Topic: As the Raven Whispers.


Date: 2008-01-12 19:15 EST
Thud, thud, thud. Boots rumbled as she walked down the path. Sources told her that this is where she'd be. This is where Raven wanted her to be. Fingers grazed the edge of the walls of that house as she moved passed. She'd be damned if this wasn't where Mara was. There were some choices running through Raven's head, she was going to regret them, but they had to be done.

There was that door, that door she searched for desperately. Fingers rapped on it. Mara needed to answer, it was a choice she needed. Mara had to be the one to answer, she wanted her angel to answer. Golden eyes burned into that door pleadingly. Raven was bleeding. Clutching onto her side for dear life as crimson liquid flowed freely. The door was blurring. Raven cried out softly," Mara..."

Payne Is Bliss

Date: 2008-01-13 16:54 EST
She has been hauling the bedding down the stairs, dusty, exhausted and sweaty, when she heard the door. With a grunt, she muttered, "F*ck it." and tossed the dirty bedding over the railing and into the middle of the entryway. She took the stairs two at a time, calling out as she went, "I'm Coming! Hang on! Just a..." but she tripped and landed on her arse.

Cursing like a sailor, she limped to the door and flung it open, pig tails askew and sweat sheening on her face. Her eyes widened in shock and she immediately went to Raven, lifting her in her arms. "Oh my's you...what happened?! Here...don't talk..." Kissing her love on the face, she hurried her into the first parlor, laying her gently on the couch. "What happened to you?"

Deft fingers pulled gently at her clothing, seeking the source of her bleeding. Tears welled in Mara's eyes, but she forced them back. No time for that now. "Oh Raven, I missed you so much...does it hurt? What can I do?"


Date: 2008-01-13 18:28 EST
Don't talk... was all she heard before her figure went limp. The sound of Mara's voice was bliss. Hand cupped over her hip was loosened as she faintly felt the arms around her. There were no words from Raven as her black hair fell over her face. Raven was home, safe and sound with the one person she wanted to be with more then her life.

Soon that hand fell free, the crimson liquid coating her palm as it seeped from her body suit. Something had attacked Raven that was obvious wasn't it?

Payne Is Bliss

Date: 2008-01-15 13:26 EST
Grunting in frustration, Mara quickly set to cleaning Raven up and seeing to her wound. Once she fetched warm water, bandages, various salves and knife, she cut away Raven's clothing and began to clean her up. Once this was done, and she was satisfactoraly medicated and bandaged, Mara carried her love upstairs to her own room.

Raven was tucked into Mara's bed, safe and sound. She sat beside her, holding her hand and staring in wonder at Raven's face. She sighed, layed her head down on her arm, and slept as Raven slept.


Date: 2008-01-24 19:51 EST
Raven looked at Mara as she woke the next day. Wincing she sat up and groaned. Closing her eyes she fell back and smashed at the bandage on her side. Shaking her head she slid closer to her sleeping hero and pulled Mara in her arms. Kissing her forehead she whispered softly," Mara... I love you..."

Closing her eyes she knew now more then ever she wasn't going to leave Mara, not even in death. She was going to haunt Mara until the day she was exorcised, and the thought of that happening was one of those things never to be crossed.