Topic: Cynthiana's Story (continued.)


Date: 2014-12-13 15:26 EST
-Cynthiana opened her eyes, blinking them, a hand going to the back of her head with a wince. Thoughts went to the ship and its crew. She'd look out over the waves toward the horizon, all that could be seen of the ship was wreckage and drifting debris-

-As she stood, thunder broke overhead and rain started pouring down on the beach. She soon found herself making a quick trek into the thick jungle treeline ahead of her, the then fourteen year old, searched for a dry place to wait the storm out and in time found a small cave mouth she managed to crawl down into-

-she rested in the small cave while her cloths dried, the storm outside raged on. As lightning lit up the jungle outside, those mint colored eyes caught a glimmer of something near what she thought was the back of the cave-

-curiosity drew her deeper into the small cavern and to the half-elf's amazement, the cavern turned and widened. Before the girl lay piles of gold, jewels, gems and treasures. Unknowingly, she had crawled into and old and seldom used entrance of a dragon's nest and now was standing in it's hoard-

-It took a few moments time to sink in for the youth- ~wow lookie at all them shinies and do-dads~ -was her thought, then eyes spied an old brown leather backpack. Snatching it up Cynthiana started gathering, walking through the piles, she picked up coin by the handfuls. Gems and jewelry she fancied were donned on neck, fingers, wrists and ankles. It was then she spotted a large ruddy brown copper and turquoise stone. Into the bag the egg-shaped pretty rock went-

-Wandering for a while, through the large cavern she picked up random treasures, be it books, scrolls, armor, shields, weapons, art or magical, even mundane. The teen had lurked for hours and pilfered into the night. She rounded a large mound of treasure and saw a large oaken table with a blue glowing dome in the center, the table was marked with runes and lines, she thought were pretty but if they were writing she did wouldn't have understood them anyway-

-She'd be drawn to the blue glowing light in the center of the table, circling it once she reached out a hand to touch the glowing dome. A scream of surprise might have echo'd through the dragon's nest, but Cynthiana disappeared from the world she called home-

(Note: This post is meant as a continuance of the character Cynthiana's profile, this is the story of how she came to Rhydin)