Topic: So much to do...So little time

Artemus Kurgen

Date: 2005-10-11 13:27 EST
The Living Armor Golems were getting completed faster than he originally thought that they would be. After adjusting the hand controls in the cockpit of the Bronze unit he closed up the chest cavity and jumped down off of the scaffolding. "Can't wait till I'm done with these Golems. The sooner I get them completed the sooner I can hand them over to the city. With all of these rediculous dragon attacks, sightings, and the fires it might make the populous feel a bit safer with an added city defense." Rubbing the back of his neck Artemus looked over at the Dragonite unit Rhaine had altered for him. "He, I will keep for myself. Still need to figure out how to get the wings to work though." The past several weeks he had spent sitting within the Dragonite Golem had taught him much about symbiosis as well as give him the knowledge to take what he discovered with that unit and expand an altered version of it over to the other Armor Golems. Bronze, Granite, Dragonite, Brass, Adamantium, and Mythril.

The Dragonite unit was closer to an elemental than what he had initially planned but it didn't matter. Artemus had what he wanted. Six suits of Living Armor Golems with varying weapons, attachments, and abilities. "I just hope it doesn't freak the pilots out when the symbiosis starts to alter their physiology, making them stronger and faster." Closing up the underground hanger he had created using the power being Keeper of Earth had afforded him, he decided it was time to head home "So much to do, so little time"

Artemus Kurgen

Date: 2005-11-21 15:59 EST
Five days, five days and counting down. Counting down until the test of his Keepership. Would he be strong enough to defend it one more time?

He'd given the golems he had created over to a friend for safe keeping until after the challenge was over with. Luck had been with him so far, he just hoped that Meilikki could bestow her blessing one last time. To him it didn't matter who had his key after him, he just did not want it to be Vanion. Above all it could not be Vanion who got ahold of his key. Black fire and water upon the Isle was one thing...but it would take far longer to undo the tainting of the very ground. The purity of the earth was paramount to keeping the Isle vibrant and healthy. Though he had wandered far from the path of the druid, a druid's heart still beat in his chest no matter how he supressed it. It's influence permeated everything he would ever do.

Walking down a hall in the Tower of Earth, fingers lingering along the wall, tracing the stonework, he moved into his study. Waving a hand over his scrying bowl, he concentrated his thoughts upon Vincent Smith. He had many questions regarding the project that he had discussed with the former Archmage. As usualy his scrying didn't penetrate the warding to the Temple of Divine Light. Frowning, there was something about that place that didn't feel right. He just couldn't put his finger upon it. The members acted the same after initiation, but they just didn't feel right. Their scent changed. There was just a feeling of wrongness. He couldn't explain it. If he even tried to tell anyone that he didn't think the followers to the Temple's order smelled wrong, they'd probably lock him away and chuck the key. He had no choice in regards to any kind of action he could take against that place. Pushing that whole line of thought away, Artemus changed his focus towards the Hospice, where Vincent was known to help out from time to time.

Scanning over the place idly he didn't find anything of interest going on. Alia Anor was in her office, most likely going over checkup sheets on the various patients. Still there was no Brother Vincent in sight. With a irritated sigh, Artemus came to the conclusion that the man was either in the main Temple or at Palazzio Argento, and knowing Vince, that place was most likely warded form prying eyes as well.

Emptying the scrying bowl, Art placed the protective cloth over it and rose from his chair with boneless grace. Grabbing his staff from where it stood propped up against the wall, he made his way down to the beach. He needed to commune with the elements and make his preparations should he fail in stopping Vanion. He had much to do before the battle for the Tower of Earth began.

:: Growling in frustration, Artemus continued the log of his plans. Telling his doubts in all that he was planning and the drawbacks that he knew were very possible. Placing his journal into the safe and returning the protective wards, he headed for his bedchamber. There was much on his mind.::.....So much to little time.

Artemus Kurgen

Date: 2005-12-06 20:37 EST
The weeks passed slowly for the Keeper of Earth after his challenge against Vanion Shadowcast. Too slowly for the younger Kurgen's liking. Being of youthful vigor and impatience he could not abide with how slow things were going. All the tests he ran using the equipment had procurred over the past week or so, were not promising. It still seemed to him that his date of demise and his daughters fifteenth birthday were inextricably locked. She would come to age and he would be looking over his shoulder at everything for the form of his demise. Why in the Nine Hells did things like this always happen to him and his family? Sure there were curses that traveled from generation to generation, but those undesired pains didn't lock onto a specific age so that a day which was to be one of joy becomes a day of grieving. It just wasn't fair, not to the children in his family. Not at all. He had gone to Rhaine for help in this personal matter regarding his family and the age old secret that he did not yet fully comprehend as he could not find out when this "headache" was imposed upon his family.

Suddenly he was wishing he could just travel back to that distant date and watch his ancestors so that he might understand what had happened and how this unwanted annoyance had come to being. Just looking at the family tree and all of his eldar's dates of death it appeared, at least to him, a way to control the population of his bloodline. But why would someone or something wish for his family to be restrained so? What purpose would placing a method of population control on his family serve?

To these questions he had no answers, none at all. He only hoped that he could figure out this enigma to spare Amaris. He did not fear death nor his own demise. If he did fear it, he would have died a long time ago. He needed to negate this curse for himself and future generations of his family. His bloodline had lived in the shadow of his horrid curse for far too long, somthing HAD to be done about it, but so far the answers evaded him.

:: He marked all of his findings and failures down in his journal. The one thing that could put him to ruin, and the one thing he guarded ruthlessly. marking the date, and the time, he closed the tome and put it back in the safe::...So much to little time.

Artemus Kurgen

Date: 2006-01-19 01:22 EST
" I don't remember where I was, I realized life was a game. The more seriously I took things, the harder the rules became. I had no idea, what it cost, my life passed before my eyes. I've found out the little I'd accomplish my plans tonight..." - Megadeth

Fruition. By definition it is the attainment or realization of something desired.
After so long in searching, I am within grasping distance of the sweet sweet fruit I desire. So many years of searching, deals made and broken, honor, pride, so many things cast to the winds in search of one goal. All the weeks spent in this city, having to swallow my pride and allow the citizenry to believe me an incompetent fool. very soon all of that would come to an end.

An end to putting up with Vanion's rediculous mockery, the fool won't know what hit him. An end to offering comforting words to those who truly don't deserve it. An end to letting Vincent feel safe with his multiple clones and his small plots. He may be smart, but he is not nearly as smart as he allows himself to believe.

There will be an end to pretending to mourn those I made appear dear to me. I was choking back tears of laughter when I wrote that sappy letter after "Cheyenne" left. Though Chey's return has presented some possibilities that I could use to my advantage, only time will tell where that is concerned..
Then there was the letter I recieved from Alais, nearly had me rolling. So gullible. Her soft heart makes her weak. I was pleased when Alia Anor became MORE suspicious of Sylus and Alais. When I offered her help and friendship I was sure that she would connect my actions with something brewing between my brother and that so called "Archmage". Allowing her to believe that I was spying on her for my dim-witted brother is something I take a small amount of pride in.

An end to doing good things without asking for any form of reward. I hate charity work. Watching Anne's brats for her was an exercise in self control. "We need the practice with children" I suprised myself by not vomiting after I said it.

Finally an end to making arguments, then stating a fact that supports my opposition. Playing the fool has it's uses, but I can only stand it for so long. When people believe you an idiot they do not look at you twice, therefore do not consider you any type of threat. Through her word of honor, I too will find a use for Rhaine. Though she serves her god quite devoutly, if presented the right way..she too will help me find what I seek. I just need to wait for the opportune moment.

Soon there will be an end to suppressing my instincts and pretending to play one of the "good guys". It makes my stomach churn whenever I think back to saving Teleperien from the Vanion's Temple. I should have left her to rot...but upon reflection, it has presented some very interesting gifts for me; and I know exactly what to do with them.

I sensed it within her almost immediately, I sensed something dark stirring within Queen Teleperien after her wounds from the temple had healed. I was not entirely suprised by this, but I was intrigued by it. All I had to do was wait...wait and watch for her to give me something of use. And so she has..through her infidelity. Through this act, I will find a hold on the darkness within her, and through her..I will find what I seek.

It is only a matter of time before I find you, Yggdrasil. Only a matter of time before I find you...find you and make all of your knowledge and power my own. For a Druid...the search for the Tree of Life is never ending.

I thought that by becoming a creature of pure shadow, I would finally have you in my hands. How I truly was the fool for believing that. I'm a fool for not realizing just how much all of that dark power would conflict with my base druidic nature. Such things happen to the best of us, as the saying goes.

It began when I had a feeling that by joining with the shadows I would find you. After all, there are shadows almost everywhere, which could include the shadows beneath your mighty boughs. I should have forseen the problem that nearly destroyed me. Magic of shadow and dark energy cannot remain long as part of a being who started out learning magic of the light and positive energies. There would be nothing but conflict. It was only a matter of weeks before even casting the simplest of spells became a challenge. Feeling the shadow and light clash within my very flesh nearly brought me to my knees. These spells would hit me at the most inopportune moments, nearly costing me my life in many incidents.

I am fortunate in the fact that these spells did not hit me during any of my challenges. If they had, my plans would have been ruined. It had taken me so long to gain enough skill on the Isle of Twilight to challenge for the Tower of Earth. After so much work, I was not going to let go of my key easily. To find Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life; I knew that I needed to find a way to gain influence over the earth or at least the animals. After all, it is they who guard the great tree.

Even after I won the Key from Gork, with the new boost in power, you still eluded me. Your power far outstripping my own. How you love your privacy, Yggdrasil; and how I long to find you. You have hidden from the world for far too long, I will be the one to bring you out of hiding. Bring you back into the world of men, restore the world to how it should be. Those that cultivate life will become the kings of the world, and those that live upon the destruction of the natural order of the world...they will become the destitute, the impoverished. Though my soul may end up burning in the eternal fires for what I strive to do, and what I have already accomplished I will not stop now. I am too far along to call it quits. In all I have done, it has been with the best of intentions for the final result. Like the saying goes...the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

How I long to behold you, great Yggdrasil...So much to do.

So much to little time.

:: With a tired sigh, the Keeper of Earth closed his journal and placed it back within the safe. Muttering soft words he restored the protective wards upon it and summoned the guardian demon to watch over the safe:: I think I'll go and see how the Isle looks tonight....

Artemus Kurgen

Date: 2006-01-21 22:48 EST
" God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and the know the difference" - Serenity Prayer

How does one measure the frailty of mortal man's nature? I do not believe there is a way. Men have fought against themselves on an internal level since time immemorial;and for the most part, some have won this fight, but more often than has lost.
Given this can be said...that when something of unusual fortune is given to man; he should just be thankful for the opportunity. However, not all men learn this lesson. For some, it can save their life.

Unfortunately for Jack Grey, he learned this lesson too late.....all because he couldn't be satisfied with one moment of good fortune. When for some..that is all that they get.
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It had been an uneventful evening as I sat in a dark corner of the Black Rose Inn. There was not an overly large crowd within the establishment, I noted, gazing around the room in thoughtful silence. By the door stood the "Crowd Control"; a lumbering hulk of a man whom appeared to have what looked like either troll or ogre in his blood. Easily standing well over eight feet tall, his frame was bulky but none of it seemed to jiggle. That said the "man" was all mustle, however I was far from unimpressed. "The more muscle build a man has, the small his brain and other muscles are" Shaking my head, I just leaned back in my chair and looked around the room for something of more substance. The gods must have been in my favor becuase I didn't need to look for long....

Just as I was readying myself to head home for the remainder of the evening, a small group of fellows walked into the room. The most boisterous of the men, a fellow named Jack had just finished telling some kind of crude joke. This man appeared to be young, around my own age it seemed. The lad was tall for his age, probably having just hit his growth spurt, with skin that looked too pale to be healthy; and hair black as pitch. " Kids today seem to take less and less care of themselves" I muttered as I refilled my glass of wine. With something new to keep my interest in the place, I watched the group move to a far corner of the room, most likely for privacy as well as distance from the door. There seemed to be a cold wind creeping through the bottom of the door. This is one of the evenings I was glad I'd been born a shapeshifter. Two cheers for Preternaturally shark hearing!! Focusing my attention on the group, but keeping my head low; I found myself listening to a most curious tale...and one that I could not help but smile at.

"Yea guys....let me tell you. I met this woman the other night..." Started the one called Jack, not even trying to be quiet about it. "Man was she beautiful...Tall too!! " The lad added with a cocky smile. I was quickly getting bored. Then he said it...

"Yea..she was like a queen or something..." To his fellows, who were just shaking their heads, telling him to shut up all ready. They weren't falling for it and other more...colorful phrases. However...I knew exactly whom he was talking about. Now things were getting least for me. Jack's friends however had another notion....get the boy drunk. Smiling to myself I just sat back and watched the drama unfold. The groups plan backfired. The drunker Jack became, it seemed the more he wanted his friends to share in the experience.

I had heard enough to know that if this got out too much, Teleperience reputation would take a blow. Because of this fact....I had my foothold on her. First...I needed to deal with this well as his friends. This boy would be my key to gaining that foothold....all I needed to do was devise a way to get him to stop talking.....and then stop his friends. It almost saddened me to do what I was going to do. Then I remembered...all I do...I do in the hopes of making a better world. No amount of sentiment or guilt will get in the way of that.

As the night wore on, I watched the group drink themselves into a drunken frenzy. It suprised me that they didn't get alcohol poisoning, but that was a small matter. I just could not believe the luck I was having tonight. This was all too easy..but being one to never question good fortune, I just smiled to myself and finished my glass of wine. Slowly humming a dirge under my breath, I watched the group rise, if on unsteady legs, but rise they did and stumble to the door. Still humming that tune under my breath I waited a moment before following the group out into the street. I could not help but think to myself..."This boy should have counted his blessings and have been thankful for the brief moment of joy he had been given."

Humming softly to myself, I shadowed the group down the street, thankful I was not one of them. They were all about to have a very...very..bad...night......
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::Humming the same tune from that night, the Keeper of Earth closed his journal and returned the tome to it's proper place. Smiling soflty, he headed out for the night:: "I wonder if the luck is still with me?"

Artemus Kurgen

Date: 2006-01-25 16:09 EST
The days are beginning to slow down again, I can feel it with each passing minute. This slowness will influence the expediancy of my plans; however controlling time is beyond my power. It always will be.

Though I cannot act yet and innitiate the next phase of my scheming, fore to do that I need to become just a little bit stronger, I can however spurr some of my opposition into action. How I would love to leave them all dumbfounded and go ahead with all I wish to accomplish; but that is not the way of things.

There are so many items I need yet, perhaps I can get them to "acquire" what I need? I cannot do that. To do so would involve revealing my intentions. I CANNOT risk such a thing. They are highly intelligent, too intelligent for the use I would put them to. I need a grunt, a fool who will do these things without asking why. Finding such a fellow will be difficult at best, well I shouldnt' say difficult..finding a person who meets my requirements; I must be able to trust to some agree...and there are none whom I truly trust. I need a mercenary, a sword for hire to accomplish my goal. Wait...not a sword for hire, who I send on these errands must have some aptitude for magic. I need a Spellsword, someone who is good with both blade and spell, but is not in the field of reasons. Who could I hire for such a task?

:;Closing his journal, Artemus returned it to the safe and headed out into the market place and the other districts.:: " I think...I'm going to put out a want ad; and I need to begin choosing what I say in my journal. It won't be safe forever...." :;In a swirl of raven feathers he was gone::

Artemus Kurgen

Date: 2006-01-27 19:40 EST
" Lost it on a chesterfield, or maybe on a gamblin wheel..;
Lost it in a diamond mine, it's dark as hell and hard to find...;
You can climb to the top of the highest tree, look around and you still won't see...what I'm looking for;
Where the good times gone...where the good times gone;
All that stupid fun, and all that sh** we done, where the good times gone;
Well I still don't know.. Out in the back of the old cornfield, or underneath a tractor wheel.;
Thought I'd dig till I found it first, broke my back and died of thirst;
...Well you can bribe the devil, you can pray to God, you can sell of everything you got...but you still won't know....where the good times gone...." - Nickelback

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I have recieved a couple inquiries to my ad, only one or two have asked questions about how their services would be required. Though I have not heard back from Miss "Sigrun" ,if that is her true name, I think I can make good use of the people I have contacted thus far.

It often suprises me how much other mortals prize, that which they cannot take with them into the next world. I heard it summarized best many years ago when my former mentor looked at me and said -"...Death is the Great Equalizer. A man can live the life of a king, but the day he dies...he becomes like any other pauper that paid him taxes." -All of the wealth, fame, and prize possessions one can acquire are only of use to us in this world; that is, unless the items are of a magical nature. "You must beware of many things if you want to survive in this harsh world" he went on to say. " must be aware of the Seven Great Flaws that are in all men and women." I could only look at him in curiosity as he continued on with another of his multiple lectures; and I knew to listen when he spoke, because he never said anything unless it was important. The first lesson he ever taught me..."There are many lessons to learn, simply by listening to people."
Nodding my head I walked with him through that peacful forrest as he spoke.. "The First Flaw is Wrath. To become wrathful..and seek to harm others, is to seek your own damnation. If a man slaps you across the cheek, offer him the other...if he strikes you again...ask him 'Why?'. The only time you should not do this is if he seeks your death; Artemus. We all have a place and time for our death...and we each realize it the moment the hour on which our spirit begins to count down." To this all I could do was stare at him in be struck by someone, possibly a stranger, and do nothing was absurd! I questioned him on this later, and all he said to me was .."You will see in time" Talk about not getting an answer....

"The Second Flaw, is Envy. Envy covers a lot of ground Artemus...but mostly it is to be jealous. To envy another for things he has achieved leads us to belittle our own accomplishments; and forget the struggle we endured to get them. The struggle is part of why we strive to achieve victories of any kind. There is a feeling of reward...that we have earned all we have gained. Things easily gained are easily lost...I want you to remember that." Now that I look back, this is one of the lessons that has always seemed to ring true for me. Life is MEANT to be a struggle, the Gods test us with make us stronger. In doing so...our faith in them is often strengthened.

"The Third Flaw is Lust. This is one of the hardest flaws to overcome...for men at least. Though women are just as weak as men where this flaw is concerned. Lust is an embodiment of temptation...and all men fall to this eventually. Lust is the flaw that can lead men who have it all...a wife who loves him, children who adore him, enough money to never go hungry, to cast aside all that they have strived to gain like rotten garbage the moment he takes a woman to his bed just to lay with her for one night..possibly two. Remember Artemus...A stiff d**k has no conscience." The last part actually made me laugh, probably because of how young I was a the time, young and foolish. At the time I viewed women as something to avoid...all I ever saw was farmer's daughters tricking some hayseed into getting them pregnant just so that he would have to marry her, then take over the farm. I let a few rotten apples poison the whole in my mind.

"The Fourth Flaw is Greed. Greed is often confused with Envy, Artemus. Some think that to be greedy is to want all things to yourself, mostly what belongs to others; but this is not true. Greed is to crave something in large amounts. Gold, land, weapons, you reach and reach and reach, till you acquire so much, you cannot reach any more. You are weighed down by everything and just drowned in it all. You have lost sight of what was once important to you. Greed can turn a man down the path of self-destruction. It can turn the closest of friends or brothers against one another. Greed can sever all ties that bind us to our friends and those we hold dear. This is a flaw to be VERY wary of Artemus. You must be careful in how much you achieve, or else those you end up keeping close, will seek to make what you have theirs, they greed for baubles, and their envy of what you have...can turn them against you. Be ever wary..." It was at this moment when my old mentor took a gander around the quiet woods and decided it was best to camp here for the night; telling me tha the would finish the lesson on the morrow. How I wanted him to finish it right then, the lesson that day opened my mind's eye to much, and left me curious. "If you know what the Seven Flaws are...can you still avoid creating them in yourself?" I wonder if I have answered that old question yet.

::Sitting back in his chair, Artemus looked out the window to the darkenign horizon wtih a sigh.:: "I need to get out of here...I keep dwelling on the past... and the lessons I learned; I'm going to become depressed. Those days are behind me...and all I can do is move on." ::Rising to his feet with a groan, Artemus stepped out of his Tower and headed for the dueling Arena:: I have so much to do....and so little time.

Artemus Kurgen

Date: 2006-01-28 21:12 EST
" I'm not supposed to be scared of anything. but I don't know where I am; I wish I could move, but I'm exhausted and nobody I feel; I?m trying hard to breathe now, but there's no air in my lungs. There's no one here to talk to, and the pain inside is making me numb. I try to hold this, under control... They can't help me, cause no one knows. Now I'm going through changes, changes. God I feel so frustrated lately. When I get suffocated save I'm goin through changes....changes. I'm feelin weak and weary, walkin through this world alone. Everything they say, every word of it cuts me to the bone. I've got something to say but now I've got nowhere to turn. It feels like I've been buried underneath all the weight of the world...I try to hold this...under control...they can't help me...cause no one knows...Now I'm going through changes..." - Changes, 3 Doors Down

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I remember we rose early that next morning, I remember it mostly because of how quiet my mentor was while going about the chores of packing up the campsite. Most mornings he was either humming a gentle tune, or smiling as if listening to a pleasant conversation only he was privy to being part of. This morning he was doing neither. Feeling concerned for this...I turned to him and asked what was bothering him. Setting down his journey-pack, he looked up at me with hard eyes. Something was truly bothering him. With a sigh he walked over to me, bidding me to have a seat. Doing so, I just watched him silently as he took up a kneeling position a pace in front of me.

" Artemus...there is only a few things left for me to teach you. However. I am not sure you are mentally ready for them. You are young. Far younger than you should be realize what I am going to teach you." It was at this moment something inside of me began to churn, almost warning me of something bad to come.

"When your mother and father asked me to teach you all that I know. I saw it as an opportunity to pass on to you what I was supposed to pass on to my son; but he wanted to become a sword-slinger, not a man of nature. Though, I will not lie to you, lately I am not sure I was right in how I originally approached the way I should teach you. I have opened your youthful eyes to many truths that I fear you do not understand. Many of them may actually lead you down dark paths, to make you skip over important lessons you need to learn." As he spoke that feeling in the pit of my stomach continued to grind within itself, something bad was coming...but what was it? That I didn't know.

"I have taught you almost all of what I know, you learn quickly, rarely make the same mistake twice, and you constantly question the "why" of everything. These are qualities that the Goddess whom we serve smiles upon, but in you I also sense a desire to prove yourself. A part of you that is always questioning how strong you are inside. You approach every problem as if you do not think you have what it takes to overcome the issue, and so you plunge in blindly; and more often than fall. When you pick yourself up step back...and question what you could have done differently, rather than try and rebuild what has been broken." I could not believe what he was telling me. The way he described me, was reckless, foolhardy, naive, and self-destructive. Was I really all those things?

" Today I am afraid you and I must part ways, Artemus. You have reached the end of your training under me. Someone else will take over where I leave you; of that you need not worry. There are just three things I have left to teach you...those are the last Three Flaws that are in both men and women." I was positively dumbfounded, the man who had pretty much raised me, where my parents abandoned me; was letting me go? I had just turned fifteen, how could he think I was ready to go out into the world on my own? I began shaking my head, trying to deny what he was telling was like the jailer coming to the prison cell and telling the inmate the gallows were done being built.

Slowly, I remember him putting his hands on both of my shoulders, bidding me to calm down. His voice was filled with such kindness, such compassion. ? not worry. I am not abandoning you. You are like a son to me, you can trust in the knowledge that are paths are not done yet...they will cross again. I can't tell you when...but you can trust that this is not the final goodbye. Now, go and get some water for the road. The lesson today will be the last I ever give you...I want you to pay extra close attention...." Still pouting. I nodded slowly and rose to get the said water from the nearby creek. I cannot begin to describe all of the thoughts that slithered through my mind as I walked back to the camp; there were positive views on the situation as well as negative, but I must be honest in admitting that there was more negative than positive thoughts. As I made my way back into camp, I found my mentor engaged in conversation with a strange person....strange is the best way I could describe the person. I could not tell if the visit was male or female for its robes were very unisex in appearance, and it's frame was neither largely build like most men, nor was it fragile looking as most women.

Figuring that I would learn more by simply listening, and letting my mentor introduce the stranger, I set the water skins next to our bags and walked over to the pair. A smile was returned to my mentor's features as he looked up at me. "Artemus! I'm glad you are back...that was a quick trip...must've run the whole way there and back." To this he looked over at the robed figure and grinned "The lad's always been quick at doing what he's told." Turning back to me, he bade me to have a seat. ?Now Artemus, this is a very dear friend of mine, you'll finish your novitiate under her." It was as he said this that I found my eyes quite literally pulled towards the robed one. Delicate hands lifted out of the folds of those dark green robes to push back the hood. As the cloth fell back, I almost fell off of the log on which I was perched. She was the most gorgeous woman I had ever seen. Of course at the time, I had not seen many women, but she blew the ones that I HAD seen well out of the water. Her skin was tanned a light golden-brown, with some of the palest blonde hair I had ever seen. A sly smile played at her thin lips as she nodded her "Hello", but made no move to shake my hand. All she did was offer that nod. Turning back to my teacher, I realized he had been speaking the whole time.

Embarrassed I blanched and asked him to repeat. To which he only laughed, tossing his head back, roaring with mirth and threw a wink at the visitor. " Bewitched the lad already and you haven't said a word to him." The robed woman just smiled and bade my mentor to continue with a wave of her hand. I was starting to think her a mute.

Turning back to me, he continued " you learn your last lesson from me. You learn the last Three Flaws of Man. So I want you to listen closely." With a sigh, I got comfortable, AGAIN, and sat back to listen to him talk, knowing that I needed to always remember this lesson.

?The Fifth Flaw of men and women is Sloth. To be slothful is to be lazy. If you become lazy the world will pass you by, leaving anything you once wanted to accomplish in the dust of lost dreams. Sloth will also lead to a lack of self-care. You will stop caring what you look like, and wander around in tattered clothing, probably won't bathe, and everyone you meet will avoid you, unless they take pity on you. Do you see what I am saying, Artemus? Sloth will lead you to stop caring for yourself...and when you eat, you are taking care of a need. ? I could only shake my head at this, and look back to some of the 'larger' men and women I had met. Were they that out of shape because they were guilty of sloth? Sure some of them were sick, which prevented them from being overly active; but still....I did not want to end up like that. I'd rather someone kill me than let me become so big I could not sit on a regular chair without breaking it.

" The Sixth Flaw is Gluttony, now when you think of gluttony you are probably thinking of eating too much all of the time. That is only part of it. One can become gluttonous if they over do things. When you work too much, or overdo the decorations for a party, or constantly worrying about not having enough of something you feel is needed. Gluttony is to over do. To go overboard on something. Eat too much, buy too much of something, make too much of something. To do that is to be gluttonous." Hearing this next to last flaw had my mind reeling over how I had approached my lessons, and the little tests Mentor had given me. He had always admonished me for going I knew why; but now that I knew, could I stop this flaw from affecting me further?

" This is it Artemus...the final Flaw. Number Seven...the Seventh and Worst Flaw. The final Pride. For many...they feel being proud is something to admire. But it is a weakness. You constantly will hear nobles say that they are from a proud family. You must avoid such people if you can. For when everything matters...they are the first to fall. It is one thing to take pride in an accomplishment that is well deserved...but do not brag about it. If you feel you must brag, tell someone who will share in your good fortune, not someone who could care less and will seek to diminish how you feel about it. Pride is always the last thing a man or woman..." At this point he cast a glance over to his friend with a smile and a nod. "It is the last thing anyone will lose; and it is usually only lost before we are brought to our knees a final time. 'Pride goeth before the fall' as the saying goes. Pride is something that can be exploited by those who seek to do us harm. You must beware of this one, for it is the hardest flaw of all to defeat. Pride is what stops a man in need from asking for help. Stops him from realizing that he cannot go on alone, and ultimately gets him killed. Pride will blind you to an obvious threat, and will blind you to the wisdom of friends who seek to caution you, give you the tools you need to overcome an adversary or issue." I could feel the color leave my face as he spoke of what it meant to have Pride, and I suddenly didn?t' want anything to do with it. As if reading my thoughts, our visitor put a hand on Mentor's shoulder. " Ephraim. I believe the boy gets your meaning." Her voice, it let her mesmerize me all over again. It was light and musical, it was in that moment that I noticed how her ears had a point to them...and my draw hit the ground. SHE WAS AN ELF!!! My first encounter with an elf...and I was staring like a love struck fool. How I wanted to kick myself. Then I realized she had used my mentor's name, now I knew the name of the man who had taken the place of my father, or lack there of to begin with. Looking back at Ephraim, I realized that he was blushing!! Somehow this Elvin female had made my mentor blush. That was a feat in itself. Nodding with a grin, he admitted that he had pushed it a bit far.

However he sobered quickly and returned his gaze to me, his features somber. " There is nothing left for ME to teach you Artemus. I have taught you how to approach nature and the life of a druid from a human's perspective. I have taught you how to tap into the power that is nature itself, the second largest element next to air. I will not lie to you Artemus; you have made me proud to have had the privilege of teaching you all that I know. You are a son to be proud of." Looking back now, those words had my ego blowing up to the size of a blimp.

" There is nothing left for ME to teach you Artemus. I have taught you how to approach nature and the life of a druid from a human's perspective. I have taught you how to tap into the power that is nature itself, the second largest element next to air. " It is time for you and I to part ways, my friend. Though our roads diverge for now, they will cross over again. In that you can be assured." Smiling warmly, he almost lunged at me as he pulled me into a crushing farewell hug. Gripping him just as tightly; I bid my farewell to the man who had raised me over the past eight years. I had a feeling that I was never going to be the same again after this point in time, I had a feeling I was being put onto the path that has led to the person who I am now.

:: With a shuddering sigh, the Keeper of Earth closed his journal just in time to receive a letter.: " Seems Vanion wants my tower again, I fear he will never learn.? Shaking his head, Artemus headed to the Cork and answer the letter.:: " I have so much to do....and so little time..."

Artemus Kurgen

Date: 2006-02-17 18:39 EST
The new day found the druid and former keeper of earth moving through a valley to the east of Rhydin City. Staff thudding on the dirt covered ground, he slowly made his way to a large impression in the floor of the valley.

"The one mistake I need to correct before I can move forward with my plans. Restoring the Keep to it's proper place in this world." Nodding to himself, Artemus reviewed his ideas on how to return his family home to the world of the living. Alone he couldn't possibly restore it fully, but with some help, with the proper help he could do it. "But where do I turn?" Rhaine he could not go to about this, she'd just laugh at him and tell him to solve it on his own, or maybe try to bargain. No, she was out on this one.

"What about my team Captain, Esper?" Would he be willing to aid him in this endeavor? Possibly, but Artemus was not all the way sure he wanted him to become connected to the Keep on the level that would be required.

"Could possibly ask Xenograg, but the General had far too much on his plate already" so that pushed him out of the running.

"Who can I choose? I have only a handful of friends, but I do not feel it they are strong enough to help in this task. So where do I turn?" Kicking the ground with a sandaled foot, he began to walk a slow circuit around the impression. " I cast it to that other plan on my own, of course I was in a heightened emotional state, but it would take something large to push me that far what do I do?"

Boughing his head in thought, Artemus circled the only evidence of what rested within that large valley. "What to do, what to do, what to do? I wonder if Teleperien's court mage would have any advice to offer? This Alatar, least I think that was his name, maybe he'll have something to offer. Put him on the list for later."

Artemus seemed to brighten at this aspect, another tie and good light to place him in good spirits with Eldicor. "Why do my ideas continually draw me to that place?"

Pushing the thought away, he once more began to reflect on who else could aid him. "I feel it will take three people, myself and two others, linked together to cast the right spell to restore my families home to the corporeal realm. I think this should be a family affair, but Sylus is off doing gods know what, and I bound Amaris's where do I turn?"


The thought hit him almost out of nowhere. Glancing around, he focused on his surroundings, trying to see what would like to remain hidden. "Was that my thought...or someone elses?" Not sure how to answer that questions, Artemus added Mystic to the list.

With some avenues to search through, the druid focused and pulled the image of an eagle to the forefront of his mind. Within seconds, he was flying through the air, heading for the Dojo Derelir, he had a question for Xenograg. Then it was off to Eldicor, Artemus needed to scheduel an audience with the court mage.

So much to little time.

Artemus Kurgen

Date: 2006-03-27 19:55 EST

A small golem with a cherubic face, the size of a small child slowly materailized out of the flooring outside of the queen's study and handed a missive to the guard standing watch.

"To Queen Teleperien" it was simply addressed.

The guard acceptted it with a direct stare at the golem, turning to knock at the door of the study. Its little hands fold behind it's back, waiting patiently, one foot tipped on toe in a cute manner, turning back and forth. Several moments pass, till finally the door opens, a hobbit answering. "Aye?" The little golem waved vigorously at the hobbit, it's cherubic face smiling broadly as it dipped a curtsy.

Standing behind the hobbit, Teleperien gave the small golem a curious look. "Yes?" The hobbit then handed her the missive."Who is this from?"

" From my master, High Druid of the Godess Meilikkei." It replied in a voice that matched it's size. Sounding as that of a child around 8 or 9. Slowly she opened the missive,breaking the seal and unfolding the paper. the missive is written in a flowing script, elegant yet simple:

"Your Majesty,
I humbly request an audience with you, at your leisure of course."

At the bottom of the page is the name:

"Artemus Kurgen,
High Druid of Meilikkei,"

The Queen looked up at the child-golem, finding that one foot is still up on tip-toe, turning from side to side anxiously, in a very childlike manner, hands behind it's back once more.

"Bide a moment" Dropping into a deep curtsy, head lowering respectfully. "As your Majesty wishes.." Teleperien then turned back into the room and picking up the quill on Tom's desk. Sliding a piece of parchment toward the golem, feminine script writing thus:

I will have time this eve. Do not appear in the court yard, but outside the gate and allow the guard give you enterance. You will be escorted to my study."

She folded the paper and sealed it. On the front writing:

"Artemus Kurgen,
High Druid of Meilikkei "

Then she was walking to the door, handing the letter to the child-golem. Smiling sweetly it took the letter from her and placed it into a small pouch at her waist. "Thank you your Majesty." It dropped into another low curtsly, the dress about it's rocky frame seeming to be the same as what made up it's body.

"My name is Moira, should have stated that at first, sorry for being so rude, master would be ashamed if he knew. He says to always be polite and couteous.." She seemed to babble a little bit as children tend to do.

Offering her a calming smile the queen bade her to stop. "Thank you Moira." The child-golem stopped speaking almost immediately and smiled in embarassment. Then curtsied again, nodding vigorously before slowly sinking into the floor, still babbling apologies for the rudeness till she vanished completely.

Bewildered, the queen, hobbit and guard could only stare as the child sunk into the floor . " That was ... unusual." Shaking her head, Teleperien turned back into the room, the door closing behind her.

Moira's head popped back out of the floor at those words "It's how we golems travel when we need to be somewhere quickly doncha know?" Then she is gone for good, leaving the elven guard blinking repeatedly in confusion.

Artemus Kurgen

Date: 2006-04-02 19:44 EST
(( This incident was posted by Teleperien, I have copied it here))

A knock came to the door. Teleperien watched as the door opened on its own to revile the elves and Artemus Kurgen. The study had been readied. Artemus?s usual choice, water as well as tea for the queen sat on a small table near a crackling fire. Tele stands.

?Please enter Artemus.? Her voice is low and contralto, head held high in spite of the ache in her heart. The elves at the door bowed to the queen, hands to their chest, closing the door as they left.

Artemus gave a low bow. ?Thank you for agreeing to see me on such a short notice, your Majesty.?

She gestures to a nearby sofa as she takes her own chair. ?Please, sit. Water is your usual take. Do you wish anything else??

?I ...have been having...strange...dreams of late.? He answered. Tele merely looked at him, awaiting further explanation.

?It always starts out the same, I'm standing alone in this vast darkness. There is not a single light around be, yet I can see myself clearly. Not really knowing where I am.. I start forward, keeping to a straight line in the hopes that maybe I would encounter a wall. But I find nothing.? He paused then continued as if just speaking of this drained him. ?A voice answered, it sounded familiar. I said, ?Your voice, I know it.? The unnerving reply came. ?~As it should, It is you Artemus. I am the voice of your ambitions, doubts and fears. I am the voice of your true self. Not this creature you play at.~'

Tele leaned forward, her fingers steepled, her face now intent. She noticed that he could not sit still, leg twitching, hands twisting.

?I was taken aback by this and thought of all things that I am, Keeper of the Tower of Earth, High Druid to the Goddess Meilikki, Umbramancer, Father of Amaris, Husband to Shandren. The voice replied ~?Ah, ah.. you have ?become? those thing through your actions. But they are not what you truly ARE.~?

By now Artemus looked totally uncomfortable, rolling his shoulders as if to shift a great weight. ?I was growing angry and answered sharply, ?Stop speaking in veils, YOU had to have been the one to bring me here...if you TRULY are ME. Now I've had enough of your games.. what is it you are seeking to accomplish with all of this?? as I motioned to the surrounding darkness. ?

Nodding, Tele silently waited for him to continue.

?All that I received for an answer was to keep moving forward.? He swore at this. ?It said I would ?See what I need to know.? With no choice given me, I moved forward. The dark seemed endless. At last a small point of light appeared in the distance. I lifted my robes and ran to the spot. It grew bigger with each step.

?The point became a circle of light, with three figures standing at its center, two of them I know...the third had its' back to me. The first, standing off to the left...was myself... but at the same time, it was not me. The other was dressed in normal garb, the green robes of the druid. But.? Artemus grimaces. ?The other side...the other side froze my blood. Black robes writhed around my form, like living shadows. A face pale and bloodless, with eyes black like a demon's. The two halves seemed to push at one another, fighting over control of the whole body.? He shivered. Huddling into himself he seemed to ward of the cold. Tele was truly puzzled.

?How can I help you with this? Have you come to learn the meaning of your dreams??

? Please...wait.. I beg of you, for I am not done yet...I am far from done? He holds up a hand, his eyes pleaded for patience. Tele nods, sets her cup on the small table and sat back in her chair. With a deep quavering breath he continued.

?Pulling my gaze away from my image... I looked at the second of the trio... and I saw HER, the Goddess whom I serve. I am one of the few in our order who she has let see her face more than the first time we are initiated and sanctified. Her face was a mixture of emotions as she stared at the figure which had it's back to me. But I could tell that she was far from happy.?

Tele stands and gestures for him to stay seated and to continue. As he speaks she walks to a cabinet and opened it, removing a bottle that held clear golden liquid and two glasses. It was the healing miruvor left by the Maia Eonw?. Returning to the chair she set the items on the table. Artemus continued his story as she carried out this task.
? Meilikki turned and looked at the other Artemus, her mouth opening to speak to him. As she did, the dark figure took a threatening step towards her, while the second Artemus seemed to turn within himself.. the druid half turning look at Meilikki and listen, the shadow half turning it's back on her. Now the second Artemus was a grotesque version of what it had been, the two faces coming out of the front and back of one head, body twisted monstrously.? His voice came out as a strangled gasp. It was obvious to Tele he was very troubled by this. She nods again.

?Finally I could take no more of what I was seeing and I screamed ?What madness is this?? but none of the three figures turned to look at me, as if I was an unknown observer. I clamped my head over my ears and shut my eyes, trying to force the image from my mind and their voices from my ears...but nothing helped...they continued on, their words a maddening symphony.? He held his hands over his ears, trying to block out the sound that roared in his head. ?Louder they grew till a deep blackness. This is where I wake, every night screaming.?

At this Tele felt the terror of her own dreams, she pushed it out of her mind as Artemus reached for the bottle trying to fill the second glass, his hand shaking so badly he could not fill the glass. Tele reached over and gently took the bottle from him and fills it halfway so he would not spill it. He lifts the glass and raises it to his lips.

?But you asked earlier...I have come here to learn the meaning of this dream.....for it does trouble me deeply.?

For a moment Tele is silent digesting what Artemus described to her.

?I am not a seer, but I can discern this.? She said. ?There is a part of you that you do not wish to know. We all have a dark side; this one threatens to engulf you. Is this not so? I know of dark sides taking a life of their own. What do you fear Artemus Kurgen??

He huddled on the couch. ?I fear nothing, but myself. And what I am capable of doing.?

She studied him again and says, ?Drink again, it will help.? Pours a small amount in her own glass and drinks it. She felt the warmth of the cordial in her stomach. It did calm her frayed nerves. He did not pick up his glass but the look on his face turns strange.

?Though I find it odd, since these dreams came, the only thoughts that seemed to bring any comfort is that of my daughter as well as my mother, though I hardly remember her.? His face softens at the thought.

?Artemus, I do not know more than this. You must face this dark side or it will destroy you. I can see how you?ve struggled with this. As for your mother, she is with you always, this I can see.? She gestures to his glass. ?Please drink again, it will not harm you. It is miruvor. It will lend strength. Since you and the others rescued me from Vanion's keep.. I too have been plagued with nightmares. Did these dreams start then??

He shook his head slowly. ?Nae, they didst come later then tha'. Ah ken not what brought them, but I have a few ideas.. none of which Ah care to speak of.? Artemus starts at the change of his voice. Tele sat up and stared at him.

?I have no idea where that came from." He said, bewildered. ?I think it best I stay here this night, though I am sure one night will not be the end of this problem.? He nodded to Teleperien, ?But I thank you for the offer though I have done little to warrant this, my actions in the arena's would give others pause to consider such a course. But I will do anything within my power to repay your kindness.... Anything.?

He lifted the glass to his lips his hand still shaking badly. She felt a wave of compassion. She leaned forward and laid her slender hand on his to send a healing energy, more out of instinct than anything else. The surge of energy, suddenly her mind collides with a wall, pain shot through her. She recoiled as if burned.

?It is fighting.? Tele said with alarm. Artemus jumps, eyes wide as he looked from his hand to her. ?What did you jus??

?My intent was to send you strength. There is block, I felt it.?

?A...a block ye say?? Artemus replied in that strange voice again. ?Well Ah can assure ye it's nothin' of mine own makins...?

Tele felt a cold shudder rush through her, she narrowed her eyes, it was obvious she was not talking to the Druid she knew. ?Who are you?? It was a command, not to be denied.

?I be whom I said I was, Tele...tis me Artemus.. whom else do ye espect' to have before ye? I swear to ye, there be no trickery here. Your Majesty...I'll swear by any oath on any seal you desire...I speak true...? The voice came from Artemus, he huddled on the couch as if terribly cold. Tele pressed him.

?I do not need an oath. But I do require this. An answer. What do you want? Out with it.? Her voice hard, anger rose in her chest as she spoke. Artemus held his head with his hands, slid off the couch and onto his knees. His robes writhed like serpents around him when a black cloud billowed from his body. It formed a twisted image over his huddled form. A black cloudy hand pointed at the queen.

?This boy is mine to will not interfere else I will bring everything you hold dear into the underworld. His fight is with me, and me alone. You will not aid him in any way...that is what -I- want!? The words reverberated in her office. Tele leapt to her feet, her own hand pointing. With both hands pointing to each other a black tendril wrapped around Tele?s arm. Tele lurched but maintained her balance.

?Get out.? Teleperien growled then shouted, ?Guards!?

?You do not command me...I do as I wish!? The cloud claimed the body again, disappearing, leaving Artemus on the floor, unconscious. At once the door slams open the four elves appear. The black cloud swirled in her, she forced herself to focus. She leaned over him and prodded him. ?Awake.?

He did not stir his skin as cold as the queen?s. Tele straightened. ?Take him to the guest quarters. Do not leave his room unguarded.? She watched as the elves picked up his limp body and removed him from the room. She attempted to send a mental image where he was.. but another wave of black cloud stayed her. Outside, in the dark of the night a violent storm rolled in, lightening flashed across swirling clouds followed by a deafening clap of thunder. Rain fell in sheets against the window of Tele?s study.

She resisted no longer, the long fight, her broken soul held little strength. She closed her eyes as the cold now held her, skin pale, slightly blue. When she opened her eyes, they were no longer the sea grey, but totally black. An evil smile twisted her face.

What Vanion wanted to accomplish was finished by the druid. The taint was now complete.

(( This post is continued in Eclipse of the Sun))

Artemus Kurgen

Date: 2006-04-25 00:03 EST
"Yay for blankspots in the memory..." With a harsh laugh, he let his robes fall to the ground. The pool was a welcome shock against the oppressive heat of the sun outside. Wading out till he was waist deep, Artemus let his hands move lightly over the surface of the water.

It had been ages since he had been in the apartment Rhaine made for him all those months ago. Her change in attitude still baffled him. One minute she is acting as if she cares for him, giving him massages when he had a headache and other small tokens of affection. The next minute every comment out of her mouth is dripping with venome and scathing words that cut him to the quick.

"We seemed to be getting along so well, what happened between us Rhaine? " He let some of their past conversations play through his mind trying to figure out what he had done or said to make things change so drasticly. Each alley his mind went down came up as a dead end. Had there been some signal that he missed? Some touch, or hint that might have gone over his head? It could be more than likely. How many times had he been wrong in the passed? How many moments had he shared with her and offered nothing in the way of thanks? And now things were too far gone to go back. Artemus could make sacrifices or prayers to Asmodean, he knew the rituals well enough. His mentor had made damned sure that he could recognize the rituals that were preformed by a good number of religions. Asmodean being chief among them. Leaning back against the endge of the pool, he let his body float in the cool water and soothe away his worries.

"So many things I have left to do, so many wrongs to right, apologies to make. And yet when I try to set things right, SOMETHING always goes wrong. Its like fighting against quicksand, the more I struggle the more I sink." The feeling that too much time had been spent in the soon found it's way into his sense of time.

Up and out of the pool, he strode into the adjoining room, letting the warm air dry his skin. Releasing a wearing sigh, he sunk onto the bed and just looked around the room, reliving memories and passed conversations. Could he ever find a way back onto even ground with Rhaine? Probably not if he knew her as well as he hoped. Tying the green robes together he gave the room one last long look before fading from sight.

"Oh what tangled webs we weave. And I have so much to do, and not enough webbing"

Artemus Kurgen

Date: 2006-06-02 15:04 EST
The heart is a confusing piece of anatomy. It circulates blood through the organs, muscles, and veins. But that is just its physical duties. It is the energy center of a sturdy piece of machinery and like any engine it weakens over time if not properly cared for. The heart changes over time much as an engine needs to have an oil change. But while the body cannot change its blood, the heart changes the views of the man or woman in whom it beats. Over time the understanding of what is right and wrong is altered as the heart changes the minds perception of how things are. Ideals of good and evil are changed. The black and white world of youth becomes blurred by so much gray that situations become ever more complex. All because of the miles a heart may journey in its life time. Even up to the date and time in which it stops running, leaving the vessel rusted and falling apart, it is still changing. Evolving.

For all its importance, the heart is still a highly fragile thing. It can be pierced by the simplest, yet harsh, words as good as any blade can. Even a look can damage the heart irreparably It is quite astounding that such an important part of the body can be so easily injured. Because of this fragility many men and women allow their heart to become dead. Grow cold and so distant that the emotions die and become just another mask for them to wear in the company of others. Such beings are viewed as ?monsters? because this kind of existence allows them to coming great acts of cruelty without so much as a pang of guilt or a troubled sleep.

Should this kind of person gain a position of power their mind often becomes clouded with visions of glory and thoughts of deception and betrayal lurking around every corner fills their mind almost making them mad till they bring their world crashing around their own ears. Of course this example only comes to pass should the person be lacking in the manner of mental fortitude. Others like them may use fear to cow their possible enemies with threats on their families and other relatives. That is, if they do not just kill them outright and be done with it. But what causes the heart to die like this? Is it ambition? Neglect during childhood or never knowing the love of good parents? Or could it possibly be that the heart was injured too many times? The perceived feelings of what it thought to be love, allowed the mind to open the heart to another who did you return said affection. And ultimately wounded it? How many times did this person go through the same chain of events to have the walls of their heart battered again and again before the cottage upgraded into an iron fortress?

The heart is a confusing piece of anatomy. It?s so easily broken and much too hard to be repaired. Yet it can be done. All it takes is time and another heart not quite so jaded to help guide it down that rocky path back to the light of a better life. However, what truly needs to be asked, is, how much can the heart take before it breaks down completely, leaving the man or woman with not a chance of ever coming back to their true self? That is the question that needs to be considered.

Setting his pen and ink well aside, Artemus closed his journal with a long tired sigh. ?Kyndra, you battered at my walls with just a smile and a sincere ?hello?. Yet I returned from my home on the plains too late to garner your interest outside that of a good friend.

Artemus Kurgen

Date: 2006-06-02 15:05 EST
Your heart has fallen into the hands of The Dragon and there is little I can do about that. What I can do, is watch over you from the shadows as a guardian angel and protect you at a distance. Though I will always wonder about ?what could have been?, I will smile and take comfort in the knowledge that a better man than I, is able to bring you a measure of the happiness you deserve. Your heart is your own to do with as you please and were I a lesser man, I would fight for your affections as Brigath and Tass and the others seem to do. But you are not a prize to be won. You are a person and should be treated as such. You are a person to fight FOR not a prize to be fought OVER. I have stepped out of this ridiculous competition so that you may choose the one whom your heart desires. Though I lament that it may not be me, I will smile and congratulate you. Then tell the man you choose, the he is a truly lucky man to be blessed with the affections of one such as you.? With these words he let a small pebble fall into the scrying bowl at his side and allow the image of Kyndra MacDraven to fade into a rippling pool, leaving her to sit in piece in the common room of the Inn.

Magical items were then returned to their proper places on the shelves in his study just as soft knock at the door stole his attention. With a wave of his hand the locks clicked open, allowing the door to swing ajar. Hand in hand with her golem-nursemaid, Moira, Amaris was all smiles as she toddled over to him wearing a simple dark blue dress. Little fingers curled around a fold of his robes to give a light tug as her arms lifted towards the ceiling. ?Oho you want up do you?? Knees bent with a slight groan so Artemus could kneel in front of his daughter. ?You do have legs you know? What?s the point in having a pair if you do not use them?? All this got him was a rolling of the eyes from her and a foot stamp to emphasize her want. Each day she surprised him with mannerisms belonging to a much older child. Whether it was because of his blood or Shandren?s he didn?t know. Nor would he question it. ?Fine, fine, I?ll carry you. For such a small child you are the demanding sort, must get that from your mother. Already know you get your good looks from me.? To this his ears were greeted with soft giggling laughter and the playful tug of his ear as she snuggled into his neck while he stood up with her cradled gently in his arms. ?What do you think about a walk through the garden, daddy built? I planted a batch of daisies just for you.? Placing a tender kiss to the top of her head he gave a nod to Moira for her to shut the door behind them as they all left. Long strides took him through the halls of the Keep rather quickly to the south entrance. Taking this route always amused Amaris since he enchanted the suits or armor lining the Great Hall to salute her and throw daisies every time she walked passed them.

After years of toil, heartache, and constant tests of his limits, Artemus Kurgen was slowly finding a place where he belonged.