Topic: A Young Man

Damien Tanner

Date: 2007-12-30 09:28 EST
Times were dangerous. To the young Damien Tanner, this time was about the same as any other. His family had always lived on that edge, why should this time be any different?

This time was plenty different. His mother was curled up with not one but two guys. He knew she was doing more than cuddling that Aries guy, but the other one was cut of the same cloth. It wasn?t like his mother, though. She hadn?t cared about anyone since his father disappeared. What?s worse, both of them were Angels.

Then there was his sister. Angel was freaking them all out by the way she was talking to her ferrets. But damn if they didn?t appear to understand and talk back to her. He knew his sister was lonely with the way she would disappear into the forests, but this was beyond anything.

Of course, his mom had to assign him to the new mage in the House. She was pretty enough and a trueblood. Still, she treated him as a student or a friend. The young man just accepted it and appeared to be content in his studies. Her sister was one of the healers working with Maerissa but she seemed to be a bit touched. She had a gentle way about her and kept most of the males at arms length. Cerise, his teacher, said it was because she still mourned her lost love.

Then there was his demon. His mother was showing him how to harness and control that aspect of him, but it was hard. Plus he was such a skirt chaser. If he allowed himself to follow those urges, he would have probably have laid about half the female population. Now that was scary. With some of the females he has seen around, he wasn?t so sure he wouldn?t catch something in the process.

Right now though, he found himself wandering to the Teas?n Tomes. His mother was cuddling with her two guys and Angel had her ferrets for company. He was restless and looking for some peace.

In this town? Yeah, right.

Damien Tanner

Date: 2008-01-01 14:22 EST
Journal - 30122007

I am officially certifiable, just like the rest of my family. I went looking for peace in a little shop called Teas'n Tomes and ended up ogling this petite bundle of cute who was trying to make up her mind on which treat she wanted.

Never mind that I towered over her by a good foot. She had to be about 4 feet 10 inches give or take. She was tiny and adorable. Did I just think she was adorable? Gah. Still it felt good to have this pretty bundle cuddled against my side.

Nevermind the fact she couldn't speak. She managed to whisper her own name, Aret. And it felt good to hear her whisper my name.

Nevermind that she was as skittish as Tasha, if not more so. Why do these men think it is so cool to abuse a lady? Tasha didn't deserve the shyte she had received from her stepfather. I hope to the Demonlords that whomever had harmed Aret is dead because he will wish it was when I get through with him.


I never had a girlfriend before. Never wanted the entanglement disrupting my studies. Magic has always been my first love but she is a harsh mistress. She is unforgiving of mistakes and capricious in her regard.


So warm and sweet. When she realized she did not know where I lived, she curled up tighten against me. She was afraid I leave her and never see her again. When I told her where I stay in the city, she relaxed a little. When I told her about living in Gharnholme... or rather Carowyn, she perked right up. Seems she is moving there.

I will have to ask Aunt Fiona about that. Maybe she knows of any newcomers. It would be worth it to see my princess again.

Yeup... Toast.

Damien Tanner

Date: 2008-01-01 14:34 EST
Journal - 01012008

Another change of the calendar and I am already missing her. I only met her two days ago and long to see her again. Angel's been teasing me mercilessly about it. Suppose it is pay back for teasing her when she started seeing Bintyl.

I can't explain what I am seeing in her. It felt normal to be sitting in the middle of a coffee shop, getting teased by a little fox and having her watching. Her face was so alive with the happiness. Though it did scare me when the fox pounced on her and she fell back into the table. I knew she hit her head, but she didn't make a sound, did not show any pain.

Still, my heart must have stopped for a second there. Maybe I can get her to come with me the next time I see Danny or Cie. I think they would like her, though Danny better keep his mitts off.

Cerise has been distracted a bit of late. At first she was looking like she was walking on air and happy. The last couple of days have seen her on edge and worried. No one can get anything out of her though.

Stop the World I want to get off... and I'm taking Aret with me.


I am scared of one thing though. How will she react to seeing me as I really am. Here I am a 1/2 demon and I want her to know the truth, but I am afraid to show her. I don't want to frighten her away. I want her to know me, not just the visage that I show the world.