Topic: More Than Dresses

Artur Narul

Date: 2009-11-09 04:05 EST
(A log between Elsa, Artur Narul, and Cat's Eye 11/05/09 & 11/08/09)

Many forms moved about the marketplace at any given hour, beasts and humans alike. A well suited ogre with cleanly shaven features, a wizzened old hag bearing the beard of a wizard, small fae creatures haggling in some musical tongue; all odds and ends from the magical to the mundane. Whom would notice the curl and slink of a patchwork cat skittering around impatient feet and formidable strides? Careful yet fearless the calico prowled, green eyes bright with what, if one looked close enough might think was a too-keen inteligence.

::Out and about the better part of the day she was starting to wind down. Sitting on the edge of the fountain she fended off the cold with a few rubs to her arms. The market, like normal, was delightfully crowded with coming and goings. Childrens and parents, creatures and merchants. Ever lively was it. Even still not many seemed to match up against the multi-colored haired woman.::

Tepid pads picked a spry path along the market's cobbled streets, uncaring of the cold due to the brisque pace of her feline heart and the pelt of quilted fur she bore. Almond eyes alighted upon the prism spun figure of Elsa, and with a quiet mewl, the cat pranced over to brush against her skirted ankles. The purring was almost an instant thing.

The sensation of fur against her bare ankle nearly sent the servant girl sky high. Bright blues quickly shot down and she cooed out.:: Ooo! How adorable are you? ::Reaching down her hand was offered to the feline to scent. Briefly actually as she just needed to give a playful tickle behind the tiny creature's ear.:: Shouldn't you be curled up in some warm spot little one?

Another mewl from the furry creature was followed by a cant of it's head as Elsa's fingers ticked along behind her ears. Contented, that slinking tail curled to wrap loosely around the servant woman's calve. All too inteligent eyes stared passively up through slits as if offering a silent answer to the woman's question; shouldn't you be doing the same?

::She giggled at the tickling sensation and reached carefully to the small creature's side to lift it to her lap, if it would allow of course. Her touch was gentle though firm so that if the feline rathered she wouldn't pick it up. Briefly she would glance up with hope in her blue gaze. Not finding what or whom she was looking for her attention focused back on the cat. Fur was scratched from neck to tail, making sure to hit most of a normal feline's 'spots'.::

The cat came willingly enough, and that vibration in the back of it's fuzzy throat only grew as her bottom found a home in the maiden's warm lap. Now sharing heat, the cat began to sprawl, legs stretching away from one another in a split shrimp kind of motion to arch and curl into those kindly fingers. The calico was acting as any well loved, domesticated animal might, yet she lacked the collar. Wild imaginations might think the cat a fae guardian come to keep the servant company as she waited for the Master of her house, for the cat, like the moth, was a mundane creature whom had seemed to appear from nowhere.

::She swallowed on a laugh so not to disturb the cat who seemed to find her lap rightly comfortable. She could not help but be amused and yet marveled at the beautiful coat of the creature. If she could she would attempt to keep the precious thing but she dared not ask such a gift. She was lucky to have a home and what was given to her. As sad as it seemed, the cheerful one's past was dark and blood filled.::

Artur Narul

Date: 2009-11-09 04:09 EST
Like called to like, at times. History would tell of tales where lonely widowers found a changeling child upon their doorstep, or a soul and body wounded soldier is suddenly cupping his hands around a felled pigeon with a broken wing. The smallest things have a way of changing folk, hence the term, little miracles. Stories are built from such minor allignments of fate and fortune. So it was, the cat continued to curl and contort, it's head curling in almost a complete cycle as it's paws lifted to curl about the top of it's head. Bright green eyes held the maiden's face in an innocent creature's pleased esteem; you're so special and pretty! Oh if animals could talk in the tongues of humans.

::Okay just too darn cute for words. A finger scratched from chin down the throat with a chuckle.:: Oh are you trying to sucker me up for some cream, cutie? ::Mind whirled at the consideration of the coins in pocket. She could afford it. Maybe in a bit. For now she smiled to the cat whos he found had some very unique and beautiful features.:: So what is a pretty thing like you doing without a home huh? Or are you the type that does not care for the grace of a colorful trinket about your neck?

::She peered at the cat as if expecting an answer.::

Cat's by nature are quite the aloof creatures, so perhaps it wouldn't be so out of place for Elsa to find an answer hidden in those emerald green depths. Catch them in the right light, though, and perhaps you'd think the time of day was tricking your eyes with their rippled flicker to a soft blue and back again. The calico's whiskers twitched as she voiced another inteligent mewl, eyes trained lazily to her face; what, I can't just be cute and sit with you while you wait?

::She wouldn't admit to waiting for anyone particular but the slowly waning of the day. The look given caused a smile and a chuckle to errupt from her.:: No. No. Didn't expect you to really answer. ::Her hand settled against the cat's stomach, finding peace in the slow rise and fall as breaths were taken.::

Such a critter would no doubt follow one home given it's obvious and loving nature. If Elsa permitted upon her leaving, the feline would follow and possibly claim the foot of the bed she slept in given the chance. Cat's were proud, lazily dominant creatures like that. Any worry of feeding could be laid to rest by the firm, unhollowed belly the maiden laid her hand to; the cat found her own meals. Eyes slitted to half closed things as the cat continued to watch Elsa.

You look quite content. ::Musing she scratched a the gentle fur of the creature.::Her ladyship would be quite taken with you. Mmm..::The smile faded as she thought of Ily. Something was going on and Elsa had no clue. It must of been something of great importance if she couldn't be told. And the fact that Ily looked positively exhausted even after a full night sleep had set the servant girl into a worry. Focusing once again she smiled to t he cat and gave more loving pats to the fur.::

Sensing, as animal's often do, when a person in their immediate viscinity is ill at ease, the feline renewed it's endearing gestures. Paws kneaded, but without claws, returning in it's own way a reassuring touch for all the petting and adoring Elsa had been kind enough to give thus far. That purr began anew, loud and almost rumbling, vibrating the entire creature's small body. Eyes followed up to the maiden's face again; you should smile more often, its better for you than smiling.

::Mistaken the comfort for a pleased feline she chuckled. It was a soft, trickling sound that ebbed away like ripples in water. Just so gosh darn cute! She found it very hard to consider the cat had no collar nor home. And with winter coming this left her mildly concerned. However. It was an animal and those who had lived in the wild tended to favor fine on their own. Hand sweeping up she fluffed the cat's cheek.::

Whether the feline be independent or just plain clever, one thing was for certain; Elsa would not doubt be seeing the feline often. Cats come and go as they please, gone one second and there the next. This guise suited the shifter fine and would be her most often favored. Flick, curl, twitch, and uncurl; this was the pattern it's idle tail took. Eyes to the maiden again, the cat continued to purr; you don't have fur like I do, pretty maid, it'd be wise to seek a warmer place.

::Ah but it was wait that kept her in the numbing cold and thus in the cat's warm presence. And wait she would quite patiently despite the weather. Of course the idea of getting sick wasn't a pleasing one. Seeing the cat eye her she smiled to the precious creature.:: Oh do not look at me so sweetly. I am no lady of the house so I do not believe I am permitted a pet.

Artur Narul

Date: 2009-11-09 04:12 EST
One with a vivid imagination could hear the cat's sly, confident response now, no doubt; I have sharp claws with which to vanquish even the most pesky of house vermin. I warm beds and tend the sick, I am nature's finest creature without a doubt! Earning my keep would be a breeze, surely. Within that fur, a woman chuckled soundlessly, her demeanor sweet and heaven bound as any a selfless soul well should be. For all the oddness of her life, Elle found her strength in the thing she considered her greatest shame.

::Had absolutely no doubt that the feline could earn it's keep. However the fact being that she had no clue how she was even going to attempt to ask the Lord of the house if she could have a pet kept getting in the way. She tended to ask very little. Such was her way. Eyes flickered skyward when she realized the hour was growing late. Slowly a frown hinted away at her lips.::

A slow, lazy yawn sprawled across the calico's features as Elsa's attention waned. All four legs gave a shuddering stretch downwards as the feline rolled to her side, tail taut and rigid with the full body stretch. Loose once more, though, the cat's body gave a great shift as she lept from the maiden's lap and padded softly onto the cobbled street beside her feet. Mewling, the cat purred and nuzzled at a small box. Had it been there all along? It was rather small and pocket-sized, fit for no more than a baker or jewler, perhaps; a box not unlike the one Artur had found nights before beside the maiden's slue of bags.

::Feeling the feline's sudden weight missing she glanced down to watch it with a smile.:: Ah. Have you grown bored of me then? ::Very aware that she wasn't the most exciting thing to be hanging around. Brow lifting at the box there was a lean to retrieve it. A scratch followed to the cat's brow as she looked for the box's owner. Strange it be..she hadn't seen anyone pass!::

Rhydin is a much more curiouser realm than most, the maiden, her mistress, and master of house would come to find. Stranger creatures walked no where else save the land of dreams than here in this city and it's countryside. The box had no name, but it did have a neat, beautifully scriptured 'E' upon it. 'E' could mean anything, but no doubt it was a monogram by it's fancy scrawl. A bow of the most irridescent make shimmered in stray movements of light, painting the ribbon a crystal rainbow of sorts. It weighed little, but the contents would shuffle with a bit of bulk. If one's nose was not too withered from the chilled air, they might smell the distinct presence of vanilla and almond.

::Lips pursed together at the fine decor of the box. Worried someone dropped it she dutifully frowned and rubbed her palm over the ribbon. It was very pretty. Kind of rainbowish. Like her hair! Chuckling she figured to bring it to the guards. They would find out who it justly belonged to, right? Still. The heavenly smell from the box made her question her justly duties.::

Perhaps the sheer mystery of the box would be enough for a normal person to open it, but obviously not Elsa. Maybe then, that vivid ribbon would help tilt the weight of the scales some more? But not enough for the sweet, forthright maiden. Mayhaps the mystery and come to life fantasy that Rhydin could be, would also be a meager voice of reason to her mind? All this she'd withstood, but what about the eager, appreciative, encouraging nuzzle of the cat at her ankles, eyes almost too expectant and smug; it is far too late to be a forgotten parcel so pretty and prim. The world works in odd ways, pretty maid, one must not ignore gifts from powers that be.

::Placing the package down she smiled to the kitten.:: You don't suppose I'll be hated if I keep whatever this is do you? It smells wonderful. Almost like some of the bathoils her ladyship baths in. ::Playing at a ribbon she stared at the box in question.::

With one last proud, encouraging chirrup from her furry throat, the cat followed the maid's suite, using a paw to bat up at a wayward curl of ribbon dangling down from the bow. Hefted up upon her hind legs, the cat used one paw to bat while the other balanced to her calve. It was clear that the cat either had no mortal care, or was a clever creature and knew just how to prod a virtuous, forthright mind.

Oh if I didn't know better my pretty kitty, you were trying to make me a criminial. ::A cheerful laugh as she carefully undid the ribbon and teased the kitten's paws with the tail end. It would make for a lovely hair ribbon. But alas. Curiousity did get her. While teasing the cat she peeked the box open to spy the content.::

Earlier suspicions about the origins of those heavenly scents would be confirmed; a handful of tiny bath soaps. While one alone might not be so impressive, together in their gaggle they made quite the sight. The small soaplettes were shaped, oddly, like cats of all kinds and sizes. Their hue was a pearly milk that boasted a handmade, organic origin. One almost might expect whole almonds and sweet, creamed vanilla milk to spill out from the softest touch. They would make any bath a retreat.

Artur Narul

Date: 2009-11-09 04:14 EST
The ride from the south was a chilled but tolerable one beneath as many layers as he wore of cloth, leather, maile, and wool. Boots pushed back lightly against the sides of his mount and reins were drawn to the side, turning both horse and riding as they entered into the markets. Much on his mind he looked as if brooding, but thoughts simply weighed. He nodded to a familiar vendor and a passerby. Hooves clunked against stones and progress deeper into the square. Gaze shifted slow from left to right until the fountain was seen, as well as the familiar one there. At a lope, taking time and care not to let the horse step on anyone, he made his way through the area and towards the fountain.

::She blinked at the intresting content the box held. Peering down at the kitten then back to the box she could not help but think how curious and/or ironic it was of the shapes. One of the small soaps was plucked and raised to her nose so the beautiful scent could be taken in. Little did she realize that she was being approached.:: How positively wonderful smelling.

The proud calico mewled at the sound of Elsa's voice, still purring like mad. Emerald green eyes seemed to gleen sapphire in the wayward flickers of lamplight, but that could just be the strain of the late hour and the expectant waiting, or perhaps even a wayward tease of the soap's scent so close to her eyes? Either way, the feline was a content thing as she sat back upon her hind, tail curling and uncurling as keen eyes moved towards the incoming clop and clip of hooves.

"Sweets, Elsa?" His brows rose just a little, curious of what she had in the box. The mount was brought to a stop a short distance from the babbling fount. Leather was heard in his dismount of the horse that left the cloak of dark wool dragging along the back lip of the saddle that was tooled with the images of a sunburst and lions. By reins, he led the animal with him a few more paces. Elsa was looked on and the calico. A look cast to the market, at large. By and by, it seemed calm and quiet for the time. Something he welcomed after such a busy day.

::Oh good lord she about had herself a heart attack when she heard Artur's voice. Guilt laced her hands jerked and the box tumbled from her lap to spill all the tiny soups. Rising to her feet she turned to face him while at the same time attempting to wipe that guilty look from her face.:: L-Lord Artur. Good evening. ::Would think with the cold weather she'd be in a cloak as well. She wasn't too fond of the scratchy ones that the servants wore.::

The cat was a quiet little sentient, but her stillness was broken as the man and his horse broke Elsa's contentment. Like a dog minds it's mistress' distress, the calico moved to all fours and placed itself between the maiden and the lord, emerald eyes gleaming. The woman within that fur knew better, but she was playing a part, afterall; lovable stray.

His gaze narrowed on Elsa and lowered to eye the soaps and box. Expression on the servant's face left him to think a few things. As his attention returned on Elsa and the cat, he nodded. "A good evening to you as well, Elsa. Is something the matter? A lover about that has distracted you?" He lightly teased her, but his tone was so bland that it might have sounded like annoyance. Bending, he reached for one of the soaps. As he did, he grabbed a better look of the feline.

::She scoffed quietly, as if the mere thought of a lover was ridiculous to her.:: Hardly milord. ::Mental note. Don't tell him about her tea date or she would never hear the end of it. There was a brief roll of her eyes before the gentle blues lowered to watch him dip and scoop up one of the soaps. Capturing her bottom lip between her teeth she gnawed away until finally releasing it.::I umm..found this box of soaps at my feet. ::And knowing it best to give it to the guards to find the rightful owner she had actually considered keeping them. A brief blink and she shot a look to the cat. Well that wasn't something she was expecting.::

Yes, see how mean I can look? Don't scare my pretty maiden, I'll scratch you. Such words were one of many that could be imagined to pour out of that cat's voiceless stare of mock warning to Artur. A twitch of the calico's whiskers and up she flounced, turning to slink back behind her and curl a tail about one booted ankle.

"Found." The way it was said should have sounded suspect, but it wasn't."There are strange things here. But are you certain it was not just left there by mistake and the owner will come back for it?" The soap was handed out towards Elsa. He didn't step forward, or he might have stepped on the cat. When the tail moved about his booted ankle, he looked down even while he was still holding the soap out to Elsa in his hand. "And I see that you have found something else."

::Delicately the soap was taken from his fingers and tucked away into the box.:: Truth be I do not know. I found it at my feet but strangely...I've been the only one here most of the day. ::Which lead to question on how the box even got there in the first place. Slowly her lips pressed together and she dipped to collect a few more of the tiny soaps, stopping momentarily to look at the cat. She was not foolish in attempts to ask to keep it. Again she rarely if ever asked anything for herself. Reaching out she tickled the ear of the cat fondly.:: Aye. Friendly thing isn't it? Came purring up to me and we've enjoyed a few hours of each other's warmth.

Artur Narul

Date: 2009-11-09 04:16 EST
Strange things could come in the omniscient, innocent forms of moths and cats, or possibly even the fond eyes of an old woman in the market's square, one would never know. Still voiceless as ever, though, the cat continued to project little images to what was going on in it's brain... Or so she'd like you to think. Up tilted the creature's chin as Elsa began stroking her once more.

The color of Elsa's hair was where his attention rested, even as she bent he watched how it fall against he neck and cheek. "They smell nice. Like something Ilisrai would use." The market was looked to again, then nodded as a boy rushed over and to the reins and horse from him. Both were watched as they headed in the direction of the market's livery, then turned his gaze back to Elsa and the cat.

::It seemed that her hair got his attention plenty of times. It was the wild mixture of colors she figured. She wouldn't tell him but his sister was quite to blame! She chuckled at his words as a quick scratch was made to the feline's back.:: Funny. I thought so too. ::A polite smile was shot his way as she raised to stand, fingers tucking a few of the greener shaded locks behind a ear. Blues drifted off after the boy with her lord's horse, brow ticking up faintly.::

The cat was an idle figure now, watchful and sweet. From her poise and posture, it was evident that wherever the pair walked this night that they would have a patchwork cat following along behind them.

"If you have been here most of the day, where then is my sister, Elsa?" Brows rose curiously at her on this matter and looked to the cat again. He reached out and passed a hand against its head and scratched it between the ears. "Is she rested?" The house was not yet ready, but he was pushing all involved in doing so to hasten it into becoming a reality.

Quite a perplexed look was given.::I ...I do not know. She had told me to go on ahead without her. Wanted her privacy to deal with some personal matters. ::She watched the man she knew to be battle hardened so gentle with the cat. It made a hint of a smile pull her lips. She'd blink away the look as the box was closed and the colorful ribbon made to wrap the box once again.::

As his hand fell away he nodded. "She is a most...headstrong young woman." The dark, wool cloak was pulled back about his shoulder. He lifted a look to the cold, night sky. "Her chambers will be readied soon enough." Then slid a look at Elsa. "And if she is not at the House in less than two days' time, I will send one of my men out to find her...and drag her back."

Arms folded so that palms kept her bare arms warm and she gave him quite a look. It read all over her features. Wonder were she inherits it, point type look at him. Maybe a brave step on her part but none the less the truth. The look settled and she gave a few nods.:: I am sure she is making her way to the homestead. When I last seen her she had mentioned being there within two moons so she should actually be arriving tomorrow night.

Quick, look natural, you're staring far too attentively, even for a cat. Emerald bright eyes with their almond slants slipped sideways, eyeing the trickle and flow of the fountain near their space. The calico was off in a slow trot on all fours towards it, leaping up to sit upon it's ledge and stare with a fixation commonly seen in most creatures when faced with such a rippling phenomenon.

Teeth against teeth pressed for a moment before he trusted himself to speak. "Two moons. I see. Good. I will see that at least she has clean bedding and food to eat. There is much left to see to and to even repair. More supplies and necessities have not even arrived yet." Gaze glanced to how she held herself in such a way. "Are you cold, Elsa?" A turn of his head to eye the cat.

Artur Narul

Date: 2009-11-09 04:17 EST
You shouldn't fret so over her room. Her only real desire is to see you. ::Her voice faded softly as she watched the cat trot along. Amusement danced in her eyes and her head crept to one side thus swaying her multi-colored hair to keep her neck warm. At first it seemed as if she was either ignoring the question or hadn't heard it but slowly her eyes lowered from the cat to the box that now was effectively tucked at side.::A little. I wasn't expecting winter to come so quickly. The sudden coldness is startling.

"Are you in need of a cloak as well as a new dress, Elsa?" The question was put to her as he followed her gaze to the cat. Noise of the market was dying off and fading away until he was seeming to pay it little more. Right hand rested lightly against the grip of the sheathed shortsword at his side. The way her hair moved took up the next moment of his attention, then back to cat, fountain and passing breeze.

::Her attention shot to him far too quickly.:: Oh n-no milord. I find myself already far too greedy in requesting a new dress. I can use one of the staff's wool cloaks when I get to the homestead. ::Granted she knew Ily would of thrown a godly fit and told her to bleed the afternoon with Artur for all it was worth. To heck with just a dress and cloak. Shoes and maybe some shines to match. This, however, was from someone who was quite pampered to such things.::

As if summoned by the very mention of a discontented Elsa, the cat abandoned it's idle post and trotted the short distance back to the prism gilded maiden. For what it was worth, the calico coiled and rubbed it's furry form about her calves, purring quietly with half slitted eyes. A loud, pronounced meow came from the feline then, as if to say; she's lying, she's cold, make my maiden warm. Cat's had that 'this is mine' quality to them.

The sound he made was nothing short of dubious. He narrowed his gaze on her before turning to move slowly away from the fountain. "Well, you may be impervious to it, but I am not." With that said, he pulled off his gloves and stuffed them to his belt beside sheathed shortsword and put his hands out towards one of the tall braziers of the market. "Tell me how you have been doing, Elsa. I wish to know."

::She wouldn't correct him. Instead she scooped down to collect the kitten in her arms. The source fo warmth was welcoming as she watched Artur. Pressing her lips together she pondered on his question. How far was he asking? Oh she was going to be very careful in bleeding certain details.:: If the lord wishes we can go into the shops and peek at their wares. It would be much warmer. ::The words were offered gently with his health in mind.:: As for how I have been I've...been fairing well milord. Taking care of her ladyship and making sure she remains from trouble.

Brown gaze glanced at her and the kitten, then motioned her towards the shop. "Indulge whichever shop you would like to visit, Elsa." He turned his head to give a show of regarding the area, as if it was the first time in nearly an hour to do so, though in truth it was hardly the case. "Do not forget your soaps." Lightly he smiled in a way that was almost non-existent except that he allowed it in his eyes. Patiently, he awaited her choice.

The cat would be a presence with them the rest of the evening; whether or not it was decided it would remain a face about the household, though, would of course be up to the lord.

::Granted given her a choice and his rather sharp words not only days ago she would pick a simple little cottage like shoppe. A gesture was made towards it before she began in it's direction, step slow as if to make sure he was all right with her choice. Do not think that smile went unnoticed nor the soaps forgotten. That box of soaps were held like a box of precious jewels.::

Artur Narul

Date: 2009-11-09 04:19 EST
There was no difference in his attitudes, position or disposition by his conscious thinking of it. In fact, he simply hadn't thought on it. Arms tucked back behind him, beneath the heavy, dark wool of his cloak before he moved off in the direction of the shop. "I have instructed Ghen, the man helping to ready the House of Shar here, to help in any way he can. Do you know of anything that my sister is in need of that I have perhaps not considered?"

::She stopped at the door and faced him with a somber look. He really had no idea the things he missed while he was gone. Looking away she dipped down to settle the cat at the door since it was sure to cause a fit if brought within. Rising fully she thought on his question while reaching for the door. It was opened and held for him respectfully.:: Mmm. I am not sure what you've obtained for her but in the morn I can go assess what has been gathered and tuck in anything missing before she arrives in the afternoon.

"Make a list of those things then. I will make certain you have ample amount of coin to pay for what is needed for her. " Artur paused and smirked to reform some of his words. "And some things not needed." The door opened was walked through and he made his way into the shop. The air there was considerably warmer and he strove to suppress a shiver.

::Her own shiver coursed through her as she entered. The warmth flooded her leaving her skin rised from the effects. Arms circled around her waist to get rid of the shakes. Maybe she had been more cold then she had thought.:: If I may be so bold to speak, milord?

A look about them was as cursory outwardly as it was keenly done, inwardly. Flick of attention at her, he moved a step or three further inside. "You may." The heavy wool cloak shifted and hurried to warm him better than when they had been outside.

::What clothes they had were mostly simple and she moved to forge through them. One of the few 'slinky' things caught her attention and it was lifted. Head tilted she blinked. It was a dress sure enough. Crimson in color. However this dress was like nothing she had seen. Thigh-length and the collar dipped so low that it would sure enough show her navel. Oh the color of red she blushed while folding that up and tucking it away.:: If you really wish her home welcoming to be warm then have a pot of tea and pastries ready for her arrival and give your full attention to her for the night. You've missed many things while you were gone. ::There was a hinted frown on her lips. Not everything happened to Ily mind you but she wasn't going to fill him in on that.::

His footfalls fell quiet. Over his shoulder he had seen her pulled out that red 'dress' and cocked a brow at her. The flush of her cheeks was not missed either and appreciated on her. Then turned his head to regard the shop at large again. "I will greet her as I see fit, Elsa. And you will, at the very least, mind your tongue." Malice was not there, not anger. If anything at all, he was well reserved with anything else he had to say on the matter. He reached towards something that resembled a hat or head covering and lifted it from the wooden, stemmed holder it had been displayed on. Turning it over, to better look at the inside of it, he was putting it back and wanding one when he continued to speak. "But it would please my sister for you to have something nice. And I will not displease her on this thing. Have you yet found a dress that you like, Elsa?" He was not looking at her when it was asked, but soon after.

Artur Narul

Date: 2009-11-09 04:23 EST
Her lips thinned into a frown at his words, hands falling still. She had asked permission to speak freely and even then he hovered over her stonely.:: I'll refrain from giving my humble opinion then. ::The words were returned though showed exactly how his words had stung her for trying to be helpful to him. Tsk. Head turning sharply she moved deeper into the shop and further from him. Tugged from a shelf of similar dresses was a simple brown thing. Something that a servant would wear with a white apron. Checking the hems she seemed to decide that it was by far the best choice. Simple and cheap. Would service it's purpose of keeping her clean and warm.::

There should have been no enjoyment at this 'task'. But he was, though he did not wear the smile or emotion of it on his gauntlets. Thumbs hooked to the belt he wore about his waist, tucking his hand and wrist between grip of the shortsword and his side. He stood where he was and watched her. How she reached for a dress and turned the cloth of its skirt to see to the hems of it. A breath drew slow and comfortable into his chest. Of any, he was harder on her than others, perhaps. He said nothing for too long and let her shop, taking a lean against the wall beside him. At odds at allowing such freedoms and glad for it all at once.

::It was probably an odd sight to see the elderly old woman who kept the shop come towards Elsa in familiar ways. Elsa about jumped out her slippers when the old woman grasped her sides. Surprised she squealed out a sound of laughter, apparently the old woman giving the younger woman a tickle. As she settled so did her features, warm smile to the elderly woman as they spoke quietly. A brief lowering of her brows were made as the woman demanded to see her hands, checking on the burns that had now scarred over. Fussed over briefly she listened to the woman before showing the dress in hand questionally. Whatever was spoken had the older woman nodding and pointing towards the back. While the older woman drifted back to the counter Elsa turned attention to Artur.:: Please excuse me, milord. ::Then she turned away and headed into the back to try on the dress.::

From the wall, he straightened with the first sound of a squeal. But he nodded and watched Elsa heading into the back of the shop. The smells were different there, comforting and at ease, he thought. The smells of cloth, wood, candles and more. He let his mind wander as he stepped away from the wall. Boots could be heard of his clunking against the wooden floor. The scabbard dully made its own noise. "I am thinking of holding a dinner once all for the House here is settled and readied." Narul lifted his voice so that he could be heard in the back where she was. "What do you think of that, Elsa? Would your lady like that?" Too often and too long, he was away from home. It seemed to him that Ilisrai grew in spurts. There were times she seemed a child to him and at other, a woman.

::She wasn't so ready to give her opinion when he asked. Not after his just recent comment to her. She changed in mostly quietness aside from the rustling of fabric. Stepping out she tugged on the white undersleeves of the dress thoughtfully.:: I could not say milord. It would depend on how things progress over the span of time. I am sure she would enjoy it. To be around those of her house. ::Finished tugging the sleeves in place her hands went to her hair and after a swift collection and twist of the colorful strains she bound her hair into a simple bun at the back of her head. The shorter strains slipped from the bun and fell forward to frame her cheeks.::

The reservation on her part, he recognized as his fault and stopped midroom of the shop. A look turned in the direction she had gone to change. And nodded to himself. To have his brother's amiable and drawing ways. He waited for her in that outer room and fingered a few layers of cloth on a bolt. Nothing was said as he thought back on things, long ago as well as a bit more recent. Brown eyes looked through the window to the street outside.

::Her lips parted to speak something but in the end her velvet lips fell closed. A soft, silent sigh filtered from her lips and she turned to the counter. Folding her old dress onto the counter she started digging through the pockets.:: She will be happy to see you. That I do know..

Brown eyes were on the view beyond the window. "I will be glad to see my sister, too." Steering a look back to her in the new dress worn. He moved away from the window and for the counter where she was digging about in her pockets. "But that will wait. I have something to speak to you about." A look to the older woman was, without a doubt, a look for them to be able to speak alone. When he regarded Elsa in particular, he frowned a little. Until the older woman was gone from sight, he put a hand on Elsa's arm. "You will not be paying for this dress."

::She didn't see the look he gave the older woman and she blinked as the elderly one scurried off to collect something to go with the dress. Not expecting the weight of his hand she jumped a bit and her head tilted to him. When did he get so close?:: It's not that much milord. I am able to afford it. ::She offered a bit of a smile until she realized he meant to speak to her now about what was on his mind. Hands sliding off the counter she turned more to him to give her full attention. Only thing that ran through her mind was What did I do wrong now?::

Artur Narul

Date: 2009-11-09 04:24 EST
That she jumped was enough for that hand to fall away and move out in a gesture of truce. "I did not mean to startle you, Elsa." He paused and looked to her older dress. " offering to pay for it myself." The reason was not spoken of, yet. But it was certain that he was ready to argue the point of purchase. "Certainly, you are able to afford it. But I mean it as a ..." There was an obvious searching for the word. "" That hand resided at his side once more. It occurred to him that the older woman could have heard what they were speaking of, behind a door, wall or curtain in such a place but he was not presently preoccupied with it.

::Normally the house paid for dresses similar to the one she was currently wearing/purchasing so it made sense that he wanted to pay for it. His choice of words did give her pause to consider. Gift. Dark lashes blinked and she looked at him a bit confusedly. Slowly she offered him a nod which dipped deeper into a bow of her head.:: I am humbled by your generosity, milord. ::If the elderly woman heard or not it wasn't like he was embarrassed about purchasing the dress for her. Was it?::

"I have surprised you. It is not a bad thing to offer, Elsa. But you have been with us a long time and deserve such." A hand of his came to rest against the back of his neck thoughtfully. "There is something I wish to speak to you about." More than a little serious. More so than his norm. Boots sounded against the floor of the shop as he turned about and glanced over what there was to see.

I..It's been my honor to serve the house and family. ::Seeing him rub at the back of his neck made her a bit nervous and she was pretty sure her cheeks were a rosey shade.:: Thank you. ::The two words came gentle and heart-felt. Seeing him turn her brows dipped and she tilted her head to one side. Apparently the woman took note to stay out of sight for a while, which was noted as Elsa moved to stand slightly behind Artur.:: Y-yes milord?

"You have obviously wondered why I would have come with you to shop for a dress. Certainly there must already be talk in the house about it." By tone, he didn't seem to care. But gathering ones words were not always easy, especially for him. "Two nights in a row, before knowing that you were in the lands here, I dreampt of you." Brown gaze cut towards her to glance at her face.

::She had nothing to do with the rumors dancing around the house about the shopping. Owlishly she looked at him when she heard his words.:: Well yes. I was wondering why you would. Even though you felt you were, ::She huffed quietly.:: ropped into it. ::His words not hers. Hands settled before her and fingers began to fidget. He was dreaming about her? She was not sure she should be flattered or worried. Head dipping down she used the colorfully flow of hair to hide her reddened cheeks, no matter how faint the coloring was.:: Dreampt of me?

A crate nearby was glanced at and there he settled. "Yes. Of when I found you. Of when you came to live in my home." He leaned forward to put his arms to his knees. One hand passed palm against palm while he spoke. "Do you like being a servant, Elsa?" Movement again was to bring his head to the side and eye her from where he sat, near to the middle of the shop.

::Oh that smile faded quickly as her mind reflected back to those days. Fingers curled into her palms and she visibly shuddered. Her head remained down but only because she was staring so intensely at her feet. Her head quickly shot up at the question.:: Milord? I..I've already expressed that I am honored to serve. You saved my life thusly it belongs to you.

Artur Narul

Date: 2009-11-09 04:26 EST
"And do you not think that debt has been paid, many times over? But belong to me? No, Elsa. You are not R'unst slave girl. You were a child in need of help. A child now a woman and still in my service, in my sister's service." He rose slowly and moved through the room towards her without threat in his action or poise.

::She seemed completely unsure of what to do, specially when he started to approach her. The reason of his asking made her terribly worried of the cause.:: I've..I've always..::Her brows knitted and her head lowered, fingers tightening to lace her hands together.:: I've never considered myself a slave to the house, sire. I've enjoyed my time and have one of the most special friend a person can have in her ladyship. ::Her lips continued but she found herself unable to conduct words to show that she saw the place she served as home. But her velvet lips fell closed and she silent.::

He did not touch her. In fact, he put his hand behind him and gripped his opposite wrist. That she seemed worried kept him distanced and unsure how to proceed. "Good. Good. It is that I would have you ...more of the house than what you are, Elsa." The struggle was apparent. Was the ice too thin to continue? He turned his head back to look on her again.

::Slender brows swept down as she considered his words then raised a bit. Head tilting up she peered at him questionally with those crystal blue eyes of hers. In the process of her head rising and falling the loose bun of her hair tumbled and fell into a side sweep of her hair over her left shoulder. There was absolutely no attempt to move it, too absorbed in what was going on.:: I..I am sorry milord I do not understand. More of the house?

"If I could only have my brothers talent for words. Marsan would speak this better than I can or ever could." Words exhaled through his teeth in quiet frustration. His hand moved from the back of his neck and thumbs hooked to the belt that bore his sheathed sword and more. "I would like you as more than a servant in my house, Elsa. As part of my house." Brown eyes glanced back at her.

::Her jaw nearly dropped at his words. Even though it didn't the look on her face was more then enough to rely her surprise. She apparently never really considered it save for the words of encouragement from Ily. But to actually have the high lord himself speak it. Her heart felt like it was about to beat clear out of her chest. Crystal blues were locked on the man before her in pure silence that would only be broken once she was over the shock of it.:: I would be ..delighted. ::Words were lost on her at the moment. Artur could safely say that he was able to stun her and not in a scary way.::

A shake of his head. "I understand if you would not be.." He stopped, having not heard her clearly it would seem. At first. "You would be delighted? For a moment, I thought I had scared you." It would have been nothing Ilisrai would have stood for without a fight, to have scared Elsa. Obviously, he was slightly confused but relieved to hear it from Elsa. "Good. Good. Then, you will not argue me paying for you dress or more than one of them?"

Scared? Heavens no. To..To be apart of the house. Milord I've always thought of the house as home. To be apart of it would be the deepest honor I could express. But I am concerned. How will I be expected to act and what will my duties be? ::She blinked and perked a brow at him.:: More..then one?

"Yes. More than one dress. And I am glad you are not scared. But of what duties, I do not know yet. I am still thinking on those things. I know that Ilisrai would want some of my hide stripped from me if I were to keep you from her, so I will not. That must be spoken of between the two of you. Perhaps she will better have an idea for your place, hm? I am more inclined that you be more like family in the House than servant. In this, I am content."

::She bit on her bottom lip thinking about his words. More like family. Her eyes lowered seeming to consider things.:: Even though I am apart of the house I would like to be able to help and support in some way rather then just being there and doing nothing. So if you can find something for me that you find I would be able to assist then please do tell me. I will always be there for her ladyship. She knows this. We are..She is a very dear friend to me. ::She resumed gnawing on her bottom lip as if there was more she wished to speak but just couldn't get it out.::

A chuckle was there though quiet "I will think of something, Elsa. And I will certainly not stand between the friendship you and my sister have." Hand gestured towards her and the dress she wore. "Will you pick a second?" When he saw that she chewed on her bottom lip, he stopped for a moment. "What is wrong, Elsa?" Quiet again, to give her time to say what was needed or necessary.

::Her eyes drifted to the dress and she decided to be a touch brave. In more then one thing. Lifting her chin she looked up to him.:: Would you mind if I pick something more...nicer? And if I pick a second dress then you will allow me to bestow a of my own to you?

His eyes narrowed on her curiously. "I do not mind at all. But a gift to me?" There was wondering aloud at her on that. "That you have decided you are well with not being a servant of the house is enough, Elsa." As he expected her to accept that as he had, he moved to look at the doorway where the older woman was peeking her head out, listening obviously.

Artur Narul

Date: 2009-11-09 04:27 EST
::His decline disappointed her but she tried hard not to show it even if her lips had a faint frown to the corners. Bowing her head deep she sighed out.:: As you wish sire. ::Rising fully she started to move away to find that second dress. She of course wouldn't pick anything too fancy but she surely would be picking something much more nicer then the brown dress she currently wore.::

What even he did not expect was that his hand moved out towards her arm. If she was yielding in it, she would feel his hand about her upper arm and draw up short. The frown had been seen. The sight had been heard. And he was moved to see to dispelling both from her.

::She wasn't expecting it so he would feel a soft tug when she stopped. Blinking she turned to look up at him. Question filled eyes peered at him as she did indeed yield and even turned a bit into the cradle of his palm. A reassuring smile was offered so he wouldn't think something was overly wrong.::

When he realized what he had down, he slowly released her arm. "Our time here grows short, Elsa." He nodded and features softened to see her smile. A clearing of his throat, he moved away from her to take up residence beside the door and window again.

::Nodding she quickly turned and swiftly began digging through things. Finding something to her taste she folded the cloth to her chest so he couldn't see. Glancing over to him she smiled then gestured towards the dressing room. It was there she was next to scurry off to.:: I'll be out in a moment. If it fits then we can leave. ::She paused to the lady and glanced to the dress then to the elderly woman. The woman smiled and went off to collect some slippers that would match while Elsa went to try on the piece she picked out.::

He could not help but chuckle. She had smiled and seemed exhauberant for the moment. A slight shake of his head, he turned to face the window. Horses, carts, and people on foot passed to and fro on the street beyond the shop. While he listened to the sounds within the shop behind him, his thoughts turned to other things. Of friends and the like. Of his sister. And much more to do with the House.

::She'd come out while hands brushed at the skirt. The bodice was something she was not use to so it was tugged on nervously. A creamy bronze fabric, satin more then likely wrapped Elsa quite nicely about the bust and waist before flowing from her subtle hips in a bronze waterfall to her toes. Crystal blues swept across the shop before landing on her lord. A gentle clearing of her throat she waited to see if he approved or not.::

A turn about at the sound, he looked on her and slowly smiled. "Beautiful." Gesturing to her. "The dress will do nicely, hm? And how is it that you can change so fast? It takes me some while with page and chamber maid, depending on what regalia is called for." Chuckling, he nodded his approval.

Artur Narul

Date: 2009-11-09 04:28 EST
Because to dress oneself is quite faster. Not to mention aside from the lacing of the bodice and waist of the dresses I just slip them on and off. ::Her eyes lowered shyly when he complimented her. She wanted to fool herself into believing it was the dress he was speaking of. The woman brought her a pair of slippers which she would accept and replace the weathered ones she was wearing before. Leaning on the counter she leaned to carefully do this process.::

"Think of what the men will say." The way it was said, he meant his men. While she drew on her slippers, he watched her. Then dug about in the coin purse and pulled out more than a few pieces of gold. Boots clunked against the floor on his way to the counter where he let the coins trickled down against it from his hand.

I am fairly sure they will not notice with all the lovely ladies in your home. Specially with her ladyship. She's grown into quite a beautiful young woman. ::She thought of something particular and she frowned just a lil tiny bit. Straightening she turned to watch him. Turning fully she moved closer to him. While he was busy doing that she leaned over and planted just the tiniest of kisses to his cheek.:: Thank you..

There was no flinch. But brows quirked before eyes narrowed on her. "You are welcome, Elsa." He did not deny the kiss nor did he move to wipe it away. "I am aware that women need their dresses and like the shopping involved to acquire them." A light touch to her arm then it was gone. "We should take our leave."

::She didn't expect any reaction so the narrowing of the eyes she did shy away just a tad from him. Collecting the bag she looked over to him and smiled softly.:: All right. And I've always shopped for her ladyship so I am quite use to shopping with her or alone. Though lately not so much alone. ::Her mouth suddenly clamped shut realizing she almost said something she shouldn't.::

That grabbed his attention and he watched her steadily. Something passed over his face but he said nothing on it for now. "Perhaps this is not the first time we should do things together. But for now, I invite you home. Not as a servant but as part of it." He gestured towards the door and then opened it.

I would like to do more things together if you would like. And it doesn't have to be shopping. ::She teased him very gently and most carefully. Her features dipped a bit. Home. A delicate, sweet smile pulled her lips. Home. Nodding she moved to the door with him and of course she started to open the door only to find he had opened it first. Blushing she dipped into a quick curtsy before moving past him and outside.::

A glance given to the older woman that was smiling far too much at them, he nodded to her. The door was pulled closed behind himself and Elsa. Dress and woman alike were appreciated but said nothing of it as he followed her out.