Topic: Gossip For Jewell. (Notes for when Jewell Returns.)

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-05-29 10:17 EST
After reading Jewell?s letter requesting she keep up with gossip the cowgirl knew that could present something of a problem since the times changed so quickly in RhyDin and more specifically in the Inn. She didn?t want to disappoint her friend and so to kill two birds with one stone she came up with a brilliant plan.

She would simply write the Empress a note each day describing events that she knew about using pages sliced out of the back of the black leather journal that had made it a habit of constantly staring at her accusingly from atop the desk!

Then when she returned Des could simply hand over the package and she could catch up at her leisure. ?Perfection?, the cowgirl thought to herself!!

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-05-29 10:19 EST
May 26

Saw Bel with Aleron. Bel had lost like two weeks or something like that.

Sid was there with Scottie too but couldn?t really hear what she was saying except she had been worried about where Bel had been for the last two weeks because she had missed her. Sid had some info about the Pix but I was on my way out and didn?t hear anything she was telling Tara so you can get that info from her if I don?t have it later on this next month.

Lucien was babysitting one very skunk drunk Chris who if I have it right has quit the RPS and I am worried about him cause the last few times I have seen him he has been very drunk.

Something had happened to Tara as she came in looking all drenched and stuff and muttering but she fixed herself right up and was looking lovely as ever then she got upset about something or other but I didn?t get what that was about for certain. She introduced Luse to Tina and Tina looked like a cat that ate the canary when she left where he was at. Talomar joined her for a while.

Kyn and Brig were there. Not sure what is up there but something definitely is. Kyn ended up in tears before we left. Gav and I were going to have drinks with them but I got waylaid by Charlotte.

Your brother has ended their engagement by the way. I don?t have the details on that yet from him but Charlotte said he just told her he didn?t have time to get married. Charlotte has moved back to the Inn.

Art was spending time with Charlotte she was smiling.

Luse was talking with Skye which seemed to upset Tara to no end. Have no clue what they were talking about.

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-05-29 10:22 EST
May 27

I don?t have a whole lot of gossip for today because I didn?t spend a whole lot of time in the Inn cause this was one of the nights that I Called in the Arena and then I had a little mishap but that is part of the gossip so I?ll get to that in a little bit Empress.

Talomar and Tara came in and it looked like they had no idea who each other was. But they were sure enough getting it on with each other right quick like so I say that only proves my point about hearts knowing what they are talking about and that people should be listening to them.

Sid and Chris were tending bar tonight and you?ll remember from last night I introduced Topaz to Chris and he was skunk drunk and I had to slink off because it was just horrible! Well tonight he was sober and they was talking and getting along just fine from what I could tell.

Arts was there and so was Glans they talked just a little tiny bit but I didn?t get what about I?m sorry to say.

That Magenta that knows Alma stopped by and was chatting up Juleta it looked like to me but who knows with Magenta what is really going on. Juleta is so quiet most of the time that I was very happy to see her visiting with someone even if I am not so sure about who she was visiting with.

Oh my goodness! Talomar must have been in one of his ?moods? because I am just sure he was going to try and collar me tonight. I went and hid in a booth with Kyndra and Icer watching him for me and stayed with my mouth shut until him and Tara left. That is all I need Talomar collaring me when I?ve got this here wedding planning and 4 jobs and my beloved Gav. There would be an all out war I?m thinking. Not to mention he would have to kill me but that is another story.

I don?t know what is going on with Sid but something is. She hasn?t been the same since the Pix has been gone and actually even since just before Spring started getting here. You might be understanding it better being Fae yourself Darlin?. I?ll try and listen better but she just isn?t herself lately and it seems to be getting worse instead of better.

Que was there for the first time in a very long time that I have seen him and he shattered a glass in his hand! I sent Icer over to check on him as I was busy introducing Gav to Topaz who come to find out had never in all these here years been officially introduced to each other!! Can you believe that!?!?!?!? They knew of each other and had seen each other time and time again but not once actually been introduced. Go figure. But I fixed that up right proper for them and now they know each other just fine.

I did get a chance to talk to my Boy Toy (your brother Brian) about him and Charlotte and they got things patched up and are back together again. I didn?t ask him if they have set a date for their wedding as I was just happy to hear that they are engaged again. I?m thinking about busting some heads as there are some nasty rumors going around about him but he reassured me that bad publicity is better than none so I?m gonna just wait and see what happens for now.

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-05-29 10:35 EST
May 28th

Met some new people tonight

Mari who was talking to another new person I got his name but I done forgot it. I?ll remember it don?t you worry about that none next time I see him. They were talking something about Luse or Lucuis had told her she could find him at the Inn.

Toby and Keats were jamming with a synth and guitars, mandlin, and even Juleta had played something with them. I?m not sure what she ended up playing cause I went home with Gav and spent time with him then came back but Keats was singing and it was right festive.

Which reminds me Gav is now a reporter too and he had gone to get a story for the paper and I didn?t want to stay home is why I went ahead and dropped back by the Inn. I am a little worried about him because of the story he is hoping to get deals with some of the shady elements of town but I know he can take care of himself so I?m doing my best not to worry. Hard when you love someone as much as I love him but I support him in his choices and he is really excited about this here story!

Glans came in and was all messed up so I got out the first aide kit for him and he was patching himself up. I gave him a jar of moonshine to help with the pain and threaded a needle for him. I don?t know exactly what it is that he does but my goodness he was a right sight when he walked it!

There was another new person there named Stephen and he drinks Absinth. I felt pretty silly when I forgot to set out the sugar cubes along side the glass for him. I think I?m losing it in my old age!

Oh! And your friend Skyler was there for a while. I tugged gently on his hair and he informed me that only YOU are allowed to touch his hair. I thought that was so sweet. He can be such a brat at times but when I see him with you he is a whole different person and I like what I see of him when he is with you.

Sadly last night he was being rude and I had to threaten to not serve him anymore to drink until he quite being rude but he straighten right up and although his language and treatment of others could definitely use some improvement I am not sure that he just plain don?t know no better. As soon as he quit calling me his servant I went ahead and got him his drink orders and some cookies.

Talitha returned last night!!! It was wonderful to finally see her again after all these here years. She was watching just as she always does and she spoke with several of those that had been missing her.

Seeker came by to wish Gav and I well

Joy and Darr were there. Joy had been out for a walk and Darr who from what I overheard is the only one that can track her found her and they left together after visiting for a while. She seemed pleased that he can do that.

Alex did stop by but it looked like he was just getting more supplies. I don?t know what he is up to. It didn?t look like he planned on going home Darlin?. I didn?t really have a chance to talk to him either because of what I?m about to tell ya next happened.

There was this here younger girl came in. She couldn?t have been more than 16 or 17. It was a beautiful warm night but she was bundled up from head to toe in a cloak. Brian got her some food and she woofed it down like she hadn?t eaten for days. In the process her cloak slid down and she had whip marks, cuts, bruises. Well you get the idea.

Your brother and I took care of her and I am letting her use my room at the Inn since she said she wants to get away from the person that has been treating her badly. From the looks of her when we was doctoring on her this has been going on for years now. Well she didn?t really say it cause she is mute. I?m hoping someday Brian finds the person that did this to her and does what he does best.

Before I forget Chris and Topaz met up again and this time it looked like they were getting along much better. They were talking and laughing together and sharing a bottle of wine.

Lucien was there and grinning and visiting and drinking his scotch and wonder of wonders Sylvia Nightshade came by! I don't know if you will remember her or not but I certainly do.

And I forgot to mention that Ra Amon is back in town too!!

P.S. I'm having to stay on the down low because it looks like Tara's husband Talomar is dead set on collaring me again. Ain't life grand!!!

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-05-31 11:36 EST
May 29th

Dearest Empress my good friend,

Gossip for ya is a pleasure! I saw so many people in the Inn tonight it was a treasure trove I?m telling ya. Alex was there again and he is looking pretty rough but refuses my help. I don?t understand it but since you have been gone he has been coming in in the dead of night and getting stuff from behind the bar and then leaving again. He don?t talk to nobody or really DO anything. He always leaves money to pay for the things that he gets though which is more than most people do in this here town.

Our friend the Vixen was there and there was this very handsome Native American looking TDMF male that came in that went over to where she was but then that thing called Magenta showed up and mostly took over Charna?s time it looked like from where I was. I don?t know what they were talking about but I did see kissing going on!

Lucien was there for a while and I thought I saw Alysia but I am not sure about that because I was a little bit busy with Gav and all because you will never guess what had happened!!! Elijah has returned!!! What we all thought was his son has turned out to be a clone and his soul was actually in that sword of his and has been restored so the Welsh Highlander is back among us!!!

Him and Gav had a lot of good times in the past it would seem and they was just a talking and a talking and I was paying attention to them and Topaz and that girl I told you about turns out her name is Kathleen but she likes her friends to call her Darling and Elijah has given her a job at his Cantina and guess what else!

She wasn?t just someone that had been beaten she was a slave but now she is free and is a little uncertain how to go on but we are all going to help her to get used to being free and get her settled into a normal life.

Danae was there but I didn?t see Dana and I do wonder how she is doing because she was having them spells where she would just get this real high fever and drop over into a coma and I know that Danae loves her something fierce in case you didn?t know that yet Empress.

Icer was there but I didn?t see Authur or any of the little ones last night. She was visiting with AJ who it sounds like is seeing Misty! You do know Misty don?t ya? She has the cargo hauling service and is so much fun to be around. She loves chocolate milk in case you are tending bar and she comes in. Make it with extra chocolate for her please because she is very nice and would help anyone that needed it.

Let?s see... Oh yes, Jodiah came in but I couldn?t get him to let me get him a drink for love nor money! And he really pays too as I?m sure you know. He said he had to work in the morning and mentioned something feeling funny but those weren?t the words that he used exactly. Maybe something is going to happen, people have been acting kind of strangely again lately. Only time will tell though and I have so much to do that I can?t let it worry me too terrible much right now.

Sylvia and Shy and Brian got into a discussion about him being my Boy Toy and just what exactly his duties as such entailed. Well he called me over there to explain it to the ladies. I will tell you Jewell that your brother is the very best at his job that I have ever had in my whole entire life!! It took me some time to explain exactly what it is that he does for me but I got it all said and Gav even took notes.

Gav was thinking about putting himself an ad in the paper for himself a Girl Toy just like my Boy Toy and I done told Brian to get his crossbow ready to weed out the ones that applied that were not the absolute best because my man deserves only the BEST Girl Toy available. But then my TDMF male said I was all he ever needed and I swear I just melted right then and there.

One of these days I am going to have to show my beloved what I have learned over the years to se his mind at rest. We just have been so very busy with grieving over the lost of Jean together, moving on with our lives and my work and his supporting me at the Inn, the Arena, the Outback and now Battlefield Part which I will tell you about in a minute and also with the wedding that is merely a formality to us each as we would spend the rest of our lives together married or not.

But the council has their little fits and their fancy pants set on a state wedding for the King of Westridge so here we go! Can you believe that I am really going to be a Queen? I still can?t even with all these lessons I have been having with that snooty Miss Partinger. But that ain?t gossip so let me get back to the good stuff for ya.

The Outback where I call for the fist fights got burnt up again and this time by one of the callers during a challenge match for an Opal. The current Opal holder fell into the fire and if that wasn?t bad enough the caller decided to summon a shark to also attack them. Now my Boss is being sued apparently by the person that fell into the fire and got attacked by the shark.

He is thinking of cutting back on staff because also during another challenge match for one of the other Opals the two fighters busted up the place and haven?t offered to pay for any of the damages yet. Now I was at this here one and it was a good fight!! They did bust up the place a bit I must admit course the patrons of the Outback are a pretty rough crowd. I guess that may be where I get it from. I did used to hang out there ALL the time.

Now we are using Battlefield Part at the home of Baron E(Silent) for the fist fighting. I did write my Boss Matt a letter reminding him that I never did let any of them fighters get out of hand on my shift cause I?d bust their heads first and they all know that about me and they behave when I?m a calling.

My friend Rena from the duels is going to be coming to the Inn. She hasn?t been there yet and I think you will like her when you get to meet her. Delroy was a fighting and Kaja came and fought. I like watching her she is really smooth in the rings. Joku came by but he did not fight this night. But it was a very long night because I only had three duels to call in the three hours I was there. I wish more people would come.

I would like to find someone for Delroy but he is always so busy fighting that I doubt he has time for woman in his life. I may find him one anyway though and just see what happens. Art came out to the Park and took my Gav off to the side and they were over there for a very long time talking about men stuff I reckon. Gav didn?t tell me what they were talking about so I don?t know.

Skyler came by when Gav was asking me for a kiss and asked me for one himself. And he was polite about the asking even. Said I could blow him one if I wanted to. He was in a very good mood and I was so happy to see him in such a good mood that I blew him a kiss. Well he caught it and pocketed it then skipped back out of the park.

More tomorrow!

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-05-31 13:12 EST
May 30th


I have terrible news today. Gav and I had gone to Battlefield Part for the fist fights and I did fight against Gav and Kaja and lost both times then I fought against Rena and squeaked out with a win. Anubis came to the Park and fought against Kaja and she won in a brutal fight but he is always brutal when he fights. Someday when I get better I AM going to fight him.

But that isn?t the terrible news. While we was there Kyndra came wandering into the park crying as though her heart was broken and would never be fixed. Well Gav went straight over to her thankfully because I was fighting in a ring at the time and could not go to her even though I wanted to.

I don?t know if you know Psly or not he is the great big blue dragon that is the assistant co-ordinator for the sword dueling but is filling in right now over in fists and he was there. Thank goodness because Kyn really needed a dragon last night!

Well come to find out there has been this horrible monster problem over on Twilight Isle of late that I didn?t know nothing about because I don?t go over there. That is where they duel with magic ya see and when I go over there I have to use the magic of the Isle to fight with because I don?t have any of my own. It is still really cool though I must admit.

Anyhow Gav goes over there and lots of our other of our friends do and he had been there earlier and knew they were going out hunting these here monsters but he didn?t have any idea that there was gonna be someone that we knew end up dying on the hunt.

I just can?t believe that Brigath is dead. I?ve known him for years and it was all I could do to try and keep focused on my fight. He and Kyn were getting close and now to have this happen to her my heart was breaking for her as well as for myself.

Art came and helped to soothe her with his flute music. And when the duels closed we took her back to the Inn since she still staying there for now and Elijah and Topaz were there. I?ve never seen Topaz so exhausted and not her usual bubbly self but the Isle is her responsibility and it seemed to me that Brig?s death has hit her very hard just as it has all of us.

Elijah said that he had helped to build the funeral pyre and the goblins I hear tell were howling mournfully as they gathered the wood for it. They work on the Isle in case you haven?t been there yet. So much senseless death it seems now.

Whatever you do don?t waste your life Empress. None of us know what the next moment may bring and this only brings that point home in the most visceral way possible.

Danae was in the Inn also and I saw that wicked Alma talking with her. I may have to put a stop to that because of how things turned out with the Vixen when she went with her to Vienna. I don?t like that woman one little bit!

Darling was talking with Elijah and he explained to Gav and I that she hadn?t wanted to take her tips after having done a good job for her first day at work. She mistakenly thought it was a test like her previous owner used to give her but I think that is all straightened out now.

I?m very sad Empress. I?ll have more gossip tomorrow for you.

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-06-02 12:43 EST
May 31

Dear Empress Jewell,

Last night was ?Katie bar the door night? for my Beloved and I.

We locked the door to 42 Cranapple St. And told the rest of the world to take a hike. Not all of them were listening though apparently but one of the bobby traps I had set in place at the top of the stairs by our door did its job and they ran off just a screaming bloody murder.

I really, really, don?t like that treasurer in the least although I must admit I would have been happier if it had been that Miss Partinger it had caught unawares. I do have plans for her just as soon as this here wedding is over. I am going to locate the most remote, inaccessible, coldest region in Westridge and have her relocated there as a nanny to some snot-nosed little brat.

Anyway Gav and I decided that we deserved a night out of the public eye and took a bottle of champagne with us out onto the balcony along with a couple of glasses and snuggled up together in our swing. It was blissful We sat and talked for hours about everything and nothing.

There were candles and soft music and most of all my Beloved was there with his arms around me while the world just passed by beneath the balcony of our cozy little apartment. We didn?t have a care or worry, there was just us.

I hadn?t realized how much I needed a night with just the two of us and no one else around. Not having to worry about always being smiling and happy go lucky and carefree. Having my attention 20 places at once. I love it when I am out there doing it because I am so used to it and would be lost if I didn?t do it but this night was pure heaven.

I am so lucky that Gav enjoys being out and about just as much as I do. He has just as many friends as I do if not more which makes life so easy for both of us when we go out. Not to mention he makes friends as easily as I do when he doesn?t know people. I seriously doubt my heart could have chose a better man to spend the rest of my life with.

Well this isn?t really gossip so I?ll end here and hopefully have some for you tomorrow since we have the Overlord challenge on our social calendar to attend.

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-06-02 18:15 EST
June 1


I think Topaz may have found herself a man or he found her! And what a man too!! His name is Lucien and they was sitting together at the OL challenge well I didn?t see him actually sit down but he went over to where she was sitting and such elegant manners and all he has. Whew!

Baph was there and I do believe that him and Cass don?t like each other much. They was snipping at each other from what I could tell. Now I am not certain about this because there was a whole lot of talking going on and I could have it mixed up but I am pretty sure.

G, Charlie, and Kaja were all there and sitting together. G was a cheering for the one that won the first duel so that he could get the money he had placed in bets over at the casino. That just so happened to end up being the current Overlord, Damien Mortis.

E(silent) was the Baron that had challenged Damien to the match and he was fighting his best but wasn?t getting anywhere very fast last night it looked like cause that Damien he won it in two straight duels.

Sylus was just like sort of a shadowy thing over at the bar and Alias looked right worried. I would have been worried to if I was in her shoes and loved him and seen him looking like that.

Delroy and Rena both stopped by to see how the challenge was going cause there wasn?t any dueling going on in the Arena at the time. Kyn came over to the Annex also which is where it was being held and she had this here wolf following her. Said it just showed up after Brig?s death and has been following her around ever since.

Misty bounded in and came over but I think the wolf really bothered her because she didn?t stay very long at all. She was in and right back out again. She didn?t even try the nachos that Gav had been sweet enough to get for the two of us when we first got there to snack on with our beers.

Aya was there cheering for E(silent) every step of the way and Rakeesh even came which I admit surprised me with the bounty that Damien and Baph still have on his head. I bet that Damien?s next challenge will be from Rakeesh but we will have to wait and see on that.

There were probably other people there that I could not see and hear through the crowd as it was very crowded. Thankfully Shard?s voice carries so we were able to hear her calls easily and could follow the action in the ring quite well.

Gav and I did stop by the Inn for a bit afterwards but there was hardly anyone there at all. Tasha was talking to someone that I have only seen once and have yet to get their name. Icer was talking to someone named Von Locke who Elijah, my ranch foreman, tells me is interested in buying a horse from me and that is really all.

Oh and Tina and Danae were there too. We didn?t really visit with anyone though. We kept to ourselves and shared a bottle of wine and a dance then we went home.

Maybe things will be more active on the gossip front this weekend!

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-06-08 18:19 EST

There ain?t no amount of gossip I can tell ya right now. I am so busy that I am meeting myself a coming and a going and in the middle in between.

Your brother and Charlotte are definitely getting hitched and they is just awaiting for you to get back. They almost done did it in the common room just the other night but my Boy Toy really is wanting you there so they is gonna wait for ya to come back.

Other than Vanion almost a killing me the other night by setting fire to the Annex which he is now claiming that he didn?t do and that that poor Dimitri did and I got to tell ya that it is right strange because I am hearing that that Dimitri is admitting to some folks that he did set that there fire when I seen with my own two eyes that Vanion did it and I was almost killed and he did threaten me and is claiming that he didn?t.

There ain?t too terrible much that I have seen going on around here because I have been so caught up in trying to get everything ready for the Royal Wedding. I?ll tell you what when you and that there really nice guy Skyler are finally ready to get yourselves married RUN OFF!!!

Do NOT let some council tell ya any different either. Don?t let some high faluting hoity toity little miss thinks she knows it all and her you know what doesn?t stink tell ya any different either!!

Of course I don?t know that you have any cats that would shred important lists and you probably already have very nice manners and know how to go on in high society just fine so you wouldn?t have to put up with well let?s just say she isn?t going to be around for long after the wedding.

I bet you wouldn?t even have to worry about where you were going to find over a hundred towels and figure out a way to disguise just why you were needing them there towels for all your guests too.

But Kyn my Maid of Honor she is a sly one and had it all figured out real quick-like for me thank goodness! We is disguising their real purpose by calling them Wedding Favors and they is gonna be real pretty too.

Dana is luckily able to get that many and some extras because since my oh so precious Little Kali Kat destroyed one of the lists I had to go and post the invite in the town square to make sure that everyone that should have been invited got invited. I hope and pray that everyone saw the invitation because I don?t want no war and I don?t want no hurt feelings neither.

And then there is the music that has to be picked out and then your brother who is giving me away reminded me that there was supposed to be a rehersal of some kind before and what was he supposed to wear and then there was my dress and the material and there was the flowers and that dang nab it treasurer that will NOT leave me ALONE!!! About what costs how much and where did I get it and did I price it elsewhere first. Like I have time to be going from shop to shop right now.

Then there was Gav having to hurry back to Westridge during the first of the week about some kind of business that I didn?t really understand because I was so busy trying to get this here Royal Wedding all put together and if I had slowed down any and gone with him this here thing would never be done all on time and as it is now we are just now getting around to asking someone to perform the ceremony for us!!

I swear if we was moving any faster we would be going backwards Empress!!!!!!!

Anyhow as you can see I ain?t been having time to be gathering gossip lately but after this here wedding is over maybe then things will die down to a dull roar at least.

Miss you!