Topic: The Consequential Chord

Soerl Lute

Date: 2008-08-24 12:53 EST
((Author's note: This takes place directly after the battle between Malzyne and Soerl, found here The posts in this topic were edited and adapted from Live RP.))

Lydia had been tempted to try to follow after Soerl, but she knew that to be impossible with how fast he was. Even if she had left and searched, she had no leads or a clue as to where he was going. Not to mention Zug wouldn't allow it. She had made rather miserable company for the orc, crying and lamenting. She had felt weak for it, buckling under the pressure of the situation, and the pressure of the prior days. Attack after attack, threat after threat - it felt like too much. And it hurt her terribly to see Soerl suffer and feel guilt as he did. And now? Now she felt like a pawn, a toy being used simply to get to him. And it worked too. It was all just too much for her. Likely why she eventually gave in to sleep, and why she was curled up on the couch.

Zug really didn't know how to help her. He had tried to be comforting, but orcs weren't the best at that sort of thing. He was sitting in a chair, keeping an eye on the elf. It was not long afterward that he heard a soft clicking noise. The front door swung open and Soerl stumbled inside. Most of the bleeding had stopped, but he was still weak. The fact the lock was still in place didn't comfort him much. "Lydia?! Zug?!" He called for both of them.

Her sleep was light and fitful. Hardly restful at all. Visions of hunters and wolves clouded her dreams, but she was pulled away from it all when Soerl called out. She jolted up suddenly, eyes wide as she peered around desperately. "S.. Soerl?" Soerl thought he heard her voice. Had it been another trick? He moved rather slowly and weakly toward the sitting room. At least it wasn't far. He leaned on the frame of the entrance. There was Zug. The orc stood up and was walking over to the minstrel. And Lydia, on the couch. He let out a tremendous sigh. She was safe.

Lydia just about stumbled and faceplanted off the couch, in her hurry to stand. She was hurrying along with Zug towards the minstrel. "Gods... Soerl..." The relief at seeing him alive was on her face, in her voice, though she couldn't quite find the words for it at the moment. She reached out, to lightly touch his arm - rather unaware of the wetness of his clothing. At least until her fingers grazed a sticky substance...

"It is done. You're safe." He said that quietly. Not long after Lydia touched him, he started to buckle. He'd lost a lot of blood. Zug caught him before he went down. Despite all of his strength, Soerl was rather light. Light to an orc, anyway. "Zug put Music Man on couch." Which is exactly what he did. Soerl breathed heavily, even after he was sitting. "Thank you, my friend."

Soerl's words didn't quite register with the elf, as she noted the trace of blood on her fingertips. It was then she finally took note of what poor shape he was in. Pale blues filled with panic as Zug carried Soerl to the couch, setting him down. Tears were forced back, however, as she swallowed a lump back in her throat. It would do none of them any good if she fell apart again. He was alive. She concentrated on that. "Z-Zug? Is there a first aid kit around here? I should tend to his wounds." She nodded a bit to herself, before she ventured over to take a seat next to Soerl. She regarded him very, very carefully.

"Zug have one in Zug's bag." The orc left the sitting room and headed into the dining room. He'd left a rather large potato sack there. Various rummaging noises ensued. Soerl's chest heaved with effort. His body was still trying to regain stamina. Emerald eyes looked over Lydia for a moment. He smiled a little. She was safe, and he was alive. That's all he cared about.

Her gaze lingered on the blood and slashes on his face, briefly. His smile was quick to catch her attention. Sighing, Lydia reached out to stroke the unmarked side of his face. "I love you." It was babbled out, almost, since she didn't return his sentiments when he left. That had weighed heavily upon her, so it seemed prudent to express it now that she had the chance. "I never doubted that." He appeared to understand the timing of the sentiment. Her touch made him smile a little more. Zug came stomping back into the sitting room. "Here, Lyd-- Lydia." The orc offered the first aid kit over to the elf. He glanced over to Soerl in the process, looking the man over. He made a face at Soerl and shook his head. Now that he was back and Lydia was fine, Zug would express his opinion. "Stupid humie."

"Thank you, Zug." She took the first aid kit from him and set it down next to her. Nodding her agreement with the orc, she pursed her lips as she looked Soerl over. Reaching out, she carefully grabbed part of the breastplate he wore. "I need to get you out of these clothes." She glanced back to the orc. "Could you help me? Especially with this. We need to be careful of his arms."

Soerl sighed quietly, though to what was hard to say. He offered no resistance when Lydia grabbed hold of the breastplate. He just nodded. Zug came over to help Lydia. "Zug pull off. Elfie help Music Man's arms." He reached around Soerl's head and grasped both sides of the armor. Nodding, she reached for Soerl's arms, and gently as she could, started to lift them, apologetic expression in place. She knew it likely didn't feel good. "Sorry. You have to lift your arms so he can get that thing off you, love."

It didn't feel good at all, actually, but he didn't complain. He just nodded and winced a little bit as he brought his arms up with Lydia's help. Zug promptly lifted the breastplate up and over Soerl's arms. He tossed it aside. "Keep arms up." Zug instructed as he pulled Soerl's shirt off as well. The extent of the damage was very visible once it was off. When the shirt came off Lydia bit at her lower lip, refraining from saying a thing about his injuries. Even more carefully than before, she helped him lower his arms. Gaze lowered, she turned away from Soerl to grab for the first aid kit, and opened it up to rummage around. "Th-think I need a towel too, Zug. With warm water?" Her voice was rather quiet. "Zug get towel, elfie." The orc nodded and tossed Soerl's shirt over with the breastplate. Zug stomped his way up the stairs and headed for the bathroom. Soerl sucked in air through his teeth when his arms lowered, like something extremely cold had just touched him.

She didn't figure Soerl needed much tending to, at least, with his supernatural healing. Cleaning him up and bandaging seemed like it would be good enough, so gauze was pulled out and set in her lap before the kit was set back aside. Pale blues turned back to Soerl, lingering on the slashes that covered his arms. She squeezed her eyes shut and forced herself to turn away from them and settle her attention back on his face. "Let me get that off you too..." She reached out to carefully pull the mask around his neck off.

Pain or not, he lifted his hand to cover the injured portion of his face. He said nothing, though. He just nodded when Lydia pulled the mask away. He'd been unaware of how badly he'd been hurt and how he looked. Just by watching Lydia, he knew the extent. There was more stomping. Zug came back with the towel and a basin of warm water. The mask was tossed to where the shirt and breastplate had been discarded to, before Lydia turned to face Zug. A faint smile of thanks was offered before she took the items. Towel was dipped in the water, which was set down on the floor nearby. She reached with her free hand for one of Soerl's arms, thinking that warning him of the pain he'd feel would be pointless. Even as carefully and gently as she moved the dampened towel about. It was mostly to clean, so she tried not to rub his wounds directly.

It hurt and he had been expecting it, so there was little reaction on the minstrel's part. He watched as she moved the towel around. He finally spoke up. "I had to go, Lydia. He was threatening you." Essentially, it was what he said before he left. Zug just sat down. He didn't speak a word. He knew his opinion was welcome, he just didn't care to share it right then.

"We don't need to talk about this now." Quiet words, as she exchanged the towel for the gauze. She then proceeded to wrap up the slashes on his arms. Somewhat tightly to keep it in place, but hopefully not enough to cause discomfort. As many times as Lydia did this, she was getting better at it at least. One arm done, gauze was exchanged again as she leaned and reached for his other arm to clean. This one seemed in even worse shape, and she wasn't quite able to hide her frown. "Very well." Any discomfort caused by the movements of his arms wasn't voiced. The gauze didn't cause any continual pain, either, so he simply sat quietly and let Lydia tend to him. "Zug go to sleep. Um... only if elfie no need help." The orc spoke up and looked at Lydia. Seemed he was a little annoyed with Soerl.

In another circumstance she very likely would have been annoyed with Soerl as well, but she just couldn't bring herself to chastise him now. She was just glad he was alive. "I should be fine now, Zug. Thank you very much for all your help." Lydia offered him a small smile, his help not just limited to helping her tend to Soerl. His other arm mostly cleaned off, she started wrapping with the gauze. "Thank you, Zug." Soerl spoke that quietly. The orc nodded to both of them and patted Lydia on the shoulder gently (gently for an orc, anyway) and then he headed up the stairs. He used the spare room quite often, after all. Soerl looked at Lydia for a long moment. He wasn't sure what to say to her.

She wasn't doing much in the way of talking, herself. Lydia just concentrated on the task at hand. Cleaning and bandaging. The second arm was done, so she lowered that rather carefully. Towel was then grabbed and refolded some to access a clean side, which was dipped into the warm water. Turning back towards Soerl, she reached out to try to clean his face. He flinched a little when Lydia reached for his face. He hadn't quite meant to do that, so he quickly and quietly apologized. "Forgive me." He shut his eyes afterwards and held quite still.

"It's okay, love." Her tone with him was rather gentle and soft. She didn't seem mad at him. Carefully cleaning around the wound, she leaned back and went back to the first aid kit, to find an appropriate bandage to use on his face. She couldn't very well wrap gauze around his face and having him looking like a mummy. He was slightly surprised at the lack of any sort of irritation in her tone. He wasn't about to complain of that, however. It stung a bit as she cleaned out the wound. He opened his eyes again when the stinging had ceased. Emerald eyes watched the elf.

Soerl Lute

Date: 2008-08-24 13:10 EST
A somewhat rectangular bandaging had been chosen from the kit. Pulling the backing off, she reached out to carefully set it on the slashes on his face. "You have a wound on your leg, too." It hadn't gone unnoticed by her.

He'd been hoping she hadn't noticed that one. Seemed that hope had been dashed rather quickly. He spoke after she had placed the bandage on his face. "It's fine. I'll take care of it." He wasn't shy, of course, but it seemed he didn't want her to see it for some reason. Or he wasn't that concerned about it.

"It's not fine." Her voice had become a little stern as she eyed him. "Your arms are injured, so you shouldn't be moving them much." Lydia's gaze fell to the spot on his pants where the wound obviously was. She didn't think it could look any worse than his arms did.

He really didn't feel this was the time to argue with Lydia, so he just nodded. "Then I'll let you tend to it." His tone was a little subdued when he answered her. He started to reach down to roll up his trousers, but decided that was a bad idea, considering what was just said to him.

Lips pursed a little when he started to move, but she sighed when he sat back. Leaning down, she started to pull and roll up the bottom of his trousers. She was rather slow at it, but only because she was trying to be mindful of the wound. Finally getting to his knee, Lydia pulled the trousers up a little more so she could check the extent of the wound.

His leg was better off than his arms at least, but it likely was unpleasant to look at. Soerl just kept quiet and continued to watch Lydia. "I don't feel as badly as I look." That was the truth. He was mostly exhausted and in pain.

"That's comforting." Her tone was a little dry, as she frowned deeply at the wound. "These all look like claw marks..." Quiet words, before she was dunking the towel in the warm water, now tinged pink. She commenced with the cleaning of the wound above his knee.

"He was using some sort of clawed weapons. Thought it was clever, I guess." He grit his teeth when she started cleaning the wound on his leg. No complaining, however.

Lydia made a rather noncommittal sound in response to that, as she continued to clean. When that was done, she set the towel aside and sifted through the various things around her to relocate the gauze. Seems she had lost it a moment there... Carefully, she started wrapping his leg, much the same way she had done with his arms. It didn't take long, before she was done. Her gaze lifted to settle on emeralds, then. "I think I'm done, unless you have another injury I'm unaware of?"

"No. That was all of them." He answered her quietly. He felt a little ashamed of himself, now that he'd been home. It didn't strike him too harshly, though. He was confident that he had taken the correct course of action.

She studied him momentarily before nodding. "Alright." Taking a breath, she slowly exhaled as she glanced around, brows furrowed at the pink tinted water. "I should clean all this up." She reached over to grab the first aid kit, so that she could set the remaining bit of gauze in there. Closing it up and clasping it shut, she gathered up the crimson stained towel and reached down to pick up the basin of water.

Normally, he would have offered to help her. It was decided he best not push his luck right then. "Then I think I will lie down here." Still speaking quietly. He nodded a little.

Items in tow, she stood up. "Resting is probably a good idea..." She turned to study Soerl, frowning in concern. "If you wanted to lay in your bed and thought you could make it up there with some help..." She trailed off, leaving the rest unsaid as she watched him.

"I'll stay here." It was all he said before he shifted his position. With Lydia standing up, he was free to lie down on the couch. He briefly lifted his left hand and touched the bandage on his face. He sighed quietly and adjusted his body to get comfortable.

Her gaze lingered on him for another long moment before she nodded. Turning, Lydia departed from the room to head into the kitchen. Likely to put things away and clean up a little.

While he didn't intend to sleep, nor did he think he could, he did shut his eyes. His mind went back to the fight he had with the drow. Who was Talasa? That was the main question in his mind. He never recalled meeting anyone by that name. Whoever it had been, they seemed to have meant a great deal to the drow. And he knew of Nell. That made the anger flare within him, if only for a moment.

It was quite some time before the green haired elf finally departed from the kitchen, taking a good deal more time than necessary, more than likely. Rather than rejoin the minstrel at the couch, she detoured to amble on upstairs. After a few minutes up there, she started back down, a pillow tucked beneath one arm, and a blanket held in the other - both taken from Soerl's bedroom.

He sighed quietly and shifted again. It wouldn't do any good to think about it until he'd rested. Something told him the couch wasn't going to be enough. So, he slowly pulled himself to his feet. He looked over the gauze on his arms. He was very aware of the pain in his face and leg, though he couldn't see the injuries. Slowly, he started to move for the stairs.

Reaching the bottom step, she paused, seeing Soerl standing and move around on his own. She frowned at his stubbornness, before tucking both items beneath one arm. Something about how he should have listened to her before was mumbled as she moved quickly to join him. Free arm was lifted to wrap around his waist and support him.

"I'm sorry. I thought better of staying on the couch." For more than one reason, at that. It was hard to say if he heard the mumbling or not, but that was all he offered. He settled his arm around Lydia's neck and started moving up the stairs, far more slowly than he usually would.

"It's okay." Her agreeability remained, as she carefully guided him up the stairs, moving rather slow as each step was taken one at a time. "Not moving too fast for you, am I?"

"No, it's fine." The pace was less than strenuous, even if his leg did flare with pain as they ascended. As had been the practice since he came home, he didn't complain about hurting. He just moved with Lydia. When they got to the top of the stairs, he did sigh a little out of relief.

She paused a moment before continuing onwards, towards his room. "I'll have to make your bed again. Sorry I messed it up." Quietly spoken. "I thought you'd be sleeping downstairs." Mostly because he had said so, but she left that unsaid. "Are you comfortable with what you're wearing? I can help you change if you want." Just a little fussy over him, at the moment.

"I'm fine, Lydia. Really." He turned his head to look at her. "Don't worry about the bed." He was well aware his indecisiveness had caused that issue. "I should have come up in the first place." As they got near the door to his room, he paused. He leaned a little to kiss her cheek.

She paused when he kissed her cheek, finally cracking something akin to a smile. "Likely so, yeah. You know I'm always right." Pulling away from him, she walked over to the bed so she could put his pillow back in place, even fluffing it up a bit. Then blanket was draped over the bed, and the corner pulled back for his convenience.

He leaned against the door frame for a moment before actually going into the room. His progress was slow, but steady. Once he got to the bed, he climbed onto it with a small grimace. He sighed quietly once he managed to get situated. Emerald eyes looked over to Lydia. "Will you stay with me?" He wasn't sure if that was her intention or not.

"Of course I will. Don't I usually?" Her brows rose a little bit as she regarded him, a hint of curiosity in her expression. She knelt down to pull her boots off, then set them aside, near the end of the bed.

"Yes. Silly of me to ask, I imagine." He had a hard time masking the relief in that statement. He reached up to touch the bandage on his face once again. There were some questions that he needed to find the answers to. That would come later, however. He watched Lydia as he thought.

She didn't even bother to change into 'something more comfortable'. Blanket was pulled back so she could lay down next to Soerl. "You shouldn't worry too much about that, you know." He had touched the bandaging on his face a few times - she figured he probably felt somewhat self-conscious about it. She offered him a faint smile before leaning close to kiss his unwounded cheek.

"I can't help it. I wish you hadn't seen it." The injury would be gone in a few days, but that didn't change his opinion on the matter. The kiss, however, made him smile slightly. He edged a little closer to Lydia, just so there was contact. He didn't really think it was a good idea to try and move his arm around her.

"I'm just glad you're alive, Soerl." Slashed or not, though she would have greatly preferred if he hadn't been. Such thoughts were shaken away before Lydia reached over, absently tugging his blanket a bit higher. "Get some rest, okay? You'll probably feel better in the morning." She didn't lay down all the way just yet, as she was content to sit and watch over him. It'd be a while yet before she felt to sleeping again, more than likely.

"I'll try." While he thought he probably couldn't sleep, his body would ultimately make that decision for him. He was worn out, from exertion and blood loss. The minstrel shut his eyes. He was asleep not very long afterward, indicated by his near noiseless breathing.