Topic: ((General OOC Thread))


Date: 2008-06-29 21:54 EST
I may come up with more OOC threads as time permits and need determines, but until then, any OOC comments should be directed here.


Lydia Loran

Date: 2008-06-29 23:01 EST
First one here, booyah!

*spams, desecrates, and otherwise makes self comfy*

Adalia Dodd

Date: 2008-06-30 15:20 EST
Woo! \o/

Welcome to the jungle! Glad to see you here!


Date: 2008-06-30 17:08 EST
Thank you both for your kind words! :)

And thanks as well, to the admins for giving me this folder! I promise to take good care of it. :)

Last Knight

Date: 2008-06-30 23:52 EST
Squee! You has a folder!

Hey, this is kinda nice... ::flops down in an armchair to make himself comfy, jumps back up:: OHMIGOD! Who desecrated this chair?! Ewewewewewewew!

Candy Hart

Date: 2008-07-01 17:53 EST
New folder!

*drags in her own chair and some drinks* Awesome.


Date: 2008-07-03 18:52 EST
::Hands on hips::

Hey, who's been desecrating things in my folder?

And thanks to you two as well, for dropping by!


Date: 2008-08-05 20:08 EST
Taking care of business:

First, a big thank you to Jewell's player for the concept and idea of Perchance to Dream. I'm a little behind on getting my small segment of that SL done, and I ended up cutting out some things I had planned on doing, but I still found it immensely enjoyable and hope that others will too. And there's some loose threads I plan on picking up later...

But not right now. At this time, I believe I am going to take a break from writing Jay. I can't guarantee I will stick to it entirely, but more likely than not I'll be somewhat quiet for the immediate future. And chances are, when I come back, I will be focused on starting to hammer out Jay's back story, and not current events in his life. I've gotten him to a point where things for him are more or less normal, and I'd like it to stay that way.

Carry on!


Date: 2008-08-06 10:16 EST
I'm sure that whatever you choose to write about will be just as riveting as everything else! I've really enjoyed just about every aspect of Jay's foray into Rhy'Din that I've been privy to.

I also wanted to thank you for playing with me last night. It might have been shorter than I would have liked, but it was extremely pleasant, despite all of that. As per usual!

So, thanks again, and keep up the awesome work!


Date: 2008-08-07 00:22 EST
Thank you for the kind words, and for the RP the other night. It was greatly enjoyed by myself as well. :)


Date: 2008-09-09 23:20 EST
Some thread names have changed, but the contents are still the same.


Date: 2008-12-18 00:53 EST
A big thank you to Kazzy-mun for letting me "borrow" Cheeky and Cheeky's thrift store for my latest post in "Waking Nights." Hopefully I did both justice in what I wrote. :)

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2008-12-27 15:30 EST
You're very welcome! And yes, that's pretty much how I imagine the insanity of a RhyDin thrift store. :grin:


Date: 2009-01-12 00:09 EST
Don't know that this is exactly the right place to post this, but seeing as I don't want to spam up RoH's boards, I'll post it in my little corner of the Internet. Some of you may have noticed that I'd been cross-posting everything I wrote for Jay both here and in the general area of the Rings of Honor message boards. Due to the extra effort involved in cross-posting, and miscellaneous reasons which I don't feel the need to go into detail with, I will no longer be doing so.

Again, probably not something anybody here will notice, but just in case, there it is.


Date: 2009-02-03 21:09 EST
A quick note, on the latest post made. The idea of a homeless shelter being so busy that they only had chairs available for people in the shelter came from an article I read recently. The article isn't explicitly about that, but that image stuck with me for some reason. Though the rest of the article is quite good, if somewhat gruesome (it's about a reporter who finds a body frozen in a block of ice). The story's linked here, though the photo at the top of the page is a little squeamish. Safe for work, but possibly disturbing.

Hope you find it as interesting as I did!


Date: 2012-05-05 18:05 EST
So I know I've been operating for the last year or so with a thread in the Dragon Tales section. So some of you may be wondering why I've decided to take the old Jay folder out of mothballs, give it a fresh coat of paint, and put it back in place. There's a good answer for that. Let's just say the sort of nebulous SL that's been weaving and wending its way through "In Search of Lost Time" is about to come to a close and shift in a new direction soon, in a new thread. What direction might that be? All I can say -- and this may be a bit obvious -- is look at the folder's new title. :)

Anyways, thanks as always for reading, and I hope you continue to enjoy my writing!



Date: 2012-05-06 12:37 EST
The song that inspired the name of this folder, by one of my favorite bands:

"How to Be a Werewolf" - Mogwai

Candy Hart

Date: 2012-05-06 13:54 EST
Woo folder!

A bit belated. ^^


Date: 2012-05-10 08:51 EST
First of all, many thanks to everyone who's been reading these stories in one form or another, whether it was in the old folder, over on Dragon Tales, or here in the new folder. I also wanted to send thanks to the players of Soerl Lute, Poppy Swift, and Lydia Loran for kicking this slow-burning SL off years ago.

At the risk of sounding obvious, the latest post in the "In Search of Lost Time" thread was the reason I wanted a folder for Jay again. That post culminates both the thread that's been shifting and mutating for the last year as it followed Jay through his return back to RhyDin, and the longer, nearly four-year SL of Jay fighting through lycanthropy. I'll be opening a new thread in the future that will explore fallout from that last post.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you will enjoy it!


Date: 2012-06-23 12:15 EST
For those not in the should read this :). There's more to come too, so keep your eyes peeled over on the Wrecking Crew folder on RoH!

Lydia Loran

Date: 2012-06-23 16:23 EST
While I don't really play anymore, I do check forums from time to time. It's really cool to see you take off with Jay. :D I've always thought he was interesting and his whole concept is so unique and creative.

I also wanted to send thanks to the players of Soerl Lute, Poppy Swift, and Lydia Loran for kicking this slow-burning SL off years ago.

That remains one of my favorite storylines. <3


Date: 2012-06-24 17:04 EST
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed that SL, and I'm glad you've been enjoying the last year or so of me rescuing Jay from the Scrappy Heap.

Thanks again for reading, and for the praise, and I hope all is well with you.

Soerl Lute

Date: 2012-06-24 20:56 EST
It was a pleasure working with all of you on that SL. I had a great time.

Seeing Jay continue to struggle and deal with the aftermath is really interesting. Keep it up. :D


Date: 2012-06-25 13:41 EST
Thanks! I'm very glad you enjoyed that SL, and you're enjoying the ongoing repercussions. :)


Date: 2012-06-25 13:42 EST
A little more on Jay's recruitment to the Dark, I mean the Crew. :)


Date: 2012-08-13 17:22 EST
Two quick notes!

One, you should check out this thread over in the always awesome Kesey Apartment Complex folder. :)

Second, a brief note/explanation on the newest thread in this folder. Though the first post is taking place more or less in the present, "What We Do Is Secret" is going to take a jump back to Jay's pre-RhyDin days and look at his "superhero" past on Earth. I'm going to try to add to it when the inspiration hits, and keep "How to Be a Werewolf" for the more Rhydin-based and present-day based SLs. Hope that's not too confusing!


Date: 2012-09-12 13:32 EST
A bit stressed out lately, and not feeling quite as creative. Will hopefully be feeling calmer soon!


Date: 2012-10-19 16:40 EST
Internet's back. Still waiting on creative juices to return. Stay tuned...

Alfonso Carlson Avery

Date: 2012-10-31 00:28 EST
Yes!! How to Be a Werewolf resumes!


Date: 2013-01-25 21:52 EST
By way of keeping things clear, time-wise:

Parts 1 and 2 of "The Poison" take place before this post in "Limits". Part 3 takes place after that scene.


Date: 2013-04-06 14:19 EST
In February 2008, Jay fought in his first duel over at Rings of Honor. A month later, I wrote my first post for him on the Red Dragon Inn forums. In the hustle and bustle of life, I never got around to posting something about the five-year anniversary of those two events. Consider this my belated notice.

I just wanted to say thank you to the powers that be on both RDI and RoH, for providing a forum for creativity and play at no charge (and, most likely, some personal expense!) for me, and for countless other players like me. I would also like to extend thank yous to each and every person whose character or characters interacted with me.

Jay began "life" as almost a throwaway character, a way of using a SN I had created a year prior with a character concept that I couldn't figure out how to work. I borrowed heavily from superhero comics, my knowledge of punk and skateboarding culture, and the Scott Pilgrim graphic novels. And he might have stayed flat and boring and cliche, were it not for this site and the players who congregate here. I wanted to extend special thanks to the players of Candy Hart, Lydia Loran, Soerl Lute, Poppy Swift, Samiyah Zayn, and everyone over at the Wrecking Crew for letting Jay worm his way into their hearts and lives. Both he and I have grown immensely as a result.

In short: thank you, thank you, thank you.


Date: 2013-06-12 12:14 EST
Going to try to keep this short and sweet, and make things slightly more official, though I think the fact I've not been around for a while may make it a little more obvious.

I'm taking an indefinite hiatus from RP (have been taking one, but here it is in writing). A passel of issues, some of which are personal, some of which pertain to life outside of the site, and most recently a temporary loss of access to the Internet at home, have stripped my muse from me.

I'm working to get it back, but no guarantees. My apologies to anyone who had ideas they were looking to play out with Jay, or any of my other characters (chances are, most of you know who they are). I still have access to email, so feel free to shoot me a message there if you have questions.

Thanks for understanding.


Date: 2013-08-10 13:23 EST
Catching up on old threads and scenes. It's all old news now, given recent events, but gonna try to get caught up a little at least.


Date: 2013-10-19 21:36 EST looks like my muse is gone, and so am I. I haven't written anything in months, and it seems increasingly unlikely that I will do so.

I never say never, so there's always a chance I might make it back, but I wouldn't count on it. The longer you stay away, the harder it is to come back, and I've been away for quite some time now.

Jay's still kicking around the city, but he isn't dueling anymore or participating in any of the promo stuff that'd have him out and about. I can't really think of a scenario where this might come up, but if you absolutely positively need to interact with him, shoot me a message. Chances are as long as he's not vivisected, it'll be cool.

If you need to get a hold of me, the best way is through my e-mail -- kerouacat at gmail dot com.

Goodbye (for now), good night and good luck.

Alfonso Carlson Avery

Date: 2013-10-20 13:55 EST
Godspeed in your next venture, Jay-mun.

It's been a pleasure following this folder.