Topic: A bards Tale? (a dirgesingers story)

twilight serenade

Date: 2011-04-17 07:11 EST
Fierna Lightmourner was born to a celestial mother and a human father, her mother wanted a normal childhood and life for her child and made her father promise not to reveal Fierna?s true linage to her. Feirna?s father was First Bard to the King and her mother helped heal the sick who came to a temple in their city. When Fierna was six years old her father was injured in battle, to the point that he would have died, her mother gave of herself and brought her father back to life forfeiting her existence on the material plane of their world.

Fierna?s father raised her to become a fine young lady and a bard to the king and royal courts. When Fierna was eleven years old a plague epidemic hit their kingdom and she lost her father and had no other family. The royal family took her into their care and she was soon betrothed to the prince, to be married once they were both of the right age, she continued her schooling and her duties as the First Bard to the King.

twilight serenade

Date: 2011-04-17 07:36 EST
In her sixteenth year, war broke out between three kingdoms over land rights, battles went on for days on the plains near the city. Much death had already happened when a necromancer by the name of Vite and his army of undead minions joined in the fray and demolished most all of the armies then stormed into the city. The king was attacked the queen went into hiding, Fierna tried to stay behind to defend the king?.
Fierna took a direct hit of the necromancers darkness bolt and awoke blinded and in a cold wet pit like cell. She was far from home and far from anything she knew. And these were just the beginning to her problems.

These are brief accounts of what happened to her over the next six years?

twilight serenade

Date: 2011-04-17 07:45 EST
Another night of painful experiments on her body done with, and having her soul split into three parts somethings taken from her.

The necromancer ordered the undead minions to return her back to the pit. She finally let her body become still blacking out, the skeletal and fleshy undead grabbed her up and took her from the laboratory.

?.she lay on the stone, hard floor which smelled of moss and old water, her long black hair a tangled mess, new wounds left opened on her sides and back, the fleshy port her master had sewn into her right hand leaked with clear greenish fluid and little blood...

twilight serenade

Date: 2011-04-17 07:46 EST
?.It had been quiet for what had seemed like ages. no more sounds of machines or cruel words from master, perhaps the groans from a few of his undead servants could be heard at times in their passing , opening those white iris?s, she saw she was back in the pit, the five by five cell which only entrance was from above, the only light source was a single dimly shining light, somewhere beyond the door.

..She pulled herself to sit up, her body aching her mind reeling a bit she felt around the pit and found the bowl of water and brought it to her lips to drink..sitting in the dark for hours on end thinking had become a pass time for her..she thought to herself..."yes next time will be the last...i cannot stand this any more." -she would lay back to rest...

twilight serenade

Date: 2011-04-17 16:30 EST
...Her body had been scared by years of abuse, tearing. rebuilding, having even been stitched with places of skin that wasn't her own. Fierna had, had enough..she had seen friends she had considered family die because of the plight the necromancer brought in his wake. She would get her revenge and get out of this hellish nightmare, she combed those now torn and mangled hands through black hair as she sat there. She was in thought wondering how, she had lived through the attack the necromancer had thrown at her the night he took her from all she knew...she wondered how she was still alive...She leaned against the wall and rested, waiting...

twilight serenade

Date: 2011-04-17 19:15 EST
It seemed to her it had been weeks maybe longer since the necromancer had called for her to be brought to him, she had been a bard in her young life.. and he had forced her to become, his war singer....he had forced magic upon her and taught her the dark ways of the dirgesinger, he had used her in this fashion so many times, to bolster his undead armies into war and killing..or he had taken to using her in his experiments, his newest was to bind the living with the dead..she had been kept alive and awake through most of these horrible experiences...

twilight serenade

Date: 2011-04-17 19:16 EST
-now in the dark loneliness..Fierna having mastered skills of calming her body and mind, had taken to astraly projecting her mind for short periods to keep herself from going insane, in the astral form she could at least watch and hear people and what was going on in nature, or in places she felt familiar..there in the darkness, she was waiting for the time she could strike..she now was keeping her mind and body relaxed and resting-

Tonight would be the night.

twilight serenade

Date: 2011-04-17 19:30 EST
-He had sent for her..the minions reached down and pulled her from the pit...she didn't struggle, she had learned long ago struggling just made things worse..or made her too weak to fight what he was doing to her... in the past years she had just hopped he would kill her or that something would happen to him before the next time he sent for her.-

twilight serenade

Date: 2011-04-17 19:42 EST
-letting them take her, the fleshy skeletal minions, lumbered through the huge keep..pulling at her and leading her to the laboratory..they worked to secure her to a table, but while they bound her feet she laid still, holding her hands out as if they were bound she was hoping to trick them, it had appeared to work, she waited there, the smell of blood, acid and a fowl smelling thick liquid held in large vats nearby lingered in the air..she knew he would be there soon...she waited-

She waited now..the necromancer was coming.

twilight serenade

Date: 2011-04-17 20:35 EST
-she closed her eyes pulling together her courage, though her body ached, she watched him out of partly closed eyes. Vite, her master the necromancer, had come into the room. There had been many nights she had fought the undead trying to bind her to this table where she lay, to the point of exhaustion. Tonight, however, was going to be different-

-the necromancer stood over her and turned to the table near his side to retrieve a tool, this was it her chance, she mustered what strength she could and pulled herself up grabbing around his neck, she dug those bone scarred mangled hands into his flesh ripping at him trying to harm him with a scream of anger she had been saving up in her emotions, Vite growled and pushed her back in a fit of his own anger now bleeding from claw marks she had made in his chest, he rammed the sharp scalpel into her chest at the left and ripped it up cutting her chest cavity open and ripping it out up until it cut her cheek and left a gash there too- Cursed Keargo! -he hissed calling her a stupid undead...and pushed an orb of dark miasma into her chest at point blank...her world went dark once again she was semi-conscious-

twilight serenade

Date: 2011-04-17 20:57 EST
...having realized his lab-rat was dying on the table in front of him the necromancer, spent what seemed like hours trying to revive her with his dark spells. Her body jerking and convulsing with every bolt that went through her, the mix of blood and that putrid smelling mix he had pumped through her veins before spilling from the wounds that were forming. Her body gaining new wounds as she laid there. after hours with no success he growled madly and left the laboratory- ?discard the trash!? -he hissed out at the minions, and slammed the door of the laboratory closed?the undead six of them mindlessly hoisted her limp near lifeless form up and took her from the table, out into the field of dead water and putrid lakes that surrounded the necromancers lair for miles, they walked a good distance and dumped her from a land bridge into the green mossy putrid water, where she sank into the depths?where her body remained through out time for over four-hundred years in some sort of mystical stasis..

twilight serenade

Date: 2011-04-17 23:58 EST
Centuries went by, her still form laying at the bottom of the putrid and mossy lake tomb. Her skin and body wounded from the necromancers plight and the years of water taking its effect on her skin. The mystical stasis keeping her in a deep sleep and her body from aging,

She laid there until by some glimmer of chance a bight blue glowing light blinked under her and sucked her from the world she had lived in. She awoke from the stasis, gasping at first but settling not feeling the need to breath...She was now in a lake of fresh water. It took her a while but soon she was able to find the shore.

The Nexus had...saved? her...or perhaps some higher power had used the nexus in order to bring her to Rhy'Din and give her yet third chance at life...

For weeks if she could measure time...she spent time getting to know her body again and her new forms and powers she had found she had. She knew she had died twice in her past and soon would find out just how long she had been at rest....and were she was..

It took her forever to get the nerve up to wonder into an area where she felt living beings..

twilight serenade

Date: 2011-04-18 00:03 EST
She has been around Rhy'Din for months now, has had many heart aches and breaks. She has two children and has lost a lover. Her children are here life now.

She can be seen wearing a long black cloak with a silver skull clasp, the hood usually pulled drawn over her head hiding her features, leather boots cover her feet and run up to the top of her calves, tiny chains running up the sides of the boots.

The vision one might see without the cloak drawn close is, the pale skinned form of a lady, looking to be somewhere in her twenties. Hair once a deep black in color, now seems faded, White roots showing only slightly. Her skin looks soft, though very pale, a scar running up the lower area of her left cheek. Those eyes eerie, sometimes colorless, though the iris's stay intact.

All this seems only to add to the mystery of this beauty. Her body is clad in tight leather armor, the buckles, tiny metal skull embellished straps and chains riveting the leather seemed to provide more than just trinkets to be admired. Sometimes the smell of moss can be detected in the air around her though no water drips from her form.

twilight serenade

Date: 2011-04-18 00:17 EST
Her soul had been split into three the necromancer during her long captivity and torture. He put one portion into a cursed black wood harp which was later shattered by a dragon lord, that part of her soul was returned to later would the harp..The other part was hidden from her for much longer, she hunted it down with her now lost love and together they reformed her soul to its fullness.

Her inherited celestial powers and the many forms of undead powers all coming back to her and shes learning about them all. Her undead self can take forms of a ghost, a vampire and the from that looks most human.

She is Half-Undead
Birth mother to Eranar
Adopted daughter to Dante.
Adopted Sister to Akira.