Topic: In Search Of Anubis.

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-04-20 15:59 EST
The woman had shown up again at the Inn according to Icer. But still no sign of Travanix. That was a good thing though decided the cowgirl. She still had time to get all her pieces in place. But time was running out as long as that stranger keep showing up she thought.

Having talked everything over with her beloved French Pirate husband and explained to him each tiny detail of how she was related to each of the four men she was sending out letters to and why she had chosen them specifically she was relieved to find that he agreed with her judgement.

He had held her close and kissed her, showering her with words of praise and compliments. Reassuring her that he was there for her and always would be no matter what anyone else thought of her for doing what she was about to do.

Des hated Slavery in all of its forms but there was one Slaver she had known for years that she had always been frightened of yet in a strange way fascinated by and that was Anubis. She knew him from the Arena and had only ever seen him there Dueling. He was wicked good at it and she admired him for that.

He treated her with disdain as he did all women yet also with respect for her position as a Caller. It was a strange thing she thought and not something she had ever really been quite able to figure out even after all this time. But that didn?t stop her from being nice to him when she saw him and treating him just like she did everyone else. With warm smiles and calling him ?Darlin?.?

As the years passed the disdain wasn?t quite so pronounced but there was still a cool distance he kept but she had decided that was just the way he was and some nights there was that disdain just as bad as it ever was. It was really bad on the nights he was in a foul mood and there were many of those but she needed help now from someone that would know how to handle another Slaver bent on collaring two friends of hers.

She wasn?t going to think that he would turn her down because surely to goodness he wouldn't after them knowing each other for so long and her always being nice to him. But if he did well she?d have to find someone else. Him being married and all now she wasn?t certain he would step up to help her but it never hurt to ask so she ran down the stairs from the Inn and into the Outback and glanced around then hollered since there were Duels going on. ?Anybody seen Anubis??

Kalinda told her he was in the Annex at a special tournament they had going on after the fund raiser they had. She was off and running without even saying a proper farewell to anyone. She did notice that G had taken an interest in her question but she didn?t have time to stop and satisfy his curiosity tonight. He would just have to wonder about it for now. Of course there would be the rumors; better to be talked about with Anubis than Harris!

She made it to the Annex in record time and halted by the wall to try and catch her breath as her gaze roamed around the few Duelers left in the tournament while hollering as she panted. ?Anybody seen Anubis?? The answer was grim. She had missed him by a mere thirty minutes. Slumping against the wall she heard Tass and brightened a bit as he offered to eat Travanix. The Baron Dragon Lord told her he was hungry. Des couldn?t help but smile and thank him at the offer.

She wasn?t real sure the Sith Lord could be eaten but Anubis would surely know if he could so she wrote him a letter and sent it off with the rest. She had hopes that maybe Anubis would even have some information about this Lord Travanix and could give it to her so she could use it against him if Anubis couldn?t or wouldn?t help her out himself.

Then it was back to her husband and waiting for the next move in the game. She still had a few powerful friends, people didn?t know she had that she could call on in a pinch, but she was still holding those cards close to her chest.

The petite Bartender and Duel Caller did not want to start an all out war in Rhydin. She only wanted to protect herself, her husband, and her friends.