Topic: The Nightmare's Lullaby

Lydia Loran

Date: 2008-08-10 05:24 EST
((Author's Note: There might be some slightly disturbing imagery described in this thread. The particularly squeamish may want to read with caution. Thanks!))

It was much cooler out than usual, as Lydia wandered the woods. The air was stagnant and somewhat cold, not at all like the Summer days Rhydin had been experiencing lately. The usual green grass was browning and crackled beneath her feet. The usual once lush trees were nearly naked for lack of foliage. The sky above wasn't even the radiant blue it usually was, but a mixture of creamy yellows, oranges, and reds, like a sunset frozen in time.

She was unaware of her destination, but kept pressing forward in spite of the surroundings that were both foreign and familiar to her. Limbs had grown thick, obstructing her path, but easily snapped and broke as she moved on, pushing them away as she did so. It wasn't too long before she escaped the maze of brittle trees, to chance upon a clearing.

There wasn't much at all to the clearing, besides dying grass. Still, she ventured onwards, carefully looking around the familiar place. A glint of something metallic caught her gaze, so she redirected her steps to head that way. Kneeling, she reached down to pick up the object- it was a throwing dagger, coated in crimson. A rather familiar dagger, at that...

Feeling bile rise in her throat, she quickly dropped the item before standing back up, backing from it. Her hand was still stained, however.

"You can't wipe it off, you know."

From ahead came a voice, where a leather clad woman now stood, when she wasn't there at all mere seconds ago. Her grin was malevolent, and her gaze upon the elf cruel.

"You can wash and scrub, but no matter what, that stain is permanent." She held up her hand to indicate Lydia's own - now stained in blood. "Look around you, Holy one, and look what your stained hands have wrought."

Lydia winced at the title the woman used, before hesitantly glancing to her side. "No..."

A man stood there, sword in hand, though it rested against the ground, as his hold on it was rather limp. His free hand was lifted to his abdomen, clutching at a wound that refused to stop bleeding. The stuff trickled from his mouth as well, as he gurgled and moaned. Likely trying to speak, but unable to form words. He started advancing in on Lydia, but she retained her ground, not at all moving.

"I'm sorry..." Her eyes watered as she whispered to the man, regarding him in an almost pleading manner. "I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to do it." He had stepped rather closer to her before stopping, though his gaze upon her was unrelenting, even though he didn't seem as if he was about to make a move against her. "I had to, though. You were going to kill me." Lydia's fists clenched tightly at her sides. "You were going to kill Soerl!" The accusatory scream came from her, directed both at he and the woman, who she now looked upon. "Had I not been there.. had I.. had I not.. he would be dead." It wasn't an easy admission for her to make.

"And I would live." The woman spoke simply, as she gestured to the wounded man. "And so would he. Your wolf is tainted with my blood now. He's stained. Dirty. Have you really given thought to how many he's hurt? How many he's killed? How stained his hands are? Have you really? Do you think his life is worth two lives, let alone the other lives he's snuffed?" Even as she spoke, the woman's grin never faded. "Have you forgotten what it is he has done to you?" She gestured to Lydia's arm.

Looking at her arm, she expected to see the faint scars left there from Soerl's bite, but instead saw the wound itself, just as fresh as the night he had bitten her. Gasping in surprise, she reached with her other hand to clasp a hand over it, protectively. There was no pain, however. "Soerl's a good man... none of you have a right to hunt him as you have." The words were spat out at the woman, before she glanced aside. The man was gone.

"Your wolf is about as good as you are, Holy one." Lowering her head, the woman regarded Lydia rather carefully. "But, I am not here about your wolf."

Lydia Loran

Date: 2008-08-10 05:33 EST
Lydia felt herself wilt beneath the woman's look, and turned her attention back to her arm. All better. Bloody stains remained on her hands, however.

"You killed my friend." Wincing, the elf hesitantly glanced back to the woman. She wasn't grinning any longer. "Do you feel remorse for such a deed?"

"Of course I do!" Lydia's words and tone were rather defensive. "I didn't want to hurt him or kill him! I was protecting Soerl and myself!"

A smirk tugged at the corner of the woman's lips. "You do, do you? Well, if that's the case, if you had the choice to do things differently, would you truly? Would you have hesitated? Would you have pulled back?"

Lydia wanted to say that she would. She wanted to say she would have done it differently had she the opportunity. But the truth of the matter was that she wouldn't. She had to attack. She had to lash out. Her life was in jeopardy, as was Soerl's. She wouldn't stand back and allow him to die. Even if she had to kill. It was just as he had done with the gnolls. If he had not been there, she would have been killed. They weren't easy choices to make, or pleasant consequences to deal with, but they were necessary.

"Your silence speaks volumes to me, Holy one." The repeated use of the title made the elf rather uneasy. "But I am not surprised. There's a lot of blood on your hands, isn't there? You're responsible for a lot of death, aren't you?"

The question was considered, briefly, before Lydia started to back away from the woman, shaking her head. "N.. no. I'm not." There wasn't much confidence to her tone. There was no response from the woman, nor did she advance as Lydia kept backing away. However, when the elf bumped into a figure behind her, she turned to face them.

The sight of a copper cross made her whimper, and hesitantly she lifted her gaze to Mason's face. Grey eyes and a kind smile as always. The slashes across his throat and the blood staining his shirt was new, however. "No.. no.. Oh gods, Mason... I'm so sorry." His kind smile never relented upon the elf, and he seemed blithely unaware of the wounds that covered his body. She reached out as if to touch him before shaking her head and pulling her hand back. She spun around to glower at the woman. "I did not kill Mason!!"

"Then why the guilt?" Lydia had no response for that. "You are responsible, even if not directly. You got him mixed up in all your dirty, dirty work and left him there all alone... You abandoned him to the wolves, and they ripped him apart." All too amused with her analogy, the woman cackled, loudly and maliciously. "You abandoned him as you did your homeland. As you did your people. As you did with Erin."

She felt she had been punched in the gut, at that. "I.. I didn't abandon Erin..." She wasn't so sure of that, herself. Lately she had certainly felt like it. Erin spent much time in her office, but it wasn't as if the elf was reaching out to her either. A simple gesture. Lunch. A greeting beyond distant pleasantries. Would it have been so hard? "I didn't..."

"It's best that you did, Holy one, and you know it. It wouldn't have been long before they would be digging a grave for her as well, to join the others you have been responsible for.. killing." The woman grinned again, regarding Lydia much in the same way she did Soerl, just before trying to claim his life. "It won't be long at all now, before you start taking down even more of your friends."


"Poppy, for instance. You can't protect her, you know..."


"Your wolf, for certain. He'll likely turn on you again and you can strike him down by your own hands."


The sight of the woman disgusted Lydia. The vitriol she spewed felt like daggers to her heart. Shutting her teary eyes, she reached up to place her hands over pointed ears, paying no heed to the blood that stained them. Regardless, she heard the woman laugh. She heard others laugh. Gwydion. Maria. Her father. She could hear them laughing and calling out to her. She could hear them sobbing and shunning her. She could hear them crying out in agony.

Lydia screamed, simply to drown it all out.