Topic: Pride cometh before a fall


Date: 2006-12-03 11:07 EST
Last night had been one of the most ridiculous nights ever. Just plain ridiculous!

What had started out as a simple question that was asked of Lydia turned into something that it shouldn't have. Because of territorial emotions and childish pride, Sebastian had ended up sleeping at the RDI in the Great Hall.

You see, he'd been stolen from his bed back in WestEnd; where he'd been warm and cozy and snuggled up with his wifey. The Nexus must hate him, because it deposited him on top of a table in the tavern, sans shoes and shirt.

It might not have been that big of a deal -- Grem was there. They were somewhat alike in body type and height...probably shoe size, too. He could borrow clothes, right? Right??

WRONG! That would have meant Bastian needed to talk to Grem and ask. Pfft. Like he was going to do that. Sebastian didn't know what it was about Grem that made him so uncomfortable, but the feeling was there nonetheless. So instead, he asked Lydia if her magic could get him home. Apparently, mister "Grrr! Territorial" didn't the fact that Bastian wanted to talk to Lydia alone and Lydia took Bastian's question the wrong way.

Words were exchanged, Lydia got snippity, Bastian acted like a child and Grem just pissed the hell out of Sebastian by the end of the night. He had had every intention of walking to his cousins house, barefoot and shirtless with the tempurature being only 14 degrees outside. Grem called him out on his behavior and pissed Sebastian off even more.

Needless to say, Sebastian just wasn't having a good night. It was his own fault and he knew it, too. That just made it harder.

When all was said and done, Sebastian had holed himself up in the Great Hall to pout like a little boy. What had his selfish pride cost him this time? His friendship with Lydia? A potential friendship he may have had in the future with Grem? Neither of those people deserved to be treated like he had treated them.

There was little to no sleep for the next couple of hours. Finally, at one point around 6ish, Sebastian found an old pair of boots in that Lost and Found bin Lydia had "poofed" for him. There was no way any of those nastyass shirts were touching his skin, so Sebastian trudged into the cold, cold morning in his jammie pants and boots. At least he wasn't barefoot.

When he finally got home, Sebastian was shivering from the bitter cold and had only one thing in mind: Bed. His bed would be warm. Warm is good right now. He crept through the house and into his bedroom, muttering softly about the Nexus since he knew Erin would be awake and pretending to sleep - this way, she knew what had happened and didn't have to blow her cover.

Five hours later at 11:05am, Sebastian woke up still feeling cold. His chest felt heavy - like he had to cough. He groaned and then proceeded to (what seemed like) hack up a lung. Great. He had a cold.