Topic: OOC

Drake Jones

Date: 2010-10-09 14:37 EST
Before any post are started here. I am going to lay down a few ground rules. If you wish to post here/ Run the post by me first. I am not opposed to posting with others, as anyone that knows me well enough. Will know that.

If I agree that you can post here with me. There will be zero tolerance for god moding here, as well as anyone trying to "blow up" the manor. The warning is right here, therefor I will not apologize for deleting any posts that cross that line.

One last thing. This is an OOC topic used to keep people informed as well as for general OOC things.

Drake Jones

Date: 2010-10-09 14:49 EST
Might as well put this up here. If you happened to see parts of my posts from here on out in italics. It is either Drake having a flash back or it is his own personal thoughts at the moment.

Drake Jones

Date: 2010-10-25 16:31 EST
An update. For those of you following the Icer kidnapping part of the Scarred sl by Travanix and others. When it gets to the point that Icer is found, both Icer's player and me will have her recovery in this folder.

Anyone that wants to come visit her is free to. We only ask for two things. No trying to rush her healing, and no trying to take her from the manor. Other than that, everyone is welcomed to play off of it when the times comes.

Thank you


Date: 2010-11-08 00:41 EST
I figured Id put a little OOC note here about

Peace:Its not an easy thing to find..

Cadaria has two jobs now. One with Drake and her tutoring job. And though they are very much linked and I'll make sure they are intertwinded by how each thread ends.. ( Most of the posts will cover one day, some may cover more.. but all that will be in the post)

On days she doesnt tart off at the manor or, goes to her tutoring jobs after being at the manor I'll try to post a little soemhting about her life, her job, and her thoughts.., her daily life outside of her new job.

Some of the posts may pick up in New Beginnings.. Or vice versa from New Beggings to Peace...


thoughts will be in blue itialics.. diologue will be in " " and colored . Thats it... Enjoy*

Drake Jones

Date: 2010-11-23 23:53 EST
Playe note about Icer's Reovery. No one is allowed to post there unless given permisson to do so. Right now that is Icer, Cadaria, Moon Lyght, and myself Any other posts will be deleated without a word to the poster.

You have been warned reguardless of reading this or not.


Date: 2010-11-24 23:43 EST
In refference to

New Beginnings will be put on hold till Icer is back to being healthy

I chose to pasue this so Cadaria could focus on Icer,and getting the dragoness well again. I will still post to Peace as well as Icers Recovery.But for now

New Beginnings is on pause

Drake Jones

Date: 2010-11-27 23:31 EST
Update on Icer's Recovery at the manor for those of you keeping up with it. In the next few days, I'll be putting up a post in reguards to people being allowed to visit her. It will have it's own topic, so not to interfer with the recovery of the character.

This shouldn't have to be said, but I will say so anyways. There will be no taking her home, nor will there be any " fast healings" of Icer's character. is her character, but she has told me in nurmous OOC talks, that she wanted it to take some time.

One last thing that I ask, if you do visit her. I would think one post would be enough. That way she will be able to keep up with them.


Date: 2010-12-22 23:24 EST
After gettign an OK from Drake mun. New Beginnings continues all events in new beginnings take place AFTER Icer is healed, wella nd out of the manor.


Drake Jones

Date: 2011-01-05 21:28 EST
As any would notice from my last post in Icer's recovery. The rest of Icer's recovery will take place away from the manor.


Date: 2011-04-05 00:12 EST
Avenging ANgels will be put on hold for right now.

Darke mun is away and at this point I do not know wehn or if he might return. i know the reaosns for his being MIA and can not state them here.

So for now I am putting that thread on hold.

as well as the forum in general until I know more.

Drake Jones

Date: 2011-06-05 19:29 EST
Those that know me know that I am planning on moving from where I currently live. Still don't know when it will be, but found out we are number 2 on the list. I'll be keeping Cadaria mun in the loop, so if I disappear she can inform everyone else how she sees fit.


Date: 2011-08-15 00:06 EST
New Topic coming soon.


Date: 2012-03-07 23:47 EST
in case you missed it Cadaria and Drake have gone to Nosgoth to fight with the allys. The Dark Clouds sl is in The Wolves Den linkage below and some little tastes of whats been going on..

Cadaria didn't like it. She wanted to be in the fight, not sidelined to heal. Yes she knew she was a great healer, but hadn't she proven herself as a worthy fighter? It didn't make any sense.


Cadaria had never seen anything like this before. They way they all worked together. And no one seemed to dispute what Drake had said. They let what ever anger they had for being left out or put in a place they normally wouldn't be fall away and got to work. So she would get to work as well, helping the healers ready things.


She spoke softly, though Cadaria was sure everyone heard her. "The dragons can see them coming in. Ones ridding a gold dragon, I can see it in StarFires mind,it is small.. compared to the three in the air. The others are coming on the ground. The dragons do no see the angles yet.."

Cadaria couldn't feel them yet, she knew when they came she would feel it. She glanced to Drake then around the room. Couples were giving parting words and kisses. Audrey appeared to kiss Kahn, and wish him good luck before she went back to be with the children.

Cadaria couldn't make herself move across the room to Drake. Even though she wanted to go and kiss him, and tell him to kick Lucas ass.. she couldn't move. She listened to some of the words whispered near her. There was no goodbye uttered, no word that made it feel as if this might be the end. Merely a kiss, a hug, good luck and well wishes, some snickers and quick jabs at others. The mood was all very light.


Cadaria watched from inside. Lucas black wings were spread. He'd been raised from the dead, and had called on some old friends to settle this score. There were five others with him. The two to his left had the black wings of fallen angels .Cadaria didn't know them, one man and one woman. The other three had the white wings of arch angels. Cadaria knew them. Ruran, Cidda and Marea. Luca was the leader in the group there was no doubt.

want more check out the linakge

Drake Jones

Date: 2012-05-28 12:54 EST
We are nearing the end of the Black Clouds storyline, and as soon as it is wrapped up. We will be continuing Drake and Cadaria's story. For those keeping up with it. Be prepared for a surprise.


Date: 2013-06-13 01:35 EST
The wedding was oh so much fun to write and with all the pics. I am a sucker for pics.

Now the honey moon is wrapping up and they are back in Rhydin but never far from the home they made in Nosgoth.



Date: 2013-10-04 00:53 EST
With the honey moon over. Drake and Cad back in Rhydin. I am not sure where I want the story to go.

Back to daily life I suppose as soon as I can get them there.

I do hope any who read the passionate part of the many threads that have been here enjoyed them. I did enjoy writing them.

I do not think there will be any more of them though..

Maybe some day long from now.

While Cadaria's passion for Drake is unwavering and their love is strong. I fear my own heart can not bare it any longer.

least not now.


I will get them back to something eventually


Date: 2013-11-27 22:10 EST
Drake and Cadaria would likely be spending this holiday in GreenStone for some sort of fall fest. I have nothing written for them for this time. I will return to them after the holiday.


Date: 2013-12-31 21:14 EST
Happy Holidays and New Year