Topic: When Opportunity Doesn't knock... Kick in the Door


Date: 2011-07-03 17:49 EST
The clicking of high heels accompanied the graceful gait of a woman on a mission. In a town like Rhydin City, there was not much call for a doctor of her particular skill set. She didn't have office hours and did not practice primary medicine.

She was the doctor you went to when it was a matter of life or limb. More times than not, the limb was sacrificed. In it's place was a piece of technology that was guaranteed to allow the patient to return to a fairly normal life.

That was her life... Before the shadows.

She had been a prominent doctor, well respected and always willing to learn...

To innovate.

Many times, she was doing it to help people. For the young, it came out of her pocket. Until the accusations came. Until a patient died on her watch. A patient that was recovering normally.

Then came the shadows, running and healing runners for Nuyen. Upgrading Cybernetics and bio-ware with things that could only be secured on the black market.

She needed a chance to get out of the shadows and practice her medicine. So here she was, pounding pavement and hoping.