Topic: The Priest

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-07-30 12:34 EST
Giles Pennyworth had served Master Momus for two thousand four hundred and seventy three years and he had never been this worried about him. He sat down in the chair next to his master's bed and stared at the unmoving body. The fireplace that was set into the wall opposite the bed was roaring and the room was warm and stifling. Giles was a butler and he was very good at what he did but lately he had been slipping. He'd been three minutes late serving breakfast that morning and he knew that the reason was laying right before him. He considered Master Momus and his family to be his responsibility and that was one thing he took very seriously. He must have sat there for several minutes wishing desperately that there was something that he could do when he awoke from his contemplations suddenly.

Giles stood, silently berating himself for brooding when he still had duties to attend to, and turned towards the door. The temperature in the room dropped suddenly and the air in front of the door seemed to shimmer before his eyes. The strange phenomenon slowly formed into a circle outlined by arcs of blue and red electricity and two figures slowly coalesced. The newcomers were dressed in a long brown robes that hid their bodies completely. As the second one stepped through the circle into room the circle winked out of existence and the temperature returned to normal.

Giles moved to stand between the intruders and his master. He reached out into the ether gathering his magic to him as he prepared to defend himself and his charge but his concentration dissipated instantly as the lead figure pushed back his hood. Underneath was a middle aged human male. His skin was tanned giving it a reddish tint and he had short cut black hair that looked like it was starting to recede. His left eye was green but metal covered the right side of his face covering his eye and ear and reaching half way around the back of his head. A livid red scar reached from his eyebrow to the metal and continues below to just above his mouth.

"Kor Jon?" Giles breathed, barely able to speak.

A smile spread across the man's face. "Actually it's Sai Jon now. It's good to see you, especially since I saw you die."

The second figure pushed past Sai Jon and swept Giles off the floor into a bonecrushing hug. The hood slipped from his head as he did so to reveal a yellow-green scaled lizard head with a long beak that was split into a huge toothy grin. "I missed you!" the lizard yelled happily as Sai Jon tried to pull his companion back. Giles felt his feet touch down as Sai Jon finally managed to restrain the lizard man.

"Jacob?" Giles managed to gasp.

"Of course! Do you know anyone else as handsome as me?" Jacob asked with a smile.

Giles couldn't restrain his grin, "Of course sir. And may I enquire how you came to this place?"

"Well how far back do you want us to go? We could start with you dying. Glad you're not dead anymore by the way. Or meeting the Muse. Or saving Kor Rainne, who was actually Kor Jon, but not yet because..." Jacob finally stopped babbling as Sai Jon held up a hand.

"Giles, we came through the Dreamtime. It's a world that slips between the cracks of all worlds connecting anywhere that people dream. We felt you and followed your dreams here. I couldn't believe it when I first felt you." His smile slipped, "I was there when you died. did you get did you survive."

"I didn't," Giles said simply. "I died and my soul came back to this body." The looks of confusion Jacob and Sai Jon wore were almost comical. "I was born a dragon, here in this world. I chose to swear allegiance to the Master of this world and I served as his man servant for a long time, a little over two thousand years actually. He rewarded my faithful service with a chance to live a mortal life on another world. That is when we knew each other. After my body perished my soul returned here and I resumed my place in the Master's household." Giles paused for a second, "but that was several centuries ago and I know your races are not that long lived. How are you two still alive?"

Jacob openned his mouth but Sai Jon clamped it shut again and answered instead, "That is a long, long story. May we meet your employer, we'd like to take the time to catch up with you. It has been a long time my brother." Giles forced a smile and stepped aside to reveal Tasslehofls inert form. "But he's not there."

"What do you mean?" asked Giles.

"I can't feel him, his soul is gone." Sai Jon said concernedly.

"Yes, he was struck by a powerful evil magic. His body needs to be healed before his soul can return."

Sai Jon moved to the edge of the bed and dropped to his knees. Giles was intercepted by Jacob as he stepped towards Sai Jon. "Just watch," Jacob whispered, "there's a lot to tell you." Sai Jon bowed his head and a glow began to rise over him and spread slowly until it covered both him and the bed. "One of those stories is how he found his forgiveness." Giles just looked at Jacob in wonder.


Giles could never afterwards reconcile how long he stood there with Jacob watching the light around Sai Jon and Tass pulsate slowly. Almost as if the light itself was breathing. He would have guessed only a few minutes but he later found out it was closer to four hours. Finally Sai Jon slumped onto the edge of the bed and the light faded. Giles almost wept when Tasslehofl's eyes slowly openned.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-07-31 03:24 EST
"Who?" Tass whispered as he looked up at Sai Jon with a strange guarded expression.

"You certainly go straight to the hard questions don't you? I am called Sai Jon here and now. We came, myself and my friend Jacob here, to find Giles. He is a friend we thought lost to us. Now I am told that you are responsible for us meeting at all so I feel that we both stand very much in your debt."

" did you come here? The barriers should have prevented anyone not of my kind."

"Even dragons dream. We travel through the realm of dreams that hold all worlds together. Only dead worlds are denied to us." Sai Jon paused for a moment, "If you would not begrudge us lodging I would happily tell you all about it, but not now. You will need much sleep in the days to come as you recover."

"Yes... Giles see that they are provided for. The are my guests."

Giles smiled his first real smile in weeks. "Yes Master Momus. Gentlemen, if you would follow me."

Jacob and Sai Jon followed Giles out of the room as Jacob began to chatter merrily, "Imagine, becoming a butler when you go on vacation, Giles you really need to loosen up." The door closed quietly. The voices trailed off as they moved down the hall and Tass smiled wearily. He could feel something new moving. Something coming to oppose the growing darkness. It might just be enough.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-07-31 08:35 EST
Tass awoke to the sound of a light knock on the door. He had retreated back into himself to continue his healing after the deluge of well wishers he had entertained following his return to his body. He openned his eyes and saw Sai Jon standing in the doorway. "Master Momus, how are you feeling this morning?"

Tass grinned, "No need to call me Master Momus, just Tass will do."

"As you wish, Tass. You asked me a question yesterday, I was wondering if you'd like to hear the answer now."

"What question?"

"You asked 'who?' and I'd like to tell you. There is great power in stories and as I said before, I feel I owe you a debt."

"Have a seat."

"Thank you. Just lean back and listen to the story of Righteousness, Death, and Silence...the story of the thrice born man." Sai Jon's voice fell into a rhythm as he began his story and Tass leaned back and listened.


This is just one world among worlds without number. Somewhere beyond imagination is another world where long ago lived a simple man, a priest. Humanity had dominated the world for thousands of years until the demons came and took the world from them in a haze of blood and violence. The humans lived in armed camps, isolated and alone, forever at war with the demons that hunted them for sport. The world itself was ravaged and barren, torn apart time and again by technology and magic blended together into weapons of mass destruction that were beyond anything their creators could have dreamed of. It wasn't quite hell, but it was as close as you'd wish to come this side of judgement.

The priest's name was Paulus and on the day of this tale he was waiting for something. He lived in a village hidden away in a canyon deep in the wastelands. He had lived there his entire life, never leaving it's safety except to look out into the wilderness when he needed to think. Today he wanted to see the world outside, to look for hope. Standing at the edge of the canyon he looked out at the blasted lands around him and dreamed of another world. He stood on the edge of his world and he waited for the birth of his son.

A storm was approaching from the east. Paulus stood at the edge of the canyon and watched the lightning arc from cloud to cloud, like hopscotch at one point twenty-one jigawatts. His wife had gone into labor three hours earlier and he had stood in prayer ever since. The wind whipped around him pushing his cloak back on his shoulders revealing the red robes that marked him as the high priest and leader of the people of Kor hold. Behind him stood Kaali, the hold''s High Protector. Her eyes perpetually scanned the horizon, her hands resting on the arsenal that she had strapped to her body. Her black hair was tied back into a short ponytail that showed small streaks grey mixed in. She rested her hand atop the head of the small girl who stood next her.

The girl''s name was Alynne and she was Kaali''s four year old daughter. The resemblance was obvious in their features. The main difference were in her slightly almond shaped, emerald green eyes. This was the first time she had left the canyon and Alynne's eyes were wide with interest as she took her first look at the outside world. Her hair was jet black and braided down her back. Her face showed the promise, not of beauty, but of strength. Her young face was set in a serious expression as if she alone stood between the terrors of the wasteland and her home. She was muttering something under her breath and she suddenly stopped halfway through, her face screwing up as if she was thinking really hard.

The girl reached up and tugged on her mother''s sleeve repeatedly trying to gain her attention. Kaali squatted down, keeping her eyes on her surroundings, "What is it?" she asked, "Did you forget a part?" The girl nodded her head up and down slowly never losing her serious expression. "Say it with me child. ''My blood for your blood. My life for your life. My soul for your soul. I stand between you and the darkness until my flame dies. So with the help of God I swear.''" Alynne mouthed the words as Kaali said them aloud. "Do you remember now?"

Alynne nodded again, her rocking back and forth as if on a giant spring. "How long until the flames go out mommy?" she asked quietly.

"Hopefully not for a long, long time darling." Kaali said as she stood slowly. A moment later her hand went to her ear and then she stepped up next to Paulus. "You have a son," she whispered in his ear. He spun towards the that ran down the side of the canyon but froze as the silence of the wastes was ripped apart by an ear splitting scream of pain. In an instant Kaali had sped past Paulus and was moving over the rocky landscape effortlessly. The swords that crossed her back sprang into her hands as she vaulted up on top of a large rock that stood in her way. There she stopped as if frozen. She stood there for a moment and then looked back at Paulus motioning him forward.

Paulus and Alynne moved slowly around the boulder to be greeted by the sight of a dying demon, its bat-like wings were spread out beneath its twisted form. Cuts and burns covered the creature''s body. In its limp claw lay a bloody knife that it had apparently turned on itself. A long crimson line trailed across its bulging abdomen. Suddenly a small gore covered claw burst from the demons stomach followed by the head and soon after the rest of a tiny newborn Tharkoldu. Kaali stepped down off the boulder and raised her booted foot over the head of the newborn.

Before she could kill it Paulus'' voice boomed out over the wastes, "Stop!" His voice in that instant became deeper and resonated through the surrounding rocks. "Two souls are born into the world this day. In faith and righteousness the world will die. In despair and death will it find redemption and peace. Two souls are born this day, entwined by fate and they shall not be sundered." As he finished speaking he staggered and had to catch himself on a rock, "So sayeth the Lord." He finished weakly, as his voice resumed its normal volume and intensity.

Kaali stood by stunned as Paulus walked over to the body and picked up the now squalling infant demon which he then wrapped in his cloak. As he stood and turned back towards the settlement she found her voice again, "But it''s a demon!" she finally sputtered.

Paulus turned slowly, "Yes, but this demon has done nothing wrong," she started to speak but he stopped her before she could say anything, "and he also is a creature of God. Besides, I believe that was prophecy I just spoke."

"You don''t even know what it means!" she yelled at his back.

"No," he said quietly as he looked back over his shoulder, "but I have faith." With that he walked slowly to the edge of the canyon and stepped carefully down the stairs.

"I just hope your faith doesn''t kill us all." Kaali whispered as she herded Alynne towards the canyon.

Paulus could hear the sounds of celebration in the town square as he hurried to his house. He would be required to speak the blessing soon but first he wanted to see his wife and son. He looked down at baby demon in his arms as it yawned and stretched causing its tiny claws to extend from its fingertips. Somehow it managed to look both cute and deadly at the same time. Paulus wondered what his wife would say. He would just have to make her understand. He entered his house to find his wife Jaina alone in the bedroom with their newborn son. He looked down at her tired beaming face and fought an obviously hopeless battle to restrain his tears. She held a tiny wrinkled babe against her chest.

It was close to three in the morning when Alynne slipped into the room where Saltera and Rainne, the demon and human babes, both lay. She looked down on their sleeping forms and in a voice that barely seemed to reach her own ears she whispered, "My blood for your blood. My life for your lives. My soul for your souls. I stand between you and the darkness until my flame dies. So with the help of God I swear." Just then Rainne opened his eyes and smiled.


Tass didn't realize for a moment that Sai Jon had stopped talking. Throughout the story it was as if he could see the people and places, as if he was there. Sai Jon stood slowly, as if he was stiff from sitting so long. "I'll let you rest now," he said as he moved towards the door, "if you want I'll return tommorow."

"I'd like that...Rainne." Tass said as Sai Jon reached the door.

"No Tass, not anymore. He died long ago." The door closed behind him.


Date: 2005-08-04 21:12 EST
He had not wanted to leave that place where life boomed, but he knew he had to. The call which had brought was a unique one, one which he had felt only once. Yet the voice that gave the call was different. He knew the words which were spoken, and the force that had requested him back.

It was time.

Those words which were spoken were enough to heal the critical damage that was done to his body. They healed enough that he could return in order to heal himself.

But there were other reasons which he needed to return.

Alais had returned to and from Riverbend, it what appeared an unscathed fashion. But there was something dark that flowed around her. The Bloodspeaker was moving again and striking out at any she could. The General had his plate full and seemed to be becoming bogged down with all that troubled him. The Queen had finally been rescued, but she would need tending too, physically, mentally, and emotionally. And the Elder?

The Elder was completely silent. That was what was troubling the most. He did not look forward to making the trip Home, but he knew that he would have to if the Elder did not make some of his presence known.

It was time?.


His eyes fluttered open, weakly, and he looked to a face that he did not know. It was a face that should not be here. That was what frightened him the most. He knew the boarders were closed to all but the dragon kin.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-08-17 12:08 EST
Ashen gave me a look that I could not decypher as I disintegrated and returned to Matlal. I remain troubled by Ashen. He appears to be elven, but there is something not right. He used a glamor for some reason, but I didn't have the time to spend figuring out what it was about Ashen that bothered me. I would go back for him when the immenent danger here was over.

The wards around the Emerald Isles let me through easier than they had before I'd left. I arrived at my home on Matlal, exhausted and worn out. The pain in my back remained, but nothing is visible. Did I meet up with Shakira? Did any of that really happen???

Garl was waiting when I arrived. He was standing in the Great Hall as I came inside, after having gone to check on Daemonbane. He gave me a construction update. How he knows when I will return is anyone's guess, but he always meets me with news and progress reports. The foundation stone still holds the great black blade, and I am going to have to find a way to move it so the construction can be completed.

I needed to go see Tass, and after Garl finished, I took my staff and went across the water to the Momus Estates. Walking through the halls toward Tass' suites, no one stopped me, and I had to assume he was still living, for which I am very thankful. Because if he'd passed, then the only way the wards would be easing would be because Khirsah had returned, and I had no sense that he was back.

Pausing outside the door, I said a quick prayer to the Valar before quietly opening the door.

The room was cast in twilight, but what drew my instant attention was the figure of a man, sound asleep in a chair near Tass' bed. The man was truly mankind, not dragonkind in human form. His looks said 50ish, human, maybe Mediterranian Earth? Brown robes, priest? He was sleeping peacefully, but what he was doing here was the crucial question. Why was he alone in Tass' chambers? Where was Tass?

Tense from the trip to Annaran holdings, and with war on the doorstep, it was going to be better safe than sorry, and with a light tap of the dragon topped staff, I gently bound the sleeping man to the chair he was slouched in, he would awaken soon enough, and then we would see.

I sat in a chair opposite the man to wait.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-08-17 18:46 EST
Sai Jon knocked quitely on the door to Tasslehofl's chamber. He felt like he'd been run through a meat grinder after his talk with Tass the night before. Not only did he not normally talk about his past but he had been feeding power into Tass through his stories in order to speed his recovery. After he knocked a second time he pushed the door gently and it swung open silently. The room was empty. Sai Jon sighed and walked over to the chairs in front of the fireplace and greatfully sunk into one. He would wait for Tass to come back and continue, the story seemed to be pushing on his insides struggling to get out. He would wait. He was asleep in moments.


Sai Jon stood on the edge of darkness. On his right stood Rainne still young and untouched. On his left was an older man in black and grey camoflage with obvious cybernetics covering the right side of his face, both legs, and his right hand. His eyes narrowed as he stared into the pulsating darkness. Sai Jon looked to either side slowly. "Rainne...Kor Jon...why are you here?"

"Someone calls to us. To all of us." Rainne whispered.

"But the darkness is faster." Kor Jon rasped "The darkness is here."


Sai Jon awoke with a start and found himself tied to the chair he had fallen asleep in. Across from him sat an elven woman who looked like she badly needed some sleep. He looked down at the ropes holding him. "Should I assume you are a friend of Master Momus or should I stand up shooting?"

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-08-17 19:22 EST
The human came awake abruptly, glancing down at the bindings I'd summoned to hold him to the chair before looking up at me. "Should I assume you are a friend of Master Momus, or should I stand up shooting."

I studied him a moment, the hood cast most of his face in shadow, but there was a hint of cybernetic repairs in what I could see and I supressed a shudder. He was some combination of man and machine. "Ah dae trust ye'll forgiff me fer bein' safe. Prithee, whom art thou? Oonla th' dragons an' special guests 're allowed 'ere ri' nae. 'n forgiff, bu' yer nae dragonkind, 'n Tass was 'n nae condition tae giff ye passage 'ere." I watched him long moments, he'd not fought the restraint, and there was always the possibility he could free himself of the bindings, but while I'd been gentle with them, they were strong and magic resistant.

I glanced around the otherwise empty room, then back at the man in the brown robes. "Yer name 'n wha' yer daein' 'ere wouldst be a verra fione start. Aye, Ah'm a friend o' Tass', sae Ah' dae live 'pon one o' Tass' Isles."

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-08-17 20:42 EST
"My name is Sai Jon and I am a guest of Master Momus. I have been aiding in his recovery but when I came to visit this evening he was not here. I sat down to wait and must have fallen asleep." Sai Jon extended the monofilament claws on his mechanical right hand and slashed apart the ropes that were binding him but made no move to stand.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-08-17 22:14 EST
"Sai Jon, 't ist nae a name Ah've 'eard b'fore. Ye've nae idea whence 'e's gone tae?"

He was working on undoing the binding, I could feel the unraveling of my spell while he spoke.

"Dinnae get tae carried away wi' yer undaein' lest ye like stronger sorceries thence ye currentla bear."

My hands remains wrapped about the rouwan wood staff, the moonsilver runes shimmering against the wood.

"Why've ye coome tae aid 'is r'covera? Whom didst summon ye 'ere?"

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-08-18 04:18 EST
Sai Jon endured the flood of questions and waited until he was sure she was done, "Master Momus was in no condition to leave here so I hope it wasn't far but the mere fact that he survived the injuries says something of his power. As for being summoned, no one summoned me. I discovered that a friend of mine I thought was dead was still alive so I followed his dreams to this place."

Sai Jon stopped talking as the door opened to reveal Giles and Jacob. Jacob was talking animatedly as Giles merely smiled quietly, "So then the snake priest takes out this glowing red knife and I..." Jacob's voice trailed off as he took in the scene before him.

Giles moved forward to stand before Alais. "Mistress d'Nitesong, a pleasure as always. Garl told me you had arrived. Master Momus is currently off the Isles but I see you've met his guest and a personal friend of mine. Would you care for some tea while you interrogate?" The corner of Giles' mouth twitched as if he was restraining a smile and Sai Jon just scowled.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-08-18 08:59 EST
I listened intently to the man who claimed to be a friend of Tass'. At length, Giles arrived with another who was identified as Jacob.

"G'eventide tae ye Master Giles, ye ken whom this one ist?"

I had to laugh, the deadpan straight expression on Gile's face was priceless as he asked if I would like some tea for the interrogation.

"Aye Giles, 't wouldst be lovela forsooth." I struggled to maintain a straight face as I turned once more to Sai Jon, "Prithee, Ah dae 'ope ye ken th' reasons fer mine caution." With that, I dispelled the bindings.

"Dae ye care fer tea 's well?"

I hazarded a glance at the one called Jacob, never having seen a creature of his like before, but knowing full well that Tass has unique acquaintances from times and places uncountable.

"Ye've nae answered th' query 's tae 'ow ye didst ge' 'ere. Followin' dreams ist nae a method o' arrival."

I remained seated across from Sai Jon, my fingers sliding over the runes slowly. The chair, while normally comfortable was not one I could lean back into, and the pain stabbed hotly if I tried. I would need to return to Matlal tonight, for I was in no condition for an extended evening with Tass' guests.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-08-18 18:32 EST
Sai Jon leaned back and allowed himself to relax, he never had liked being imprisoned but he was trying restraint regardless of how foreign the concept had become over the years. For the first time he stopped and studied his short time jailor and he noticed something strange about her energies...she was a realm runner, someone who travelled between worlds, and she had been hurt. Well Tass was gone but someone else who needed help had appeared, the Lord definitely moved in mysterious ways.

"Miss Alais, will you allow me to help you?" he asked quietly.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-08-18 18:42 EST
Silver eyes snapped open hearing Sai Jon's question. "wha' dae ye mean 'elp me? Ah didst thin' ye'd coome 'ere tae 'elp Tass, bu' 'e ist nae 'ere 't th' moment."

I hazarded a quick look at Giles, then back at the robed man.

How could he know? I'd been very careful not to lean against the chair, and short of exhaustion, it could not have shown in my features, yet, his gaze was intent, and the living tissue blue-grey eye was too knowing. I cannot look long upon the cybernetic eye, it is unnerving.

I rose out of the chair as the one known as Jacob moved slightly, putting himself in a rearward position from where I had been sitting.

"Prithee, wha' dae ye thin' ye see?"

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-08-18 18:52 EST
"You've been hurt, and pretty badly from what I can tell. You're not from this world or wherever you were when you got hurt. The energies are too different," Sai Jon's face darkened, "almost cold if that's possible. But, if you'll let me, I can help." He motioned Jacob to move away from her. She was obviously a friend to Tass and that made her worth helping but just as obviously she held no trust for him or Jacob.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-08-18 20:10 EST
My fingers tightened reflexively on the staff, and the dragonette shifted restlessly atop the staff. The chill from the realm of the dead still flowed in my veins, and there was an overwhelming sense of need to be elsewhere.

Nodding to him politely, "Wha' didst 'appen tae me was bu' a dream. There're nae marks tae bear fact tae wha' mine mind doth b'lief dids't 'appen."

With that, the Annaran words slipped from my lips and my form dissipated into a column of icy cold silver before vanishing from the room. I fled his presence to return to Matlal. He was Tass' friend, but I knew him not.

Giles looked up as Garl stepped into the rooms. "She will have returned to Matlal. She keeps pretty much to herself. You will find her there if you truly wish to help." He then stepped onto the balcony and lifted his wings to the evening skies.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-08-18 23:22 EST
Giles turned to Sai Jon as Garl dissapeared into the night sky. "Something you said sir?" Giles asked with a smile.

"Shut up Giles," Sai Jon shot back, "and quit with the sir stuff already."

"Of course sir." Jacob and Giles smiled at each other as Sai Jon growled under his breath.

"Ok, something is wrong here. Tass is still gone, something got to that lady and the energy was the same as whatever hurt Tass. Both of them have considerable powers. Something big is going on and it doesn't seem like a good thing.," he looked up at his two friends with a humorless smile, "so much for our vacation."

Jacob sighed, "I'll grab the gear," on the way out the door he turned back, "what level you thinking?"

"What do we have short of total war?"

"That would be nothing."

"Sounds about right. I'll be here when you're ready."

Giles look back and forth between his two friends and felt a strong wave of nostalgia. It had been a while but it felt like old times. "I'll put the staff on alert and join you. Neither of you have ever been able to stay out of trouble for more than five minutes without me there."

Sai Jon broke into a real smile, "Gear up then, I'll see if I can find out anything before we go." Giles and Jacob left to prepare and Sai Jon slipped into his own mind, it was time to figure out what was going on here.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-08-19 00:21 EST
The night air was cool, and I arrived on the black sand beach below the construction. How in the name of the Valar had he known? They'd spent only minutes in one the other's company, and somehow he knew. Knew what even I do not know for certain happened.

I paced along the beach, listening to the waves wash across the sand, pausing to look out over the water toward the Momus Estates. A dragon took flight, winging it's way toward Matlal. That would be Garl. My guardian dragon. I laughed sadly. Poor Tass, the troubles an elf can wreak in his land.

Where was Tass? Even Sai Jon, who'd claimed to have come to heal him did not claim to know where he'd gone, and the last time I'd seen Tass, he was being consumed by dark sorceries that looked for all the world to be the same as Daemonbane evoked when touched by anyone other than the rightful Kings of Annara.

Climbing the hill toward my home, I paused at the corner foundation stone. The place where my sorceries touched the magic of the Emerald Isles. There lay the blade of Annaran Kings. It reflected nothing, no moonlight, no starlight. It writhed as I approached it, but the luring song remained mute. I held out my hand toward the beckoning blade, and it rippled, waiting for me to touch it, to curl my fingers around it's hilt, to take it up and wield it as the last Annaran to rule.

Garl was there of a sudden, stepping between the blade and me.

I slowly looked up at the dragon, then turned and walked into the cool interior. Finding my way through the dimly lit rooms to my own suite before walking out onto the balcony that over looks the water, and then slipping to the plagioclase tiled floor as exhaustion took it's toll.

Darkness swirled around me.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-08-19 05:11 EST
The darkness was waiting for him when he returned to the blasted waste of his mind so were Rainne and Kor Jon. "Why have you two returned?" Sai Jon asked, fearing the answer.

"We never left," Rainne and Kor Jon spoke in unison, their voices combining and they sounded like Sai Jon's own voice, a fact that disturbed him greatly. "When we forgave you became the outside. We became the inside. We watch and wait for you to need us. You need us now so we have come." As one, they pointed into the darkness, "Someone calls. Someone calls us all."

"Who?" Sai Jon asked forcing his voice not to tremble.

"The old one," they both reached out and each took hold of one of Sai Jon's arms, "He is in a bad place but we are here. We are one. We will protect you from the darkness and bring you home."

The darkness rippled and Sai Jon flew forward into the abyss screaming.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-08-19 05:50 EST
The darkness lifted and Sai Jon stood before a shadowy form. The figure was humanoid but it hinted at something greater beyond. Something ancient and powerful that made Sai Jon feel tiny and insignificant before it. Sai Jon looked around wildly recognizing where he was. He stood at the center of the Ten Canyons, the site of one of the most horrific battles in the history of his people. A battle he had been in. A battle that had almost killed him and had left him wishing it had. Sai Jon looked up wildly with terror in his eyes. Just then the figure stepped forward and touched his shoulder. A flash of understanding hit him like a lightning bolt, this was Tass' mind, or at least as much of it as he could handle seeing. In that moment Sai Jon realized exactly how much trouble he was in because Tass needed his help.

"How? What can I do?" Sai Jon asked. The thoughts formed inside him, larger than words. "A tear in the world. Death coming to the living and the generals need to be told. I will do it."

Sai Jon started to turn away but a thought followed him, "By passing you my energy as you healed a bridge must have formed between our minds which you used to call me here." Sai Jon looked around again and realized that he might be able to help. He pushed outwards with his mind and a suddenly the plain surrounding them was filled with an army.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-08-19 07:38 EST
Sai Jon and Tass walked through the tents unseen and unnoticed. They were ghosts in the memory that surrounded them. Sai Jon talked quietly none the less, this was the last place and time that he wished to be but something told him that he needed Tass to see, to understand. He didn't know why. They stopped in front of a unremarkable tent near the edge of the encampment.

"I left Kor Hold when I was seventeen. I wanted to see the world outside of the mile long canyon that had been my peoples home for so long and my father wanted me to stay and become a priest like him. Alynne came with me. Actually she kept me alive for the first couple of weeks. I was...well let's just say clueless would be a complement. I knew nothing about surviving in the wild and she taught me and protected me. We'd always been friends but I started to see her differently then. We reached civilization after almost two weeks of hard travelling and that's when the problems started. We were both of age and were immediately pressed into service in the military. Half a year later found us here, two children barely trained in how to fight on the eve of the first engagement of what we were told would be the beginning of the push to retake our world from the demons. It didn't go quite as they planned."

Sai Jon paused and pointed towards the eastern horizon where the sun was edging over the horizon. Black winged shapes showed up faintly against the rising sun and alarms began to sound across the camp. Rainne burst out of the tent pulling on his shirt as he scanned the horizon. Alynne followed him out of the tent and quickly pointed out the approaching shapes before they were drowned out as the sun continued it's inexorable rise. They both gathered their weapons and broke down the tent quickly. Six months of intense training had shaped them both. Any trace of fat was gone, replaced by wiry toned muscles and an efficient grace that they never imagined before. Sai Jon watched his memories with a sinking feeling. He knew what had come next.

The human army formed up into ranks, and began to prepare for the approaching flyers but coming over the horizon was a mass of darkness. The shear numbers were beginning to black out the sky. Alynne reached forward and gripped Rainne's arm, "By the Lord, it's a swarm." In times of danger the demons would put aside their clan differences and join under one leader to swarm. It hadn't happened in two hundred years but they were coming.

Several people tried to turn and run but were cut down by the officers in the back of the formation. Rainne looked down at his hands, they were shaking. He hefted his rifle and began to aim. The first shot would be easy, just shoot into the darkness. Each minute seemed to slow and the moment before the two forces clashed seemed to stretch into eternity but as much as he wished it wouldn't, the moment ended.

Lasers lanced up into the oncoming swarm and were returned. And then the demons were among the humans. Lasers continued to flash and the light glinted off the claws and swords of the two armies. The world dimmed into a haze of red.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-08-19 08:34 EST
The world reformed around Tass and Sai Jon. They were standing in a large tent filled with wounded soldiers. Moaning and crying filled the air and the bloodstained walls spoke of death cheated and death found. Alynne sat next to one of the cots, it's occupant was barely recognizable under the mass of blood soaked bandages that covered his face. Rainne stirred and tried to sit up with a shriek. Alynne grabbed his shoulders and pushed him back down. Her face was drawn and pale. "Stay still Rainne," she whispered into his ear, "shhhh."

Rainne stopped moving but his left eye looked around wildly, "Where am I Alynne? What happened?"

She let go of his shoulders and smoothed back his hair, "You were injured in the battle. I lost track of you and didn't find you until after it was all over. I managed to get you to help but..." she trailed off.

"But what?"

"They had were hurt very badly. Both legs were shattered and the right side of your face was...It looked like you had been knocked unconscious and something ran over you. "

"What's did they do? Alynne?"

"They had to replace..." Alynne was cut off as Rainne yelled incoherently and reached up to his face ripping off the bandages. A long red cut had been stiched down the right side of his face from his eyebrow to his chin broken up by a metal strip that wrapped around the back of his head and what looked like a hexagon shaped camera lens with a single red dot glowing at its center.

Rainne felt the cybernetic implant and his hands fell to his side. "My legs too right? I can't feel them." His voice was suddenly calm. Alynne nodded as tears ran down her face. "Please leave," he said so quietly that she barely heard him until he repeated himself, "Alynne, just leave me alone please." She looked at him in disbelief but he just closed his eye and turned his head away from her. She sat there for a minute, stunned but then stood and left the hospital tent. Rainne just cried.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-08-19 08:50 EST
They stood in the darkness again but it was empty now. Tass' form was sharper and easier to see now. Sai Jon stood before him trembling. Go, warn my people. I will return when I am able. The voice rolled through his bones and he was flung backwards into the darkness again.

Suddenly he was back in Tass' bedroom. Sweat rolled down his face and his hand involuntarily reached up to the faded scar. He leaned back in the seat and waited for Giles and Jacob to return. Things were worse than he had feared.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-08-19 09:48 EST
Giles bustled into the room in his old tweed suit with his umbrella under his arm and carpet bag in hand. He hadn't dressed for adventuring in a few centuries and he marveled at how good it felt to be going out to fight evil again.

Jacob followed him in. He had ditched the robe and was wearing a pair of faded blue jeans that had patches on its patches. Two bandoleers of shotgun rounds criss-crossed his scaly chest and a sword and a shotgun were strapped to his back. His right arm was cybernetic but had been painted a matte black.

Sai Jon looked up at the two of them. He hadn't seen them together like this since they fought together over two hundred years earlier. He stood slowly, pushing off of the arms of the chair. "Ready gentlemen." He asked, his voice gaining strength as memories of his two friends flashed through his mind.

"You know us." Jacob said as he cracked his neck.

"Yeah, that's what scares me." Sai Jon said with a grin. Giles, before we go, I was contacted by Tass. He said to warn the generals, there was a tear between this world and the world of the dead. He tried to tell me where but I couldn't understand him."

Giles visibly restrained himself from asking questions, "I'll pass the word." he reached out with his magic and touched the minds of Tass' generals. "They've been told."

"Then let's go." Jacob said and stepped out onto the balcony. Quicksilver wings flowed out of his back and he leaped into the air rising quickly. Giles stood there stunned.

"Yeah, there have been a few changes." Sai Jon's robe fell to the floor revealing the tattered set of urban camouflage Giles remembered. Quicksilver wings spread out of his back, identical to Jacob's.

Giles just shook his head. "At least getting across the channel won't be a problem." Giles walked out onto the balcony and opened his umbrella. Then he simply lifted off holding the umbrella like a male Mary Poppins.

"One day I'll expect something like that." Sai Jon muttered as he launched into flight.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-08-19 10:13 EST
The three companions touched down in front of the house and were greeted by Garl, looking imposing as always. Without talking he gestured for them to follow and he led them into the building. When they reached the ladies quarters they found the door open and Sai Jon yelled as he spotted the shape of a crumpled form on the balcony. He ran forward dropping to his knees beside Alais' unconscious form. He kneeled beside her but when his hand touched her forehead a spark shot through him and then darkness overcame him.

Giles and Jacob just looked at each other, "Not again," they said together.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-08-19 10:48 EST

............Tangible darkness............

...............................................Not the same...........................

Battles too numerous to count.

.........Blood staining the soil in ghastly shades of red and brown.

Kings for 43 generations.

................Old magic.

..................................Dark power.

........................................................Evil growing.

Through it all, there is one constant - a great black blade at the side of one man. The salvation, and the destruction of the Annaran people. A blessing, tied to a horrible curse

It was there when the first Annaran King formed a cohesive culture out of chaos. Fate was sealed with the first hand to wrap around it's rough black hilt. It conferred power in exchange for blood.

It remained thus for nearly 2000 years. Building, strengthening, but corrupting and rotting the Annaran civilization simultaneously.

Wars untold flashed in frightening clarity. Each one led by a crowned King, wielding the rippled black blade. Each King one day coming to the same dark end at the call of Daemonbane. Each King dying in madness and worse.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-08-19 15:41 EST
The images shifted, bringing into focus a great stone keep built at the curve of a river. Tall curtain walls surrounded a square tower, and around the inner side of the curtain wall, near a bend in a broad river stood a black smith shop, and within a Dwarf muttering and cursing.

A tall, elven woman stood there, with a warrior at her side, and the pieces of a broken blade lay upon the table. "It be missing a shard, see here?" The Dwarf was indicating a missing section of the blade. "You'll have to find it, or I can't reforge it."

At that moment, a large man dressed from hat to boot in black, rode up to the entry of the smithy, dismounting swiftly from a great black destrier, that pranced and snorted as the mage dismounted. Hadrian's ears were flat against his head as he was so close to other people. While the rider's back was turned toward them, the image of the Annaran blade rippled along the man's back, rustling the heavy black cloak. Here was Morrin. Arch Mage, and unmistakably King of Annara.

The mage and the Eldarie sorceress had met for the first time. His grey eyes met her silver gaze, and in that moment was forged a century of partnership. Oh, it was not of the romantic sort. The two were a perfect fit in terms of sorcery. They were absolute compliments, and in that instant, Morrin had recognized that while he never took students, he would take this elf as his pupil. Something he had never done in all his years.

They worked together for a century. The culmination of that partnership was unthinkable.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-08-19 16:08 EST
The mage stood in his laboratory, showing an elven woman the intricacies of the spell. It would be his last, and most powerful spell, and it must be done with absolute precision.

Before them lay 3 books.

The first one was bound in a fine leather, the texture was ultra smooth, with very fine texture that did not resemble any animal but one, (human). It was dyed in a rich tan. The leather he told her was the flesh of the previous King, who the current King had slain. This book embodied all of the spells the Arch Mage knew for death and destruction of people.

The second book was bound in a pale stone, with the bold black sigil of Morrin. This book embodies famine, plague, and the destruction of environment. The abilities to take "scorched earth" policies to new levels were recorded within its pages.

The third book is innocuous enough in appearance, small black leather binding with gold sigil. The leather is without any gloss, and seems to absorb light, but is otherwise unremarkable. But, the three spells in this book are the most terrible of all.

It is the third book that lays open between the two mages.

Strapped to the back of the old mage was Daemonbane. It never left Morrin. Ever.

The mages went over and over the final spell. Perfecting every nuance. Every syllable. Every aspect of spell casting was synchronous art between them.

Practice had come to an end. The two mages left the tower together with one purpose: the complete destruction of the Annaran people.

There would be only one living soul who could claim Annaran ties when this day ended.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-08-19 17:34 EST
Two mages stood upon isolated hills, with a city between them. The day dawned clouded and sullen. Icy rain threatened to coat everything in glistening cocoons, but the mages stood ready. One dressed in black from hat to boot heel, the other in shimmering silver and blue.

They were too far apart to hear one another, but they'd rehearsed this plan thousands of times. Today would be no rehearsal. Today was the Day of Reckoning for the Annaran people, even though only their king, and one sorceress knew it.

At the appointed time, they began.

Book One was enacted by the pair. Human death in all its forms began inside the city walls. People began dying by the hundreds of every malady known to Morrin. Some deaths were mercifully swift. Some were not. Then the spell began to work on those Annaran's not within the city walls. It took most of the morning to destroy the humanity within the city's walls, as well as those not currently in residence.

Book Two was enacted next. The destruction of the land, the animals, the plants, the air, the water, all of it was laid to ruin. It was all forever stricken of ability to support any form of life. Not an insect remained. Nothing moved.

Book Three was the last to be enacted. It was the one the elven mage struggled to perform. Elves revere life. Beauty. Yet this book would see the casting of what had once been a living people and land into the 6th level of Hell. Forever would an entire civilization and place be consigned to dwell in the place reserved for Heretics.

She wept as the final words were spoken, and the mage upon the hill across from her faded from sight. They were gone. All of them. Every trace of Annara had been erased from this plane. Every person of Annaran ancestry destroyed. Every bit of Annaran possessions removed.

Gone. Completely and irrevocably gone.

She left her hill as the winter sun crept toward the horizon to stand one last time where her beloved mentor had stood. Nothing remained. No shred of the man she'd come to respect above all others. Nothing.

She left that place where Annara had once been, returning to her home in RhyDin, but as she entered the Great Room, she was faced with something she'd never expected.... Daemonbane hung from the fireplace, just above the mantle piece, where her own family's coat of arms had been. Below the blade, laid in a neat pile upon the hearth stone were the 3 books. Four items had survived their effort to forever remove all of Annara from this realm.

Now, Daemonbane hung there as her heritage, her history, and one day, her demise.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-08-19 18:05 EST
Images shifted, parted, moved in disjointed ways.

An elven woman walked through a stone mausoleum, pausing to gently run her finger tips over the alabaster effigy of a man. A King.

Whispers could be heard, but not the source of them seen.

She walked slowly out of the mausoleum, toward the wide river, and the ruins of what appears to be a smithy.

Tears slip down her cheeks.

These images repeat, many years this elf moves between the world of the living, and this place.

Many years she's spent in solitude with the alabaster effigy for her only company.

It is solace and peace. It is her retreat from the living. It is where she goes to find numbing relief from the sharp pain of living.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-08-20 10:39 EST
Brilliant solar flare erupts and the world changes.

Three books lay upon a table in a world with twin suns. A woman''s hand caresses the bold black sigils of the books as an owl shaped automaton named Ozymandias floats nearby. As her hand passes over each sigil, they shift and change form, a blending of sigils, and the new one is a dark metallic charcoal in color, softened by the elven influence on the Annaran boldness, but the elven sigil is lost forever. It has been incorporated into the Annaran realm, no longer distinguishable as uniquely Eldarie. As well, the Annaran sigil is lost, softened for all time by the elven influence.

Only two of the books have undergone this alteration. The third, a small black leather book remains uniquely Morrin''s.

Deep sadness pervades departure from this twin sun world, a sorrow that goes deeper than even her loss of Morrin, but the images for this sorrow remain locked away. Untouchable.

A stone walled library, three books, long shadows cast from a flickering fire as a green cloaked dragon takes possession of the books and departs.


Pain. Sharp, biting pain. Iron tipped whip biting into pale flesh. Black haired demoness wielding the whip, words that make no sense?. "I want to hear you scream and I won't stop until you do," Shakira says through gritted teeth as she continues the punishment. The elf continues to deny that small pleasure to the demoness. Each lash cuts through elven skin, leaving bloody welts. Alais knows her strength is fading, she is weaker from the loss of blood. How many has it been? Ten? Twenty? She's lost count. Again the pain, and again, and again. Finally the pain becomes unbearable, there's nothing she can do but scream and the elven woman feels hot tears roll down her cheeks.

Shakira walks near her, a hand grabs her hair and pulls her head back. "That's a good girl," she croons. She takes the whip and licks the blood off the leather. "That will be it for today. I suggest you rest." As if this had been a command, darkness envelopes the elf into a dreamless sleep.


The dragon has taken the unaltered book. Only two return to the Annaran''s hand when summoned. The third remains lost. Gone with the dragon, back to the beginning. Back to the Primordial Dark!

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-08-21 08:55 EST
Sai Jon struggled through the deluge of thoughts as they washed over him threatening to rip away his identity along with his sanity. He pulled himself inwards concentrating on who he knew himself to be. Slowly the images faded leaving him feeling nauseous. He looked around and found Rainne on his left and Kor Jon on his right. They stood in a ring of rough hewn stone pillars. Outside of the ring on his left side was a lush forest and to the right was a desert that stretched out to the horizon, flat and lifeless. In front of him stood Alais in dark grey robes looking out towards the desert without moving. Sai Jon had the feeling that things were not getting any better any time soon.

Sai Jon stepped forward tentatively, "Alais, where are we?"

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-08-21 09:02 EST
The woman turned slowly, "we are at a cross roads, a place of blending. This is where two parts come together to form a whole."

She stood looking out over the deserted wasteland beyond the stones.

"A sad thing to become, is it not?"

She turned argentine eyes on him. "You came to heal Tass, but can you heal this kind of ruin? For it is this kind of damage he suffers, though how I cannot say. Daemonbane remains untouched."

There is no surprise in her features, as though he should be there within the standing stones. She remained motionless as she stared into the place without life.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-08-21 09:17 EST
Sai Jon stepped forward to stand beside her and looked out over the wastes as well. "I do not know, but I will try," he gazed outwards for a moment, "The blending of opposites is often painful but sometimes it is necessary to find a balance, to find peace. The images I saw, they were your memories weren't they?"

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-08-21 09:24 EST
"Yes, memories of things gone before. Happens when I've reached my limits, dreaming."

She did not look at him, "Blending opposites can also destroy." In a very soft thread of sound, "has destroyed."

"Why are you here, in this place, healer? Why did you come?"

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-08-21 09:54 EST
"I came to help you," he paused and scanned the horizon, "Have you ever done something you cannot forgive yourself for." Kor Jon grunted like he had been kicked and Rainne choked.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-08-21 11:31 EST
She slowly turned away from the desolation to the west of them, "you cannot help me healer. I have part of my existence in the elven world, and part of my existence in a dead one. Those are incompatible things. Were you to touch me, you would still feel the unnatural chill of the dead, but I will warm with time, only to touch the realm of the dead again. It is Tass your energies should be spent on. Tass''s lands and people who are most at risk right now and need him back, whole and healed." There are lines of strain on her elven features, exhaustion and pain reside in her eyes.

She swept her hand in the direction of the wasteland, "what you see out there represents a part of one of the things I regret the most in my life. But the aspect of that regret may surprise you." Her words were carefully chosen. Regret.

Giving him a mirthless smile, "You saw what I helped Morrin do. But, what you did not see were the reasons he had to complete such a task. There are many who believe there could be no reason to justify the banishment." She paused for long moments. Then continued very softly, almost too softly to hear, "but they are wrong. Morrin and I did the only thing we could to prevent Daemonbane''s continued growth."

"Regret is a wasted emotion. It is too easy, and too relied upon. But I do regret the casting of the Annaran''s into the Hells. I regret deserting my children and leaving them for Xenograg to mentor. I regret the loss of my closest friend to a madness she could not overcome, I regret losing my daughter to that damned Temple, I regret losing Morrin probably most of all." There is a pause, closing her eyes tightly, shoving back memories that flit as images just beyond the stones of a twin sun world, a tall man dressed in purple adamantine armor, an automaton in the shape of an owl; then just as suddenly they are gone, and she resumes walking. "I regret bringing Tass into contact with the Annaran artifacts, had I not sought his help with the books, he would not have given me space here for their sequestering, and Daemonbane would not have followed me here, and I know I will regret the changes the third book is making on Khirsah. I have brought into Tass'' world a curse that should have gone with Morrin into Hell. Neither of us expected these four items to remain behind. They should have followed Morrin, unless?" her thoughts trailed into silence.

Wrapping both arms around herself, "did you know Healer, that in Riverbend, there is no acute pain, no sharp memories? It is as if you are an outsider, looking in, a detached spectator viewing events. Tass brought me back from that state. Brought me back here to protect the books from the rest of RhyDin, and in so doing, opened the tear that now threatens his lands? Do you know what frightens me the most?" Frowning, she keeps walking, but no more does she give voice to her thoughts.

She moved then, slowly from standing stone to standing stone, never looking directly at him, "You asked me if there was anything for which I could not forgive myself, the answer is yes. But it is none of these things that you have seen."

Turning toward him abruptly, "tell me about Tobias and Anne please? What happened to them? Why does that vista not bring horror to your features?" as she indicated the dead land beyond the stones. Her attention now riveted on the man rather than the surrounding juncture of two incompatible worlds.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-08-22 06:33 EST
Sai Jon grabbed the nearest stone to stay standing and Rainne grabbed his arm as Kor Jon stepped between Alais and the other two. Sai Jon pulled Kor Jon back and squared his shoulders. "The vista does not horrify me because I travelled one much like it for a long time. Tobias and Anne are my children. They were 6 and 2 when I killed them." Sai Jon took a deep breath and moved to stand before her. "Alais, you've shown me your nightmare, welcome to mine." He reached out and grasped her by the arms and the world around them disappeared.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-08-22 08:58 EST
Sai Jon and Alais stood alone before a stone altar. The surrounding landscape was scarred and pitted with bomb craters but a few ragged shrubs struggled to survive. In the distance two figures were struggling across the wastes towards them.

"That's my brother and I coming. I ran away from home when I was 17 and ended up in the military. 3 years later I came home broken and afraid I was losing my humanity. Alynne saved me. She made me remember what I had left behind at home and she showed me how to care again. We fell in love and were married. I went back to my studies and at the age of 28 I finished my studies with my father and was going to become a priest like him. I had a wife and two children who I loved with all of my heart, a calling in life, and a home that I never wanted to ever leave. I was happy." Sai Jon's smile was small and sad. "I was coming here to the shrine to pray the night before I was to be ordained."

The two advancing figures finally reached the two watchers. Alais recognized a much younger version of Sai Jon but the other one was not remotely human. A demon strode up the rise to the altar, keeping pace effortlessly. Its skin was a mottled grey and two amber eyes glowed in its skull. Bat-like wings wrapped around its shoulders like a cape and while its clawed hands were empty it was carrying a small arsenal of blades and firearms. The younger version of Sai Jon spoke as they reached the altar, "You ok Saltera, that last hill seemed to take the wind out of you," a mischievous grin crossed his face.

"Don't worry about me little brother," Saltera rasped, "You're the out of shape one." Thunder rolled across the sky causing both of them to jump. "Well get to it Rainne. I'll do the watching, you do the praying."

Sai Jon kneeled and clasped his hands in front of him. No sooner had his knees touched the ground when shadows lept up all around them. Demons, cybernetically enhanced to the point that they were more machine than creature, appeared out of thin air surrounding the two. The largest stood on top of the altar looking down on the kneeling human. Rainne scrambled to his feet and backed away until he stood beside his brother.

"I wouldn't have believed it. A demon living with humans, and calling one 'brother' this will not be." The large demon hissed as it hopped down off of the altar. Saltera's hands began to creep towards his weapons. "Don't young one. You will provide me much entertainment but much less if you are dead. Take them." Lightning flashed from above and from the weapons of their attackers and the world faded.

Sai Jon and Alais stood alone in the darkness again. "It would have been kinder if I hadn't woken up."

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-08-22 09:51 EST
The darkness faded and Rainne lay on the stone altar. He sat up quickly and immediately wished he hadn't. His head swam and he rolled over dropping to his hands and knees as he emptied his stomach all over the ground.

"Such fragile creatures you are." The voice of the large demon rasped.

Rainne lurched to his feet staggering as he spun but he could see no one as far as the horizon. "Where are you?" Rainne whispered.

"Inside monkey boy. I'm inside this primitive sludge bag you call a brain."


"Oh come along, even you can't be that stupid. Very well then lets go for a walk." Raine stood up straight and began to stride back across the wastes towards Kor Hold.

"Where are you taking me?" Rainne asked as he tried desperately to regain control of his own body.

"Home monkey. You're going home." And the demon laughed.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-08-22 10:14 EST
Rainne was still fighting hopelessly when he was met by the first sentry. His cybernetic right hand lashed out and claws extended slicing the throat of a man he had known for more than two decades and blood splattered across his chest disappearing in the red light cast by the setting sun. The guard at the top of the stairs leading down into the canyon met a similar fate when Rainne silenced him with a blow to the throat and launched him off into empty space. The poor soul was dead beofre he hit the ground 300 some feet below. Rainne crossed Kor Hold again and again as he walked from house to house always silent, always killing. His clothes were drenched in blood and inside he was screaming the endless scream of the damned.

He entered his own home last, blood still running down his face after ripping his father's throat out with his teeth. He passed through the front room and slipped into his children's bedroom. With one hand he reached into the crib that held his two year old daughter and he twisted her head until it snapped loudly.

His son Tobias opened his eyes, "Daddy?" he asked sleepily. Rainne's arm shot out and buried itself in his childs chest. His hand clenched crushing the still beating heart.

"Rainne?" a womans voice asked.

Rainne spun his clawed hand lashing out cutting a red gash under her chin from ear to ear. Blood welled out as she clutched her neck. Her eyes were wide with disbelief as she fell to her knees and toppled over at his feet. Suddenly the voice was gone and he could move again. Rainne dropped down next to his dead wife and he found his voice at last.

He screamed.

In that moment Rainne died and Kor Jon was born. Kor Jon, the death of peace.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-08-22 10:24 EST
They stood inside the standing stones again facing each other. It was only Alais and Sai Jon now. Sai Jon stared at the ground between them, "I lost myself that day. My family, friends, sanity, even my faith were gone in an instant of blood and death. I searched for years for the creature and I became exactly what I had come to call my self. I was Death. I killed and killed. Not for pleasure or any reward but simply to fill time until I could avenge myself on the creature that had destroyed me. That is what happened to my children. That is why I believe that no one is beyond forgiveness, because I wasn't." Sai Jon finally looked up, "will you let me help you?"

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-08-22 15:05 EST
The elven woman studied the instant reaction to her question, 'tell me about Tobias and Anne please.' He'd nearly dropped to his knees, and she knew she'd found the thing he'd thought he could have no forgiveness for in his life. His utter shock at her finding his thoughts and pain registered briefly in his features. He regained his composure and partially responded to the questions before approaching her.

"Alais, you've shown me your nightmare, welcome to mine," and with that he reached for her arms and pulled her into a different world and time. A place nearly as bleak as the dead planes of Annara.

The place he called his home, damaged by warfare. A life laid to ruin by the actions of a demon. Her thoughts flitted to Shakira a moment, and her control of those who get too close, and an involuntary shudder rippled down her spine. The interaction between demons and others usually resulted in horrors unspeakable.

The images of his family were the most horrifying. The confusion and shock in his children's and wife's eyes was not something she'd had to witness when Morrin and she had consigned Annara into hell. The Annarans died at distance, not up close and personal.

The standing stones of her world reformed around them. He looked at the ground as he told her he'd lost himself that day. Describing what he'd become afterwards. "That is why I believe that no one is beyond forgiveness, because I wasn't. Will you let me help you?" he asked her as he finally looked up into her face.

"How did you find your forgiveness Sai Jon? My crime is not yet come to pass, and for that I do not yet know if there is any peace to be had." She studied his face long moments, and here in this place she could look fully at the cybernetic repairs he'd undergone without consternation. "You see, I cannot be certain that even if I were to do the unthinkable in terms of my elven heritage, there is no guarantee that the bane of this plane would follow. By everything imaginable, it should, but what if it did not? Who then would remain to protect the realm from them? Who could keep Daemonbane from destroying further? Do you truly think that you can help?"

She woke with a start at the touch to her forehead, silver eyes locking on Sai Jon, seeking answers to the questions she'd posed in a place only they had been.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-08-23 21:25 EST
Alais opened her eys and Sai Jon could see her questions shining in them but he put them aside for now and closed his eyes feeling her wounds through their connection. He released his power into her burning away the damage to her body, the damage to her soul would not be so simple. He opened his eyes and helped Alais to her feet. "I don't know if I can help you but I am going try."

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-08-24 17:15 EST
I felt a surge of power race through my body as Sai Jon said, "I don't know if I can help you, but I am going to try."

He helped me to my feet, and as I glanced around the balcony, only Garl, Giles, and Jacob stood there. Kor Jon and Rainne were gone.

There was no need to ask how they had found me. Garl as my guardian no doubt led them here. Trying to regain a bit of composure, I invited them to sit. The balcony shone silvery beneath the moon, and the soft sound of the surf below was soothing.

I looked for long moments at the cloaked form of Sai Jon, "How did you know?"

There are a thousand questions I want to ask, but for the moment, it was up to Sai Jon. He was the one who would need answers if he were going to heal Tass.

As I sat gingerly back into the chair, I was pleased to discover that where once there had been stabbing pain, there was now no remnant of it. I curled comfortably into the chair waiting for his questions to begin.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-08-24 22:19 EST
Sai Jon settled into the offered chair and paused for a moment before answering. He was beginning to tire from using his powers so often without rest but as usual his life was not proving to be easy. "There are two sides to everything. I've been both a warrior and a healer in my time. Now I am storyteller who has long outlived most everyone I've ever known and am just looking for a good way to die. Specifically, you were hurt and I can feel when people are in pain be it body or spirit, that's how I knew." Sai Jon sighed, "But for now we have other difficulties. I have news of Master Momus. He has been trapped inside his own mind and is fighting to keep whatever has taken control from reaching this world. He is surviving for now but he will need help. We also have even more bad news. He warned me that there is a rip between this world and the world of the dead and the dead are coming. I don't know why or how but this is just as much a threat to this world. Giles put out the word to the other dragons before we came looking for you but I got the feeling that whatever was coming scared Tass and that really scares me." Sai Jon looked over at Jacob and flashed him a smile, "So much for our vacation and a nice relaxing reunion of friends huh?"

"I never liked the quiet life anyways." Jacob said with a toothy grin, "besides Salt and Tobi would be dissapointed if we didn't have any good stories when we got back."

Sai Jon's face suddenly became thoughtful, "We may need the backup. Can you bring them in?"

"On my way." Jacob walked to the balcony and a tear in space opened in front of him. He stepped through and the tear disappeared.

Sai Jon turned back to the others, "Alright, I'm new here. Why are the dead crashing the party and how do we stop them?" he asked looking expectantly at Alais and Giles.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-08-25 20:49 EST
"Tass has been aflicted with a curse that looks and acts like the one Daemonbane confers on anyone foolish enough to touch it. The only people who can are the rightful Annaran Kings. All others suffer as Tass is, with the exception that Tass yet lives. Daemonbane's victims have all died." There was no point in hesitating, Sai Jon needed answers, and I did have certain pieces of information.

"I cannot believe that Tass has touched Daemonbane. He knows the blade too well, and Daemonbane remains laying upon the stone where it first appeared. I am the only one who can touch that blade, and yet I dare not, for the price of wielding the sword of Annaran Kings is too high. Once I touch that blade, whether by sorcery or physically, I shall be bound to it, and it to me once the bond is made, my fate is sealed."

I paused for some moments , then summoned hot tea for all, which formed on the table before them. Garl just smiled as he poured himself a cup of the elven woman's favorite flavor.

"The tear you speak of Sai Jon originates in Riverbend. It shimmers within the mausoleum where I believe you saw Morrin's effigy in my dreams. It is the place Tass reached when he came after me in Riverbend. The tear exits high atop The Pearl."

Garl gasped in surprise. "How do you know? No one but Lord Tasslehofl, and perhaps Lord Khirsah can go there!"

I smiled at him, "because I too have been there Garl, with Lord Tasslehofl. We returned from Riverbend together, and since I was coming from a place nearly as cold as The Pearl, I could survive the cold for a short time atop the mountain."

I watched Sai Jon for some moments.

"The dead will come through that tear. They will be led by a General named Rael. The 'Others' of Riverbend spoke to me of their goals and aspirations. They've been promised freedom Sai Jon. Do you realize how much of a lure this would be to an entire race that has been banished? They will come. They will come en masse to gain their place in this plane again. And, one of them will seek to take up Daemonbane, the symbol of Annaran Kingship. They can feel the artifacts just as I can. They know they are here. Tass' world is in great danger from this army of dead preparing to come here."

"There are many things not right in Annara right now. I went to seek answers to the growing power I feel in Annaran sorceries. This is a dead world Sai Jon, and yet, the very source of my power is growing. It should not be! Morrin's world is dead. Annaran influence should die with time, not grow."

"These four artifacts are part of the reason that the dead are coming, freedom is the other reason. And, no, I do not have the answer to your questions, 'how do we stop this.'"

Well, I'd delivered a great deal of information to him in a short time, and I sat back to let him digest it.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-08-31 07:20 EST
Sai Jon listened carefully as Alais related horror after horror all of which were coming inevitably towards them. When she finished he stayed silent for a moment as he took a long sip from his tea. "Can these artifacts help us fight the creatures, or if not can they be destroyed? It may not stop them coming but at the very least it may keep them from falling into evil hands," he sighed quietly, "and if nothing else can we contain the dead here and keep them from leaving this world?"

Giles looked up from his tea, "the borders to the realm have been shut. Only Master Momus or the Elder can make it through now. You and Jacob came through in a way unforseen but even that way will be closed soon."

"Then Jacob better get back soon," Sai Jon looked back to Alais, "what about the artifacts?"

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-09-05 20:35 EST
Sipping the tea thoughtfully, "the sword didst condem th' Annarans once, tae take 't up nae wouldst be mine lass r'sort, an' those comin' through th' tear cannae take 't up. Daemonbane wouldst slay anna who dare. Ah'm th' oonla soul tha' mayst take 't up. An, Ah willnae dae tha'." A shudder ripples through her at the thought.

"The books, two're well 'idden, th' third ist wi' Khirsah, 'n we cannae reach 'im." I cannot imagine a worse thing to do than taking up Daemonbane. I know what that sword demands of any who wield it. I am not willing to surrender my life to that dark blade.

"We're 'ere, 't least from wha' Garl tells me, th' wards 're closed."

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-09-06 20:16 EST
I rose, walking slowly across the width of the balcony, looking out over the water with a cup of hot tea in my hands.

"Ye didst ask 'f th' artifacts mayst 'elp 's figh' th' creatures.... aye... they couldst.... bu' th' price ist tae 'igh."

I turned at the end of the balcony and looked back at Sai Jon, Garl, and Giles. "Ye didst alsae inquire 'f 't ist possible tae d'stroy 'em... th' answer tae tha' ist nay. Morrin 'n Ah didst try. Ah willnae risk more lives tae try again."

Taking a deep breath, "'s fer containin' th' dead 'ere.... naught mayst leave th' Isle's 'ntil Tass doth will 't, 'r Khirsah doth r'turn. Ah dinnae see Khirsah r'turnin' soon.... " my voice trailed off as my memories drew upon my attempt to reach Khirsah, and his rejection of my endeavor. It is not neccessary to tell Sai Jon that I have tried and failed to reach Khirsah... to bring him back.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-09-10 00:11 EST
Sai Jon leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes and sighed. He'd been in plenty of seemingly hopeless situations in his time but he rarely was called on to plan. Back when he had been deep in the fighting his skills had leaned more towards shooting everything that wasn't one of his friends, an undoubtedly target rich environment, and blowing up anything that didn't immediately respond to laser fire. That was long ago though, he'd been at least mostly retired for years, teaching people how to fight the darkness instead of doing it himself. He looked around at the people around him. Two dragons and an elf who all radiated power the like of which he hadn't seen in years. It had been a long time since he felt weak around others and he was pretty sure he didn't care for it. It didn't help that what was coming scared even them. He sighed again and Giles looked over at him with a look of concern. Sai Jon smiled slowly as he finally reached a decision, if this was the end then someone was going to pay in blood to end it. He stood suddenly, "Alright then, time to go find some options. How about we go see what's coming for us?"

Giles sipped his tea and repressed a shudder. From the smile on Sai Jon's face it looked like Kor Jon was back and that could only mean death was coming.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-09-10 01:27 EST
The moon rose high into the night sky above them as Sai Jon listened. At length, she leaned against the balustrade, and his face ran through a gamut of emotions, but he held his own counsel. His own demons seemed to rage behind an unmoving countenance.

When he did move, he looked at the small group assembled on a peaceful, late summer balcony overlooking the crystal blue channel, where no hint of the pending war intruded. His sigh seemed to come from the very depth of his soul, and Giles gave him a look that raised concern in the sorceress.

"Alright then, time to go find some options. How about we go see what's coming for us?"

His words sent a frission of dread down her spine. "Ye wish tae gae tae Rifferbend? Bu' tha' world ist a dead one sirrah. 't ist nae place fer th' livin'. E'en Tass shouldst nae haff been there."

She studied the man long moments before softly whispering, "ye dinnae ken th' risks.... we mayst nae ge' back e'en dae Ah take ye."

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-09-10 03:58 EST
"Take me there sorceress. I've been dead before so the world of the dead should be like going home." Sai Jon looked to Giles, "prepare the people for what's coming, they'll need all the time they can get."

Giles frowned, "I'll do it Jon, but don't get to comfortable in the world of the dead, I don't want to have to come there and kick your dead ass back to life."

Sai Jon smiled but it never quite reached his eyes, "I wouldn't want to put you out old man." He turned back to Alais, "let's go, we need to know what's going on out there."

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-09-10 19:11 EST
Alais looked at Sai Jon as though he''d suddenly sprouted three heads and turned multiple shades of purple. He claimed he had been dead before, but at this moment, he was very much alive, which meant he had no business going to Riverbend. "Yer askin'' me tae take ye tae Rifferbend? Oonla th'' dead dae r''side there." She shook her head at him.

He held her gaze there on the balcony in the moonlight long minutes, his regard caused a slow shiver to ripple through her. He was not joking. He wanted her to take him to Annara, more precisely, to Riverbend. He meant to see the army they would face.

Garl met her eyes and gave her a slight negative shake of his head. If they left the Emerald Isles, they would not be able to get back; even Garl could not help them come through the wards. The wards were closed, and while she knew she could go out, she also knew that without Tass or Khirsah, she could not get them back onto the Isle''s. And yet, Tass was gone. The Dragons had searched, and Tass was not in the islands. As for Khirsah; well, perhaps they had better hope they found Tass before Khirsah returned.

If they were going to have any chance against the army of dead planning on coming through that tear, they needed Tass or Khirsah. But, there was risk that they would desert their friends and leave the dragons alone.

"Ye''ll haff need o'' hangin'' on," she told him as she summoned the Rouwan wood staff. It shimmered into solidity in her hand, and as Sai Jon reached for the white wood, the dragonette atop the staff hissed at him. His hand curled around a reddish brown stain in the otherwise pristine wood. He looked at the Sorceress, and she slowly uncurled her hand from the staff, baring her palm to him, and in it, a long, straight red line marred the alabaster perfection of her elven features. Then without further explanation, she curled her hand around the staff, and the moonsilver runes that glowed softly in the night.

She whispered the Annaran words, which riffled melodiously into the darkness, and they vanished from the sight of Giles and Garl. In moments, they reformed, and the biting unnatural cold of the grave assailed them both. The whispers from ''the Others'' slithered around them as she closed her eyes tightly and she listened to what they said. Their voices told her things were close. The general that would lead them was near. "Rael will lead us, freedom awaits," and so on went the whispers from the ghosts of Annara.

She reached blindly for the carven face of the stone effigy beside her. The cold stone features so smooth and memorable beneath her hand as her finger tips traced the familiar surface, her hand slid into the stone itself, becoming a part of the matrix of the alabaster. It beckoned her, the thought caressed her mind, slide into the stone. Find the peace that Riverbend always offered, but she finally opened her eyes and looked at Sai Jon. "Ah dae bid ye welcome tae Rifferbend."

Behind him, the tear shimmered, and the top of The Pearl could be seen on the other side. Between the sarcophagus they stood beside and the tear, there is a plain stone chamber without the customary stone effigy. She looked at it, and with no emotional inflection in her voice told him that one day, that one would belong to her.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-09-10 21:11 EST
The cold bit into body and the look on her face chilled his soul but something about this place had stirred a long forgotten part of Sai Jon. He could feel the old rage rising in him and it was like coming home even as part of his mind screamed that they had to flee this place. He walked around the room once slowly and came to a stop back in front of Alais.

"Now the army, let's go see who's is coming to the party."

Alais led him out of the mausoleum and up on to the curtain wall. A vast plain lay spread out before them and he stopped, fear nipped at him but it went back into the hole in his mind as the rage built even more. Spread across the plain were figures of madness. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of nightmare shapes, humans, half-humans demons and others that threatened insanity to all who looked upon them. They moved like a rippling sea of bodies and they were chanting the same two words again and again, "freedom awaits."

Sai Jon turned and led the way back into the mausoleum. "We will need help on this. Lots of help and lots of explosives." He turned and caught Alias' eyes, "we need Tass. I can reach him but I don't know these worlds. I'm going to try and reach out to him but I need you to come with me to identify where he is. Will you help?"

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-09-11 01:26 EST
He wandered around the large stone room, where the past King's of Annara now rested. A veritible forest of stone reminders of the generations of Annarans who'd gone before.

"Now the army, let's go see who's coming to the party."

His choice of words seemed odd, but she understood that he wanted to have a look beyond the mausoleum. They climbed out of the mausoleum and passed through the old chapel, where dust and disuse had claimed much of the previous splendor of the room. Morrin had never spent much time here, but there were special occasions when the Eldarie had sat with the sorcerer for ceremonies, but none of them ever were to the Goddess in any of her forms, nor to the Valar.

They moved across the courtyard toward the main barbican gates, and climbed the stone stairs to the wall walk of the curtain wall, and the sight that greeted her gave her pause. There were too many souls assembling in the river's flood plain.... creatures of nightmare and worse. The refrain from each was the same.... "freedom awaits".

She turned and moved in silence down the stone stairs as Sai Jon told her he wanted to try to reach for Tass, and he headed back toward the mausoleum. "Ah'll be wi' ye 'n a moment.... Ah've a stop Ah mus' needs make." She left him to head for what appeared to be a forge or blacksmith's shop, disappearing within. She remained within the deserted forge for some moments before returning to Sai Jon.

The whispers of the 'others' followed them where ever they went, and she kept looking for Ashen... but the elf was no where to be seen.

Sai Jon had asked if she would help him locate Tass, and she nodded. "Aye, bu' prithee, 'ow dae ye mean tae seek 'im?"

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-09-11 02:39 EST
"When I use my powers to heal it creates a link between me and the one who I lend my powers to. The more power I pass to them, the stronger the link. Twice now I've shared with Tass, I can follow the link. He's trapped in his own mind fighting someone or something but we should be able to break through and see through his eyes. That's where I'll need you, I'll need to know where he is." Sai Jon stopped for a moment, "The only problem is that we will have to enter Tass' mind and leave ours, we'll be defenseless while we search." Sai Jon sat in the center of the room crosslegged and held out his hands, "You still want to help?"

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-09-11 11:48 EST
She cringed slightly at his words, 'when I use my powers to heal, it creates a link between me and the one who I lend my powers to.' That means that Sai Jon has a link to her as well. While Sai Jon may be a friend of Tass', she was not entirely comfortable with this new piece of information.

She looked at the door between the mausoleum and the chapel. With the wave of her hand and a softly spoken spell, she set up a ward to assure them some undisturbed time.

"Ah dinnae ken 'ow much time ye dae r'quire, bu' we haff soome peace tha' cannae be broken verra easila." With that she approached the priest, dropping into a cross legged position facing him, laying the white rouwan wood staff across her lap, pausing before taking his hands. "Ah'll dae wha' ist needed tae 'elp Tass."

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-09-15 15:42 EST
For most people, night mares remain in the dark watch of the sunless hours in a mundane world. But my nightmares do not confine themselves to the restlessness of dreams. My nightmares walk the world of banished Annara.

If Morrin's work is undone, the world will learn a harsh lesson about why Morrin had no choice but to condemn his own people.

It is a lesson I pray the world need never learn.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-09-23 07:13 EST
Their hands clasped and they fell into the darkness. Sai Jon could feel Alais travel with him as he searched for Tass's mind her thoughts seemed dark and sad but he pushed them aside. The thread was weaker now. Something had happened to Tass. He pushed on. His need was the key now. The power he had been holding back was released and he could feel worlds all around him. His thoughts burned brighter and brighter and finally he found it. In an instant Alais and Sai Jon were standing before Tass.

The landscape had changed since he was there last. They stood in what looked like the ruins of an bar or inn. Tass sat on a charred stool in the center of the room with his head bowed. The walls had collapsed but nothing could be seen beyond them. Sai Jon had changed too. He was no longer in a robe but now in tattered black and grey camouflage.

Sai Jon looked around, "Nice place. You do the decorating yourself or did you have someone come in?"

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-09-23 11:24 EST
Sai Jon's hands were cold. Nearly as cold as her own. She could only imagine the pain he endured as the cold of the grave saturated his living body. She never had touched those of the living world after she'd been to Annara because she knew to do so brought the pain of death and dying to those she would touch. Only Sylus was unafraid to touch her after a trip to this realm. But, for the moment, she had to focus on Sai Jon and finding Tass.

Sai Jon's method of searching was unusual. She felt him follow a mere thread of a connection with his mind, and abruptly found herself standing before a figure that looked very much like Tass, but they were in the burned out rubble of Jake's brewery.

Everything was charred and blackened, including Sai Jon, who no longer wore Priestly robes, but black and grey military camouflage that was tattered and ragged, as though he'd seen hellacious battle already in those clothes.

Her own robes were sooty grey as they stood there a moment before Sai Jon spoke, "Nice place. You do the decorating yourself, or did you have someone come in?"

She looked around the charred room. There was no mistake. This was the Red Orc Brewery; the second floor was a loss. The roof had only a few rafters remaining. They lifted into the night sky like ribs of a dead creature. The image made her shudder. She hoped most fervently that this place was an image, an alternate reality, and not the actual RhyDin she'd left behind. For if this was her world, something terrible was already happening here, and the pending invasion of the Emerald Isle's would mean battle on two fronts.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-09-23 16:49 EST
An eternity passed, or so it seemed, but when the image of Tass lifted his head, I took an involuntary step backward. Rage, pure and elemental lit his features. It was a visage of Tass I'd never before witnessed. It was a look I hope never to see again.

He was the embodiment of a rage that would be utterly lethal to whomever or whatever had invoked it. "You should not have come. I can hide myself, but by you breaching the barrier I had placed around me, I cannot guarantee your safety here within my own mind. But, you are here..." Slowly his rage was dimmed, and while he was displeased, that rage was not for Sai Jon and I for our unwelcomed intrusion into his mind and thoughts.

He further surprised me when he acknowledged my thoughts about this being perhaps an alternate reality. Jake's place had really burned, and now I discover that the blood speaker I had never paid attention to was in possession of Tass' body and bent on the destruction of the Baroness of Dragon's Gate. Being present in 3 minds at once was a unique experience. It's as though each person's thoughts are your own, but not. They are clear, more clear than telephathy, and the sensation is a bit unnerving.

I shuddered as he told us that the Bloodspeaker used death to feed the healing of Tass' body. The Necromancer in me nodded with approval, the Elf in me silently screamed in denial. This is one of the curses of living in two disparate worlds.

Tass asked that we protect Queen Teleperien and Topaz from this monster currently preying on RhyDin. The thought of allowing the Bloodspeaker to deceive the Queen was distressing, and yet, the need to have Tass healed from whatever dark powers had created this wasting effect was vital. Her agreeing to help Tass was predicated on her not knowing Shahai was currently the driving factor. Therefore, she must remain unsuspecting until her part has been played out.

Tass then spoke to Sai Jon, and I was relieved to hear Tass tell him he would be able to rejoin us, but before we could ask him any questions, we were once more adrift in the greyness of the 'in-between'. Tass had cast us out to protect his secret presence within his body.

Time is not on our side.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-09-23 19:14 EST
Dismissed they once again floated in the in-between. Sai Jon felt for the way back but nothing felt right, the way was not where it should have been. He was lost again. He smiled, like the Forest of Knowledge. He was lost and he would never find his way home. Was that so bad? The sudden expulsion had torn what power and concentration he had left from him and even the rage was fading. All he wanted to do was sleep. Yes, simply sleep, and he'd wake up back in Alynne's arms. The thought was seductive, warm. He could just let go and he'd be home at last. No more fighting impossible odds. No more killing. No more memory. And maybe when he awoke everything would be better.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-09-24 14:03 EST
Those first moments of expulsion from Tass' mind were disorienting, and I nearly lost my touch with Sai Jon. I clung to his essence tightly so as not to lose him in the greyness. We needed to go to RhyDin and perhaps on to Eldicor. It would depend on where Teleperien was at the moment.

Topaz should be in the Baronial residence. Locating her should not be difficult. Getting the Fae to accept their protection and believe what was happening, well, that was another story in itself.

Sai Jon lingered, we were not returning to our bodies in Riverbend, and since he'd led us here, I expected him to lead us back. But, as I turned to study him, the expression on his face would have drained all my blood to my toes. He was lost in his own thoughts, a half smile played on his features, as though imagining something pleasant just as one is about to drift off into dreams of great pleasure or joy.

By the Valar! We did not have time for this! I pulled hard on his connection to me. "Sai Jon! We must go! We need to get back to Riverbend and then on to RhyDin!"

He drifted aimlessly in the greyness. No longer leading with the firey purpose I'd seen when we'd sought out Tass. Now, he floated in the emptiness and my words did not seem to reach him.

I thought back to our arrival here, and the method he'd used to bring us this far. His method had been unusual, but as I sought the thread he'd followed here, I thought I found it. Pulling the Priest with me, I headed for that faint sensation of familiarity. I was not going to stay here, and I could not leave the Priest. Let us hope I've found the right thread to take us back!

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-09-25 09:31 EST
Someone was calling to him but he didn't want to hear it, he was happy here. He'd just laid the children down to sleep and Alynne was snoring quietly. She would never admit to it though. Whoever it was could come back later, he didn't want to get up now. Nothing was as important as this moment. The rest of the world could wait, it was time to sleep. He closed his eyes and prayed as he did every night. He prayed not to dream.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-09-25 14:10 EST
Sai Jon was dead to my summons. He''d retreated to somewhere deep inside his own thoughts inside this grey nothingness. My efforts to reach him were fruitless as I sought to gain his recognition. Was our connection strong enough to forcibly drag him from this place? Would I have to try?

I pulled harder, calling to the Priest, seeking to reach through his dreamlike state. Looking for a way to gain just a moment of his attention. He continued to drift, completely ignoring my summons to him. The thread of thought that we''d used to bring us here beckoned, we had to leave, but if I chose the wrong memory? the thought was frightening. I could lead us so far astray we might never get back.

Sai Jon remained unresponsive, and I dislike using telepathy on humans, but we HAD to get out of here. I reached out for his mind, and found something unexpected, I found visions of domesticity. The visions were of his children safe in their beds, sleeping, and a woman peacefully sleeping swept through my mind. The same children he''d slain, the wife he''d killed under possession by the demon he''d spent years seeking. Images of peace and contentment, and then the man deep in prayer whispered in my thoughts. No wonder he did not want to join me, he had found something he could never have if we returned to our bodies. He'd found solace for the pain of his many years. This was not going to be easy.

I sent my image into his thoughts, interrupting his prayers, demanding his attention. "Sai Jon, this is not real. You are not in this place. We need to go, Tass needs you, and I need you to get us out of here."

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-09-25 20:13 EST
Alais forced herself in to Sai Jon's thoughts and found herself standing at the foot of his bed, "Sai Jon, this is not real. You are not in this place. We need to go, Tass needs you, and I need you to get us out of here." she said urgently.

"It's funny how the longer we live the more certain events seem to happen," a calm voice spoke beside her startling her. Beside her stood Sai Jon as he had appeared in Tass' mind dressed as a warrior. "This moment for instance has occured twice before. Our life tends to move in threes though so maybe we can finally be done with it. We have yet to be introduced thoug. The name's Kor Jon, Rainne's in the bed and Sai Jon, well he's off dying somewhere." Kor Jon didn't seem to concerned about this. "The first time it was Saltera, it was time for the ceremony."

A demon opened the door slowly and stuck it's head into the room. It smiled a toothy smile that seemed fond and definitely out of place on such a fearsome creature. "Rainne, we need to go. Your father needs you, and we need get out of here." The image of the demon faded, Rainne never stirred.

"And we all know how well that went. I came into being the next day. Of course he doesn't want to wake up. And then the second time."

Jacob appeared beside Alais looking frantic, "Kor Jon, this is not real. You are not in this place. We need to go, Giles needs you, and we need to get out of here." Rainne mumbled something and shooed away the image. Jacob slowly faded away.

"I started remembering then. Four years of blocking all of this from my mind. As far as I was concerned I lived to kill demons, I didn't care why I didn't care how. I could have died and peacefully gone to the hell I deserve if it wasn't for those blasted elves and their damn forest. Had to show us our past to allow us to step into our futures. I liked my future very much thank you. A quick, painless, and probably extremely messy deathwith none of this memory stuff. None of this pain." Kor Jon turned to Alais, "So what horror awaits us if we come back this time. What more can you people do to us and why can't you just let us sleep?!" Kor Jon said the last screaming and Alais flew backwards and into somewhere else.

It was a child's bedroom. The small bed was made and a teddy bear had been tucked under the covers as if asleep. Flashes of light and crashing sounds came from under the doorway. Alais pulled open the doorand stepped out into a small hallway. She walked silently towards the dining room. It was as if she was remembering this place, though she didn't think she'd ever been there. The dining room was in a shambles. A man lay pinned to the table by a sword stabbed through his back it looked as if something had been eating him from the chunks of flesh missing from his shoulders. Younger versions of Giles, Kor Jon, and Jacob were in the room all of them hold ing guns. What was left of a woman lay on the floor, Alais recognized necromantic symbols on her face, she had been a zombie. That must of been what had been eating the man. Jacob carefully stepped over to the man and touched his head. The man screamed, he was still alive! All three jumped back, "KILL ME!!" The man screamed, Kor Jon stepped forward and ripped the sword out of his back. The man spasmed and lay still. Two words gasped forth as the life fled from him, "...the children..." Kor Jon shot him in the head ending it.

"Search the place, see if this thing left any clues this time. We've got to figure out how to kill it!" Kor Jon said, his voice cold and business like. Giles moved up and closed the dead man's eyes. They had known each other. Kor Jon started towards Alais but stopped. His eyes grew wide with terror...and perhaps understanding. Alais looked down as two figures caming stepping through her as if she were a ghost. They were young children, boy and girl, and most definitely dead. Kor Jon dropped to his knees as the two advanced on him. Their tiny mouths gaped open in malicious sharp toothed grins as they saw easy prey. Jacob stepped up behind Kor Jon and shot them each in turn, their heads exploding into a fine red mist. Kor Jon watched and cried.

"To sleep? Perchance to dream. Aye there's the rub." The older Kor Jon was next to her again, he looked down on his younger self with a look that was close to compassion. "That was the first time we remembered. We'd dreamt of it but that was the first flash of memory. Why won't you let us sleep?" His voice was tired now. For the first time Alais realized exactly how old Sai Jon was, elves were made to live for hundreds of years, humans were not.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-09-25 21:39 EST
I was startled to hear the voice beside me say, "It's funny how the longer we live the more certain events seem to happen." I turned to find Kor Jon beside me, wearing the black and grey fatigues. He spoke as though this scene had been experienced before, and I began to understand that Rainne, Sai Jon, and Kor Jon were but manifestations of the same man, through years of struggle and experience these distinct persona developed. Kor Jon introduced himself, and this manifestation must have been the man who''d gone in search of the demon that had destroyed Rainne''s world. This man was the relentless warrior who took over when Rainne''s peaceful existence was destroyed in that horrible blood letting day.

"We have yet to be introduced though. The name''s Kor Jon, Rainne''s in the bed, and Sai Jon, well, he''s off dying somewhere." There was no inflection in his voice, this all was perfectly normal to him, that one man was divided into three distinct persona.

The images of Sai Jon''s memories were flashing rapidly in my mind, and I was being drawn inexorably into this variant of ''reality'', I could feel the blending, but I dare not pull away now. We would need one another to get out. And get out we would!

Jacob appeared in the memories, seeking to drag Sai Jon / Rainne from his bed with the same words I''d just used, but the effect was the same, Sai Jon simply ignored the image, pushing it away as he''d done with me. He was deeply entrenched in this dream, one he wanted with all of his heart it seemed.

Kor Jon''s next words snapped my attention back to him, "I could have died and peacefully gone to the hell I deserve if it wasn''t for those blasted elves and their damn forest. Had to show us our past to allow us to step into our futures." He was clearly angry about what the elves had done, showing them the past, making him relive the pain and suffering before allowing him to move forward.

"So what horror awaits us if we come back this time? What more can you people do to us and why can''t you just let us sleep?!" His accusation sent my thoughts to another place, another room, another dream, into a child''s bedroom, but as I left the room, stepping into a small hallway, I discovered I''d entered a nightmarish world. As I watched a scene out of Annaran decadence, the image of two children moved through my image as though I were but a ghost, but the children were dead, creatures raised to kill, and they approached Kor Jon as the image of Jacob materialized and shot the images. Kor Jon wept.

"Why won''t you let us sleep?" He was tired, the anger and fight that I''d witnessed moments ago was gone, and in its place was a man who''d lived far too many years. Elves were meant to live hundreds of years. Humans were not.

I turned toward Kor Jon''s memory image, "I cannot remain here while you dream. We have a debt of friendship and honor to protect Queen Teleperien and Baroness Topaz. I cannot remain here, in between while you loose yourself in false dreams of something that cannot be. You ask me what horror awaits do you leave here, the same thing for the dragons of Tass' world as what you have suffered. The brutal destruction of life by demons that do not belong in our world. But, you already know that."

I focused hard on Sai Jon, delving further into his memories, and there I found images to give an elf nightmares for centuries. Each memory seemed to begin the same, but the variants of outcome were always different.

In one world, Alynne had survived, in another his son had survived, but always there was blood, destruction, death, and pain. Stark, raw pain.

How could I pull Sai Jon from this sweet dream? It was not real, and we needed to go?. But?. We were now inextricably bound to one another. Were I to pull out and seek my way back, I would damage his mind with such a wrenching tear?.. no, we had to return together??

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-09-26 01:10 EST
Alais pushed deeper into his mind trying to find something to bring him back to the world he wished to forsake. Images came into focus and blurred again all around her. "More and more things repeat." Kor Jon's voice whispered and the world focused.

Alais stood on a circular plateau alone in the darkness. The disk was divided in half. One side was made up of jagged black rocks, the other was metal covered in circuitry and lights. On the rock stood Kor Jon, he looked beaten and tired but defiant. Opposite him stood a demon that Alais had seen many times in the memories she had glimpsed. Between them was a translucent image of Kor Jon kneeling and firing a pistol at something she could see. In his other hand he held a small box with a button prominent on it.

"No Thratchen, not this time. I won't let you." The solid version of Kor Jon hissed, the pure hate in his voice of evident. The demon named Thratchen just laughed and the image between them moved his finger towards the button on the box. "NOOO!" Kor Jon screamed and the image threw the box into the air shooting it. The image disappeared and Kor Jon collapsed to his hands and knees.

Thratchen laughed coldly, "You're getting stronger monkey. Good, perhaps there's fun to be had with you yet. Another time then. The demon melted away leaving Alais alone with Kor Jon.

He looked up at her, "He came again to control me. I almost killed my friends and hundreds of innocent people that time. I fought him off. I had learned how to control my mind you see. He had thought I was dead, once he knew I still lived he wanted to play with me, torture me some more. He was good at what he did. Are you going to try too? Are you here to try and control me?" The madness in his eyes was growing, and the world blurred again.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-09-26 04:11 EST
Alais pushed deeper.

When the world focused she found herself alone on the same divided disk. This place was silent, almost watchful, and the air smelled of death. Not the corruption of the undead but the musty oppression of a room where someone lays close to the death and simply awaits the reaper to make his rounds. Alais paced the edge of the disk, the darkness below seemed neverending. Between one moment and the next a figure appeared curled into a ball in the center of the disk. As she turned to face the newcomer he sat up slowly. It was Sai Jon but his face was lined and wrinkled as if he had aged decades and they had not been easy years. His legs trembled as he stood up. The robes hung loose on his body.

"You've come a long way to visit a dying man. Do you really think you can save me from this. From myself?" He let out a dry rasping laugh. "I've been ready to die so many times and yet you people keep dragging me back from the edge. Jacob and Alynne came for me last time. I was a child then, just being born really thanks to that crazy lizard." Sai Jon smiled momentarily lost in the memories. "Don't tell him though. I'd never hear the end of it. He'd go around asking people if they wanted to hear about the time he'd saved Sai Jon's soul and people would be expecting a great spiritual tale and of course he'd go and mess it up and tell it all out of order. But he'd try." Sai Jon sighed, "Yes he would. I'll show you if you like."

Before Alais could answer, they were standing in a library surrounded by books. She could feel herself sinking into the memory, feeling it like it was her own. A brief moment of panic came and went as Sai Jon whispered, "Quiet now, it's only a story." Alais sank into the memory and remembered another's life.

The fire had burned low in the old stone fireplace and the grandfather clock in the corner rang out, heralding the coming of ten o''clock. Kor Jon leaned back in his chair and ran his hands through his short cut black hair. His hand rubbed over the metal plate that wrapped around the right side of his face holding the mechanical replacements for his ear and eye and he unconsciously cringed at the reminder. Even after three years he could still manage to forget from time to time. He wished he could forget. That he could go back to the days before he went to war, before he became less than a man, before Alynne. His name was a fitting reminder, if he hadn''t been there she would still be alive, Tobi and Anne would still be alive? He slammed shut the book he had been skimming through and stood up to stretch. Hopefully to banish the bloody thoughts that were creeping up on him. The thoughts always came when he thought about his past. He couldn''t escape them.

He moved from the table to the fireplace and stirred it back to life with the poker that was leaning up against the side of the hearth. The heat didn''t feel any different when it hit his cybernetics than when it hit what was left of his natural body and that always disturbed him. Shouldn''t he be able to tell the difference between what was part of his body and what was mechanical, or was he just another machine now? Stupid thoughts, they weren''t getting him anywhere and he had work to do still. He looked into the fire, which was rising again and engulfing the half burned logs that still sat in the center of the glowing red embers. The color was like that of laser blasts. He can see up and down the line of faces by the flashing lasers. We have to regroup. We have to get back before they pick us apart one at a time. The line moves backwards, lasers flashing through the predawn sky as the line of cyghouls advance. A light flashes and a searing pain shoots through his face. Kor Jon jerked back, grabbing the side of his face. He stared around, his eyes wild and face pale. I''m still here. He thought to himself. It''s over and I''m still here. He breathed in and out slowly trying to calm down and stop shaking.

He jumped slightly as the door behind him opened with a creak. He turned to see Giles enter the darkened library followed closely by Jasmine. Giles moved with an understated grace that looked natural somehow coming from the middle-aged man. He was dressed, as always in an impeccably kept suit and his rounded face had a small sad smile on it as he ushered his young charge into the room closing the door behind her. Jasmine was still young enough to have some of her baby fat on her face but she still was very slender from her deprivations in the demon's slave pens. Her eyes stared ahead with a sad resignation that should never be seen in a teenager. Kor Jon felt a hole in his chest as he watched her take a seat by the fire. She was about the age Anne would have been. Blood spills over his hands, warm, so warm. He watches her fall and tries to catch her but he can''t move. Movement. His arm lashes out and slices through Alynne''s throat. Blood hits his face. Alynne! He snapped back to reality as Giles looked at him expectantly. "What?" he asked to cover his confusion. The shakes were coming to him again. They had become worse since Los Angeles?since Thratchen had found him. The flashbacks had come back too.

"Would you like a drink sir?" Giles asked again, his proper British accent conveying just the right touch of servility.

Kor Jon looked at him darkly, "Cut out the butler crap Giles," he said, "You know it just pisses me off."

Giles just smiled in response, "but it''s so easy to get a rise out of you when I do. Besides, you looked worried. The memories again?" He asked, his voice taking a concerned tone.

"Yeah." Kor Jon answered as he turned back to the fire, "and they''re getting worse. I think I may be losing it."

Giles moved up to stand beside him and placed his hand on Kor Jon''s shoulder, "I''ll get us both a drink," and he paused just long enough for Kor Jon to look at him before adding, "?sir." He grinned as he walked quickly to the other side of the library and pulled on a book causing a section of the bookcase to swing outwards revealing several shelves stocked with alcohol. He reached in and grabbed a bottle. "Master Knight really should not leave his good scotch where just anyone could find it."

Kor Jon looked at him with an arching eyebrow. "We''ll just have to find a safer place to store it now won''t we Giles," a small smile passed over his face, "Pour the drinks."

Two hours later the clock tolled out the hour of twelve and only half a bottle of twenty year old scotch remained. Jasmine lay curled up on one of the large stuffed chairs in front of the fireplace clutching in her hands a copy of "Lord of the Rings". Her normally sad expression had been replaced by the peaceful smile of an innocent. Kor Jon sat opposite Giles, swirling the liquid in his glass as they talked.

Giles glanced over at Jasmine as she shifted in her sleep, the book fell out of her hands but Giles shot his hand out grabbing it before it could hit the floor. Kor Jon looked on and mimed a golf clap. "Bugger off!" Giles replied to the half mocking gesture. "Can''t let the poor child be woken up now can we. She''s had a long day." He opened the book, absently flipping through the first couple of pages. He paused and looked up at Kor Jon, "Can you think of a happy ending for us?"

"If we can find Thratchen then we can make him pay." Giles looked at him for a moment, his face drawn, and then walked back to his chair and flopped down in it. Kor Jon followed suit and sat across from him again, a concerned look on his face. "What''s wrong?" he asked.

"How can he pay?" Giles asked quietly. "Can he bring back your family?" Kor Jon''s face went bone white at the question. Blood so warm. "Can he bring back my love? How can he pay for all the suffering he''s caused?" Giles reached into the front pocket of his vest and pulled out a small glittering object. "There''s another line from this book, ''One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them?''" he recited quietly and then with a flick of his wrist he tossed the object at Kor Jon who caught it out of the air. He opened his hand to reveal a small gold ring with a diamond set in it. "How can he pay?" Giles asked one last time and downed the rest of his scotch in one gulp.

Kor Jon stared at the ring in his hand. So beautiful. Alynne''s hair is down. She never wears her hair down. The wedding cloth around our hands is red. The blood is so red. It hits my face. She falls. I''ve killed her! I''ve killed her! Kor Jon started back into reality, his hand clenched closed on the ring. He felt a sharp pain in the palm of his hand, a real pain for once. He opened his hand slowly and looks down. The ring had cut into his palm, drawing blood. He wiped it off on and handed it back to Giles. "When did you ask her?" Kor Jon asked quietly.

"I never had the chance. She was killed before I could work up the bleeding nerve." Giles said, his voice breaking.

"He can''t pay?and neither can I." Kor Jon whispered, a tear rolling down from his real eye.

Giles reached over and refilled both glasses then he sat back and turned to look at the quietly sleeping Jasmine. "None of us can."

"What do you mean?"

"I should have been able to protect her. I should have been able to tell. She said she just had to go get some air?I never even got up until I heard the screams. I will protect her though?I have to, to atone." Giles said the last in a low voice, filled with venom.

Kor Jon looked at him silently until Giles met his eyes, "He will not lay a hand on her." Kor Jon whispered face would have made granite look soft.
Giles gazed at him for a second and then a small smile crossed his face. "I''d almost feel sorry for him if he tried."

"My brother."

"I''m honored" They both sat back and drank. They sat there for a long time watching the dying fire each lost in their own thoughts of pain and loss. Sleep was a long time coming.

He moves down the tunnel. His hands and arms are covered in drying blood as he carries the last of the bodies down to the main chamber. His wife''s long brown hair hangs down, her face peaceful as if asleep. A perfect picture if not for the bloody rent that runs across her jaw and across her neck. He enters the chamber and looks at the rows of bodies. I did this. Over a hundred bodies lay across the floor of the under ground cathedral. He gently places his wife between his son and daughter. He smoothes out her hair and crosses her hands across her chest.

Suddenly her eyes open and her hand flies up grabbing his throat. "You did this!" she says, her voice filled with hatred.

He jumps back and bumps into something. He spins and comes face to face with his father. "You did this." The old man rasps.

He spins again and all around him his family and friends are shambling towards him. All of them displaying wounds that are bleeding freely. He turns again looking for some avenue of escape and almost runs into Jacob, a large laser burn visible on his chest. Turn. Giles holding a still beating heart, and hand sized crater in the center of his chest. Turn. Jasmine with blood running down her neck from a ragged slash across her neck.

Then with one voice, "you did this!" and in the background he could hear Thratchen laughing.

Kor Jon awoke suddenly, the sound of Thratchen''s laughter still echoing in his head. Light streamed into the room through a gap in the curtains. He was slumped down in one of the libraries chairs with a large blanket draped across his body. He accessed his internal computer?five forty-eight in the morning. He looked over at Giles and Jasmine. Both slept peacefully despite the intermittent rattling snores emanating from Giles. Not again?never again. He had to move quickly or someone would catch him. He stood quickly and instantly regretted it. He fought down the urge to throw up and moved unsteadily over to the table. He wrote a short note and tucked it into Jasmine''s book. He left the library silently stopping only to pull the blanket back up over Jasmine''s shoulder as he was leaving.

Less than five minutes later he had gathered his gear, and was walking down the road from the castle into town. He''d acquire transportation there and be gone before his friends knew he was gone, it was best that way. As he turned the last corner and was about to lose sight of the castle, he stopped and looked back at the place he had called home for almost a year now. "Goodbye."

Alais returned to herself shaken. She was herself again and the old Sai Jon stood next to her. "See Jacob would have started in the middle, this is how it should be told." Alais could find no response. Observing the memories had been strange enough, living them was pushing the borders of her sanity. The old man barreled on though heedless of her growing distress. "After Thratchen found out I was alive I knew that I would be a danger to my friends if I stayed with them so I ran. The problem with running is after a while you've nowhere left to go but back to where you started. My problem was that I started in Hell."

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-09-26 15:25 EST
The memories of Sai Jon were brutal. They would long ago have crushed a lesser man, and my appreciation for the inner strength of Tass' friend grew, but in those fleeting moments of realization, I was pulled into another series of memories, and with each shift of remembrance, I became more tightly interwoven with the Priest and his past. The harder I fought to retain my own distinct thoughts, the more I realized that in this place, we were inextricably bound one to the other.

The demon Thratchen had discovered that Kor Jon lived, and the dreaming; nay, the nightmares, intensified.

I found myself alone on the disc from the previous memory, alone in silence and never ending darkness. A darkness that held the feel of death waiting. Poised just beyond my ability to see, death clung, and waited. It was not the death of demons and hell, but of natural death that has simply not yet claimed what belongs to it. As I turned at the slightest of sounds in that unnatural place, I was startled to find Sai Jon slowly sitting up. He had aged markedly, looking like a human who had lived far beyond what his body could endure. Feeble and care-worn, the image rose, "You've come a long way to visit a dying man. Do you really think you can save me from this? From myself?"

I watched him in silence before he continued, "I've been ready to die so many times, and yet you people keep dragging me back from the edge." He meant his words. He was ready to let go and that worried me.

I pondered his words for long minutes, or so it seemed. Time has little meaning in 'the in-between'. The "you people" he referred to must have been the elves who'd forced him to face the past in the forest. He and Kor Jon had no love for the elves they'd dealt with. And perhaps there lingers a mistrust or mislike for elves in general. It was hard to tell.

In the blink of an eye, I was standing in a library, and the sensation of sinking into another's life assailed me. Self preservation rose suddenly and a moment of panic ensued, threatening to spill over me as I heard Sai Jon's voice within my mind say, "Quiet now, it's only a story," and I ceased to fight the oddly disorienting feeling to experience this vision as though it were me and not Sai Jon. I became Kor Jon here, and the touch of my fingers to the cybernetic replacements was me. The self loathing of what I'd become, half man, half machine brought pain into my elven heart.

The child, Jasmine, and Giles with his perfect blend of concern, understanding, and irreverence touched me as I watched the scene unfold in the library. My emotions were reacting as if their presence and words were for me.

The fatefilled evening when I'd left them after realizing that Thratchen could never pay for the loss of my wife, my children, my family, my friends. There was no recompense - and neither could Kor Jon make amends. Kor Jon could never regain his love, nor undo the suffering. My need for vengeance against the demon could never bring any of them back. Giles had brought that realization to us when he'd tossed the diamond ring into our hand and asked, "how can he pay? Can he bring back your family?" The ring cut into my hand, bringing a spot of blood, and I quickly wiped the ring off and tossed it back to Giles. He'd never had the chance to ask her.

The memories shifted to the main chamber of a church where all of the bodies of his victims lay, and finally we carried Alynne there, laying her between her children. He arranged her hair about her, noting that she never wore it down, but the scene changed again as we were surrounded by the animated bodies of the slain, all of them accusing him, "you did this" and no matter which direction we turned, they were all there, all bleeding, all accusing. Over it all, the hateful laughter of Thratchen echoed in my head. I wanted to leave, to pull away from those memories, but found myself bound tightly to Sai Jon. To try to pull away would tear one of our minds beyond repair. I was trapped if I cared what happened to him. Bound to a man who's life has been something so unimaginable. Unable to tear away, and unwilling to continue on.

As Kor Jon left his friends in the early morning hours, I was once again looking at Sai Jon, "See, Jacob would have started in the middle, this is how it should be told."

Sai Jon wanted to die. He had wanted to die for a very long time, but no matter my understanding his feelings, no matter that I had just relived the man's pain in detail I never expected was possible, I also know I cannot let him remain here - lost in the pleasant dreams of a life that never was. We had to go back to Riverbend, and then on to RhyDin. I would have to shatter those dreams and drag him back to a pending invastion, and the pain and suffering we would all face when the dead moved out of Hell and into the Emerald Isles.

For long moments I warred with myself. Was I a selfish monster to drag him from here and a peaceful death in the between? Was I? What harm was there in letting him die with these pleasant dreams? Why must I drag him from this fiction into the stark reality that faced us at home?

It was false! That's what harm there was! This was not the end for this man. His life deserved to end in reality and not in false visions. He'd earned that much respect, and I would not permit him to be lost here in falsehood.

I looked long moments at Sai Jon, "You asked me if I can save you from yourself, and I believe that I can, but that means we must leave here together. You and I do not belong here, in the 'between'. We belong to another place and time. I've travelled a long way to find not a dying man, but the key to returning to whence we DO belong. Come, we need to go."

I reached for the old man's hand, and when we touched, I dragged him into my memories.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-09-26 15:28 EST
Memories are, I have discovered, very much like quicksand. You can get sucked into them, and the more you struggle, the more deeply you become mired. Wearing yourself out to the point where you can no longer resist. To the point where you no longer even care.

I took Sai Jon back to the Annaran kingdom and a time before we'd banished it. I took him to the gruesome events that forced Morrin to banish his own people. The final straw in a litany of evils that had grown ever stronger the longer Daemonbane influenced his lands.

We stood in the Annaran Great Hall, where the Peers of the Realm were assembled, and apparently had been so assembled for some time. The King was not present for the revelry that had been ongoing for nearly a week. I stood upon the stairs, about midway up the sweeping marble expanse, watching the drunken revelers in disgust.

Lord Malchor rose unsteadily to his feet, ordering silence in a drunken bellow that reverberated off the stone walls. When he could speak above the mostly quieted hall, he said, "Lords of Annara, long have we been masters of our fates and destinies. None who have stood against us have prevailed! But now, with our latest conquest, we have become lords and masters of far more." The crowd errupted into raucous cheers of agreement. Someone in the crowd hammered upon the tables, once more calling for silence. Lord Malchor continued, "We have become the gods of lesser beings! And as a G~d - tonight I bring you our servants in all things!"

At that point he signaled for the prisoners. The crowd roared it's jeers and hatred for the vanquished who were brought forward. Peasants were paraded past the assembled nobles in shackles and chains. They were bound to each other like animals headed for slaughter, and something deep within me cringed. They meant to kill these simple people, all of them men, some young, some very old. All of them had been beaten, some clearly had been tortured, their fingers broken or missing. They were jeered, and things were thrown at them as they passed the assemblage heading for the far wall, where they were chained with their hands far above their heads, some actually hung from their wrist irons that held them. Each was then cruelly gagged.

Sai Jon watched, as I had, mired into the memories that would never be expunged as the females and girls were brought in next. They too had been beaten, the older women had been more severely battered, but none of the preteen children were present. Only girls nearly old enough to be used by men, and the adult women were in this group. The words of Lord Malchor sent tremors through my body as his words gave voice to my worst imagination, "These are your subjects, they are yours to do with as you please - help yourselves."

What happened next was a common practice in the dark ages of many places and peoples. The captured women become objects that belong to whomever can hold them, they have no status, no voice or say in what happens to them next. Men will fight over the prettiest, and blood will be spilt, but no one cares what becomes of the trophies. All are raped, beaten, passed from man to man. Many died from their rough handling. Some men enjoy inflicting pain on their victims, and did so freely. While this is despiccable enough, it certainly had precedent in many times and places, but it was what happened after their 'sport' that brought down Morrin's ultimate wrath.

Those children who had been so conspicuously absent were brought into the room, upon trays of silver set with precious stones. It took several slaves to carry each tray, which were primarily used to serve entire pigs, or peacocks. As they set the trays down upon the tables, I nearly collapsed upon the stairs. Each tray held a child, roasted in entirety, and arranged with silver and gold, surrounded by roasted apples and other fine fruits. The children had been roasted as one would roast a whole pheasant or peacock, drizzled with cranberry and apple juices and browned. As the trays were set upon the tables, the Peers of Annara began to feast upon the flesh of the children.

I could feel Sai Jon try to look away, but it was my memory, and now, as then, I could not look away from the vision that was seared into my memory that day in the Great Halls of Annara.

As the revelers devoured the gruesome feast laid before them, the guards began to cut the manhood from each male prisoner, allowing them to bleed to death while they watched their children being consumed by their conquerors. Blood ran across the floor as one by one each man died of blood loss and shock. The women were sobbing, beaten and abused, but unable to reach their babies. I stood frozen in horror until I heard the King arrive. Hadrian's hooves rang on the stone in the courtyard, and Morrin's knights dismounting could be heard as the doors were opened for the King.

Morrin strode into the hall, pulling his riding gloves from his hands, Daemonbane writhed within it's sheathe at Morrin's back as I moved from the stairs to stand beside him as he looked over his hall.

In that moment, I saw Morrin's terrible resolve. His will to destroy Daemonbane and its influence once and for all. He whirled on his heel, grabbed my wrist as he left. His black cloak snapping behind him, we mounted Hadrian in one smooth movement. Hadrian flattened his ears and rolled his eyes at my nearness before Morrin curbed the warhorse. He set his spurs to the destriers flanks, and we leapt across the bailey toward the main gates. Hadrian flew across the ground, his hooves seeming not to touch the earth as Morrin left behind the seat of Annaran power.

We rode hard for 2 days, coming to the tower he'd used for years as his escape. There we'd spent weeks preparing for the banishment.

The memory fades slowly, and we are left standing in the indistinct greyness once more.

I could not look at him, but my voice was a pale whisper of sound, "Sai Jon, we cannot stay here to hide amidst pleasant fantasies when we know what is coming. When we alone can warn the innocent."

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-09-26 18:43 EST
Sai Jon felt the world shift around him but he could not seem to care. He was tired, so very tired of caring, of fighting again and again only to see evil rise up again somewhere else. The world focused around him and he was standing in a hall he had never seen before. He glanced at Alais, this must be of of hers he thought absently. The thought skittered across his mind like a pebble on a frozen pond. It didn't matter. Nothing did. The people that came next changed that. Sai Jon had lived for centuries on battlegrounds and in the dens of monsters but these were men. The procession of prisonners reminded him of the demons and their pain gardens...but these were men. The men, then the women came in and were herded and used like animals for the pleasure of the guests and Sai Jon could feel anger and disgust rising within him. But evil like this comes again and again, I can do nothing.

Then the children were brought forward. Sai Jon could feel the bile rise in his throat. He could not look away, he could not flee, he could not fight back. It was like being trapped in his body watching the death of his Hold all over again. It didn't matter that these were strangers, demons at least did not hunt their own. These were people, families, children and the nobles simply laughed and played as if they were untouchable. This would not stand! Sai Jon felt the power rise inside him, fed by both sides of him. He was whole again and they would pay. Then the king came and suddenly they were in the grey again.

Alais wouldn't look at him, "Sai Jon, we cannot stay here to hide amidst pleasant fantasies when we know what is coming. When we alone can warn the innocent." The power inside him lashed out and they were back in Riverbend in an instant.

"That...abomination is what awaits outside isn't it? The army that is about to pour out on Tass' world is made of those things that you and the king banished isn't it?" Alais' answer was apparent as she still would not meet his eyes. "I wanted to give up out there, and you pulled me back. I won't thank you for that but there's work to do. Those people of yours got off easy last time. Lead the way."

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-09-26 19:35 EST
Sai Jon had watched the memory as acutely as she had the first time. It remained as vivid now as it had been so very long ago. She could feel his reaction to the images, and knew the moment he'd made up his mind to leave the pleasant fantasy.

They were abruptly dropped into the mausoleum of Riverbend. The trip was so fast, she hadn't had time to see if the thread of memory she'd intended to follow had even been the right one.

He spun around to face her, "That.... abomination is what awaits outside, isn't it? The army that is about to pour out on Tass' world is made of those things that you and the King banished, isn't it?"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I'd never wanted to share that memory with anyone, ever. It was a part of my life's experiences that I hoped time would dim or dull, but time had not dulled it. Time had etched it into my past indellibly. And in my search for a way to bring Sai Jon back from that greyness, I'd been left with no choice but to show him what would happen if Morrin's world were ever released from their eternal damnation. Yes, part of the army that Rael was amassing was the Annarans, but the visions beyond the walls were comprised of far more than just Morrin's people.

He wouldn't thank me for bringing him back, and I did not expect him to do so. He'd truly wanted to remain there, and let go. "Those people of yours got off easy last time. Lead the way."

I sighed. " Sai Jon, The people were corrupted over nearly 2 millenia by Daemonbane. It was a cummulative effect of social degradation that was the price of the blade and its influence to conquer, to defeat all enemies. It was a price that Morrin was unwilling to allow to continue. But, the blade remains. The only good thing is that it can no longer corrupt the dead, and there are no living Annaran's left, save my association."

I am not certain why I felt he needed to know that. Daemonbane would be safe in the Emerald Isles. None of those amassed outside could wield the blade, even if they came through the tear. The only one who ever could would be me, and I have no intention of taking that black blade up.

"Sai Jon, we need to go to RhyDin. That is where we will find the Baroness Topaz, and if we are lucky, Queen Teleperien will also be in RhyDin rather than in Eldicor."

I rose from our seated place, setting my staff point upon the floor with a long look at the tear that shimmered behind us.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-09-26 22:07 EST
He looked at me with a pent up fury that spoke volumes. He would wreak vengeance upon those who got in his way. There was a lethal feel to the very air around him.

"Come on, we need to leave this place. We cannot get back to Matlal, but we can go to RhyDin. We can use my home as a base for seeking out the Baroness and the Queen."

I studied the tear for long moments, and gave a long, slow look around the mausoleum before resting my gaze on Morrin's effigy. In a whisper even elves would have trouble hearing, "Morrin, I will not let them succeed, you have my promise."

Turning toward Sai Jon, "Please, take hold of the staff, we need to go."

As he grasped the white wood, she whispered the Annaran words and they were transported into the grounds of I' Taurn House. The emerald lawns stretched before him as the mithril dragon gates closed off the street.

She walked toward the white ashlar structure that lifted 4 stories into the air, reaching the front doors, pausing beneath the Rouwan Tree before stepping through the white oaken doors into the pristine interior.

The front doors closed behind them as she moved into the Great Room. The blue granite floors and fireplace were in stark contrast to the all white entry foyer.

Her voice was nearly inaudible, "this is where I found Daemonbane and the books after ....."

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-09-27 05:58 EST
Sai Jon entered Alais' home and stopped in the foyer. The building was magnificent but he could feel a trace of the Annaran energies on the building and on her. He absorbed the energies, examining them. Tass had been touched by artifacts from these acursed people and he could use the signature to track him. It was a long time since he hunted like this and he wasn't the best at it, he would need help. He prepared himself to reach out for Jacob when a familliar rip formed in the air at the center of the foyer. Three figures came spilling out weapons in hand looking ready for anything. Jacob was the first through and he covered the room with a sawed off shotgun as he spun looking for a target. He was followed by a cybernetically enhanced demon that towered over Jacob and stepped quickly to guard his back, two wicked looking swords twirling. The last was a young man who looked as if he was barely out of his twenties. A pistol in each hand he spun around, his face betrayed his confusion as he failed to find the expected enemies.

Sai Jon took one look at the three of them and began to laugh. They all looked at him in consternation and then slowly lowered their weapons. Sai Jon just laughed harder and their looks moved from confusion to various levels of amused annoyance. "Problems?", Sai Jon asked through a barely controled chuckle as the fit of hilarity subsided.

"Yeah, problems!" Jacob responded, "First you send me for back up, then I can't get back to you because of some major league wards, then you disappear as if you'd been blasted out of existence, and then suddenly you're blazing like six kinds of suns and radiating enough of a thirst of vengeance that I'm surprised there's anything living now that we got here." He paused and looked around at Alais, "Nice place by the way. How much is the mortgage on a place like this?"

Sai Jon just smiled and walked past Jacob to enfolded the demon in a hug, "it's been a long time Saltera."

Saltera smiled, "Got yourself into trouble again little brother?"

"This time I didn't do it. Or Jacob actually before you ask."

"Hey!" Jacob yelled from the other side of the room where he was examining a large ornate door. "I heard that. We're here to save you for once darn it."

"And you look like you're staying mostly of trouble kid," Sai Jon said to the young man as if he hadn't heard Jacob at all. It looked like a much practiced maneuver, "Ah before I forget," he turned back to Alais, "this is Alais, she's a friend." Saltera and Jacob shot each other a surprised glance, "Alais, these two are Saltera and Tobias and of course you've met Jacob. I was going to try and contact them and get them to come help us but it seems I was behind the times. As it is though, we need to protect some royalty until it's time to defeat an army of undead demonic abominations and send them to back to hell for all eternity."

Tobias grinned, "Business as usual, huh old man?"

Sai Jon just smiled but it had a slightly predatory gleam to it this time, "And this time they really deserve it. Where to first Milady?" The pain was still there but Sai Jon felt ready for anything with his family around him again.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-09-27 16:48 EST
I was about to take Sai Jon into the Great Hall where I'd found Daemonbane after Morrin and I had exiled his people, but before I could finish the sentence, a tear rent the air in the foyer, followed by three heavily armed figures.

First came Jacob, whom I'd thankfully already met as my hands had already reflexively curled around my staff in preparation to defend my home.

Jacob swung the firearm in a three-sixty circle around the room as though expecting to be attacked my some unseen horde.

The second creature through the rip nearly stopped my heart. He was huge! A demon is bad enough, but with the cybernetic enhancements and twirling swords, I found myself taking another step back. It took a moment to recognize Saltera from Sai Jon's memories, but there is little doubt that is who Jacob's backup is.

Then a young man of about 20 summers stepped through. His resemblance to Sai Jon was amazing, but Sai Jon had slain his son.

Laughter broke the tension in the air, and all three of them looked at Sai Jon with puzzlement. "Problems?" Sai Jon queried as the newcomers all realized there was no enemy they needed to vanquish here.

Jacob answered for the trio as I stood in the doorway until Sai Jon introduced me to the three unexpected arrivals. He introduced the young man as Tobias. He must have found an alternate time when his son had survived.

Jacob was already scoping out the entry hall, standing and inspecting the finely carven oak dragon doors leading to the Great Hall. After recovering a bit from the entrance of the three armed warriors in so dramatic a fashion, I took them into the Great Hall. I gave Jacob a quick smile in response to his question, and told him that the mortgage was paid over 1500 years ago.

The central portion of the fireplace was empty as I swept my hand toward the conspicuous vacancy. "This is where I found Daemonbane after the Banishment. It had replaced my own family coat of arms, hanging here, as though saying to me, 'you are the last Annaran'." My gaze flickered over the cybernetically enhanced demon as I spoke the name of the black Annaran blade. "The three books lay upon the hearthstone. All four artifacts survived the Banishment, and were here waiting when I returned."

The Nitesong coat of arms and familial blade Morvinyon hung upon the fireplace still, but it was clear they were not the central focus. That item now lay on the foundation stone of the house on Matlal.

"If you will come with me gentlemen? We will house here while we are in RhyDin, and I will show you to your rooms. From there, we need to go find Baroness Topaz and Queen Teleperien. The Baroness should be in residence at Dragon's Gate. Queen Teleperien will either be in RhyDin, or Eldicor. If she is in Eldicor, we'll need permission to cross her borders."

After showing them to rooms on the third floor, I took them to the fourth floor to discuss next steps. I provided them with a map of the city, showing them where Dragon's Gate was, and where the dueling forums were, since these are the most likely places to find both women. I also showed Sai Jon where the burned brewery could be found, since it was where we'd encountered Tass' mind.

Tobias seemed very quiet and almost pensive as the men studied the maps and grew familiar with the streets of RhyDin.

(cross posted in Streets/Quiet Return)

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-09-27 16:59 EST
After briefing Sai Jon and his friends, I headed for Twilight Isle. It seems almost foreign to be back in RhyDin after so long in the Emerald Isle's. As I moved silently amongst the trees seeking either Topaz or Teleperien, I heard my name called softly.


Rhaine had seen me amongst the trees and waved. "g'eventide m'friend". She was accompanied by a man I had never seen before, but instantly I could see the demon influence. Perhaps it is elven insight, or perhaps it is too much time in Annara, but there was no mistake about the blood this one carried.

Rhaine approached, "I thought you were at the Isle's...."

I gave her a wry smile, "it is a very long story lass, the Isle's are closed and Sai Jon and I have come to RhyDin."

She nodded, telling me she had something of importance to discuss with me. She spoke quietly, "you know I'm rather friendly with that bloodmage, Daigotsu?"

I did know, and it worries me after my experiences with the Bloodmage.

She continued on, "well, what would your friend dragon Tasslehofl do in his Citadel? Daigotsu refused to answer my questions, I realize he is rather.... wary."

I am surprised to hear this news from her, for I never expected Tass to form an alliance with the bloodspeaker, "Sai Jon and I have come seeking Tass, he did depart from the Isle's, you have seen him?"

She shrugged, "your Tass, looking like a dracolich was studying in the library."

Her words came as a shock. Tass had thrown Sai Jon and I out of his mind, trying to protect us, and now Rhaine tells me she's seen Tass in his cursed state in Daigotsu's Citadel. I frowned, "the wasting has very nearly destroyed his body, we don't know the source of the malady, perhaps he's sought the help of the bloodmage to heal the wasting?"

She shrugged, "I have no damned clue what did it, but why would Daigotsu allow him in the library? And why would he smile to Daigotsu as if he's friend and lord? That smile, by all the unholy, it looked odd."

I frowned deeply, I had no answers, and only a lot of questions and I told Rhaine that we've come back to RhyDin now that the Isle's are closed to us to try to protect Topaz and Teleperien, and that we've sought Tass for several weeks. I could not tell her that we knew Shahai had Tass' body. Not yet. We need Teleperien to go ahead and heal the body, which she might not do if she knew this was Shahai.

Rhaine nodded toward her table and the man seated there, "Anyway, want to sit down with us Alais? I would like to introduce you to my brother, Vitus. He is a Knight loyal to the Grim Lord."

At first I told her I didn't want to intrude, but her claim that this was her brother grabbed my immediate attention, "You do not favor one another," I told her. Their appearances in no way bespoke a blood kinship.

She smiled, "Yes, Vitus is the best brother one can wish for."

The man stood at the mention of his name, bowing quite formally, "Greetings, I am Vitus Rustovich, Archaeologist in service to the Army of Midnight."

Elven reticence made me give him a bit of a wide berth, "good evening Vitus Rustovich, I'm very pleased to meet you." This makes two demons in one day!!!

He grinned at his sister, "Jumpy one this is."

Rhaine smirked, "or too elven, elves tend to.... dislike those of your bloodline Vit, and they know you when they see you."

I had to laugh as I remembered the day she'd introduced me to her Vicar, Raevyx. Sparks had flown instantly between the Drow and I. I gave Vitus a smile, "Please do forgive me Vitus Rustovich. I am not used to all of Rhaine's friends and family yet."

He simply grinned, "you have no reason to fear, I no longer eat elves."

I could feel the blood drain from my face, "I'm very happy to hear that." Quickly changing the subject, "you did say you are an Archaeologist?"

Rhaine's expression was one of mischief and pride, "the best one the Legion ever had." I believe my friend was enjoying my clear discomfiture at Vitus' presence, but she did seem to adore him, and his accomplishments.

Vitus nodded, "more of a hands on archaeologists. My duties are to acquire ancient relics and artifacts that may prove beneficial to the Legion."

"So you have the task of finding magical artifacts?"

"Magical and otherwise," he told me. I told him that he was very likely to find a plethora of such artifacts in RhyDin, and Rhaine snickered, "hopefully not anything like the one you have shown me Alais. Warriors of the Lord aren't recommended to touch it."

Vitus raised a brow at her words, and a quick shiver of dread whispered down my spine. "That one is safely on Matlal." I told her. There was no point in discussing Daemonbane in front of Vitus.

I glanced at Rhaine, "I have had to share more about Annara than I'm happy about. Things are worse than we thought."

She looked at me with wide, dark blue eyes, "worse?"

My voice lowered to a mere whisper, "the plains around the Keep are full of demons and undead. Sai Jon and I did just come from Riverbend."

Vitus smirked, "that doesn't sound so bad, sounds like home."

I turned a silver gaze on him, "it is very bad, the tear is in the 6th level of Hell, and a Tiefling is about to bring the dead into the realm of the living."

Rhaine's reaction caught me off guard, "Tiefling?! Half tanar'ri??" She looked quickly at Vitus, "that is the trace I have been looking for! Tanar'ri!!!"

Vitus glanced away from Rhaine to me a moment, "pardon, sometimes I forget that some prefer the dead to stay in the ground."

I nodded at Vitus, "so the 'others' have told me, he is the General they do hope will bring them freedom. I have not seen him, but they call him Rael."

Vitus looked at Rhaine, "Tanar'ri? You mean the assassin? Or is this something more recent?"

Esperwind gave a quick look, and I realized our discussion was gaining attention. Lowering my voice a bit as I told Vitus that I preferred the dead to remain banished in Riverbend, for many reasons.

Rhaine seemed truly pleased by the revelation of the tiefling. "The entire picture Vitus, the events I have told you about - these might be influenced too."

He nodded, "seems there may be more need for me to finish my.... project than before."

She promised to help him with this project, and they spoke of someone called Arioch. Vitus seemed most adamant about preparing a new home for him.

Rhaine was busy planning, "well, at least the pieces fall together, 6th layer and Tiefling."

I glanced at her, "the General is from the 9th level according to the "others"." I was not entirely following where she was going, but it had to have something to do with Tenebris.

Vitus rose and excused himself, "I have to go back to the Temple, hopefully Ixt can let me in, I need to work on my project."

I bid him farewell, and then Rhaine looked at me, "if hte situation is the way I think, it would be the solution of some problems, or someone would at least pay."

I quirked a brow at her as she continued, "I told you about the Temple of Asmodeus... about the events that led me here."

She had, and some of what I knew I'd learned from her dreams. "Your words were a hint that could solve the riddle about the origin of these events."

I pondered a moment, "you think this Tiefling is a part of that?"

"He may be. Tieflings in Baator! And if Vitus' work is over, by the Midnight, someone will have their sorry rear handed to them! Tieflings do NOT belong in the Hells!" Her voice was harsh and resolute.

I smiled as I remembered the burning resolution in Sai Jon, "You will have to fight Sai Jon for that pleasure lass. I've never seen a man so committed."

She gave me a look that could have come straight from Cania, "for the pleasure of ripping out the heart of someone who harmed....." she hesitated, "I would fight Kir'Jolith Himself!"

She wouldn't say the name, but I knew she spoke of Tenebris.

"I do think Sai Jon is similarly motivated." I was not going into his reasons for such motivation. Dragging those memories into the light once was more than enough.

I rose, telling Rhaine I was back at I' Taurn, and that she is welcome to come talk.

Rhaine nodded, "a lot has happened my friend, a lot. I will not explain it here and now."

I agreed with her, and told her that much has changed on the Isle as well.

She surprised me when she said she didn't care about the Isle's. "If the Emerald Isles do not hold them Rhaine, they'll come to RhyDin next."

Rhaine touched my thoughts with the idea of starting a temple to Asmodeus, and I was taken back by that notion. There were currently only three here, and perhaps a fourth coming. The idea surprised me.

She quirked a brow at me, "I see nothing surprising really. From strategical point of view, it's rational, besides, Vanion and Iggy are the only Myr'Khulians.

It would appear that those in service to the Grim Lord are considering strategic expansion.

I parted company with Rhaine while both of us invited one the other to our homes and refuges.

While I worry that I cannot get back to the Emerald Isle's right now, it is good to see old friends.

(Cross posted in Streets / Quiet Return )

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-09-28 14:50 EST
It had been a terribly long day. Sai Jon and his companions had made a spectacular impact on the few household staff still at I' Taurn, and I am not completely convinced that having a cybernetically enhanced demon in the house is something they will quickly adjust to. Saltera is very reasonable, but elves and demons do not usually spend amiable time together. Especially when the demon is armed to the teeth.

I had shown Sai Jon to the second floor where they could practice swords, magic, and hand to hand combat. The room was not designed for firearms or laser weapons, but I told Sai Jon I could ward it for such if he so desired. The room contains a multitude of swords, edged weapons, and if they dig deeply enough, some of Ulysses laser weapons are still there.

I left them to do whatever recon they felt would be useful, and headed to Twilight Isle in search of Rhaine. Once again, I kept to the trees as I searched the rings and spectators areas. Sylus was volunteering, but he caught sight of me among the trees, and a whisper soft mind touch told me I looked tired, which meant I looked as I felt.

I told him I was seeking Rhaine, but that I was going back to I' Taurn. He wondered if our guests were settled, and I told him that I thought so. I hadn't had an opportunity to introduce him to Sai Jon and the others, but he knew of their arrival.

It was late as I sat in the library. A small fire crackled in the fireplace. I had not seen Topaz or Teleperien, and somehow I suspect that Sai Jon and crew are not particularly body guard sorts. As I considered how to go about protecting Topaz and the Queen, I felt a tear open across the table from me. The dark rift shimmered in the mostly darkened room, and I felt a familiar presence, "Rhaine?"

Her voice drifted from the tear, "want to come or would prefer me hopping in?"

I smiled. The woman could come through my wards like they did not exist, and yet, she maintains the courtesy of asking before doing. She is unusual in this realm. "Please, do come join me lass."

She stepped through the rift, but her form was almost translucent, at first I thought it was just a trick of the light, but as she seated herself on the floor, I could see she was not entirely solid.

"Good evening lass, the Liquid Fire is on the table."

She nodded, telling me that she thought it best not to delay talking. It seems things have been changing in RhyDin as well during my absence. It's too dangerous to wait. Vanion has become more active. I fear he will be trying to get the Key of Earth from Artemus. He kidnapped your Queen, and we had to run to the Temple of Myr'Khul."

I had heard that Vanion was once again stirring, but I had not heard he'd taken Teleperien.

She continued, telling me that "Myr'Khulians are masters of torment," and that Teleperien was in bad condition when she was found. She passed her hand through the bottle of Liquid Fire, "I'm still regenerating after the encounter with Vanion."

When I asked her what had happened to her, she shrugged, "I was just dragging Artemus out of another problem, and got my body annihilated, nothing too scarey."

I blinked at her, "that's not scarey?"

She smirked, "it is not important. And I kept Artemus from feeling my pain. In any case, the regeneration is almost complete, so don't pay attention." She gave me a most serious look before continuing. "The bloodspeakers, and your dragon friend, and what you told me - that is trouble, not some regenerating monster."

I frowned inwardly. She is no monster, and as my friend, it concerns me that she could have been lost to me, and in defense of Artemus! The man simply makes my blood boil. He is Sylus' younger brother, but I cannot harbor warmth for the man in any shape or form.

Rhaine sighed, "anything about that demonic being, that Rael?"

I shook my head, "the 'Others' do say he's from the 9th level, and that he is amassing a huge host, at least 200,000 now in the rivers flood plain in Annara."

She smirked a bit, "such hosts are not uncommon for Baator, but 9th level?! How could a half Tanar'ri come there?"

I had no answer for her, but the story remains the same from all of the banished Annarans.

She told me that in Clandestine, it had been a being from the 9th level that had deceived Tenebris, and stole his soul, and plotted lethargy for them all, the Asmodeans. She was worried.

I thought a moment. "If Rael brings them through, the Annarans would be free to take up their old lives."

She bit her lip, "and there it is."

We both understand the threat Rael poses to us all. I closed my eyes, "Rhaine, I had to show Sai Jon the depravity of the Annaran world." The pain of remembering still bit deeply into my soul, but I knew Rhaine would understand what it had cost me to show that to anyone.

She glanced up at me, "Sai Jon? Who is he?" She was in deep thought as she manipulated cyan sparks on her fingers.

"Sai Jon is an old friend of Giles, he's come to help Tass. He is a priest, and has come to try to heal Tass from the wasting malady."

Her old animosity toward Tass was still there, and I have resolved that my two friends cannot be friends. It happens, no more than I could expect to take Saltera to Legend and expect them to get along.

Rhaine chuckled, "I see, so Tass needs some healing and a Priest to bash some common sense into his head?"

I laughed quietly, "Mayhap that too."

We spoke at length about Vanion, and her concerns that the vampiric elf would go after Artemus' Key since it is the only one Vanion has not been able to touch with the crystal. "So, the only logical guess is that Art should beware."

Frowning slightly, "I have no love for the man lass, none."

She chuckled, "Art may be a silly shifter, but he isn't half as bad as Vanion. Hopefully Shan will teach him to be more serious."

I growled, "aye, well, he has made an enemy of this elf."

She grew more serious, "Vanion is not the only concern, I don't like what's going on with Vincent. His doubles, they appear too often."

I muttered some elven imprecations. "That damned Temple does corrupt all that it touches."

She nodded, but added, "I would not try to enter it, the Grim Lord would not approve. And Vitus, he's here and I am happy to see him. All of us considered him dead after certain events involving his father."

I asked if that was the Arioch they'd spoken about.

She said Arioch was Vitus' father, and a demon who loved to make mindless drones out of everyone.

I closed my eyes, "Rhaine? I've met two demons today, and now you're talking about a third!" No elf in her right mind willingly associated with such creatures!

She grinned, "remember our talk about fabric on a frame? New marbles are falling."

I opened my eyes and studied her a moment, "yes, they are."

She rested her forehead on her hands, "and the visions, visions the Lord has sent me, they predict another marble."

I sat up a bit more, "what visions?" She hadn't mentioned previous instances where the Grim Lord had spoken to her.

She looked up, "for a long time He has not spoken to me, but now he has. He has shown me a rift - rift and four figures walking out of it."

We spoke at length about her vision and what it could portent, but in the end, we agreed not to discuss it. For now, it would remain just between us.

I teased her then, telling her that Vitus and Saltera should meet. She blinked and wanted to know why. When I explained that Saltera was 100% demon, and currently in I' Taurn, she chuckled, "This guy Tanar'ri?"

I explained what little I knew about Saltera, that Tharkold was his home. She nodded, "not one of the Baatezu, that is for sure." Then she asked me why they should not meet, and I laughed, "the irony of having two demons about." It was so un-elven, have I come so far from my heritage? The thought is sobering. Have I become so influenced by the Annarans?

She broke my reverie, "Trouble is guaranteed. I will talk to my brother, and will get to talk to you again. I think we will need your help. Something should be done about Arioch."

I nodded and told her she could count on my help.

The imp in her surfaced as she said, "even if that means helping a half demon?"

I winked back as she opened a rift, "only because he's your brother."

((Cross posted in Streets/Quiet Return))

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-09-29 23:01 EST
Saltera leaned against the door frame filling it with his bulk. He'd retreated from the room when Sai Jon and Tobias started sparring. Tobias had been getting a little over enthusiastic with the telekinesis and after a sword had buried itself in the wall next to his head he'd moved out of the way and set up wards to prevent any further damage. Unfortunately the other two both had taken this as a decleration of open season and the room had turned into a miniature warzone. Saltera sighed, he couldn't take these two anywhere.

Alais had returned. He could feel her magic before she appeared coming up behind him quietly. "I'm not going to bite milady." he rumbled, his voice was deep and gravelly. "Well not you anyways." His toothy grin was somewhat disturbing at the best of times. Alais nodded to him and looked past him into the room as Sai Jon slammed into the ceiling and was held there by an invisible hand. Wishing to avoid scaring their host Saltera moved out into the hall, "May I speak to you for a moment?" he asked.

Alais nodded slightly, "Aye, prithee 'ow mayst Ah 'elp ye?"

"Sai Jon told me about what you experienced while trying to find the dragon. I wanted to thank you. brother can be a stubborn pain but there are still a few of us who would miss him." Saltera said with a small smile.

"'E ist a frien' o' Tass. 'T ist enou' fer me. 'E couldst nae stay there... e'en though Ah didst feel a wee bit o' sorra aboot draggin' 'im oot o' 'is dream"

Saltera's sigh seemed to come from the soles of his feet. "I remember the dream, I lived it with him. Those were happier times." He shook his head quickly as if to clear it. "I also wanted to talk to you about Tobias. Saltera looked very uncomfortable raising the subject.

She canted her head at him. "Prithee, wha' aboot th' lad? 'e ist 'is son, ist 'e nae?"

"Yes and no." Saltera replied cryptically. "You are a realm runner, you can travel between worlds but there is another way to travel. Imagine that all the worlds you can travel to are one universe. Now imagine that for every choice every person made there was a world where that person made a different choice. There are more universes than I can even imagine. In these universes sometime you can meet alternates. People who are you except they made a different choice somewhere in the past."

Saltera paused, gathering himself before continuing, "On the world Tobias came from, his father Rainne went on a murderous rampage and killed everyone but missed Tobias because he hid. That Rainne killed himself rather than face it." Alais' brows winged upward. "We found Tobias living off of the remains of his village. We guess he was there alone for at least a couple of weeks. A six year old boy in a village of the dead."

A cold shiver rippled down her spine, "Th' poor wee laddie."

"We took him away from there and raised him, Jacob, Jon and I." His face softened a bit. "He doesn't remember his old life and he is not aware of the connection to his past we have. When we realized he didn't know what had happened, he was too young to explain it. Now...we don't know how to tell him."

"Ye dinnae thin' 'e doth see th' r'semblance?" asked incredulously.

"He's never commented on it, and Sai Jon is much too old to be his father, grandfather maybe. Well beyond that if you use his actual age." Saltera paused and looked in at the two as they exchanged blows and laughed like maniacs. "And sometimes there are things a person chooses not to know."

"Sae ye dinnae wish fer me tae call 'im 'is son."

"I think it would be best."

"'S ye dae wish. 't ist nae mine place tae tell 'im tha' which 'e doth nae ken ye'"

"Thank you milady." Saltera smiled and then flinched when the wall shook from a particularly violent impact, "and I'll try to make sure they dont break the house."

Alais shot a quick glance at the stone wall that had shook. "'T wouldst take verra much tae dae tha'.... bu' soome'ow, Ah dae thin' ye'd manage 't."

"Have you heard anything new about the dragon?"

"Last e'en, there was a pair o' 'em 't th' Ootback.... th' town ist drawin' 'em"

"A second one? Damn, Jacob is off checking out the town. We'd better warn him before he does something stupid."

"Aye... one by th' name Byzannce, 'n one by th' name o' Nithhogar"

Saltera turns to go break up the match and stopped in his tracks. "Three dragons? I was refering to the dragon lord Tasslehofl."

She nodded, "Aye... two more b'sides' a demon 's well."

"For the love of the Muse. How do we get ourselves into this stuff?" he asked with a weary sigh.

Alais stifled a merry laugh, "Mayhap ye dae travel wi' th' wrong folk?"

"You're telling me." He stepped into the practice room and let out an ear splitting roar. His outburst was followed by a dead silence.

"Time to go?" asked Sai Jon.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-09-30 00:41 EST
Jacob flew through the clouds, skimming below them from time to time. He had volunteered to go scouting for two reasons and both were bringing a grin to his face at this moment. First he loved to fly. It had been more than two centuries since he had the cybernetic wings installed and he had yet to even begin to become tired of feeling the wind rushing past him and watching the ground flow by like a tiny model. Second, he had recently shown Tobias a new trick with his telekinesis and Jacob had enough survival instincts left to know that he'd better not be there when it got tried out for the first time. Besides Tobias would tell him about the look on Sai Jon's face later and the stories were often more fun anyways.

A flash of blue caught his eye as he dipped below the cloud cover again and he spun in that direction. He hadn't seen anything out of the ordinary all day and he was getting bored. Getting bored was not a good thing with Jacob, he tended to seek out problems when that happened. Luckily no one is around to talk any sense into me. Jacob thought to himself with a grin.

As he popped out of the cloud cover a huge blue dragon blew by him, it's passage blew him backwards head over heels into the cloud bank. Jacob flew upwards again, slightly more cautiously this time. The dragon had turned and was hovering in front of him with ponderous flaps of it's batlike wings. Jacob hovered opposite the dragon and for just a moment a voice in the back of his mind (that sounded suspiciously like Saltera) screamed for him to run but he shut the voice up with disturbing efficiency.

Jacob grinned and yelled out in a loud voice, "You wouldn't happen to have seen a dragon named Tass around here have you?"

((Cross posted to The Streets/Searching))

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-09-30 20:07 EST
The dragon hung in the air for a moment and then charged Jacob. He dodged to the side and the dragon barely noticed as it sped by. Well at least it's not attacking Jacob thought as the tail swung towards him in the air. It hit him like a freight train but he reflexively wrapped his arms around it and held on as the dragon sped away. Jumbled quotes about tiger tails flashed through his mind but by this point he'd quite made up his mind, he wasn't letting go until he and the dragon had sat down for a lizard to lizard talk. Besides it still hadn't answered his question.

((Cross Posted to The Streets/Searching))

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-09-30 22:32 EST
Saltera had sent the others to prepare. With two more dragons out there he knew there would be trouble and Jacob would undoubtably find it. He waited at the practice room and suddenly a huge dog came bounding around the corner and squared off in front of him growling menacingly. Saltera could sense that it thought him to be a threat so he dropped to his knees, and bent his head to the left exposing his throat and letting out a low whine. The dog stopped growling and cocked his head to the side. Myr inched forward slowly and sniffed Saltera's outstretched hand which he then tentatively licked.

Alais came racing around the corner to find Saltera kneeling in front the dog that was now barking at him playfully. She laughed at the scene and called Myr to her.

Saltera shook his head and waited for the others impatiently. It was past time to be going, Jacob could be up to anything by now.

((Cross Posted to The Streets/The Quiet Return))

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-09-30 22:41 EST
Jacob bounced off several rooftops as the dragon stove to knock him off. "Sorry...Send the bill to big out below..." Jacob yelled as he hit the various buildings. An electric shock surged through him and he screamed out with excitement. "Yee Haw! Ride 'em doggy." He was going to pay in pain tommorow (and probably for weeks to come) but he was getting the ride of his life now. As he crashed through another chiminey he wondered where the dragon was going to.

((Cross Posted to The Street/Searching))

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-01 04:31 EST
The dragon slammed Jacob into a few more tons of stone before finally landing in a park and snapping its teeth at him, "I enjoy lizards for appetizers. You have a death wish?" The tail snapped again and Jacob's response was knocked out of him with his breath. The tail stopped for a moment and he looked up into the dragons blazing eyes. The thought once again occurred to him that this might not have been such a good idea but again he dismissed it as sheer foolishness.

He gasped in his breath as the dragon glowered at him waiting for a response, "Well not a death wish as such, but you didn't answer my question and I thought that was a bit rude but then i figured that as you are a fellow reptile that you must not have heard me since you would never be rude like that being a fellow reptile so I figured I'd tag along just in case you could answer my question and then you took me on that great ride I've never had one like it before it was so cool and now since you've stopped I can ask the question that you obviously failed to hear before," he sucked in a quick breath and continued before the dragon could respond, "So, you wouldn't happen to have seen a dragon named Tass around here have you?" Jacob waited panting for an answer still maintaining a death grip on the tail.

((Cross Posted to The Street/Searching))

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-01 20:05 EST
The dragon curled its head around and brought itself face to face with Jacob. He could feel its hot breath curling around his face and fought down several comments about breath mints since it seemed less than receptive to personal hygiene pointers at the moment. "I heard you the first time, but clearly you failed to see the new plume of smoke over yon." It pointed to the behind him but he was too facinated by the veins that seemed to be pulsing around the corners of its eyes. Jacob had observed the phenomenon before but only in Sai Jon curiously enough. A sudden jolt of electricity lanced through him and it stuck a claw against his chest, "Tell me why you seek Lord Momus, and do so quickly before I give in to hunger and use your femur to pick you out of my teeth after I crunch you."

"Well," Jacob started and sucked in a deep breath, "you see, we went to visit our friend Giles who was dead but then he was alive and we found him and he was Tass' butler now which makes sense except he was a dragon too which didn't because it would have helped before he died but then he explained that he was on vacation and didn't know he was a dragon so I guess that explained it but I still think that's an awfully big thing to forget but but anyways...what was the question again?" The dragon's eyes narrowed and Jacob continued, "Oh yeah, so when we found the island thingy, Tass was hurt so my friend Sai Jon, his eyes bulge like that when I explain things too, tried to heal him but then he disappeared and we found out that an army of the dead were coming to take over and we needed Tass home and well and I went to get the rest of our friends, we're professional freedom fighters you know, Sai Jon doesn't like that name but I do, I think it sounds daring, but then when we came back we couldn't get in but then we found out that Sai Jon was brought here by the nice lady Alais and Tass was here so they sent me out to scout and I found you but you're not Tass but being a dragon I thought you might know where he was so I asked you and then I got to go on that great ride and here we are...can I go again?"

((Cross Posted to The Streets/Searching))

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-02 21:51 EST
beginning to realize that this dragon really was quite a rude person. He grunted slightly as the dragon dug its talon into his chest, "You DO have a death wish. WHY are you looking for Lord Momus?" the dragon rumbled at him.

He had tried to be polite but the dragon was starting to piss him off. "If you would listen you would realize that I already told you that I'm a friend of his and me and my friends are trying to heal him because he's been hurt!" Jacob moved forward until their snouts were almost touching and he stared into the dragon's eyes, "now if you would stop being rude and answer the blasted question I can get back to trying to help your liege lord. Or do you REALLY want to have a go with me while he's out there hurt?!"

((Cross Posted to The Streets/Searching))


Date: 2005-10-03 13:57 EST
The little lizard had spunk! I smirked at him, "If I wanted a go at you, you'd already have been crunched and swallowed."

Narrowing my gaze at him, "now just why should I believe you, and your nearly incomprehensible story?"

The fire raged behind him, so there was no time to wait, and I told him he could either climb on, between the wings and tell me enroute, or he could stay here. Somehow, I suspect any story he has to tell is a long one, and I needed to be airborne to search for traces that might tell me if this was Lord Momus' work.

(Cross posted in Streets/Searching)

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-03 21:28 EST
Jacob dropped to the ground eagerly and scrambled up the dragon's tail and back and sat down quickly just forward of the wings. He barely restrained himself from boucing up and down in his excitement. He'd never ridden on a dragon's back before and he was all set to go. As it leaped into the air he grabbed on with his legs and let out a whoop of joy. The wind roared past him and after several inneffectual attempts at conversation he reached out tentatively with his mind, Can you hear me? Her response to the affirmative was laced with suspicion. He realized that the dragon was female and he searched his mind for the times Sai Jon and Saltera had struggled to teach him manners, it was difficult. I'm sorry Miss Dragon Lady, I forgot to introduce myself before I grabbed your tail. My name is Jacob. I used to have a longer name but it got to be a bother to remember all the names after I got to twenty-seven so I shortened it again. Impatience and confusion washed over him so he continued quickly. Here, this should explain. He pushed all of the memories he had since he had arrived on the Emerald Isle into her mind in an instant. And that's why I'm looking for Tass.

((Cross Posted to The Streets/Searching))

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-03 21:51 EST
The smoke had brought them running. Sai Jon, Saltera, and Tobias watched the building across from I'Taurn burn. Sai Jon and Saltera wore their long robes with the cowls pulled forward to hide their origins, even on as metropolitan world as this one seemed to be they would tend to stand out. They had no proof but they were working under the assumption that Tass, or at least the creature that was controlling him had started this fire so they should be able to find a trace of his energies that they could follow. Sai Jon looked up and down the street, "All right, start looking. Start as close as you can to the fire without attracting attention and move outwards. We need to find him, and keep a look out for Jacob. Knowing our luck he's being hunted down for exposing himself to a group of nuns by now."

Saltera smirked, "Be fair Jon, there were extenuating circumstances that time."

"With him there always are. But at least he tends to find something when he goes out, let's just hope it's not to big to handle." The streets were starting to fill with gawkers. "Let's go."


Date: 2005-10-03 21:57 EST
Easing my grasp, the lizard leaped to the ground, taking a route up my back to settle just before the wing joints, and with a leap, we rose into the air. Smoke was spreading, and people were running to watch the goings on, and I was busy seeking movement that might tell me where the elder might be found.

The tentative touch of psionic surprised me, and I could not help being suspicious, but I'd told him he could come along and explain it to me. He started talking about his names, but that was not why I'd told him he could come along, he needed to get to the point.

The images he shared were convincing. He was a verbose creature, but his tale rang true. A small group of non-dragons had come in search of Lord Momus. Further, the rumors that he was afflicted with a wasting malady were also true.

We circled around the source of the column of smoke before slowly widening the circling search area. Nothing. No familiar sensation of kindred dragons nearby.

A small group of goblins stood in front of the remains of the Red Orc brewery, pointing up, but they were of no consequence.


I perched atop the local church steeple. *Not here, he's not here* My mind shared with Jacob almost unconsciously.

A group of militia moved through the streets, armed with various weapons, including cross bows, long bows, and javelins.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-03 22:17 EST
The dragon had circled the burning building several times before she landed on top of a church nearby. Jacob stood up, walking to the edge of her shoulder so she could look out over the streets below. The dragon couldn't feel Tass' presence. Jacob patted her on the side of the neck absently. He could sense something, a trace of the corruption that had infested Tass. This world was awash in strange energies from a hundred different worlds but the Annaran energies stank like something that had been left rotting in a swamp. Tass had been here, and he was still close. Jacob pointed out to the north east. Head that way, I can smell him.

((Cross Posted to The Streets/Searching))


Date: 2005-10-03 22:26 EST
Turning to study him a moment. *Smell him?*

He seemed certain, and as I looked over the city streets, there was nothing that stood out for me.

He was so certain, *hold on* as I spread my wings, we swooped low over the streets in a north easterly direction.

People glanced up as my shadow slid along the rooftops and streets. The Militia was out in force, and still there was no trace I could sense of Lord Momus.

I flew slowly, letting Jacob search. He'd said he could smell him, but I could not. Lazy circles as we moved the direction he'd indicated.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-03 22:42 EST
The scent was stronger now. He pointed down towards a burnt out building ahead of them. He was there a little while ago. I'm going down to take a closer look. Jacob leaped off the dragon's back and plummeted towards the ground before spreading his wings just before he hit pulling up and landing softly. A half burnt sign hung outside revealing this place to be the Red Orc Brewery. A large group of goblins were swarming over the building and several had come out to look up the dragon. Jacob ignored them for the moment, Tass was close.

((Cross Posted to The Streets/Searching))


Date: 2005-10-03 23:01 EST
He'd hopped off and I rose to land on the outter wall of the brewery. The second floor was gutted, but it looked as though the first floor was fairly intact. The goblins were scurrying to and fro, and my presence seemed to upset them greatly.

On a whim, spreading my wings wide to catch the last of the sun's rays.

Squeaking words drifted up to me, "fire starter", "dragon fire" and so forth. The rumors were true then. People believed that Lord Momus was the one setting all of the fires. But why? Why would he do this?

Jacob was following a scent only he could pick up, and I watched him as he moved below.

(Cross posted Streets/Searching)

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-03 23:24 EST
Jacob turned slowly in a circle. Tas had been here several times and the energies overlaid each other confusing the trail. He concentrated for a moment and then headed straight down the road, moving around the goblins who were becoming more and more agitated about something. Jacob moved through them purposefully, dodging them when he could and excusing himself when he was forced to push by. He finally cleared the goblins and began to run, his instincts had taken over and the hunt filled his mind. He stopped at an intersection momentarily and headed on. Up ahead a cloaked figure clutching a staff moved away from him. He'd found him, the stench of the Annaran energies filled his senses and there was something else too, something dark and malicious. Jacob stopped and called out to his friends with his mind, I found him!

Still moving through the crowds that had formed around the burning manor, Sai Jon, Saltera, and Tobias looked up as one. Jacob's call echoed in their brains and Sai Jon and Saltera swept off their cloaks causing the people around them to move backwards in shock. Several sketched symbols in the air and called out to various gods at the sight of them. Quicksilver wings grew out of their backs and all three of them took to the air, flying at full speed towards their friend.

((Cross Posted to The Streets/Searching))


Date: 2005-10-04 13:42 EST
He took off running, moving quickly up the street after getting through the goblins. There was a cloaked figure moving slowly, using a staff that he was closing on, and I flew in a low glide path to intercept it.

People scurried out of my way, but the cloaked figure kept moving, seemingly uncaring that a lizard and dragon were closing it in. It appeared completely unafraid of my glide straight at it.

(Cross posted in Streets / Searching )


Date: 2005-10-04 13:48 EST
Fire errupted in my face, and there was barely enough time to throw my head out of harms way. The second hit solidly against my right wing. Burning hotly and painfully, I veered toward the bay. Diving into the cool waters as quickly as I could.

*Where did THAT come from?* I had not sensed a dracolich. No wonder I could not find Lord Momus! The wasting malady has nearly destroyed his entire body. What rose from that cloaked form was a ruin of a dragon, not a dragon.

As I checked the damage from the flames, I waited to hear from Jacob. He'd not responded to my question, and I grew worried, *Jacob?*

(Cross posted Streets / Searching )

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-04 22:55 EST
Jacob read his prey's intent as the figure turned. He threw up a psychic shield just as the shuriken darted at his face. The shield held barely, there was powerful magic backing the tiny missles. He watched as Tass' body turned and transformed into his dragon form and attacked the lady dragon with blasts of flame. The lady dragon veered off trying to protect herself and Tass' dragon form began to fly away quickly. Jacob hesitated for a moment but then launched himself into the air in the direction of the lady dragon as his three companions flashed overhead in pursuit of Tass.

He flew in the direction he had last seen the lady dragon going and felt her questing presence, I'm ok. Are you hurt Miss Dragon Lady?

((Cross Posted to The Streets/Searching))

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-04 23:02 EST
Sai Jon watched as the blue dragon got hit by blasts of flames and spiraled off and Tass lifted off the ground flying away from them at full speed. He shot forward with a burst of speed knowing that the others would follow. Whoever was controlling Tass had just proven to be dangerous in the extreme and they need to bring him down quickly before any more damage could be committed in Tass' name. They sped past where Jacob was, he looked unharmed but he took off in the direction of the wounded dragon. Sai Jon wondered what that was about momentarily but mentally shrugged. He had more important things to worry about, like not getting killed, and besides Jacob always had strange taste in playmates.


Date: 2005-10-05 10:29 EST
I swept out of the water. Blisters were forming on the thinner tissue of the wing. *oh, bother!*

The dracolich-like creature was weak. Had Lord Momus wanted to, he could have blasted me into naught but a few scales and teeth. Something was horribly amiss. I would have understood a demand for submission, but what had just happened was not dragon-like at all.

I'd just risen high enough to go in search of Jacob when his thoughts reached me, *I'm OK. Are you hurt Miss Dragon Lady?* And there, below me flew the lizard.

Landing atop a tiled roof to await him, *I am a little broiled in places, but otherwise I'm ok.*

I studied his wings a moment. They were artificial. Technology seems to be doing the impossible. I wonder what's next.

In the distance, there were 3 figures using the artificial wings, *your friends?*

He nodded.

*Let us join them, hurry, get on, I am faster.* We headed straight for his friends. *they won't take a pot shot at me, will they?*

(Cross posted Streets / Searching)


Date: 2005-10-05 18:14 EST
The fire that engulfed the young blue was near blinding, but was weak in force. He could feel the weakness that was held in check by the decaying dragon that came from the hooded figure.

The rumors had been true. The Lord was wasting away.

He waited a bit longer, making sure that the Lord had taken proper flight, then turned and walked to the young blue. He had learned to mask his true features while in the presence of the mortal, but it seemed that the young one did not.

He watched as she, a dragon, allowed the mechanical lizard to climb upon her back. His growl was softly emitted, yet it still caused the ground to shake.

Those simple mistakes would cause much harm to her.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-06 20:28 EST
Jacob and the lady dragon caught up with the others as they landed outside the door Tass had retreated into. Sai Jon hit the door running and bounced back as he discovered it had been locked from the other side. "We don't have time for this!" he growled, "Tobi. Salt. Get in the air and make sure he doesn't come out another door. Jacob...dragon, stand back." Sai Jon pulled a handfull of something that looked like grey clay out of a compartment that openned in his leg.

"Oh damn, Miss Dragon Lady we really need to move." Jacob said and lifted into the air landing on the roof of the opposite building. The lady dragon lifted off, puzzled but if the lizard that stood up to her didn't want to be somewhere there might just be a good reason. Sai Jon rolled the clay into a long thin strip and ran it around the edges of the door then ran down the alley at a full sprint. Suddenly there was a flash and a roar that almost startled her into flight. She looked over at Jacob who was grinning broadly, "Jon never did learn how much of that stuff was too much." he said before he dropped off the ledge, floating to the ground.

Sai Jon and Jacob entered the building weapons drawn and came back out a few moments later. Sai Jon took off again and was joined by the other two as they headed back towards New Haven. Jacob landed next to the lady dragon and sighed, "he teleported, the scent leads just inside the door and vanishes. I'm going to have to start again. You still up for a little flying?"

((Cross Posted to The Streets/Searching))


Date: 2005-10-06 21:27 EST
Jacob gave me one of those grins that spells trouble as he said "Oh damn, Miss Dragon Lady we really need to move." He headed for the roof of a nearby structure, and as I looked at the grey stuff he was turning into a long, snakey rope, the scent of it set alarm bells off in my head.

I headed quickly for the rooftops. The noise of the explosion was so loud, I thought about going even further away. The concussion from the explosion rattled windows for blocks, and before the dust even began to settle, they others had disappeared into the building.

Jacob laughed, "Jon never did learn how much of that stuff was too much."

I blinked. That stuff was dangerous!

As Jacob landed at ground level again, the others exited the building. They talked briefly, and then Jacob came back to my roof top perch. "he teleported, the scent leads just inside the door and vanishes. I'm going to have to start again. You still up for a little flying?"

I gave him a toothy grin. " I love flying, and it is such a glorious night for stretching my wings. Do you have any place in particular in mind?"

(cross posted in Streets/Searching)

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-06 22:06 EST
Jacob thought for a moment, "Not really but I'm not going to pick up anything here. My friends are heading back to the house to try and figure out a way to find Tass through supernatural means. I prefer the old fashioned way so I'll start here and circle outwards. If he's in the city I'll pick him up eventually." Jacob stopped and cocked his head to the side as if listening to something then he grinned and reached out poking the lady dragon in the shoulder with one of his fingers, "Tag, you're it." Jacob hurled himself off the rooftop picking up speed as he swooped through the alley and climbing into the clouds overhead laughing loudly the entire time.

((Cross Posted to Streets/Searching))

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-07 19:36 EST
Sai Jon stormed through the front door cursing a blue streak. "Saltera grab your gear and head for the practice room. Tobias go prep. I'll see if Alais can help with the search." He jogged up to the fourth floor and knocked on the door to her chambers. He waited for a moment but there was no response. He knocked again. He waited and then inched the door open slowly, "Alais?" The energies washed over him. Something stinking of Annaran energies had been here, Alais energies were different, balanced between the light and the dark, this was overpowering. He shoved open the door as waves of darkness retreated back into a large bowl on a pedestal in the center of the room. He ran forward but it was gone. He looked into the bowl and saw a pair of eyes staring out at him and then they were gone. The bowl was empty.

Sai Jon ran back downstairs and burst into the practice room. Saltera was waiting for him there. "Tass took Alais, get the spell started. We're going to find him and whoever is in his body is going to tell us exactly what he did with Alais." Saltera nodded and got to work.


Date: 2005-10-08 00:05 EST
The city was falling rapidly behind, and the orange flames reached skyward from the outlying home, but Jacob was headed in a different direction.

Whirling around, I scanned the skies for him. Now where did that little lizard go?

*Jacob? Where are you going?* The mind touch was direct. He'd said his friends would go for answers, but that he wanted to search.

I spotted him flying toward Seaside, and thus I left the outlaying fire in favor of the new smoke plumes near the construction.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-08 05:00 EST
I think I've got something. Jacob sent back to the lady dragon. He sped onwards towards the rising flames. A dragon was circling the column of flames and he pushed on, he could smell the corruption now and the sound of people screaming reached him on the night winds. It's him. I'll try and get close see if you can distract him. Jacob sent wildly and dropped out of the sky skimming along the ground trying to stay out of sight.


Date: 2005-10-08 11:01 EST
Was he out of his lizard mind???

I winged with all haste toward the plume of smoke and the form that circled ahead of me. It radiated dragon fear as though it was drunk or high on something. This was not Lord Momus. This was something else entirely.

As I got closer, I could see that the thing I'd thought was a dracolich was not precisely that. It was as though the scales and flesh have been peeled from the body, leaving the underlying muscle and skeletal structure visible for study. Something humans did to study their 'medicine'. But this anatomy project was still alive, and it was killing.

Closing fast, I set a collision path with the thing. *Jacob, get out of here! Taking on a dragon is not the smartest thing in the world. Use this diversion to GO!*


Date: 2005-10-08 14:35 EST
Rocketing from the emergency launch tube a mile out of town, the black motorcycle's engine shrieked like a bane-sidhe as it arced through the air, landing with a heavy whump and cloud of dust, increasing in speed as Psly gunned the throttle. Airborne telemetry indicated more than one dracoform circling the new construction project.

Now, Psly knew Cory worked there, and while there was no love lost between the two men, Psly couldn't just let innocent townsfolk perish without doing something about it.

So, here he was, going out to do something about it.

He was going out to take on not one dragon, but a whole slew of them.

When all this was over, he was definitely looking in to psychiatric help.

((Cross Posted in From The Ashes))

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-08 19:03 EST
Not the smartest thing. Wow. She really hasn't known me for very long Jacob thought as he increased his speed. Now he just needed Sai Jon. Concentration was never his strongest suit and concentration while on a high speed collision course with a dragon that didn't like you very much is probably even harder but Jacob pushed his thoughts out. He had to reach Sai Jon and bring him here. They wouldn't get another chance at this. He called out, ignoring the smoke and the dying screams he called out to his friend. He needed him here now.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-08 19:11 EST
Sai Jon watched the preparations for the locator spell. He'd never been good at magic so he left it to Saltera and Tobias, unfortunately that meant he was doing a lot of standing around and doing nothing and that was possibly what he was worst at. The faint smell of smoke seemed to reach his nostrils, he ignored it. Screams echoed around him and he turned expecting the gates of the damned to be openning behind him but the hallway was empty. The others didn't seem to notice as they laid out the spell carefully. I need you here NOW! Jacob's voice echoed in his head, focused and intent. Jacob was in trouble.

Sai Jon turned to the others. "Jacob's found him...send me to Jacob now!" Saltera looked up in confusion but Tobias took the outlandish statement on faith. He began to chant immediately his hand reached out and touched Sai Jon's forehead and suddenly he was somewhere else.

Sai Jon appeared standing in a street before a building consumed in flames. The dragon that was Tass was attacking the people here, killing them one by one. He spotted Jacob rocketting away from him straight at the dragon and as he came close he spun up through the burning wreckage screaming at Tass passing through the dragon's outstretched claws and slapping it on the snout "YOU'RE IT!" Sai Jon cursed all insane reptiles everywhere as he ran. He had to get close enough to touch Tass and Jacob was trying to buy him the time to do it. He wasn't going to waste it.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-08 19:17 EST
Jacob flew like never before. The wind ripped past him, he had gotten his message out, now he was the bait. He raced the lady dragon to Tass knowing that this time he had a better chance. He tucked his wings close and flew into the burning wreckage bursting out through a hole where the roof had collapsed directly under the dragon. He weaved upwards still moving faster than he ever had before. Weaving like a maniac, he threaded past Tass whooping wildly and as he passed the growling snout he reached out and slapped his nose screaming with insane pleasure, "YOU'RE IT!" before diving down into the streets below. He was smaller and faster, he would weave where Tass couldn't fly and act as bait. Besides, he'd never had this much fun in his life.


Date: 2005-10-09 14:43 EST
Shard had less than a minute to decide what to do.

After Psly dropped down the tube, and left her mouth hanging open in shock, she looked around, locating a stairway that led down into the lower levels.

She took it at a running pace, leaping to the bottom, and looking around, just as she heard a long whine, and a huge rush of air... She had to grab ahold of the banister just to keep her feet.

To her left, she saw the construction facility, and the entrance to the mass driver that propelled Psly out into the night air.

To her right, she found what she was looking for. "Storage."

She stepped up to the glass enclosure, and panels slid back into the wall, allowing her access to Psly's storehouse of bikes, scooters, and other nifty stuff.

She didn't have time to really look around, but she picked the biggest bike she could find, one that took two claw hooks to hold the thing up by its rear tire. She walked over to the nearest one, and studied the set up. A big button was placed next to each bike. She hit one, and one of the large bikes was lowered to the storage facility's floor.

Shard didn't have any time to waste, so she pushed the bike over to the hangar pad in front of the mass driver.

Shard lowered herself into the bike, taking a moment to orient herself to the controls.

"Ok... this should be easy, right? Where's the go button?"

Glancing to her right, she noticed a small panel, with three buttons, "Charge", "Go", "Abort".

Shard looked at the control panel of the bike, and hit the start button. The engine roared to life. She harnessed herself in, then looked over at the panel again, and hit "Charge".

The high pitched whine started again.

"Here we go..."

She hit the "Go" button.

She pulled her arm back in, as a soft glow started emanating around her. She gripped the handlebars to the bike, articulated spikes clenching onto the frame, as the floor seemed to drop out from under her.

Shard was thrown back into her seat, a thin scream coming from her lips, as she passed through the tunnel at an ever increasing rate of speed.

All too soon, the end of the tunnel appeared...

"Ooohhhh ddddreeeekkkkk!"

And into the night air she went.

((Cross posted in From The Ashes))


Date: 2005-10-09 14:58 EST
Oblivious to the development behind him, Psly redlined the engine heading for the city proper. A prearranged signal cleared the gate as he shot through it in a blur, one eye on the road, the other on the telemetry screen in front of him displaying the circling forms around the construction site.

Weaving through the streets as he neared the river, he considered his plans. Unfortunately, the construction tower was the tallest building in the immediate area. He needed to be somewhere higher.

An upended trailer provided resolution to a sudden dead-end street problem, catapulting the bike into another high ballistic arc over the river, providing the elf with a wonderful but macabre view of the desolation. Halfway over the river, an idea dawned upon him.

A couple of pistol potshots sent in the general direction of the dragon battle was all he had time for before gravity reasserted herself and he had to retain control of the speeding vehicle. But he had a destination in mind once more.

For almost nothing in Rhy'Din City proper was taller than the bluffs on the northern edge. . .

((Cross posted in From The Ashes))

The Watcher in the Dark

Date: 2005-10-09 15:03 EST
Data flew towards the central processing node from sources disguised as myriad small birds in the forest and surrounding the countryside, highlighting the forms of the fighting dragons and saurians along with the incoming motorcycles. Guards in the gatehouses opened the gates with the reception of preprogrammed signals. The same guards kept the gates open for the second speeding form, unable to be confused per se, but reporting the information as always.

It was up to the meat to analyze the data to find the important bits.


Date: 2005-10-09 19:46 EST
She hit the ground, bouncing twice, than twisted the throttle as far as it would go. The recoil was more than when she shot out of the mass driver, pressing her against the seat...


She noticed that the bike was helping to steer itself, and allowed herself a sigh of relief.

Shard looked at the computer touchscreen in front of her. She hit the navigation bar, and noticed an option for "Tracking".

Shard hit it.

On the screen, she saw several lights, but only one of them was blinking...

"That's got to be him......"

So, using his own tracking device, she started to follow him.

((Cross posted in The Streets: From the Ashes))

Shahai Iida

Date: 2005-10-10 17:15 EST
As dawn lit the sky, the workers at the MacPherson site died. Their terror is an intoxicant. Luring, seducing, and I want more!

Turning to make another pass at the building with it's adrenaline laced souls, I was startled to see a small flying lizard. His next actions were even more shocking!

Snarling as I left the construction workers, I went for the lesser lizard, sending a ball of flames at him. He was agile, more agile than I am in this state. My focus on that one, I missed the assault of the blue, and we collided hard. She deliberately ran into me, knocking me away from my prize, and buying it time to flee.

Rage, black rage errupted within, and I swung around, grabbing the blue by the legs, sinking dagger long teeth into her neck.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-10 18:46 EST
Jacob glanced over his shoulder as the two dragons collided in mid air, claws raking at each other. Jacob! Get away from him!! I do not want to watch you get eaten! The lady dragon's thoughts screamed through him.

He arched backwards completing a spinning u-turn in moments. A ball of flame shot by him deflecting off a hastily errected mental shield and leaving him a little singed. I don't want to watch myself get eaten either. It would ruin my vacation plans, and after THIS vacation I'm definitely taking another one far from insane dragon lords but this dragon is MINE. Keep clear before you get hurt. He charged again screaming at the top of his lungs. If nothing else, this ought to be interesting, he thought to himself.


Date: 2005-10-10 20:04 EST
Lord Momus followed, and we spiralled high into the sky, when several gunshots echoed in the night, one tearing through my burned wing. Snarling at the tearing burn. Why do humans use guns???

I spun and arced over, diving down from above. Jacob's thoughts richochetted through my mind, *I don't want to watch myself get eaten either. It would ruin my vacation plans, and after THIS vacation I'm definitely taking another one far from insane dragon lords but this dragon is MINE. Keep clear before you get hurt.*

He is insane! Me? If anyone is going to get crunched and eaten, it's him. I snarled and snapped at the dracolich-like wings, hoping to break some of the flight bones that held him aloft. Lord Momus screamed and raked his talons at my neck where his teeth had sunk deeply before.

Blood dripped steadily from those wounds, but if I didn't keep coming, Jacob would be in trouble.... and so I kept after the old dragon.....

Damn those bullets hurt!


Date: 2005-10-10 20:11 EST
The sudden roar surprised him. Psly didn't think he'd come anywhere near hitting either dragon, but apparently, luck landed on him like he'd landed on that patch of dry road before. . .

But navigating the twisting turns of the path up the bluffs was no easy task, and he bent all his concentration towards it.

Finally, he'd judged himself high enough and slewed the motorcycle to a halt, engaging the recoil pylons once its motion ceased and extending the weapon from its compartment along the bike.

Like a good deal of his creations, the rifle was sleek, but in its own way, highly threatening. Snaking a cord from the rounded box atop the weapon, he winced as he inserted the plug into the receptacle behind his ear, engaging the sighting program.

Then he braced himself and lined up for the shot, attempting to calm his breathing as he looked through the enhanced optics at the battling dragons.

The only thought he had then was, which one to take down first?


Date: 2005-10-10 20:13 EST
His trail took her to an upended trailer, and a small crowd of people, cursing, as they tried to upright it. Just in time to hear the sound of concentrated pistol fire. And roaring.


She drove around, studying the map, and located the nearest bridge, and gunned it.

She glanced up at the sky, once, and was greeted by the sight of dragons... in air... flying...


"This CAN'T be good...."

Looking up from the moniter, she saw a bouncing headlight heading up the bluffs at high speed.

She gunned it, a worried frown marring her delicate features.

Her frown only increased when she saw the headlight stop.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-10 20:22 EST
The two dragons collided over head and Jacob charged again as Sai Jon launched into the air. He flew directly at the wrestling dragons, he'd only get one shot at this. Tass was so distracted he never noticed the human missile until Sai Jon collided with him slamming into his neck. Sai Jon wrapped his legs around the neck and grabbed the sides of the dragon's head. God, help this work. Sometimes the simple prayers were the best. Sai Jon openned himself to the power and poured it into Tass' body.

The sky lit up with a pure white light that enveloped the two figures. Muscles reknit themselves across Tass' frame. The rips in his wings mended and skin grew. On Tass' back the figure of Sai Jon was transformed. His skin had lost the scars and no cybernetics were visible, even his wings had taken on the appearance of snow white feathers. The light around them grew brighter until it was almost blinding. So this is what dying feels like, Sai Jon thought to himself as the corruption was leeched from Tass and into himself. The energies ate into him like acid for the soul. He dismissed thought, dismissed pain, dismissed survival and pulled the Annaran energies out of Tass. The healing accelerated again and again. And it was done. Sai Jon returned to himself. He fell from Tass' back like the last leaf of autumn. Just before he blacked out he wondered if he'd feel the ground when he hit.


Date: 2005-10-10 20:31 EST
Psly cursed quite loudly as the flare almost overcame his senses.


In his mind, there was only one thing that could've happened. One dragon was down, one to go.

Sighting in, he exhaled. . .

Squeezed. . .

And even with the recoil dampeners, rocked back as the powerful round exited the barrel, igniting with fury a foot outside, gaining speed with each passing nanosecond.

His joy of seeing the bullet strike true was short-lived, however, as he finally noticed the larger dragon emerge from the corona, completely healed.

But his further cursing was cut quite short. . .


Date: 2005-10-11 15:03 EST
The light that flared in his mind was blinding. The light that illuminated the night sky was nothing compared to that which shot through his thoughts.

He could feel the body? his body? stitching itself together? growing. So, Sai Jon had given himself to the power and healed him. This was a twist he was not expecting. It was a price he knew that would cost greatly. A price that would be paid in full.

He felt the excitement grow in the bloodspeaker as she felt each fiber grow and expand. She knew the time had finally come for her to touch the power of the dragon. It was a power she would not soon forget.

His eyes watched for but a moment, and he felt time slow to a near stop. Life was flooding into his body, and yet, before his eyes, he watched as a young blue had her life snuffed out by a shrieking bullet. He knew that those below knew nothing of what was going on, but it was a fight that they had not yet brought. Now they had, and in so doing, had mortally wounded one of his own?

Rage consumed him, then. The power that the bloodspeaker wanted was there. It had always been there, but now the floodgates had been opened. She would rue this day for the rest of hers.

Breaking all barriers that he had erected within his mind, he roared free, barreling though the outstretched hand which the bloodskeaker extended for the power. He drew on every ounce of the power that had laid dormant over the past few months, waiting for this one time to ignite and roar to life freely. His body erupted in white flames, dancing wildly and passionately over each newly formed scale.

He felt, no longer saw, the shock that the bloodspeaker showed as the power flooded over her. It was nothing that she had expected. It was what she sought. The power was too much to handle all at once.

Taking control of his body for the first time in ages, he twisted with the speed and grace of an eagle, and dove hard towards the ground. He would not let Sai Jon fall to his death. He still had a debt to pay, and he was damned if he was going to go find Sai Jon in some afterlife to pay it.

As he reached the ground, he let his wings expand, tearing into the buildings that surrouned him. The stone that passed around was nothing more than biting flies, used to help slow his decent. It was the sudden catch of the wind that broke the downward fall and brought him parallel with ground. He caught the falling body upon his shoulders, and caught up one of the many bodies which the bloodspeaker had discarded earlier.

With a powerful sweep of his wings, he sought altitude. His powerful beat brought him straight to the little lizard which had accompanied the one on his back, and he pulled his left wing in, pulling a barrel roll, and sending Sai Jon into Jacob''s arms. He stayed for just a second to make sure that Sai Jon had been caught and was secured before he once more took to the night sky, gaining height with each powerful beat of his wings.

He would be where none other would get hurt for what was to take place next?


Date: 2005-10-12 00:31 EST
Psly stood a little straighter, watching the scene in the distance unfold with an almost unbelieving stare.

Then, as neurons in his brain fired in sequence to bring the rifle back to firing position for a shot at the other dragon, something quite unexpected happened.

The body of the blue dragon, impacting loudly with the cobblestone street, flared incandescently, converting immediately to what appeared to be lightning. Psly did not have time to ponder this development, however for there was a minor complication. The orichalum present in the bullet that took the creature down and the same metal present in the gun bridged a mystical connection. . .and the gun was connected in a much more physical way with Psly's brain, via the datajack. . .

The bolt slammed into the rifle, bike, and Psly at . . .well. . .lightning speed, catapulting the hapless elf into the distance as it reduced the motorcycle and weapon to so much carbonized slag on the mountainside.

The funniest part he would recollect later was how odd it felt to believe that the bolt was just as surprised of this development as he was.

Psly's more immediate concern?

How does one land safely in Battlefield Park?

When one is unconscious. . .


Date: 2005-10-12 00:34 EST
She had slowed down, in preparation to head up the bluffs, when the explosion happened. A lightning bolt seemed to hit the place where Psly and his bike stood. Shard watched in horror as the bike exploded. She covered her eyes a moment against the glare, but quickly looked up again,
her natural night vision adjusting in time to see what appeared to be Psly becoming a shooting star.... into Battlefield Park.

Stopping the bike, she unharness herself, and took off at a dead run. Dodging trees at a good 30 miles per hour, she tracked Psly''s falling form, until it hit the trees.

She found him as fast as she could, his body laying practically curled around a tree, where he had landed. She knelt beside him, turning him over. The pixies on her chest ran about her flesh in a furor, crying, and tearing at their hair.

"Psly! Answer me! Please!"

He groaned, eyes flickering.


She examined him for cursory injuries, making sure that nothing major was broken, before lifting him easily, and slinging him over one shoulder. She started to run again, this time back into town, and towards Psly''s garage.

She burst through the garage door, and ran up the stairs, towards Psly''s bedroom, tripping over dirty clothes, and other assorted piled objects. She laid him carefully on his bed, and made for the bathroom, knocking everything out of his medicine cabinet as she looked for any sort of first aid kit. She found some grubby towels, and wet them down, and headed back into the bedroom.

Shard started to tenderly clean Psly up, dabbing at the blood to get a true indication of his wounds. As she was tending to a scratch behind his ear, she noticed that the area around his data jack was scorched.

Not good.


Date: 2005-10-12 09:38 EST
Psly dreamed. . .

In the dream, he was happy. His eyes were closed, and there was a pleasant sensation of a light wind caressing his skin.

Then he opened his eyes.

And plummeted.

Screaming in terror, limbs wildly gestulating in the air, the scream ended in a grunt of pain as Psly felt a solid weight hit him, talons piercing his flesh to bring him to a halt.

He looked up, surprised to see a big blue dragon holding him aloft, peering down at him with eyes filled with intensity he'd never before seen.

The two creatures remained that way for an indeterminate amount of time before Psly noticed a weeping hole in the dragon's chest.

The horned visage peered closer, tongue snaking out before Psly's amazed face, before the dreadful mouth opened, and a soft voice uttered a single word.


Talons flexed, then roughly removed themselves from his body, and Psly tumbled towards the nearing ground once more, eyes locked on the hovering dragon growing smaller in his vision.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-12 22:57 EST
Jacob saw Sai Jon just before he collided with Tass and it was too late to do anything but watch as he grabbed on and the light dazzled him. He averted his eyes just in time to see something hit the lady dragon hard. She shuddered in mid-air and began to fall towards the streets below. A single cry shivered through his mind Jacob! The world seemed to move too slowly for him suddenly. He dropped out of the sky trying desperately to stop her fall, stop the ground from rising towards her.

She hit the street with a wet crunch and Jacob landed moments later. Someone had shot her and the impact had caused its own wounds. Blood pooled around her, he could feel the life flickering inside her and he reached out trying to keep her here. Sai Jon could help her, he had to. He had to hurry but if Jacob could just keep her here that long. It was like trying to restrain the tides with his hands. She was dying and he couldn't stop it. As she slipped away a single whisper hung in his mind, Byzannce........... my............. name......... was............... Byzannce. Jacob felt her go and the tears rolled down his scaled face.

When he thought about it later Jacob decided that he had only stood there for a few moments before the light suddenly snuffed out, it seemed much longer at the time. He looked up and saw Sai Jon falling, mimicing Byzannce. "NO!" Jacob screamed and launched into the air to save him but a healed a healed Tass swooped down catching Sai Jon on his back. He swept by Jacob rolling Sai Jon off and into Jacob's waiting arms and then continued off into the night.

Jacob slowly circled to the ground landing near his dead friend, Byzannce, her name was Byzannce. He thought to himself, Why did she go and die just when she stopped being rude? He sat down with a thud. The strength in his body was gone and he didn't know if it would ever come back. One friend dead. One friend dying. He could smell the Annaran corruption racing through Sai Jon's body. The dragon lord had better have been worth it. He lifted his head and screamed into the night sky. There were no words in the scream only loss and sorrow.

At that moment in I'Taurn, Saltera and Tobias looked up from their spell preparations. Something had happened. Something bad.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-13 22:35 EST
Saltera and Tobias found Jacob still cradling Sai Jon's body when they arrived. He was sitting in a pool of the dragon's blood leaning against her long neck and staring off into the distance. The city guard had pushed the growing crowd back but did not seem to want to approach the strange scene. It only took a moment to find out why. A guard that looked like he might be in charge, and was in no way happy about that fact, stepped forward past the line of people and began to approach Jacob. Before he had taken two steps a shotgun blast rang out as Jacob fired into the air and without looking or changing his expression the gun was leveled at the guard. "Back. No one touches them," Jacob's voice was cold and toneless.

The guard backed off a step and the gun lowered. Saltera kept his cloak pulled around him, the crowd was making him nervous. Tobias however pushed his way to the front of the crowd. He spotted Sai Jon and tried to run to him and Jacob but was stopped as he tried to cross the line of guards. "Those are my friends damnit!" He yelled at the guards holding him back.

Saltera came up behind them and slid back the hood of his cloak. "We need to get through," he said quietly. The Guard looked up into his face and took an involuntary step backwards. Tobias surged past the guard and ran to Jacob. The gun shot up again but dropped with a clatter as soon as Jacob recognized his friend.

Saltera stepped up to the lead guard, "Please keep the people back, we'll take care of our friend." The guard started to question him but Saltera simply turned away ignoring him. The guard spluttered for a moment and wondered when somebody who outranked him would get there. He didn't want to deal with dragons, demons, and trigger happy lizards. He simply wasn't being paid enough for this kind of thing.

"He did it." Jacob whispered to Tobias as the young man kneeled in front of him, "he healed the dragon but now the sickness is in him. I think he's dying. The lady dragon already died, and now he's dying too."

Tobias grabbed Jacob's shoulder, "The old man's too damn stubborn to die and we both know it. We need to get him back to the house though."

Jacob nodded and then looked back, "But we can't leave her to the scavengers."

"I'll take care of it," Saltera said as he came up to them. Tobias helped Jacob stand and Tobias led him back to the manor. The crowd parted before them. Saltera whispered a few words and blue flames leaped up all along the body of the dragon consuming it in seconds. A small whirlwind formed gathering the ashes and shooting them high into the air. "May the Lord have mercy on your soul, friend dragon. May you rest and abide with him until time ends." He looked around at the surrounding people one last time and took to the air. He needed to prepare I'Taurn for Sai Jon's return and he had to find their host. He would need Alais' help to heal Sai Jon.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-13 23:08 EST



am i dead?

Not yet but you seem determined to end our agreement.


Of course. Who else would vist you here. Even your dreams don't reach you here. You know you have to go back, you're not done yet.

i never wanted this. i just wanted to live out a normal life. in all the worlds though i've never seen that. i'm doomed to...what was that thing giles used to say...i'm doomed to live in interesting times...all of me. they're all me aren't they. all dead or dying. all silent. all death.

All Righteous. Though you never believe me when I tell you that. But you're stalling. You have to go back. The Dragon will need your help. The Nameless is using these invaders like so many before them. If they succeed there it will be almost impossible to stop them later. You know this. I know you will go back, just as you do. You can't do anything else no matter how much you like to think you could.

but i'm dying.

Always the excuses.


Never. Only until we next meet.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-14 05:41 EST
The corruption was the first thing that he recognized as he returned to himself. The pain of it eating away at him slowly made him want to scream but he couldn't find the strength. His eyes struggled open. Trees were passing over head. He was being carried somewhere with trees. The pain hit him and he was in darkness again.

He could feel the corruption slowly killing him. He opened his eyes again and he was inside now. Jacob was standing over him talking to someone else in the room. The darkness was coming again, he tried to push it back, he tried to stay in the light but his eyes closed and he was in the darkness again. This time he wasn't alone.

Clouds surrounded the three of them. The lightning that flashed around them did little to illuminate their surroundings. Sai Jon looked at the other two. "I need your help."

"She spoke to us too," they answered together.

"The pain comes. The darkness comes. Find the end of insanity and you will find your cure." Kor Jon spoke alone.

"The pain comes. The darkness comes. In the joining lies the answer." Rainne continued.

Sai Jon looked back and forth at the other parts of himself, "Why can't you just give me a straight answer for once?" he asked in exasperation, "We're dying here you realize?"

They just looked at him, "What fun would that be?"

Sai Jon growled under his breath. Now he knew how he always managed to irritate all of his friends. He looked around and walked into the clouds and into the pain.

He opened his eyes again. The pain was consuming him and he found his voice again. The scream ripped out of him and Saltera was there. Saltera was saying something but he couldn't hear him. Sai Jon gasped in air and fell back into the darkness again.

Saltera stood over his brother and worried about the last word he'd heard before Sai Jon slipped back into unconsciousness. Why would he wake up after three days just to say one word, and why that word. Saltera wiped the sweat off of Sai Jon's forehead and sat back down in his chair. Of all the things that worried Saltera, his brother's sickness, their missing host, the dragon lord's current whereabouts. With all that flashing through his mind what he kept coming back to was that one word.



Date: 2005-10-14 19:26 EST
Death came with unexpected peace. Jacob had come, and then the blackness cloaked everything. Not so bad, really.

But just as blissful sleep came, lightening arced from the dragon''s body, back along the rockets contrail. Blue-white, it sizzled across the sky, exploding into a strange looking motorcycle, blowing it to smithereens. The ''elf'' that had been jacked into the vehicle was thrown high into the air.




All of these things were experienced, and then came the psionic cry of loss and sorrow from Jacob. That scream into the ether brought realization into focus.

This ''elf'' was the one who''d shot me!

Anger flared hotly in what remains of me. I could see my old body in a pool of blood with Jacob sitting beside me, holding Sai Jon, his friend, both of them coated in my blood as it pooled beneath my inert corpse, but here I was, locked into a foreign body, hurling through the air.

Realization that I was about to die again if we landed in Battlefield Park woke survival instincts, and in the ''elf''s'' mind I raged at him, talons digging into his body.


He was as shocked as I. We are locked here together.

We hit hard around a tree, and I could hear a crowd gathering where Jacob and his friend were sitting. Then a shot gun blast ripped into the night.

Shortely thereafter, the oddest sensation was coupled with a brilliant blue glow where I had fallen. There was no pain, but a feeling of loss, diminishment ? and then soft words carried on a breeze ? "May the lord have mercy on your soul, friend dragon. May you rest and abide with him until time ends."

My broken body was gone.

Ashes upon the wind.

I retreated from the elf''s consciousness. Turning inward. What was I to do now?


Date: 2005-10-20 21:03 EST
He had finally had enough. It was time to end this little charade. One of his own had been pulled from the sky, and he had grown tired of being patience.

He pulled his flight to a halt as he reached the ether. There, he pulled himself inward and faced the one who had held sway of his body for so long.

"This game has come to and end."

"Yes, it has. It''s long past time for you to go!"

"Ahh... but you see, I have never left, nor will I. You will soon understand, the power you have hungered so long for has always been there, and it will always be just beyond your reach."

Her eyes narrowed. "You are leaving, Dragon."

The smile that came was almost one of pity. "There is where you are wrong."

The power that had flooded the body once more roared to life, and he turned, still in his mind, and lifted the body that he had taken from the ground.

"Bloodspeaker, the hunger which you have always lusted for will be your curse. The power which you have held will be no more. You shall be condemned, for the rest of your days, as a simple human being. Your bloodlust will continue, yet your blood magic will cease. You shall be nothing but a soul trapped in a body, a body and soul much like the ones that you use to feed on."

His words continued to echo on, the power that he brought to heel entwining with them. Then that power flared and shoved the bloodspeaker into the body that was held ready for her.


Date: 2005-10-25 22:30 EST

The softest whisper, "I'm hungry for lamb... not that stuff you eat.... red blood, warm and fresh", the thought rippled through the elf's mind.

He growled back at my thoughts, "You got food just last fraggin' night!!
Do you got any fraggin' idea how hard it is t'sneak pas' someone sleepin' in yer doss??"

This reply was puzzling, "why sneak? We're hungry and need to eat". For me it is simple, I hunger, I eat.

He answered with a touch of impatience, "Because walkin' inta someone's field an' sayin' "'Ey, mind if'n Ah take a nice chomp outta one'a them thar walkin' lawnmowers'a yers?" Don' work."

Dismissive air to the thought, "who asks? Swoop in and take it."

He let his exasperation show, "Ah cain' fly!!!"

"Of course you can, I know someone who had artificial wings added to his physiology, wonderful things for dropping in for a midnight snack."

My thoughts and memories of my new found friend brought a hint of sadness ......

A long keening cry ripped through Pslyder's mind... "JACOB!"

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-25 22:44 EST
Jacob sat across the room from Sai Jon. The black mist hovered around his friend's body pulsing slowly. The smell was different than before. When he had taken the energies from the dragon Sai Jon had changed them and they had begun to change him. Jacob didn't know what to do. The three friends had been taking turns watching over him for the last week but they were no closer to finding a way to help. The house staff had brought in doctors and healers but they were clueless. Jacob had tried to reach his friend's mind telepathically but all he found was pain. They were going to lose him.


The cry startled him from his musings. He looked over at Sai Jon but he hadn't moved. Jacob stood and walked over to his friend, the voice hadn't been from Sai Jon. It was the lady dragon. But she was dead. He stopped for a moment, Well being dead hasn't stopped a dragon yet.

He walked to the hall and called for Tobias. Moments later he was soaring through the air out into the city leaving Tobias to watch over Sai Jon. He couldn't help one friend but maybe he could help another.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-10-26 15:23 EST
I' Taurn seemed quiet and a bit subdued when I returned. I was told my guests had returned and had been asking for my presence upon arrival, but I'd already seen that from my time with Khirsah.

I headed for the third floor where my guests were housed, knocking lightly at Sai Jon's door. It was opened by the demon. "g'e'en Saltera, mayst Ah coome 'n?"

Saltera is a formidable creature, and having a demon in my home is a reminder of what awaits us in Tass' world. I am thankful this one is on our side.

He admitted me into the rooms, taking me to Sai Jon's side. He lay quietly, but they told me he had bouts of extreme restlessness. They had not been able to keep him lucid, and I could feel the curse seeking to destroy him, and it would given enough time. What I felt though, was not pure Annaran. The curse had been modified. Lethal, but modified.

I summoned my staff to me, the Annaran words bringing the Rouwanwood staff into my hands, but also triggering the onset of the restlessness. The curse had responded to my link to the dead Annaran legacy, and as I reached out to touch Sai Jon, images of deep pain, suffering, flooded into my thoughts.

I'd come to try to save the Guardian at Khirsah's direction - but this man held so many secrets, I may not be able to do as I was bidden by the Eldest.


Focus on summoning the curse to me. The Annaran summons riffled into the night as my hand rested against Sai Jon's chest....


Date: 2005-10-26 19:33 EST
Without meaning to, without realizing she was, she remained in tenuous telepathic communication with Jacob.....



"Are you TRYING to tick me off?"

"And what do you mean you don't eat meat raw... you RUIN your meat by cooking it all?"


Date: 2005-10-26 19:42 EST
He continued to watch quietly. For a dragon his size, even transformed into that of the human form, he moved quietly and efficiently. He had watched as the young blue had been torn from the sky, and then as her body was sent to the winds.

Yet, something bothered him. He could still sense her.

He watched the man who had launched the projectile that had taken down the blue for days. He was changing? and one could not say that it would be for the better.

He would need to find the Lord and convey this information? if he could get past the rage that he felt within the Lord?

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-27 20:19 EST
He had left the clouds behind but he didn't know when. He was walking across the wastes again and he didn't know how long he'd been doing it. He was hunting something...someone. He looked down at his clothes, he was in tattered fatigues. Where were his robes? Where did that thought come from? A voice whispered through the air. It wasn't calling him but he felt drawn to it anyway. No! Thratchen must be found then he could follow the call. He would never hurt his friends again. Kor Jon trudged across the wastes, hunting a demon.

And the ghost followed him, unnoticed, unseen. The ghost heard the call, but he was bound to the man. He had stood here before and he knew he would again. The clouds rolled behind him, chasing the ghost as the ghost chased the man. Sai Jon trudged across the wastes, hunting a memory.

The corruption wasn't responding to her. Alais had tried summoning the corruption and she had failed. It felt as if the corruption had become part of Sai Jon himself. But it was still killing him.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-10-27 21:35 EST
Alais felt the curse stir within Sai Jon. She felt his mind wandering in places she could only guess at, and she felt the lethal actions of the altered curse.

He'd changed it. Modified it, but it was still essentially the Annaran curse. It was burying deeply into the man, and would in time destroy him.

She called to the curse. It shifted, resisted.

She called more strongly. It resisted more strongly.

Gauging the resistance in slow increments, she let it go. She could force it to come to her, but it would tear the man to bits doing so, and she was not sent to kill Sai Jon. She'd been sent to heal him.

She lifted her hand from his chest, turning toward Saltera, "If I remove the curse, I will kill him. I cannot do that. We need him conscious though."

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-27 22:58 EST
Sai Jon followed the man who had been him. The man he had been stumbled on through the wastes heading home. Trying to outrun his past and unknowingly running right back to it. Are we any different? Sai Jon asked himself. Here I am again, I must relive my past to face my future. But I faced what I had done and she forgave me. Why am I here? He followed the man he had been and then it hit him, I never learn do I? Sai Jon moved a little more quickly and disappeared into the man he had been and gave himself up to the memories.

The waste stretched out for hundreds of miles in every direction. The stolen hover bike had broken down about twenty miles back. Kor Jon had forgotten how much he liked walking. He had been awake and traveling for fifty-three hours but he was almost to his destination. The sun slowly rose behind him sending shafts of red light over the land ahead of him lighting it up in the color of blood. He stopped and watched as the sun rose over the wastelands, for the first time he had seen it in two years. He stands at the edge of the canyon looking out over the waste. The sun peaks over the hills to the east and light spills out over the landscape like a wave of liquid gold. He feels her step up behind him, sliding her hand into his as she comes to stand next to him. He shook his head to clear away the memories. Up ahead the waste looked like it had been bathed in blood; Jon thought the image was appropriate for his homecoming. Out ahead he saw the shrine lit up on the horizon. He began to run, he knew this land, he''d lived here most of his life. Faster and faster he ran until he was climbing the hill, he was at a dead sprint when he reached the top.

As he reached the top of the hill he tripped, going to his hands and knees in front of the altar. He looked up at it, silent for a moment and then let out an anguish filled cry. All his guilt, anger, frustration, and hate manifesting itself into one piercing, soul shattering scream that echoed out over the wastes. His voice spent he collapsed to the ground. Two days of hard travel without sleep finally caught up with him. He lay on the ground and he slept and then he dreamed.

He stands alone in darkness. Nothing exists but him. Suddenly there is another. His father stands there, but young again, as he remembers him from childhood. His father''s eyes look at him, look through him. He can feel his father''s sadness. "Where is your God, Rainne?" his father asks.

"That''s not my name father."

"You were named Rainne, you were the Righteous. DO you deny yourself?"

"I know myself. My name is Jon."

"You have many names, and that is but one of them."

"My name is Jon. My name is Death."

His father looks disappointed. "If that is your wish then it will be so." His father turns to leave.

"I did not choose this!" he yells as he moves towards his father. "I was made this!" He grabs his father''s shoulder and spins him around. The man turns, but it isn''t his father; it''s Giles. His hand drops.

"Then come Jon, we will see what you have been made." Giles steps around behind him and places his hand on Jon''s shoulder. They begin to move forward, flying through the nothing towards a shining door floating alone in space.

"Where are we going Giles?"

"I''m taking you home."

"God, No!"

There is a flash of light and they are standing in a small stone building. He looks around, eyes wide. His breath quickens as he stares around in awe. Joy and terror fight for dominance inside of him. He watches her come in the door. His heart wrenches as he sees her again. "Alynne," he whispers with a sob. He tries to turn but the hand on his shoulder holds him fast, forcing him to watch.

"You must see what was. You have been gone from here for too long." Kor Jon stands quietly now, he cannot fight that voice. It''s not Giles behind him anymore, it''s Kor Rainne. A man he has killed again and again, a man he no longer has the will to fight.

Alynne moves through the room, strapping on her armor and grabbing a force lance off the wall. She prepares herself for her day in a ritual that was familiar to him. She hit the door''s latch and was confronted by Kor Rainne standing there, his hand raised as if he was about to knock. In Rainne''s hand was a long red silk scarf.

Blood so red. It splashes on his face.

She stood there and without a word Rainne raised his hand, holding the cloth out to her. Suddenly he was inside Rainne again, looking out. He could feel his body around him, and then she took his hand and stepped forward, kissing him softly. "Yes," She whispered into his ear, "I will be your wife." He felt his chest tighten at those words, knowing what he would do

Blood so red.

"NO!" He screamed, and he was back outside of Rainne watching as they embraced. Tears streamed down his face as he watched the joy on Rainne''s face. He cried for the coming pain, but even more so he cried because he would never be that man again. He could never be Rainne, never be ''Righteous.''

"You must remember," the voice of Rainne said from just behind him. "If you don''t you will die."

"I deserve to die!"

"Yes, but not yet," a female voice whispered into his ear, "not yet."

Pain shot through his body like someone had poured liquid flame into his blood stream. Memory after memory passed in front of his eyes. Each one burning itself into his subconscious but each one passing by before he could grasp it. "You will remember," the voice said. Closer this time, almost inside his head now. "And then you will face your demon."

Kor Jon woke up abruptly, the words of his former life still floating in his head. He was laying spread eagled out at the foot of the altar. His entire body ached as he struggled to sit up on the cold rocky ground. The sun hung low in the sky, inching upwards slowly. He accessed his internal clock and the readout flashed red on the output screen of his cybernetic eye. He had been asleep for less than an hour. He pushed himself to his feet and he felt the weariness leave him. Standing there in the rising morning he felt as if he had slept for hours.

In the distance he could barely see the canyon that housed the remains of Kor hold. He looked out over the miles to his home and he felt the need to go, to be there, to walk the streets of home again. He set off into the morning, both anxious and fearful of what he would find on his arrival.

The words still haunted him as he walked towards the distant canyon. In the back of his mind he heard the words whispered again.

"?You will face your demon?"

The man walked on through the wastes, heading home.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-27 23:52 EST
Kor Jon looked down into the canyon that used to be his home. He marveled at how little had changed in the two years he had been gone. The houses still seemed to be in good repair despite the fact that they looked to have become quite overgrown. He had expected more damage from the elements now that there was no one here to fix roofs and repair the walls and windows. Home, he thought to himself, I''ve finally come home. He looked out over the village and his eye was drawn to the large building in the center of the marketplace. The church still stood. His home still stood. Remember, a voice said in his head and then he dreamed.

He stands at the top of the canyon looking down at the busy streets. Children run down the stone paths that connect the houses and other buildings in a spiral that takes you slowly inward to the center of the town. The church stands there, the doors stand wide open and the sun reflects off of the steel cross that stands at the apex of the dome that tops the circular building. He watches the children play and knows that this may be the last time he looks down on his home. He had said his goodbyes to his father, his father had said nothing, and now he only waits for Alynne to come.

Blood so red. It splashes his face. Dripping.

Darkness. We can''t stop them. The pain, oh the pain.

His hand stops halfway to his face and he looks around confused. Then a pair of hands slip around his waist and he feels Alynne hug him close her body armor pressing against his back as she rests her chin on his shoulder. "Have you said your goodbyes Jon?" she asks quietly.

"Yes though father still doesn''t want me to go and Saltera can think of nothing but coming with me." He answers, he voice betraying his bitterness at his father''s refusal to give his blessing, "He says that I should stay here and continue my training with him."

"You will be the priest of our hold someday Rainne," she says quietly.


He shakes away the voice, "But how will I know what the warriors face if I do not see it for myself. I''m tired of staying at home to learn words when others go out to find glory in battle." He says vehemently.

Alynne''s face twists at the mention of glory in battle but she says nothing. After a moment she moves around in front of him, taking his hands in hers. "You are set on this course?" She asks, her face showing her concern.

Rainne almost gives in then but something in him rebels against the safe path, he always takes the safe path. "I need to do this Alynne. I need to see." She just looks at him for a second and then gives in. Come on then, the muster is in three days and it''s a long march. They turn and head out into the waste.

He''s floating in darkness. "I don''t want to see this!" He screams into the emptiness around him.

"Why not?" A voice asks. His father stands before him again. "It is your past Rainne."

"That''s not my name!" he shouts defiantly.

His father just smiles gently and asks, "Why do you fear it so Rainne?"

"That''s not my name father!"

"You have many names, and that is but one of them."

"Rainne is not my name. I am no longer Righteous. My name is Jon. My name is Death."

"And so you choose again, beware the third time." His father says quietly.

"I didn''t choose this life. I didn''t choose this pain. It was chosen for me by my God." He shoots back, but his father is gone.

"Those are dangerous words my friend" the voice of Giles says quietly. He spins around to see Giles sitting quietly at a small table. There is a second seat across from him in which sits Kor Rainne. Giles looks to Rainne, "If you wouldn''t mind sir, I''m slightly rusty." He says in a soft voice.

Rainne reaches out and takes a small roll from the table and holds it up in front of him and breaks it in half and then begins to speak, "On the night in which he was betrayed he took the bread and having blessed it he gave it to his disciples saying take and eat for this is my body given to you for the forgiveness of sins. As often as you eat it do so in remembrance of me." Rainne puts the bread down and picks up the china teapot. Rainne pours some into the teacup in front of him.

He finds himself speaking along as Rainne begins again, "After the supper he took the cup, and after blessing it, gave it to his disciples saying, take and drink for this is my blood shed for you and all people for the forgiveness of sins, do so as often as you drink it in remembrance of me." They speak the words together but only one voice is heard.

He shakes his head violently. "No! I am not going to honor a God that would do this to me! That would take my family from me. He didn''t listen then and he''s not listening now!"

Giles looks at him with the same expression that his father wore, "Then again you have chosen Death."

"I choose nothing. It was forced on me!" but again he is talking to empty air.

"The choice made there is still more to see." Rainne''s voice says from behind him. "Remember Death. Remember the canyon.

His screams are swallowed by the darkness.

Kor Jon stood half way down the stairs that had been cut into the wall of the canyon that held his home. He realized he had been walking as his mind was elsewhere, as if his body had just gone on autopilot taking him somewhere his conscious mind wasn''t aware of. The thought of his subconscious leading him anywhere sent a chill down his spine. He continued the walk down. The terraced walls of the canyons had been overrun with two years worth of unchecked plant growth and the roads looked a little overgrown as he got closer to the canyon floor. The canyon walls were a slightly off white color streaked with gray bars that ran horizontally around the canyon''s rim. The sun had risen far enough that it was just peaking over the top of the sheer wall that stood next to him. Step after step he made his way down, memories of happy days filling his mind. He could see Hall''s house, the roof of which he''d fallen off of when he was six years old, pretending he was a biker scout, his hoverbike had been a wooden stick with a carved control panel tied to the front. Hours upon hours he had spent playing on these streets as a child. Hidden from the kolds, hidden from the Way''s inquisitors too. Always in the back of his mind though lurked the memories of madness, of blood and pain as death wearing his face had stalked the streets of his home. I walked these stairs that day too. He didn''t want to remember.

As he stepped off the stairs he came alert, there was something coming towards him through the tall grass that now stood on either side of the path from the stairs to the center of town. Jon watched as the things wake moved through the grass steadily approaching him. He drew his pistols slowly, trying to move as little as possible before he knew what whatever was stalking him was. Just then the creature moved forward at a blinding pace, a white streak shot out hitting him full on before he could bring up his guard. He slammed backwards onto the ground knocking the breath from his lungs. He raced to bring his weapons to bear but suddenly stopped as he recognized the creature that was on his chest licking his face repeatedly.

Lying quite happily on top of his chest was a massive white great dane, its pink tongue lolling out to the side between slobbering strokes that set Jon to laughing despite himself. It was his dog, Angel. He had found Angel the same year that Tobias had been born. When he found him, the dog had been half dead on the wastes standing guard over his recently deceased master. It had taken four days before the dog had let him come close and then another two before he had been able to bury the soldier and say the required prayers. The dog had followed him home just in time for the birth of his son. He had named him Angel because he stood as a guardian over his master, a habit he had continued for Jon''s family. Tears rolled down from Jon''s eye as he ruffled Angel''s hair and scratched behind his ears. The dog responded by laying his head down on Jon''s chest and looking at him with his huge green eyes that looked so out of place on the dog.

"Good boy," Jon said as he gave the dog a big hug, "now get off me you walking flea circus." He rolled side ways dropping the dog on his side causing a mad scramble until Angel had regained his feet. The dog looked at him reproachfully. "Oh come on, I came here for a reason. I never thought I''d find you." He stroked Angel''s head slowly as he sat next to him.

A chill passed through him and Angel whimpered quietly as he stood. For a second he had felt a presence in his mind, as if someone was calling him. He shook it off and suddenly it felt like an icy hand had gripped the scruff of his neck. Remember. A now familiar voice said, and he dreamed.

He stands on the edge of a great cliff. He can hear a soft rhythmic beat on the wind. It sounds again and again getting closer, it is a gentle friendly sound but still he feels fear. He can feel beads of cold sweat rolling down the center of his back as he readies his rifle. The army is dug in around the canyon and they have to stop the swarm here.

Blood spatters from her throat. He carries her through the tunnels.

He glances next to him, checking on Alynne. She is breathing slowly, her eyes closed as she prepares herself for the coming conflict. He''s seen her fight like an avenging angel straight out of one his father''s stories. Her hair is pulled back and tucked into a tight bun at the back of her head and a collapsed force lance rests in her lap. She exudes an air of calm assurance that he knows he''ll never be able to match and he marvels at her. He says a quick prayer for their safety.

"Where is your God?"

Was that a voice? Great, now he is imagining things. He checks his rifle and crouches next to Alynne, staring into her face, memorizing every detail. As he stares her eyes open slowly and a grin appears on her face. "I love you." She whispers, and rises to her feet, extending her force lance to it''s full six foot length.

Suddenly a yell goes down the line. The rhythmic beat has grown louder and as one the army of Than looks out and sees the dark line cross the horizon. A line of Tharkoldu winging itself slowly, almost lazily, in their direction. Death on wings of pain, Rainne murmurs. Alynne looks to him with a worried expression on her face, "By the Lord, it's a swarm."

The first beams of light lance out from the defending forces, piercing the oncoming night, and the oncoming horde with the same efficiency and permanence. As soon as the light falls away another figure moves into the place in the advancing swarm of the creature that was felled. Then with a guttural cry the flying formation breaks and races at the defenders. As one again they open fire and suddenly the coming night is lit with the flares of lasers and the screams of the dead and dying. Several times demons land near him only to be dispatched by Alynne with cool efficiency that is almost frightening. In a sea of enraged fighters battling ferocious demons, she stands alone, motionless until the very last moment when she strikes out, crushing ribs, smashing arms and legs, and launching demons into each other as her lance, wielded as a staff spins in a deadly arc defending both herself and him. He prays quietly and from his hand a beam of pure white light flares forth disintegrating the nearest demon, he offers a quick prayer for its soul as he fires his rifle again and again.

The fighting goes on. Hour follows hour as wave after wave of the swarm smashes into the defenders, each time taking a few more. The dead lay among them, their wounds terrible to behold but there is no time to tend to them. "Let the dead tend to the dead." The passage flits through his face as he takes a moment to rest during a break in the assault. The soldiers are being pushed apart, broken into small groups so the demons can face them in single combat. He can see up and down the line of faces by the flashing lasers. We have to regroup. We have to get back before they pick us apart one at a time. The line moves backwards, lasers flashing through the predawn sky as the line of cyghouls advance. A light flashes and a searing pain shoots through his face. He drops into darkness again.

"Your God was there Rainne?where is he now?" His father''s voice rises out of the blackness that surrounds him.

"Why do you do this father, I''ve told you I can no longer be Rainne! I am Jon. My fate is sealed."

"Do you claim to know the mind of God Rainne?"

"I know what I have done, I know who I have become. I am Death."

"You have many names, and Rainne is but one of them. Do you choose this? Do you choose Death?"


"I don''t want to."

"Then find your God."

Then he is somewhere new. In front of him is a mirror, he walks up to it and examines the surface. It doesn''t reflect anything though. What is this? Why can''t I see myself? He reaches out slowly and touches it. Spreading outward from where his finger touched, ripples like on a perfectly still lake move out revealing a young man in a long gray robe. He reaches up and touches his face and the image follows suit. He feels where his cybernetics are and he touches smooth skin.

When Kor Jon came back to himself his body was shaking uncontrollably. He reached up and felt the side of his face, the metal was still there; it was just another dream. A low whine came from his feet and Angel was laying there, his head cocked to the side. He forced a grin and she stood up and licked his face. "Shhh Angel, I'm ok. A few seconds seemed like a lot longer." Another shudder went through his body. "I must be going nuts...but not yet, you'll keep me sane won't you boy? Just long enough to finish...just long enough to finish." He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Lets finish this boy. I came back to say goodbye and I have a few more stops before the end...and not much time it seems." Kor Jon stood up slowly and looked around. He was standing at the bottom of a large canyon. There were houses towards the center of the canyon and a small forest farther down. The plants had run wild around the houses, ivy and other creepers had grown up the sides of the buildings that had fallen into disrepair.


Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-28 05:40 EST
Kor Jon followed the path deeper into the hold. Angel walked beside him quietly picking up Kor Jon's mood. He looked at the abandoned houses. The blood stains were still there mocking him, calling for him to remember what he knew was coming. I really am losing my mind. he thought as he walked. He turned the final corner and looked at the church, the doors were flung wide open. Remember. The voice said and he dreamed.

Blood drips off of his hands.

"Not this. I don't want to see this. Please no." He cries into abyss around him.

"Where is your God Rainne?" his father's voice sounded sad.

"I am not Rainne." he sobs. He knows what is coming.

"You have many names, and Rainne is but one of them. Do you choose this? Do you choose Death?"

"I deserve it...God forgive me but I do."

"He does, but you don't. Find him my son."

"Where is your God?" The voice was that of the Other, the one inside his mind. It wasn't asking a question, it was taunting him.

He looks down at the blood covering him and tries to scream but nothing comes out of his mouth. The other won't allow it.

He walks through the front doors of the church. His father turns and runs towards him not realizing that the blood isn't his. Inside his own mind he screams a warning but his body wraps his father in a hug and his teeth bite into the old man's neck ripping the flesh away, spraying him with his father's blood.

He enters his home, blood still running down his face after ripping his father's throat out with his teeth. He passes through the front room and slipped into his children's bedroom. With one hand he reached into the crib that held his two year old daughter and he twisted her head until it snapped loudly.

His son Tobias opens his eyes, "Daddy?" he asks sleepily. His arm shot out and buried itself in his child's chest. His hand clenches, crushing the still beating heart.

"Rainne?" Alynne asks.

He spins, his clawed hand lashing out cutting a red gash under her chin from ear to ear. Blood wells out as she clutches her neck. Her eyes wide with disbelief, she falls to her knees and topples over at his feet. Suddenly the voice is gone and he can move again. He drops down next to Alynne and he finds his voice at last.

He screams.

No one answers his scream, there is no one left to do so.

Kor Jon's eyes opened again and he was kneeling before the altar in his father's church. Your church. He ignored the voice. "Why? Why not just let me die?" He asked the figure on the cross.

"Because I'm not finished playing yet" A voice growled from behind him. Sai Jon rolled to the right and leveled his weapons at the figure behind him as he came to his feet. It was a demon but something kept him from firing. "Drop them, you won't use them anyway." The pistols dropped from Kor Jon's hands as the demon stepped into the light. Thratchen had found him.

Angel sprung at Thratchen with a growl but the demon backhanded the dog absently. Angel hit the ground with a yelp and didn't move. Kor Jon growled and tried to move forward but his body refused to respond. "Your friends don't have a very long life span do they?" He asked with a chuckle. "I thought you might come back here so I brought another friend for you to watch die now that I'm done playing with him."

Another demon came through the open doors of the church. The demon was chained and walked with a limp. Kor Jon didn't recognize him until he spoke, "Rainne?"

"Rainne is not...Saltera? You...are you alive?"

Saltera let out a short laugh, "Do the dead talk to you often little brother?"

"How touching," Thratchen growled as he walked up next to Sai Jon and bent to whisper in his ear, "He doesn't know. I never told him about the people here." Thratchen straightened as Kor Jon struggled to make his body move. "Why don't you tell him what happened after I left you here. Why don't you tell him what happened to his family. Go ahead Rainne." Kor Jon growled and was answered by a crushing back hand that snapped his head back and staggered him into the altar. "What? Demon got your tongue?" Thratchen laughed and turned back to Saltera. "He's what happened my little pet. He came back here and killed them. Every. Single. One. Your dear father died right here where I'm standing. Your brother ripped out the old fools throat with his teeth before killing your sister and your niece and your nephew. And now, he came here to kill me. But he had forgotten that he was the one, he was the reason he was alone in the world. And now, to make him remember that I am the one with the power, he's going to kill you."

Kor Jon looked up into to Saltera's eyes and saw his brother's eyes fill with pain. Thratchen held out one of Kor Jon's discarded weapons, "Kill him now my little puppet." He growled, his eyes glowing with anticipation. Kor Jon fought against it but his hand inched upwards inch by inch.

Dear God. I can't stop. I can't fight this. Please give me the strength to fight this. Kor Jon prayed honestly for the first time since he had laid his family to rest.

The world froze and Kor Jon was alone on a large stone disk. He stood slowly and out of the darkness came Rainne and a child he did not know. They stopped opposite him forming a circle at the center of the disk. The child looked at him with a sad expression, "Who you are does not have the power to defeat him. Who you were does not have the will. Decide now who will you be."

"Who are you?" Kor Jon asked harshly.

"I am who you are becoming."

Kor Jon hesitated. He could feel something coming, a moment where he would have to choose. He couldn't run anymore. He couldn't hide from what he was and what he had done. "What can we do?"

"Become." The child answered and Kor Jon understood. He stepped forward into the center of their circle, "I remember my past, though I will never atone for it."

Rainne stepped forward, "I know my present and accept it."

The child stepped forward, "I will be the bridge between them. I will be the silence between my life and my death. I will be Sai Jon."

"Where is your God Sai Jon?" His father's voice asked quietly.

All three of them spoke as one. "He is with me." The three stepped together and merged into one.

The world returned.

Sai Jon's hand shot up and grabbed Thratchen's throat lifting the demon off its feet and throwing him back slamming Thratchen into the crucifix behind the altar. Light surrounded Sai Jon and a bulge appeared above his mechanical eye. The skin split and a metal chip wiggled it's way out dropping into his hand. He strode over to stand over the stunned demon.

"Never again. I will not hurt my friends." He crushed the chip sprinkling it down onto the demon and then leaned down next to the demons ear, "and neither will you." Sai Jon's hand punched into the demons chest and ripped back holding the things heart.

The older Sai Jon understood. He stepped out of his younger self and turned slowly to face the black clouds that had followed him across his mindscape. He took a deep breath and stepped into the black taking it all into himself. The pain lanced through him, saturating every part of his body, filling him until the scream that had begun didn't seem to be enough to express it. The cloud soaked into him and he could feel his entire body change along with his mind as the corruption changed him and was changed in return. Wings raced across his mind. Shapes made of darkness deeper than Hell itself danced around him and through him. He was becoming something else. Something new.

Saltera jumped forward as Sai Jon screamed in agony and began to convulse. Sai Jon's back arched as Saltera tried to hold his brother down. He let go and jumped back though when Sai Jon's eyes opened and looked up at him, his natural eye had turned black. The scream continued in a single piercing note. Then it ended. Sai Jon relaxed back on the bed, his eye closed, and his breath evened out. Saltera moved over to the bed cautiously and almost jumped when Sai Jon's eye opened again to look at him. It was back to normal.

"Damn I feel like I got hit by a truck." Sai Jon rasped through his abused throat.

Saltera laughed and hugged him, "Welcome back brother."

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-30 18:15 EST
Sai Jon sat up slowly and with Saltera's help, and managed to sit on the edge of the bed unsteadily. He was weak and hungrier than he could eve remember feeling but he was alive and he would be able to fight a little longer. "Where's Tass?" he asked as he steadied himself.

"Gone," Saltera rumbled, "he left as soon as you healed him and we haven't seen him since."

"We've got to find him and get moving. That army was almost ready to move and it's been weeks. Who knows what's been going since we've been gone." He looked up at Alais who was hovering near the door, "Good to see you not abducted by a possessed dragon. Anybody got something to eat? I'm starving."

Saltera smiled and headed for the door, "I'll see what I can scare up...I am speaking figuratively milady." He added as he passed Alais.

Sai Jon took a long slow breath and then stood unsteadily, "Are the wards still up? We need to get back and find out what's going on as quickly as we can. And where the hell is Tass?"

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-10-30 19:10 EST
Sai Jon came to unexpectedly as I was just leaving his suite. Saltera was answering his questions as I paused in the door way.

"Good to see you're not abducted by a possessed dragon. Anybody got something to eat? I'm starving."

I watched him closely, for I'd felt the curse working on his body.

He rose unsteadily, asking if the wards were still up, and where was Tass.

Curling my fingers tightly around the staff as he moved, "Aye, th' wards 're still up, 'n we cannae ge' back 'ntil we dae find Lord Momus."

I was uncertain if I should tell him about my time with Khirsah, and what I'd seen from the darkness. We could not return without Tass, and telling him would only increase his agitation about getting back to the Isles.

"Saltera? Mayst Ah see ye a wee moment?"

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-10-30 19:50 EST
Saltera walked back in with a platter piled high with food. It looked like he had emptied the kitchens of anything that could remotely be labeled as food. Sai Jon grinned and sat down with the platter, immediately beginning to eat everything in sight. Saltera watched him for a moment smiling and then turned back to Alais. "Yes milady, what do you need?"

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-10-30 19:59 EST
Closing the door as Saltera left Sai Jon to eat, she whispered in Annaran, hoping it would not call to the curse that still resides within the Guardian, as she pulled silence around she and the demon.

"Saltera, Ah'm nae ascertes tha' we shouldst tell Sai Jon jus' yet, bu' th' Daemon army hath alreada arrived 'n th' Aisles. Ah've seen th' hordes 'n th' damage they haff alreada done... 'n 't ist extensive. They haff slain manna o' th' dragons, 'n haff turned oothers intae dracoliches.... mine 'ome ist nearla destroyed.... " her voice trailed off as the images Khirsah had shown her brought unspeakable pain into her heart.

"We cannae r'turn tae th' Isles 'ntil we dae find Tass, th' wards dae r'main."


Date: 2005-10-30 21:01 EST
He stepped into the hallway, though the portal he had torn open, as Alais began her discussion with the tecno-demon. He stood there quietly listening to what she had to say. So, what I have been feeling is true. The war has begun. He continued to watch them a moment, though his thoughts were elsewhere. If the war has begun, at least the Manor will be safe, and thus Spike and Indigo.

He snapped out of his revive. He would be there soon enough to make sure for himself. He had been gone too long,? as Lord, as Protector? as husband and father.

He stepped away from the portal and sealed it tight. He had learned to check to make sure the portals were closed after the incident that had started all this. It would be a mistake that he would not make again.

He laid a hand on the door handle that lead to Sai Jon''s room. "He needs to know everything. He is now family."

With those words, he opened the door and walked in to the room, leaving Salterra and Alais gaping in the hall.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-10-31 16:03 EST
I was relating to Saltera the images I'd seen while at Khirsah's side when Tass opened a rift inside my home. By rights, it should not have been possible, but he had helped create some of the wards that protect my home. He headed for the door to Sai Jon's room, pausing to look at Saltera and I.

If ever I saw an angry Tass before, it was pale in comparison to what I saw now. He knew what Khirsah and I knew. He knew that the demon army was in the Isles. I could see it in his features and expression.

It was time to go. With Tass here, we could return through the wards again. Our time in RhyDin was about to end, and still Khirsah had not returned The Third to me. He said the book would return when I was ready and had accepted what I was. I do not know if that will ever come.

I have a sick feeling that the time is approaching fast when I will have to choose my path with regard to Daemonbane.

I glanced at Saltera, dispelling the silence, "Tass, pleases Ah am tae see ye auld friend. Ye dae see wha' Khirsah hath shown me?" I already knew the answer, but needed to break the silence before he entered Sai Jon's rooms.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-11-01 20:30 EST
Sai Jon looked up from the half finished meal and was on his feet, pistol drawn, before he even thought about it. He moved towards the door slowly with his weapon raised. Something was coming, something powerful and filled with rage. He steadied himself for a moment and jerked the door open, his pistol training on the closest target. He stood there for a moment with the weapon sight framing an intense lavender eye and then slowly lowered the gun as he recognized the body attached to the eye. "Tass?"

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-11-01 20:48 EST
Ozymandias listened to the comings and goings inside the house. War was the topic of discussion, and the guests were re-grouping. Ozy stored the information, calculating what would be needed in terms of supplies. They were seriously out numbered, and Ulysses'' fire power would have been nice, but was, alas, unavailable.

The automaton went back to his former owner''s office, bypassing the locks on the door and entering.

Messages were sent back to Harmony. Tomorrow he should have some help to send with the sorceress and her friends. They were going to need it.

He left the office, in time to hear the commotion at the other end of the hallway. The one known as Sai Jon had a weapon pointed right at the old Dragon.

Emotions must be strung tightly for that to happen.

The weapon lowered, and they all disappeared into the suite of rooms.

He flew toward the room, hovering beside the sorceress as she introduced him.

"Gentlemen, Ah''ve d''cided tae bring Ozymandias wi'' us. Tass, wilst ye allow ''im through th'' wards wi'' me?"


Date: 2005-11-06 01:25 EST
His eyes never blinked as the weapon was leveled at them. The rage that roared within them would not allow it. Let him shoot. It would only enrage him more. He had seen the damage that such a weapon could do, many times. It was the first he had ever seen of one that could take down a dragon.

Finally, the weapon was lowered, but the rage that ran unchecked through his body was not.


It was a question born of uncertainty. It was a just question. He had not been himself when Sai Jon had first come, nor had he been the previous times he has seen him. He was now.

"Yes, it is me. It is the true me. And it''s time we all had a talk. The war has begun."

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-11-06 01:57 EST
Sai Jon stepped back into the room allowing Tass to enter. Saltera and Alais followed him in but Sai Jon's eyes never left the dragon lord. He could feel the rage eminating from Tass in waves. Even with the connection he had forged during the healing he shouldn't be able to feel Tass without concentrating. Sai Jon felt his knees give way and without any warning darkness swept over his eyes. Pain rippled through him, different this time, it was like his insides had decided to rearrange themselves. He staggered back to his feet ignoring the looks from the others. "Flashback, don't worry about me. We have a war to fight."

Saltera stared at Sai Jon for a moment and then he tried to ignore the fact that he'd seen Sai Jon's eyes go black again, "He's right," Saltera growled, "Lord Momus, are the wards down so we can enter the Isles?"


Date: 2005-11-06 10:02 EST
He watched as Sai Jon staggered, and he too felt the pull of what was within him. He studied the man before him for a bit longer, then a crooked smile passed over his lips.

"Welcome to the family."

Then, he turned to Saltera. "No, the wards are not down, nor will I release them. If anything, I have made them stronger. But that does not stop me from entering, and with me, you."

His his gaze shifted then to rest on Alais, boring his lavender eyes into her. After a few moments, he had found what he was looking for. "You worry for my brother. Do not. I will deal with him when the time comes for it. Right now, he is doing what he needs to do. That is enough. Now, if you would, kindly explain to us what he has shown you so that the rest may know."

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-11-07 19:19 EST

His return was both joyous and frightening. I was very happy to see him whole and apparently free of the curse, and yet, there is a terrible rage that is tightly leashed in my old friend.

I am not certain what he means by his comment to Sai Jon, 'welcome to the family', but right now is not the time to inquire.

He told me not to worry for Khirsah, but I do. The Elder is changed, and while I know they are close, and can communicate at will, there is something amiss with the Elder. Something that my intuition does not trust.

Tass' words shook me back to the present. Tell them what Khirsah had shown me. How could I look Tass in the eyes? Were it not for me, there would have been no tear, no demon army in his homeland, no dead dragons. Were it not for me, those fell creatures would be still in their hells rather than on Tass' islands.

I held Sai Jon's eyes as I related the scenes Khirsah had shown me. All the while, Sai Jon's words haunted me, 'have you ever done something for which you cannot forgive yourself?'

I told them of the massed dead gathering on Matlal, of the destruction of property and land, and then, as I slowly turned to face Tass, of the murder and worse of the dragons. Of collectors stealing the souls of dragons before they could escape, of dragons being turned into dracoliches, of dragons being hunted and tortured for the sport of the leaders of the invasion.

Rage radiated from Tass on a level that I'd never seen nor felt before. A rage as strong as the sorrow that I now felt.

And through it all, I wonder when will Khirsah come? When will he return from the Darkness for the need of his people.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-11-07 22:22 EST
Sai Jon listened to Alais as she laid out the extent of the destruction that had befallen Tass' home. He tried to imagine the power it must have taken to subjugate an entire world of dragons and failed.

No matter where I go death follows.

Alais finished speaking but no one responded. It was as if to speak would make the horror real. He looked around the room at each of the others and let out a long sigh, "Salt, get Tobias and Jacob started gathering our gear. If there's anything else we need, go out and grab it quick." Saltera nodded and he turned to Tass, "Tass, how soon can you take us back to the Isles?"

"As soon as you are prepared and ready." Tass responded.

"Good, we'll be ready within the hour." Sai Jon said and Saltera moved out quickly. Sai Jon stepped over in front of Alais, "Sorrow comes later milady. You didn't do this, they did. Right now you need to remember that and find the anger that comes with it. You'll need it." He reached out and squeezed her shoulder and began to gather up his weapons and gear. His vacation was officially over.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-11-09 19:56 EST
Sai Jon had given direction to prepare to leave, and at the appointed hour, I returned to Sai Jon's rooms, Ozymandias hovering at my shoulder.

The spell components were safely stored for our journey.

Sai Jon's words from earlier slithered through my thoughts as I waited, "sorrow comes later". It seems to me that we are about to walk straight into the jaws of sorrow and pain.

I'd left my things in order upstairs. I' Taurn's sorceries would seal the house from all but Sylus or Telemachus in my absence.

On a last minute decision, I left Sai Jon and the others, heading once more for Ulysses office, pressing my palm to the reader, the door slid open. Ozy waited patiently as I opened Uly's desk, pulling out an item of Uly's I never thought I would carry or have need of. I looked at Ozy, "canst ye teach me 'ow tae use this?"

Ozy blinked. "Of course I can teach you how to use it, but you will not gain good marksmanship without practice. Take those as well. We can practice a little and re-arm the weapon without fear of running too short of power."

I slid 3 silver cartriges into my robes, as well as the laser.

We stepped out of the room, and I sealed the door. It slid home with a soft whoosh.

I returned to Sai Jon and the others, armed with everything I can reasonably use, with the exception of The Third. When we get back to the isles, I will summon the first and second, but it will be The Third that I require to drive the Annarans back to their place of exile.

Kor Jon

Date: 2005-11-09 20:50 EST
Sai Jon looked at his family as strange as it was. They had all gathered and were waiting for Tass and Alais in the entrance hall of I'Taurn. Jacob had come in from somewhere in a rush, he wouldn't say what he'd been doing. He had been disappearing to somewhere all week but he wouldn't say where. He would tell Jon what was going on when it became necessary. Saltera was standing quietly and Tobias was sitting at the bottom of the stairs both lost in their own thoughts.

Sai Jon had seen this before on many worlds. They would spend years preparing worlds to defend themselves from invading high lords but more often than not it all ended in battle. They would walk into a hopeless situation and so far they had all walked, or at least limped, out again. But for how much longer? The Muse protected them all from time but the odds kept getting worse. Was this the last time he'd stand here?

He felt Tass before he saw him. Sai Jon felt a wave of nausea in his gut and pain lanced through his biological hand. He looked down as what appeared to be black scales faded back into his skin. This was getting to be very weird and he'd had way too much weird in his life. He looked back at Tass who regarded him with a knowing half-smile. Before he could question Tass, Alais came gliding down the stairs and suddenly he realized it was time.

Jacob, Saltera and Tobias gathered around him, armed and waiting. Sai Jon sighed. Once more into the breach. He looked up at Tass, "Master Momus, take us to war."

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-11-09 21:46 EST
Ozy and I walked quietly down the stairs. The men were at the foot of the stairs, each one seemed lost in his own thoughts. My hand curled around the weapon that had been Ulysses, it seemed heavy and awkward in my hand.

As I neared the bottom, I glanced at Sai Jon, he seemed almost ill, and as he looked at his hand, I could see what appear to be black scales.... but they disappeared almost as fast as they'd appeared.

Scales? To my knowledge, Sai Jon has no dragon heritage. There are not many half human, half dragon kind. A frown creased my brow.

Tass gave him an odd smile, and I debated asking about what I had just seen.

Ozy hovered at my right shoulder as the Priest requested that Tass take us to war. I gave Ozy a quick look and whispered a thank you to him. I was not the only one prepared. Ozy brought more than just his ability to calculate optimal distances and probabilities.


Date: 2005-11-11 00:06 EST
He finally turned his attention away from Sai Jon. He could feel it as well. The time would come when they would need to discuss what was happening, and the implications of it. But now was not the time.

His gaze came to rest upon Alais as she descended the stairs with her automation. His eyes scanned her quickly, and found the gun which she clutched tightly. She would need all the help which she could muster. Including Ulysses.

His gaze shifted around the group that has assembled. There was still one missing which he knew to be crucial in this war, but he would come in his own time.

"Mr. Momus, take us to war."

Sai Jon had no idea.

Carefully, he wove the pattern that was needed to bend the reality to him, first protruding the barrier that encompassed the entire set of Isle''s, then the one that encompassed his home. Then, turning, he nodded, and stepped through, leading them to the Manor.

Once through, he quickly and tightly sealed and tied off each barrier; first the Manor''s then the Isle''s. He would not allow another in or out of this world. What ever was to happen, it would stop here.

It was only a matter of moments of his arrival that Phal, his wife''s dragon, found him and began to flash the images through his mind. As the small dragon continued, and finally finished, Tass''s face grew paler and calmer with each passing moment.

Then the world around him exploded. Rage ripped through him. His body tore apart, leaving the tattered remains of his clothing behind as his dragon-side emerged. Each shining and brandished green scale dimmed, and the golden wings blackened with his rage.

It was Sai Jon who recovered first. His question came softly. He knew this kind of pain. "What has happened?"

Tass'' voice was soft and pain filled. It, too, was laced with rage and insanity. "They have taken them."

(Cross posted and thread continuing in the EI: War of Ages)