Topic: Jello Application for October 2013


Date: 2010-10-07 20:41 EST
Halloween Party here we come. For now here's the application for the event. Fill it out and we'll get it all set up!

Judges' positions are filled by the Kidd brothers. Sorry ya'll the pirate theme requires special guests!

Okay so here is where you sign up to be a referee or wrestler for the event! Have fun!

Occupation: (IE. judge, referee, or wrestler.)
Jello flavor/color:
Theme song:
Partner: (For the handicap and tag team matches.)
Outfit: (Post a picture of the outfit if you're a wrestler here.)

Darcy Angel

Date: 2013-10-22 18:59 EST
Name: Darcy Devin Huntington Shimmerscale
Gender: I have tits don't I?
Age: That's rude to ask...
Occupation: (IE. judge, referee, or wrestler.): All three!
Jello flavor/color: Cherry!
Theme song:
Partner: (For the handicap and tag team matches.): Mayday and/or David
Outfit: (Post a picture of the outfit if you're a wrestler here.):