Topic: Places, Plans and Promises

Mystik Kathal

Date: 2006-07-29 14:18 EST
Mystik's smile as she moved through the market was nothing short of utter, delicious happiness. Her thoughts wandering back to the night before in the Inn as she glanced over fresh fruit at one stall.

She'd come down from their rooms there, hoping Shay would be able to join her. He'd left early saying he had some errands to run. Mystik had snuggled her cheek back into the pillow still warm from his head. Rising later, a delightful sense of lassitude spread through her. It seemed her life was finally settling into the path fated for her. A teas tray prepared almost absently as she'd gazed over the common room. She'd noted several people she'd known long ago. Including her former spouse and his sister-in-law and brother. Brian had seemed rather shocked to see her, and Jewell had steadily ignored the fact after noting it. Nothing unusual in that. Family, even those who had been such for a short time, didn't always get along. She'd made peace with that long ago and it no longer upset her.

As she'd made her way to the couch she'd spent many an evening curled up on, Brian had spoken. Their conversation was pleasant. His surprise had given way to pleasure at seeing her again. She and Brian had always been friends. Something that had not been much damaged by their brief marriage.. well, not much anyway, and not for long. Her happiness at hearing he was wed and a father to be had been genuine. She looked forward to meeting the remarkable woman who had managed to settle the playboy of Rhydin.

Her beloved had arrived towards the end of the conversation, just appearing beside her, his arm drawing her close. Her delight in his arrival had been apparent, though the happiness had dimmed for a moment when he'd enquired had she caught sight of any of her family yet. She'd not, she'd told him. She was very disheartened that none of the Bramble Bunch seemed to be in evidence in Rhydin any more. She'd much looked forward to seeing her family again, particularly her Mother and sisters Aully, Cayt and Amthy. Almost a week back and she'd still not found word of any of her family. She'd seen Miles, but not had the opportunity to speak with him.

But that was soon dismissed as the door opened and Amthy strutted in with a wolf-form Cayt at her side. Myst's delight knew no bounds. Shay had wondered aloud if Amthy still liked "shineys". Myst had wagered him that should he dangle one above her, that it wouldn't take the Pix long to spot it. Shay conjured a shiney silver coin, letting it hover just above the Pixey's head. They both watched with amusement as her sister caught sight of it. Jumping to capture it and finally succeeding.

Their conversation had soon turned to their plans and happiness. Amid cuddling and kisses savored, they had decided to make the cottage their home. Shay mentioned that he too had been out to the cottage, and had made some repairs and improvements to it. Myst mentioned that she would like to coax the old oak tree in the woods behind the property into providing an arie for Shay and herself. His pleasure in the idea had nearly brought tears to her silver eyes. He seemed much in favor of having both the cottage and arie as home to begin their life together again. As had his promises that he would never leave her again, for any reason. To which she'd told him she would always be where ever he was. No seperations for them ever again, for any reason.

A little later, they had left, Shay whisking her away with promises of those delightful feathers they had both once enjoyed so much. Yes, it seemed the petite magess had finally found her place once more.