Topic: Reclaiming Independence

Tera Destre

Date: 2009-01-17 00:30 EST
Sunlight crept through the window of the waking woman?s room. Lashes lifted a tad bit to assess the angle of shadows being cast by the pale light. A series of mutters broke the morning stillness. There was a furious rustling of bedding as the shape in the bed executed a combination turn, flip, roll to lay on her other side. The heap of covers she had over her were drawn up until a nose peeking out was all that could be seen.

It wasn?t that the room was cold. The problem lay soley in the fact it was morning and this particular female didn?t do morning well. Well at least not before a second or third cup of good, strong coffee. The kind most likely able to hold up a horseshoe were one ever set in the steaming liquid. It occurred to her sleep muddled mind that just perhaps one of these days she?d give that a try to see what would happen if she ever decided to give up the cozy comfort of her bed. There was always that first hurdle to get past it seemed.

Another mutter followed by an outright grumble then a low primitive growl came from the heap of covers. Wildly disarrayed chestnut curls appeared then eyelids fringed with dark lashes to go with the nose that had been visible. Begrudgingly the lashes gave up their hold on her cheeks to reveal navy blue eyes that blinked three times before her vision came into focus. A long drawn out exhale of breath later and she was certain of her surroundings along with the why of them.

Spied upon!

He was having her watched. Every minute of every dang blasted day no matter where she was or what she was doing someone was taking notes. If they weren?t literally writing them down they were still memorizing every detail and reporting it to someone and she knew exactly who that someone was. There was only one person that would dare to even attempt to spy on her and she knew their name and not only that she knew exactly where they lived and what they looked like right down to the smallest detail.

It had taken a while for her to notice that shifting in the shadows or that flash of sunlight off of something just at the corner of her eye as she turned. That stranger that seemed somehow familiar but wasn?t familiar exactly when she went into a shop and lingered to browse the wares. That person way down at the end of the bar or in a booth that never seemed to be paying any attention to anything yet seemed to constantly be alert to their surroundings that a body would only see once or twice at the most in a crowd that tended to be mostly the same faces day to day.

She hadn?t really wanted to come to town in the first place to be protected then to turn around and find out she was being spied on on top of it as though she couldn?t be trusted after all these years? The cowgirl was not happy and when she wasn?t happy things were bound to happen that wouldn?t be all that pleasant as a few who had been shot could tell of first hand.

That is how she found herself in her old room at the Red Dragon Inn all snug and comfy under the heap of covers in the early morning light. She was ready to take the bull by the horns and reclaim her independence.

Tera Destre

Date: 2009-05-26 23:49 EST
"This is gettin' me absolutely nowhere.", she muttered into the quiet of the room right before flinging off the covers and abruptly throwing her legs over the side of the bed. The sudden upright position brought more blinking while a hand raked back tousled curls from her sleep flushed face. In the end she found it much easier just to give her head a violent shake and let the chestnut waves fall back over her shoulders with the aid of gravity.

She thought to herself that she could have stretched a mile if she hadn't had to walk back, a saying she had always found brought a smile to her face, her actions suiting the thought gaining the still slumbering cat on the dresser a smile. A luxurious stretch was incorporated into her standing from the bed bringing her up on tip toes with her hands clasped high over her head. A sigh passed as she relaxed each tensed muscle one by one.

The next stop was the bathroom for a quick wash up. Des then picked out and put on a pair of well worn jeans, t- shirt, old boots, and folded her oiled leather duster over an arm. Her favorite hat completed her choice of outfit for the day along with a pair of leather work gloves shoved in a back pocket of her jeans. She paused to stroke Little Kali Kat and make sure she had food and water before opening the door to her room.

The smells and sounds of the morning Inn filled the hallway with familiarity along with memories of days past. How long had it been since she had walked out into this hallway in the morning? Her boots rang on the wooden floor even though she tried her best to stroll quietly to the stairs. By the time she reached the top of the stairs she was walking in an exaggerated tip toeing attempt to keep from waking those that may be still sleeping in the rooms she had to pass. This was not good and tomorrow she vowed she'd carry these dang boots til she got to the stairs. All she wanted was her morning coffee then a trip to the Courthouse for the all important papers that were waiting for her.

After her coffee she headed for the large building and in she went. Not long after out she bounded with a radiant smile and the papers tucked neatly into her pocket, she could finally smell freedom.