Topic: Case File R-02: The Kusanagi Yoma (Arcanum Commission)

Quinn Heartt

Date: 2014-03-07 12:12 EST
For a place rife with mystical wonder, arcane mystery, and just plain strangeness, Rhy'Din somehow had little need for the investigating prowess that Spade & Heartt Detective Agency provided. Or at least that's how Quinn felt. She tired of waiting for the action to come to her. Shutting the shop down early, it's not like they kept regularly scheduled hours anyways, she spent some time around town before being directed to the Arcanum Academy, one of Rhy'Din's several schools. It seemed innocuous enough, sure. And the guild job board within, even more so. Quick and dirty, just the way she liked it, but don't tell Rick that. He wouldn't understand the phrase anyways.

Hauntings. Easily explained.

Disappearances of both people and property. Perhaps.

Ice elementals? No thank you.

Yoma. Yoma? Quinn's gaze came to a stop, lingering on the posting as she perked a brow. She had heard tales of Yoma but had never experienced one personally. It wouldn't be easy, especially if it really was what this Kusanagi claimed. But as she looked over the bounty for the job, she let out a low whistle and input the information into her phone.

Rick's ancient Nokia was sure to be buzzing before long with the torrential barrage of texts to fill him in.

Looks like they were going Yoma hunting.

Rick Spade

Date: 2014-03-09 22:31 EST
"Yoma." Rick frowned at his Nokia, nimble fingers rolling through the stream of messages Quinn had sent him while he napped in the recliner. He scratched his side, forgetting that it was still bandaged and healing. Wince.

When had been the last time he had dealt with a yoma? It must have been back in Miami. Triads had used one to try and muscle out the local Cuban gangs before losing control of it. It had been a nasty affair. The detective remembered a lot of fire and wrecked vehicles. Eventually they had discovered it's true name, if Rick remembered correctly, and set it to an inane task that would take it forever and a day; as far as Rick knew, it was still counting all the ever changing sand pebbles on the always shifting islands off the Florida coast.

Rick got out of the recliner with a pained grunt, punching keys to return a few quick notes back to Quinn. He'd be over if she'd provide him with the address. In the mean time, if she could start asking around for any potential enemies of the clan, or possibly any new heirlooms brought out from storage or gifted from estranged cousins, mysterious uncles, that sort.

If they could afford it, they could try to avoid a direct confrontation with the monster. If they couldn't..

Rick texted Quinn one last time to ask if she knew of any church's around Rhydin. Better to be prepared for the worst, that was Rick's motto.

Quinn Heartt

Date: 2014-04-05 15:44 EST
Initial interviews. Research. Investigation. Rinse and repeat as needed. This was the process that Quinn used with each and every case. Methodical and thorough in hopes of catching the pieces and parts that Rick may overlook in his hyperactive and attention deficit way of thinking. Between the two, it seemed to work despite their differences. Amaterasu Kusanagi was the first she spoke with in her quest to gather as much information as possible before dragging Rick into another half-cocked and possibly dangerous investigation. They both knew how those ones turned out, and really, after the most recent debacle with the curious case of the teapot and junkie mages, Quinn wasn't sure if Rick could handle another unknown and possibly violent expedition so soon.

The out of the way tea house in West End was Kusanagi's preferred meeting place and Quinn wandered her way through Rhy'Din City's Little Asia with a fond smile on her face before she found the venue. It had a pit of homesickness roiling in her stomach, quickly overtaking by a craving for sushi from Red Lantern back in Boston. Hand over her stomach as it growled, she snickered and slipped into the shop, the twinkling of bells sounding above her head. In the corner, a slight and well dressed Japanese man rose, one hand rising to flag her down. The heels of the nude pumps click clacked over bamboo slatted flooring as she put on her very best professional smile.

"Ms. Kusanagi." She bowed her head respectfully as she came to a stop, her palms pressed together in front of her diaphragm. The woman mimicked the motion before straightening her spine and gesturing toward the seat across the table from her. Quinn politely slid into the chair and smoothed her hands over the pencil skirt that wrapped her lower body in its embrace. Over the next hour and a half, the pair went through two pots of tea, several pastries, and quite a bit of conversation, a recorder on the table picking up all of the information while Quinn made minor notes about her thoughts on a legal rule notepad that rested against the table's edge.

"So I hope you can understand my concern, Miss Heartt. It's rather disconcerting and my children, well, they're terrified. Do you feel Spade & Heartt can be of assistance?" Kusanagi's tone held a quiet tension to it, every word prickling with implied anxiety. Quinn felt every ounce of it, and she brushed a hand over her forearm to ward off the chill that had settled along her flesh. Despite her uneasiness, the smile she wore was genuine and reassuring.

"I most certainly understand and please, call me Quinn. I have no concerns about our capability to straighten this out for you. I'd like to request some unrestricted access to your home, if possible, at a time that is convenient for you. That way we can get a baseline feel for things and speak with any household staff or perhaps anyone else with experience on the matter. Would that be alright?" Quinn asked, the slight curve of her lips held hopes of his confidence in their skills and agreement of her terms. Kusanagi paused before mirroring the smile and dipping her head in a bowed nod.

"Yes, yes that will do just fine. Please let me know when will work best for you and I will work to accommodate your investigation. I request your utmost discretion in the matter, I'd like to keep attention to a minimum." She murmured across the table as she returned the porcelain teacup to its saucer and rose from her seat. Quinn nodded her understanding before rising as well.

"But of course. You have my word." Once they said their goodbyes, Quinn stuffed the recorder back into her purse and wandered her way back through town to get back to the office. She may stopped for sushi on the way, but she'd never fess up to that. Transcribing the recorded conversation would be much easier on a full stomach.

Quinn Heartt

Date: 2014-04-06 17:50 EST

QH: "Case File Rhy'Din dash zero two, Arcanum guild commission for Amaterasu Kusanagi. Fifth of April, two thousand fourteen by the Gregorian calendar. I'm meeting Ms. Kusanagi at the Hotaru Tea House in West End for initial interviewing."

QH: "Oh excuse me, sorry."

QH: "Ms. Kusanagi."

AK: "Miss Heartt, thank you for meeting me. Please, sit."

QH: "It's my pleasure. I've been meaning to stop by here for tea but my path hasn't brought me this way until today."

AK: "My husband's brother is the proprietor. I do hope you enjoy it. Wagashi?"

QH: "Yes, thank you. Ms. Kusanagi, do you mind if I record our conversation today for later reference?"

AK: "Not at all."

QH: "Thank you."

QH: "I'll be taking notes as well, just so I remember things as they come to mind. So please tell me, how long have you been affected by your current issue?"

April 4th, 2014. R-02.

AK: "It started... probably three months ago, little things here and there. Scratching sounds at first. Then footsteps and groaning in the attic. Nobody dared go up there to investigate."

Because anyone who has seen The Grudge knows you don't go into the attic.

AK: "But I came home one day and the attic hatch was open, the ladder partially pulled down. And my Au Pair, Megumi, was nowhere to be found.

Did you look in the attic?

AK: "We haven't seen her since and that was... seven weeks ago."

Did. You. Look. In. The. Attic?

AK: "A week after her disappearance, we once more searched the grounds and the manor top to bottom. The attic was stained with what looked to be blood but there were no other signs of her... no... body or anything."

Watch? Police? FBI? Exorcist?

AK: "We brought a private investigator in to examine things as well as a kannushi to purify the home. The... investigator stopped responding to correspondence within a few days and after the kannushi's visit the incidents seemed to get worse."

Note: Track down previous investigator.

AK: "I awoke one night to this... thing standing over me, salivating like a rabid dog."

QH: "What did it look like?"

AK: "Long limbed and sort of grey, I guess. Yellow teeth and cloudy eyes. I screamed and it grabbed at me. My husband woke up. He keeps a handgun in his bedside table and he fired it. The shot hit the... thing and I ended up covered in this... goop. It disappeared when the sun came up but it was disgusting."

Ectoplasm? Probably. Even more so with it disappearing with the sun's first light.

QH: "Ms. Kusanagi, prior to this beginning, did you make any changes in life? New purchases? Old antiques? Run ins with unsavory people?"

AK: "No, well not that I can think of. Eiji had a disagreement with a business partner who passed away recently. That hit him rather hard. But no, other than that, not really."

Eiji=Husband. Dead business partner=Look in to.

QH: "Is there anyone else that might have had a bone to pick with you or your family?"

AK: "Of course not! Who in their right mind would set a yoma on an innocent family? I have children in the house... what if..."

Something ain't right, here. Client is putting off major defensive aura, nothing readable past that. Look into enemies, business dealings, that dead business partner.

QH: "We'll get to the bottom of it, Ms. Kusanagi, you have my word."

AK: "So I hope you can understand my concern, Miss Heartt. It's rather disconcerting and my children, well, they're terrified. Do you feel Spade & Heartt can be of assistance?"

And these are the days of our lives.

QH: "I most certainly understand and please, call me Quinn. I have no concerns about our capability to straighten this out for you. I'd like to request some unrestricted access to your home, if possible, at a time that is convenient for you. That way we can get a baseline feel for things and speak with any household staff or perhaps anyone else with experience on the matter. Would that be alright?"

AK: "Yes, yes that will do just fine. Please let me know when will work best for you and I will work to accommodate your investigation. I request your utmost discretion in the matter, I'd like to keep attention to a minimum."

QH: "But of course. You have my word."

AK: "Thank you. Half of your payment. The rest once the job is finished."

QH: "Yes ma'am."

AK: "Do take care, Miss... Quinn."

QH: "You as well Ms. Kusanagi. Safe travels."

Rick Spade

Date: 2014-04-20 15:54 EST
Rick's head ached and he was running low on cigarettes and coffee. When Quinn had given him a list of things to look into for the Yomi case, he hadn't expected it to be quite this difficult. A few phone calls, some polite conversations, maybe a bit of digging around in the city records or newspapers for details surrounding the death of Eiji Kusanagi's former business partner, and back home in time for a drink and a little alone time with Quinn. A good day.

Instead, he was still sitting at the diner on the other side of town at almost one in the morning, trying to sort a whole lot of nothing into a big pile of something, and getting absolutely no where. Not that he should he surprised, really; cases the pair took on were rarely as clean and straight forward as he hoped, and if someone really was involved in a bit of Yomi summoning, then it was only going to get worse before things were said and done.

And he was really having an awful time getting his waitress's attention. The almost empty cup of cold coffee sitting at the edge of his table had been left unattended for nearly a half hour. How was he suppose to get anywhere with no caffeine? Maybe Quinn was right and he should just bite the bullet and hire someone to help around the shop and in the offices. Someone who could actually make a good cup of coffee in this town. That would be grand. Maybe even worth breaking out that lamp for..

Oh, if wishes were fishes, Rick would have a whole ocean.

With a sigh, he pushed the thought of using a genie just to get a regular cup of coffee and tried to organize everything he'd turned up into something resembling a useful lot of facts. Not for the first time tonight, he started piling the sheets of paper containing notes, dated newspapers, and Quinn's transcript into neat clusters, hoping that connections would come out or some new fact would materialize, linking one bit to another. It was quite a bit like magic, really. A little will, a little effort, a bit of a luck, some arcane arrangement of objects, and a whole lot of luck, and maybe something useful would happen.


The Kusanagi business was, unsurprisingly, a bit on the dirty side. Rick theory was that anyone with money was at least a bit dirty, and so far the Kusanagi weren't dissuading him of this notion. Rick selected a beaten and well used journal and flipped to the page where he'd scribbled a few details down, earned on the weight of a few twenties slipped to a low level office worker in one of the various Kusanagi holdings. Nothing seemed entirely out of the ordinary; nothing like murder or thievery, nothing to raise suspicion. Just greased wheels, cash under the table, a bit of heavy handed encouraging from local thick necks, and some illegal goods trafficking. Nothing involving magic or murder.

Naturally, the Kusanagi had quite a few enemies, but no one that seemed up to the task of summoning and binding a Yomi. Mostly business types who used business means to put the screws to people. Just the typical board room dragons. A few probably had shady connections, but it didn't look like it was an avenue worth pursuing.

One thing that Rick did find interesting, however, was the recent series of major successes Eiji had made. Starting right about the time his partner vanished. If anything seemed suspicious, it was that. There wasn't much to go on, as the partner's name had been with held on what few business documents he'd managed to sneak out of the offices and hands of others. The only note in the newspaper about the death was a note a few weeks before the Yomi appearance about a house fire. Well, a mansion fire. That said something, at least. Otherwise, Rick was operating a little in the dark. He could make assumptions (rich, powerful, and in all likely hood, murdered), but those didn't necessarily earn him a resolution to the case.

There hadn't been a whole lot else turned up on the man of mystery, which wasn't too unusual. It had taken Rick a week just to find the addresses for all of the Kusanagi offices and another to bribe his way into what little he knew, and those weren't even things people were trying to keep secret. It was just the nature of RhyDin that everything had to be complicated and difficult, as if the cities relationship with facts was tenuous as the love between estranged brothers. The lack of details on the partner could just be the natural order of things, or..

Well. It was something. And as his coffee cup remained unfilled, it was going to have to be good enough. Rick collected everything and stuffed it unceremoniously into a folder, dropped money and a few bucks extra onto the table, and made to head home. It was only as he exited his booth that the waitress finally appeared with a fresh pot of coffee and what went for a smile around here.

Figures, he thought. Always in right place and almost the right time, but only -- hey. Wait a minute. That's an idea. Rick tugged his phone out of his pocket as he spun around and headed to the door, ignoring the coffee and the eye rolls from his paltry tip. Nimble fingers punched in a short text to Quinn.

"Quinn. Check morgues. We need to confirm partner dead. Look for burn victim. We'll need access to the body. If there is one."

What if the partner hadn't quite been at home when the fire went up? What if it wasn't an accident?

Okay. So many hunches weren't that bad. Rick hit the cold air streets, buzzing like an electric street light.

Quinn Heartt

Date: 2014-06-12 18:34 EST
The sprawling canopy that was the Kusanagi clan's reach over Rhydin lent a whole new meaning to the word "shady". The deeper Quinn and Rick dug, the more questions they had. Progress was slow going and the returns fast diminishing over the course of the investigation. Over the better part of two months, they each had taken the time to delve into each and every hunch and lead they could come up from the plausible to the extraordinary. Every corner lead to a dead end. Except one.

House Kusanagi had a certain knack for ruling their holdings with an iron fist. Those employed feared Eiji Kusanagi as if he held sway over their very lives and the more Quinn ventured into their dealings, the more convinced she became that he may very well control them in such a way.

This didn't sit well with Quinn. Not in the least, for a numbers of reasons. First and foremost, it made working with these people absolute torture at times and many days she went home and locked herself in the bathroom with a tub full of steaming water and bubbles, a book, and some Gregorian chant dubstep on her iPod. Don't judge, it's a real thing. Niche genre, sure, but worthy of listening to at least once or twice. Secondly, Quinn Renee Heartt was a Daughter of the American Revolution (or so she claimed) and thusly, she held several truths to be self-evident. That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Murica.

In short, no person should hold such things above another person's head. Quinn said so. Rick's hold over Bob was a different story, so don't get her started on that, it's highly inadvisable. The whole point of the story is that Quinn wasn't about to let someone suffer due to someone else's deluded greed. The investigation became two-fold; stopping the yoma and getting to the bottom of the perpetual fear that hovered over those employed by the Kusanagis. So as Quinn pulled the latex gloves off and eyed her handiwork in the mirror, a rather annoyed blonde stared back at her. There was sneaking to be done, you see, and wigs are terribly itchy. So the newly ordained platinum Quinn dolled herself up like she had many a time and set off on her latest investigatory expedition.

Club Kabukicho, named after one of the largest red light districts in Earth's Asia, was set in a small entertainment district in West End and pulsed with heavy bass, an almost classy Asian motif, and an air of something sinister. It lingered on the edges just out of sight but for those perceptive or sensitive enough, it was just enough to set the nerves on edge. Luckily Quinn was a good actress and the towering heels that completed the clingy club outfit worn by the leggy blonde carried her confidently through the entrance of the nightclub. An Italian ID offered over to a bored bouncer read Vittoria Takahashi and its bearer did her best to exude an air suiting the name. Exotic but belonging, she wasn't questioned and a glittery smile rewarded the guard as he handed her ID back over and let her pass without question. At that point it was all about maintaining her composure and blending. She belonged here.

It was the best way to get answers. Not by questioning skittish employees but by natural conversation, keeping her cards close, and doing her best to read those around her. It would be a stretch but at this point, she wasn't sure what else to do. But she was armed and dangerous. Not with physical weaponry of course, especially not in a dress like that, red and clingy in all the right places. Oh she could imagine the wolfish grin Rick would have worn had he been on her arm. Maybe one night they'd have a evening out on the town like that. Tonight wasn't that night, though. A sixteen year old didn't belong in a place like this so Quinn flew solo. Harvey Wallbanger in hand --here's to you, Frank--, the mingling commenced.

Quinn didn't know Japanese or any of the dialects that she picked out of the crowd but intent ears caught a single word and thus Quinn had found her target. Eiji-san. Music to her ears. It came from a high topped table surrounded by pretty girls. Wait, it wasn't the table that was surrounded but the man leaning against it smugly. Sharply dressed, the man just reeked of wealth. It explained the congregation of gold digging vultures around him. While that certainly posed a problem, Quinn had come too far to turn back now. A few moments longer of observation gave her a fair grasp of the man?s aura and with a slow and subtle shift, she matched it with her own, minute manipulation to pull him to her without him even realizing it. Like a moth drawn to flame, his eyes lifted to hers and she simply pretended not to notice. A beat, two beats, three beats, before she made contact. A coy smile curved crimson lips and just as quickly she turned her eyes away from his and angled herself toward the bar instead. The bait had been set.

He swallowed it, hook, line, and sinker. Two minutes and fourteen seconds passed, Quinn counted, and she smelled his cologne before he even took up a suave lean against the counter. Her index finger circled the rim of her glass, body language open and inviting as she lifted her chin toward the new arrival. He was tall, close to a foot taller than her. The smile that bore down upon her was an overly bleached pearly white accented by slenderly pointed eye teeth. She pretended not to notice the hint of fangs and instead blessed him with a glittering smile in return.

?I haven?t seen you around here before...Who might you be?? He was smooth alright, his voice like honey and full of promises best kept in the privacy of lush suites. It set Quinn on edge. And not in a good way.

?Takahashi. Vittoria. Certainly you?ve heard of me. E tu?? She answered simply, letting a foreign lilt tickle her tongue as she feigned disinterest in the platinum that accented his right middle finger, his wrist, his cufflinks, hell it was everywhere. Amidst her continued adjustments to her aura, a steady give and take of his subtly seductive undertones, all she could think is how much his jewelry was worth and how it would keep the shop running for years.

?Murata Yuu. Call me Yuu, please. My apologies but your name is unfamiliar with me. Something I hope to remedy. Might I get you another drink?? Charming. Yes, yes he was. Quinn almost swooned but kept herself in character and gave him the most mild of amused smiles. She wouldn?t turn down a free drink. Ever. A dip of her chin was all he needed and the bartender came over with another Wallbanger. A girl could get used to service like that. Nevermind that this man wouldn?t have looked twice at her had she not conned him into it without his knowledge. She did what she had to.

?Yuu then. It?s a pleasure to meet you.? Quinn kept her voice low, keeping him close in order to hear her. His cologne was heady and she detected a faint hint of glamour. This had the potential to go downhill quickly so she had to choose her words very carefully.

?And also you, Vittoria, if I may call you that. Takahashi, perhaps of the New Haven Takahashi clan?? He inquired, his head bowed so he could match her low tones, a broad hand coming to settle against her lower back. Oh boy. Think fast, Quinn.

?Per favore call me Vittoria. And yes, they are kin however I?m a product of Terra Prime?s Italy. Fencing, you know? It?s good to be home though.? Her head tilted to spill a cascade of blonde over a shoulder, almost catching her off guard out of the corner of her eye until she reminded herself she?d left the chestnut behind for this job. Small talk was easy so long as it didn?t touch too deeply on her background. Somehow she?d made herself an insider and the intimate closeness between herself and Yuu produced a steady stream of conversation. Quinn laughed at all of the right places and navigated the getting to know you phase steadily toward information that she could use.

?That sounds like a lucrative deal, Yuu. Your partner was a smart man to take you up on it.? She purred the words to the taller man only inches away, his hand tracing the apex of her hip. Content to put him at ease she let him continue to contact even if it made her want to knee him in the jewels. He kept the drinks coming and she kept the information flowing, finding that Yuu was Eiji Kusanagi?s new partner now that the old had passed. Yuu hadn?t said much on the previous partner?s untimely demise but did express a few concerns that certainly piqued Quinn?s interest. The man had been a halfway decent warlock, which wasn?t surprising in a place like this. It seemed untouched by the rules that governed the practitioners back home, so an unchecked source of power could easily fly under the radar.

?I thought he might be. Now if only I can keep Eiji-san happy, I should make out fairly well. Would hate to end up like the last one.? Yuu chuckled. The sound was tight and uncertain and she easily caught his wary glance cast around the club like he was worried something might jump from the shadows at him. And in a place like this, there were plenty of shadows in which things could go bump. He gave a light tug at his tie before smoothing out his facade and offering a half-cocked grin to this evening?s companion. ?But enough about me. I feel we?ve been talking for hours and I still barely know anything about you.?

Just as she wished, she thought. Quinn knew the Kusanagi clan had been a bit on the shady side but murder of a business partner? Really? Tetsuhiko Hara had met a rather grisly end but investigators had written it off as an accident. A cigarette left lit. A life snuffed instead. A warlock murdered in his own home. That?s quite the feat. He would have had the protection of his threshold on his side unless it was someone known and welcome. It had her cogs turning, certainly. And Yuu was getting a bit too close for comfort. Time for exit stage right. Fingertips dipped into her clutch and a few buttons tapped to send a message to one basement dwelling Eldritch demigod. Initiating protocol seventeen. Yuu had drawn her close, gaze intent and near hypnotic and for a moment she worried she might fall right into endless pools of amber. Her lips parted, fully intending to answer his question when her phone rang. Right on cue. The melodic waltz that rang from her clutch brought the conversation to a harsh halt and she smiled apologetically before withdrawing her phone and answering.

?Pronto? Takahashi qui.? She pinned the device between her ear and shoulder, keeping a sultry look up toward Yuu. The voice on the other end returned with a heavily accented Italian and she seemed rather intent upon the man?s voice, a thin brow perking.

?Sar? il primo aereo del mattino...S?. S?. Mmhmm. Addio.? The back and forth banter had been quick and to the point and as she hung up and slipped the phone back into her clutch, she smiled pleasantly up at Yuu.

?My apologies. Meetings, you know how it goes, s?? I must be going but?? She made to pull away from him, her hand brushing over his hand, a heavy lashed look accenting her pause. ?I?m staying at the Imperial Grand RhyDin Hotel and Casino...the penthouse. Look me up, I?d love to get to know you better.?

Even in her sky high heels she managed to lean up on her tip toes to brush a chaste kiss to his jawline then pulled away from him, a convincingly regretful look in her eye as she did so. She made a good show of maintaining eye contact for as long as she could before she slipped into the crowd and beelined for the door. Yuu stared after her for a long moment until she broke away, her effect on him fading and as she adjusted her own aura to normal, she strode confidently away from the dark club and its thumping bass and overwhelming heaviness. Three blocks away she kicked off her heels and scooped them up to finish the walk home barefoot. A long shower, a few cleansing and an evening of meditation would be needed to remove the filthy feeling that lingered on her flesh, her clothing and her aura. And maybe a pitstop at the liquor store.