Topic: OOC-Another RP Survey.

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2006-12-19 15:01 EST
I found this survey.. and was bored.. and the other one was so much fun!

Uh, none of this is public knowledge or canon. Just for fun. Though, all of it is true. It was fun to think of Erin's answers to some of these.

Name: Erinalle Victoria de Vernon(?)

Sex: Female

Birth date: May 21

Location: West End Rhydin

Height: Five foot even

Eye color: Hazel

Hair color: Black... well, now it's green
What does your name mean: Erin is the Irish word for Peace. Erinalle is something my mom made up

Favorite relatives: My adopted sister Lydia.

Summer memory: Sitting in Regents Park eating a sandwhich from Pret watching the people walk by and knowing I'd leave soon...

Do you believe in yourself: I try to, really, I do...

Favorite game: Never Have I Ever

Favorite drink: I like that Piont Noir Miles gets for me

Favorite food: Fish and chips, greasier the better

Favorite colors: Pink and purple

Favorite cigarettes: I prefer to roll my own, but I'm bad at it... so, Rhydin's best

Favorite sounds: Waves at the shore

Favorite smell: At the end of fall.. when the air just smells like winter and fireplaces and snow. And it's still.

Worst feeling in the World: Knowing you let down someone you loved.

Best feeling in the World: Being told you're loved and cared about just as you are.

Favorite thing to do on a weekend: Sit in the inn and drink tea talking to friends

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Here. Still married, I hope.. I'd like a child, but know I can't have one, so maybe adopt

First thought in the morning: Today better be a good day.

Are you a good friend: I'm really high maintenance. I take a lot of reassurance and patience and care. I try really hard to give that back.. I want to be a good friend. I think I am a comfort when I want to be, but I can be just as much of a burden. I'm reckless. That I know.

Chocolate or Vanilla cake: Vanilla, of course

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: I used to, now I have a real animal. Or, you know, Sebastian.

Thunderstorms cool or scary: Scary! I don't like them much at all..

What is your zodiac sign: Gemini

What do you wear to bed: I have quite a few pairs of pajamas. Long sleeves and long pants with funny patterns. I like my dancing penguins best.

Do you eat stems of broccoli: Yes. Yum, chomp.

If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be: I like this business I have with Lydia. I would love for it to be a shop someday where people can sit and sip tea and knit and read... I like making people happy.

If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be: Green! Oh, hm, already is.

If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: I would like to get a snowflake on my ankle.

What is your favorite quote: I'm a huge fan of the serenity prayer. Or the Ava Maria?

Have you ever been in love: I'm pretty sure I am right now.

What's on your walls in your room: A few paintings. In the bedroom, one of two angels.

Which one, Coke or Pepsi: Diet coke!

If you were to kill someone, which method would you use A gun...

Are you a righty, lefty, or ambidextrous: Righty

When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you notice their: Eyes

What kind of shoe would you be if you had an option: A nice high heel

What's under your bed: Dust bunnies.

Who is your biggest crush right now: My husband.

Nickname: Your Grace, Erin, Duchy, E

Do you Drink: Perhaps too much.

Have you ever been skinny dipping: No, but I'd really like to!

Do you make fun of people: Um...sometimes.

Have you ever been convicted of a crime: Nope

Best friends: Lydia, Grem, Jewell, Kitty, Miles. Of course Sebastian

One pillow or two: Two

Pets: Nope

Hobbies: Knitting, doodling, ceramics, I try to sew...

Word or Phrase you overuse: Apparently

Piercing or tattoos: Just one in each ear

Do you get along with your parents: No. Nononononono

Favorite beer: Blue Moon

Most humiliating moment: When I got really drunk, danced on the bar and kissed Grem. Yeah. Not such a good moment.

Craziest or Silliest Person You Know: Oh, boy... silliest? I mean, Tara, I guess is the craziest. The silliest may be Elly

Favorite Holiday: Christmas!

Storm Divine

Date: 2006-12-19 15:37 EST
[bName: Storm Divine

Sex: Female

Birth date: June 2

Location: South Western part in Rhy'Din at her Hostel or in the Air Realm

Height: 5'2

Eye color: light grey

Hair color: light brown
What does your name mean: Storm was given to me when I was created by the Wind itself, naming for me to govern the sky. Divine was simply added to show what status I will have

Favorite relatives: I only have my *father* and my adopted brother Ryn. But I do not have anyone of blood... because I am the element.

Summer memory: Watching my one suitor Xavier try to start a war between the Fires and Airs... that was the best failure to see.

Do you believe in yourself: Absolutely

Favorite game: Breaking Platform

Favorite drink: I'm not to keen on drinks... but the Inn's red house wine is quite tasty

Favorite food: Chicken sandwhiches? Random I know

Favorite colors: I've only been allowed to greys and blues, so anything bright and bold catches my eyes... like red

Favorite cigarettes: I don't smoke

Favorite sounds: Fire crackling in a fireplace

Favorite smell: The air just after it rains

Worst feeling in the World: Letting something unjust go by without punishment, or personal failure

Best feeling in the World: Helping others with something that only can be done with one's uniqenss

Favorite thing to do on a weekend: Relax around friends and family, catch up on news around the town.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Still an active Guardian seeking peace among the Elements.. married perhaps? Hmm

First thought in the morning: What maddness do I have to attend to?

Are you a good friend: I would say so, I don't take much to get along with. I'm pretty easy going and open to others way of life. I'm fiercely loyal and defensive. Though once I label you as a friend, I will take it upon myself to give the honest truth, pretty or not.

Chocolate or Vanilla cake: Mixture of both

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Not since I was younger

Thunderstorms cool or scary: Cool, considering I make them...

What is your zodiac sign: Cancer

What do you wear to bed: Oversized shirts

Do you eat stems of broccoli: Who doesn't?

If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it?be: I think that I have the occupation that I would want. Though I wouldn't mind being something of a Judge.

If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be: Hmm.... dark brown? Though I guess if I wanted to dye it... I would...

If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: I have one under my wrist of my Air Symbol as a Guardian, but not many know if it

What is your favorite quote: I don't know.... many friends say priceless things.

Have you ever been in love: I believe so, though if you ask me I'll deny it

What's on your walls in your room: Paintings of places in moments of peace

Which one, Coke or Pepsi: Dieheart Pepsi fan

If you were to kill someone, which method would you use: I can only have one method?

Are you a righty, lefty, or ambidextrous: I can hold a pencil in my right hand and write something legible to only me... so probably lefty yeah?

When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you notice their: height and build... though they are all basically taller than me.... so how high I have to lift my face?

What kind of shoe would you be if you had an option: No shoes

What's under your bed: There isn't a under to my bed

Who is your biggest crush right now: Actually no one really. I'm more focused on building friendships, though if Ewan wasn't courting.. perhaps him

Nickname: I don't realy have one.. though I've been called Stormy and the Windy One

Do you Drink: On occasion

Have you ever been skinny dipping: Negavtive

Do you make fun of people: Eh, it happens at times

Have you ever been convicted of a crime: Nope

Best friends: I don't really have 'best' friends, though I have good ones, like Ryn, Adrienne, Erin, Lydia, Cord, Ewan...

One pillow or two: Two

Pets: None

Hobbies: Anything athletic like swimming... or doing absolutely nothing

Word or Phrase you overuse:: Bloody Nexus

Piercing or tattoos: One tattoo

Do you get along with your parents: Yup

Favorite beer: Don't have one

Most humiliating moment: I was once walking backwards with a handful of friends.. and completely fell into a rosebush

Craziest or Silliest Person You Know: Tara hands down

Favorite Holiday: Hmmm, I didn't really grow up with holidays, so I like them all for the moment


Date: 2006-12-19 16:15 EST
Name: Sebastian de Vernon

Sex: Male. Are you blind?

Birth date: July 11th.

Location: West End, Rhydin

Height: Six foot....something? I can?t remember.

Eye color: Blue....ish.

Hair color: Blonde...ish.
What does your name mean: Ask my mother. How should I know?

Favorite relatives: Jonathan.

Summer memory: The first summer my dad took us boys to the clocks.

Do you believe in yourself: I do now...

Favorite game: Beer Pong!

Favorite drink: I like tea. Any kind, really. Usually with a splash of scotch.

Favorite food: Fish and chips from this place I went with my wife on our first date.

Favorite colors: I guess.

Favorite cigarettes: Anything menthol

Favorite sounds: Erin?s breathing next to me when she?s sleeping. Or the way she says my name during....yeah. Next question please.

Favorite smell: Burning leaves.

Worst feeling in the World: Getting junked.

Best feeling in the World: When I?m with my wife.

Favorite thing to do on a weekend: Sleep. Read. Chase my cousins cat around town.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Oh God, hopefully not here. Still married, though, to my beautiful wife.

First thought in the morning: ?How much longer can I sleep in without being late for work??

Are you a good friend: To the friends I have? Sure. To my acquaintances or my wife?s friends? Probably not.

Chocolate or Vanilla cake: I?d have to say Vanilla.

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Well, I?ve got my Erin plushie! Does that count?

Thunderstorms cool or scary: Love ?em!

What is your zodiac sign: Hell if I know.

What do you wear to bed: Usually nothin? but my boxers.

Do you eat stems of broccoli: Gross. What?s wrong with you?!

If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be?: To run a shipping company like Dave.

If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be: Maybe brown. Or something darker. I dunno.

If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: A big cross on my back.

What is your favorite quote: ?I don?t give a damn for a man who can only spell a word one way.? I think that?s Mark Twain.

Have you ever been in love: Yeah. With my wife.

What's on your walls in your room: Probably some girly shit Erin has up there. Not that I notice.

Which one, Coke or Pepsi: Diet coke with Lime! Gotta have the lime, baby.

If you were to kill someone, which method would you use?: A silver bullet; straight through his heart...

Are you a righty, lefty, or ambidextrous: Righty...usually.

When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you notice their: Their smile.

What kind of shoe would you be if you had an option: None. Nothing but my socks. Erin hates that because I ruin them that way.

What's under your bed: Probably dust bunnies...Lord knows my wife doesn?t clean under there.

Who is your biggest crush right now: Erinalle de Vernon.

Nickname: Bastian. Crabs. Uhh...I?m sure Gid?s got a few for me.

Do you Drink: Of course.

Have you ever been skinny dipping: No, but it might be fun.

Do you make fun of people: Not unless they deserve it.

Have you ever been convicted of a crime: Nope

Best friends: Jon, Jent, and Ariel.

One pillow or two: Erin. ::snickers::

Pets: Not yet...

Hobbies: Writing music in secret...

Word or Phrase you overuse: ?Uhm...?

Piercing or tattoos: None. Yet.

Do you get along with your parents: Fairly well, actually.

Favorite beer: Bud

Most humiliating moment: When I got jumped in West End.

Craziest or Silliest Person You Know: My sisters. Little nutcases, them.

Favorite Holiday: Christmas. Absolutely.


Date: 2006-12-19 16:23 EST
Yaay! Perfect thing to do after my last final today:

Name: Jewell Ravenlock

Sex: Female

Birth date: February 2nd is the closest I can pin it down to on the RhyDin calendar.

Location: Just outside RhyDin city

Height: 5'4"

Eye color: Grey

Hair color: Back to blue

What does your name mean: Jewell is just that, a name, but it is important to me because it's my name. My other name (which no one really knows) was given with the intent of being significant: Eilya (blue helm), Fitae (Rain beloved), Alah (sea wand). Ravenlock is just special.

Favorite relatives: Discounting my kids, Brian will always be my older brother.

Summer memory: Dancing on the water in my favorite glade with the night air cooling my skin.

Do you believe in yourself: Depends in what way, I think I'd rather not believe in myself than be over confident.

Favorite game: Never Have I Ever (fun times) although the strip chocolate game is quite enjoyable..

Favorite drink: Whiskey or Tequila (straight or in something else)

Favorite food: Berries

Favorite colors: Blue

Favorite cigarettes: Don't smoke

Favorite sounds: Raindrops

Favorite smell: The sea...a man's cologne.

Worst feeling in the World: Knowing you killed someone who didn't deserve it.

Best feeling in the World: Being content.

Favorite thing to do on a weekend: Play with my kids

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: I can't look ahead like that, I don't like to.

First thought in the morning: Need.Shower.

Are you a good friend: I try to be. I'm extremely loyal, perhaps to a fault, and would go any distance for any of my friends. I'm also extremely selfish and dramatic at times.

Chocolate or Vanilla cake: Mmm...chocolate.

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: No.

Thunderstorms cool or scary: As long as the lightning stays away from me.

What is your zodiac sign:

What do you wear to bed: In the warm weather I prefer to wear nothing or as little as possible, as it gets colder I like these little cotton shorts I have an guy's t-shirts.

Do you eat stems of broccoli: Mmm yummy.

If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be: Like...get older than I am now? Truthfully, I miss being a Guardian and would take that role back in a second.

If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be: Already have, I really liked my black curls.

If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: My skin is so beautiful and flawless, I can't think of anything (at the moment) that I'd want to mark it up with.

What is your favorite quote: "I was starting to think it was kind of normal in here! What went wrong with the women??" Said in reference to my friends and I!

Have you ever been in love: Yes.

What's on your walls in your room: Blue paint, some paintings, portraits and pictures in the little corner by my couch.

Which one, Coke or Pepsi: I don't usually drink the stuff they send down from Stars End

If you were to kill someone, which method would you use: My element or my hands

Are you a righty, lefty, or ambidextrous: Righty

When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you notice their: Smile..maybe? Ack, I don't know! Can't I try and take in the whole thing at once?

What kind of shoe would you be if you had an option: Stiletto.

What's under your bed: A box of some of my dearest keepsakes.

Who is your biggest crush right now: Skyler...he's hott.

Nickname: The Empress, Jewellsie, J, J-bug

Do you Drink: Yah-huh, it's good for you.

Have you ever been skinny dipping: Naturally

Do you make fun of people: Constantly.

Have you ever been convicted of a crime: In a sense, yes.

Best friends: Tara is my best friend forever, Sky and Issy.

One pillow or two: One

Pets: We have an assortment of animals running around my house.

Hobbies: Bead work, painting, singing, killing really, uh working out, swimming.

Word or Phrase you overuse: Ummm...what?

Piercing or tattoos: Just one in each ear, I used to have several in each but I've let them close.

Do you get along with your parents: Not applicable.

Favorite beer: Don't drink beer.

Most humiliating moment: I am not easily embarrassed.

Craziest or Silliest Person You Know: Craziest would be Tara and I together!

Favorite Holiday: I celebrate the coming of the seasons, spring being my favorite.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-12-19 18:14 EST
Name: Brian Alexander McDineen-Ravenlock

Sex: Male

Birth date: Sept the 30th, according to journals kept.

Location: The 2nd floor of Yotsuba's Cake Shoppe in the Market Place

Height: 6'0"

Eye color: Blue, and sometimes green.

Hair color: Black

What does your name mean: Brian means 'strength', as for McDineen it was my given last name when I was a child, Ravenlock was given to me after my parents were killed and I was taken in by Lord Jacyn and Lady Mari Elena Ravenlock, who could not have children of their own, the name remained and was given to those who joined our 'new family' that was begun by Jewell, Alexander and myself.

Favorite relatives: I would have to say most sentimental would go to Jewell, for all she and I have been thru together, Alexander as well. However I love all of my siblings. Wyheree, Icer, Midara, Acada, Jitter, Thyme, Woodrow.

Summer memory: The first summer fest spent in Vana'diel..

Do you believe in yourself: Of course I do, if I do not, how can anyone else?

Favorite game: Anything with Jenai.

Favorite drink: Coffee, spike or otherwise.

Favorite food: Steak.. Hands down, red f*cking meat.

Favorite colors: Blue

Favorite cigarettes: Don't smoke, can't stand it..

Favorite sounds: The sounds of Jenai, and Elena.

Favorite smell: Jenai.

Worst feeling in the World: Not being able to do enough.

Best feeling in the World: Being content with my Jenai.

Favorite thing to do on a weekend: Roam with Jenai and our friends.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Honestly? I see myself semi- retired, living quietly with Jenai, and still occasionally raising hell to no end, when we feel the need to.

First thought in the morning: Glancing over to Jenai, and being thankful for all that she is.. Then putting coffee on, then shower..

Are you a good friend: I know before I was not.. I was terrible, I used people to no end, like a game of chess.. I lied and stole, cheated and worse. But, I know now I am.. or I at least like to think I am. I do what I can to no end, I sacrifice and do not give up until it is settled. I still slip, as I am only human.. But then again who doesn't. Truth be told this is a question best suited to others, not to myself.

Chocolate or Vanilla cake: Vanilla..

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: No.

Thunderstorms cool or scary: Kick ass all the way, making love in the rain with lightening overhead.. Well it needs to be done, that's all I'm saying.

What is your zodiac sign: According to the Earth Standard, I am a Libra.. Some kinda balance thing. No idea.

What do you wear to bed: Depends on the weather and where I am, normally a light pair of shorts, or nothing.

Do you eat stems of broccoli: Evil..

If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be: Hmm, I would say a shop keep or some kind. But only when I finish all of what I need to do in life.

If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be: None, my hair is fine as it is, and my Jenai loves it. No need.

If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: I already have two, a heart with a broadsword driven through it from the top, blade down, a long stemmed thorned rose wrapped around said sword, that is dripping blood. The word 'Forsaken' above it. The 2nd is a ying/yang variant using an ocatagon, and blue and red, instead of black and white, the instead of small circles in each area, it is the Japanese Kanji symbol for myself and Jenai.

What is your favorite quote: "I'm getting too old for this shit."

Have you ever been in love: Yes and it was false.. Now I truly have , and it is incredible.

What's on your walls in your room: Swords, weapons, maps, portraits by my niece Juleta.

Which one, Coke or Pepsi: JOLT cola.. But Jade says it will make me explode.

If you were to kill someone, which method would you use: Anything I ciyld get my hands on.

Are you a righty, lefty, or ambidextrous: Ambi all the way.

When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you notice their: Everything, I am trained to gauge nearly instantly.

What kind of shoe would you be if you had an option: Steel toed boot.

What's under your bed: Tiki and Jean Luc, our kitties.

Who is your biggest crush right now: No crush, I have Jenai, she is far more than that.

Nickname: I will give a few... Bri-man, Bri, Babe, Sugarbutt, Valiant, Dead Beat Dad, Bastard, and Raven

Do you Drink: Booze? Hardly.

Have you ever been skinny dipping: Hell yes.

Do you make fun of people: Constantly.

Have you ever been convicted of a crime: Yes, and I paid my due.

Best friends: I love all my friends, to catagorize them would be wrong.

One pillow or two: One

Pets: Jenai's Monkey, Rock Lizard, and Tiki, and I have Jean Luc who is a partner more than a pet.

Hobbies: Reading, music, martial arts.

Word or Phrase you overuse: "What the f*ck, aw ya gotta be sh*tting me!?"

Piercing or tattoos: Just one in my left ear, Tatts are explained above.

Do you get along with your parents: Not applicable.

Favorite beer: Ice cold..

Most humiliating moment: I was married, you can't shame me.

Craziest or Silliest Person You Know: The Harpies.. Hands down.

Favorite Holiday: Winter Holidays, cause I am enjoying it with Jenai.


Date: 2006-12-19 19:50 EST
Name: Alexander M. Ravenlock.. we're still not disclosing that, though, right?

Sex: Male

Birth date: February 18th.. I think.

Location: You see that pizza parlor over there?..well, it's the big building jutting out of the earth with trees and clumps of land floating around it just nearby.

Height: Just about seven feet, now... merging with nether demons sometimes does that.

Eye color: White.

Hair color: Dark. Black works.. I suppose..

What does your name mean: Roughly, Alexander can be translated into "protector of man". My father probably thought it best, since I was the defense of our realms souls. .. once upon a time.

Favorite relatives: Favorite? ..hrm.. I have taken this life, alone, from near start to now... I couldn't say there is a favorite..

Summer memory: I remember a time when Jewell and I had gone shopping in the trade district some years back. .. something with chickens, a dress, and tassels were involved. .. I don't want to talk about it.

Do you believe in yourself: And only in myself.

Favorite game: Spin the drunk.

Favorite drink: My good friend "Glen...fiddich".

Favorite food: Good ol' Mashed Potatoes.

Favorite colors: A cool blue.. a glint of silver. Spackle of black.

Favorite cigarettes: Disgusting. Anyone that does it.

Favorite sounds: The ripping of flesh of something I can not despise. Life.

Favorite smell: A bed of flowers.. doesn't matter what..

Worst feeling in the World: That disturbing feeling that it's constantly silent and alone no matter where I go.

Best feeling in the World: Lain's existence that lingers nearby.. regardless where I find myself.

Favorite thing to do on a weekend: Currently, toying with that blazing power of arcane. Though.. only on the weekend?

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Ten years from now.. such a length of time undefined from the present. .. No different than where I am, now. Perhaps finally having accomplished that goal.

First thought in the morning: "The sun. I can see it." .. interesting, huh?

Are you a good friend: I tried to no end, before.. and the constant abuse that surrounded me where I may go showed me... no one in my life deserved the devotion and idolization that I provided for them. ... I am loyal only to me and my.. and anyone else stupid enough to believe I deserve a chance will be shown what I felt for so many years.

Chocolate or Vanilla cake: Vanilla sounds tasty.

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Hm.. oh, no. No. NO.

Thunderstorms cool or scary: An interesting question... cooler when I am the reason for them.

What is your zodiac sign: I assume you are referring to earthen standards. Aquarius, right on the brink there of.

What do you wear to bed: Nothing.. unless you mean to sleep?

Do you eat stems of broccoli: ..ech..

If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be: I already am older.. and the path I took is mine alone.

If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be: I've already dyed it dark. For no real reason other than to stretch myself further from what I once was.

If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: I have many.. although they are arcane runes used to amplify the power that drives me. Consider it conductors. If I could possess such a basic one, it would be of the letter "A".. dressed in various designs, with wings of an angel carrying it.

What is your favorite quote: "Quiver, mortals, for your doom and despair has come!" ... Sounds like something I'd use. It's dumb enough.

Have you ever been in love: There was a time I thought I was.. the truth in that is lost, however.

What's on your walls in your room: A bland white color, dressed with a Coat of Arms on a wall. Several paintings that I've yet to remove remain, as well.

Which one, Coke or Pepsi: Coke, please.

If you were to kill someone, which method would you use: Depending on the situation.. I'd do it slow. I'd want them to realize what misery was truly like.

Are you a righty, lefty, or ambidextrous: I'm left with only my right hand to handle things.. it's not easy, but coming along.

When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you notice their: Ability to handle talking to me. Lain has been the only one able to accomplish such a thing.

What kind of shoe would you be if you had an option: My sneakers, so I could know what it was like.. walking in my shoes. Oh, wait!

What's under your bed: Even I fear that.

Who is your biggest crush right now: No crush, for Lain is all I need.

Nickname: Ask around.. I'm sure they have their names.

Do you Drink: Only the rich.

Have you ever been skinny dipping: Mm.

Do you make fun of people: Are you stupid?

Have you ever been convicted of a crime: Yet to have been punished for them.

Best friends: I have no friends.

One pillow or two: Two.

Pets: Lain has two manahounds.. they've yet to be named.

Hobbies: Training. Both myself and the new creations I have made.

Word or Phrase you overuse: "Tch.."

Piercing or tattoos: No piercings.. but I have already mentioned my tattoos.

Do you get along with your parents: That's no longer a concern.

Favorite beer: Beer tastes worst than a wet ass. .. no, I'm not sure how that would taste.. but I'm sure the metaphor works.

Most humiliating moment: I was vulnerable, once upon a time.

Craziest or Silliest Person You Know: I've known Jewell to being a crazy fool.

Favorite Holiday: The new year.


Date: 2006-12-19 21:31 EST
Sex: Can you not tell? ::wink::

Birth date: August 10th, no year that's important ::grin::

Location: ..Just came out of the shower. Silk robe, warm slippers and steamy skin. MMmm, mmm. Time for bed!

Height: 5'3, out of heels.

Eye color: Jade green, so I've been told. I'm happy with green.

Hair color: Red and blonde.

What does your name mean: Apparently it's a Spanish province....I don't believe that rubbish anyways.

Favorite relatives: None of 'em. Enchanters and Murderers. Nothin' worth a dime.

Summer memory: What is that? I like summer, yes. Walks in summer rain especially. I just love gettin' caught out! ::chuckles::

Do you believe in yourself: I try to.

Favorite game: Find the G Spot! ::cackle:: Hide and Seek, I guess..

Favorite drink: Doe Eyed Splendour

Favorite food: Cheese and crackers, I'm a simple girl.

Favorite colors: Scarlet, purple, light blue and champagne

Favorite cigarettes: Don't smoke much to know.

Favorite sounds: Rain on my window, breeze late evening, whistles of Wilson the Wendigo-he hums the most lovely songs across the canyon!

Favorite smell: Vetiver in any eau du toilete; velvety and exciting.

Worst feeling in the World: When I see my family. And when I disappoint someone I love.

Best feeling in the World: Being kissed and knowing it means something.

Favorite thing to do on a weekend: Wanders along the meadows with my pooch, writing music, seeing the moon set and the sun rise, relaxing on the porch, having some fun with friends and the man.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Away from Marban and Rhy'Din. But I couldn't tell you where and with whom.

First thought in the morning: Poldding over a dream...Or wanting some waffles!

Are you a good friend: I'm loyal, keep secrets and love to have fun. I think so.

Chocolate or Vanilla cake: I'll say Vanilla..

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: ::Rolls eyes:: I'd hope the hell not.

Thunderstorms cool or scary: Cool? One of my favourite things. Electric ones get me most..

What is your zodiac sign:Y'know, I am a Lion by sign but a Tigress at heart. ::smiles::

What do you wear to bed: Silky things, negligees make me feel sexy, so them quite often!

Do you eat stems of broccoli: .Is this relevant to somethin'?

If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be: What I am now I always will. Music is my soul.

If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be: Purple.

If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: Not tellin' ::Smirks::

What is your favorite quote: Be brave, be bold, be free.

Have you ever been in love: No.

What's on your walls in your room: A large painting of a blackhole being sucked into itself, entitled 'After all"

Which one, Coke or Pepsi: Neither.

If you were to kill someone, which method would you use: Derringer, with OCorr Bullets. Proudly, too. And I do!

Are you a righty, lefty, or ambidextrous: I'm all things ambidextrous; even my feet.

When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you notice their: That's a bit sneaky, ain't it! ::giggles:: Ok ok, I like a good smile. Gets me goin'

What kind of shoe would you be if you had an option: My red patented leather heels. Their so vibrant and sexy!

What's under your bed: Shhh! That's for me to know!

Who is your biggest crush right now: A lanky sir. Though my bullets provider is charming, too. ::wink to youknowwhowhenhereadsthis::

Nickname: Leri, or "hey woman!"

Do you Drink: Yes.

Have you ever been skinny dipping: Of course I have.

Do you make fun of people: No.

Have you ever been convicted of a crime: Next question..

Best friends: Couldn't say I have a single best buddy.. Icer and Brian Ravenlock are two I would consider as those I can trust with my heart. From Day One.

One pillow or two: One.

Pets: Black Eyed Bob. Cute little pooch that he is.

Hobbies: Walking, singing, dance, cloudwatching, long drives into nowhere

Word or Phrase you overuse: "Mmmmm"

Piercing or tattoos: Neither of them.

Do you get along with your parents: They're dead and gone.

Favorite beer: None of 'em.

Most humiliating moment: Plenty of them. ::laughs:: I'm a clutz.

Craziest or Silliest Person You Know: Y'know, I couldn't say. I see lotsa goofy kids.

Favorite Holiday: Christmas. Snuggling, eatin' and lotsa presents! ::Grin::


Date: 2006-12-20 03:17 EST
Name: Cassandra de Vernon

Sex: Female

Birth date: December 20th. Oh wait, that's today isn't it?

Location: West End Rhydin

Height: Five foot ten inches

Eye color: Blue-grey

Hair color: Purple
What does your name mean: I don't know. It was my mother's mother's name. So my grandmother's name.

Favorite relatives: Uh. My blood relatives.. Let's see.. Sebastian and I get along better these days..

Summer memory: Spending time with Jon and Aki, the three of us laying in the grass together.

Do you believe in yourself: Sometimes.

Favorite game: Never Have I Ever

Favorite drink: Peppermint tea. Sometimes with a splash of Peppermint Schnapps

Favorite food: Anything sweet

Favorite colors: Black and red

Favorite cigarettes: I don't smoke

Favorite sounds: Happy laughter. The pure kind, not the mean laughing at you kind.

Favorite smell: The just showered smell. Before any scents are added. So soap, I guess.

Worst feeling in the World: Not belonging anywhere.

Best feeling in the World: Being accepted for who and what you are.

Favorite thing to do on a weekend: Enjoy the company of my friends.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Uhm. I guess in Rhy'Din. Perhaps with a boyfriend of some sort.

First thought in the morning: Who the hell is laying on my arm? No kidding kidding! Really I'm thinking about sleeping some more.

Are you a good friend: I try to be good to those whom I consider friends. I'll defend them always.

Chocolate or Vanilla cake: Vanilla

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Well.. I do have this mint green wombat.. Shhh!

Thunderstorms cool or scary: Cool

What is your zodiac sign: Sagittarius, I think

What do you wear to bed: Usually nothing. But I do have an assortment of pretty night gowns and pj sets for those nights that it's too chilly.

Do you eat stems of broccoli: Sure do

If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be: I think maybe I'd like to own a bookstore..

If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be: Strawberry blonde, like my mother.

If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: Some sort of sign for independence on my side, just above my hip.

What is your favorite quote: I try to take each day at a time, but sometimes several attack me at once.

Have you ever been in love: Yes.

What's on your walls in your room: Paint. Some pictures. Nothing special right now.

Which one, Coke or Pepsi: Neither

If you were to kill someone, which method would you use: My knives.

Are you a righty, lefty, or ambidextrous: Ambidextrous

When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you notice their: Smile

What kind of shoe would you be if you had an option: Slippers

What's under your bed: I'm afraid to look

Who is your biggest crush right now: Oh my. Well, I guess right now Jordan.

Nickname: Cassie, Cass, Too-Tall

Do you Drink: Sometimes. Alcohol has a love-hate relationship with me. Loves me when I'm drinking it, hates me the morning after.

Have you ever been skinny dipping: Yep

Do you make fun of people: Not too often, but I'm sure I've done it.

Have you ever been convicted of a crime: Nope

Best friends: Charlotte, Erin is getting up there

One pillow or two: Two

Pets: Nope

Hobbies: Reading, laughing, loving, fighting, working out, goofing around, flirting

Word or Phrase you overuse: Uhm

Piercing or tattoos: My ears.

Do you get along with your parents: Hard to say. My mother's been dead for years and I only met my father recently, and he stays away most of the time. I didn't get along with my aunt who raised me at all, and my uncle was sort of neutral.

Favorite beer: Carlsberg

Most humiliating moment: Oh.. When James broke up with me in front of a crowd.. And made sure they all knew he'd only dated me to get into my pants. I was 17. He was my first.

Craziest or Silliest Person You Know: Erin?

Favorite Holiday: New Years, if I have to choose one.

Dean Santiago

Date: 2006-12-20 15:44 EST
Name: Dean Ryan Santiago

Sex: Male

Birth date: October 31st

Location: Rhydin

Height: 6'2

Eye color: Hazel

Hair color: Dark Brown
What does your name mean: Mmm, Dean means "instrument" Ryan means "Little King" And Santiago is my last name given to me by my father.

Favorite relatives: My son Daniel.

Summer memory: Too many to pick just one, but I would say sitting with Rosie on the bench in the Market, just taking in the fresh air.

Do you believe in yourself: Sure do.

Favorite game: Chasing Rosie around the house.

Favorite drink: Pumpkin Smoothies and Eggnog

Favorite food: What don't I like?

Favorite colors: Orange and Black.. yeah if you didn't know that.. yeah.

Favorite cigarettes: Nonsmoker.

Favorite sounds: My son's little gurgles.

Favorite smell: Pumpkin spice.

Worst feeling in the World: Hate

Best feeling in the World: Love for my son.

Favorite thing to do on a weekend: Spending time with my girl, and now with our little one too.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Here, with my family. And a ton of kids, I mean a dozen at least.

First thought in the morning: Food.

Are you a good friend: I think so yeah.

Chocolate or Vanilla cake: All

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: No..

Thunderstorms cool or scary: Cool

What is your zodiac sign: Scorpio

What do you wear to bed: Various boxers, though I'm partial to the killer bunnies pair.

Do you eat stems of broccoli: Food, why not.

If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be:I am.. older... So I'm doing exactly what I want, painting and helping out at the Deli when needed.

If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be: I like it the way it is.

If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: I like the tats I have, I might get my son's name written on me someday.

What is your favorite quote: I like far too many to say one.

Have you ever been in love: Just this once, and I plan to keep it.

What's on your walls in your room: A few of my works.

Which one, Coke or Pepsi: Coke

If you were to kill someone, which method would you use: I wouldn't.

Are you a righty, lefty, or ambidextrous: Lefty

When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you notice their: Smile

What kind of shoe would you be if you had an option: The pair that sits on the rack and never has a stinky foot in it?

What's under your bed: Monsters

Who is your biggest crush right now: Rosie

Nickname: Cookie Monster

Do you Drink: Nope

Have you ever been skinny dipping: A few times.

Do you make fun of people: Nah

Have you ever been convicted of a crime: Nope

Best friends: I have plenty.

One pillow or two: Five

Pets: None

Hobbies: Plenty

Word or Phrase you overuse: Candy

Piercing or tattoos: Five piercings, Full tribal sleeves

Do you get along with your parents: Sometimes

Favorite beer: Not a drinker.

Most humiliating moment: My last birthday party, spent it in nothing but my goblin boxers, real nice guys..

Craziest or Silliest Person You Know: There are far too many to say in this town.

Favorite Holiday: Yeah, Halloween of course.

Dirk Stevens

Date: 2006-12-20 18:47 EST
Name: Dirk Edward Stevens

Sex: Male

Birth date: April 4th

Location: Rhydin

Height: 6 foot even

Eye color: Brown Hazel

Hair color: Blonde
What does your name mean: Dirk is a small dagger. It?s an ironic joke between my parents. Has no bearing on my actual physical prowess.

Favorite relatives: My bro Chris and my sis Abby.

Summer memory: Coming to Rhy?din and meeting up with the rest of the Pi?s.

Do you believe in yourself: If I don?t, who will?

Favorite game: Strip poker

Favorite drink: Long Island Iced Tea and beer

Favorite food: Pepperoni & Pineapple pizza

Favorite colors: Olive green and greenblue

Favorite cigarettes: Camel Wides

Favorite sounds: Silence

Favorite smell: Cool Water

Worst feeling in the World: Abandonment

Best feeling in the World: ahem?

Favorite thing to do on a weekend: Hop a flight to Miami to spend time in the Hacienda with Gage and Cole.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: 6 feet under

First thought in the morning: ahem?

Are you a good friend: Depends on who you are.

Chocolate or Vanilla cake: All about the Pi

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Two animals? and it depends on whether they?re stuffed or not.

Thunderstorms cool or scary: Cool

What is your zodiac sign: Aries

What do you wear to bed: Cole and Gage.

Do you eat stems of broccoli: Ick

If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be: I?m not going to get old.

If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be: I think Cole would have my ass for that.

If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: I have one. You?d have to know me to figure out what and where it is.

What is your favorite quote: Slutetta, tricketta?

Have you ever been in love: Twice, now.

What's on your walls in your room: Stripes?

Which one, Coke or Pepsi: sniff? what?

If you were to kill someone, which method would you use: My fists?

Are you a righty, lefty, or ambidextrous: ambidextrous, due to a broken arm when I was a kid.

When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you notice their: Boobs.

What kind of shoe would you be if you had an option: Are you kidding me? A running shoe.

What's under your bed: Right now, I think Cole is.

Who is your biggest crush right now: no fair, love ?em both

Nickname: Dirk Diggler, Dirk the Jerk.

Do you Drink: haven?t in a while?

Have you ever been skinny dipping: A lot.

Do you make fun of people: One of my favorite pastimes.

Have you ever been convicted of a crime: I plead the fifth, your honor.

Best friends: I have plenty.

One pillow or two: Two, very lumpy ones?

Pets: None

Hobbies: Carpentry.

Word or Phrase you overuse: Tricketta

Piercing or tattoos: One tat, you guess where

Do you get along with your parents: Rarely

Favorite beer: Foster?s

Most humiliating moment: Flour bag to the head? yea, fun stuff? Gage!

Craziest or Silliest Person You Know: Russ, man that man gives me the heebie jeebies

Favorite Holiday: Harvest Fest.

Trixie McAllister

Date: 2006-12-20 20:12 EST
Name: Trixie McAllister. Well, technically, Agnes Dagmar McAllister. But you?ll never know that.

Sex: Tomboy, thanks. ;D

Birth date: December 21st 1892

Location: The Scathachian Sanctuary, a.k.a. SHQ?with occasional sleep-overs at Keaton?s.

Height: Five feet and eight inches.

Eye color: Deep green.

Hair color: Blonde. Way blonde.
What does your name mean: Trixie juss? fit. The Agnes business, that was after like?some dead relative.

Favorite relatives: All of my sisters, but ?specially the punks I run with in Rhy?Din.

Summer memory: Tourin? around with my boys, them stinkin? up the van and me drinkin? ?em under the table.

Do you believe in yourself: Most def. Even the bad parts of me.

Favorite game: Circle ?o? Death

Favorite drink: Rum-n-Coke.

Favorite food: Day-old, cold Chinese food.

Favorite colors: Red and black. Duh.

Favorite cigarettes: Don?t smoke, usually.

Favorite sounds: My Harley, a rowdy crowd, ?n loud music.

Favorite smell: Fox.

Worst feeling in the World: Failing.

Best feeling in the World: Rockin? the shit out of people. Baddies or fans. Or the boyfie.

Favorite thing to do on a weekend: Sleep in, hunt, bang an indie-rocker

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Alive. Rock never dies, kids. It just adapts.

First thought in the morning: Either ?I should get to bed?, or ?why the fuck is everyone so loud??

Are you a good friend: I believe in loyalty. And I won?t hesitate to bust a skull for a friend. Don?t get on my bad side.

Chocolate or Vanilla cake: Both. Man, now I want cake?

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: I admit ta nothing.

Thunderstorms cool or scary: Wicked.

What is your zodiac sign: Sagittarius

What do you wear to bed: As little as possible.

Do you eat stems of broccoli: Yeah. Gotta keep strong and stuff.

If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be: Being a Scathachian is my first job, forever. But, ya know, I managed ta squeeze band-member and professional piercer into that. I dig those. I plan to hold onto ?em.

If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be: I?ve dyed my hair all sorts ov colors. I liked it rainbow. Or purple.

If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: I have several already. I figure I should be getting? another one soon. Only problem is?what?

What is your favorite quote: ?I?m not a coward, I?ve just never been tested. I?d like to think that if I was I would pass.?

Have you ever been in love: Four times. This current one, man, it blows the other three outta the water.

What's on your walls in your room: Flyers, posters, a tapestry, some band stickers, a few paintings by my friends, my old weapons, pictures of my best?you know.

Which one, Coke or Pepsi: Coke.

If you were to kill someone, which method would you use: My hands, my feet, my blades, or my teeth.

Are you a righty, lefty, or ambidextrous: Righty

When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you notice their: Awesomeness.

What kind of shoe would you be if you had an option: A combat boot.

What's under your bed: Prolly old pizza. I should clean up.

Who is your biggest crush right now: K.J.F.

Nickname: Trix, Tricky, Harlequin, Bitch, Penny Lane

Do you Drink: A lot. I can hack it.

Have you ever been skinny dipping: Hah! Yeah! Waaaaaay too many times to count.

Do you make fun of people: All the time. I?m just kidding, though.

Have you ever been convicted of a crime: A few misdemeanors. And possession.

Best friends: My sisters, Kristia, Keaton, Tone-E, Brant

One pillow or two: Two

Pets: I had fish once. They died. Never got into keeping others.

Hobbies: Drummin?, huntin?, shaggin?, drinkin?. Anything fun.

Word or Phrase you overuse: ?Chea, sweet.

Piercing or tattoos: Metal-wise---a horizontal through my lower lip to the bottom right ?n? a horizontal at the top ov? my left ear. Ink---my Scathachian tatts on the backs ov? my hands, small black heart under my left eye, a Harley Quinn portrait ta the right side of my back (not a tramp stamp), an? a full moon on my left butt-cheek. Yeah, I was drunk.

Do you get along with your parents: They?re deceased.

Favorite beer: I?ll drink anything, though Keaton has turned me onto Corona.

Most humiliating moment: When that fucker dropped me and got away with it.

Craziest or Silliest Person You Know: Jenai is pretty nutty.

Favorite Holiday: Halloween.