Topic: Beauty can be Dangerous


Date: 2005-12-22 11:57 EST
The lady sat behind a thick wooden desk, looking up at the young girl who knocked on the heavy oak door that lead into her office, a quaint room done all in oak shelves and a roaring fire not far from where the red haired woman sat. She was a beautiful woman with spilling spiral curls and deep green eyes, a touch bit on the tall side and maybe just a touch plumper around the waist then would be fashionable for a lady. She motioned the child in with a delicate red nailed hand.

"Come in child, what can I do for you?" she asked softly, the girl entering, blond hair spilling around her face, she would have to see about that.

"A note came for you Lady Victoria," she answered offering up the thick parchment to the woman who took it.

"Thank you Sue, you may go," she waves the child out and picks up a letter opener heating it to run through the thick wax seal then opened the paper her eyes scanning the words. The fine writing immediately identified the letter as one of Inara's and at first she smiled at the talk of her new settling, until she realized the content, then the smile vanished anger flaring in the red head's eyes.

Quitting, no one quits the guild, and no one as successful as Lady Inara Serra. She could not allow this to occur, it was against guild rule to marry or even date, and to quit was unheard of. She growled as she crumpled the paper and stood, "MARGARET" she screamed the name and a nervous dark haired girl entered the room.

"Yes ma'am," she squeaked.

"Get me Athington Wing, bring him to me, now," she snapped and the young woman rushed to do just that. Victoria slowly sat once more, she'd make the woman regret her leaving.


Date: 2005-12-31 10:22 EST
Athington Wing could be described as handsome, if not more. He had an elegance to him, an air of self assuredness that seemed to linger around him and drew people to him in a crowd. He wasn't an overly tall man, but he was strongly built and the sword at his side was not just for decoration. His dark eyes seemed to take in everything, and he had a grace with words that left one hanging on his every syllable, even when what he was saying was of rudeness, it often took so long to sink in that you had been insulted that already he had withdrawn from the your presents.

Despite his up side, Athington was anything but a true gentleman, there was nothing gentle about him. His despised woman with a passion, except those who could higher his possession in state and looked on them as possessions. He had more then once left his mark in the backside of some poor barmaid, who had taken his money for a quick tryst. He was a mean son of gun, and he flaunted it.

Its why the guild had hired him, he could charm any sweet thing into joining, and he had the mean streak to keep them there. Its why Victoria liked him so, and kept him around, she paid him well to police the girls of her guild and as he entered her office today he knew why he was being called. His boots gleamed, shined to a high polish, his sword on his hip, black slacks and a steel gray shirt with a black vest covered his chest.

He approached Victoria's desk without so much as knocking or even introducing himself, his hands moving to his hips as he stopped, feet just slightly apart, he looked down at her a smile gracing those beautiful full lips that women seemed to swoon over.

"You were looking for me Lady Victoria?"


Date: 2005-12-31 12:49 EST
Victoria looked up at Athington's entrance, her fingers lacing in front of her and she sat back and smiled at the man before her. She knew him well, and had chosen him specifically for his ruthlessness and his unending competitiveness with the beautiful Inara who had turned him down over and over in the last few years.

"I did," the woman nodded and motioned Athington to the seat across from her. "I have a job for you. A collection, of an employee who thinks she can call her contract at anytime. I believe you know her quiet well, Inara Serra, though not for long, apparently she has decided to marry outside of the guild, and I just can't have such disobedience, I want you to go to Rhy-Din and bring the little trollop back here by whatever the means," she snarled.


Date: 2005-12-31 14:02 EST
The quark to Athington's lips was anything but pleasant, a smile that would send shivers up anyone else's spine and he nodded, "My pleasure, I'll bring her in, and remind her who she works for as well," he answered with a nod, filing away the name of the place the whore had wandered off to as he stood. "Any specific instructions on how you want her brought in? Or just alive?" he asks, that smile sweetening his lips once more.


Date: 2006-01-03 12:09 EST
"Alive most definitely, and unscarred," Victoria answered, "take what you will from her, but do not mark her up, or you wont be paid. She's of no use to me as damaged goods," the woman added watching the man across from her and leaned forward slightly, "I'm sure you can handle that, you don't need to carve your name in every hide you take now do you? Are we clear?" She asked watching to make sure he understood perfectly his job.


Date: 2006-01-03 12:53 EST
Athington smiled at Victoria, "Bring her in, no scares, I can do that, no perminent marks," he nods and chuckles softly moving to stand. "You'll have Miss Inara back before the month is out," he turned leaving the room, collecting the package he knew would be there for him, spending money, and pass for the boat to Rhy-Din.

He reached the dock in no time, sending his dun charger to the boat ahead of him and heading up himself, he'd be sitting in the Rhy-Din Inn in a matter of days enjoying a pint and tracking down the wench and making her his before taking her home, but not before he had his piece of her and tought her who was really in charge here.


Date: 2006-01-04 09:59 EST
Athington stepped free of the three massed sailing ship, looking back at his horse as it pounded down the cargo ramp, screaming and lashing out at everyone holding him back. He smiled, the horse hated boats and this had been a long three day trip with rough seas almost the whole way. He grinned as the horse got a hold on one sailor sinking his teeth into the bellowing man and the well dressed lord crossed the distance to his horse, speaking a soft russian to the horse, the animal immediately settled.

"I'll take him from here," he reached out and took the horses lead and strolled away from the cursing sailors, laughing pleasantly to himself as the horse fallowed him calmly. Athington stopped on the edge of the dock, his eyes scanning the town ahead of him, Rhy-Din, home of some of the biggest slave trading and blackmarket businesses this side of the nexus.

He smiled softly as he pulled out a file and checked over his information flipping through it, familiarizing himself with the people who could help him as well as the outstanding bounties on people known to be in the town. He could make a small fortune living here turning runaways back to their homes. He flipped through the pictures and chuckled before closing the file, first things first, business before pleasure, not that getting his hands on Inara wouldn't be pleasurable.

He had dreamed of what he would do to the raven haired beauty, he would make her regret ever turning him down. He would make her beg him to give her mercy and see to it that she never forgot him so long as she lived. He turned and leapt up into the saddle sending the horse into the town, humming happily to himself, for now he would find somewhere to have a decent meal and a drink, then he would look into getting information on the lovely Inara Serra Wakefield.