Topic: Moving Day...


Date: 2010-06-28 20:56 EST
"So go over this with me again?" The cultured voice asked for the millionth time.

The young woman finished taping up the box with her equipment and signed softly. ?There are a number of good reasons for this move, Uncle.? She was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt while she worked. She was moving boxes with the rest of them.

?And they are?? The man prodded at her. He was in a dress shirt and slack with a good pair of wing tips.

?First off there are businesses in the building that are open to the public. I don?t want a repeat of what happened to the Adams.?

The Man had the grace to wince at that, after all he had been there. He sealed off the box and nodded at her to continue.

?Then there is the fact that this puts me with the crew that we have managed to adopt as Squires. J?s gone and gotten herself involved with someone whose brothers look out for her like she?s family.? She shrugged a bit, ?Doesn?t hurt that they have some nice toys and facilities that Kyle would cream himself over.?

The man just chuckled and stopped for a quick drink.

?Then there?s the tech to help us. We don?t have anything like this back home at all.? She got excited thinking about the toys and tech. ?Doesn?t hurt that most of them are trained fighters and they all know which end of a gun to point where.?


She sighed then, ?I love Riley. She?s a great landlady and a good friend, but she?s also the Minister of Justice. While we are on the same side, the Hunter would not be seen as anything more than Vigilantes at the best and monsters at the worse. I? Don?t want my friend involved in what we have to do.? She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose; ?I also don?t want to drag her into the trouble we are facing. She?s got enough on her plate.?

?Also doesn?t hurt that you are moving to be with that hacker chick?? He teased a little. He wasn?t sure he was comfortable with the idea.

?There is that, Uncle. Then there?s the one biggest reason for this move.?

The man looked at his niece, ?And that is??

?Ash said so.?

He sighed putting aside the drink and looked around, ?Leaving the Furniture??

?Ummhm, came with the loft. And I don?t need much, just my personal stuff.? There really wasn?t that much. It was just a hassle getting things packed and moved. ?The place is a few block north of here, not far really.?

She grinned and finished up packing the rest of her stuff. She was trading a bit of privacy for the convenience and security.