Topic: The Pain of Loss

Artemus Kurgen

Date: 2005-04-11 10:49 EST


.....Numbing emptiness......

.........Ultimate suffering........

........Raging anguish..........


These are emotional states I would wish upon no man, because I feel them even now as I write this missive.
I cannot even begin to construct within my mind when or how it happened, but at some point after I had left Cheyenne...she......:: Tear drops stain the stationary::..she was attacked by one of the vile beings called BloodSpeakers. When I appeared in the walls of the arena, horrifying scene was being played out before my eyes. There on the floor with a ghastly wound in her side lay my beloved Cheyenne, Bapheloctus was kneeling over her praying to Ixiom to heal her, Anne was applying bandages to the wound.

I was beside Cheyenne in an instant, my hand enveloping hers, my voice calm and soothing as I tried to keep her from slipping into consciousness and away from me forever. Had I know what would happen next I would not have wasted my breath. A vince began to grow from her wound, covered in sharp thorns and slithered it's way to her throat.

The others began to attack the vien, keeping it from strangling the life from her. They should not have wasted their time. In the midst of the confusion Daigotsu appeared from the shadows and assaulteed Cheyenne's spirit in the middle of bing healed. The pendants I had given her for protection were gone, taken from her in the fight that wounded her so greviously. The BloodSpeaker's spirit flew into Chey's body, casting her spirit into Hell...and forever from my reach.

With a condescending smile and cold laughter he faded from the arena, letting Cheyenne change into a creature of his designs. I could only kneel and watch in horror as Cheyenne's beautiful blonde hair became black as a raven's feather and her sparkling blue eyes became brown like freshly trod mud. Though her wound was healed fully, I knew it was not my Cheyenne whose hand I held...but someone else...someone who would not know any of us....that someone was Kiara NightMyst.

I felt inexplicably cold as her brown eyes gazed upon me without the slightest hint of registration at my name or the name Cheyenne. My breath started to come in sharp gasps as the shock of what was happening began to register in my emotions. I was starting to hyperventilate. I felt the blackness of unconsciousness creeping towards me as I started to rock back and forth on the balls of my feet uncontrollably. My eyes wide and unseeing, my face blank of emotion.

I was unaware of everything that was going on around me and felt my body move of its own accord into an empty corner. I knew that there was no cure, magical or otherwise, for her amnesia....I was helpless....

To no longer know the feel of Cheyenne's touch nor the sound of her voice made my very sould wrench in agony. To never hear her laugh or tease me in the way tha tonly she could made me weep for all I am worth.

The plans I hade made for my future here in Rhydin have been shattered and I have nothing left to keep me here...I have only three choices left to me...

One....go into Hell and try and restore Cheyenne to her former self and most likely die trying

Two...seal myself away within the Keep and live out the rest of my days alone with my grief..becoming bitter and resentful of the world..


Three......Kill myself.........

Cheyenne has become to valuable a part of my life to easily forget as I once could have. She has softened the stone heart I once had and filled the cracks with creepers of affection and caring....No matter what I choose...the man I am now is no more....and a monster I may become....
:: The missive was left with a guard at the gates of I'Taurn and within Sylus rooms at the Keep::

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-04-11 14:03 EST
The missive was delivered shortly after it's arrival. The penmanship recognized immediately as belonging to Artemus. I sat down with breakfast to read the document, and nearly dropped my glass.

I had been there, helping Bapheloc as he worked so diligently to save Cheyenne from her affliction, and had been there when Daigotsu had sent her soul to the Hells and could not stop him.

Artumus' pain as his beloved Cheyenne came back, but not as the woman he knew and loved must be close to what I'd felt at the loss of my own lifemate. That wrenching, tearing destruction that makes one want to end one's own life. The desire to rend and tear everything around you can become nearly overwhelming, and now Artemus would face this horrible aloneness.

Nothing I say or do will help. Many tried 20 years ago, but this pain is one that does not abate with words or deeds.

I took a quill and parchment,

My soul answers the cry of the pain you feel as I too have lost the soul mate, life mate, part of myself. No words will console you, but know that I am here when or if you desire someone to rage to, or to shed tears upon.
Lady Alais"

Soft Annaran words sent the parchment into the fire, where upon it disintegrated into ash, seeking Artemus' hearth, to reform there for his eyes only.

((Cross posted in Streets/Quiet Return))

Sylus Kurgen

Date: 2005-04-11 21:16 EST
It was pure chance alone that made Artemus' missive catch my eye. I was preparing to return to Kelvar and was gathering a few things needed for the journey. As I moved into my bedroom I saw the letter sitting on my pillow, my name etched in his flowing script.

Giving into my curiosity I walked forward and opened it. The bearing of his soul set me reeling, for this was a side of my brother I had never seen. Even when we were children he displayed a cold logic and callous disposition towards all things. It was as if a great shadow had been instilled in him at birth. His dimeaner was always that of a reserved tryrant. He had always killed without compunction and lost no sleep over it, no matter who he had slain man woman or child, but now...someone had come along and cracked his stony facade and melted several layers of ice from his heart. Cheyenne had done what I thought was impossible and now it appears she is no more.

I cannot begin to know or understand the pain my brother must feel but I know someone who does. Alais will know how to approach Artemus and help him with his grief, though I cannot. I had thought the sleep of purity would be his greatest test in this world but I was wrong. The kind of suffering he is being put through says clearly to me how good of a man my brother is despite his outward look and feel. For only the truly good people of this world suffer as my brother is suffering now..

Artemus Kurgen

Date: 2005-04-19 23:46 EST
The days seemed to stretch on forever as Artemus dealt with his grief and fought to forget was an uphill battle. Just when he felt her pressence in his heart fade...something would catch his memory and make her blaze back to life within him. Anne Ellis had talked him into several duels and managed to get his mind off of his current situation but after the matches were over he slipped back into his bout of depression and would have to go home.

After a few weeks he felt like getting out of the stuffy Keep and went for a walk in a wooded glenn nearby. Cresting a small hillock he caught the sight of something moving in the trees to his left and went into a defensive crouch almost on instinct. Moving closer he saw the outline of a horse but it did not seem right....there was something different about it....

Moving on cat's feet he got closer and hsi breath caught at the sight before was a Unicorn.....

As if sensing his awed thoughts the magnificent creature bolted through the trees at an incredible speed.

Artemus Kurgen

Date: 2005-04-20 00:46 EST
Moving as fast as he could, Artemus raced after the animal but couldn't begin to match it's speed and the Unicorn seemed to leave no tracks at all. The only sign of its passing was the continuous white streak speeding off into the distance.

After several mile he had to stop and catch his breath as he entered a small clearing. Kneeling gently he at for a while and let his thoughts shift onto the Unicorn....."why was it that he had seen it?......the only time anyone has ever seen a Unicorn is when it wanted them to....unless?....naw " He tossed away the thought that had come to him with out a thought to it....he had not served the goddess of the forrests in many years...he had all but turned his back on her.....there was no way she could want him back into her fold.....could there be?

He had just rissen when the scent of orchids came to him.....HER scent. He looked around with wide eyes...."Miel.l....Mielikki?....." his voice had a stunned undertone that was masked by his sense of wonder and awe as he knelt once again in the grass.

A form shimmered in front of his eyes, forming from a swirl of butterflies and light. " I.."Her voice had a light and musical lilt as almond colored eyes regarded him calmly. She moved forward, not even bending a blade of grass with her steps "Though you have turned you back on me.....I have not turned mine on you...." Her white dress glimmered in the fading sunlight and Artemus could see that it was made of flower petals. With a gentle welcoming smile she knelt down and touched his face. Her light, chestnut colored hair making the tanned skin of her face glow, radiating her beauty. "You were my most loyal follower.....I would not let you go without a fight.....the loss of your mother hurt you....and you needed time for your heart to heal.....I gave you that and nothing more..." Before he could react tears came to his eyes and he let all the pain and tears he had been holding inside his heart go.

There in that small clearing, wrapped in his goddesses caring and patient embrace, Artemus Allon Kurgen wept. For his mother...For Cheyenne.....For himself....

Artemus Kurgen

Date: 2005-04-20 10:53 EST
My heart felt lighter as I left the grove where Mielikki had embraced me and helped he shed my grief. Her regal demeanor and way of making even the strongest willed person feel weak and intellecutally inferior had initially urked him, but through his years of service he had come to think of it as her most endearing quality.

He was back into the welcoming fold of her many children...back to the place he where he had belonged the whole time..even in his travels and many pointless battle he felt a piece of himself missing...a small part of that returned when he was with Chey. That was probably what had made her so special to him.....her way of viewing things was similar to what Mielikki taught. The memory of the the goddess' coming to him would always be in his memory to his dying day.

"The time of your grieving has ended young Artemus...the time for you to take up your duties has come again." Her tone had been gentle as she touched the side of his face, stroking gently and letting the last of his tears fall. "You must reclaim your position as the best of my elite." The gentleness in her voice was still there but filled with a crisp business-like undertone. Apparently she had grown impatient with his melancholly reclusiveness from the world and her teachings.

"This is what you must do....return to Rhydin and help young Alia Anor." His shock must have shown in his features for she looked at him sternly "NO arguing......she has a dark future awaiting her...and it is apparent that there is nothing to stop it. What you must to is be a friend to her meet her destiny as pure as she can possibly be..."

He looked at her as if she had grown another head "She has a dark future....and I'm supposed to get her moving towards it? I not supposed to be against such things?.....isn't my job as one of your chosen to stop darkness like is rumored to infest the Temple of Divine Light?"

She rolled her eyes slighly but Artemus knew that she had tried not to.."You are the best of my children because you question...but that same reluctance and questioning makes you the most troublesome....." Her musical lilting voice had an exasperated undertone "Just do as I ask you......there is much to be done and little time...."Her gentle smile came to her face and made her features glow. Leaned forward slightly she kissed his forehead as he faded in a shimmering swirl of butterflies and light. "Go young Artemus......time is precious...." Tears rimming his eyes, Artemus Kurgen headed for Rhydin with a new purpose...a new path to wander.....Artemus Allon Kurgen.....High Priest of the goddess Mielikki, the goddess of forrests and nature itself...was back...and he had work to do.