Topic: New home

Viola Rose

Date: 2016-03-01 14:17 EST
The little dragon child had gone out again, hunting for her father. The one that had run from her. She never did find him. Instead, she crept inside the Inn to warm herself, just a little. Small hands held out toward the fire. She knew not to get close. Not with her blood.

The mixed blood of an ice dragon, and Harris. From a time not in this world. She couldn't find him. Instead, she found a minotaur.

Blue eyes peeked toward Andu as he had neared, asking if she was alright. She was, though alone. He made her a root beer float, something sweet she'd never tasted before.

She'd been living in a cavern off in the woods. Sheltering to keep herself chilled, though also out of the weather, and away from harm.

Normal days were spent watching the snow fall, or playing with the shiny rocks she'd found, before shifting into her hatchling form to hunt for food.

Living was day to day, surviving on what she could find. Until she met Andu and his wife. The imp seemed taken with her. Even trying to brush her hair, though unused to such touch, she had pulled away.

Lalen had mentioned dragons though, and she had wanted to go see them. A visit to the stables had her peeking in at a few of the slumbering creatures

A few had looked back, watching her. and she had eased, letting herself shift. It wouldn't be long until she was soundly sleeping, sharing the home of the imp and minotaur.