Topic: The Awesomeness Calls MayDay

Darcy Angel

Date: 2013-03-23 20:45 EST
{The following was taken from Live Play}

"My maid of..." Her eyes went wide at the moment. Pulling her cell phone out of her pocket she dialed her BFF's number and held the phone to her ear waiting for an answer.

She frowned when she reached May's voicemail, "Yo! This is your only BFF you've had for eons! Guess what!? I'm getting hitched! That makes you my maid of honor. Get back to me and help me with this wedding planning stuff! You owe me chica!" Making kissy faces to the face, "Love you!" Now hanging up the phone. That was taken care of.

Now all she had to do was wait.


Date: 2013-03-29 18:20 EST
Half baked or entirely baked. She couldn't tell, she didn't care. Leaning back in her sun chair, she let the phone ring for the millionth time and go to voice mail. Once it informed her of the message that waited, she lifted the phone to look at who could have called. A brow rose.

"Hmm." Pass code entered she listened to the voice mail then blinked. One brow arched as her hot red lips pursed. As she rocked back in her sun chair a bit further a half naked cabana boy brought her a red drink with a blue umbrella. When he lowered down the tray, she took it and sipped.

One eye took in the man before she deleted the message and smirked.

"Paulo, pack my bags would you..? It looks like I'm headed back to Rhy'din."

The man bowed his head,"Yes, Miss Aleta, will Jin be joining you?"

There was a sudden mixture of emotion on her face. Jin left a few weeks ago and they hadn't spoken since. Her head shook, not surprised no one had told the service. They were trying to protect her it seemed.

"No, Paulo, I'm going alone."

Darcy Angel

Date: 2013-03-30 14:49 EST
Darcy was going insane. Probably more so than she usually was. Thankfully with the help of family and friends this whole wedding business was getting to be a bit less stressful. However, she did miss her best friend at her side. Sighing as she wandered the halls of the Jello H.Q.

Where oh where could her MayDay be!? She also needed to get in touch with her brother David but right now she had to focus on one thing at a time. Lest she completely lose her mind. Not that it wasn't lost already. She had been checking her phone more frequently since she had left May the message but no word from the woman.

Pulling out her phone she would send her a text, "Did you get my msg? o.0? <3"

Hopefully she would get a response soon.


Date: 2013-03-31 00:50 EST
A few seconds perhaps after Darcy sent that text message there was a rumble rumble rumble rumble. A crane with a ball attached to it SMASHED through the side of the H.Q. where the front door was. It was obliterated instantly.

"Good work boys! You've got the plans, give me about twenty minutes to wrap up the rooms and you can completely take it down!" May walked in through the opening and shouted out, "Honey! I'm home!"

What a wicked grin the Jello Queen wore.

Darcy Angel

Date: 2013-03-31 11:58 EST
Darcy was in her room looking some things over for the wedding. Her attention was so absorbed that upon feeling the house tremble and hearing what sounded like the world coming to an end she screamed and fell off of her bed.

However, her panic quickly turned into immediate happiness when she heard May's voice! Jumping up she quickly ran to find her. Not stopping she would crash into her friend hugging her tightly and maybe even knocking her down to the ground, "Thank the Gods!"

Those three words spoke volumes on exactly how much she had indeed missed her best friend. Hugging her tightly and showering May's face in kisses.


Date: 2013-03-31 16:37 EST
Barreled over by Darcy was nothing new to the woman. She was actually quite fond of it, but she'd never openly admit it. Looking around expectantly for a moment, she shifted, then frowned a little.

"What is it just you here? All alone? Where's David? Ack!" She was still being showered by kisses of course. She flailed a little and grunted softly. "It's no wonder he's marrying you! You don't come up for air!" The woman flailed a little beneath her best friend before she spluttered out,"Will you save some for the honeymoon! Jimminey Krispmas!"

Yes it was May, and she was a woman on a mission. She pried Darcy off her after giving her a tight squeeze and looked around. "So um... We're going to be staying at the Red Dragon for a few weeks. I'll put most of your thinks in a storage pocket." Said with a wave of her hand.

Everything of value and care vanished then, save for Darcy a few bags of clothes and her wedding plans. May knew those were important and heaven forbid she mess up Darcy now when she's probably turning into a 'Bridezilla' or something.

Turning to Darcy after making sure the precious momentos of the HQ were safely stored away with her more simple magics, she sighed. "How about some lunch?"

Darcy Angel

Date: 2013-03-31 16:52 EST
Ignoring May after she showered her with affection she got to her feet and helped the woman up, "I needed somewhere quiet to think."

The Jello H.Q. being quiet? Yeah, right. But it was the truth. Shimmerscale lair was full of hatchlings. The quietness in the Inn only came in spurts. And well Ven was using his TARDIS so that was out of the question. So, she had came here, "David is either with Ryan or at Shimmerscale Lair."

To May's words about where they were staying she laughed, "Yeah I kind of figured that with the whole construction thing going on."

At the mention of lunch she gave May another hug, "Yes! Food! I'm starving! Let's eat! Uh...Do you want me to call David?"

Blinking towards May as she raised a brow.


Date: 2013-03-31 16:59 EST
The sound of David's name had her pause for a moment and look to her BFF. Brows rose and she pondered how to respond to that before she shook her head and turned her gaze towards the opening she had made with the wrecking ball.

"Nah, I think it's BFF time first. I'll talk to him soon..." Like when she was sure she had her emotions in check. She smiled to Darcy and leaned against her for a moment.

"Sides... I think we need some time to catch up. There are things I gotta tell you." She said while she looked to Darcy and bit her lip. She hardly knew where to begin.

"Starting with this wedding... When the heck did you find the time to get a beau let alone get hitched?" They best get a move on, the work crew was getting antzy and it showed, because there was nearly a dozen men with sledge hammers staring at them.

Darcy Angel

Date: 2013-03-31 18:54 EST
She reminded herself to ask about May's concern for David a little later on. But not right at this moment. Slinking an arm around May's waist as she woman leaned against her, "I agree we do need to catch up. Thankfully we have time for that, right?"

Chuckling a bit as she began to lead May away from the Jello H.Q. and closer towards town, "We were dating for a year so I somehow found time? I got engaged last month."

Stopping to show May her engagement ring as well as the Valentine's day present necklace, "Now before you ask his name is Ven. He time travels in a TARDIS. He's not un-dead. He's not insane. He is humanoid. Like us time really doesn't hold meaning to him. And he accepts me for who I am warts and all."

Giving May a serious look. Those things were terribly important to Darcy. If it hadn't been for those facts plus a million other reasons she would have never even considered marriage. But here she was engaged and ready to take the next step in her life.