Topic: Bark at the Moon

Soerl Lute

Date: 2007-10-12 11:31 EST
The last few days had been trying for the minstrel. Study, eat, practice, study, sleep, repeat. He had never been much of a student, except when it came to music.

This, however, was a very necessary study. It was difficult to keep any sort of secret for long in Rhydin, for many reasons. People were nosy. Even if a matter didn't involve them, it didn't mean they could listen in, right? His powers had been leaking every full moon. Sometimes even this varied a bit. As of late, he had to hide every night. He felt alone. What could he do? He hated the condition. It made him feel feral. Any that knew Soerl realized how negatively that would impact him. He was a socialable person, he liked being amongst crowds. When this transformation occured, he would end up hiding until he was able to supress it.

He realized he needed some sort of help. As he had been hiding during the nights, he asked one of the few people he trusted in these parts to setup a meeting with Topaz. Rena had obliged him luckily. She had always been a great friend and he was appreciative of that to a degree she never knew. Topaz had not told him what he wanted to hear. That in itself impressed him. She stuck to the facts and told him it was going to take hard work to accomplish the task before him. An annoying prospect for him. He loved to goof off.

It was then that Max happened to come to the Inn. Topaz and Rena spent a large amount of time trying to convince the man to help Soerl. He was against it, or so the minstrel gauged from the other man's reactions. All the talks of having a pack and learning to hunt were just confusions to him. In the end, Max told him where he needed to go. For reasons beyond the minstrel's comprehension, he was going to be taught. In a very loose sense.

Since then, he had been spending almost all of his time with his nose in a book. Reading about his condition, reading of wolves, anatomy...anything that would help. He was unsuccessful the first night in accomplishing anything. He would try and shift. It would either be partial or not at all. Topaz had told him not to be frustrated. So he kept at it, mostly practicing the shapechange during the nights, away from the eyes of others. The previous night, he managed to finish his task. At first, he was surprised. The more he shifted out, the easier it was to return. His excitement skyrocketed. He wore himself out, really. Sleep came easy.

He had learned to bark at the moon.

Soerl Lute

Date: 2007-11-03 11:01 EST
It was late. Very late. If Van was awake, she likely would have been wondering where he was. After his visit to the tea shop, he couldn't go directly back to the Inn. The conversation had been pleasant amongst he, Rena, and Lydia for the most part. It took him a bit to warm to them though, as he had been the very model of irritation as of late.

Small talk had been the main course of discussion. It was an effort to patch a friendship afterall. Something led him to explaining the origins of his hat. Honto had been his teacher and was the one the hat originally belonged to. He had viewed the older bard as his father. The man had passed before he even met Ayly. The day he had died was approaching quickly. When the day came, the minstrel always observed it in the same way. A song in Honto's memory.

Soerl had never forgiven himself for not being present when Honto had died. He had made the decision to go have fun with the friends he had back then, rather than staying at his father figure's side. He knew the man was terribly ill, but he had superimposed the ideal of invincibility on the old bard. He would shake it and all would be as it normally was. Being wrong was one thing the minstrel excelled at. This was a perfect example. He came to visit Honto later the next day and discovered him already deceased in his bed, his lute lying next to him

It was the first time since he was a young boy that he cried. Surprise and denial were his first emotions, but it led to grief. How he berated himself, unnecessarily at that. He didn't know what to do. He felt like that lost little boy that the old bard had discovered once again. Honto had known his meeting with the reaper was approaching. He left the few posessions he kept to Soerl, imploring the young man to value life and the feelings of others among all else.

It hadn't made much sense to him at the time. He came to Rhydin shortly after his teacher's death. He met Ayly, whom he had loved tremendously. Then the attack. Upon his return, there was no longer a family waiting for him. He had no idea what had occurred. Once again he fell far into despair. Insincere grins and smiles to those he had befriended, so nothing would be suspected.

Eventually, recently, he had decided he would move on. He couldn't keep his heart closed forever. He had thought that perhaps Rena was the one that would fill that hole in his being. They had kissed twice, but the more he thought on it, the more it seemed like a mistake. She was with Val at that point, though he didn't know the current situation. He decided it was best not to pursue her.

That was something that had to be done. He would not cross that line and hurt Val with his actions. He had met Van shortly afterward. The minstrel fell for the young beauty hard. That had seemed to be what had caused Rena the most pain. He felt terrible for hurting Rena, but Van made him feel as Ayly had. That his existence was meaningful, that he was a good person at heart.

The situation quickly spirraled out of control. Phillipe had been taken and he had involved himself in the rescue efforts. AJ had been on edge the entire time he was gone. There was no blame there, though. He would have felt the same. The werewolf was under control most of the time, except for a small incident during the full moon. It had helped, he thought.

All of his thoughts had culminated to this night, emerald eyes lifted toward the moon. Honto had told him once, "Soerl, there is going to be at least one time in a man's life where he stands at a crossroads. You can go backward into misery and despair. You can veer your course and go left or right and avoid your problems. Or, you can prove to yourself that you have really learned and continue forward." He could almost hear the old man's voice.

"I am not a coward, father. I will not veer. I will not go backward and run away. I will continue forward." His cloak billowed in the cold breeze that had picked up, as he stood atop the building.

Soerl Lute

Date: 2007-11-07 09:29 EST
A few days prior to this one, the minstrel had located a clearing through some trees in the Glen. The area was fairly round. He'd been making some practice dummies, some of wood, others of straw. Once Van had left to go to work, he came to the clearing immediately.

After learning to control his Were side, he had begun to prefer hand to hand combat. He wasn't sure why. The extra speed, perhaps. A straw dummy was set up in the middle of the clearing. I really need to practice some spells too.. The thought had crossed his mind previously, but it seemed something didn't want him to forget. Two wooden dummies were placed on either side of the straw one, a few feet of space between them.

For now, he'd use his blade. The longsword was drawn from its sheath. He tested the weight with a few loose swings, letting his muscles stretch. The blade didn't cut through the air particularly fast. An audible thud vibrated his weapon when he struck the wooden dummy on the left. With a pull, the blade was free.

He began to weave around the targets, swinging at each in turn. He'd strike the one on the left, then spin to hit the middle one. A back kick was angled at the last on the right, when the long sword cut into the straw. After this, he carefully placed his prized weapon against an old tree trunk. He removed all of his clothing, save his pants. The grass was still slightly damp from the morning dew and it caused him to suck in a bit of air, sharply.

The weight of his body was thrown on his left foot, which he rotated on. He backhanded the dummy on the left with a closed fist. A dodge then, from an imaginary attack that came from the straw dummy. He was in the air afterward, though without any forward momentum. He spun in air rather quickly, his right foot coming around heel first. It connected with the dummy's "head" and ripped some of the straw, so that the head dangled toward a crudely designed shoulder.

It would be a few hours before he left the clearing.

Soerl Lute

Date: 2007-12-04 02:17 EST
Life was usually simple for the minstrel. Despite all of his worries, problems, or concerns, he took life in stride. Love the good, deal with the bad. That very night, he had told Hodge, "That's good. Complaints lead to issues." He had asked how she was doing, when she responded, he offered that. The minstrel found himself bypassing the complaint department entirely and skipping straight ahead to issues.

He was dueling someone whom he had never met before and enjoying the fight. The woman was definitely skilled. The minstrel was barely keeping ahead of her. After landing an aerial kick, he chanced a look around the Outback. He saw Van first and gave her a smile. He hadn't even seen her come in. When his eyes moved, he saw a familiar figure. A lady whom he hadn't seen in years. The first one who had captured the minstrel's heart.

His body froze up. It caused him to be wide open for his opponent, who admonished him to pay attention to their duel. He took her advice, but struggled throughout the rest of the fight. A close loss. With a polite bow, he stepped out of the ring and started forward. He recalled Van coming near and asking him if he was all right. He responded with a simple "No". Ayly was watching him, but he always had the hardest time trying to read her. His courage was summoned. Van told him to go.

Stepping in his usual stride, he approached Aylysia. He figured she would simply have left when he came to her, but she didn't. She looked no worse for the wear. Still as beautiful as ever. He didn't voice that, of course. Mostly, it was idle chatter. He thought that she was just as shocked to see him as he was to see her. His heart ached terribly. He could tell that when Ayly had looked at Savannah, she knew. It was beyond his comprehension as to why she didn't show any signs of anger. His whole disappearance was not her fault. Why? Why hadn't she yelled at him, threw a spell, something? He didn't know. It might have made him feel better if she had.

After his disappearance, which came due to bandits, and subsequent return one question burned deeply in his mind. What had happened to the baby? Ayly had been pregnant when he was left for dead. It made his heart ache, to not now what had happened. Ayly was about to leave. So he asked her. The minstrel learned the child had been born. He had a daughter. She was named Lyric by her mother. That, in addition to some words Ayly had spoken, led him to believe that she had not completely let go. He hadn't either.

A minstrel's job, if he did it correctly, was to touch the lives of others. Through song, through writing, even through just simple personal communication. He knew he had done that. His worry was that he had a negative impact, rather than a positive one. He had hurt Ayly to begin with, he imagined, when he was gone. Then he hurt Rena. He thought that Ayly might be hurting again, after this night. And he ran the risk of driving Van away with all of this, or so he thought. It made him feel not only as though he was an awful failure, but that he had let Honto down. The minstrel was on a downward spiral of despair.

He returned to the Inn with Van. They made love. It calmed him long enough that he watched her fall asleep in his arms. He loved Van with all his heart. He didn't want her to get hurt, no matter what happened. He'd been the cause of enough of that, afterall. He slid away from her when she was sound asleep. He exited through the window, rather than run the risk of bumping into anyone he knew that might be in the commons. Soon, the minstrel was walking the streets.

Uncertainity was his companion in the early morning hours. Yes, it was true he loved Van, but he admitted to her that he still loved Ayly as well. And then there was Lyric. He knew what it was like to have a less than stellar father. Soerl didn't want to be like that, but other than who he was, what did the young girl know about her father? Would she even want him around? Ayly seemed more than willing to let the minstrel into his daughter's life. He was frightened by the prospect. When he was feeling like himself, the minstrel was rarely coined a "serious" individual. Such a responsibility had scared him even when Ayly first told him they were having a child. And while he figured she received help, Ayly had to start raising Lyric without him. It felt as though he had already let them both down and any effort to repair the damage created was futile.

His emerald eyes were glowing furiously by now. The wolf was elated to be released. With that unnatural strength and agility, Soerl took to the rooftops. Claws were used to grasp roof edges when jumps were extraordinarily long.

Ayly had suggested a meeting, between she, Van, and himself. To settle things, it would seem. It seemed the only logical course and yet, he dreaded it. He had to go. He had to get some answers somehow and he was sure Ayly wanted some of her own. He crouched, gazing down onto the streets below.

Black Velvet

Date: 2007-12-05 00:45 EST
A gasp for air. She sits up rapidly in bed, cobalt eyes flying wide. Another gasp of air. Savannah blinks rapidly the vision of her dream still haunting her. The eyes, the glowing blue eyes were etched into her memory and had slipped into her subconscious. And now they were part of her dreams. A deep breath taken, then blown out slowly as she realizes that she is indeed awake and in her room in the Inn. Turning, she looks down at the empty space. And then a sigh.

The sights, sounds, scents and feel of the night came back to her. Seeing him in the ring. How proud she felt. That was her man and he was doing very well for himself. She felt proud of him and for him. Savannah's smile only grew as he turned and smiled for her from the ring. His smile was devastatingly handsome and perfect in her eyes.

But just as soon as that smile was there, it was gone as Soerl looked away from her. He even seemed to frown a bit. Savannah couldn't figure out what he was looking at, but she knew something was wrong. Soerl's duel reflected his distracted manner and he was defeated by a very narrow margin. After the bout, Savannah approached him. She touched his shoulder and asked if he were alright. To Savannah, he seemed to give just a cursory glance, then his eyes traveled to the door. Savannah followed his gaze and saw the object of Soerl's distraction.

Her heart sank. Of course it would. The woman with whom he started to converse with was nothing less than stunning in her appearance. But there was something in her eyes, and in Soerl's that made Savannah take a step back. "Go to her." She encouraged him. And Soerl didn't hesitate. Savannah exchanged more than a few glances with the woman, Ayly, as she came to find out later, as Ayly and Soerl spoke to one another.

The apologetic glance, the one full of understanding, and the way she carried herself, Savannah couldn't help but already like Ayly. But then Soerl asked a question that took Savannah's breath away. He asked Ayly, "What happened to the child?"

Savannah wanted to reach out and grab Soerl. She felt he was slipping away. Here he was talking to his wife, ex-wife? Savannah didn't truly know. And they shared a daughter. Savannah closed her eyes and blew out a soft breath as she hung her head.

But then Ayly left and Soerl did something that was so uncharacteristic of himself that it had Savannah nearly jumping from her skin and suddenly realizing that the Outback wasn't the best of places to be discussing things. So she slipped out towards the Market. Soerl walked with her, hand in hand. And for a long while, they both were silent. They were both deep in thought and trying to straighten out in their minds what had just transpired.

Upon reaching the fountain, Savannah took a seat and continue to hold Soerl's hand. For comfort, reassurance? For her or himself? She wasn't quite sure. Soerl opened up and talked to her about his past and Ayly's part in it. Soerl was excited about having a daughter, Savannah could see that plain as the nose on his face. But she could also see just a hint of uncertainty.

They spoke long into the night, until it proved to be too cold for Savannah to tolerate it much longer, and they headed for the inn. Hand in hand once again and a shy smile on her face as she stole glimpses of his mouth as i tmoved, the arch of his brow and every line of his face seemed to be animated.

Nothing was really resolved that night. The nightmare came as the pale, electric blue eyes. The words spoken from Soerl's ow lips that he was in love with Ayly still. Savannah hugged her knees to her chest ane lowered her chin to her knees. It was a great deal to mull over.


Date: 2007-12-05 10:29 EST
Life had the oddest way of alternately giving one what they wanted and breaking them with it at the same time. Footprints in the sand would remain for a time, yet be swept away by wind or tide. Love could burn brightly in two hearts, yet be diminished to nothing in one, leaving the other shattered.

These thoughts, homilies and others tumbled through the chaos that was Ayly's mind as she sat propped by a sand hummock on Twilight Island. Dark sapphire eyes glowed as beacons in the dark, lightening their normal shade to something unearthly. At least here, she knew that any residual effects would be contained by the Island itself. The Island would prevent her tattered emotions from invading the dreams of any nearby. While dreams of deepest love might not be bad or adversely affect those snared in dream, the anger, fear and shock could have dire effects. All good reasons to remain on the magical Island that existed in it's own pocket dimension until she could regain her sometimes tenuous control on her emotions. A Dreamwalker should always maintain control - of both emotions and any desires to either harm or help through dreams. Or to use their ability for personal gain. How many times had Morph drilled that into her? How many times had those rules kept her from seeking Soerl?s dreams, either to see if he still lived after his disappearance or to aid her in finding him? Or had her reticence simply been self-preservation? Truly enough, she?d not wanted to know that he?d simply left her. Had not wanted her or their child any more and had moved on.

The air before her wavered as she stared blindly into the starlit sky. The ripple threatened to rip through the thin ether separating dream from reality. The Island contained it, preserving the dreams of nearby wildlife and other sentient beings who might be close. Struggling with the power to reach through that veil, her eyes closed. The blue glow still an eerie presence even lidded so.

So, the rumors had become something she could no longer dismiss. Soerl, her husband, the only man who had ever touched her soul not to mention her heart, was indeed alive and seemingly well. For that she was both grateful and furious. Grateful because not only had he been the completion of all that she had been, but the man had gifts that should not be silenced to the mortal world in death. Furious because he had not returned to her. Grateful that though he?d not returned to her, he?d not been alone as he had been when they met. Grateful that he?d known the warmth of caring even had he sought it elsewhere. Furious that he?d left her alone. Furious that their child had only had stories of her father. Furious that she and Lyric had been left behind like so much unwanted refuse.

She?d not gone looking for him that night. Having arrived early in the day from Silverhawk through the portal on Mystik?s property, she?d not disturbed her Lady and her mate, but had made way to the Inn and the rooms kept there for her, then later to revisit old haunts. Trade agreements had brought her to Rhydin once more. Leaving her daughter in the care of her family and Silverhawk?s Princess Andromeda. Lyric had schooling to attend and this trip might well take couple of weeks. Though she disliked being away from her daughter for that length of time, it was better that she have the stability of her routine at her age. What would Soerl decide in regard to their child? Would he decide now that he wanted to be the father Lyric needed? Or would he leave the child with the tales her Mother had told her of him since birth? What of the woman that had been with him? That they had a relationship was without doubt. Ayly had herself received many of those looks and smiles from Soerl in the past to mistake the intimacy of them. A choked sob threatened to escape. Attempting to push that thought from her heart, she concentrated on her daughter. Lyric would be overjoyed to know her Father had not died. But telling her now would depend on what Soerl decided. And regardless of his decision, that misconception would not be allowed to remain forever. Lyric would be told the truth some day. When she could understand the decisions made. It was her right.

This matter and all others would need to be resolved. Most notably, aside from Lyric, there was the fact that Soerl and Ayly were still married. Though at one time he had been declared dead, the fact that he was still alive negated that ruling. A question she had raised a few years ago after rumor said he lived. Though Ayly had remained without a companion in those long years, Soerl had moved forward with his life. That was evidenced by the intimacy that crackled around he and the young woman that resembled Ayly in looks. Something would need to be done to take care of that. Though her heart bled to admit it, even to herself, she would not stand in the way of his heart and happiness. For one thing, she had more pride than that. She had been the object of enough pitying and sympathetic looks. She would not grovel for someone who no longer wished to be with her.

Thoughts continued to tumble and chase each other through the night. So many questions, so many complicated matters that needed to be untangled. It was well after mid-day when Aylysia returned to the Inn. Wearily she checked for messages before moving above-stairs to her rooms. Thankfully her business dealings for Silverhawk were not due to begin for another day. She direly needed sleep, but took the precaution of taking a draught to suppress her ability to Dream. She needed rest, and to not be drawn to the troubled dreams of others. She would be of little use to them and might cause harm to the innocent.

She would sleep, rest and try to bring some calm to her thoughts, try to regain control of her emotions before meeting with Soerl and his lady. The matters to be discussed would affect all three of them, though it would be heart wrenching to be so close to the man who had never left her heart or soul and the woman who he gifted with his own now.

Black Velvet

Date: 2007-12-06 23:46 EST
The days following that night were stressful ones for Savannah. At work, her mind wasn't on the brief she was typing up or the dictation she was supposed to be taking. More than once her boss had stopped in the middle and asked what was bothering her. Of course she wouldn't say, Savannah just offered a smile and said that she thought she was catching a cold.

After work she didn't find herself rushing to be back in the inn either. It use to be her favorite time of the day. Still early enough that she and Soerl could spend some quiet time together before the inn became too much. As of late, she was seen strolling through the market, her head seemingly in the clouds. There was much to think about.

Savannah knew Soerl loved her. He told her every chance he could. But he was still in love with Ayly. And Savannah still didn't know the extent of their relationship. Were they still married? And what would Soerl do about his daughter, Lyric? She was pondering these very things when she finally did make it to the inn that evening.

She slipped in quietly, wanting to keep unnoticed. It took her no time to get to the room she shared with Soerl. But what she found inside struck her like a punch to the stomach. All of Soerl's belongings were gone. She searched the room, the in chamber bathroom, and there wasn't a single thing left.

Savannah found the note on the pillow that he slept on. She sank onto the bed while reading it.


This has been harder for me than I ever thought it would be. I love you desperately, but I cannot deny my feelings for Ayly. I'm taking a trip for a few days. Please do not despair, I will return. I simply need some time to think, in a place where no one knows me well enough to interrupt. I spoke to AJ. She said you can stay at the apartment with she and Phillipe until I come back, should you wish.

Love always,

Hand to her throat as she read it over and over. Time to think. What did that mean? He needed time to think about whether he wanted to be with her? To be with Ayly?

Savannah only wanted Soerl to be happy. And she made a silent vow as she held his pillow to her chest that no matter what he decides, she'll be there for him. As a friend, or a lover.


Date: 2007-12-07 14:17 EST
"Okay, I need a break.?

Ayly?s thoughts had not been completely on her business in Rhydin this time. Who could blame her? She was suppose to be attending to matters of selling and transporting crystals and gems mined in Silverhawk. Not discovering dead husbands who had been rumored to be still alive. Not trying to decide what to tell their daughter should Soerl decide he wished to know Lyric. Not struggling for breath each time she considered that he had moved forward with his life and had given his love to another.

Of course she had considered that years ago when the rumors first started that Soerl has been seen in Rhydin. Considered that perhaps the carefree, laughing minstrel had decided that marriage and fatherhood were not for him. She?d known he had reservations about being a Father. But she?d felt the same about being a Mother and had rested assured on her family and friends? advice that all first time parents suffer those doubts. Soerl had seemed happy and excited by the news too. She had found word of the bandits? attack on him when she?d retraced his route to the festival. Those who?d seen him had felt there was no way he had survived his injuries. She?d not stopped searching. Afterall, these were lands of magic. After time she had given in to her family?s pleadings and accepted him as dead. But her heart had never accepted it. That was why she?d accepted the position in the Court to arrange for trade of their native resources. It allowed her to travel and to often have her daughter with her. It also allowed her to continue searching once the rumors had begun.

Now that her private search had ended, she wasn?t sure just what she felt. Joy, most certainly. Anger and betrayal, definitely. Confusion was a matter of course. Soul deep pain.


Date: 2007-12-07 14:18 EST
She couldn?t concentrate, couldn?t breathe. Especially not since the note had been left arranging the meeting between Soerl, his lady and herself. She?d had the miniatures of Lyric at various ages copied by a reputable artist. That way she could gift him a set while keeping the set she?d carried on every trip for years. Right now though, she needed a break. There were decisions that Andromeda needed to make regarding some of the more valuable gems, so Ayly certainly had the excuse to escape Rhydin and the personal matters that pressed so deeply for a few days. Having discovered that Soerl and his lady kept a room at the Inn as well (and yet another reason to absent herself for a brief time) Ayly wrote a short note, addressing it to both Soerl and his lady -who's name she still was unaware of- and left it at the bar on her way to the portal. Once the seal was broken it read?

Soerl and esteemed Lady,

I find need to leave Rhydin for a couple of days. There are matters in my business dealings that Andromeda needs to make. I shall return before the arranged meeting. There is much of import to discuss. Though I had considered bringing Lyric back with me, I have decided that with the portal on Mystik?s lands that it would be well to wait until after the meeting. Should you, Soerl, decide you wish to see her, she can be brought to Rhydin with haste through the portal. Though Lyric will be left without knowledge of the possibility, I will make sure that matters are left readied for that possibility before I return.

Bright blessings and health on you both,


She just needed to be able to breathe. And to hold the child that had been her reason for continuing in a tuneless world.

Soerl Lute

Date: 2007-12-08 05:17 EST
Soerl's journey had started two days prior. The ship he caught a ride on only took one day to reach a port town. The town's name always escaped him. Someone always reminded him of it when he visited, but it was forgotten before he took his leave.

He regretted not saying goodbye to Van, but the note likely had been easier on both of them. The minstrel usually hated confrontations. His fighting skills really hadn't improved until the last few months. He figured the wereblood is what drove him to continue to improve. Beyond that, he spent most of his life running from problems he caused or ones others had thrown upon him. He was tired of doing it.

As he walked the fairly dirty streets, the minstrel's mind affirmed an earlier decision he had made. During the boat ride, he tried to keep both Van and Ayly from his mind. While not completely successful, he did manage to focus on a matter equally as important. Lyric. He had argued with himself over what to do about his daughter. Simply abandoning her was not an option. Soerl was not cold-hearted, though his lack of foresight sometimes caused situations that made it seem so. That child was his blood and he was determined to take part in raising her, even if it meant many moments of discomfort between he and Ayly. Lyric deserved to have her foolish father around, if she wished.

There were some in the port town that recognized Soerl. He used to travel quite often and he would stop here on his way back to Rhydin. It wasn't as big as the city he usually hung around in, nor was it as clean, but he found it to his liking. A few songs had been played at the inn he frequented, much to the delight of the couple that owned the place. They always refused to charge the minstrel when he came by, so he would provide entertainment in exchange. It was little gestures of kindness that he received that made him question his current state of mind. Was he really some terrible person? Obviously, he didn't think so, but he was once told that it was impossible to be objective when the subject you were analyzing was yourself. Really, he needed a neutral opinion. Where to get it? That was the question. This town certainly wasn't the place. He'd have to head back.

Soerl began to circle back toward where he'd been staying. Rosa, the female half of the inn owning couple, had warned the minstrel that hunters had been lurking in town for a few weeks. In all actuality, he hadn't meant for Geaden and Rosa to find out about his lycanthropy, but it proved unavoidable. Either way, he didn't think much of the hunters. Since that attack long ago, he had taken to travelling on the rooftops. As he cleared gaps with relative ease, he hadn't been paying much attention to his surroundings. He heard a scream. Instead of leaping fully to the next building, he clutched at the edge of the roof and peered down.

From what he could see, it appeared to be a fairly young girl and a boy getting backed into a corner. Immediately, his emerald eyes flared. In the night, his "power" was easily summoned. "Heh. Well, well kiddies. I don't think there's anybody to save you this time." The apparent leader spoke, as all four continued after the children. They planned to sell them, no doubt. The voice made Soerl's eyes narrow. He recognized it from somewhere. It clicked when the man grinned. He was the one. The one who led the attack on him so many years ago. It was the type of thing someone never truly forgot. Soerl thought it was rather foolish for them to stay so close to Rhydin, for a number of reasons.

This had just become very personal.

All of the men were laughing, they were only a couple of feet away from the frightened children. Too frightened to scream anymore, apparently. For probably the first time in the minstrel's life, he sneered. It would have looked rather unbecoming to anyone who knew him.

There was a muffled cry as the man furthest back received a rake of claws across his face. Soerl had used the building to propel himself at his target. The man went down easily. He obviously wasn't dead, but the minstrel figured he'd likely run away when he got over the initial shock. The noise caused the other men to turn. Soerl slammed his claws deep into the next closest thug. He drew blood. Alot of it. The man simply fell to the ground, clutching his stomach.

Immediately, his glowing eyes turned to the third man. This one actually had time to draw a weapon, though clumsily. "S-s-stay back! Get away from me!" There was no mercy forthcoming from the minstrel. He had never experienced such hatred. Before the thug had time to swing his mace, Soerl had him by the throat. Up. Up. He lifted the man with that one arm, as high as he could extend his reach. The leader looked on in shock. With a ferocious growl, Soerl killed that man in his grasp. His windpipe had been utterly crushed. The body was thrown aside, like a piece of trash.

"You. You ruined my life! This is all your fault!" The bandit leader look bewildered for a few moments. What was this strange man talking about? Then, because of the light Soerl's eyes were giving off, he could see the hat. The bandit remembered who the minstrel was. His brown eyes widened fully, mostly in fear, but partially in recognition.
"Hold on a moment, we can work this out! We can split the profits on these two kids, eh?" The man was doing his best to negotiate. The children were even more frightened by the sudden appearance of this monster. "And you would prey upon these children? Who likely have no home? We're finished talking. I simply wanted you to remember before I took your life. It's only right since you took mine." Soerl rushed the man immediately after speaking.

His arm was knocked away by a blade. A short sword, maybe. The cloth on his shirt ripped, exposing skin to deliver a cut. The pain was easily ignored. The minstrel slammed a boot into the man's chest. The speed would have been impossible for an ordinary human. Despite the quickness, there was power enough to knock the bandit leader to the ground. The short sword clattered onto the cobblestone beneath. "Oh please, no!" The man pleaded with the minstrel one last time.

All the emotion led Soerl to do something dangerous. He never combined magic with his wereblood. It seemed too great a risk. In his current state, he didn't seem to care what the result would be. He extended a hand toward the fallen man, two fingers pointed directly at his target. "Die." Fire exploded from his fingertips, engulfing not only the bandit leader, but parts of the building behind. Luckily it was a stone structure.

When the flames died down, there was nothing but ash left. The minstrel felt very odd, though. Intoxicated, almost. He wasn't sure why. A spared glance was given to the children, who were unsure what to think of him. The minstrel said nothing and ran off. He couldn't stay here much longer after that. He was headed toward that inn, where he would sleep, then board the ship back to Rhydin.


Date: 2007-12-08 11:47 EST
The trip through Rhydin from the Inn to Mystik and Shay?s lands was a blur. Now that the decision had been made, it was even harder to draw a full breath. Thankfully she encountered no one she knew before reaching the portal near the lake. She refused to give in to memories of when she?d resided in the small cabin and the time she and Soerl spent here. But she did need to compose herself. She could not go to her daughter in this state.

A nearby fallen trunk provided a well worn seat to gather herself on. She leaned against the tree trunk that stood behind it. Dark sapphire eyes stared unseeing at the shimmering water she drew in several deep breaths. Concentrating on finding a small bit of peace in her own soul. A feat not easily accomplished. Thoughts kept intruding. Emotions kept a steady tattoo demanding attention. She concentrated on the remembered sound of Lyric?s laughter. The memory of sun dancing upon her daughter?s golden curls as she cavorted around her Mother?s chambers helping her pack for this trip.

A smile teased through as she recalled the nonsensical song Lyric had made up about a frog leaping into a tree to argue with a star.

With these the only things in her mind, reasonably calm with the chaos of the last few days locked firmly to the side, Ayly rose and moved through the portal.

The trip was quick, the portal itself only taking a few heartbeats of time to deliver her back to the principality of Silverhawk. Another hour?s stroll saw her back at the small manor house that Andromeda had granted her when she?d taken her current appointment for the Court. Five more minutes found her steps hastening on the stairwell to the bedchambers above as the sound of Lyric?s laughter tinted the air with lightness. A genuine smile eased pinched features as she opened the nursery?s schoolroom door. Within minutes the tutor had been apologized to and asked to delay her lessons so Ayly could spend some time with her daughter before going to see Andromeda regarding the gems.

Lyric insisted on having afternoon tea with her Mother. ?A proper afternoon tea with scones and jam and the sweet buns cook wouldn?t let me sample!?, so Ayly was told. And have a proper tea they did. An afternoon of Ayly sinking into the world of being a Mother. An afternoon of Lyric eager to share all that she?d been doing since her Mother had left and thrilled at this unexpected return. Occasionally through the hours that followed a pensive cast shadows in sapphire eyes, but was soon cast away as she focused on simply enjoying her daughter.

The next day would bring discussion of the trade agreements with Andromeda, a few hours and dinner with her daughter and a night spent in her own bed. The day after would bring her back to Rhydin and the matters that had to be settled.

For now she would savor and cherish. Nothing would be allowed to tarnish these moments with Lyric.


Date: 2007-12-08 13:00 EST
Lyric never ceased to be a wonder to her. The first night, after their tea and some time spent hastily dragging Yule decorations out and festooning the house with them, they?d settled for a simple evening meal in front of the fireplace in Ayly?s chamber. Both of them still draped with lengths of silver and cranberry tinted satin ribbons. Though the meal had mostly consisted of hot chocolate and kettle popped corn, Ayly had managed to persuade Lyric that a bowl of soup would also fit into the menu. Ayly told her daughter stories of times past. Stories of history, stories she herself had been told as a girl of Yule. Stories that Soerl had told and stories about him. Though the latter tales had been part of their routine since Lyric was a babe, they took on a particular bittersweet flavor for Ayly now. But that soon faded in the face of her daughter?s rendition of a song that involved a dragon, a gnome and a gold counting device which ended with the rather frustrated dragon going mad.

Later, after tucking her rambunctious child into her bed, Ayly returned to her own rooms. A deep breath was drawn as she swallowed the draught that would hold her from the Dreams. This followed by a snifter of smokey brandy. Another was poured to sip as she settled into a comfortable armchair to stare into the fire?s flickering dance. She allowed all that she?d forced aside that day to crash through her. Tears stained her cheeks long into the night. At some point she?d cuddled into the soft lamb?s wool blanket draped over the back of the chair and had fallen into an exhausted slumber.

She woke stiff the following morning when Lyric bounded into the sitting room followed by the young woman from the village who had hired on to manage her household. Soon a hearty meal was laid to break their fast. Eventually shooing Lyric off to the schoolroom, Ayly indulged for a while in a steaming tub before dressing to meet with Andromeda. That meeting had gone well and much as Aylysia had expected and she returned home in the early evening with the signed agreements tucked in a satchel.

During the course of the evening, while she and Lyric were waiting for a batch of Yule cookies, which they?d taken over the kitchen to bake, to turn golden, Lyric had dashed to the schoolroom to fetch a drawing she?d done during her lessons. A childish rendition of a family at Yule celebrating together. Though the drawing did not really resemble much more than stick figures, and contained several more people than those to represent Ayly and Lyric herself, tears momentarily welled before she praised her daughter?s work.

Later, after the cookies had been demolished and Ayly?s bag repacked for the trip and Lyric tucked up for the night, Ayly slipped that piece of artistry in with her necessities for the trip back to Rhydin. She would give it to Soerl along with the miniatures. Not to influence his decision, but just so he would have something of Lyric regardless.


Date: 2007-12-09 11:39 EST
Early morning light dappled the path from the lake to the clearing. The smile on her lips slowly fading away as her feet led her away from the two days at home. Clutching the memories tightly to her heart, steps lagged as she walked from the clearing and down the road that led to Rhydin.

Questions tumbled about the past, the meeting to come. The decisions that would be made. She had to hold to what would be best for her daughter, and taking Soerl?s rights into consideration. She knew it would be difficult to sit across from the couple and not allow her own pain to surge to the surface. But she would manage somehow. She was a strong woman and a Mother, she repeatedly reminded herself. Facts that would become her mantra. The mental and emotional shield that would save her sanity.

That Soerl had seemed as awkward and uncomfortable during that first meeting as she had been was unsurprising. Being faced with a wife left behind would be uncomfortable. Especially with his new lady looking on. Ayly had never gotten over the man she?d lost. Never moved past that place where he lived in not only her heart, but her soul as well. Knowing that he had brought a tidal wash of pain wracking her each time she allowed the thought to surface. Having the proof sitting across from her would most likely be the most difficult and painful thing Aylysia had ever encountered. But that was her problem. What was important was to get answers so that perhaps someday she could find peace within herself. Of greater importance was Lyric. So that would be what Ayly concentrated on.

A soft clink from the bag over her shoulder reminded her that she would need to take a draught of the potion that would hold her from the world of Dreams. The meeting to come would be very emotional, that she had no doubt of. And there were those in Rhydin that were day sleepers. Allowing her emotions to taint their dreams would not be acceptable. The strain of not entering that world was becoming more and more stressful. To help through Dreams was her calling. It was a deep seated need she?d had since her training by Morph had become serious. Once the sleep god had realized that her interest was not merely curiosity, but a calling. He?d warned her before releasing her from his tutelage that she would never be able to separate herself from the Dreams for long periods of time without consequences. He had also warned there would be times she would need to and had given her the recipe for the draught that suppressed her ability. She was nearing the threshold for using the draught. She would travel to somewhere where none resided closely before she stopped taking the draught and allowed herself to enter the Dream once more. For the protection of the innocent she might unleash the Nightmare upon. A Nightmare she herself would have to face and subjugate to her will once more. A shudder rippled through her slight form as she remembered facing the Nightmare she now controlled in the final days of her training. She would have to face it again. It would have grown bold during her absence. She was more experienced now, but it was as well.

As the Inn came into sight, Aylysia shifted the bag on her shoulder and drew a deep, calming breath. Though she felt renewed after being at home with her daughter, tension began to steal across her shoulders and the back of her neck once more. The time was fast approaching that she would discover the answers she needed. The time when Lyric?s future would be decided. The time when Ayly?s life would change for all time. Whether it would be for good or ill would be a long time in being determined.

Black Velvet

Date: 2007-12-10 08:34 EST
Savannah was waiting at the bar of the Inn when Ayly made her entrance. Little had she known that Soerl had been watching from the rafters. And when he dropped down not too far from where Savannah was sitting, it had startled her already rattled nerves. "Que cera." she had whispered to herself as they walked towards the back of the room and into a booth.

Soerl wouldn't sit. It unnerved Savannah and she knew that things did not bode well for her relationship with Soerl. And the conversation was to be expected with Ayly and Soerl jumping on the defensive a lot. Savannah began to wonder what on Earth she had gotten herself into. Why was she even at the table?

The Nexus, sometimes a blessing, often times a curse, had whisked her away. So she wasn't privy to the conversation any further. When it saw fit to return her to Rhydin, the Nexus landed her near the Teas n Tomes. Walking in, her heart melted and broke, all at the same time. There was Soerl, meeting his beautiful little girl for the first time. And there was Ayly, Soerl's beautiful wife. The family scene melted her heart. It was precious. But it broke it at the same time. What did she have to offer Soerl that could even compare to this?

She watched for as long as she could. AJ had been there and it was easy. But then the Nexus was not Savannah's friend that day. It had snatched AJ away, leaving Savannah alone to watch as Soerl became a family man. A few glimpses and smiles for Ayly, and then Savannah had to leave. It was like she was choking. She needed air.

Savannah wandered the streets for a long time after that. Not sure where she was going, just letting her feet take her wherever. Her thoughts raced as she went over every detail of every memory that she and Soerl had shared. Corn dogs in the market, roses by the fountain. Starlit nights and sleepy mornings. He had told her that he was going to marry her some day. It was that thought that brought the tears. That alone hurt the worst.

She found herself near the Annex and went inside to get warm. She knew it was Soerl's night to officiate and decided to wait on him there. When he arrived, he barely spoke a word. And he didn't even see that Savannah was waiting. She rose from the seat she'd taken and called out his name. He had looked up and the look on his face.. the expression of sadness, the apology in his eyes, that's all Savannah needed to know.

She wouldn't kick, scream or fight in public. Simply, she walked to him and placed a kiss to his cheek. She wished him well and good luck with his family. She also made a vow that if he ever needed her, she would be there. He frowned when he looked up at her, and that frown would be forever etched in her mind.

She left the Annex that night and walked alone for a long while before going back to the Inn. She couldn't stay here knowing that Ayly and Lyric were up in the rooms, possibly besides hers. She had to get out. Gathering her things from her room, she walked back down to the bar. Leaving a note with several hundred silver crowns in the til. It was time to move on.

She didn't look back at the inn as she left it that night. Instead she looked forward and sought out AJ and Phillipe. They'd offered her a place to stay. And she intended on taking them up on it.

Soerl Lute

Date: 2007-12-10 11:53 EST
Soerl gazed out into the morning sky, or at least what he could see of it considering the fog. He was sitting atop the roof of the Inn. The wolf was easily pictured in his mind when he shut his eyes. He could hear it's thoughts just as clearly as if it was sitting next to him, speaking the common language. In actuality, he just understood the communication of wolves by now.

The roof was suddenly gone. He stood on top of nothing but darkness, surrounded by much the same. But he could see a figure.

A silver wolf sat on its haunches, black eyes lifted toward the minstrel. "Are you hurting again, runt?" The canine tilted its head at Soerl, in question. The jaw hadn't moved, of course. "Please, not now. I have done something that I can't reverse. I don't even know if it was right." That was the minstrel's reply, his gaze on the wolf before him. Even Soerl's mouth didn't move. The two creatures that shared this body, seperate and yet combined, stared at each other. "You let the lone one go, didn't you? So you could try and have your pack again." Soerl turned his gaze away from the wolf. It had been quite correct. Nothing definite had been settled, though. He was resting his sanity on hope, which was incredibly dangerous.

"Your pup looked healthy. A pretty pup, too." The wolf really didn't need to confirm it's earlier assumption of what had happened with Van. It knew. So, the subject was changed, in an attempt to calm the minstrel. Soerl brought his gaze back to the creature before him. It allowed its tongue to hang out of its mouth, though the panting was inaudible. "Yes, on both accounts. She's well behaved too, though curious." It makes Soerl chuckle. While he didn't remember the early years of his life well, most people didn't really, he imagined that curiousity was something inherited from him. Soon, the brief moment of happiness fades. He's back to frowning.

"You need to calm down, runt. You can't run away anymore. You promised your pup you would be here." Soerl simply nodded in confirmation of the wolf's words. It had hurt tremendously when Van had left the Annex. Mostly because there was nothing he could do. He had followed her advice. Thought about she and Ayly, and thought about leaving each behind. The one that hurt the most when he thought about her, that's the one he chose. Even now, he was unsure she would accept him back into her life. If she didn't, well, he would find a way to cope. As long as he stayed, the minstrel had his daughter. That was comforting to know. The thought of the little girl with his golden hair and her mother's sapphire eyes made him smile, despite everything.

And then, out of the black void. He was sitting on the roof once again. Soerl turns his head left to right a few times. A face to face meeting with the wolf was a rarity. That had been only the second time. Deciding that he needed some sort of release, he draws the flute from the case hanging on his hip. A song immediately came to mind. The instrument was lifted. Something was wrong, though. His rhythm didn't come. Everytime he tried to play, it sounded terrible. He sighed quietly. This also was a rarity. In time, his inner balance would return and he would play. For now, the minstrel would live in a songless world.

Soerl Lute

Date: 2007-12-12 03:45 EST
Soerl chose to wear the usual minstrel garb for this occasion. His multi-colored cloak, clasped at his left shoulder, flowed slightly as he walked toward the Inn. Secretly, he was still a little nervous about this. Ayly had let he and Lyric talk without really hovering over the conversation when they all met at the tea shop. The minstrel was quite grateful for that.

This was a little different. He was taking Lyric to the docks so she could see the ships. Just the two of them. Despite his apprehension, he couldn't help but be excited as well. When his emerald eyes first fell upon the golden haired, blue eyed little lady, he was already in love. As he had vowed to the five year old, he wouldn't be going anywhere. Not anymore. Soerl had deemed he missed enough of her life. If he was going to do one worthwhile task, it would be to help raise her, no matter the situation.

As usual, his thoughts had distracted him from the actual walk itself. It had taken him a little while to arrive. Through the front door he went and to the bar. After finding the room number, he went on up the stairs. As he proceeded down the hall, he passed by the room he and Van had shared. It elicted a sigh. Continuing on a little further, he knocked lightly on the door of his destination upon arriving. Something internal nagged at him to remove his hat before the door was answered. So he did.

A woman opened the door and gave Soerl a slightly quzzical look. "Pardon me, ma'am. My name's Soerl Lute. I'm here to pick up Lyric for a little while." His words were polite enough, considering he wasn't sure exactly how much the woman knew. After a moment, she nodded and backed away from the door. "Please wait here, then." Then, she turned and disappeared further into the room. Soerl resisted the urge to peek inside. He simply waited, leaning against the outside wall near the door. Then, he grinned. Lyric was chattering away and he could hear it. "Daddy's here? So it's time to see the big boats?"
Once the voices sounded pretty close, the minstrel stepped back into view of the doorway. Lyric was wearing some fairly resilient leather trousers, boots, a blue blouse, and her cloak. He was sure that was due to Ayly's instructions. Being prepared was always a good idea, especially considering the fickleness of the weather.

"Hello, Lyric. Are you ready to go?" Soerl flashed his daughter a bright smile. She seemed pretty excited. With no hesistation, she grasped one of Soerl's larger hands in her own. The other clutched her teddy bear tightly. Lyric made she sure she had a good grip on both of them before she started to skip a bit. "Uh huh. Come on, Daddy, let's go." Soerl just chuckled. He reacted quickly and started to move. A slightly slower pace to match Lyric's skipping speed. After descending the stairs, they left the Inn.

It didn't take long before Lyric started asking questions. "I can't wait. Do you like the big boats? I want to ride on one." Soerl didn't seem to mind at all. This time was precious to him. All of his worries were forgotten upon gazing down at the little girl. "I've been on them before. It can be exciting, especially when there's a storm." The minstrel grinned. "Why?" Lyric looked up at him in curiousity. There was a brief pause where he considered what to say. "Well...actually your mother likely wouldn't be happy if I told you that story." Mainly because it involved sailors going insane and attacking each other. The source of the problem was magical. However, that would be a story for another time, the minstrel thought. "Aww.." Him stating his reason only made Lyric more curious. She pouted up her father, who chuckled. "How about a different story? I know a good one, it's all about..."

Soerl told Lyric a story about grasshopper that played music with his legs. How the rest of the insects thought he was wasting his time, yet he continued to play and practice. One day, a crow swooped in to eat the grasshopper. He was spared for playing a tune for the crow. Others learned of the musical grasshopper. He lived a long life, since he was always spared for playing a song. Lyric had been listening to Soerl talk intently. She giggled at the end of the story. "Saved by music!" Lyric exclaimed that in a sing-song tone. The minstrel just grinned. They had made it to the Docks by now. Lyric's eyes widened in excitement at seeing all of the ships. She didn't try to break away from Soerl, for which he was grateful. "There are lots of big boats today. May we go a little closer?" While he wasn't inclined to say no, one look into Lyric's sapphire eyes sealed his fate. "Of course, sweetheart." So, they moved further toward the dock area. Close enough to marvel at the size of the ships, but far enough away that the pair wasn't in anyone's way.

They spent a couple of hours watching the ships go by. Lyric would always point out something she found interesting to Soerl. She was really observant, especially for her age. Soerl was impressed. They talked a little more about his time away. "Daddy, may I ask a question?" Emeralds lowered toward the girl. He nodded. "You may." There was no hesitation on Lyric's after he gave permission. "Why don't you tell Mommy you love her so everything will be okay?" Had anyone been looking, they would have seen the minstrel visibly stiffen. "Lyric, sweetheart, I think Mommy is hurting very badly right now. Right here." The minstrel used his free hand to touch his heart. Lyric nodded a little at Soerl, but looked at him expectantly. She wanted an elaboration. "It might not be best for me to tell Mommy that, okay? It might make her more sad." Lyric scrunched her nose up at her father, in disbelief. "Nuh uh. I'm always happy when Mommy says she loves me." Really, he couldn't help but wonder if that simple logic was correct. He simply nods to his daughter in response.

They stopped inside a small shop, where Soerl got himself some tea and he got Lyric some warm apple cider. The minstrel sat beside his daughter, who was munching on the raisins Soerl brought for her snack. She seemed to like them all right. "It's warm in here." Lyric gave Soerl a big smile and swung her feet back and forth as they talked about various things. How she liked her schooling, the people she knew around her age, among other subjects. Soerl was glad to have gotten this opportunity.

On their way back to the Inn, Lyric's skipping nearly halted completely. She whimpered a little and looked up at Soerl. "Daddy, my feet hurt." The minstrel scratched his chin for a moment, while he was thinking. They had done an awful lot of walking today, afterall. "Do you want me to carry you, Lyric?" He extended both arms toward her. She answered by reaching for him. Soerl lifted Lyric and settled her in his arms before continuing on. They didn't have much further to go. Besides that, her weight was hardly a burden. Especially considering the extra strength from certain abilities. Lyric was barely awake. She clung to Soerl sleepily. The sun was almost down when they arrived on the Inn's porch. He took his time in going to Ayly's suite inside. With a knock to the door, the minstrel waited. Lyric's nanny opened the door. She reached to take Lyric from Soerl's arms. It took most of his willpower not to resist. "The mistress said you could come and tuck Lyric in if you wished." She regarded Soerl with a neutral expression. "No, that's all right. Just put her to bed, please. She's quite tired as you can see." Lyric stirred a little and opened her eyes in her nanny's arms. Soerl leaned forward and kissed his daughter on the cheek. "Sweet dreams, little one." He turned to leave. He wasn't sure if Ayly was there. If she was, he didn't want to disturb her. "I love you, Daddy." When he turned to look back, Lyric looked as though she was going to fall asleep right there. Soerl smiled. It was bittersweet. " I love you too, little one." Then he stepped away. The door was closed. Soerl looked to the floor and sighed. The thought that he wouldn't be able to see that smiling little face every day hurt him more than anything he'd ever experienced.


Date: 2007-12-15 13:37 EST
After the tea party, Ayly took Lyric back to their rooms at the Inn. A little while later, Lyric was splashing in a warm tub of water, chattering to her nanny about meeting her Daddy and about his promise to stay and to take her to see the ?big boats? the next day. Ayly wore a soft smile as she reminded Lyric to wash behind her ears. Soon enough the bath was finished and Lyric was being tucked up to sip warm chocolate as her Mother told her stories of Soerl. A moment of quiet between tales had Ayly realizing that Lyric would heard the tales from her Daddy rather than from her. That Lyric would likely soon be telling her Mother about her Daddy?s adventures. A bittersweet smile touched her lips at that thought. Very sweet because Lyric would have the one thing she?d missed in her young life. A loving Daddy. And not quite as sweet as it perhaps should have been because Ayly realized that she?d have to share Lyric. She loved her daughter fiercely and had been the sole benefiant of her daughter?s childhood woes, happiest moments, adorably drawn pictures, chocolate coated kisses and sleepy hugs. She would also have the comfort of knowing she alone was not responsible for Lyric?s wellbeing, education and happiness. Soerl could teach Lyric things that Ayly could not. And Lyric was most assuredly happy that her Daddy had promised to be there for her.

Later, after kissing her sleepy daughter and savoring for a moment that scent that only a freshly bathed and ready for sleep child exuded, Ayly went down to the common room and procured a pot of tea and a cup. Taking it back upstairs to her own room, she got ready for bed herself. Sipping her tea propped up against the pillows, she finally let her mind settle to the events of the day. His last words as they left the tea shop played through her mind. Could it work? After all this time? After being apart for so long? Though it was painful to know he?d moved forward, Ayly was glad he?d had someone to love him. She?d had Lyric.

Eventually fatigue set in. She tilted another bottle of the potion to her lips, knowing she?d have to very soon take a trip away from everyone for a couple days and face the Nightmare again. She couldn?t keep from it much longer. One couldn?t avoid dreaming for extended periods without repercussions. Especially not a Dreamwalker.

Her thoughts before falling into a dreamless sleep were that she and Soerl needed to talk. She wasn?t sure just what the situation between he and Van was, and they needed to discuss their relationship to see if there might be a way for them to get past this. Whether together or apart. Was there still enough between them to try to be together as husband and wife again? Or was friendship what was left to them? Friendship and raising their daughter. Was the love they once shared strong enough to bear such a separation? That was something they would need to decide together. She could not make that decision alone.

The next day she attended to business, wondering all the while how Lyric and Soerl were enjoying their day together. That their daughter was excited was in no doubt.

She returned from her last meeting of the day later than she?d planned. Soerl had already brought Lyric back and left. A pang ripped through her at having missed him. Yet at the same time there was a tinge of relief. Still, she knew they needed to resolve things soon. She knew she couldn?t go on much longer just drifting and not knowing.


Date: 2008-01-03 12:23 EST
Ayly glanced from the account she was double checking to where Soerl and Lyric were having a tea party in the sitting room of their suite. A soft smile stole over her lips. ?Daddy, Mr. Wiggles would like a cinnamon bun.? Lyric mentioned in a childishly adult tone. A soft chuckle escaped as Soerl served his daughter?s stuffed bear, the reached to straighten the hat just like his own in miniature that Rena had gifted her with. Lyric checked to make sure her stuffed pony, newly christened ?Candycane?, was staying close and not wandering off to graze on the rug. Ayly leaned back in the chair, watching the pair as her thoughts wandered. Blue eyes took on a tender glow as she observed a scene she?d never thoughts she?d see.

A few weeks before, things had been very different and tense. Soerl and Ayly were both trying to sort out their feelings and what should be done about their marriage. Several days after he?d told her to think about whether she thought it could work, they had met at the Inn. The fact that they still loved each other had made the decision for them. Soerl had gently, she was sure, ended his relationship with Van, the lovely woman he?d been seeing. Ayly knew that had been difficult. She had seen the real feelings that Soerl had for the woman. But knowing his love for her had never ended or faded had calmed many of Ayly?s fears. The one remaining was would he feel guilty or have regrets regarding Van. But as the days progressed towards Yule, he seemed much as he had six years earlier. A man very much in love with the other half of his soul. And very enchanted by his daughter. He had even started composing new songs. Telling Lyric that her Daddy was coming home to them had been a moment that would live in Ayly?s heart forever.

The decision to live in Rhydin was a natural one. Ayly had moved back to Silverhawk to be nearer her family after Lyric had been born. But the position with the Court she?d taken had allowed her to travel frequently, and able to search for word of Soerl. It wasn?t requisite that she reside in Silverhawk. Most of her work was done in Rhydin these days. Trade agreements abounded for the Principality of Silverhawk in the busy Nexus point. The portal that Mystik had activated on her lands many years ago provided swift transport of goods from the rare gemstones much sought by those who used magic to the fresh fish that abounded in winter. That being the case, Soerl and Ayly decided they needed a house as raising a small child in an Inn was definitely not the ideal. They would begin house hunting after the Yule holidays.

Yule itself had been one wonder after another. The Christmas Fairy had provided a bounty this year. Watching Lyric tear through the packages and Soerl surrounded by wrappings as their daughter uncovered each new gift had been both amusing and tender. Lyric had, of course, squealed loudly over the high glazed pottery tea set her Daddy had chosen for her. The child sized flute they had found together brought no less glee. Candycane had brought a moment?s disappointment, but that hadn?t lasted long as they convinced Lyric that a real pony would be difficult to take care of in an Inn. Soon the stuffed pony had pranced around the room, via a helping hand from Daddy, with Mr. Wiggles mounted and Lyric was giggling and pronouncing him a mighty steed. Lyric tying Yule ribbons in Soerl?s sun kissed locks had brought much laughter as her indignant husband asserted that men were not meant tobe adored so, yet bending so that Lyric could reach to tie them. Soerl and Ayly?s own gifts to each other in the quiet of the night brought a deeper glow to sapphire eyes as she remembered.

The next few days had brought a need to return to Silverhawk to set packing in motion and speak with Andromedia about the move and how she wanted trade agreements handled. And to tell her family that Soerl and she were once more together. Her family had been pleased with the news, more so as Lyric peppered the air with ?Daddy this? and ?Daddy that?. Along with the decided glow of happiness that Ayly wore had been more than enough to quiet any concerns they might have had. Andromedia had been most gracious in her congratulations and understanding of their wish to reside in Rhydin. She would even personally oversee the sale of Ayly?s home there as well as provide a comfortable suite at the Manor when Ayly, Soerl and Lyric visited Silverhawk, whether for business of just to visit. She also made mention of the fact that she?d wish to hear Soerl sing again, as she had once when she?d been a young girl.

The return to Rhydin after three days had been joyous. Soerl had met them at the portal, scooping the two of them into a breath stealing embrace. That he had been pacing in his wait was obvious, the snow had been worn to solid ground around the portal. Ayly?s heart had leapt and felt as though it had started beating again after being dormant. Knowing he had missed them and had been so eager for their return had stilled those moments of worry she?d experienced that he would have vanished. Not that she doubted Soerl himself, but that would be a fear long in calming any time they were apart. Some nightmares lingered after sleep fled. The love and relief in his eyes just before he kissed her in welcome would go far to chasing away that lingering fear.


Date: 2008-01-03 13:00 EST
Lyric tucked into bed upstairs and Soerl off taking care of an errand. Ayly left careful instruction with her daughter?s nanny before descending to the common room. A mug of ale and catching up with old friends and acquaintances would provide a welcome break to accounts. Seeing Des behind the bar had been like old times. She had much enjoyed catching up with her friend and hearing the news of her daughter. Ayly had also gained a starting point for house hunting - Lakeshore Drive.

A few days later had seen her with a day free of work, so she took advantage and strolled around the area. She found where Des had told her she and her husband Gav lived. Next door to it, between it and Kairee?s Embassy, there was an empty house. It was fair sized and looked a likely prospect. Ayly spent some time searching out who owned or managed the property. It turned out to be a rather smartly attired portly woman located at the end of the Marketplace. A request to see the property was fulfilled with pleasure.

Ushered inside by the effusive woman, Ayly was pleased to note the dimensions of the house were quite pleasant. The rooms were airy and seemed larger than they were due to the abundance of windows. Even in the winter with the house unoccupied, it still was snug and welcoming. When the woman mentioned she was creating avid cube of the tour, Ayly barely heard her. She had, at that moment, discovered a music room with already buffered with acoustic panels. She knew that those panels would keep sound from reverberating through the house, but more importantly, they would cut outside noise while Soerl was working. That one room would probably seal the deal. Though Ayly schooled her expression and continued the tour, her thoughts kept moving to anticipation of seeing Soerl?s expression on seeing this room for the first time.

Making notes in her book about the various rooms and what would come with the house, what would need to go and what would be needed to make it comfortable lead to much discussion with the manager. It was agreed that a lovely older sideboard could be repaired and refinished, it was of a lovely older style of making and would be beautiful in the dining room once it was given some loving attention. Ayly checked the structure and found it to be sound. The rooms were of an unusual configuration downstairs, but aesthetically pleasing all the same. There was even a small suite behind the kitchen for Ayly?s cook and her family.

The second floor was very comfortable. A large master suite that included a bay window in the bedroom, a balcony in the sitting room and plenty of room for her and Soerl to work in their sitting room. Lyric?s suite included her own bathroom and a combination playroom and school room. The nanny?s room was also comfortably roomy. It would all also be easily converted to accommodate changing needs as Lyric grew older. The play and school room could be made into a sitting room.

The gardens were well cared for and there was a charming pond with koi lazing happily. There were a couple of trees as well as a small structure that could be easily transformed into a stable should Lyric eventually get her dearest wish of having a pony.

After congratulating the woman on how well she?d cared for the place and receiving the loan of a key so she could bring Soerl to see it, Ayly accepted the vidcube and took careful notice of the instructions on activating it. A half hour later found her strolling into the Inn, feeling as though she?d found the home meant for them.

Soerl Lute

Date: 2008-01-04 15:28 EST
Yule had been a wonderful time for the minstrel. Everything he had lost had been regained. Events of the past few weeks had been a blur. Soerl knew he was happy. Happier than he had been in a long time. His time with Savannah was the only experience remotely close.

His thoughts vanished just as quickly as they appeared. The minstrel was inside the suite at the Inn. It'd only be another couple of days before they settled into their new home. All had been taken care of the previous day. Soerl decided he would take some time out of Lyric's usual learning day to add another subject. He intended to teach his daughter how to play the flute she had received for Yule. After yawning and adjusting his crooked hat, he went to find Lyric. He didn't have to look far, of course. He stayed out of the way and let Lyric's tutor finish her job. Both Lyric's nanny and tutor had grown more accustomed to Soerl being around. She smiled to the minstrel when the lesson had finished and gestured over to Lyric.

"Hi, Daddy!" Lyric beamed at her father. Even weeks later, that little smile had an effect on his heart Soerl never thought possible. He figured he'd have to get used to the feeling. He chuckled and offered one of his own bright grins. "Lyric, I've a surprise for you. Today, I'm going to be teaching one of your lessons." Lyrics eyes went wide, both in surprise and excitement. "What are you going to teach me? Is it about music? I bet it's about music!" Soerl couldn't help but continue grinning. He nodded a bit, then handed over a small leather case he'd been carrying to Lyric. Her flute was inside. She excitedly pulled it out and remarkably, got quiet. Lyric looked at Soerl expectantly. The minstrel moved to sit in front of his daughter, pulling the chair closer so she could see when he demonstrated. He had already made sure both of their instruments were in tune earlier in the day, so he'd save that lesson for another time.

The majority of the lesson was spent learning finger placement, the actual notes, and how to breathe while playing the instrument. Soerl was very hands on with the lesson. He would demonstrate and then help Lyric practice it. It didn't take her long to learn where to put her fingers. The notes she did well with, but he certainly didn't expect her to learn everything at once. Breathing techniques would be difficult for her, he realized. He'd save having her actually try a song for another time, but encouraged her to play the various notes, so they would become familiar. A little over an hour had passed.

"Well, I think we'll stop here then. I didn't mean to interrupt your other lessons as long as I did." He smiled at Lyric and began to put his flute away. Lyric spoke up almost urgently. "Daddy, daddy, will you play me a song please?" Lyric was bouncing in her seat. That enthusiasm, how quickly she was learning.. It all indicated to him that Lyric was definitely of his blood. He laughed outright at her behavior. "I suppose one song couldn't hurt." He paused and brought the instrument to his lips, rather than put it away. Soerl didn't hesitate to start playing.

Immediately, he adopted a somber expression. The song was sad. One that illustrated how well the flute could tell a story. Soerl's fingers moved smoothly and with no pausing. Almost simple extensions of the instrument itself. The notes lingered in the lower pitches the majority of the song and soared toward the end, fast paced and free. Soerl's expression changed as the music did. When he finished, he lowered the flute and smiled at Lyric. She gazed at her father in wonder. Was that really her daddy sitting there, who had done that? Ayly had told her of his talent, but it seemed Lyric was not expecting such a performance.

All of a sudden she grinned and started squealing excitedly. "I liked it, Daddy, I liked it! When can I learn to do that, huh? Two more lessons?" Soerl grinned lopsidedly. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, Lyric. It's going to take more than two lessons, I'm afraid." He chuckled at the resulting "awww". "You'll have to practice after your lessons. It's the only way to get better. I want you to remember one very important thing, though." Soerl came close to Lyric and kneeled, so they were at eye level. "You have to remember, the first person who has to believe in your music, is you. If you do that and you keep practicing, you can probably even get better than me." Lyric seemed to consider that and then just smiled and nodded. "Okay! I'll practice hard!" Soerl kissed his daughter on the forehead and smiled. "Mommy and I will be waiting for you when your lessons are done." Lyric nodded with vigor. Rising back to his full height, Soerl then left the room and let the tutor know he was done.


Date: 2008-01-05 10:42 EST
Carefully packing away several account ledgers in a crate, Ayly paused a moment as she heard the lesson begin. Soft laughter stirred a page in one of the folders. Soerl was teaching his daughter. Stepping back from the crate, paperwork still in hand forgotten as she caught notes here and there. Sapphire blue eyes slid closed, a silly smile lingering on lips. This had been something she?d looked forward to for so long. Lyric had seemed to have a natural rhythm even playing ?patty cake? as a small babe. That had continued as she?d gotten older. Picking up a song after hearing it a few times, even to playing hopscotch. That girlish game had also displayed a sense of rhythm. None of the hesitating starts and stops displayed by her friends. Just a smooth flow. Soerl and Lyric would both enjoy this addition to Lyric?s lessons. Ayly had considered retaining a music master in the last year. Lyric?s interest in music and tale had always been great. Perhaps a way to connect with her Daddy though he was missing from her life. But Ayly just could not bear to have someone else teaching her in that area. She?d known that eventually Lyric would need that instruction. Her interest and childish talent would need guidance as she grew older. But it was not something Ayly had been ready to arrange. Her heart had wrenched each time it was mentioned by family members.

Rising from the chair to shake off the memories, a tender smile stole over her lips, sapphire eyes holding a soft preternatural glow. That was something she?d no longer need to arrange, and it would be done by the person who should be doing it. Soerl. She knew a deeper bonding would grow between daughter and father with these lessons. Little doubt of that, the bond they already shared, as well as their love of music would see to it.

Placing the ledgers in the crate, Ayly continued with packing her business materials. Files, ledgers, office supplies quickly filled the crate and began another. Moving into their new home would definitely be a pleasure. Soerl and Ayly?s room was becoming crowded with the tools of her trade. She was very much looking forward to having the large office space. The space in their sitting room would be welcome too. As trade with various merchants and businesses in Rhydin grew, so too would the stacks of ledgers and files.

Pausing once more after an absence of the sounds from the next room, a cant of head to listen. She?d rather been enjoying hearing the trilling sounds of the two flutes, even when it was nothing more than various notes and simple scales. This would be something she missed when Soerl was working in his music room. The acoustic panels would hold the notes from the other rooms. Except, of course, when Soerl was playing for Ayly and Lyric of an evening.

With the first somber notes, she was captured. She slowly sank back into her chair, eyes closing as though to view the scene the music evoked behind her lids. A blissful cast stole over her features. It had been so long since she?d heard Soerl play like this. To not only produce music, but to tell a tale in note. Tears shimmed from beneath her lashes. It was as though the song had captured what her life had been like for so long. As the last notes died away, she slowly opened her eyes. A brilliant smile on her lips, sapphire eyes taking on the glow of a sunlit spring day. The end of the song had been telling as well. The joy, the love, the sheer happiness of what life had become after the dark days. And all it had taken was the return of the other half of her soul.


Date: 2008-01-11 10:05 EST
The last trunk had been delivered. In the midst of the chaos of Ayly and the small household staff busily unpacking, a lone crate was settled gently in a corner of the foyer. There were no markings on the crate, as there had been on the others, to identify the room the contents belonged in. The only markings the midsized crate was adorned with was a small crest burned into the wood and the word ?Fragile? stamped in two inch high, blazing red. Amid the bustle the crate sat there, undisturbed and looking just a little abandoned.

Meanwhile, the rest of the house was a beehive of activity. Trunks that had arrived from Silverhawk were now scattered all over the halls and rooms. Thankfully, the delivery of the items purchased in Rhydin would be delivered the following day. Ayly ran a hand over her eyes as an assistant clerk that Andromeda had sent began filing various contracts and folders into the large cabinet. Once more the thought that she needed to thank Andi for thinking of sending the young man slid through her mind among all the other jumbled thoughts. The teenaged boy had worked with her many times before and was familiar with her preferred filing system. He could be trusted and left to that task, as well as several others, regarding unpacking and setting up Ayly?s office.

Those thoughts were abandoned a moment later as a sharp squeal rent through all the activity. Ayly tore from the office on the first floor and up the stairs. That was Lyric?s squeal! With all the trunks and crates and boxes and items of furniture, anything could have happened to the precocious five year old! And, of course, the worst of these flooded Ayly?s mind as she took the stairs two at a time to the second floor. Turning to her left, she checked Lyric?s room first. The nanny, who had been helping Lyric with her unpacking, smacked into Ayly?s back as she came to a sudden halt. Sapphire eyes blazing with emotion, fears warring with relief as they found her daughter whole and unbloodied, bouncing on the unmade four poster bed. ?Look, Mommy! It?s got that filmy stuff like a Princess? bed!? Lyric squealed again, excited as only a five year old can be. And completely oblivious to the fact that not only her Mother was in the doorway, but worried staff was crowding her from behind! ?And there are a bunch of pillows to snuggle in and it?s bigger than my old bed! Does that mean I?m a big girl now? Can I get a pony since I?m a big girl now? Mommy, did you get a new bed too? Yours was too small for you and Daddy both, it just fit me and you when we?d tell stories.? Laughter warred with the fears and won the battle. ?Lyric, you frightened everyone! Let?s help Neria make the bed and not bounce on it, sweetie.? Helping her daughter untangle herself from the pillows and the fresh linens that were once folded neatly, a reassuring smile to the staff milling in the hallway sending them back to their tasks, most hiding smiles and laughter. They were all familiar with Lyric, at least to a small extent, and knew the child?s normal mode of expressing delight was with those resounding squeals!

Neria breathlessly apologized for the commotion as she moved to help with making the bed. With a smile, Ayly reassured the young woman. After all, occasionally one needed to step away from a small child for one reason or another. Neria was a good nanny and managed to keep up with Lyric?s mile a minute energy. The bed made, Lyric gleefully tossing the throw pillows into a jumbled mound. ?Sweetie, did you see in the play area of your schoolroom? Your tea table and set were brought from Silverhawk.? Neria commented as she vainly tried to straighten the pillows Lyric tossed. ?OOohhhh! And we have a new tea set, Neria! We can unpack it and put the other one away. I got it for Yule from Mommy and Daddy! Is it here from the Inn yet? Mr. Wiggles has missed his chair at the table! Ohh! And Candycane hasn?t been to a tea party yet! Not a proper one since we didn?t have the table and we packed up my tea set! Mommy, can Mrs. Jenks make us some scones for tea?? Bouncing on her toes, the child?s blue eyes shone with excitement as she looked to her Mother. ?Not today, sweetie. We can?t manage a proper tea party with the house so upside down and inside out. Maybe in a few days after we get everything unpacked and settled.? Tousling her daughter?s sun kissed locks as she responded, then leaning to brush a kiss to her forehead. ?We need to get a few more things done before Daddy gets home. Why don?t you and Neria go and work on the play area and see if Master Mills needs any help with the schoolroom. I?m going to go and work on mine and Daddy?s room. I?m sure he?d appreciate at least one room not being jumbled when he gets home?

Moving back through the house, a smile lingering on her lips, Ayly left Neria and Lyric discussing just where certain items should go. Instead of moving across the hall to the large master suite, she made another circuit of the downstairs rooms. Everyone was working efficiently. She reminded herself to include an appreciation bonus for her own staff as well as one for those who came from Silverhawk with the items from the house there. The empty trunks and crates were being carried away by Mr. Jenks as the women unpacked them. ?Mistress Lute, the delivery came. I found it in the hall a few minutes ago. Didn?t see no one delivering it, and no one was asked to sign for it. Odd, that.? The man juggled a crate atop an empty trunk as he paused in his trek. ?Not really odd, Mr. Jenks. In Rhydin you?ll get use to the use of magic along with manual labors. The company probably has a budding wizard who can teleport accurately.? Ayly responded as she hurried back to the foyer, quickly spotting the mentioned crate.

Sapphire eyes glowed softly with excitement. She couldn?t wait for Soerl to get home and open it! He was overseeing the last of the things being moved from the Inn as well as going to the Marketplace to arrange for lunch and dinner to be delivered. The hardworking staff as well as the family would need to eat, but they didn?t expect Mrs. Jenks to cook today with all the unpacking. With a softly murmured spell of her own, air cushioned the crate as it rose a few feet from the floor, drifting through the doorway to the music room. Settling it gently to one side, she glanced over the spacious room. Nothing had been unpacked here and wouldn?t be until Soerl was here to oversee it. With a satisfied nod she noted the specially designed instrument rack had been delivered as well. Even with crates still waiting to be unpacked, it seemed the room was taking on life. It had seemed sad and abandoned to her before. But soon it would resound with melodies.

Soerl Lute

Date: 2008-01-14 12:35 EST
Soerl, when he was in high spirits, usually had some sort of musical action going on. He'd sing, whistle, hum, or really just about anything that required pitch and rhythm. His steps were almost synchronized to the singing he was doing right at that moment.

It took him a little longer than he had expected to arrive at he, Ayly, and Lyric's new home. If he hadn't stopped in the market to look at various curiousities, he likely would have been there to help with all of the morning activities. He figured his wife wouldn't mind all that much after he explained. Curiousity was almost a weakness for Soerl. Strange and interesting places, people, and objects always required further examination.

As he approached the house, his singing ceased. He was smiling as he slid past the front door. His emerald eyes looked around, noting the various staff members busily at work. It made him feel a little guilty for dawdling. "I guess I really should have come here directly." Soerl shrugged a little afterward, as there was no changing that now. He started to move from the foyer and headed directly from the stairs. He'd decide how to help after he spoke to Ayly. As he neared the top floor, a young woman from the staff nearly fell down the steps. She had tripped on a box that had been left too close. Soerl caught her, of course. People falling down the stairs was never good. He grinned at her after making sure she was fully on her feet again. "Watch your step there. You all right?" The young woman blushed out of embarrassment. "Yes, Mister Lute. I'm sorry." The minstrel lifted a brow at the "Mister". "It's just Soerl. And don't worry about it. Such things happen."

Soerl lifted the box that had caused the accident and carried it on a shoulder. For a normal person it would have been of moderate weight, but he didn't really notice any burden. He headed directly for the master bedroom. He figured he'd find Ayly and talk to her for a moment, see what he should be doing. Then he'd sneak away to see Lyric before actually involving himself in the work.

He strolled into the bedroom and peered about. For all he knew, he could have passed right by her. He wasn't used to having so much space. "Ayly, love, are you in here?" A very familiar clueless expression appeared on his face as he searched.


Date: 2008-02-11 10:11 EST
Moving into the new house had taken more time than Ayly had really anticipated. The last time she'd moved had been the few things she and the then baby Lyric had needed. When her duties as a minor trade minister had been little more than double checking the tallying on bills of lading. Amazing how much more sheer "stuff" an older child required. Amazing how many things one accrued over a few years that became needful for work and living comfortably. But finally, everything was squared away and life was becoming"normal" once more.

Humming softly to herself, Ayly descended the stairs, a soft chuckle as she heard Lyric above-stairs busily planning her day. Shortly Lyric would finish her breakfast and begin her lessons for the day. Spending those first few moments of the day with her daughter had long been a highlight to Ayly's day. Listening to the child's excitement over one thing or another reminded Ayly that simple things could still hold great enchantment.

As she headed for her offic e, she peeked into Soerl's music room. A soft smile as she saw the room empty. Soerl still slept, but he had been working diligently on his new composition. So much so that it seemed that they had not spent much time together save in the deep of night after they both left off work for the day. But it was still enough. After being apart from him for so many years, just to be able to snuggle into his arms was incredible.

Sapphire eyes lighting on the gifts she'd given Soerl recently brought a content gleam to them. The enchanted lute that would record notes played and the quill that would scribe either notes or lyrics were just the type of thing Soerl would find enjoyment in even if he never used them. Making his composing easier had entered into it, but more the wish for him to have such intriguing, unusual pieces for his collection had held more weight in the decision to purchase them. That and the expression in his eyes upon seeing them! The shopkeep had spoken of a few more items that she might get for Soerl as well. A mental note was made to check with him before midweek.

Closing the door quietly, she moved a few steps down the hall to enter her office. On a side table, a steaming coffee pot rested with a mug, no delicate lady's cups here, a plate with warm rolls, ham and scrambled eggs with cheese melting atop them. With a small smile, she poured a mug full of the coffee, and taking up a sheaf of reports, settled to thumb through them as she broke her fast. With nothing seeming to be urgent, she set them aside and applied herself to the meal, once more marveling at their housekeeper/cook's ability to time things to such a nicety. Soon little remained beyond a napkin placed beside the empty plate. Mug of coffee refilled, Ayly moved to her desk. But today, rather than reaching for the stack of reports and requests, her hand found a notepad. They would be going to Silverhawk for a weekend within the next weekend or two. Soerl would be able to run the forest free, hunting an aggressive wild boar. While a flicker of worry crossed her mind, she reminded herself of what Soerl was. The hunt was part of who he was and had long been. But there was still always that few heartbeats that carried fear.

But even so, it would give Soerl a chance to truly run free and unleash his nature without worry of humans trying to harm him. Her family knew of Soerl's other nature and accepted it. Though little had been said directly to them, the servants and groundskeepers on the estate did as well, in the manner that closer hirelings always knew such things. None would disturb Soerl in his hunt. The groundskeepers would stay well away from the forested area. A grin creased at that thought of Soerl being able to run free and wild as his other nature overtook him. Pleased that he would be able to unleash that side of himself and not have to hold it firmly as he usually had to do. It would be a release that he was much in need of.

Making notes of things that would need doing before they left occupied part of the morning, as well as a separate list of things she wished to check on while they were there. The portal would make the trip simple, but while they were there, Ayly would take the time to consult with others of the court regarding goods that should be ready for shipping. There would be plenty to keep Lyric occupied as well. Ayly's parents as well as all of the staff were enchanted with the miniature whirlwind and there would be no lack of willing hands should Ayly and Soerl wish some time to themselves. Ayly made the decision to allow Neria to choose whether she wished to make the trip to visit with her sister, or remain here and have a weekend free of duties. Given the nanny's new beau, Ayly was reasonably sure that the nanny would choose the latter.

Her notes made, but the pad still near to hand should other thoughts occur, Ayly set to work on the stack of papers waiting. As she did, a soft smile lit her features as she heard Soerl in the hallway. The papers could wait another few moments. She nipped from behind the desk and to the hallway door. Coming up behind him as he entered his music room, her arms sliding around his waist.

"Morning, love. Sleep well?"