Topic: Lillioni: Friends and Family


Date: 2014-06-07 15:43 EST
Lillioni: Friends and Family

Her Parents: Lilloni's only memories of her parents were through pictures and albums which she found in a chest of their things. Various memories of sweet moments captured in film. Oh and a few tales Uncle Petyr had told her from time to time.

Aunt Edna:
Edna is a caring older woman with a very protective streak, she works in law enforcement and provides a home for her niece. She has graying black hair, brown eyes and keeps her self fit for her job. Logical and a firm grasp in reality.

Uncle Petyr:
Petyr as far as Lilloni can remember had a mop of silver hair, which he always kept neatly combed back, he had shimmering blue eyes and a forever roguish smile. He was her mother's sister. Petyr was younger than his wife by at least ten years and had carried many titles in his life, the latest he had held was Tradesman, traveler. He was her favorite relative, although time with him got cut short. Her Uncle had left them a few years ago when Lilloni had just started school, her Aunt hadn't talked much about him since.

Jack and Joanie:
The Whitefin twins, the two were as thick as thieves and had been since the day they were born. Red headed and freckled face, the both of them loved to explore with their friend. Lilloni and the twins spent free time exploring the woods, beaches and even the graveyard in the sea-side town were they grew up.

Lilloni is usually really good at making friends, she had many others she would spend time with in her hometown.