Topic: Spirit Hunt


Date: 2010-08-14 12:06 EST
Annie was hunting along the streets in the West End. The All Call page had her concerned, but right now she wanted to run a patrol and get familiar with the new area.

Ajax gotten the message over his AR interface to be in WestEnd, though it didn't say why... Just to hang out. Look for unusual activity. And so here he is, perched on a rooftop for the moment, watching the surrounding area, when he sees her go past below. Not that she qualifies as unusual, of course...

She moved steadily along the streets. Her form cloaked in a long brown leather duster. She was definitely prowling and her head came up at the sound of a cry for help. She was moving and her hands looked like they were assembling a weapon of some sort.

Well, now, this is a little more unusual. His interest piqued, though he has no weapon with him... Not that he needs them. Silent steps bring him across the rooftops as he shadows her.

The sound that got her attention? A group of about 6 blondes hassling a woman... A very pregnant one at that. The dark haired hunter shook her head, "Don't you Fabio's have anything betta to do?" There was that distinctive dropping of the r's.

More and more interesting. Pausing at the edge of the rooftop, looking directly down on the scene, he watches for the moment, wondering what exactly is going down here.

The group as a whole turns on the dark haired woman. There were murmurs of Dark-Hunter from a few of them. The apparent ringleader gets a look on his face. It was one of those arrogant looks that has her grinning, "Let me guess. You boys are gonna get stupid on me?" That seemed to get the pack moving towards her. She didn't hesitate, spinning into action as she drew a nasty looking bowie knife. One of the more foolhardy ones exploded into golden dust as that knife was thrust into his chest.

That gets a blink, as the one explodes into dust. And the quick, fluid way she took him out... Clearly, she knows what she's doing, and now it's down to five to one. The odds are getting closer, and he waits for the moment to see how things play out.

A couple try to grab her and she moving through a distinctive fighting style. She brings a booted foot around, aiming for the chest and just as she connects a blade pops from the boot to dust another one. The ringleader however manages to get in a few good blows stunning her a moment.

Well, that settles it, he guesses. No more waiting around in the shadows. A leap out into empty space as he sees three of them closing in on the girl. The leap turns into a flip as he taps into the magic he carries within him, bringing him down to land feet-first on two of them with crushing force. "You chummers aren't playing nice with the lady here."

She coughed a bit as the Daimons round on him. "Shit... Get out of here." She rushed one of the Daimons from behind trying to keep them away from him.

"Fat chance, lady." One of the blondes rushes him, and he draws on the magic again, taking a deep breath and letting it out with a fierce cry, thrusting a hand forward, fingers stiff as a blade aimed right at the chest of the attacker. There's no contact - the man is at least five feet away - but he recoils as though he had been hit, a part of his chest exploding away from him as he is knocked away, disintegrating to dust.

She saw the one ringleader Grinning as he advanced on the man. Her eyes widen as she growled out, "Spathi..." There was only one way to knock them off balance. The Huntress had a few tricks up her sleeve. She moved to send her balled fist into the pavement, causing the street to buckles and Shift. "The Heart is their weakness!"

The Spathi was quicker than the Huntress as he leapt on her. The speed of the attack left her unconscious and the man to face the Daimons alone.


Date: 2010-08-30 11:33 EST
(Picks up after Call to Arms

The following night Annie moved into the Tea Shop. She had a desire for a bit of food before heading off to hunt again.

Ajax slips in behind her in perfect silence, before the door can close, a silent shadow dressed in comfortable black clothing - pants, soft-soled shoes, a short-sleeved shirt.

She was moving to the counter and tilted her head to almost glance behind. Those shades in place, "I've a shadow now?" There was a hint of an accent to her words.

He shrugs, finding a place to lean near to the door with his arms crossed over his chest. "Call it what you will."

She placed her order for tea and scones, doubling it. "What would you call it, warrior?" She half smiled as the girl assembled the order.

Another shrug, though this time there is a hint of a smile on his face. Here and there one can pick up subtle hints of New England in his accent. "I would not call it anything... and I would not call myself a warrior."

She chuckled at that paying for the order and bringing the tray to a table. She was taming hers a bit. "That not what I saw last night. And thank you."

He smiles, bowing his head. "Your thanks is not necessary. But just because I said I am not a warrior does not mean I cannot fight, either."

She nodded, "I have to assume you brought me to Jissin and Marilyn last evening. That... Spathi got the best of me."

He smiles, a curve of the lips that somehow manages to be generous as well as predatory at the same time. "Indeed I did. And as for your friend... a Spathi, you called him? He won't be getting the best of anything else."

She nodded at that and took a sip of the tea. "Join me?" She gestured to the other placement.

He smiles, pushing off form the wall and moving to the table. His movements are almost eerily graceful, and just as silent, not raising so much as a squeak from the floorboards beneath him until he settles into the seat, picking up the cup of tea. "With pleasure. Your name is Annie?"

She sipped some more from her cup, "It is. And you are Ajax?" She took a bite of the scone.

"Only my sister calls me that anymore." He grins, taking a sip of his tea. He's going to have to remind her - again - about telling anyone else that. "Most refer to me as Ares."

She chuckles softly, "You are nothing like Ares." Those black eyes looked over the top of the shades. "Jissin is more familiar with the gods, but we've all dealt with at least one."

He grins at that. "The name is a long story. If I remember my mythology correctly, though, I am not nearly so arrogant as the God of War... though I was not always so humble as I am now."

She chuckled softly, "Krys'tiana tells me he still kisses daddy's tail." There was a wiry smile at that, "There have been some big changes in the power on Olympus of late, but still the old tales hold true."

Another shrug as he takes a sip of the tea in his cup, grinning. "It would be interesting, I think, to meet such beings. I wonder if they might not be so different from many of the Great Dragons of the world I am from."


Date: 2010-08-30 12:06 EST
She finished what she was chewing, "I could not hazard a guess. Though if you mean arrogant spoiled children, I'm sure Jissin or one of the older Hunters can regale you with Tales." She sipped the tea. Since she was not of the same faith, learning of these gods was a bit disconcerting.

He grins at that. "Yes, quite a few of them are very much of that kind. Though there are a few that have a semblance of nobility... but underneath that even they are schemers."

She laughed softly, "Quite a few, though don't let Sin or Jericho hear that." She pushed her shades back up with a wince.

He notices the wince, raising an eyebrow. "This light hurts your eyes?"

She nodded, "All hunters are light sensitive. The change causes our eyes to dilate to allow us to hunt at night and see well in the dark." There was a smile, "Course the changes get us confused with Vampires."

He snorts at that, draining his teacup. I could not get such a thing confused... the vampires where my friends and I are from are...different."

She drained her cup, finishing the scones, "Vampires don't exist where I'm from. Just the Daimons and us... Among other beings." She regarded him through those shades a moment.

He grins. "We have... a profusion of different creatures where I am from... I've often wondered what the people from a hundred years before my time would have thought if they could see them."

She chuckled softly, "Fear, try to kill them. That's what we did in my time."

He nods, chuckling. "Quite likely... and several tried when the magic where I am from began to change things."

She leaned forward, "Let's put it this way, when I was born, the First Thanksgiving was happening."

He blinks at that, raising both eyebrows. "Well... ah..." The blush touching his cheeks makes him look even younger than he already does for a moment.

She smiled, "Don't ask Jissin her age." There was a mischievous twist to her lips.

He chuckles softly. "I believe I will pay attention to that advice."

She leans back in the chair with a grin. "Should be interesting to see once the rest of us get together."

"The rest of you?" He blinks at that in surprise. "How many of you are there?"


Date: 2010-08-30 12:08 EST
She grinned, "Back home... thousands. Here, no more than a dozen."

He chuckles at that. "And all you do is fight those Daimon things?"

"Seems like." There was a sigh at that, "The fight's been going on at least 11,000 years."

"Seems like someone should have won, given all that time."

She half-smiled at that, "The Fates are rarely kind. And the bulk of the army is in the Atlantean hell realm. Plus we are talking about a race of people that continue to swell the numbers of the Daimons."

"And there is no way to stop them? I would think that someone might have thought of a way to cut off their numbers by now." He regards her for a long moment with his dark, denim-blue eyes.

She looked thoughtful, "Short of genocide on a race that is much a victim of this. The only other option includes Acheron going after them himself." Something in her tone was grim.

He tilts his head at that. "And who is Acheron?"

She leaned forward and rests her chin on her hands, "The boss. The oldest of us Dark Hunters."

He grins, laying both arms on the table, fingers interlaced. "I guess that makes him the baddest motherf*cker in the valley, then."

She laughed, "Especially when he's breaking whoop-ass on you." There was a smile, "Good friend who will give the shirt off his back if necessary."

He smiles at that, nodding. "Phoenix's brother is like that. Your best friend... or worst enemy."

She nodded, "I have yet to meet everyone else. Krys'tiana and I only recently arrived."

He nods at that. "Wraith, as I understand it, is... elsewhere, though where that is not even his sister knows. The others come and go as they please, though I think Phoenix is considering calling all of us back together to tell us how we will be working with those like you."

She nodded at that, "I can see that. I'm a bit unique in that I have an Oneroi assigned to me."

Another tilt of his head this time. The curiosity was showing plainly in his eyes. "What is an Oneroi?"

She smiled a bit, "A Greek Dream Demi-god. We have a partnership where they help us heal through our dreams. Which is why the ribs aren't bugging me."

He grins at that, nodding. "And what do they get out of the arrangement, if I may ask?"

"The boss has been known to give them a hand in a big way." She rubbed the back of her neck. "Spirits know she has been a great help to me when the nightmares come."

He opens his mouth to ask, then closes it again. That might be getting a bit too personal. Somewhere in the back of his mind he hears his sister's admonishment to think before he speaks.


Date: 2010-08-30 12:08 EST
She half-smiled seeing the question, "Each hunter is created from a betrayal, where his or her soul cries for vengeance."

He nods at that, looking thoughtful. "If it is not too personal a question..."

She chuckled, "How much do you know of King Phillip's War?"

He frowns, actually looking a little embarrassed at that. "Actually, not much... my little sister has always been the Brainiac... I tend more towards the physical side of things."

She waved it off, "It's alright. Basically it is when Metacomet took on the Name Phillip and decided to wage war on the settlers."

He grins, blushing slightly and shaking his head. "Yeah... I'm still lost, unfortunately. History was never my thing, unless it was for sports."

Through the door he stepped, causing the bell to make that pleasant tinkling sound. As always he had his hair drawn back, and was dressed in that scruffy-looking leather armor pulled over chain mail, whose presence was only known through the subtle clinking sound as he moved. He glanced around with brown eyes, giving a nod to those present as he moved for the counter.

She chuckled softly at that, "I can understand that." The smile faded then, "Too many lives lost then... mine included." Though she stopped her narrative to look over the other entering.

He nods at that, that thoughtful look replaced again by curiosity as he turns to eyes the one walking in for a long moment as well.

She tilted her head, "You are curious?" She said softly.

Ah so he had two sets of eyes on him as he entered. Interrupting something, perhaps? Tea was ordered, plain, and he glanced their way as he waited for his order.

He grins as he looks back towards Annie again. "An inquisitive mind was... encouraged... by the order that trained me in my fighting skills."

She shook her head and had the shades been off, the look might have been haunted. "It is rather personal."

"I didn't interrupt anything when I came in did I?" Was asked after a moment, taking his tea from the server. He sounded friendly.

He nods at that. "Understandable... I have things in my life I'd just as soon not talk about as well."

She shrugged at the man at the counter, "Personal stuff..." She didn't add there were secret she had to be careful of.

"Right. Sorry to be intruding on you then." With that he paid for his tea and moved for the door

She grinned at Ajax then, "So you plan on following me on Patrol?"

He chuckles, grinning and dropping a wink to her. "Unless you think you can stop me."


Date: 2010-08-30 12:09 EST
She laughed at that, "Seems you would follow anyway." There was a curious tilt to her lips, "Why though?"

And out the door he went, sipping his tea.

He smirks at that. "Are you kidding? I don't get to see much action around here... I've been getting bored." The grin widens a bit. "Action in good company seems to be at a premium around here... and the view's not bad, either."

She laughed softly, standing, "Be careful what you wish for and don't let the Daimons get close to you. Your power makes you a particularly valuable target."

He smirks at that, making a flicking gesture at the hearth on the other side of the room as he gets to his feet. There is a sudden spray of sparks from the embers as an unseen force disturbs them. "Oh, I think I can handle that without a problem."

She nodded growing a bit serious, "Good. I'd hate to lose someone I'm growing fond of." There was that hint of mischief.

He chuckles softly, leading the way to the door and pushing it open as they reach it, holding it open for her. "I don't have to worry about that - you've made it this long."

She laughed as she stepped through the doorway, "Being a marksman helps a little."

He grins at that as he follows her out. "Not to mention the hidden blades." And with that the door shuts behind them.

(Based on Live RP between Annie and Ajax)


Date: 2011-05-27 07:04 EST
When you've spent a lifetime being betrayed by everyone around you, it's really hard to let that go. ~Acheron

It was so hard to let go a lot of things. She went from being alone with only the Oneroi for company, to having a lover, to going back to the status quo. She missed him but was displeased all the same.

Each Hunter had their own place scattered through out the city. The Young Regis was staying with the Were-hunters and working out of the complex. It was a good arrangement to keep her safe, even if the Blood rites scoffed at it.

Annie had taken to staying in the Inn, central to where the traffic and trouble began. And it was there where she had met Rick.

"You care for him, Annie." It was not a question coming from the Oneroi.

"What do you want me to say? Yeah, I do. Just scared of letting my heart go again."

"The Cowboy hurt you bad."

Annie did not have any secrets from the Greek. "Tore me apart. I hadn't... cared about anyone that deeply since the war."

"I know. and now?"

The huntress sighed, "I don't know. Just waiting on him to make up his mind."
