Topic: Dueling & Tass NJ # 10 cont.

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-04-15 19:13 EST
Last Monday and Tuesday passed in somewhat of a blur and you ain?t worthy of my telling you the parts of them I am thinking of the most swamp dweller!!!

There was a whole lot more to the Dueling so many people that I haven?t set eyes on in YEARS came upstairs that I was just darn near in shock. It was all I could do to remember to check for the need of refills that I did manage to remember!!

I?ll not put all the names down here but I?m telling ya here and now there was BLOOD! There was GUTS! There was GLORY! All over the place Imp and Panth were even kind enough to go ahead and make room for TWO rings to be going on at one time there were so many people that wanted to join in on the fun.

The duelers dueled against a non-dueler in each ring and it was just really a sight to see because they were teaching how to Duel as they went. No one was out to just beat on anybody. It wasn?t intended to be that in the first place, although I am not sure that people realized that and they still might not know that if they didn?t make it to the Special Event.

Dueling with a sword is more of an art form I?ve always thought. There is some kind of beauty in that dance the Warlords, Warladys, Barons, Baronesses, and Overlord or Overlady do that is just absolutely fascinating to watch. With all them skills they have and techniques they have learned over time. Awesome!

Course that ain?t gonna stop me from still cheering for them to be spilling plenty of blood in them there rings while they are doing that dance since the wards on the Dueling rings can partially protect them while they are in there from the more deadly weapons some folks use and/or heal them right up as they step out if they let them.

Them wards kind of get a feel for the person I?m thinking and knows just what to do for them when they step back out of the ring. I know they usually heal me up except for a few times when I have needed taken down a peg or two but ya didn?t hear that from me!!

Tass even came upstairs and I did go ahead and give him a hug and kiss. Remind me that I do really need to explain to you what is going on there. I have known him since he first started coming around the duels when I worked there. So I reckon you could say that the two of us do have a bit of history between us that might be better understood by you if I took the time to explain it.

But that is a whole LOT of history to be writing down and so many twists and turns in that there path that dang it gets way bad complicated and I?ll tell you we was engaged once when his wife left but she came back and he sent me THE LETTER so I ate a whole lot of ice cream and got really FAT when he went back to her.

So then we were getting nice and cozy again and in walked my TDMF French Pirate (better known now as my husband). Well it wasn?t looking like Jean would really have a chance after the Siren incident and after he snuck up on me while I was tending bar to steal a kiss. Which by the way I think might have been what caused the Siren incident to begin with.

Did I mention sneaking up on me behind the bar tends to land you flat on your back with the jagged edge of a broken bottle at your throat? Maybe I didn?t mention that yet.

Well anyhow after I got swept off my feet by Jean Tass took to ignoring me completely! We are talking not even saying hello to me when it was plain as day I was in the same room as he was. There weren?t no crowds or nothing!

Now I could have understood it if I was the one walking into a room where he was already in and didn?t say hello but that wasn?t it. I was in there and he walked in and didn?t say nothing.

This after literally YEARS of ALWAYS a hug and kiss as a hello not just saying hello to me. He would then always take me home special like so I didn?t have to walk. He knows I like to poof or fly and I can?t do that myself.

I thought to myself. He must have had a bad day or maybe he just really didn?t see me. That can happen and there was a war going on so he was actually in at least one other place at the same time. He can do that you know. Dragon Lord and all that he is.

So here I was standing with one foot already out over that cliff ready to jump into the unknown with my French Pirate and all of a sudden the ONE person that I have counted on for years is outright ignoring me and going out of his way to do so.

Did I leave out the part that he has always been there for me to pick me up if I stumble and fall? To protect me from any and all harm? That him being a part of my life has never once been something that I ever had to question ever since I can remember?

I never should have went to the Overlord Challenge. I had been able to mostly ignore it until then because it can be excused when you are in the common room with other people and both of y?all are busy visiting. However when you are sitting on a floating couch up above everyone else and can see everything it would have been impossible for him to miss seeing I was there!!!!

When he sat that couch down and invited Kairee to come sit with him a little piece of my heart broke right then and there. Not the in love part of my heart because that part of my heart is safe and sound with my husband. It is that other part. See Jean understood all this when I was talking with him about it because I sure did cry a lot the night this happened.

Its was that part that you give to your friends to hold. So they know that you love them. Tass had been talking about how Dragon?s don?t give other people their treasures and I am part of his treasure. We may be having a rough spell right now but I know if I needed him all I'd have to do is activate the token he gave me years ago and there would be one mighty powerful Dragon Lord looking to deep fry something or someone.

I'm not sure I can explain Tass and I to you even. I was able to explain us to my Beloved French Pirate. I do love that man. He understands me so dang gone well that sometimes I swear all I have to do is just think something and Jean just knows it.