Topic: OOC The Puppet Masters!

Darcy Angel

Date: 2009-06-05 15:00 EST
No, no, no. Not the movie! Haha. Here you can post any OOC information about yourself. Yes, you. The mun. The person behind who you play as. So let's give it a shot and see where it goes!

Darcy Angel

Date: 2009-06-05 15:10 EST
Alright since I created this little thread I'll throw the first line. In case you're too lazy to click the www link in the profile I'll say a bit about myself. I'm 21 going on 22 and live in Texas. Not saying exactly where and considering Texas is a large place you'll have to guess a lot of cities to guess where I reside. Believe it or not I've been doing the whole RP thing for 10 years (in July). I started on YIM in the Ayenee world before moving onto AOL. My original reason for joining up on this site was to track down and stalk old RP buddies. However this has been a wonderful experience getting to meet new people and pushing this character and other characters as well in different ways I never thought possible. Hm...Is there anything else? Well Darcy seems to be a major reflection of me. Discounting the looks if she existed her and I would probably be best friends or sisters. Haha. Well enough of my rambling. Hopefully you've found this little insight into my chaotic mind entertaining.


Date: 2009-06-05 21:23 EST
Mayday Mayday! Mayday! Alright, I will be first to admit that MayDay was an experimental character to see if I could actually have fun with a character and it worked. I'm 22 going on old and I have no life of my own to live so I must live through my characters. In any other case and point. Honestly, I think if I met May in person I'd give her a wide, WIDE, distance between herself and me. XD LOL!

Yejix Zabiru

Date: 2010-03-27 16:52 EST
-shrug- I started tabletop when I was in 5th grade and invented the Taerans and their world. around '97 I went to AOL and tried the Text-based gig.

I started out in Anime Bunker, which was hosted by Antagonist Gaming Network, but in 2002 they left AOL and we all moved to Red Dragon Inn.

Yejix himself is based on ideal version of myself. strong, brave, fears nothing, very agile and fast.

I'm weak, a bit of a coward, kinda fearful, a cripple and slow.

I'm 22 going on 23, live in Indiana, and currently have no diea what to do with myself.