Topic: OOC Stuff - Preparing for the hunt

Jim Africa

Date: 2005-11-25 16:14 EST
When I first brought Jim Africa out in public on AOL about 8 years ago, I actually had two separate incidents of women contacting me to make arrangements for an African safari. Due to my warped sense of humor, I actually went along with the request. It didn't take long to find some real safari organizations on line and come up with all the details and arrangements to forever fulfull their dreams of exploring darkest Africa.

I guess I was fortunate that their plans never panned out, for I don't know what I would have done should they have gone to the extent of actually booking a safari though me. I mention this just in case any of you would get the notion that Jim Africa can be your personal safari guide in real life. Come to think of it, pay me enough and I'll do it! ::winks::

"The Heart of Africa" is about adventure, love, and animals that are real and inventions of your imagination. If any of that appeals to you, please join in. This forum is for everyone with an interest in animals, Africa, adventure, romance, and excitment.

Jim Africa is in the process of collecting animals on an interplanetary level, so this folder encompasses an variety of genres from Rhydin fantasy, historical, real Earth, and space-based characters. If you need to hire a guide to anywhere, need a man who can track down anything, want a safari trip to Africa, or just someone to join you in an adventure - feel free to contact Jim Africa. For the right price, he'll do just about anything.

In The Heart Of Africa, Inc.
African Safari Trips, Hunting and General Sight Seeing
Jim Africa, Proprietor
Suite 1606, 2600 Madison Ave.
New York, NY