Topic: Video Game Jello Event TBD!

Darcy Angel

Date: 2014-09-19 11:45 EST
Pretty self-explanatory like the title. This is a wide open event. You can be any video game character of your choice. ANY. Doesn't matter what type, platform, or whatever. If you want to dress like a LoL champion with your favorite skin? Go for it. Want to dress like your Team Fortress 2 build? Have at it. Want to look like your main on WoW? Go nuts! Want to look like Snake or Pikachu? Sure, whatever floats your boat. Have fun with it people!

When? To be announced in the future.

What time? To be announced in the future.

Here is the official sign up sheet for the upcoming event!

Sign up below!

Position: (Wrestler, judge, or referee)
Jello flavor:
Theme song:

The more we have the merrier! We can't wait to see you there! More details to come!

Edit: Adding rules. That's right there ARE rules! Please see below!

1. No hitting below the belt.
2. No disrobing of Jello wrestlers...On purpose...Accidents happen...
3. No using any extra appendages to assist with winning. We want everyone to have an even playing field!
4. No hair pulling! I know I know it's something you would expect but that hurts you know!
5. Winner is declared by a pin count of 3!

Other than that anything else goes! Have fun!

Event will be held at: The Funderdome! Thanks to Khoom and Skid for letting me use the place!

Darcy Angel

Date: 2014-09-19 14:29 EST
Name: The Awesome Jello Wrestling Diva Darcy
Position: All positions!
Jello flavor: Cherry!
Theme song:

Toxic Craving

Date: 2014-09-19 14:46 EST
Name: Raven
Position: Wrestler and bartender
Jello flavor: Any, darling

Theme song:

David Huntington

Date: 2014-09-20 11:46 EST
Name: David
Position: Wrestler and referee
Jello flavor: Grape!
Theme song: