing that, She took off, running. And the men who seem to be fast on her feet. Few minutes later she felt a net over and she was growling. As the men. ?watch it.?

?Hello, little dragon.? The oldest of the men. They pulled her to her feet and she tried to strike out like she was taught by Ivy, ?Watch it.? He backhand her, making her drop the dagger on the pavement.

She felt her blood come down from the cut on her cheek, dripped down her cheek onto her shirt. ?Don?t bruise her. The boss wants her alive.?


Date: 2013-11-29 00:13 EST
Ivy stopped by the gargoyle in the market place once more, a routine habit he did sporadically now. A letter was in its mouth and the living vampire almost cringed. The last news he got was his haven being torched and destroyed. What was worse was after the fire and news stories about the explosions in the old cemetery, Ivy had found his profile and picture plastered in the news marking him wanted for questioning and possible arson and murder. This left him moving about on his own, avoiding Watch and the Cartels, leaving Icesong in the safety of one of her friends.

Taking the letter out he found that it was the same as before, red paper and Dimitri's hand writing.

~I have burned the rat out of its hole. Now I have ensured the rat will come to me. I have something very precious to you Ivy. She is quite beautiful and very alive, for now. Come to me and I may let her go. Doubt my words, look within the letter.


Ivy saw something inside, turning the envelope upside down he noticed one of Icesong's scales fell into his light ebony palm. His fingers closed around the scale tightly and he walked away from the gargoyle.


Date: 2013-11-29 14:01 EST
Dimitri walked through the bunker's hall, deep bellow Rhydin's thrumming streets. Tall like his brother, a respectable six foot and seven inches, the man was wearing a trench coat of Kevlar weave and titanium painted all black. He moved as if armored under that trench coat. Deep blue eyes peered from under a slightly heavy brow. A bare hint of yellow stubble could be seen on his head, shaved to a military exactness. His beard was short, trimmed and faded yellow against a weathered face that looked like tanned hide.

His boots thumped as he walked up to two guards, armored and equipped with weapons laced with dragons bane, made explicitly for killing the large, scaled reptiles. Dimitri gave them a salute, fore finger and middle finger together, held parallel to his face, touching the middle of his forehead and a saluting motion straight out before him. The guards mimicked the bizarre salute and spoke. "A dog is nothing,"

Dimitri spoke in a cold voice. "without a rabid pack backing him." he said. The guards unlocked the door and let him into a large storage room, empty of all supplies save two things; a titanium chair and a person handcuffed, chained and gagged sitting upon that chair.

Dimitri motioned for one guard to enter and the other to close the doors. He walked up to the woman and circled her in slow, thumping steps. The noise was on purpose, an old trick he'd learned from his brother to set the victim on the edge of annoyance. A gloved hand moved to the woman's hair skin and the bruise she had.

"So you are the heart to my enemy. Ivan always loved his women, but he rarely elevated them beyond a one time meal." he stood before her and looked at her state of bondage. "My men are only rough if you react poorly around them." He indicated her bruised face. Stepping in he removed the gag. "So tell me, Miss Icesong, are you going to be a good girl while I sort out your lover or am I going to have to retract any future hospitality extended to you?"

Baby Ice

Date: 2013-11-30 14:37 EST
They somehow drugged her with dragons bane to make her where they could travel with her easy. When she woke up in that bunker she was weak and dizzy. She could smell dragonsbane from the chains and the handcuffs were coated with the herbal drug to control to bind her powers as well. The gag was a different story, it was coated what the Hollow Bio Cell was famous for. Brimstone. The bitter taste of the drug had work itself in the Icesong?s small frame. .When she first met her lover, Ivy had interduce the drug to her in a form of a candie and control her addiction to the drug, as a perfume that once reminder her of the red demon, Auki. The drug was now back in her system.

She had a small fever and sweated. Hearing boots walking to her, she open her ice blue eyes, feeling his hands on her head, blond hair and soft skin. She made a low growl as a warning. Even drugged she still have fight within her heart. Hearing the words he spoke about Ivy past human lovers. Feeling the gag move from her mouth, she closed her mouth, and licked her lips, dying of thirst from the drug. She narrows her blue eyes at the man before her. ?Go to hell.? She growled out.


Date: 2013-12-01 23:36 EST
Dimitri gave a sly grin hearing Icesong. "Now that is more like it. A little fire in those veins and eyes."

He bent down and peered at her eyes, his own blues cold and insane. He was far enough to keep from being harmed by her. "Ivan has taken a fiery whore this time. Wonder how long you will survive in his care before he bleeds you dry."

Dimitri took a handful of her blonde hair and tugged her head to one side, then to the other side with lack of care. His eyes narrowed as he looked at her neck. He ran fingers down the skin on either side that was only slightly marred with a bite or two.

"I would think if you are Ivan's newest feast you'd have a neck more akin to Swiss cheese aged and tanned for hide, yet your neck is as smooth as a babes backside. Odd, don't you agree? Unless he is feeding on you else where?" His eyes left hers and roamed her body.

"I doubt that as well. He so loves the old ways and the ancient codes of chivalry. Now why isn't he biting you as he should? Hmm? Has he lost his appetite for blood? Finally given up on being a vampire? Or does your blood bode ill for him? Maybe he has a heart this time around and is keeping you unmarred?" he stepped back and took out a long, 12 inch blackened combat knife and laid the flat of the black blade against Icesong's cheek. The blade reeked of Dragons Bane.

"How about telling me why he isn't biting you and any other bits of information I want. I can make your stay comfortable until he shows up like he will, or I can make your stay a living hell. Oh, and one more thing," he gave her a sly wink. "do not think for one moment you will live. I plan on killing you one way or another. You will not survive a rescue."

Baby Ice

Date: 2013-12-02 01:45 EST
Once he come closer to her, but not close enough to bite. She stare him down, she worked up a wad of spit. She fired it at the man. She saw his insanity in his cold blue eyes. She breaths out, her growl was back
Feeling his hand getting tangle in her blond hair, moving her head as he pleases. ?Don?t touch me!? She screamed out. Hearing his words about Ivy?s feeding habits on her. She struggles against the binding, feeling his hands on her neck.

Her blue eyes moves to the side of Dimitri, she narrows trying to focus on the face and body of Ivy. Her blue eyes meet Ivy?s pale hazels. Another effect from the brimstone in her system. Feeling Dimitri?s dagger on her cheek with the dull side against her feverish cheek.

The smell of dragonsbane that coated the dagger that pulled her attention back on Dimitri. Hearing his words about Ivy? He wanted to know why her neck wasn?t marked up by Ivy?s feeding, He wanted answers. Her blue eyes moves back to Ivy?s illusion. She closed her mouth, not speaking a word. Just focusing on her love.

How could she said something if it can destroy Ivy. She would die to protect the man she love. ?I can?t tell him, Ivy.? She was speaking to him as he was here with her in her own hell. ?I wont tell him how to kill you.? She turned to look to Dimitri. ?Go?to?.hell.? She speak the words slowly so he can understand them.


Date: 2013-12-08 21:15 EST
Dimitri tilted his head a moment and a grin touched his lips bringing out the tinge of craziness behind his eyes. He gave her cheek a stinging smack with the flat of that blade, enough to leave an angry red welt.

"I am going out on a limb here, but Ivy is not here and you are speaking to him? I know you have no ear communicator on you. Are we hallucinating, Icesong?" He grinned at her and squatted right in front of her.

"So you don't want to tell me how to kill Ivan? Let me connect the dots here. You're neck is rarely touched by a vampire that loves his ladies. You are quite defensive now when I ask about why he is not biting you and then you give me a clue all wrapped up in a bow by talking to someone not here." He slapped the combat knife in his hand as he rapidly put things together.

It didn't take much thought for Dimitri to see what a gold mine he had right here. He had in his possession one thing that the other pious rats in the company didn't have. He had Ivy's death sitting in this chair, breathing and pumping a poison he couldn't have asked better for.

"Get a medic in here, now." Dimitri ordered the guard.

"Medic? Sir, no one's been hurt here." The guard said in confusion.

Dimitri looked to the man, pulled out his .45 and shot the man in the gut. "Oh look, someone is hurt. Get a medic in here, now!" he shouted to the guard standing behind the closed doors.

The guard that was shot was screaming in pain, curled up on the floor. The sounds of boots running for the door was heard, then a medic was shoved through the opened door. He looked at Dimitri then at the man bleeding out on the floor.

"Leave him." Dimitri said. He looked right at Icey. "Collect several vials of her blood and hook her up to an I.V. I want her nice and hydrated so we can milk every last drop of blood from her when we need it."

He stood and left the room as the medic forcefully ignored the weakening cries of the shot guard. Soon the guard made no more noise and was dead. The medic ordered someone to get the body out and went to work, hooking Icesong to an I.V. and drawing blood samples from her.


Date: 2013-12-29 19:01 EST
The medic went to work on Icesong and prepped several large 60ml vials to draw an ample supply of blood from her. He crouched and inserted a needle into her arm.

"Are you really connected with that lunatic vampire?" He asked her.

Baby Ice

Date: 2014-01-05 05:31 EST
She watched Dimitri place together the clues. She panic when she heard his plans. She fight her body, trying to make the needle impossible go throw her pale skin. Turning it into more a demon hide. She would contrecte them, barely hear the medic. ?You just let him die like that.? Her ice blue eyes on the man who trying to get the red liquid under her skin. ?You are an animal.?

She hissed out. How long she could make her skin like this, to bid the man she love some time to find her and save her.


Date: 2014-01-15 14:47 EST
The medic looked straight into her eyes. She'd see a small glimmer of panic in them.

"Lady the only real animal around here, " he looked around a moment ensuring the guards were gone with the body. "is Dimitri. You want to live in his organization you accept a lot of things or you end up in the next plastic bag off to the dump. Now don't make this hard. If I can't get samples from you in a way that is as painless as possible. You want to know how he'll get them from you. You'd rather see that vampire all in one piece right? Dimitri isn't beyond lopping parts off of prisoners and hostages. That's why he has medics to keep him from killing someone before their time."

He pulled from his medal kit a small vial of dragons bane oil with brimstone in it. He crushed the vial, soaking a cotton ball and waved it under her nose even wiping the oil on her upper lip to induce her to lose focus over her skin.

"Lady, it's a simple choice. Cooperate or really learn what suffering is by Dimitri's hands."

Baby Ice

Date: 2014-01-16 19:50 EST
?Pleasse help me.? She pleaded. ?Please let me go.? She wrinkles up her nose at the smell of the drug. ?Please?. Don?t? her tough skin faded away. ?I am thirsty.? She lowers her chin, a few tears slide down her heated, bruise cheeks.


Date: 2014-01-22 15:48 EST
The medic was able to get the heavy gauge needle into her veins finally once she lost control. He took several vials of her blood and packed them away. He gave her a long look, tempted to give her water, but Dimitri didn?t give him any permission. He just backed away from Icesong and left the prison cell.

A technician was watching the security cameras and audio feeds. Unknown to him, the security system had been hacked and now streamed over the magcial aethers, untraceable to Ivy?s new base of operations.

Camera #43: Medical Bay

A medical officer enters the medical bay and finds Dimitri waiting for him.

"You have her blood?" Dimitri asked.

The medic nodded and moved to his lab. Dimitri watched the medic prepping several large vials filled with the dark red blood of the dragon girl.

"What would make it poisonous to a vampire?" Dimitri asked, appearing fascinated with this potential weapon only he had.

The medic sent the samples spinning in a centrifuge. "Could be anything sir. Mutated proteins, radical platelets, perhaps a plasma that does not break down in the vampires digestion. Or even the magical properties of the blood itself. I'll have to study the samples."

Dimitri gave the medic a simple nod.

"Tell me everything once you know. Fail me and you'll be out of work and life." He left the medical bay.

Cameras #12 & 13: Holding Cell

Dimitri went to the interrogation room and looked through a viewing slit.

"Be sure to go in and feed the girl." He said to a set of guards posted by the doors. "I will not have an asset die out of neglect." He turned and left the area.

Icesong was unconscious at least; escaping within her dream. The fever keeps her body weak, moving a bit, her chains rattled against the steel. She was breathing slowly wishing she could travel through the planes she knows so well. "Ivy..... " she whispers. "Momma."

Opening her blue eyes she glanced down at the chains on her arm. She closed her blue eyes; trying to turn one of the handcuffs into pure ice. It took her a few times but each of them fell on the floor. She moves against the wall now, trying to find something of a blunt object for a weapon.

The guards ran an order for food for the prisoner then heard the sound of shattering metal hit the floor. They primed their M-16s, one guard covering the other guard as the door was thrown open and a flash bang was flung inside. The door was then shut as it the device detonated, filling the room with a loud, echoing bang and brilliant light.

Icesong yelped when she heard the loud noise and blinded by the flash she picked up what she could grab; one of the medic's needles. Gripping it in her hand, feeling for a way to escape; a cabinet.

The guards waited for two seconds then opened the door. "On the floor!" one guard shouted to a room that was apparently empty save the chair and a cabinet; a glance to his buddy as more guards came down the hall to the room hearing the flash bang go off. A radio call was made to Dimitri. "Sir, the prisoner is free of her bonds and most likely in a supply cabinet. How do we proceed?"

"Hold your fire for now." Dimitri said. He returned to the prisoner cell again. The guards waited, entry blocked by six armed guards on edge.

Dimitri reached the cell and considered the situation; a call made to the medical bay. "Do we have enough blood to synthesize a venom if we need to?" A moment of silence. "We do sir." Dimitri then grinned and took one of the guards M-16's and walked into the room and held it leveled at the supply cabinet.

"As much as I'd love to see Ivan's expression when I show him a tape of you in agony to my torture techniques, it would seem we don't need you anymore, miss Icesong. So I am afraid that means your use to me has come to an end. Pray, if dragons even have gods." The M-16 clacked as he slid the bolt back on it. Dimitri squeezed the trigger, peppering the cabinet and wall with M-16 rounds.

Dimitri tossed the M-16 to the guard. "Mop up and dump the body. Be sure she's dead." he left the room and the guards now entered the room, all rifles leveled.

The lead guard shouldered his rifle and went to the locker, a .45 semi-auto drawn. He didn't see any blood on the ground our around the cabinet. His hand reached out to open the cabinet door. "Don't kill the girl! We are going to need more samples from her. Her blood is very unusual even for a dragon." The guard froze for a moment, hand halfway to the door of the cabinet.

The gun was holstered and the other guards shouldered their rifles. They each took out a metal baton, ready to subdue something not human. "Come out and you won't be hurt much." The lead guard said, backing away from the cabinet.

She moves slowly, a growl; soon she was standing out of the closet, hand still grip the needle. She was thirsty, hungry, fever and in pain due to the round in her shoulder.

"Good. You listen. Back to the chair." He pointed the baton at her then the chair.

"No." Icesong shakes her head. She was weak but how she found the strength to fight. She looks for a sink.

"Behave and you'll get looked at and fed." He moved towards her, baton held, ready to strike and hurt. "Resist and we will beat you until you drop."

Icesong moves to the chair to weak to stand and fight. She lowers herself on the chair. She kept a hand on her weapon through.

"Good." The guard moved over and smacked her hand holding the needle with his baton, hard enough to possibly break bone. The two guards had left then came back with a collar of metal and sigils. The moved in to collar her.

Icesong yelped in pain feeling the baton came down on her hand. a weak growl was given, she held her broken hand with her other one. She held still.

The collar was fastened, the sigils glowed, shutting off her magical abilities. Most of the guards moved away, a few came in and set up a cot in the corner, then left. Another came in and left a tray of food and two canteens of water on the bed. The lead guard backed away from her and soon the door was shut and locked with two guards in place outside of the room. From the view slit the lead guard spoke. "A medic may be by at some point. Eat. Feel lucky that you live. Not often Dimitri is denied an order."

Hearing the guard, she moves to the Cot, picking up the canteen, taking some big gulps of water. The food is forgotten till she gets done with the water, with the one half drained, she started digging in the food, eating now.

She was left alone now by the guards. Scheduled relief breaks would happen under heavy guard.

Baby Ice

Date: 2014-01-22 20:17 EST
When she was fed and water, the drug in the food that made to sedate her. Her blue eyes dropped and she had laid back on the cot. Her shoulder still bleeding and broken hand that what she got from trying to escape. The only good thing about it. She is freed of those chains that kept her to the chair.


Date: 2014-02-14 17:30 EST
Dimitri sat at a fold out metal table deep within the millitary bunker and wore a menacing grin. Laying ontop of maps of Rhy'Din City was foam tray loaded with 50 doses of venom specifically made to kill the living vampire, Ivan Vel Yovin. The medic assured him that after a second blood draw on the dragon girl in a few more days he could synthesive the unique proteins and plasma that seemed to rip apart the blood cells in a sample of Ivan's blood. It was time to strike at the self proclaimed crusader that cut his brother down in self-righteous hate.

He snatched up one of the vials and looked a the slightly shimmering teal liquid within it. The thoughts of what agony this would do to that vampire were sweet but his revenge was just budding and it took care to make it blossom into a juicy fruit to consume. He pulled out a cellphone and dialed up a number from memory and put the phone to his ear.

"Gibs. I have a problem. Ivan Vel Yovin. You'll be getting a package. Enjoy the hunt. Standard fee plus a sizable increase if you bring me his head." Dimitri snapped the phone shut and tossed it on top of the table.

Baby Ice

Date: 2014-03-02 01:15 EST
After being shot and her hand broken, they kept her in long time being sleep and short time being awake. Getting her blood was easier of her being drugged. She moves with the group of guards when they let her have some excerise and let her release herself. She was weak through.

Darcy Angel

Date: 2014-12-17 17:05 EST
{Posting with permission from Baby Ice-mun.}
Darcy was one scatter brained mess of a demi Goddess with a bit of draconic blood thrown in. Despite all of that she would drop everything she was doing for family. And that's what she did now. She was no stranger to her sister missing. She'd been keeping an eye on the situation to see if things had improved. She had all the Time in the world but her sister did not. She needed to intervene.

That night she rose from bed without a sound. Kissing her sleeping husband. She took off the necklace and wedding band to set it on the night stand. She didn't need the distractions. Forest hues cast one last look at Ven before she moved to get ready. It was time to go. Most of the weapons at her disposal were a part of her or she already had. Only armed with her skills and the Crowbatspeargun she left the Jello HQ.

The Awesomeness was all pleasant and sweet smiles. That was until you messed with her family and dearest friends. Then a side of her that only so few had glimpsed upon was released. She didn't need a mirror to tell her that her eyes had bled to the deepest darkest depths with infinite stars that swirled in them. Her humanity slipped away and was replaced by the insane and chaotic animal she had caged inside. She regained some control and that was just enough so she wouldn't accidentally kill anyone innocent.

Life and death. Sacrifice and rebirth. That was her calling and the flavor she was. Previously she had gathered the information and was able to locate the bunker. In the dark of night she would infiltrate it. No one was safe from her rage. For the longest time her weapon was neglected as she reveled in taking their lives with her bare hands. A force to be reckoned with. Nothing would stop her on her path of destruction. Her only and one goal was clear and that was to save her sister.

Baby Ice

Date: 2014-12-17 22:58 EST
Some time has passed, Icesong had lost hope from seeing Ivy again. They still collect blood from her for who knows.

Icesong gave up from the pain and not knowing Ivy had died or not. Her kidnappers had kept her drugged up by dragonsbane and brimstone.

Icesong had gone wild, her pretty blond hair dirty, gone frail and weak due to small feeding that mostly was drugged.. and The collar she wore, still kept her from using her magic.

Darcy Angel

Date: 2014-12-18 12:10 EST
It wasn't until she was further in that she began to use the Crowbatspeargun. Covered in the blood of her enemies it didn't slow her down. The weapon provided options. Options to melee attack or range. It was nice to have options. Their deaths would not be in vain. Oh no. Hades would be pleased. The souls would be sacrificed and ferried to the Underworld.

It didn't matter if they got a shotgun round to the face or the nailed baseball bat embedded into their skull. No one was safe. With all of the violence, death, and commotion going on certainly Icesong would hear it. The guards posted at her door didn't even stand a chance. No one did. With a grunt she kicked the door open and stood there for a moment. Covered head to toe in blood and who knows what else. Her gaze landed on her sister.

There were no words as she moved to remove whatever restraints she had. Very carefully as if handling something precious and fragile she slung her sister over her shoulder in a fireman's carry. It was then she spoke, "We're going home."

Weapon in hand and her sister secured she'd make her way slowly out of the bunker, "Keep your eyes closed and don't look." The gore and death she had left in her wake would be quite traumatizing to one not used to such violence. Outside the bunker Icesong would get her first taste of the cold winter's night air in a while. She didn't falter or stop. Not until they got back to the Jello HQ. Closing the door she would move to lay her sister on the couch, "Give me a minute."

She moved off to one of the guest bathrooms to wash off all the blood. And the tears. The tears of pure joy that flowed knowing her sister was safe finally. Composing herself and clean she would check on her sister. Getting her food and water. She had obliterated that collar to all Hell. Using her abilities she would heal her sister. Thankful Icesong was still a bit drugged. If not then the healing process would have been more painful. Once she did all she could she would curl up in a chair and keep an eye on her sister before finally sleep sucked her under.