Topic: ((Building Management Office - Out of Control with the OOC))

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2008-06-05 22:07 EST
Your brand shiny and new OOC topic for your brand shiny and new folder!

When I get off my lazy bee-hind to write it with L's help there are actual parts to the Kesey setting and a host of bizarre NPC's to color it in!

If you're interested in having your character visit/rent an apartment in Kesey please PM me at Kazzy Hart or PM Geko and let us know.

First order of business - Demanding Lizzie's sketchbook!

Let the silly stupidity ensue!

Daniel Brooks

Date: 2008-06-05 23:22 EST
And you can PM me if you feel like it. My messagebox is so lonely. So empty and lonely...

Also, I prefer stupid silliness.

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2008-06-06 00:33 EST
Oh, it's so pretty.

The sketchbook is on the way!

Also, I prefer when things are stupidly ridiculous. This is going to be interesting.


Date: 2008-06-06 12:37 EST
::glomps Danny::

Ashton Matthews

Date: 2008-06-06 12:40 EST
Congrats on the new folder! =D

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2008-06-06 13:22 EST
Congrats on the new folder! =D

Thank you kindly! :D

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2008-12-28 12:49 EST
::clears out the cobwebs and does the happy dance::



::cue music::

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2009-01-02 01:20 EST
Kazzy as her supervillain alter ego The Violator, courtesy of Grem's player:

Daniel Brooks

Date: 2009-01-02 18:51 EST
Good lord, that's frightening.

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2009-01-16 22:05 EST
Sorry K. and E., I have to play the part of the squishy nerd in this joint! Just wanted to say that I totally dig what you guys have been kicking out in here and you are both AWESOME! I Luv my Kesey cohorts. :D

<3 L.

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2009-01-16 23:43 EST
::drags out the air pump to inflate their already inflated egos::

Thanks! I love what you guys are writing too! We love each other! Kesey 4EVA (Geko&Stretch&Stix 4LIFE like Lizzie's DIARY).


Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2009-01-17 00:08 EST
Uhm, I just have to toss this out here for Lizzie.

Lizzie Liddell does NOT own a DIARY! D:<

But I still love you.

Daniel Brooks

Date: 2009-01-17 14:50 EST
?noun, plural -ries.
1. a daily record, usually private, esp. of the writer's own experiences, observations, feelings, attitudes, etc.

1. a daily record, as of occurrences, experiences, or observations: She kept a journal during her European trip.

I think diary fits the description better!

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2009-01-17 15:13 EST
I second that! Especially the "usually private" part - Lizzie's diary usually is private...unless Kazzy gets her mitts on it.

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2009-01-17 15:20 EST
But the diary definition wasn't complete.

"a daily record, usually private, esp. of the writer's own experiences, observations, feelings, attitudes, etc which is kept by silly vapid girls that giggle, flip their hair, and read Tiger Beat."

INACCURATE. But I'm so amused to see that the harassment of Lizzie is not restricted to the confines of IC. XD


Date: 2009-01-25 19:32 EST
::Waits patiently for a picture of Danny in a dress with fake boobies.::

Daniel Brooks

Date: 2009-01-25 19:56 EST
Keep waiting!


Date: 2009-01-25 20:28 EST
Oh sure, stifle my hopes and dreams. ;)

Dirk Stevens

Date: 2009-01-31 00:27 EST
Just dropping a line to say thank you to Danny's player. Seasonal Employment is hilarious!! Kind of reminded me of this ==> Tickle Me Emo.


Daniel Brooks

Date: 2009-01-31 01:47 EST
Hey, thanks for the compliment! And thanks for reading!

I'll try to keep some lighthearted and funny posts going.

Daniel Brooks

Date: 2009-02-10 12:50 EST
So I figured I'd make a clarification or two about the couple of threads I have running.

Origins is about Danny's fledgling career as a crime-fighter or what have you in RhyDin.

The Way of the Orphan is about things that made him who he is, or got him to where he is now.

Now, there is going to be some going back and forth. Most relevant things to his past will go into Way of the Orphan, but that doesn't mean it can't include events that impact him in the present day or in the future.

Basically I like tying stuff together. :)

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2009-02-19 00:20 EST
Danny lives!

Now he can come home and Lizzie can be all YAY! and Kazzy can be all YAY! after she kicks him in the shins for disappearing.

Daniel Brooks

Date: 2009-02-19 01:26 EST
He's not a real superhero until he's died and come back!

Daniel Brooks

Date: 2009-02-19 03:19 EST
By the way, Lizzie's journals continue to be awesome! I'm just riding her talented coattails!

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2009-02-19 10:03 EST
A Rez Dance Party totally needs to be tossed, K.!

And now Danny is all sorts of legit in Superhero land. Is this like a graduation? Are capes to Superheros as diplomas are to High School Students?


Kazzy Hart

Date: 2009-02-21 00:27 EST

Happy birthday buddy boy!!!!

::birthday noogies for the big man::



Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2009-02-21 00:39 EST

Another year older, but we're not so sure about wiser 'cause you're still hangin' out with us. :lol:

<3 L.

Daniel Brooks

Date: 2009-02-21 01:20 EST
D'awwww! Thanks you two! I really appreciate it!

Sorry, I suck at giving gratitude and appreciation! You two rock, seriously. :)

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2009-02-22 02:08 EST
I'm only sorry I can't draw at all to reciprocate all of the hilarious Kazzy portraits. This is Grem's player's take on Kazzy's Jugs uniform:

(It's here if you can't see it.)

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2009-02-22 23:47 EST
Awesome picture! Wow, those chicken patties Kazzy stuffs down her shirt really do work wonders for the Stringbean! XD

Daniel Brooks

Date: 2009-03-01 23:29 EST
I just want to give out mucho love to L for her awesome picture of Danny in his hero getup!

I <3 L

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2009-03-01 23:39 EST
Aww. It was fun to draw! Much counter <3!

Marc Franco

Date: 2009-03-05 12:37 EST
"And I am NOT belligerent. That is just RUDE."

Hilarious! Love reading your stuff!

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2009-03-05 12:55 EST
So is that internship at the Gossip GangSTAR offer null and void if Lizzie ends up having a criminal record? :grin:

I guess this makes Kazzy the good one of the group obviously.

Much Kesey and L <3

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2009-03-05 13:07 EST
Thank you so much, Marc. It's wonderful to hear that from anyone, but it's really something coming from you. The feeling is mutual! Like K. asked, there are no background checks at the Gangstar are there? If so we may have a problem.

But I want to also say much <3 to E. for collaborating with me on Lizzie and Danny's brush with the Watch. It was totally his idea and I just got lucky enough that Lizzie got dragged into the whole mess. She's just excited that she now has a legit rep and is no longer a wanksta.

Now I totally owe Grem's player five dollars because we had a bet over who would get tangled up with the law first between the Kesey Crew! I think it was rigged! There is no way Kazzy is the good one! XD

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2009-03-05 13:41 EST
HA! You can't honestly have thought Kazzy would get in trouble with the law first - she'd talk her way out of it or go off on tangents until the officers begged her to get back on the streets and out of their hair. I'm sure a few jokes and twisted questions about handcuffs and night sticks would do the trick.

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2009-03-05 15:35 EST
Oh, how silly of me.

We must all bow down to Oh Wise KazKaz! With offerings of cookies and glitter glue we plead that she teach us her ways! Praise Be To The Patron Saint of Misguided Genius!

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2009-03-18 00:34 EST
I most likely will leave it as is but seeing as how I'm half-awake I'm reserving the right to change some of the facts later on in the Hart Transplant article if need be. :grin:

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2009-03-18 00:55 EST
I loved Where the Camera Doesn't Go, K! The article format is sweet and it's cool to get some more background on Kazzy.

Also, E and I both love the fact that Kazzy is Swedish. XD

Daniel Brooks

Date: 2009-03-18 00:58 EST
Are we allowed to change the facts if we want? I want to make one of the kids named Dolph.

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2009-03-18 10:02 EST
Hahaha Dolph...and thanks!

I hope you're still going to like it when I break the news that people from Switzerland are kindasortamaybe Swiss and not Swedish :???:

BUT! I haven't decided where Samuel is from - I think they were living in Switzerland because Helene is Swiss but who knows what else is in that stringbean's blood.

Thanks for the love :grin:

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2009-03-18 11:42 EST
Oh, Swiss? Well, not sure if I like that anymore...

No, for real... ::FACEPALM!:: I knew that, I just wrote the wrong thing. Can I blame E?!

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2009-03-18 11:50 EST
Duh, when in doubt, Blame E!

Speaking of the man, now that I'm more awake I read his latest and greatest! A PUPPY AT KESEY! I'm really happy about this. And that it's not a cat. A cat might try to eat Kazzy's fish Bob the Twenty-Third.

And I also meant to say earlier that I loved getting Danny and Lizzie's separate takes on the scene with the Watch. Is it weird I found it romantic even with all the busting heads?

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2009-03-18 12:48 EST
That's the motto I live my life by, honestly.

I Know, Puppy Right!? I think I'm more excited about a fake dog than I would ever be about getting a real dog. They named him Dizzy since it's a combination of Danny, Lizzie, and Kazzy. Also, he likes to chase his tail but in the process he often falls over. I think he'll fit in with the Kesey Crew just fiiine.

Glad you enjoyed the split POVs! I will say it was a stroke of genius and we're so ~*edgy*~ but really, E writes better fight scenes than I do so I said "Nu uh! You do it!" But yeah, you know those crazy kids. Either makin' googly eyes at TnT or roughing up members of the Watch they're just so darn cute.

Also, I'm unable to think on it now without the Twilight alley scene coming to mind and comparing Danny to Edward. Thanks, K! :D

Daniel Brooks

Date: 2009-03-18 13:42 EST
Danny is not some creepy looking emo vampire. :mad:

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2009-03-20 00:08 EST
Sooo E about three seconds after I told you about the little super hero guy I remembered from Sesame Street but had yet to find I finally remembered his name was TEENY Little Super Guy and found him!

So you inadvertently helped because if I hadn't asked it might not have clicked:

Teeny Little Super Guy

I feel better now.

Daniel Brooks

Date: 2009-03-20 00:39 EST
Yay, I helped!

And oh my God! I remember him now! I thought he was the coolest thing ever! Hello, repressed childhood memories!

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2009-04-07 16:58 EST
Thank you to Jolyon's player for helping me add a new home movie to the Stringbean vault!

Also I promise I am working on the post about Kazzy's tattoo!

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2009-04-13 23:21 EST
Be afraid, be very afraid...

Thank you, N, for a picture of a Kazzy people should do their best to steer clear of when she's armed. ;-)

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2009-04-13 23:36 EST
Dope picture, N! ::Promptly backs away from the glue gun toting KazKaz.::

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2009-05-15 00:08 EST
HAPPY BIRTHDAY L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me love you long time

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2009-05-15 01:01 EST
Aww! Thank you, K! :D

Unf! <3 <3

Daniel Brooks

Date: 2009-05-15 17:40 EST
Happy birthday to the best RP partner/collaborator/buddy I've ever had!

You rock, L! <3

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2009-05-16 00:23 EST
Aww, E! Thank you! <3 <3!!

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2009-05-18 17:41 EST
L & E - I thought you guys would enjoy knowing that I just had to e-mail actual Swedish people (that live in Sweden, not Switzerland) for work.

Also E I keep getting weirded out when I see 90210 promos with Matt Lanter in them. ;-)

Daniel Brooks

Date: 2009-05-19 23:48 EST
He wasn't that popular when I chose him for Danny! Now he's all on 90210 and stuff!

At least there's more material I can use for pictures, I guess.

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2009-08-30 04:05 EST
Does this mean Danny boy is back?!

(fingers crossed - maybe Lizzie too?? It's lonely for Kazzy in Kesey!)

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2009-08-30 04:15 EST
You crazy kids are up way too late.

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2009-08-30 04:17 EST
L, stop throwing glass stones in houses

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2009-08-30 04:23 EST
If I couldn't speak bull I wouldn't speak at all. :D

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2009-09-19 16:37 EST
I just have to toss this out there. After going so long without the Kesey Crew getting together for a nice long night of debauchery in the RDI I have to say last night was not only much needed but totally amazing and the epitome of coming back with a bang. I was laughing so hard and having so much fun. This is why I love you guys.

And of course we can't forget the other awesome characters that also had me snorting and snickering to myself all night long as they not only condoned the odd acts of the Kesey Crew, but fell in line with them perfectly! Aaron, Joey, Gilles, and Dolly are my heroes. :grin:

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2009-10-04 17:52 EST

Just a heads up that I'm going to be gone from Monday - Friday (Oct 5th-9th)! Stalker and I are going on vacation to Florida and I will be lacking internet unless I can find some old person to steal it from.

Miss you guys already!

<3 L

Joey Damarco

Date: 2009-10-13 20:48 EST
Aww thanks for including Jo' in the above ^^ (2 posts ago)

Luna Eva

Date: 2009-12-11 19:02 EST
The Tweeters are cracking me up.

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2009-12-11 21:19 EST
Yay! Glad someone thinks they're funny! Also, you should join in!

Everyone who reads this is free to join in on the Tweeter thread. The more the merrier! Have fun! Go crazy!

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2009-12-13 17:31 EST
Eva could be like the Dr. Drew of Tweeter ;)

Super random but I just was trying to figure out what Kazzy's sign is because her birthday is Jan. 31st (I'm lazy and going with the date joined so I will always remember) - and I couldn't remember if that made her an aquarius or something else. I came upon this description of people born on Jan. 31st and except for eating healthy this is pretty freakishly descriptive of Kazzy:

January 31 Birthday Astrology

by Jill M. Phillips
Browse the article January 31 Birthday Astrology

January 31 Birthday Astrology
Aquarians born on January 31 have eccentric perspectives. They're charismatic and can charm just about anyone. What may appear to be egotism is a simple appreciation for their gifts and talents. They are intelligent, yet their brilliance can be undermined by foolish choices.

Aquarius Information
for January 31
You should embrace: Credibility, enjoyment, altruism

You should avoid: Immaturity, fatuousness, addiction

Friends and Lovers

January 31 people forge powerful friendships. They seem to draw people who can add qualities to their lives that may be lacking. They do likewise with romantic partnerships. They are not adamant that their relationships be permanent. Often, when they have learned the lessons they need, they move on.

Children and Family

People born on January 31 are able to transcend their upbringing. Despite being unusual, they have a practical side that's seen in the way they rationalize difficulties they may have experienced as children. As parents, they don't push their children to succeed but allow them to develop at their own pace.


January 31 men and women may endorse a natural lifestyle that includes holistic healing, meditation, a diet of raw fruits and vegetables, and exercise. They understand the need to promote mind-body-spirit harmony.

Career and Finances

People born on January 31 are intelligent and talented. The drawback to their potential success could be that they possess too many talents, so it may be difficult to settle on one career option. If they take an active interest in financial affairs, they are capable. But they prefer to turn financial management over to someone else.

Dreams and Goals

Like many Aquarians, January 31 men and women have the ability to see beyond their concerns and look at life on a global level. When young, it's easy for them to become disillusioned once they discover this is not as simple as they had anticipated. Yet they'll always find time to help others, in big or little ways.

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2009-12-31 13:17 EST
Aw, L! Kazzy's going to be so beyond bummed when Danny breaks the news to her :( Hope Lizzie comes back from the big city sometime soon!

Happy New Year Kesey!

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2009-12-31 14:47 EST
They'll always have the night they bombed the heavens!

Happy New Year, Guys! <3

Marc Franco

Date: 2010-02-18 07:52 EST
That home movie was too adorable. To hell with Marc's opinion, I love Kazzy and Grem!

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2010-02-18 14:26 EST
That home movie was too adorable. To hell with Marc's opinion, I love Kazzy and Grem!

LOL, thanks! I do enjoy the theory that Grem hasn't been seen in public recently because Kazzy's gone and chopped him up for the fun of it.

Luna Eva

Date: 2010-02-18 14:46 EST
I love how the ending, with the off screen laughter, implies so much. Made me smile... in a totally non-perverted way.

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2010-02-19 10:09 EST
I love how the ending, with the off screen laughter, implies so much. Made me smile... in a totally non-perverted way.

:grin: Thanks! And thanks for the disclaimer because I totally was about to label you pervy for a moment there. ;-)

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2010-05-13 22:11 EST
I'm just goin' to leave this right here...


Date: 2010-06-11 14:50 EST
With Kazzy in mind!

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2010-06-11 16:53 EST
Haha, I love this, Ducii!

Though, it's going to be a scary day in RhyDin when Kazzy has a bazooka. Or... a scary day in what's left of RhyDin once she gets done.


Date: 2010-06-11 17:20 EST
Nooo! We've declared it a water gun!! So she can wreak wet mayhem!

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2010-06-12 01:38 EST
Oh good! I missed that part of the conversation! I feel much safer now, as does majority of the population of RhyDin.

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2010-06-12 11:21 EST
You guys really think a water gun in Kazzy's hands is that much safer? ::cue evil laugh::

You've really started something bad here I made 2 summer time Kazzy outfits I have to stop now haha:

Summa Summatime

and Kesey Poolside

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2010-06-12 14:41 EST
Yay! Welcome to Polyvore! Let the obsession begin! I added you as a contact and if you look at my contacts you can add Danny's, too. MuWahhaha!

Daniel Brooks

Date: 2010-06-12 15:47 EST
Good to see Kazzy won't be skinny dipping. Because her model sure has!

Daniel Brooks

Date: 2010-06-24 01:14 EST

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2010-06-24 18:00 EST
Yes! Love them! XD
And Lizzie's title thing is so accurate it's amazing!
<3 <3!!

Daniel Brooks

Date: 2010-06-24 23:28 EST
They had one that was "the hero" but I didn't see it until I was making Lizzie. But yeah, I think that fit her well! In a nice way! :D

I also had to make her "Iowa" outfit because, surprisingly, they didn't have many options for track pants or cargo shorts that were falling off of her butt. But the hair and bracelets fit!

And I didn't wanna make Kazzy because I don't know if I could do her justice. I'm familiar enough with Lizzie to try, but I think I'd end up doing a Kazzy "Jugs" outfit, and then it would look pretty similar to Lizzie. Except with roller skates!


Date: 2010-06-25 20:43 EST
They do have a "the eccentric" title, though. Which, while an understatement, would work for her. Not enough eccentric clothing, though.

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2010-06-29 18:21 EST
You're right, not eccentric enough but I gave it a shot ;-) ...

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2010-06-29 18:46 EST
And here's one more since I realized I gave her the same hair as Lizzie - I really need more white options for hair & skin she's way paler...

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2010-07-16 10:54 EST
Sorry, way too amused to not post this.
click image for full size

Maybe Danny's mall job decided they were going to tap into the booming vampire market?

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2010-07-19 14:01 EST
I'm just going to leave this right here...

::DYING.:: Danny sparkles! ::Is dead.::

Daniel Brooks

Date: 2010-07-20 22:45 EST
Look again. Danny is now diamonds!

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2010-07-20 23:05 EST
I'm on a horse.
But nothing will beat "SWAN DIVE... INTO THE BEST NIGHT OF YOUR LIFE!"

So much win. XD

Daniel Brooks

Date: 2010-08-18 21:26 EST
Sooo... today I was thinking about my title and decided to give some background into its origin!

First, it's related to the name, so we'll start there. I came up with Daniel Brooks rather quickly when I was asked to make a new character to play with someone. At the time I was completely obsessed with reading The Immortal Iron Fist, and had been thinking of making a character inspired by that for a long time. So the first name was picked, as well as the general idea about what the character would be about.

The last name was a little trickier. I wanted it to be related to another sort of hero to me, so I decided to use the last name of my favorite wrestler at the time: CM Punk. Well, his real last name, anyway. Not Punk, but Brooks.

And for over two years I couldn't think of a title. Well, Danny had been somewhat of a drinker in times, but for the most part he wasn't. And he never smoked or did drugs, so sometime I made the decision that he might as well be a straight-edge guy, just like his namesake. He's just not preachy about it.

Anyway, just a but of trivia that may or may not interest you!

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2010-09-04 00:46 EST
A little too much fun with Polyvore (and thanks, L, for teaching me how to post these & for inspiring me with your Lizzie & Danny collage).

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2010-09-04 01:10 EST
Glad I could help! Love the collage! Yesssss... polyvore. <3

Daniel Brooks

Date: 2010-09-04 02:09 EST
My polyvore is so lame. I blame it on my y chromosome!

Marc Franco

Date: 2011-05-24 17:46 EST
I love you, Kazzy. I do. I really, really do. That post was awesome and I'm so excited to see more.

Lucky Clover

Date: 2011-05-24 18:13 EST
I'm eager to see what RhyMance has in store!

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2011-05-24 19:35 EST
Thirded! Can't wait to see what the Stringbean has in mind. =)

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2011-05-24 21:30 EST
With everybody else on this one! ;)


Date: 2011-05-24 22:22 EST

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2011-05-24 22:44 EST
Aww, thanks everyone for all the encouraging words! Kazzy will probably be pestering your characters soon with questions about their views on love in the big city. :lol:

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2011-05-25 20:11 EST
Should be fun! Will be watching and waiting!

Lucky Clover

Date: 2011-05-27 12:32 EST
Rakseemo <333

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2011-05-27 12:41 EST
^ =D xoxo !!


Date: 2011-05-27 16:29 EST
+pinkie+ Cannot wait!

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2012-01-19 15:42 EST
Don't Date a Werewolf

In comparison, it's probably better that Grem doesn't do any of these things when he turns into the Wolf even if he is violent and all that jazz...

A. Dagger Sasc

Date: 2012-02-09 05:48 EST
Everyone who reads this is free to join in on the Tweeter thread. The more the merrier! Have fun! Go crazy!

You might regret that!

Rob Pulk

Date: 2012-06-20 15:28 EST
I made a brief reference to Tweeter in my latest post for my thread. Let me know if you'd rather I not, and I'll see if I can figure out how to edit it out of the post. :)

Lizzie Liddell

Date: 2012-06-20 16:09 EST
I made a brief reference to Tweeter in my latest post for my thread. Let me know if you'd rather I not, and I'll see if I can figure out how to edit it out of the post. :)

You're totally fine! Like I keep saying, everyone is welcome to dive in on the Tweeter thread or toss it out in a post. Whatever works. Also, love the thread so far, Rob! Keep up the dope work! ;D


Date: 2012-08-12 01:09 EST
Just wanted to drop a little shout-out for Faux! I looove Sami and Jay! I was so excited to see them in live play the other night ;D



Date: 2012-08-13 17:28 EST
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed reading it - it was a fun scene to play as well. :)

A. Dagger Sasc

Date: 2013-05-29 21:51 EST
Got a little nostalgic recently in my last post thinking back about all of the incredibly mature file names my generation of Zelda players have come up with in the past.

God bless them.

A. Dagger Sasc

Date: 2013-07-17 02:10 EST
A couple of the funnier excerpts from live-play with Aurast at a rave club.

A. Dagger Sasc: :: Aurast introduced himself to the rave chick the only way he knew how to introduce himself to rave chicks: he danced close to her and positioned his leg for her
to grind on. The nature channel said if she accepted the leg, then she didn't feel provoked and he could proceed to ask her her name. ::
A. Dagger Sasc: :: He also had dem lines, man. :: "I'm a renaissance art student!"

A. Dagger Sasc

Date: 2014-02-11 07:53 EST
Thank you guys for allowing me to post here. I know my threads "mostly" didn't belong, but I tried to throw in enough mentions/references to Kesey to at least be able to back it up if I was asked. But I got enough now to leave the nest and head out on my own. Thank you again for your hospitality.

See you on the forums!

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2015-03-23 12:44 EST
The Priestess and the Soldier just gutted me this morning. Even when you know what's coming, the little details, the use of the Khalil Gibran quote, just made this scene really affecting.

Great writing from Samiyah Zayn.

Samiyah Zayn

Date: 2015-03-23 15:14 EST
Aw! Thank you so much. Been fun to come back and I always grin over compliments from one of my personal favorites. ;-)


Date: 2015-03-30 12:09 EST
Many thanks for letting me post Jay's newest stories here in the Kesey folder! :)


Date: 2015-06-09 13:13 EST
Really love Over. I hope it's just a start.

I also adore Jay and Sami's interactions <3


Date: 2015-09-07 12:15 EST
For those who are interested, I have a meager little Jay Capistrano inspiration tumblr now at I do my best to keep it as safe for work as possible (aka I don't post any nudity or sexual content) but no guarantees as far as the language in the songs I post (possible swears warning!), or violent content (though I stay away from gore).


Date: 2015-11-25 14:00 EST
Just wanted to send a quick thank you to Kazzy & Co. for hosting Jay's stories. I know Jay is somewhat retired these days, but I still appreciate having a home for any stories that might appear when the muse returns for him.

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2015-12-01 22:04 EST
Just wanted to send a quick thank you to Kazzy & Co. for hosting Jay's stories. I know Jay is somewhat retired these days, but I still appreciate having a home for any stories that might appear when the muse returns for him.

And I'm thankful you're still making use of the board! It makes me happy to know there's still someone / some place around for when the muse for Kazzy comes back to me. :)


Date: 2016-06-30 00:27 EST
Not my best work, and not sure what it means going forward, but my muse decided to write a Jay post, so almost a year after my previous one, here you go!


Date: 2016-06-30 12:48 EST
Not my best work, and not sure what it means going forward, but my muse decided to write a Jay post, so almost a year after my previous one, here you go!

Holy crap! You're alive! Loved the new post :)


Date: 2016-11-24 16:51 EST
Here's Jay Capistrano's contribution to the character CD contest going on over on Polyvore right now. It's basically an even split between the sort of punk music he would've listened to back on Earth and songs that are more...inspired by him. With a little bit of Sami's 80s music love mixed in for good measure. :D

Locke DVestavio

Date: 2017-03-18 21:27 EST
Spreading my bumps around -- here's a shameless plug for Locke's contribution to the Fashion Week shows.


Date: 2017-09-01 22:13 EST
First off, I wanted to say thanks for letting Jay put his stories up here when I came back a couple of years ago, and decided not to bother pulling his old folder out of the catacombs. That having been said, I think his story has been told -- he doesn't live in the city anymore, he's graduated college and the urgency isn't there anymore, IC or OOC. He's got his happy ending, and I'm happy to leave him to it.

So no more bumps from me, unfortunately. :( In the epic words of Jawbreaker, "You're on your own/You're all alone."

Kazzy Hart

Date: 2017-10-13 22:49 EST
There will always be a rundown, sketchy space at Kesey for Muscles. Thanks for writing for him here! :)