Topic: Christmas in Westridge


Date: 2006-12-22 23:37 EST
A Tree for the Palace - Part 1

The night in the palace had been magical to say the least. When they had finally emerged from their hot bath, robes and food had been laid out in the bedroom. They had eaten their fill, and then slipped into the large canopied bed and slept peacefully throughout the night. It was already mid morning when sleep finally fell away from Gavilean and he laid there, looking at his wife whom he loved with all his being.

He ran a finger down the length of her nose, grinning as he did so. "Oh Des," he whispered. "Time to wake up, you sleepy-head," he teased and kissed her lips.

Des smiled as she woke to the feeling of a finger tracing the length of her nose. The sound of her beloved husband's voice was velvet to her ears. She stretched slowly against him, savoring the feeling of her body brushing full length against his like a jungle cat, as a primitive, throaty cross between a purr and growl rumbled deep in her chest. She threaded the fingers of one hand lazily through the silk of his long, dark, hair and gave a little tug before running them the rest of the way through the length of it then resting her hand on his shoulder, and then opening her eyes at last to look at his face as his morning kiss came to an end.

Realization of what day it was dawned on her and the laziness was gone in an instant. "Today is the day, Babe! Get up! Get up! Pull the blue one! Where are my clothes at?"

It was the day to get their Christmas tree and Des was so excited that she couldn't wait. "No! Wait! Pull the red one! Get them guard people ready to go ?cause I bet we can't go without them! Oh hell, Babe better pull 'em both just in case!"

Gav blinked and was caught completely off guard with her sudden excitement. "Christmas tree? Guards?" He laughed realizing that she wanted the servants and guards to coming running into their bedroom.

"Des, I sure do love you. Every day I'm so thankful to have you in my life. "You want to get a Christmas tree for the palace? I think that's a wonderful idea. There's plenty of time to meet people and get settled in. Let's get that tree!"

Now Gav was as excited as Des. They got dressed in warm clothes, ate the breakfast that the servants had brought into the antechamber, and made final preparations. Gav ordered the guards to have a carriage with a two-horse team, and a tree sled brought to the front of the palace.

"Okay, Des. I think we're ready to get our very first tree. This will be a very special one for us, so we better make it good." He smiled and gave her a kiss.

Their very first Christmas together and their first tree was indeed a very special occasion to her. Des was so excited she about couldn't stand herself as they were eating their breakfast and getting ready. She discarded at least a dozen beautiful fur lined and trimmed capes before finally settling on one in a blue that matched her eyes and the matching fur lined muff that went along with it.

She did manage to smile and nod regally to those that they passed as they descended from their private quarters through the public parts of the palace to where the carriage awaited them while greeting those that greeted them appropriately. There was only one moment when one of the numerous Ambassadors visiting stopped them, wanting to talk about water rights on their border with Gav that Des, found herself reaching for one of her concealed daggers, murder on her mind.

Gav, feeling her arm slightly moving, captured her wrist and tipped up her hand kissing the back of it while complimenting her, making it seem to the Ambassador, who laughed at the byplay between the King and Queen, as though it were nothing more than a loving husband's gesture. The poor man would never know how close he came to losing his life for slowing down the quest for a Christmas tree this morning.

-= to be continued =-


Date: 2006-12-22 23:38 EST
A Tree for the Palace - Part 2

They reached the carriage with no further interruptions and Des smiled into the kiss as she settled herself on the seat and smoothed out her cape. "Do ya have a special place, Babe, where ya get your trees, or do we just get to go into the forest anywhere and pick one?"

Gav put on his brown leather jacket with the dark brown fur collar, and his rabbit fur lined gloves. His boots came to the knees, so he wasn't worried about the snow which had stopped but threatened to continue at any time. A saw was strapped to the tree sled along with plenty of rope.

Gavilean barely controlled his laugher when Des was about to put an end to the Ambassador's ill-timed request. Gav didn't like the blubbery old man, but killing him in the palace lobby was not the best diplomacy. He might have to teach Des better diplomatic techniques; but then again, perhaps not. He liked her style.

He helped his pregnant wife into the open carriage and took the reins. "We have many pine forests to the southwest, and I think that's where we shall be heading, my love." He drove the carriage through the streets and out of the smaller West Gate, heading south and west.

Des' smile was radiant as they set out into countryside. Her cheeks were blushed a pleasing rose from the chill of the day, little puffs of mist were visible in the air with each breath, and the sun made sparkles on the snow that blanketed the area all around them. Everything was so lovely she couldn't decide where to look first or where to keep looking.

If the ever-faithful guards hadn't been with them she would have been twisting and turning on the bench seat pointing this way and that exclaiming over all the sights, but Captain Stout was on the job along with nineteen others keeping a watchful eye over their monarch's pleasant day out searching for a tree worthy of Arda Palace.

She leaned close to Gav and whispered to him, "How did ya ever get used to all them people always coming out of their shops to watch ya go by on the street Babe?" She was referring to the parade their departure from the city had turned into which although it had surprised her she had smiled and waved to the people nonetheless.

He leaned close and drove the horse team with one hand while his other arm went around her. "It's usually not this bad, my love. I've not been around here much over the last year, and they're particularly interested in catching a glimpse of you; but I suspect that it will all calm down after a few weeks. And I seldom have had all the guards follow me around. They're just being protective of their Queen who is with child."

They turned off the main road west and headed south into the forest. The smaller road became smaller yet the deeper they moved into the forest. Pine trees were everywhere, but most were far too large. There were smaller ones, but none seemed quite right. Gav kept the team to a walk down the tree-lined road. "Let me know when you see the one you want, Des. You're the expert," he added with a wink.

She thought about that for a bit as she snuggled beneath the shelter of his broad shoulder. The bit about the guards not usually following him around and as the roads narrowed she made a decision. She was a Queen after all and they would have to do what she said surely and if they were thinking only about protecting her and not him then they were mistaken about her needing all that extra protection and they needed correction; and it might as well be right soon and quick, so she glanced over to Captain Stout and called out, "Captain y'all better get on back to the Palace now because I heard tell there might be an uprisin' among the maids against the footmen for not doin' their duty by them. It could get nasty between 'em. His Majesty and I will be just fine gettin' a tree all by ourselves. I do thank ya kindly for coming this far with us."

Gav smirked as Des ordered the guard to return to the palace. Captain Stout had a confused expression and looked at Gavilean. Gav gave a barely perceptible nod that said, "You heard your Queen, now obey." The squad of nineteen turned and headed back to Westridge.

-= to be continued =-


Date: 2006-12-22 23:40 EST
A Tree for the Palace - Part 3

Des then looked back to Gav and smiled happily at the wink before looking around at all the trees having dismissed the guard from her mind now that she had given them orders or what she felt amounted to orders. She pointed to one tree excitedly, "Stop the carriage Babe! I gotta go look at that one!"

The guards were already out of sight when Des called for the carriage to stop. Gav then noticed the tree that Des was referring to. "I do believe you're right, babe. That's a beauty. At least from here it looks good. Let's take a closer look."

He dismounted from the carriage seat and went to Des' side to help her down. They walked towards the tree and looked at it from all sides. "Looks perfect to me, my love. You still like it?"

Des carefully got down with her beloved husband's assistance making sure of each step in her very pregnant state on the snow covered ground as they went over and walked around the huge tree so they could see it from every possible angle. She peered between the branched to check whether or not the trunk was straight then gave one of the branches a vicious shake to see how many needles if any fell off.

"Hmmm. The trunk is nice and straight love mine. The branches are really pretty the way they are on this here one." Des backed up from it again to look at it from a distance trying to picture it where she wanted it to be on that balcony in the Palace. "I think it will fit on that there balcony, Babe. I believe this is the one for us." She smiled as she turned from the tree to look back to the one that she loved with her entire heart that love shinning in her eyes for him to see.

Gav looked at her, openly admiring his beautiful wife. "You know, I've always thought a tree on the balcony would look good, and you picked that up right away. I think you were always destined to be Queen of Westridge. I'll get the saw and rope."

Des blushed and shook her head at the huge compliment Gavilean paid her. "Nah I wasn't meant to be no Queen. But I am sure I was meant to be your wife my love. I'm still workin' on the Queen part." She winked to her beloved then moved around to his side so that she would be out of the way and he could see her while he took care of cutting down the tree.

He unhitched the tree sled, brought it over, got what he needed from the sled and began tying up the lower branches, cutting the rope with his elfin dagger. Then he took the saw and cut the tree so that it would fall in right onto the tree sled. "Timber!!!!" he yelled and winked as it fell towards the sled. He'd just need to adjust it a little. "We shot ourselves a tree, baby!"

A delighted laugh escaped and she clapped her hands as it fell onto the waiting sled. "Hooray! We have our first Christmas tree Babe! My hero." Des grinned and gave her sexy husband a hug and kiss that lingered.

He dropped the saw and kissed her hard. It was indeed time for celebration. Des felt and smelled so good in his arms. "Yes, my darlin', you were definitely meant to be my wife and I was born to be your husband. Let's get this tree back home, babe." He tied it to the sled and hitched the sled to the carriage once again. Soon they were on their way back to the palace with their first tree. "We bagged ourselves a good one, darlin'. This will be hard to beat next year."

-= to be continued =-


Date: 2006-12-22 23:42 EST
A Tree for the Palace - Part 4

She snuggled beneath the woolen carriage blanket and leaned close to Gav's side as the horses pulled the carriage and sled with their prize back to their home here in Westridge. She had a smile upon her delicate features that simply would not go away. Des couldn't remember the last time she had felt so carefree and just plain happy as she did at this moment in time flying across the snow in the chill of the winter day with no where they had to be at any certain time for any certain reason.

"Mmmmm We got ourselves the very best one there Babe. But next year we'll find another one just as good if not better. I have great faith. I'm so very happy here. I think that tomorrow we should take a picnic and go back to the forest again."

Gav grinned at her words. "That's a great idea, baby. I was going to suggest that we go shopping in all those wonderful stores, but I like your idea of a picnic in the forest. Yep, I think you definitely have a great money-savin' idea!"

Des gasped and grabbed his arm with both hands, her muff dropping onto her lap. "Shopping? In the shops just down the street from the Palace Babe?" Her eyes were sparkling with anticipation and a slow smile curved into place at the thought of one particular item she had caught a glimpse of in one of the windows as they had rode into the city.

"Yes, those are the shops, babe. But I know you'd rather picnic in the snowy forest, so I'm willing to give up shopping at all those beautiful classy shops. I'll always sacrifice for you, my love. That's what marriage is all about."

He was just having too much fun with this.

That was just too much for her. Gavilean's wife was laughing merrily when she picked up the fluffy beautiful fur lined navy blue muff and bopped her beloved husband over the head with it. "I'll show ya sacrifice! The Queen wants to go shopping tonight, Mr. King; now that ya have so kindly reminded her of all them there shops just waiting to be pilfered out of the royal treasury!"

Gavilean laughed so hard he nearly fell right out of the carriage. He knew that Des loved to go shopping just about better than anything else and that there were no better shops anywhere.

"Okay...okay! I give! You win, my sweetheart. We'll sacrifice that wonderful picnic for a day of building up the Westridge economy. What a sacrifice we royals have to make."

They road into the city and up to the palace steps, dragging the tree behind them on the tree sled. "I'll have the staff set the tree up. Do you want them to decorate or do you want to take the leadership in that?"

Des laughed along with him then snuggled back up with eyes sparkling and a light heart as they completed the rest of the trip back. She tilted her head to the side and blinked at his question. "What do ya mean, let the staff do it? It is our tree. We decorate it ourselves." She smiled encouragingly to her beloved husband as she started unpeeling the covers from her lap.

His cobalt blue eyes sparkled with love and enjoyment of his wife. "You're right, my darlin', we have to decorate that ourselves once they get it set up on the balcony. We have some very old decorations that are just dying to be used."

He helped her out of the carriage, looking forward to their first Christmas tree.


Date: 2006-12-22 23:49 EST
Yuletide Shopping - Part 1

The King and Queen of Westridge warmed themselves up with hot mulled cider by the great fireplace in the study of their third-floor private quarters, while the servants took the tree from the sled, cleaned it up and did their work at mounting the tree in a stand on the 2nd floor balcony where all who came to the palace would be able to see it.

Gavilean spent some time showing his beloved wife around the study, pointing out the significance of certain tapestries, bringing out ancient books that contained some history of the land and of the Starfare lineage, and introducing her to some of the staff as they would come and go. It was getting nearly four hours past noon when Trinalee entered the study and asked, ?Will ye be dining in the palace this eve, Your Majesties??

"Perhaps tomorrow night," Gav replied. "Tonight I'm bringing my darlin' into town for some old fashioned Westridge Yule Shopping." He looked as Des and winked, "In fact, I think we should be on our way before it gets too dark. We'll have a dinner at one of the restaurants down town. We intend to make a boon to the Westridge economy tonight."

Des had paid close attention as Gav showed her the tapestries and books. She asked questions and made mental notes of who had done what and how who was related to who from the past. Some she had heard mentioned before by her tutors before their wedding but most were brand new so she was careful to keep everyone and every glorious accomplishment straight in her mind so that when they were entertaining she could speak without embarrassing herself or her beloved husband. Trinalee was given a warm smile as she appeared which quickly shifted to a radiant smile when Gav spoke and her gaze shifted immediately to him at his words. "I'll be ready in five minutes! I just need to get my hat and gloves and cape Babe."

"Okay, my love, I'll be right here when you return." When Des left Gav looked at Trina and grinned.

Trinalee was the epitome of a German Frau that would serve drinks in a tavern, although she was neither German, nor had she ever served a day in her life in a tavern. She had grown up in Westridge and met Gav's mother, Gwenilb?th, before Gav was born. Trina had become Gav's nanny and served in the Palace ever since, becoming like family. Now she was the head mistress and she ran a tight ship. She had a plump, round face, dark hair that was now lightening with gray, flabby arms that ended in plump hands that looked as if a rolling pin might come as a standard accessory. She was a tough woman with a soft heart. "Wherever did ye find her, Gav?"

Gavilean blinked, "What do you mean, Trina?"

"I mean wherever did ye find such a wonderful wife? She be far too good for you, and you know it."

Trina kept a serious face but Gav now realized that this was her way of saying that she approved. "I'm a very blessed man, Trina. Isn't Des just the most wonderful woman you've ever seen! I love her with all my heart." Gavilean was beaming.

Trina smiled and swatted his arm, "You be good to her, now or you'll be answering to me."

"She's my life, Trina." He was going to say more, but then he heard Des returning.

She was humming a happy little tune as she carefully made her way down the stairs as quickly as she could while pulling on her gloves and giving smiles and nods to all the staff she passed along the way. Navy blue eyes were sparking with anticipation and her smile was bright as she returned to Gav's side and extended her hand expectantly.

"We're gonna be late if we don't get goin' right away. I don't wanna miss a thing! Have ya got on comfortable boots Babe?" She glanced down toward his feet as she didn't want to have to stop shopping early because his feet were hurting him. She was wearing comfortable slippers that matched the warm gown she had quickly changed into that was suitable for the Queen to be seen out in public in.

Gav looked down at his feet and shrugged, "I think these will be fine. Never bothered me before." Of course he never spent much time shopping with Des before, so he had no idea what kind of force march this shopping excursion might turn out to be.

He put on a warm, deep green doublet with brass buttons going all the way down the front; the sleeves were tied with heavy black cord. Upon the front and back of the doublet, embroidered in black, were the outlines of what appeared to be trees and leaves, presenting an intricate pattern. He put a lined black cape on over the doublet and put on the new gloves.

"I'm ready as I'll ever be, my darlin'. Let's shop until we drop." Little did he realize that more prophetic words were never spoken. A wood-grain coach with a team of six white horses was waiting for them outside the palace. Doors were opened for the king and queen and closed behind them after they entered.

Gav took Des' hand in his, "Here we go, babe. The first of what I expect to be an astronomical number of shopping adventures."

She was still getting used to having doors opening and closing before they reached them but she took it in stride with a smile as they walked through the palace with her hand placed very correctly on his arm. Luckily this trip to the door no visitors were in sight to attempt to stop her from reaching her goal, the glittering row of shops she had seen on the ride into town.

Des' eyes widened as she caught sight of the coach and team that looked to her like something out of a story her Mother had once read to her in a book when she was a little girl and it was all she could do to keep her mouth from dropping open. Her fingers threaded through her husband's as they took their seats in it, and she smiled a bit hesitantly to him feeling slightly overwhelmed for the first time since they had arrived.

"Yup, shopping indeed love mine. We are going shopping and we are gonna buy out the stores."


Date: 2006-12-24 12:22 EST
Yuletide Shopping - Part 2

The carriage pulled away from the palace, large wheels cutting grooves in the fresh snow; but there was another surprise for Des. Gav had asked for sleigh bells to be placed upon the horses, and as soon as they began to trot, the ring of sleigh bells filled the air. Gav took her hand and cuddled close, "This is the kind of Yule that I have always dreamed about - to be here in this beauty with you, I can't think of anything better, my love."

Des gasped with delight as the sound of bells filled the air around them. Her gaze filled with wonder turned to the handsome man seated beside her, "Bells. Ya had 'em put bells on the harness too." Her heart was so full of happiness that she was certain it was going to burst at the unexpected treat he had planned for her. She leaned lightly against his side as the carriage rolled down the drive toward the portcullis through the wintry landscape that was still beautiful with it's blanket of snow stretching out around them.

"I've never had a Yule like this before Gav. Never seen anything as beautiful as Westridge is. I can't believe this is really our home Babe."

"It really is, my love; but I know that I could live anywhere, and if you were there with me, I would be totally happy. I've loved every place we've been together."

Des smiled softly and brushed a kiss to Gav's lips lovingly at his words feeling the very same way as they had lived in many different places both small and large together. She herself had loved each and everyone because they had been together in them and that was the most important thing to her as well.

The carriage rode through the portcullis of the Palace Gate and moved down Princes Street. Gav pointed out where various officials live, the homes of the wealthier families, the banks and financial district, and then they came to the more populated area where the shops were. Now the streets were filled with people. The street lamps were just being lit up, people were selling warmed food from sidewalk stands, and occasionally a youth would toss a snowball at the royal coach. Gav had to laugh. "It seems that kids just can resist tossing snowballs at moving coaches."

She nodded while making note of who lived where for future reference as she knew that eventually she would need to make social calls just as they would be paying calls on her, the Ladies of the houses that is and oh how she dreaded that! But maybe she would be able to get away with only holding Court once a month instead of every day like that nasty Miss Partinger had told her was her duty. Des would definitely have to come up with a way to get out of what could prove tedious at best and an outright incomparable disaster at worst.

She leaned forward to smile and wave to those people that were on the street and laughed as their carriage became a moving target for the kids. "Ack! Babe ya didn't tell me I needed to bring my gun shopping with me. We need ammo as this here looks like a war zone not a shopping plaza!" Her eyes were sparkling with delight at the children's exuberance being the same everywhere. It was fairly obvious that she wanted to join in the snowball fight but was doing her best to keep her regal composure for the time being.

Gavilean so enjoyed Des' reaction to everything. He could see that she would just love to join in the snowball fight, but that would be for another time. "Before we eat, I thought we might stop in a store or two and look around. Now, up ahead we have a clothing store with some very high end clothes, and just before there is a furniture store." He pointed to the other side of the street. "There is a jewelry store over there, but we have better around the corner." Every store window was decorated and the snow made them look even better.

The minute he started pointing out the stores her beloved husband had her undivided attention. She was on the scent of her prey and that prey was new things for their little one as well as a few presents for Yule. "Mmmmm. That shop over there looks *very* interesting Babe. I really like the looks of that there chair in the window. We might be able to find a nice chest in there for the little one. Let's go in!"

-= to be continued =-


Date: 2006-12-24 12:28 EST
Yuletide Shopping - Part 3

Gav opened the little window between the interior of the carriage and the driver and signaled that they should stop here. The carriage stopped and almost immediately the door was opened for them. Then exited and a small crowd gathers as they walked to the furniture store with her hand on his arm. Guards told the crowd to move on and the royal couple were left in peace. They opened the door and a bell over the door rang as then walked into the warm interior. "What would you like to look at first, my love?"

Des smiled and nodded to the crowd that had gathered, something that was beginning to become habit more than a conscious effort now, as she descended from the carriage and placed her hand upon Gav's arm. She straightened her gown and cloak then lifted her chin, straightened her shoulders, and glided into the store at his side feeling so very proud to have him as her husband.

The shop keeper was granted a nod of greeting before she glanced up to Gav as he spoke and she replied in her best elvish, "I would like to look at those chests over there please. I like the patterns on the drawers but perhaps with different pulls on them."

They looked at the chests, and Gav examined the workmanship.

The shop keeper brought out a tray with a selection of different pulls. He approached Des, "Your Majesty, any of these pulls can be applied to any of our chests. Just select the style that pleases you the most and you'll have a custom chest that would please anyone." Suddenly his eyes went wide and he turned red, wondering if what he had just said would be taken wrong and he'd lose his head for it.

Des too was examining the chest closely. She pulled out all the drawers to make sure they slid smoothly and ran a hand over the gleaming surface to ensure there were no nicks of any kind then had stepped back to stand beside her husband as the man approached with the selection for her to look at. Her gaze was upon the different styles as he began speaking but to be courteous she glanced up at him to listen. The Queen tilted her head to the side as the man appeared to be choking or something all of a sudden when he stopped speaking.

Her eyes full of concern she immediately looked to Gav then stepped up and swatted the man on the back right between his shoulder blades. "Can you speak!? I know a little first aide so don't you worry none and Gav here is a Healer so you are going to be all right Mister!"

The shop keeper was relieved that his statement wasn't taken wrong. "I'll be fine Your Majesty. Just choked a little." He composed himself. "If you like that chest, I'd be happy to put any of these knobs on your chest."

Gav moved his hand over the wood. "I like your chest, Des. I think this could be the first furniture for the nursery."

After it was arranged that the chest would be delivered to the palace the following morning, Gav and Des went around the corner to ?The Plumed Horse Restaurant.? The establishment was warmly lit and as soon as you entered the door you were hit with the scent of good food and the sounds of musicians and singers in one corner entertaining the patrons. Gav and Des ate a good meal, but by the time it was done they both realized that it had been a long day and they were really too tired to do anymore shopping this night.

Gavilean stretched and looked at Des and could see she was getting tired. It was no wonder. They had a long trip getting here to Westridge, they had traveling into the local forest to cut down a Christmas Tree, and on top of that she was seven months pregnant and counting. That would be enough to make anyone weary.

They went back to the palace and were about to head to their private floor, when all of a sudden they saw it ? their tree!!

The tree, and garland, and two wreathes were set up on the second floor balcony.

There was one thing wrong.

They were naked! Every blessed branch from floor to ceiling was bare.

Gav and Des looked at each other and grinned. ?LET?S DECORATE!? they shouted in unison.

All the Christmas decorations were brought to the balcony and the king and queen decorated the tree, drank eggnog, and sang Yule carols with the staff. An hour later the second floor balcony of the palace was fully decorated. The great tree could be seen from all three floors in the main part of the castle, and it gave a warm, colorful welcome to all who came the Arda Palace of Westridge.


Original artwork, "A Palace Christmas", ? 2006, Tera Destre


Date: 2007-02-07 01:22 EST

It had been several days since Gav and Tera cut down the tree and decorated it - several wonderful, peaceful days. The economy of the central market of Westridge spiked in those days with the shopping sprees of the king and queen. Gav enjoyed every moment, seeing the sparkle in his beautiful wife's eyes as she looked at all that was being sold in every shop. He was seeing these things from a different perspective and he liked it. They also had times of shopping individually, so that things might be purchased in secret. When they weren't shopping they were exploring the city or the castle or talking with Thulin or one of a dozen other things.

The Yule Eve had finally arrived and there was a special banquet of a roasted pig, vegetables of all kinds, fruits, breads, cheeses - enough to feed a hundred, for that was how many were gathered in the great hall. Westridge wine flowed freely and a great time was had by all. There was special entertainment of music and skits, and a children's choir sung songs for all those gathered. Finally, the entertainment stopped and the guests departed and Gav and Des were able to be alone.

It was a lot like being swept up in a whirlwind that first Christmas Eve as Des was getting ready for the banquet. Everything had to be just perfect from the tips of her slippers to the top of her gleaming chestnut hair that was intricately braided and pinned up for the evening. She was so excited about what was to come after the gathering that she about couldn't stand herself and was continually fidgeting as her maids were doing their best to get her ready on time.

Des made it with moments to spare and smiled and made small talk with their guests during dinner then clapped for the entertainment as without a hitch the banquet ran smoothly. At last though the last good evening was said and she turned to her beloved husband and reached for his hand, "I asked for their to be mulled cider waiting for us in our suite Babe and that is where presents are! Let's go!"

"Presents? What presents?" he teased and took her hand. "I didn't know that there was to be presents this night. Hmmm...I sure do hope the elves of Westridge have been busy this season." He laughed and took his beautiful wife into his arms. He was so proud of her during the banquet. There was never a queen more beautiful than his Des and he was sure that in millennia to come there would be songs and stories of her beauty and of there love, with portraits and tapestries of them hung on the walls of the palace for their descendants to talk about.

He took her hand and walked her to their royal chambers. "I could go for some mulled cider right now, honey. You think of everything."

She smiled radiantly as she hugged him tightly then walked through the halls and up the flights of stairs to their private area of the palace. "The elves have been very busy indeed love mine this year. I have it on good authority that ya were very nice and only a little naughty at all the right times." She grinned to the handsome man at her side as the guards opened the door for them and they walked into the antechamber of their suite then turned to Gav as the door clicked shut behind them. "I've got to be the luckiest woman on the planet Gav. The banquet was very nice. But I vote we put on some comfy clothes and just be ourselves now Babe. What do ya say?"

Gav smiled, "I think that's a wonderful idea, my love. And, just for your information, it's already been decided that I'm the luckiest man on this planet!"

He took her into his arms and kissed his beloved wife, then they changed into more comfortable clothing. Gav put on some cotton shorts and a deep blue heavy robe and slippers. He cleaned up, brushed his teeth and made sure he smelled good, all the while humming the carols the children had been singing.

Des chuckled quietly and kissed her scrumptious husband lovingly. She changed into one of his poet shirts leaving the laces undone and washed her face, brushed her teeth, took the pins from her hair letting it fall around her shoulders and gave it a good brushing so that it shone before rejoining him with her warm slippers and robe on.

There was a bounce of excited anticipation in her steps and a huge smile on her face as she headed straight for the brightly colored packages. "Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas little boy!" She said in her best gruff sounding voice while picking up on that was rather small.

"Oh Santa," he said while giving her the most innocent 'butterfly eyes', I've been a very good little boy. He sat down on the heavy wool carpets that had colorful designs woven into them. He eyed some other presents that were there, one's that he had purchased for Des. "Do I get to open a present first!?" he asked with a grin.

She nodded rapidly and pulled the presents that she had for him close then sat herself down on the carpet so that her knees touched his with an excited smile and extended the box to him waving it a bit. "Yup! This one first Babe. Go on. It is for you!"

"For me?" he said, acting surprised. " what could this be?" He shook the box but heard nothing. "Guess I'll just have to open it up." He carefully opened the gift, looked at the excitement and anticipation in his wife's eyes.

Des leaned forward on her knees with her hands placed on his knees as he opened the gift in order to watch his expression; her own one of nervous anticipation as she waited on pins and needles.

Gavilean opened the small box and his eyes went wide as he saw the ring inside. He pulled it out and held it up, turning it around, admiring it. "Des, this is beautiful. I've never seen a ring like this. He slipped in on his finger and continued to admire it before looking up at her and giving her a kiss with a soft, "Thank you," spoken against those lips. "I really love it."

She let out the breath she had been holding without realizing it and returned the kiss softly with a happy smile. "Thulin helped me with it Babe. It's magic. It holds the power of the element of Air within it if you ever find that ya need it."

He smiled and looked into her eyes. "It's too nice a gift, my love. Anything I could get you would pale in comparison. Nevertheless, here is my first gift. It just a little something." He handed her the nicely wrapped gift.


Date: 2007-02-07 01:34 EST

She took the package and sat back then began tearing into the wrappings just dying to see what was inside. Navy blue eyes were sparkling brightly as they glanced between her beloved husband and the package she was busily unwrapping. "Nothing is too good for you. You are my love and my life Gav and always shall be."

She gasped and tossed the box away as she lifted free the silky barely there lingerie in bright red. A slow grin forming as a little growl rumbled in her throat. Des peeked around the undergarments at her sexy husband. "I feel a trip to the music room comin' on Babe. Ya better open that one there right quick and save yourself!" She nodded to a medium sized package that had a slight weight to it for him.

Gav was already picturing his wife in the lingerie and couldn't wait to get to the music room. He took a deep breath, "Okay...let me see. . .another gift for me?" He took it into his hand and felt the weight of the gift. "Whoa, this must be my lumps of coal!" He opened the box and saw inside a beautiful case. When he opened the case he saw a unique dagger of magnificent design. "Oh my! Des, it's gorgeous!" He carefully took the dagger and sheath out of the case, examined the dagger and tested the balance. "It's perfect, my love."

She smiled radiantly to him as he examined the new dagger so expertly and draped her lingerie over her shoulder while leaning close to him. "I couldn't resist it when I saw it. I thought it would look mighty fine with your ceremonial armor love mine."

"It's perfect. You know just what I like. It's a good thing we are married or people would wonder where you got such intimate knowledge of my tastes." He winked and picked up a box and tossed it to her. If was about a foot on each side but quite light. "This one is not what it seems. I'll have to explain it after you open it."

Des laughed merrily as he winked at her and caught the box in midair deftly then shook it viciously in an attempt to figure out what it was. "It don't rattle none so it ain't a bunch of sticks Babe." She winked to him and tore into the paper like nothing doing. There would be a bit of a mess but the most important thing was to see inside the beautiful packages as she never could stand not knowing what was inside something.

"Awwww. How precious!" She cuddled the unicorn to herself then noticed the tag stabbing her and held it out so she could read it. "Awww. It even has a name Babe. That is so sweet! Tiller." She rocked forward and kissed Gav happily. "Thank you so very much love."

Gav then moved forward and sat with his legs around her and his arms on her hips. "This is more than it seems, my love. I once had a young unicorn by the name of Tiller. He was so sweet as he was growing up - innocent, magical, as cute as can be. We never could fathom the limit of his magic because it just seemed to come when it was needed most. He was a dear friend, but it came time to release him back to his homeland to mate and do the things that unicorns due.

?We've seen each other on occasion and during my last trip there he introduced me to his family. He had two offspring. The colt is too young to leave him, but he had a filly that was of the age when she could begin to venture out into the world, but still young enough to need instruction and protection. He wanted her to experience the world and meet humans and other creatures. He brought her here two nights ago and she's in the stables. Her name is Tilleriee. She's young but can mind speak. More importantly, she is yours. At least for several years when it will be time for her to return to her home.

"No!" Des had burrowed close into the warmth that beckoned by scooting forward and wrapping her arms around Gav's waist as far as they would go since her tummy was in the way some. She had been gazing into cobalt blue eyes while listening to the story he was telling her. Her own eyes had misted with tears at the point where they had to part as that seemed so very sad to her to lose such a close friend like that even if it was not human.

The tone of voice when Gav spoke of Tiller was one of affection and so it was sadness that she felt for her beloved having to part from a friend. But when he mentioned she had a unicorn of her own waiting for her now her heart skipped a beat and eyes opened wide in surprise and astonishment which is what prompted her exclamation. "Lordy be whatever shall I do with her Babe? I ain't never been around any unicorns before. I only know about horses."

Gavilean laughed with delight. "Well, love, you get to know each other. That's the first thing. You become friends and she'll be loyal to you forever. Their magic is strong love, stronger than that of any dragon. I'll bring you there tomorrow morning and introduce you to her. I've told her about you and she's anxious to meet you, but a little frightened at the same time. I just know she'll take to you right away."

"Oh my goodness gracious. I'll treat her very well Babe. I'm a fast learner." Des just couldn't believe she was really going to see a live unicorn and get to talk with it even. She was tempted to drag Gav off right then and there but she still had another gift for him so it would have to wait until later at the very least. She reached with one hand and picked up the gaily wrapped package and plopped it between them while staying snuggled with a grin. "This is for ya too!"

"Another gift? Des, you are too good to me!" Still, he snatched it right from hands and opened it up as fast as possible, throwing caution to the wind. He lifted off the box cover and inside was a most handsome tunic. He lifted it out with both hands and held it up. "Oh honey, I love it. I'll wear it tomorrow at all the Yule festivities."

He took Des into his arms and kissed her lovingly. Then he reached behind him and pulled out another box, about half the size of the previous one, but it was heavier. "One more gift for you also."

She sank into the kiss cherishing him with lips and heart before taking the box from him with an inquisitive tilt of her head. "You are spoiling me but I love it!" She was opening it fast as could be with a bright smile.

Her eyes lit up as she held up the dragon's egg and cooed with delight. "Oh Babe it is beautiful. Look at how it changes colors and everything. I love it!" Her expression softened as she dropped her hands to her lap with her gaze on his face then leaned forward to kiss him tenderly showing him more clearly with that kiss than she ever could with words just how much his gifts meant to her.

He returned the kiss, loving her so very, very much. He would not yet reveal the secret nature of the Dragon's Egg. That would be for another time. Right now, he wanted to be intimate with his wife and express his love to her in ways that only such intimacy could. His voice was a low whisper when he said, "Let's go to bed, my love."

She whispered very softly against his lips with a loving smile, "You read my mind love mine."