Topic: The Long Journey Home, Part 2- The Agreement

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2006-11-26 12:05 EST
Brian's entrance and exit, along with Icer, Ty and Jenai was a blur. Erin couldn't remember it, not a minute later. She jut sat, mouth hung open.

She shrunk. Sitting in that chair, she must have lost five inches, perhaps more. The people, her family, moved in a blur. Right then left. Up then down. Hands flailing. It was like being in a watercolor and she was the only one in focus.

"...but she can't just dissapear...."

"....if people knew.. that she was friends with those....those....*things*!"

"....what if she died..."

In and out, the voices went. Floating through her head like a stock ticker of noise. Just a snippet. Just enough. They were acting as if she weren't even there; in a way she wasn't. Erin was just a ghost on a chair staring at a wall.

"Yes, if she died..."

Erinalle Dunbridge sat there as she heard the plan. The agreement. She got a large sum of money to disappear. Her death would be faked. And Her Royal Highness Erinalle would no longer exist. The feelings, in that moment, were a mish mash. Equal parts relief and remorse washed over her. She no longer had to even pretend she liked that life... but, she would lose herself. Her name. Her identity. And she signed an agreement saying she could never go back. Never, ever step foot in London again.

((This is what happens after the rescue mission talks Erin into going back to Rhydin. I'm posting it now so that I can cannonize just what did happen to make Erin come back and to go through the changes she did then. Feel free to ask any questions or point out any inconsistancies from things that were said in play in the months since this SL))