Topic: The Blade Dancer

Sadi Dahala

Date: 2006-10-30 14:42 EST
:: He peeks his head into the Oracle figuring since he was new he might as well see this place and what it had to offer.::

:: he wandered dow the cordors a bit and looked about for any familiar faces his eyes intrigued at the various sets of technology...for a guy from 300 bc all this was very new to him::

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-11-03 17:17 EST
Des glanced up from her desk after having submitted her last article for the month finally. She sighed with relief while reaching for the mug of coffee that had gone cold while she was frantically writing. The coffee being cold never bothered her as nine times out of ten when she was writing or tending bar it was always cold by the time she got around to actually being able to drink it so she sipped from the mug while looking around to see how things were going in the bustling office space.

There was someone that she thought she knew over there that wasn't a fellow reporter or one of the other employees of the paper. She leaned slightly to the side to get a better look to make sure it was who she thought it was before she yelled to be heard over the commotion.

"Hey Sadi! What ya doin'? Ya got some news for me maybe?"

She had a bright welcoming smile on her face and navy blue eyes were alight with a sparkle of expectation as she waved with her free hand toward him beckoning him over toward her desk.

Sadi Dahala

Date: 2006-11-07 14:44 EST
:: He heard his name called just as he slid out of the way of a moving reporter and slowly he grinned spotting Des::

Mistress Des how are you!

:: he slid his way about easily dancing around those zooming by him before he finally got to her desk::

I was curious as to all of actually...I'm not from this time period... persay and I feel very primitive with everyhting around

:: he grinned a bit::

Besides I figure I might as well tell the townsfolk something about me since I shall be preforming at the Red Dragon Inn from now on

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-11-20 13:09 EST
She smiled to him and got out a piece of paper and pen then motioned to the chair by her desk. "Please have a seat and tell me what you'd like to say and I'll be happy to put it in the paper for ya! I seen ya performing a couple of times now with your swords and it sure enough is right impressive what ya can do with that there apple and them blades."

Sadi Dahala

Date: 2006-11-23 00:12 EST
:: Bowing slightly he moved on over to take a seat and smiled::

Well first off I would like Rhy'Din to know that I have decided to perminately perform my dances of the blades at the Red Dragon Inn.....but I ask that no one try to duplicate what I has taken me since the time I was twelve to the age of twenty to learn how to use all the blades in such a if others are willing I will gladly teach them my art with the sword...but only the sword....

:: He paused a moment and sighed..this was sounding more like demands than anything else::

Let me start over...My Name is Sadi Dahala...last member of the Shatiwa..Noconish...or Spirit people...the reason being is we believe each person has a spirit guide...mine is the Hawk...I at the age of eight fled the battles that consumed my people and left Southern go to Egypt of which I was age eleven at that time......there I met my Master of the Dance....Sutep...and at the age of Twelve he taught me my skills that you have witnessed...after he died when I was twenty two..I left..and became a smuggler to smuggle goods to people fighting the Roman empire around 310 B.C.........for two years I was the scurge of the Roman Empire...but ...then I was captured and forced in as a slave for the Arena as a Gladiator...fighting beasts such as tigers..bears..elephants...rhinos....and many other creatures with but a knife or a scimitar...and each my regret I defeated my oppponents.

:: He took a breath and slowly continued::

Year after year..night after night I hated killing the creatures who were forced to fight me...I swore that if I ever survived...I would not harm another animal again...for 12 long years I was traded from Master to Master...each never giving me the wooden sword...a symbol of a slaves freedom..they said I was to valuble and the great...until one day....I was no longer in the arena..but in the forests surounding this City...So I hid...but when none came to find the missing slave..I went into the city and became friends with the people of the tavern from which I have perform at the Red Dragon Inn new home...with my friends

:: And with that he stopped looking at Tera wondering exsactly how she would take such a tale...and what questions she might have::

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-11-29 15:12 EST
Des spoke quietly when she finished writing it all down. "That must have been truly terrible for ya. I can't even imagine havin' to live that way. I'm real glad for ya that ya ended up here in town and don't have to be owned like that anymore and forced to fight night after night. Ya mentioned maybe teaching others your skills. Are ya considering opening a school or something like that along with your performing?"

She looked to him with an inquisitive smile as she asked.

Sadi Dahala

Date: 2006-11-29 18:13 EST
:: He blinks a bit and smiles to her kind comments...slowly he nods and continues::

Well I was considering it since..well for the time I have been here..several people carrying blades...are a bit clumbsy with them..expecially some of the men around here...i want to hopefully open up some type of class for those who would like to learn how to master the sword as not only a defense..but as a nature as easy as breathing

:: he nods slightly to Tera::
I even do knife work....Tera...if you are interested.I can give you a way to disable an opponent with a blade without actually killing capture is possible..for I'm sure one such as yourself does not like to see death...maybe fighting at times..but surely not death

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-12-18 15:15 EST
The cowgirl Queen, bartender, bouncer, and dueler was contentedly and quite happily writing down everything he was saying right up until she thought he said

I even do knife work....Tera...if you are interested.Ican give you a way to disable an opponent with a blade without actually killing caputre is possible..for I'm sure one such as yourself does not like to see death...maybe fighting at times..but surely not death

She calmly set down her paper and pen and glanced over to him with her head tilted to one side inquisitively as her mind attempted to figure out just what to do or say next before her temper got the better of her. Normally, before her deportment lessons, she wouldn't have stopped to think.

One of her concealed daggers would have already been in a hand and pressed to his throat to show him in no uncertain terms just how much the Blade Dancer didn't know about her yet. However she was now a Queen and had taken those hated deportment lessons from the ill fated Miss Partinger so there she sat simply eyeing him up as they sat as her desk in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the news room. She took a deep breath and then another and tried counting to ten.

At last she opened her mouth to speak when she thought she just might have control of herself. "Sadi I think that ya might be under a little bit of a mistaken impression about me. I'm gonna correct that for ya before I go and do something that I might not regret like I outta. I been fightin' for many years now with a blade and I not only tend bar at the Inn but I am a bouncer there. When I first met my husband Jean he snuck up behind me and I took him cause I didn't know it was him. It was almost the end of our relationship before it even got started. Ya don't wanna sneak up on me and ya don't wanna threaten me cause I can and I will protect myself. I just might even have more weapons on my person at the moment than you do on yourself. Believe me when I say that all that glitters is not gold when worn on my person and it just might put a hole in ya."

Des finally paused for a breath rather proud of herself for not just stabbing him or tackling him after what she took as an offense to her pride at being capable of defending herself quite well in this town on her own even though she now was agreeable to having her royal bodyguard or guards with her at all times when her husband wasn't.

"I bet ya didn't mean to offend me but I'm real touchy on this here subject. I appreciate the offer as it is kindly of ya. I'll be happy to promote your school when ya get it set up for ya!" She smiled to him again and picked up her pen and paper once more.

"Is there anything else that ya would like for me to put in the paper for ya?"

Sadi Dahala

Date: 2007-01-22 16:01 EST
:: HE smiles a bit and after she was finished he slowly sighs::

I apologize Tera I never ment to offend you...and if you are indeeed as good as you say you are with those blades well...then maybe you and I could test each other at times...since it is so hard to find some real challenges...i was even thinking about jioning in with this Duel of Swords to test those out there...and as for my school..yes I plan to welcome beginners of the blade and staff as well as advanced..and I will be giving special lessons to those who I think are skilled enough to learn my blade dancing...I think thats about it

:: After he finishes he takes a small breath and slowly he looks up to her in waiting: