Topic: Learning the past (Play off from RX Logs)

Baby Ice

Date: 2015-05-30 13:44 EST
It was quiet in the headquarters. Icesong sat at the desk with Ivy?s recorder. she had her own out, she hit the play button and waited for Ivy?s warm deep voice out.

"Zero hundred hours is the time. An hour when most are asleep, most are gearing up for a hunt, most are rutting or most are getting inebriated in their embalming fluid of choice. I prefer Vodka. Brand? Matters not as long is it is strong, clear and as cold as my mother land. I digress though.

The purpose of these logs, should you be the unfortunate soul to stumble upon them is to bring to light a cancer that was introduced to Rhydin's living body. A cancer that I am wholly to blame for. That cancer is the pharmaceutical company called Hollows Bio Cell. This company has spread through many realms and has even strangled the planet Earth that I have come from. ?

Icesong hit the pause button. ?No, Ivy. I had played my part being your secretary by pushing out Hollows Bio Cell out.? She sighed out. ?I only had a few things of yours. These tapes, those video. Your coat that still smell like you,,? She hit the play buttom.

Ivy?s deep voice once more filled the air. "Their goal? Cheap and affordable pharmaceuticals for all medical organizations. A pipe dream, right? All the pills you could want for very low prices. My mother, rest her ancient bones always told me that if something looks shiny, new and too good to be true you better run. Attached to that shining bobble is most likely a Mithu, a demon that likes to feed on foolish people lured by its shiny bait.

Hollows Bio Cell has the shiny bait. Low price, high quality drugs. Now what is the Mithu behind it? More drugs, oh yes, but not the ones you ever want in your world. Humans on my Earth long outgrew the kiddy stuff and delved into new drugs, exotic drugs made with chemicals and compounds you never find in every day life. Drugs so addicting and lethal in time that money poured into the coffers of Hollows Bio Cell's CEO, Sten Velsp to most, Lord Baron to the underworld cronies and the black death to the unlucky that die by his own hands.

This is an old and long established kingpin and his kingdom has spread and gone very, very deep. His men and women have influences over anyone in many ways and I was one of many, fooled, lured in and blinded by the Mithu holding the hopes of a bright future. Centuries of wisdom and talents that could offer cures to the masses and I turned them to the defilement of those masses instead. I've enslaved the minds of many, made their bodies scream and cry for chemical bliss.

My crimes are many, wrought by my own will under the banner of Hollows Bio Cell and the piercing eyes of Velsp. But no longer am I the fool. I've seen the Mithu and it is large. I can only hope I am not too late to kill this cancer and rid Rhydin of this menacing blight. Time marches on and I must not sit idle. Tonight I make my first strike. End log."

Icesong voiced come out. ?with your death, You have failed. Maybe Once I get your vegenge , I can stop the Hollows producing drugs. I need more time to train, to get better. I may be a dragon and a planeswalker. But I am inexperence, I am slowly getting use to dragonsbane. when i meet Dimitri again, He wont weaken me with it.?