Topic: Happenings of the Vapor Variety

Quinn Heartt

Date: 2015-08-09 14:42 EST


Date: 2015-08-09 19:56 EST
Afternoon, August 09

After several harrying months of patience and investigation, Cris finally came into possession of the specific number of specific coins he had promised a specific feline-insect creature.

He also brought a 1954 bottle of plum Mulbec for the Agency proprietor's and spent some time with the dregs of what had been an impressive army of cats.

Rick Spade

Date: 2016-05-18 10:49 EST
Off screen and without ceremony, Rick released Bob from his bonds. In thanks, Bob undid the damage to Rick's soul done some years back.

On screen, Bob recently won the Tower of Earth. Follow here.