Topic: Mutual Crushes.

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-04-24 10:23 EST
=-Continued from having a drink together after Des finished tending bar in the Inn-=

Gavilean gave her hand a squeeze as they walk silently along the cobblestone street, departing the Inn.

Tera de La Fontaine paused on the porch and smiled to Guido before stepping out into the night. "Well this will certainly set some people back on their heels."

He grinned and replied, "You think so? I don't want to cause you any problems, Des. I can explain to Jean. He doesn't seem the jealous type."

Chuckles warmly and shakes her head slowly. "Nah, Jean knows he can trust me. I ain't the type to fool around on him and you know me well enough to know that too Darlin'. I really have missed ya though. You been doing all right?" Smiles softly to him as she returns the squeeze to his hand while matching her pace to his. She was content to slowly stroll the street beside him.

He looked up at the stars and the familiar constellations. Sounds of voices came from a few of the shops and homes as they passed by, a dog barked down the street and a closer one replied; but mostly they were alone on the street.

His hand enjoyed the feel of hers in it. "I've been doing okay. I've been doing a lot of traveling and attending the affairs of my home, keeping pretty much to myself, behaving myself. When I saw you in the Arena with Tele the other night, all the memories came flooding back to me. I used to have a crush on you, you know."

Her voice was quiet when she replied, almost hushed in quality, "No, I didn't know because I'll be honest with you right here and now I had a crush on you too." Smiles over at him again as she chuckles once more and thinks back down the many years that have passed since then. "I never thought you ever gave me a second look back then. It would have been nice to know back then that ya did."

He laughed and took her into a hug. "Oh Des, I had so many troubles in those days. I wouldn't have wanted to bring you into all that." He held her tight, "And besides, you never told me that you had a crush on me. I would have loved to have known that." He kissed her forehead.

Laughs warmly with him as she returns the hug just as tightly. "You are right about that. I guess I could have spoken up back then. But I wasn't as outspoken then as I am now. Now days I would just grab ya like I did Jean." Grins up to him.

He looked down into her eyes, "Yeah, I wish. If only I had gotten here a little sooner. I would have fought him for you, Des." Damn but she smelled and felt good in his arms. "I guess happiness is just not meant to be for me."

Places the tips of two fingers over his lips and shakes her head slowly. Her heart was breaking in two at the thought of what might have been and him thinking he could never be happy now. That he would have actually fought for her amazed her. Navy eyes filled with tears as they held his gaze. "Oh lord please don't do this Gav. I"m begging you don't do this. He doesn't Duel."

Seeing her eyes fill with tears made him realize how deep emotions ran for both of them. He made a faint smile, "You're right. I'm sorry." He put his arm around her shoulder, "Okay, babe, where is this castle of yours?"

She wanted so badly to just make everything all right for him. She snuggled beneath his shoulder with an arm around his waist and leaned slightly against his side as she took a deep breath to regain her composure. Those old feelings were all right on the surface at the moment and weren't wanting to go back where they belonged.

She glanced around trying to figure out where they were. "Three streets over I think. We just got the place yesterday Darlin'. Please don't apologize for my over-reacting. My fault not yours Gav."

They walked along the street and he thought how perfect it felt having her with him, under his arm. Nevertheless, she'd never be his and he was determined he'd not torture himself desiring something he could never have. "I'm happy for you, Des. I really am. I'm glad you've found happiness with your pirate. I'm sure he loves you very much."

Smiles and nods to him as she walks along the cobblestones. "I've never been happier that I can remember Darlin'. Jean is absolutely wonderful, kind, caring, considerate, protective. I could just go on and on but I won't because that would be rude of me. I could find you someone too! I am very good at that."

He laughed, "I guess I'm looking pretty desperate these days. Who can you set me up with. Anyone as beautiful and wonderful as you, Des? You don't have a twin sister, do you?"

Chuckles warmly. "No twin sisters but I will find you someone from the Inn Darlin'! All of my couples so far are doing very well." Grins impishly to him.

"Okay, I'm game. I'd love to see who you're going to set me up with." They approach Crabapple Street and he feels they are arriving much too fast.

Points out her and her husband's new home. "There it is Darlin'!" Smiles to him and picks up the pace at the thought of finally getting home to see her beloved French Pirate who was no doubt waiting for her with some kind of special treat. "Okay just give me a few days to select someone that I know will work with you as a good couple Gav. I don't want to make the wrong choice for ya."

"I agree with you on that one, Des! Definitely don't want the wrong choice." They stopped at the front porch of the apartment house. His voice was soft, the elfin part of him being noticable in the soft music of his voice, "I guess I should let you get upstairs to your husband. Thank you for this time together, Des. I really enjoyed it." The word 'enjoy' didn't begin to described what he was feeling for her.

Des smiled softly to him and hugged him tightly then leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you for the drink and for seeing me home safely Gav. I really do hope I see you again soon." She was sincere in wanting to see him again. He was a close friend and she trusted him with her secrets which was something she didn't trust many with. She knew she could turn to him in a time of need and he wouldn't question that need he would just be there for her and that kind of friend was hard to come by.

"You'll see me again, Des. I promise." He winked, "Have a good night and give my regards to Jean." He turned and walked away, his insides suddenly feeling very empty.

"I will Darlin'!" She called after him then leaned against the front door with her arms crossed over her chest and watched until he was out of sight.