Topic: Surprises

Angelica Rose

Date: 2008-01-07 14:43 EST
It had been a night of surprises for Angelica. She had fled her house when her twin had stepped from the shadows holding his girlfriend. Angel could tell the Damien was gone on her as soon as she saw them. She had to shut down her side of the link to block out the intense emotions she felt from him.

As she had gotten dressed, two furry forms crept into her bag determined to accompany her. In her mind they were the only beings she was close to besides family.

She was hurting from Bintyl and her father's disappearance. Add to it the fact that her mother and her brother seemed to have found people to be with, she was not happy. That was how she found herself crying in the middle of Teas. She certainly got a surprise while she was there.

All she could think of doing was fleeing this city. She had not noticed that one of the Ferrets was anxious and trying to cheer her up. That is until she chose to hid in the upper level of Teas when the group of squealing girls plus one entered.

Of the two ferrets, the less dominant one seemed more content to cuddle with her. And it was this one that gave her the surprise.

As she hid in the balcony nooks, the ferret's eyes seemed to change. They seemed to become more human. It was a shock to her to realize this. Could these ferrets by a shifter like Cyric was?

These questions would go unanswered as she teleported back to the house with two very tired bundles of fuzz. She had created a little nest on her bed and laid them to rest there. More often than not her little friend would end up curled up close to her.

Still she considered the two sleeping forms as she got ready for her bed herself. Her last thought before drifting off was "Why didn't you tell me?"


Date: 2008-01-12 08:07 EST
The nest was welcome. Alpha snuggled in as did his brother. Alpha didn't try to stay awake, he just heaved a sigh and drifted back off to sleep. Brother did not. His head came up to watch her as she went about her night time rituals. Once she was in bed, he crawled out of the nest to creep onto her belly. He stretched his long body out and lay his head between her breasts, eyes finally falling asleep after a happy little huff.