Topic: Setting the Record Straight


Date: 2007-04-02 07:15 EST
Stephen's mind was ablaze with a blinding fury as he crumpled up the paper and threw it at the wall. He had rose early and had been indulging in morning ritual of reading the paper, and enjoying a cup of hot tea. There of course had been the little digs from Franco, but he had come to actually accept those and pay little heed to them (Though the comment of him being unworthy to be associated with having sex with stung a little still), but there on the back page "We can't really make heads or tails of the situation! First it was best friend and best friend going after the same pirate-y captain! Now it's best friend and sister!? The Ice Queen was seen caressing the cheek of the pirate her sister has been eyeing and mackin' it with for weeks now! Best part? She has her own pirate at home! Leave some for your sister, hunny? she's lonely!" it was an afront to everything Stephen was.

There were many ways to handle ones displeasure with someone or something. Some people wrote letters, some would simply sit down face to face and have a conversation, some would simply take it with a grain of salt and let time heal wounds. It could be supposed that the later would have been the best course of action for Stephen to take since the little snippet of gossip was absurd and held not even a smidgen of truth to it, but Stephen was not one of those people and even now his temper was getting the better of him.

He dressed quickly, and made a point of drawing out the process of slipping on his baldric, and shoving a pair of pistols into his belt hoping it would perhaps calm him to more rational thought. The effect was exactly the opposite as it set him more in his resolve. His eyes were set like cold steel as he marched through the streets a single purpose on his mind, the Oracle offices. A more rational, thoughtful person might have stopped then to reconsider the plan, but not Stephen rational and forethought were not a part of his make up when he was mad. He put a booted foot to the front door and kicked it in. As he strode into the offices, his hand resting on the handle of one of his pistols he could be heard yelling.
"Where be the person tha' be in charge o' this rag o' lies. I be wantin' some words wit' them I do!"


Date: 2007-04-02 11:31 EST
Becky was in the middle of doing what she does best: filing her nails. She was admiring her fine work when the door gets kicked. She almost dropped the nail file!

"Where be the person tha' be in charge o' this rag o' lies. I be wantin' some words wit' them I do!" Said the man at the door armed to the nines.

Oh no, he did not! She didn't get paid enough to put up with this. "Please have a seat, Sir. Someone will be right with you." She points to the chairs by the wall with a well-manicured hand while the other pushes a button under her desk.

Out from the side door opposite of the stairs comes Bubba and Bertha, the stockboys. Well, more like stockpersons if you want to be policatlly correct, but they look more like stocky people if you ask Becky.

Bubba and Bertha stand with their arms crossed over their chest before the man. "Sir, we are gonna have to take your weapons."


Date: 2007-04-02 14:38 EST
Stephen sneered at the pair as they asked for his weapons.

"Nae nae nae if'n I give up me weapons then 'ow do ye expect me tae kill them's tha' be writin' these lies?"

Stephen was quite serious about not handing over his weapons, and in fact the fact that there were a pair of people in front of him wanting him to disarm, and the fact he had two pistols tucked into his belt was not lost on him. Something nagged at the back of his mind though, about this being one of Jewell's work places. Perhaps better to remain some sense of order and act civilized on her account anyway. His hand moved away from the handle of his pistol as he spoke again.

"Fine I will put me things on the lassie's desk 'ere aye. Now scamper off an' find me someone tae check facts wit' aye."

Sliding his baldric over his shoulder he then tossed it at the young lady with the pretty nails. His pistols were removed and placed on the desk. Now he waited trying to think of what to say when he found someone to talk with.

Captain James Black

Date: 2007-04-02 15:06 EST
Several miles away another pirate was also reading the Oracle and was enjoying it until he came to the Gossip column.

Then he started to really enjoy it, except that the coffee he was sipping was suddenly spewed over the page as he choked.

?Wyh, lass!? he called out from the sunroom where he and Wyheree usually shared their breakfasts. ?C?mere, m'love! I need me a pirate lass t? sit on m? lap.?

When she was all comfy he pointed to the paper and grinned, ?Look a? this. They say ye gave ol? Stephen a ?beard test? wi? ye hand. Now tell me, whose face be smoother?? He gave her a wink and they both had a good laugh. After breakfast and a good deal of cuddling and kissing, Captain James Black headed off to the Oracle office. He had strapped on his saber, and out of habit he slipped both pistols into his waistband. Pirates often carried more than one pistol because the moist salt air of the sea could dampen the gunpowder and cause a misfire ? something that was not likely to happen in the Oracle office.

- - -

The front door of the Oracle office was already wide open and so he just walked inside. Two stocky people were asking for the weapons of the afore referenced pirate, and as anyone should know, you never ask a pirate to surrender his weapons.

?It?s weapons ye want?? he said with a smirk and stood beside Stephen. He drew both pistols and aimed at the two stocky persons. ?Then I think ye be havin? to try t? take ?em from th? both of us; and from th? last I?ve heard, lead in th? head is as annoyin? t? large folks jus? as much as th? small ones.?

He gave a quick glance to Stephen and winked. "Ye be far too accomodatin', sir. Take back ye weapons and let's go pay a friendly visit t' th' Editor."


Date: 2007-04-02 15:22 EST
Becky picks up the weapons with her fingertips and a half disgusting expression, while muttering to herself about how uncivilized men can be. When yet another pirate walks in. She thinks there must be some sort of convention nearby.

"Ye be far too accomodatin', sir. Take back ye weapons and let's go pay a friendly visit t' th' Editor." Said the other pirate.

Oh no, he did not! She's gonna ask for raise after this! She looks at Bubba who gives her back a quick nod.

"Sorry Sir. Orders are orders. No weapons allowed in the building." He points at the sign by the receptionist's desk. "You are gonna have to leave your weapons down here."


Date: 2007-04-02 15:31 EST
Stephen was a bit shocked at first at the sight of James, but then broke into a smirk.

"I be nae as accomodatin' as ye might thin'. "

Tapping the cuff of his coat in conspiring way to reveal to James a third small pistol hidden up there. Some knives and other various weapons were still undoubtedly still upon his person. Looking at Becky who was taking his things he frowned a bit.

"I dun remember sayin' tae take them anywhere. Beside look a' tha' ye 'ave gone an' messed up yer pretty nails."

"If'n by editor ye mean the person in charge then aye lets pay them a visit."

Tera Destre

Date: 2007-04-02 15:35 EST
The cowgirl Queen had heard the commotion of the front door being kicked open and couldn?t resist going to see what was happening. She hopped up from her desk and snuck over to watch from just around the corner. Her eyes widened when she spotted what was one angry looking Stephen having a tantrum at Becky?s desk. Then before she knew it here came Wyh?s husband having a fit of his own but he was pointing weapons at the staff no less!

All was fine and good until that happened. Des could have kept right on in her little sneaky place watching and enjoying the show up til then but now she had no choice but to act as it was not Becky, Bubba, and Bertha?s fault there was a rule about no weapons in the office building. Not to mention there was no way she was going to let these here two bully their way out of following the rules as she knew them both from the Inn and tending bar there.

She quickly scampered back into the desk area and filled herself two huge buckets of ice water just like she kept when she was on duty in the Red Dragon Inn then oh so casually strolled out into the reception area carrying on in each hand and proceeded to set them at her feet before straightening to look first to Stephen as he had arrived first then to James with a smile to each in turn.

?Howdy boys! I heard y?all come in. What shall it be today? Shall we have a nice little visit about whatever brings y?all here or shall I be coolin? you boys off a bit and then we?ll have a nice little visit? As always the choice is yours. Oh and ya do both know about my daggers right boys??

She smiled again to them politely and patiently waited to see what choice they each would make as ice water or concealed daggers or polite conversation either of the three would work for her just fine. The cowgirl Queen was not picky when it came to rowdy friends wanting to perhaps indulge in a little mayhem.


Date: 2007-04-02 15:53 EST
Jewell was sitting in her cushy office she had built not too long ago, feet up on her desk, flipping through a fashion magazine. Sometimes it was good to be the Empress. Her office had been purposefully positioned at the center of The Oracle world to ensure that she wouldn't miss anything exciting going on. Usually at least one exciting event occurred a month and it seemed The Oracle was starting out strong this month.

The door to her office was left open a crack and through it she heard the raised voices of both Stephen and James before Des joined in. It didn't take a genius to come to a conclusion on why those two picked today to visit the newspaper, Jewell had read the gossip section earlier in the day herself; it was the first section she turned to each time because she was bound to find something unpleasant about herself in there.

She was just going to let Becky try and handle both her new love interest and her brother-in-law, she didn't really like that girl anyways. Besides, it would be fun to listen in and hear what the two men had to say to dear Amal anyways. However, things took a turn when Des stepped in. She knew the situation could get ugly so she snuck out of her office and, ducking behind different cubicles and people, made her way stealthily towards the lobby area.

She was just coming up behind Des when one of the young interns, some starry-eyed young man with zits exploding all over his face, greeted her. "Hi Ms. Jewell!" He screeched out, effectively blowing her cover. Usually she found his complete adoration somewhat cute and useful because he often did all the paperwork she didn't care for. Today she wanted to ring his neck.

After sending a murderous glance his way, she strolled up towards Des and the others without hiding behind anything. "Des, I sure hope you aren't threatening two of my most favoritest men in RhyDin, are you?" She had heard that comment about the daggers! "I'm sure they don't mean harm to anyone who doesn't totally deserve it."

All they needed was for Wyh to show up and they could make The Oracle's little comment about a three-some come true, maybe throw James and Des in there to make the story even juicier.


Date: 2007-04-02 16:03 EST
Stephen had turned his attentions from Becky to Des, and was just about ready to open his mouth when Jewell's presence was announced. He paused for a moment collecting his thoughts before proceeding.

"Ye be in charge 'ere?" He looked to Des give a brief consideration to the buckets she had brought with her. He and James had brought guns and swords, Des buckets and daggers god only knew what Jewell was going to bring to the party.

Looking to James he questioned.

"She be the editor? There be nae sense in me threatenin' the wrong person aye."

Stephen quickly grabbed a spare copy of the Oracle from Beckys desk and started towards Des, holding the paper up and pointing to the back page.

"Who be writin' these lies?"


Date: 2007-04-02 16:52 EST
Becky stood behind her desk, which was behind Bubba and Bertha, which were behind Des and Jewell who were before Stephen and Black. You could almost hear her smug "hmph!"

But that was until Stephen reached for a copy of the Oracle. She looked annoyed. How rude of him.

"Who be writin' these lies?" Asked Stephen.

Becky, back to smiling smugly, points to the inbox marked as Gossip which is located to the side of the room.

Captain James Black

Date: 2007-04-02 16:57 EST
James looked to Stephen and shrugged, too bewildered to even comment. This place was nuttier than his ship, and that was saying something. He just shook his head and slipped his pistols back into his belt, wondering how his wife managed to remain so sane.

?G?morn, Des. . . Jewell. Always a pleasure t? be seein? ye lovely faces.?

He was just about to tell Stephen that Des was not the editor when his fellow pirate took the spare copy of the paper and put it in front of Des? face.

James stood there, feet slightly spread, arms across his chest in proper pirate fashion, and totally enjoying the entire scene. He had to conclude that as amusing as the Oracle paper was, it couldn?t hold a candle to the Oracle office. That fact that the Oracle got anything correct was a bloody miracle.

He moved over to Des, along side Stephen. ?Yeah?we want t? string up th? bloody, gossiping liar from a yardarm!?


Date: 2007-04-02 20:31 EST
Wyh and James had indeed enjoyed a good laugh over the gossip tidbit about her in the Oracle, and so she gave it little thought when he mentioned visiting the office - that is, until he did not return from his usual morning walk straightaway. Since she needed to stop by the Office anyway, she thought about her icy desk, the area just behind it, kept clear for just this purpose - and she disappeared from the sunroom.

Reappearing in a swirl of ice and mist behind her desk, the first thing she heard was Stephen yelling. so she slipped quietly to the front of the Office. Her silver eyes swept over the scene - Stephen with the Oracle held before Des, James next to him, Jewell on the other side of Des closest to her own office, Becky with that "I am not getting paid enough for this" look on her face, and Bubba and Bertha blocking off Amal's office. One husband, one sister, one best friend and one dear friend - this had all the makings of a front page story, one she was quite keen to avoid.

She slowly stepped into the open reception room, noting the two buckets - familiar from when she hosted with Des. With a shake of her head and a grin, she headed into the fray. "James, I did not expect your walk would bring you here - and Stephen as well, what a surprise. And good morning Sissy and Des! I stopped to see if there was a story I needed to do for the next Oracle - and I see one is brewing as we speak!"

Captain James Black

Date: 2007-04-02 23:06 EST
James was glad to see his beloved wife enter the reception area at the Oracle office ? glad but also surprised.

All this was fun for him since he knew he could trust his wife 110% and she could trust him the same; so to be honest (which pirates seldom are), the blurb in the paper didn?t bother him at all. Nevertheless, he was always up for giving a gossip columnist a cannon ball wound in the chest.

?Wyh, love! Ye be not workin? today, but I?m so happy t? see ye.? He held out his arm for her to come by his side. ?I 'ad no idea a news office could be so much fun. No wonder ye work ?ere!?


Date: 2007-04-03 00:47 EST
"Mary muther, Joseph an' sweet baby jaysus!"

Stephen exclaimed as Wyheree showed up on the scene. He was getting a bit anxious to begin with, but now he felt as if everyone was watching. Des still had not answered him when he saw Becky's smug grin and her pointing to the box. Wheeling arround to face her the third pistol he had kept hidden up his sleeve was now in hand. There was no wasted motion as it slid into his hand it was cocked and leveled at Becky's head. This was not at all how he had seen this playing out, but the thought of wiping that smug look off Becky's face did make it worthwhile.

"Are ye claimin' responsiblity lass?"

Stephen had not bothered to check before he acted, so he was surely hoping to hell James still had those pistols leveled, and protecting his back.


Date: 2007-04-03 10:07 EST
Chaos. Enough chaos to make her want to toss back her head and laugh herself silly. She grinned across the growing crowd to her Sissy when she appeared. Now things were really getting good. She even took a quick glance around, expecting Brian to come flying out of the ceiling or some other unexpected place, wielding wombats.

It was probably better that Brian didn't appear because the scene was out-of-control enough as is. Brows reached for her hairline as Stephen pointed his third, hidden until this point, pistol at Becky's head. She made no move to interject. Hell, she was hoping he did kill her or at least make her think twice about ever bothering her again about taking three hour lunches.

Of course, she had to do something. She didn't want Des whipping out those knives of hers and cutting Stephen into little pirate-pieces. With a little application of magic, she took control of the water in those two buckets Des had. Causing the molecules to speed up, the content of the buckets quickly went from water to steam (not hot enough to go melting skin off) shooting upwards.

Tera Destre

Date: 2007-04-03 10:10 EST
Des had been surprised to see Jewell joining her but always happy to see her Keg Sister. ?Howdy Keg Sister! Now would I be threatening somebody right here in The Oracle office building?? While she was speaking she was doing her best to inconspicuously shove her full buckets of incriminating ice water off to the side under Becky?s desk with a foot. That is not to say that she didn?t know darn good and well that Jewell had already seen the evidence. It only meant she was trying to now hide it to get herself out of trouble.

The next thing she knew though Stephen was also checking out her infamous, or famous, buckets that she always used to head off trouble when necessary to calm tempers as she had been given a talking to by that nasty Miss Partinger about Queens not being allowed to go around stabbing whoever they pleased with daggers.

Hence now the buckets of ice water first but oh how she missed being able to just gut people instead. Oh how she still hated that prim and proper deportment teacher Miss Partinger, highest mountain top in Westridge or not as that woman?s new home. Des smiled to Stephen as she glanced to the paper while Becky pointed to the anonymous box labeled GOSSIP nailed to the wall when he asked who wrote the column. She was about to answer him when James spoke up.

She turned to smile to James. ?Howdy James and a right fine mornin? it is indeed. Sad to say I only had a half a cup of coffee so far and if I ain?t allowed to gut none of you boys I am positive that y?all ain?t stringing no one up by the yardarm for words on a piece of paper.?

Then suddenly there was James? wife joining them and the amount of room to maneuver in the reception area was cut down drastically. ?Fearless Wyh!? She smiled warmly to her but then suddenly things took a very wrong turn as Stephen produced a pistol and pointed it straight at Becky?s head. ?Lordy be! Duck Becky!?

It was in that moment that everything hunting down Brian had taught her came back to her. Time seemed to slow to a crawl. Everyone looked to be moving in slow motion. Des slid a hand around to the back of her waistband of her jeans and withdrew her own pistol, fast as could be, to take deadly aim straight at Stephen?s jugular without hesitation nor fear for what might happen she pulled the trigger! The gun went off sending a dart hurtling at the Pirate?s exposed throat!

KER-PLUNK!!! Was the sound of her nerf pistol going off in the closed in space.

"Put your weapons away or I'm gonna shoot y'all and then I'm gonna call Amal to start dropping houses boys!"

Captain James Black

Date: 2007-04-03 12:34 EST
He had heard that Des was one crazy woman, and if there were any doubts in his mind regarding the veracity of that report, those doubts had just been utterly squelched. The very fact that Stephen didn?t blow Becky?s head off ? or Des? ? was nothing other than divine intervention (or perhaps it was the soothing menthol vapors within the steam Jewell had created).

This had gone far enough.

His right hand pulled out a pistol that he had tucked within his belt, he raised it up and pointed it at his own temple.



Date: 2007-04-03 13:46 EST
Wyh had moved by her husband's side, still keeping her silver eyes on the rapidly escalating situation. Jewell had effectively vaporized the water, whch soon became mist as the steam neared her, Stephen had a pistol trained on the ever annoying Becky - Wyh personally would not mind seeing a more qualified receptionist take her place, Des firing her Nerf pistol at Stephen - and now James with his pistol to his own head? If they were all fated to make the front page of the next Oracle..

With her eyes glowing, and a slight wave of her hand, ice began forming along the floor, radiating from where she stood by James, creeping up over Stephen, wrapping around the little pistol he had aimed at the receptionist, over Des, ice glutting up the odd weapon, and finally over the pistol in James' hand. The cold meeting the steam made the whole office fill with thick, swirling mist.

"I do not think pistols will solve this particular problem, whether aimed at the "lovely" rceptionist or anywhere else." She gently pulled the pistol away from James' head. I am sure Amal will not object to a little article detailing the truth of that gossip piece, now will she, Des? It is far better than having bullets and darts and houses flying about this poor Office."

She kept the ice held in place, and turned her eyes to Bubba and Bertha. "Perhaps you two could go find Lady Amal?"

Captain James Black

Date: 2007-04-03 14:04 EST
James just hated it whenever Wyh froze his pistol.

(Well, not THAT pistol! The one he was holding in his hand. Wait, that doesn?t sound right either. She and James truly believe that ?Happiness is a warm gun?, believe me! Let me start over.)

James just hated it when Wyh froze his flintlock that was momentarily pointed at his head. So he lowered the gun and nodded in agreement with his precious wife. ?Aye, love. As they say, ?Honesty is th? best policy?. So, let?s make up a great story for th' paper!?


Date: 2007-04-03 15:14 EST
Jewell gasped as Des just went ahead and shot Stephen in the throat. Sure, it was a nerf gun and all--she was very familiar with this brand of toy after dear Uncle Brian armed all of her children with them at one point--but it was the principle of the thing.

As Wyh went about diffusing the situation by freezing everyone's weapons and James held a gun to his head (she was starting to doubt the sanity of her brother in law) Jewell stepped over to Des. *Smack!* She thwapped her Keg Sister's arm lightly, "How dare you shoot my Stephen! I'll get Amal to drop a house on you!"


Date: 2007-04-03 15:16 EST
Stephen felt the dart hit him right in neck. He turned to Des looking a bit shocked as he asked "Did ye jus' shoot me?" Turning to look at Jewel his pistol still aimed at Becky. "She shot me!"

It was then he started to feel the effects of Wyh's ice. Nerf guns, ice, steaming buckets and suicidal pirates oh my. Stephen knew he wouldn't be shooting Becky anytime soon, and thus cursed loudly before calming down.

"Will someone jus' tell me who the blazes be writin' these lies!"


Date: 2007-04-03 16:18 EST
Becky ducked when she heard Tera, she heard all the commotion from behind the desk. No, no, no.. this is not worth it! I do not get paid enough money to put up with this. That's it!!

She stood up from behind her desk, people and guns frozen. Her face angry.

"Will someone jus' tell me who the blazes be writin' these lies!" Asks Stephen.

"No one does! We get annonymous tips, you... you... you... pig headed pirate!" Becky screams at him. She picks up her stuff and slams the desk drawer. "That's it! I quit! I don't get paid enough to put up with this!!"

And out the door she goes.

Tera Destre

Date: 2007-04-03 22:31 EST
Des blinked as ice crept over her and her ?deadliest weapon known to man?, the nerf pistol. She blinked again and looked to Jewell as she got thwaped on the arm for doing what had to be done in her mind. Stop the cold blooded Pirate murder of their receptionist, the no count, good for nothing but filing her nails, Becky.

The sweetest most charming smile a person ever did see was offered to Stephen as he exclaimed that she had shot him as though he couldn?t believe that she had indeed done it. ?Now Stephen ya gotta understand ya was about to commit murder and mayhem and that I just couldn?t allow. I?m sure that things will look better after you jerk that dart that is sticking onto your neck off it.?

James she just couldn?t believe had pointed a pistol at his own head and that had her shaking her head as she knew she was maybe, kind of, sort of, perhaps a little out of line for shooting a visitor to the office building but if a visitor was going to shoot themselves they had bigger problems than her shooting people on their hands. Marco was going to have a field day with them if this ever got out and there went Becky out the door. Too bad it took something like this to get rid of her finally.

?Wyh unfreeze me and let me go. We gotta silence Becky before she gets to Marco or we is all doomed! Stephen ya just think our gossip is bad. Go kill that dang blasted no count nail filing ex-receptionist of ours please now that she don?t work here no more she is fair game and needs shootin?! And fast!?


Date: 2007-04-04 07:06 EST
Jewell seemed to take Des quite seriously about killing Becky. Perhaps she really didn't want that stupid Marco hearing about this incident so he could say she needed anger management again or maybe she was just annoyed that Becky had called Stephen a "pig headed pirate." It could even be that she had been waiting for this chance for many months now.

Whatever the reason may be, The Empress was in action. She grabbed Stephen's pistols from the receptionist's desk and handed them over to him in exchange for pulling that rubber dart off his neck, "Go get her, baby. It's all her fault."


Date: 2007-04-04 14:59 EST
He had his pistols back and the encouragement from Jewell and permission from Des. How much better could it possibly get for him. He quickly moved out the front door of the Oracle office and took aim on the hastily moving Becky. Leveling his pistol at her back as she moved away he fired. Becky at just that moment turned the corner and the mini ball from Stephens pistol missed. The round carried on down the street where it sailed through the window of the Forester's knocking a pot of soup off the stove, and taking the bowl off Mr Forester's pipe as he sat reading a copy of the Oracle of all things. Stephen bit his lip and shrugged as he turned to duck back in the office of the paper and as he looked at everyone standing there.

"Well I got 'er. Anyone want some soup fer lunch?"

Captain James Black

Date: 2007-04-04 15:17 EST
James heard the shattering of glass, the shouted curses of one Mr. Forester, the screamed curses (nearly in harmony) of the rapidly retreating Becky, and the gasps of those in the Oracle?s reception room.

He slid his pistol in his belt and took a deep breath.

?Well, it?s been a pleasure to see ye all, an? I wish ye a most pleasant afternoon.?

James turned to Wyheree, ?Darlin?, I do think it?s time that we head for lunch without delay.? He held out his arm for her.

Passing by Captain Kidd, Captain Black placed his hand on his shoulder and smiled. ?We should get together for drink an? song an? general pirate partyin?.?


Date: 2007-04-04 16:10 EST
Amal hears all the shouting and the noise and, of all things, a shot! She looks up from her desk and sees that practically half the reporters are missing, which in a way is a good sign, that means they are out getting news.

So she stands at the top of the stairs and realizes that they are not out getting news, they are still here!

"What is going on? Is this what I pay you for? To stand around doing nothing?! And where on earth is Becky?! That little good for nothing of a receptionist, she's this close to getting fired." She stands with her hands on her hips. "Well? Everyone get to work!"


Date: 2007-04-04 16:18 EST
Stephen looked up the stairs to Amal, and tried to look appropriately regretful.

"Um well wit' all due respect lass I thin' I already terminated 'er employment 'ere"


Date: 2007-04-04 16:27 EST
Amal's eyes almost pop out. "You did WHAT?!" She walks down the stairs and stands in the middle of the group.

"Who is this man?" She points at Stephen. Then turns to look at him. "And what gives you the right to fire my receptionist? Are you planning to take her place?"

Tera Destre

Date: 2007-04-04 16:36 EST
The cowgirl Queen who had shot one of her best friend?s love interest gasped and whirled to face their Boss as she came on the scene that had turned into something from one of Marco?s wet dreams with the addition of the Forester's soup and Becky?s escape and now the Editor of The Oracle. And just how could James stand there so calm and collected talking about having dinner when the ex-receptionist was on the run with such a tale to be told no doubt to anyone that would listen!

?Amal meet Stephen Jewell?s boyfriend. Stephen this here is Amal our Boss and Editor of The Oracle. But we ain?t got time for making nice y?all. We got to go and catch Becky before she gets away! This here is serious y?all and where is my shotgun!? Who stole it!??


Date: 2007-04-04 16:41 EST
An approving nod as Stephen came back inside after supposedly shooting Becky. This was the way all situations should be handled. Did it really matter if he hadn't? No, the girl wasn't coming back either way.

When Amal started shouting at the top of the stairs, Jewell let out a quick gasp before ducking behind Stephen. She did not want to be yelled at for not working; the key to hanging around and never working was for Amal not to notice she wasn't working. It worked! "Don't let her see me," she whispered to Stephen. Fortunately, he was too busy explaining to Amal about what happened to her receptionist to notice her cowardly behavior.

However, when Amal came down the stairs and stood amidst them, something had to be done. Especially when she turned her attention on Stephen! "He didn't fire her! He killed her." She was grinning as she poked her head out from behind Stephen, "That stupid witch is dead! You should have let me done it months ago but noooo. And stop pointing at him." She swatted at Amal's finger, "I got dibs."


Date: 2007-04-04 18:14 EST
Amal blinked, and double blinked when Jewell swatted her fingers.

"Becky is dead?!" Then she frowned again. "Why isn't anyone writing her obit?! Get to work everyone! And have that photographer take some pictures of the dead body!"


Date: 2007-04-05 00:33 EST
Wyh stayed by her husband's side as the mayhem ensued, after recalling the ice from all the weapons. Becky was faster than she thought, considering the only thing Wyh ever saw her do was file those nails. She launched icy tendrils to try and catch the fleeing receptionist, but they fell short, and Wyh pulled them back with a little frown. James' voice got her attention, and she took his arm with a grateful smile up to him.

"Lunch sounds like a delightful idea, my dearest - especially now that I hear Amal. If we stay, she will lock me to my desk, and I have plans for us this fine afternoon." She leaned up to whisper a few of those plans into his ear as they headed towards the door.

"I think all four of us should get together for a pirate party - the Inn would never be the same!"

With a wave to Jewell, Stephen and Des, and a kiss to her husband's cheek, she snuck out just before Amal came down, before houses started falling.


Date: 2007-04-05 00:49 EST
Gavilean came down the stairs completely clueless of all that has happened in the reception area.

He sees everyone gathered there but it really doesn't dawn upon him that anything is amiss. He's bright and cheerful as he looks over those gathered.

"Hey! Has anyone seen Becky? I need to borrow her nail file."

He wonders why everyone is looking at him like he has two heads.


Date: 2007-04-05 01:16 EST
Stephen a receptionist yeah that would be a hoot. He could just see it now. There would be dead reporters who failed to make deadline, dead visitors who just looked cross eyed at him. But then again if today was any indication of his normal aim there would just be alot of holes in the wall in front of his desk.

"Oh nae I be nae takin' nobodys place unless ye want a section o' the rag tae be a ask the pirate section."

"Um an' actually I kinda sorta...well ye see...I missed her."

Finally owning up to the truth. His original purpose of this visit having completely slipped his mind now.

Tera Destre

Date: 2007-04-05 02:30 EST
The cowgirl Queen had her priorities straight! At the first sight of her beloved husband all other thoughts scattered as she ran to him and threw her arms around Gav in a hug and kiss of greeting. "Babe! I had missed ya! Would ya like to go out for a long lunch today? We could go by home and see our little one then I seen this here book that I was wanting to buy in that there Arcane Lore place so maybe we could stop by there and after that we could go to that nice little coffee shop that is just around the corner from it that opened up that I really like goin' to."


Date: 2007-04-05 09:15 EST
She watches as Wyh and Black leave. "Be sure to get some news while you are out there!" That was directed more to Wyh than her husband.

"Hey! Has anyone seen Becky? I need to borrow her nail file." She almost dropped a house on Gav, but that train of thought got derrailed.

"Oh nae I be nae takin' nobodys place unless ye want a section o' the rag tae be a ask the pirate section."

"Um an' actually I kinda sorta...well ye see...I missed her."

Great, no receptionist, and no dead body. Dangit! That would have been a good story. But wait. "Did you just say you want to write for The Oracle?"


Date: 2007-04-05 09:53 EST
"Actually, Amal...we thought we might wait to see if she stays dead or not before we go writing her Obit. up. You know, saves us the hassle of having to retract it later, which we always end up doing." Cheeky grin for the Boss-lady at her swift explanation.

An explanation that was totally blown out of the water by Stephen's admittance that he didn't even hit her. "What!?" She squeaked out, high-pitched. "How could you miss? She was like...three feet infront of you!"

She failed to notice her friends abandoning her with their husbands for lunch one-by-one! Et tu, Wyheree? They were going to leave her all alone to deal with Amaltea's wrath without even warning her first!

Oh, and on a side note: "Gav, Becky ran away, though she wasn't killed like we thought," glance to Stephen there, "but she has a drawer of extra nail files. Top right one."

Now back to the real matter at hand...which seemed to be somewhat resolved by Amaltea's ability to change topic directions at the drop of a hat. Did Stephen want to work for The Oracle? She leaned up near him and whispered loudly, "Get away while you still can. I'll hold her back!"


Date: 2007-04-05 11:21 EST
Gav went straight to Becky?s top right draw and pulled out one of the hundreds of nail files in there.

He turned to Des, ?Okay, baby. Let?s go on that long lunch before Amal tries to give us more assignments. I want to see our little Gwenilb?th anyway.? Gav was always giving attention to their daughter. He?d have her spoiled in no time.

As they headed out the door he asked, ?What book did you want in that Arcane Lore store, my love? Don?t they just have magical stuff there?? Just as with his little girl, Gav could never deny Des anything. Besides, now she had him thinking about that coffee shop.


Date: 2007-04-05 15:00 EST
Stephen started to move away slowly backing his way towards the door, letting Jewell keep Amaltea busy. He was neaarly at the door when curiousity got the better of him.

"'ow well do ye pay?"


Date: 2007-04-05 16:20 EST
Bertha watched as Gav took the nail file from the desk drawer and she sighed derilously. "He's sooooooo dreamy." She waved at him even if she didn't see her do so as he left with Tera.

Her brother, Bubba, slapped her shoulder to make her snap out of it.

"'ow well do ye pay?" Aske Stephen.

'Gotcha!' Thought Amal, while her inner little devil jumped for joy on the inside. "Honey, with what we pay you will only steal and sink ships for fun not to survive."


Date: 2007-04-05 17:44 EST
The pregnant dragon really needed to get out more, so she descided to wander over to the Oracle office to see if she could catch up with her sister, only to be run into by a woman who screamed, then fainted. Was she really that scary? Picking up the woman, she continued on till she reached the offices, pushing the door open, and unknowningly having Becky in her grasp, she moved, dropping the woman near Amal.

I think you may have lost something..:: a nod to the still feinted woman laying on the floor, she ran into me while I was walking, I don't know, think I frightnened her.


Date: 2007-04-06 01:25 EST
Stephen looked over at the body of Becky layed out on the floor and sighed deeply. He looked from Jewell to Amaltea and quietly asked "Well if ye really wan' a story I can try an' kill 'er again.". He certainly was not beyond doing that if he had to.

Amaltea's words were still fresh in his mind as he continued. "If'n I do kill 'er an' give ye a real juicey story I will wan' a bonus in advance, nae tae mention me legal fees picked up by the company."

Giving a wink to Icer he grinned. "Fine day we be 'avin' aye?"


Date: 2007-04-06 12:28 EST
That it is Stephen, a smile to him, her sister Jewel, and even one to Amal, as she nudged the body once again.


Date: 2007-04-06 22:59 EST
Things were going okay, they all might even make it out of this situation alive! Things were going okay, until Stephen asked Amal how much she paid. She groaned loudly, covering her face with her hand, "Steeephen...nooo." That was it! They were doomed. If only she could find someway to cut her losses now and escape with her own life.

Icer's entrance, with that darn Becky!, only complicated the situation. "Stars above, I thought we got rid of her! Someone kill her, dispose of her in some way, or I will!"


Date: 2007-04-07 10:37 EST
Looking back to her sister, the dragon blinked, then gave a grin, I could eat her if you want..., usually the dragon wouldn't even consider eatting a person, but she had little ones to feed, as she nudged Becky again with her snout, flicking her tongue over the passed out woman's face.


Date: 2007-04-12 11:21 EST
Stephen broke into a grin as Icer offered to eat Becky. He was excited as he exclaimed. "Aye do it do it!" Then a glance to Almatea and Jewell "there be yer story. woman eatting pregnant dragon on the loose." He grinned, and winked teasingly to Icer as he headed out having totally lost sight of his reason for this visit in the first place.


Date: 2007-04-18 21:23 EST
"No, no, no... cannot have her eating Becky. I still need a receptionist. She can get behind the desk when she wakes up." Amal smirks then smiles broadly as she looks at Stephen. "As for you, Stephen. When do you want to start?"