Topic: Early Morning in Rhydin

Phillipe Gaston

Date: 2007-09-30 15:01 EST
Dawn is still several minutes away as Phillipe walked the narrow streets. He liked this time of day and enjoyed the peace and quiet yet busy anticipation it offered. Here and there, businesses were clearly in a state of preparation for the day and shadows could be seen moving inside of lighted windows. Passing a bakery, Phillipe smelled the aroma of fresh baking bread and rolls and his mouth watered in anticipation. He's have to stop back by here later for a sample.
Other merchants were beginning to pull their wares out and set up displays outside their doors. A produce merchant was stacking his fruit and vegetables in neat pyramids on tables for display. In a butcher's shop, he could see a man through the door busy cutting meat from a hanging pig, and thought of the bacon that would soon be frying in someones pan. In another stall, a woman was 'kindly' helping a drunk out of her doorway with a broom. Yes, everyone seemed intent on having a good day, and Phillipe was no different.
Moving further down the road, the stores changed style and offered things of differing variety, although the merchants on this end of the route were mostly still dark. A tailor's shop was still tightly closed with no sign of activity at this early hour.
Moving closer to the tailor's shop, Phillipe slid around to the side of it and opened the door there. A stairway appeared just inside the door and he took the steps two at a time, reaching the top quickly. Moving softly through his living area, he reached the ladder on the far wall and climbed it to reach the hatch in the ceiling, which he opened quickly and climbed through to reach the roof.
On the roof, Phillipe ran to the edge and looked out over the city, just as the sun broke the edge of the horizon. He grinned involuntarily. Watching the firey globe slowly appear, he detected the sensation of faint warmth on his face from the weak sunlight as well as the simultaneous sting of the night air which would warm all too soon and vanish. Breathing in, the air was clean and fresh up here, above the street level.
He looked down and spotted someone pulling a cloth covered cart along the street. "Hey Newt!" he called softly and waved at the young man his own age. Newt looked up and grinned. "Hey Mouse." He stopped pulling the cart and went back to pull the cloth back.
"Look! - just came in this morning." he said. "My father was out with the others fishing most of the night."
Philippe saw fish of many different sizes and varieties in the cart. "Wow, your family will do well today."
Newt grinned. "Yeah, well enough that father won't miss one!" And he grabbed a good sized fish and, tying a cord to the tail, tossed the coiled line to Phillipe who pulled up the fish.
"Wow. Thanks Newt." he said, throwing down the line after he had untied the fish. "But don't let your dad see you giving away his profits!"
"Just don't mention it if you see him, ok?" Newt replied. Then, walking back to the cart, he lifted the handles and was off. "Later Mouse!"
Phillipe waved as the other moved off down the street, pulling his cart. He then looked at the fish and realized just how big it was. He could never eat something this big alone, nor did he have the proper culinary arts to do it right. He was going to have to think of someone to share it with.
Just then, the early morning stillness was broken by the rumbling of an engine. Turning and looking down, Phillipe saw a helmeted rider, clearly female, riding a motorcycle up the street.


Date: 2007-09-30 15:38 EST
Even earlier that morning...

Her eyes shot open. Aj's breath was heavy and her chest drew in air sharply. Sweat was dripping from her brow and her mouth was wide open, gasping for hair. "It was only a dream... Only a dream." She said to herself as she sat up. Looking over to the clock... 6:30. "Great.." Mumbled under her breath as she turned to get out of bed. Rubbing her eyes, she stood up and walked to the window where she opened the curtains. The sun wasn't up yet, so she didn't wince from the light, but insted she merely stared out into the vast city from where she stood.

From there she walked to her dresser where she opened it, grabbed a pair of dark blue jeans and a black top... simple but hey. It'll work. Her feet then carried her to the shower, where she set the clothes down, undressed, and stepped in.

"It was only a dream Aj... it was only a dream." She continued to say to herself, the water dripping from her body. What was that dream about? No one knows for sure... but she was shaken.

When finished, she climbed out of the shower and dressed. Then she would casually go on about her routine, blow drying her hair, putting what little makeup she wore on, and lastley, grabbing her coat, gloves, and helmet needed for her morning ride..

Which brings us to our current situation...

The sound of the motorbike was ripping through the normal bustle through out the city. Dust was flying around the back wheel and little pebbles were kicking into the air as well. Weaving through the streets as skillfully as she was, caused no real harm to anyone. But when she got closer to the building she would quite literally, slide to a stop.

Once she was completly still she situated herself on her black bike, then climbed off. Her gloves were removed and then her helmet. "Woah... that was close." She noted to herself, a light hint of a french accent in her voice. She looked at the bike to make sure she didn't put a scratch on it... that girl treated her bike like it was her newly done mincure. Anyways... when done inspecting she propped the bike up near the building before looking around, and odly enough in all directions. When looking up, she saw him... Mouse.

"Monsieur! You know it is dangerous to be up on the roof of buildings!!! Homme idiot." She said with a smirk before waving to him. "What are you doing up there anyways... come down from there Mouse!" Her french accent really hinting when she yelled.

Phillipe Gaston

Date: 2007-10-01 01:12 EST
Phillipe called down to her. ""Come up the side stairs, I'll meet you inside!"
At her nod, he turned away and headed for the trapdoor. He opened it and climbed down, closing the hatch behind him. Quickly he ran to the kitchenette and tossed the fish onto the counter. When he turned around, he realized that his place was a mess! And she was coming up the stairs!
He panicked.
'Calm down Mouse' he thought. 'Let's get this done.'
Moving fast, he grabbed everything he could. He grabbed all the old chinese food cartoons and other stuff as fast as he could and stuffed them into the trash. Then running into the living room, he scooped up odd clothes and trash here and there and flew into the bedroom and began stuffing them into the closet, the chest by the bed, anywhere. He was shoving some other trash out the back window, when from the front door came her soft knock.
"Just a second!" he called, shoving the rest of it out the window and turning to pull up the blankets on the rumpled bed. He knew he should have made it right away this morning!
Kicking a few odds and ends under the bed, he ran out of the bedroom and froze.
Aj was standing in the middle of the living room.
"Uh, hi." was all he could think of.


Date: 2007-10-01 05:56 EST
When she heard Mouse greet her she looked up and smiled at him devilishly. "Bonjour." She went on to say. In her hands were her helmet, gloves, and keys to her bike. Turning a little she found a place to set them down before looking back to him. "I just thought I'd let myself in... Sorry if that was a problem... " Smirk. "You know you should put a better lock on that door... even if it was unlocked if you want to keep people out you should fix it." A pause here. "Juste tellement quelqu'un ne part pas furtivement dedans ici et ne vous tue pas dans votre Monsieur de sommeil."

She still had her coat on at this point, and here is where she slipped it off casually. "You know maybe you should come out with me for a morning ride." Her french accent hinting quite a bit as she spoke. "Ce devrait ?tre amusement."

She looked around a little and then finally laid the coat down somewhere, then she brushed off her tight fitting red shirt paired with a pair of blue jeans and white sneakers.

Phillipe Gaston

Date: 2007-10-02 00:46 EST
He grinned. "Door locks? In this neighborhood?" He asked incredulously. "Around here the only locks that are not broken are less than twenty four hours old." he joked. "But," he continued, looking at her solemnly, "if you're worried so much about me Aj, I'll get it fixed. As you say, I wouldn't want to get killed in my sleep." He winked at her.
When she removed her coat, he caught his breath. "Wow." he said, swallowing hard. "That red shirt is..." She gave him a look, which caused him to grin again. "Well what do you expect? It's like waving a red cape in front of a bull." He laughed. "It gets me all excited and makes me want to charge!" He couldn't help it and laughed again.
She continued to just stare at him, her thoughts completely hidden.
He decided to change the subject.
"About that ride..." he continued. "That sounds like a great idea. But I was hoping you would join me for breakfast first." He said. "You see, I recently came into possesion of some fish..." He held up a hand at the look she gave him. "And before you ask, no. I didnt steal it." Then he grinned sheepishly. "But I haven't a clue how to cook it either! Do you?" he asked.
Twenty minutes later, they were in the kitchen by the stove as he watched her preparing the fish he had cleaned and filleted. He watched her for a few moments silently, then on impulse, he spoke.
"Ya know," he glanced at her from the corner of his eye before looking quickly back to the pan." I noticed that you are still staying at the Inn. That's got to be getting costly for you." He shrugged innocently. "If you needed to save some money, you could always consider staying here..." She turned and the stare was back."You know...If you wanted to, I mean." She was being awfully quiet and that stare was unreadible.
"Okay..." he looked back at the fish. "Maybe I should just shut up and we can eat instead." He turned and went to get some dishes to eat on. As he did so, he began to wonder if he had just taken a bad step. He hoped not. He liked Aj a lot. And he had been looking forward to that bike ride with her.


Date: 2007-10-03 16:11 EST
Once she finished cooking the fish she cut it, and set up two plates, one for him and of course one for her. Keeping quiet as she thought she simply looked at him, walking to a chair and sitting.

"Yes it is getting rather expensive to stay there... and I don't have any money at all anymore." Pausing she looked at him. "And saving money is one of my main issues right now Phillipe..." Grabbing an eating utensil she got a bite of the food and stuck it in her mouth... the first bite of hot food in too long she thought.

After a moment of chewing she swallowed and paused once more, simply watching him for a moment. "I think it would be nice to have a place to stay for a couple of weeks... you know until I get onto my feet..." She smiled at him. "I don't see the harm in staying here... even though you'll never catch me here unless I'm heading out, or coming back in, unless you don't sleep like me Monseur." She smiled, and her french accent hinting as she spoke.

"Merci..." She said once again, the french accent sticking out, just like it always did when she spoke her native language.

Phillipe Gaston

Date: 2007-10-04 01:57 EST
Mouse rolled over and sat up in bed. It was still very early, but he was wide awake. Normally he would be getting up at this point and going for an early walk But today wasn't normal, and he bloody well knew it!

Very quietly he rose, lit the candle and slipped on his pants, trying not to make any noise. Then he walked to the bedroom door, opened it a crack and peeked out. Aj lay in the narrow camp bed he had managed to borrow from Newt's parents, deep in sleep. She lay on her side facing him and her right arm was tucked up under the pillow beneath her head. The blanket he had given her was small, and he noticed that she had pulled it up to her chest, exposing her feet at the bottom. He scowled and went to get his own blanket. As he did, he recalled their ride around town two days ago on her bike and then their conversation in the Inn that same night:
"Well.. I suppose it wont hurt to stay with you until I get a job again. Have you thought of where I would sleep?"

He had offered to let her have his bed, but she had refused, insisting on taking the couch. She had made the joke about not sleeping in her panties, and then, that French line...the one that he hadn't quite understood...But he had caught one word. Putain. He knew what it meant and he didn't like it. It had instantly made him feel defensive for her. Walking back into the front room, he gently laid the blanket across her legs, covering her feet as well. She stirred slightly then quieted again, her breathing soft and regular. No, that word did not fit at all. She was so much more.
He moved away slowly and walked to the top of the stairs, looking down the steps to where her beautiful bike stood just inside the door in the entryway. When she had first arrived he had insisted that she bring it inside the door. "I don't want to see anyone steal it." he had said. Well, he thought to himself, at least she gave in easily on that point.
Moving back into the room, he slid into the chair across from where she lay sleeping and watched her, trying to sort out his feelings for her.He had made many openly suggestive comments to her since their first meeting and she had liked his over the top, almost ridiculus propositions - laughing them off, and yet still being friendly to him and preserving his ego. That had been how their frienship had begun, and it had grown steadily stronger. "You're the only real friend I have here." she had said. She was indeed a true friend as he had told her that night, but now he felt something else too- something more. He wasnt sure what it was, but he had an idea, and it worried him. She isn't interested in that, he told himself. You'd better just keep those ideas to yourself, Mouse. But his mind did wander....
He jumped, waking up and sitting up straight. Aj was standing directly in front of him with an amused expression. She was wearing one of her tight shirts and a pair of loose-fitting pajama pants. In her arms she was holding her pillow. "Bonjour, sleepy head. What are you doing sleeping in the chair?"
He grinned tiredly. "Well, I was still hoping for a look at those panties." He made exagerated gestures of gawking at her pelvis. She swung the pillow so fast and hard that he never saw it before she had knocked him sideways out of the chair. She came and stood over him and smiled. "Time to wake up, little Mouse." She gave him a wink and another smile before walking into the bathroom and closing the door.


Date: 2007-10-04 05:14 EST
Closing the bathroom door softly behind her she laughed silently at herself before walking to the sink and turning on the water, simply to splash cold water onto her face. A sharp inhale once the ice cold water hit, and began to drip from her chin. Grabbing a towel she wiped off her face, and began her normal morning routine of brushing her teeth, her hair, and then opening the bathroom door and stepping out. Mouse was sitting in the chair once more and she smiled at him. "Why are you up so early Monsieur?" She asked him, her voice still quiet from being so sleepy. "Couldn't sleep." He would reply. Shrugging she made her way over to the bag on the floor where she would grab a pair of clean clothes and head back over to the bathroom. "Why don't you get dressed?" She asked him before slipping back inside the bathroom once more.

Taking off her shirt she side glanced into the mirror at herself... more or less, the scars along her upper arms and around the coller bone. So long ago had she gotten those, from bar fights and what not. A small smirk formed on her face, as she studied the new one on her neck... from the cut she had gotten in her latest bike accident the night she came to Rhy'Din. Running her fingers along it, from below her ear to her coller bone. Most of her scars were just very white, no other distinction that they were there. Somewhat self concious of them, but ignoring that for the day she put on a halter top, a black one, and tied the strings behind her neck. Running her fingers through her hair once more she proceeded to change from her loose fitting pajama pants to a pair of dark blue denim jeans. Classic for her, no?

Once she was finished she slipped out of the bathroom once more, and sure enough her roomate had slipped on a clean shirt. She smiled and walked over to him and messing up his hair with a delicate hand. "We're going to go for a ride... alright?" She told him and he smiled and nodded. "Cool." He said after a few moments. She walked over to her bag and grabbed her coat and slipped it on, followed by her gloves. "I have an extra helmet on my bike.." She noted to him and once more, he nodded. "I just don't want you to have your brains splattered all over the road in case I wreck... " She added onto the end.

Heading down the stairs to the door, she pushed her bike out into the streets and straddled it, not quite sitting yet. Mouse had already picked up the other helmet and slipped it on. "Where are we going?" He asked her, but she shrugged. "I don't know really... where ever I simply feel like going I guess." A smile, that he couldn't see before she turned and patted the area on the bike behind her. "You might want to hold on Monsieur... I tend to drive fast in the morning." She noted and he straddled the bike as well. Sitting, his arms wrapped around her slender waist, somewhat tightly. "Relax." She told him. "I wont kill you, I promise." Is all she said to him after that, before turning on the bike and heading off, gradually building speed.

Phillipe Gaston

Date: 2007-10-05 01:29 EST
Once again, the morning's bike ride had been great. He enjoyed riding with her and what's more, she enjoyed having him along. They rode all around town and spent the entire morning in each other's company. At noon, she had dropped him off at their place and said she had business to attend to. Something about a music box, Mouse recalled.That had been the last he had seen of her until she had walked into the Inn this evening while he was sitting in his favorite booth.

Now, Phillipe was sitting on a crate in the back alley behind the Inn, trying to figure out what had just happened in the last hour.

They had enjoyed some light joking about her getting drunk and him having to take her home and charging her a fee for the effort. He had said it, hoping to entice a kiss out of her, but she had apparently thought he intended more and became very coy and elusive. They had ended up slipping out back behind the Inn in the alley, where she became suddenly quiet. The alley apparently spooked her.

"I don't like them too much.." she said. She then went on to say in french that she had bad memories involving alleys.
"We all have bad memories." he told her.
"Of course we all do.." She replied before letting her coat fall off of her shoulders, exposing several scars along her shoulders and up to her neck. He looked at the scars, then back to her face, showing no suprise.
"I've been in a few back alley fights..." She noted, letting her coat fall to the ground.
He had shrugged. "I noticed them this morning after you put that haltertop on. He had then untied the loops in his shirt, opened it, and showed his own scars which crossed his chest. "Bet ya mine are bigger than yours."
She had reached out a hand and touched one that she saw and nodded. "Yours are definetly bigger." She said with another nod. "A few of mine almost killed me." she said, pointing to the most apparent one on her neck.
What had happened next had occured so suddenly, that he could hardly believe he had done it. He had walked around behind her and, moving up close, bent over and kissed the large pink scar lightly. "There. Did that kill you?" She blinked a little and reached a hand up and rested it on her neck where the scar was. "No... it didn't kill me." And she had smiled. He moved around to the other side of her neck and lightly kissed that side too, even though there was no scar there. " And that....did it kill you?" he asked again. "No. It didn't kill me that time either."
Things had progressed from there, with each step moving them closer and closer together until finally, they had kissed. Aj was the first to break the kiss, and that was when Phillipe had really seen the confusion and pain that she was struggling with. She seemed so vulnerable at that moment. He had asked her what she was thinking, and all she kept repeating was "I don't know....I just don't know...."
"I still miss Antonio and yet.." She shook her head. "I didn't mean that against you or anything. I just... I don't know."
Suddenly she stood. "I have to go." she blurted out, and she slipped away down the alley. He stood after her, watching her go. A few minutes later he had heard her bike roar to life out front and speed away.
And now, here he was, sitting on this crate. Anguishing over what he might have done.
He stood and walked. He thought about how much fun they had riding together, and he walked. He remembered their shared breakfast meal that first morning, and he walked. He thought about the horseplay and the flirtatious jabs, and still he walked.
He walked all night, going through areas of Rhydin that he had never visited, and yet he saw nothing but her. He wondered what she would do. Would she move back out? Man, he hoped not. Would she scream at him when she saw him, or lash out and strike him for the hurt he had caused her? If so, he knew he would never be able to forgive himself for what he had done.
He looked up. The sky was turning lighter in the east. Dawn was coming soon. He turned toward home.
He opened the door silently and slipped in. Her bike was just inside the door where she always put it. He closed the door and it made a soft click. There was a commotion and he looked up to see Aj sprint to the top of the stairs and look down. "Mon dieu, o? avez-vous ?t? ? she said quickly. He blinked.


Date: 2007-10-05 05:44 EST
"Mon dieu, o? avez-vous ?t? Monsieur!?" She repeated and he just looked at her. "Where were you?" She asked once more, this time in english and he shrugged. "I was walking." Sighing a little she simply rolled her eyes a little before turning around and walking away. It seemed as if she were still fully dressed, and lacking sleep. Walking over to that bed of hers she sat down and rubbed her eyes. Phillipe was already up the stairs at this point, and sitting on a chair just looking at her.

"I'm sorry Mouse... at how I reacted." She would say after a few moments. "I didn't mean anything against you... really." Another pause as she played with her hair before standing and pacing. "I just... I don't know.." She would blurt out after a few moments.

Turning to look at him she tensed a little at his soft gaze... why was he always so understanding? "You were gone all night Monsieur.. it worried me." She noted and he still looked at her for several moments. "I thought something happened to you. I really don't like those alley ways." Noted once again.

"Don't worry about me Aj, I'm a big boy and can take care of myself." Mouse would say after a few moments with a small laugh, seemingly trying to lighten the mood. He stood and took a step towards her. "Look, I understand why you kind of freaked." He noted. "And I'm sorry, I just didn't want to push anything on you."

She just looked at him. "Well... it's just the fact that I still miss Antonio. I was crying about him on the porch of the inn not even more than two hours before I saw you in the inn again." Was noted at that. "I'm sorry for reacting the way I did... I've never been in this situation before."

Pausing a little, she took a few steps forward until she stood in front of him before she took her arms and wrapped them around his neck, pushing herself against him lightly, in an embrace. He seemed to pause for a moment before embracing her, arms around her waist. After a moment she backed away and he did as well. "I'm going to sleep Mouse... You should get some sleep too." She noted before grabbing her pajamas and slipping quickly and quietly into the bathroom, and softly shutting the bathroom door behind her.

Phillipe Gaston

Date: 2007-10-06 11:49 EST
Phillipe stood stock still, looking at the bathroom door. He thought for a moment before quickly coming to a decision. Moving swiftly before she could come out of the bathroom, he bolted to the bedroom and quickly stripped the bed, remaking it with fresh clean sheets. When he had finished with the bed, he grabbed what few things he needed for the night and returned to the front room. He could still hear Aj moving around in the bathroom...He'd better hurry.
He quickly stripped to his underclothes and, grinnning to himself, slid into the daybed, pulling the blankets up over himself and turning towards the wall.
A few moments later, he heard the bathroom door open, followed by soft footsteps crossing the room. The footsteps stopped when they were only halfway across the room.
"Monsier Mouse, what are you doing?" He closed his eyes, feighning sleep.
"Phillipe!" she said loudly. He made an exaggerated snore. "Very funny." she said."Now get out of my bed and go to your own." Opening his eyes, he rolled back over and grinned at her. "I am in my own bed." he said, rasing his hand and pointing to the bedroom. "Yours is in there."
"I told you," she started, "I'm not taking.." but he cut her off.
"Look," he said. "You're not taking my bed - I am giving it to you."
"Symantics" she said flatly.
"Call it what you want." He said gently at her. "I need this Aj."
"What?" You need the daybed?" she asked skeptically?
No," he replied. "I need to know that you are as confortable as I can make you, and that means you get the bedroom."
"Oh yeah?" she grinned, moving to grab his arm. "Well, I bet I can make you move."
He jerked his hand back. "I wouldn't do that if I were you..."
"And just why not?" she laughed.
He pointed to his clothes on the floor. "Because, I'm not dressed." Then with a pleasant smile and a "Nite!", he closed his eyes and rolled over.
Aj just stood there, her hand to her mouth, which had fallen open.


Date: 2007-10-06 12:03 EST
"Monsieur!!! That is just not fair!" She yelled at him, laughing at him. Picking up his clothes she grinned devilishly. "You are going to get it Mouse.. Maybe not now, but sometime you will." Shifting her weight to the one side she looked down at him and he grinned. "No I wont, now go to bed AJ." He said before rolling back over.

She pouted a little before poking him a couple of times. "Well well monsieur... you are about as stubborn as I... at least now I can sleep in my panties without worry of you walking in and seeing me." A smirk to that before she headed off to the bedroom with her clothes in hand. "Goodnight Mouse." She said before shutting the door, only to have the door open a few moments later, her arm extending out the door with a shirt in her hand, she threw it on him and shut the door once more.

He blinked and picked it up. "You tease!" He yelled before tossing the shirt aside and laying back down, covering himself with the blankets and closing his eyes, falling asleep.

AJ did the same, slipping into bed she stared at the ceiling until she fell asleep, not to wake for quite some time yet.

Phillipe Gaston

Date: 2007-10-06 21:54 EST
Phillipe woke several hours later. He could hear that the marketplace was in full swing outside. He slipped out of the day bed and went to the window, but could see very little as this side of the building didn't offer a good view of the street. The bedroom faced the front of the street, and Aj was in the bedroom.
He got dressed and moved around the room cleaning up the place and making it more presentable, all the while staying quiet so that he wouldn't wake the sleeping girl. When everything was very clean, he went to the kitchen area and did the same, following that with the bathroom. He noticed while he was cleaning that Aj was very neat around the house. He never once saw any of her clothes lying about on the floor or bunched up in corners, not even in the bathroom. She always put her laundry into the hamper. He smiled to himself. It was just a little thing, but thinking about her laundry lying in that hamper mixed in with his made him feel good. It felt...right.
When he could no longer find things to clean and keep himself busy, Phillipe settled onto the couch and picked up a book. He began to read, but couldnt concentrate and put the book down. Then his eyes fell on Aj's bags.
He sat and stared at the for a moment, then glanced towards the bedroom door. Then he looked back at the bags. He figeted and shifted his position on the couch and looked at them again. Staring at the bags, he noticed the corner of a piece of paper sticking out from a side pocket on the left bag. Glancing at the bedrom door one last time, he slipped over and pulled the paper from the pocket.
It was a photograph of two people standing in front of two motorcycles. The girl on the right was Aj, and her face was nearly bursting with happiness. One arm circled around the waist of the man next to her while the other rested lightly on his shoulder, her body half turned towards him. The man was young, maybe a few years older than Phillipe. He had dark hair, strong features and a smile that showed lots of straight white teeth. "Antonio", Mouse whispered softly. He waited for the pang of jealousy that he expected would follow, but instead felt only sadness filling his heart. The smile on Aj's face was radiant, and he had not seen her like that since meeting her. Oh yes, she had been happy, but this... this was beyond happiness. This was pure joy, and the realization humbled him.
He walked to the corner of the room and took down a picture frame that sat on the shelf there. He turned it over and removed the drawing that was in it. The drawing wasn't important. It was just a picture of himself that a traveling illustrator had drawn, and he never thought that it was very good. But it was the silver frame that he cared about. He ran his fingers over the edge of the frame and felt it's rough, dented surface. He knew it wasn't real silver, probably only tin. It was old...the oldest thing he owned, in fact. But it was also the only thing that he had that came from before he could remember. It was the only thing he had, he knew, from his mother.
Phillipe couldn't remember her of course, and he didn't know who she was. Even the orpanage didn't know. But when he was found they had taken anything else that had been with him and sold it to cover orphanage expenses. Only the frame was left for him. Because it wasnt worth selling, they said.
Phillipe slid Aj's picture into the battered frame and returned it to the shelf, placing it carefully so that it was stable and faced the center of the room. He sighed.
"Mom...Dad..." he whispered. "This is Aj...and Antonio. They are friends of mine so keep them safe for me, okay?" He sniffed. "Antonio..he's with you there, so make him welcome. But Aj's down here, with m..." His voice cracked and suddenly he was crying, unable to stop. He heaved silently and whispered, "No matter wha..what happens....make..make her happy again."
He stood there for several moments, crying silently, when suddenly he heard the bedroom door click. Aj was awake, and she was coming out! He turned and slipped into the bathroom, trying to gain control of himself as he quickly closed the door.


Date: 2007-10-06 22:11 EST
"Mouse?" She questioned, slipping out of the bedroom. "Mouse..." Was repeated, her voice was all too quiet. Biting her lip she walked to the bathroom door where a delicate hand reached up and formed a small fist, where she would knock on the door. "Mouse..." She repeated. "Aj! I'll be out in a moment." She could hear on the other side of the door. Pausing she went to open it, but didn't. She found her gaze looking over to the picture in the silver frame.

"Awe Phillipe..." She said quietly to herself. Her feet carried her over to the picture. Picking it up she ran her fingers over the frame of the picture. That beautiful silver frame.. "Antonio..." Her mouth formed, eyes begining to water instantly. Fingers reached up to touch his image... He had dark hair like hers... but his eyes were a piercing blue. She bit her lip gently and stared at it... touching the image of him. Tears began to fall from her eyes. "This is so sweet..." She said, a hand reaching up to run a few fingers through her dark chestnut hair. Almond eyes still filled with tears.

She heard everything he said... every word. She woke up to hearing him talking... and she decided to listen in. When she thought she heard him crying she walked out, but he hid in the bathroom.

Now here she was, standing there with the picture in her hands. "I miss you Antonio... but Phillipe is going to take care of me.." A sniffle here and there. "I promise. He will take care of me..." Her voice was shaky from crying, but she fell to her knees, holding that picture and frame close to her chest. "Look after his parents for me Tony..." She noted, still sobbing.

"AJ..." Phillipe whispered behind her. Who knows how long he was standing there, but she didn't notice. "Are you ok?" He asked, stepping closer to her, then kneeling down next to her. "AJ..." Was repeated. He saw the picture in her arms and spoke again. "Awe, Aj..." His voice was soft, and she then set the picture down gently before wrapping her arms around his neck, sobbing loudly into his neck.

Who knows how long they sat there, saying nothing but her crying like that. She finally got it out. An acceptence that Antonio is really gone... never coming back sort of thing.

"Thank you Mouse... for being here for me." Was what she said when she finally calmed down. He smiled and kissed her on the head. "I'll be here for you girl... anytime you need someone to cry to I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." Was said...

Phillipe Gaston

Date: 2007-10-06 23:43 EST
They were both exhausted.
After staying up all night the night before, trying to sleep during the day, and then the dramatic and emotional outburst from each of them afterwards, they were both emotionally spent and tired. They had moved from the floor to the couch, where they each in turn began to tell the other about their past.
Phillipe told Aj about his vague memories of the orphanage. How he ran away from it when he was only a small child...and how living on the streets had forced him to steal to survive. Later he had tried to stop being a thief and gotten this place from the tailor downstairs for practically nothing.
Aj told Phillipe about her life in Salem and her parents and their obsession with the magical arts.- How she had been destined to live up to the family honor and become the next 'great one' in the family, - And how, with Antonio's death, she had left it all behind and sought escape, and the fates had brought her here.
"So your parents are still alive, unlike mine." He said it simply as a fact, not with sadness or accusation.
"Yes, they are fine." She responded, and Phillipe sensed a bit of anger in her words.
"Do you miss them?"
She hesitated, then said, "Yes, especially my sisters." Her voice was soft now. "But I spoke with Alexandria, my younger sister, not long ago.
He looked amazed. "But, how?"
She smiled faintly. "It's part of the magic."
His eyebrows lifted. "You can still do it?" She lifted her hand and snapped her fingers. A bright blue flame appeared from the tip of one finger. "Wow." he said, impressed. "You must be able to do lots of things then." She shrugged smiling, and blew out her finger. He laughed at that.
On and on they spoke, about their pasts and desires for the future until at last they were talked out and just sat silently, Aj in Phillipe's arms. They were so tired that soon they both dozed off and fell asleep in each other's arms.
When morning came, and Phillipe awakened, his first awarness was that of a weight on his chest. He opened his eyes and looked down to see Aj's beautiful chestnut hair splayed out around her head as she slept, resting against his chest. He smiled sleepily and gently stroked her head, then lifted a lock of her hair to his nose and breathed in the smell of her. And he thought sleepily, 'If I'm dreaming right now, let me never awaken', before drifting back off to sleep for real, a pleasant smile on his face.


Date: 2007-10-07 08:28 EST
"Fr?re Jacques, Fr?re Jacques" Aj sang softly to the sleeping Phillipe, her eyes gazing up at him as she still lay there on his chest, a hand letting fingertips trace patters on his chest.

"Dormez-vous, Dormez-vous?" She continued... her voice was light and soft. Very pretty as some would say. His eyes fluttered a little and he shifted slightly, she smiled.

"Sonnez les matines, Sonnez les matines." Was being sung at this point. Phillipe's eyes opened and gazed down at her when he began to smile. She smiled as well, still not moving yet.

"Ding, dang, dong. Ding, dang, dong." Was the last part, and she giggled a little before sitting up a little, leaving him lay there.

"Bonjour sleepy head.." She said quietly to him before getting off of the couch. "Morning AJ." Was the reply he gave her. He rubbed his eyes and then blinked several times. "How long did we sleep." He asked after several moments of silence. "Quite a while Monsieur." She replied before moving to her bags, grabbing some clothes and heading off to the bathroom, closing the door behind her.


Date: 2007-10-07 19:28 EST
Phillipe carried Aj into the place they were sharing and she was laughing, holding roses and a bottle of whiskey in her hands. "Put me down!" She yelled and he smiled before setting her down. "Alright alright." He said with a laugh. They walked up the stairs.

"You know I heard you play the guitar earlier..." He noted to her with a smile before he went into the kitchen to grab some glasses for the drink they had. "Oh?" She asked, blushing a little. Did he really hear her sing? "You sounded wonderful AJ." He noted with a smile, before pouring their drinks. "Why don't you play me a song?"

She took a sip of the whiskey and smiled. "Sure.. I guess." She said, standing up and moving for the bedroom where the guitar was sitting on the bed. Thinking a moment she panicked inside her head. "What am I going to play..." She thought back to when she was growing up... the first song she really learned how to play would be perfect, she thought. So she picked up the quitar and walked out to the main room where he sat down on the couch. Sitting down beside him she picked up a pic she found and she held the guitar in her hands, fingers finding the first notes she would need to play.

"Here goes nothing..." She said before she took another sip of her drink and set it down. "Go ahead..." He said to her with a smile.

Relaxing a little she began to strum out a few chords, looking casually from the guitar to him. "I don?t need a lot of things I can get by with nothing" Was the first part she began to sing, her voice was quiet, but soothing at the same time. He just sat there smiling at her. "Of all the blessings life can bring. I?ve always needed something." The song began to bring back memories of sitting in her room, playing LeAnn Rimes all night on the guitar, and it made her smile, but she continued playing and singing. "But I?ve got all I want." A pause, before she continued. "When it comes to loving you. You?re my only reason." Another pause as she smiled to him. "You?re my only truth"

She began to strum out the chords for the chorus... and this she sang with no pausing at all, but still a little nervous.
"I need you like water
Like breath, like rain
I need you like mercy
From heaven?s gate
There?s a freedom in your arms
That carries me through
I need you"
A smile on her face as she continued to play. He sat there smiling back at her, just watching her play the guitar and sing.
"You?re the hope that moves me
To courage again
You?re the love that rescues me
When the cold winds, rage
And it?s so amazing
?cause that?s just how you are
And I can?t turn back now
?cause you?ve brought me too far"
She paused and looked to him and smiled once more, then continued to play a few chords before she continued her singing, her voice louder and a lot clearer, and a hell of a lot prettier than before because she was into the song.
"I need you like water
Like breath, like rain
I need you like mercy
From heaven?s gate
There?s a freedom in your arms
That carries me through
I need you
Oh yes I do"

She finished off the song, her voice cutting off. He clapped his hands happily and sipped the drink. "That was beautiful AJ." Setting the guitar on the ground, leaning it against the couch she blushed a little. "I never played for anyone outside my family before... that was the first song I ever learned really well too..." She smiled.

They spent a while there, just talking, her playing the guitar and singing to him, and drinking. A kiss here and there, and a lot of laughing. They were having quite a bit of fun just being in eachother's company.

Phillipe Gaston

Date: 2007-10-09 00:02 EST
Phillipe added another log onto the fire and then returned to the couch, picking up the project that he was working on again.
It had been three days since the picture frame incident, and things had happened very fast since then. He smiled, remembering all that had occured since then...He and Aj waking up together on the couch...the romantic episodes in the Glenn, and their return here afterwards where she had sung to him. Then to make things even better, Aj had unpacked her bags and moved into the bedroom, where he had gladly made room for her things in the dresser drawers. Their first night in the bedroom together had been unforgettable, and Phillipe felt like the luckiest man in Rhy'Din.
This evening Aj was out, working for that man Alain. Mouse thought that it was a bit strange how she had to do the work after dark, and wondered if Alain might be up to something. This caused him some concern at first, but he knew that Aj could handle herself quite well, so he relaxed and tried not to worry.
He worked carefully, threading leather strips and thongs through the small slots and holes that he had cut and pulling them tight. He had managed to keep this project a secret, hoping to suprise her with it. He smiled...Sort of a, ' just because' gift, just...because!
He had been working for almost another hour, and had just finished the last tie, when he heard the sound of Aj's motorcycle pulling up outside. Running into the bedroom, he laid it out on the bed, having made it earlier, and then returned, going downstairs to help her pull the bike inside the door.
He laughed when he saw her.
"What?" she asked.
"You have paint on your face." He grinned. "It's actually kinda cute!"
She rolled her eyes at him and slapped his arm. "Knock it off and kiss me."
They spent several moments by the bike, kissing and holding each other until Phillipe started giggling about the paint again, at which time Aj chased him up the stairs. She grabbed him as they fell on the couch, laughing and trying to tickle each other.
Out of breath, Phillipe pulled her to her feet. "Go clean up a bit. I wanna show you something." He grinned, becoming excited.
"What?" she asked, sensing his mood. "What is it? Show me now!"
"No." he said flatly, knowing it would agrivate her. "You might get paint on it." He pointed to the bathroom. "Go."
She sprinted to the bathroom and he followed her, watching as she stripped off the paint covered clothes and washed her face. Phillipe stood in the doorway and marveled at her body. Her skin was like fine porcelin, and her curves were in all the places that he liked best. He walked in and stepped up behind her, slipping his arms around her, sliding his hands across her flat stomach. She in turn reached back to caress his neck while he kissed her neck and shoulder. They stood that way for a some time while he explored with his hands, finding her body perfect in every way.
"You know," she whispered. "the bedroom would be more comfortable for this."
"Lead the way." he said.
Aj released him and he followed her to the bedroom, stopping in the doorway when she continued in. She stopped when she saw what the bed held. In the center of the blankets, lay his project: A handcrafted set of black motorcycle saddlebags, each bag's cover emblazoned with "AJ" in big letters and a picture of a rose worked skillfully into the leather below them.
"Suprise." He said softly behind her.


Date: 2007-10-09 05:48 EST
She paused and simply stared at the gift Phillipe gave her for a moment before reaching for a house coat and slipping it on. Then walking over to them she touched them, studied them. "You like?" He asked behind her and she didn't say anything for a moment before she turned to look at him. "I love it, thank you." Was said to him before she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. He simply smiled as she bruied her face into his neck.
"I made it myself." He said proudly, putting his hands on his hips and puffing his chest out. She laughed a little and kissed his cheek again. "Those will really come in handy, you don't know how bad I needed them." She said with a smile still played across her face.
Picking them up she walked over to the chair by the window, the one where her guitar was leaning on the wall beside it, and set them down on it. She then turned to him, he was still standing in the doorway.
She simply walked over to him and kissed him once more, before grabbing the door that was still open and pushing it shut. The fire out in the main room was dying, and the streets of Rhy'Din were still busy... the city that 'really' never sleeps.

Phillipe Gaston

Date: 2007-10-11 01:18 EST
It was the middle of the night, but Phillipe was not sleeping. He had snuck out in the night to make his way across the city. Aj was still sleeping and he didnt wake her before he left. He didnt want her to know about this.
He moved quietly , but quickly through the streets. It took him nearly an hour to reach the large mansion, which stood in the extended district of town on the northwest side of Rhy'Din. The house was dark and desolate, and appeared empty, though well maintained. Phillipe glanced up and down the street before approaching the old manor, keeping to the shadows and staying out from under the gas lamps which lined the street. When he reached the door he hesitated a few seconds, then knocked once, twice, three times. There was a long pause, during which Phillipe pulled his collar up a little. Then the door opened on blackness, and he entered.
When the door closed, a dark figure shrouded in a holocaust cloak stepped out and beckoned. He followed the cloaked figure down a series of halls and turned several corners before reaching a library. They entered the library and the cloaked figure gestured to a cushioned high back chair by the fire. Phillipe sat while the figure moved off to the side in the shadows and stood silently.
Finally when he couldn't wait any longer, he raised his hand and held out a small scroll. "I got your summons." Phillipe stated rather coldly. "What's this about?"


Date: 2007-10-11 01:19 EST
The figure stood motionless, not answering immediately. After severals seconds, it turned and moved slowly in a large arc, circling the man in the chair as a preditor might circle it's prey. "You are the one called The Mouse..."
It was a statement, not a question, and the voice which spoke was soft and had a strange quality to it. Perhaps reptilian? The small man in the chair nodded silently, to which the figure responded, "Ah. Good."
"Look", said The Mouse, "What is this all about? Why have you asked me here in the middle of the night? And why all the secrecy? Why couldn't I tell Aj?"
"So many questions..." the figure said slowly.
The Mouse shifted in his chair. "What do you want from me?"
"You are here because I have need of your....talents." the voice said plainly."I wish for you to aquire something for me."
"I'm not in that business anymore."
"Leopards don't change their spots."
The Mouse stood. "I'm not a leopard, and I'm not a theif. - Not anymore." He turned to leave.
"I want your girlfriend's spellbook." the dark figure said.
The Mouse spun around and stared. "You have got to be kidding me!"
"I do not joke."
The Mouse laughed derisevly. "You must be daft. I would never steal anything from Aj!"
The cloaked figure moved forward from the shadows and reached up to lower it's hood. The Mouse saw piercing reptilian eyes and a long snort with razor sharp teeth. He froze.
"I think I may be able to pursuade you." the raptor said.

Phillipe Gaston

Date: 2007-10-11 01:23 EST
Phillipe returned home, closing the door silently. He slipped upstairs and listened carefully. Nothing. No noise. Good. Aj must still be asleep. He moved quietly over to the bedroom and peeked in. Aj was lying motionless, her beautiful skin showing plainly in the dim light which carried in from the lamp posts on the street. He slipped in softly, went to her side and looked down at her. He wanted to kiss her, but he knew he mustn't. Instead, he bent and reached for the large book lying on the floor there, hoisting it into his arms. The book was old and heavy. It was the spellbook which Adrianna's mother had given her when she was told she was the chosen one. Silently Phillipe moved to the door. Once he thought he heard something and turned to look, but Aj appeared to be sleeping peacfully, so he slipped out of the room.
Moments later he was moving back through the deserted streets, heading back to the home of the raptor. His mind was in turmoil. How could he be doing this? If Aj found out what he was doing... But no, he shook his head as he moved quickly. She must never know what he had done. This all seemed so wrong, and yet he had to do it.
He hated himself.
When at last he reached the big manor again, the door opened when he reached it. Clearly the raptor had been waiting for him. He stepped inside and was instructed to carry the book to a stand where he placed it carefully.
"Now," said the strange reptilian creature. "Go. Do not say anything to Adrianna."
"She will miss it and ask me." said Phillipe.
"You know nothing about it." came the reply.
Phillipe refused to move. "You said nothing would be done if you got the book..."
"And nothing will, so long as you keep your silence about where the book is."
* * * *
Phillipe returned home as dawn approached and slipped inside.
He quickly undressed and slipped back into bed. But his mind was heavy with the guilt in his heart, and he stayed away from Aj.
He felt miserable, and he knew why.
He had never hated being a thief, until now.
And now he loathed it.


Date: 2007-10-11 05:34 EST
"O? est mon livre?" She was asking herself that morning. Her almond eyes gazed around on the floor. Hands and knees were moving her across that floor as she continued to look. Moving blankets, chairs, the dresser at one time. "Rien!" She would shout after a few moments of another failed attempt to find it. "It was right there when I fell asleep! It was right there." She pointed to the spot on the floor by the wall where she put it. Her mind was racing. "What could I have done with it...?" She asked herself, standing up and brushing off her pants.

Phillipe was standing in the doorway, silently watching her. She hadn't notice him by now, but she moved past him, letting a hand brush across his chest as she moved past. Her almond eyes were filled with worry. "D?esse..." She said to herself as she began her search in the front room. "If I don't find it... I'll never forgive myself..." She whispered quietly to herself in the darkness of their appartment. "Aj, how could you be so silly..." She asked herself, sitting down on the couch, forgetting the search for the moment. "I know I lose things all the time, but the spellbook... am I really that horrible with where I place things?"

Her eyes gazed to the bedroom where Phillipe was inside. "Maybe he saw it..." She said to herself before getting up and walking over to the bedroom, Phillipe was sitting on the bed. "Hey... Phillipe; Have you seen my mother's spellbook?" She asked, her almond eyes taking a glance around the room. "I know it sounds silly but I could have sworn on my life that I put it down by that wall right there on the floor." She laughs a little at herself, a nervous laugh. "Can you help me look for it?" She questioned him.

Phillipe Gaston

Date: 2007-10-11 07:54 EST
Phillipe was sick.
He stared at Aj, not knowing what he was about to say. To lie to her seemed unthinkable. How could he lie to the girl that he loved? He looked down at the ground and stammered "I....I don't......" But the words just wouldn't come. He felt his stomach turn over. He just couldn't do this anymore! He stared back into her eyes and knew he was in trouble. Her eyes held curiousity, but for the first time, Phillipe saw suspicion there. Phillipe's stomach churned again, and suddenly he knew he was going to be violently ill. He turned and ran to the bathroom.
As he heaved and lost the contents of his stomach, Phillipe's eyes watered from the effort, but hidden in the involuntary tears were the tears of his grief as well. He was a fool! He had to get that book back! He would wait for the first chance he had, and then he would return to the that house and set this right again.
He had to.


Date: 2007-10-11 20:34 EST
Her almond eyes gazed into the bathroom where Phillipe was... how did he get so sick. "Are you alright?" She would ask, before stepping into the doorway. "Phillipe..?" She would ask once more and he wouldn't answer her. Figuring he was still feeling pretty sick she continued her search. "Have you seen where I put that damn book?" She called to him once more, no answer... He was being quiet.

"I don't know what happened to it... I mean I put it right by the bed. I had it next to me!" She started getting a little angry with herself. "I told myself I would never lose that book.... Ever..."

Phillipe Gaston

Date: 2007-10-11 21:29 EST
Phillipe watched her moving around the room. He was still unsure what to do. Again she approached him and asked him if he had seen the book. And again he thought he saw the barest hint of suspicion in her eyes. He fought down the sickness and swallowed hard. " I haven't seen it."
He despised himself.
"Listen, Aj..." Phillipe stammered. "I...I got to run an errand. I'll be back in a while, okay?" and he slipped out the door so quickly she barely had time to blow him a kiss.


Date: 2007-10-11 21:35 EST
She went to blow him a kiss, but he was already out the door. "Phillipe...?" She asked, before walking... no, running to the door and swinging it open... but it was no good. He was already heading out. "What the hell?" She questioned, but decided to follow on foot.

Casting a quick spell on herself she would not appear to anyone around her. No one could see her at all. A shadow, nothing more nothing less. Her feet carried her and inside the emotion would begin to build... worry, anger, saddness even... "Why is he acting so strange?" She would question herself, still following close behind him.

Who knows what she would find out...

Phillipe Gaston

Date: 2007-10-11 22:16 EST
Phillipe returned to the manor house again. He knocked on the door, but there was no answer. "Raptor!" he called. "Open up!"
A window on the second floor opened, and the voice of the raptor called down. "Who is pounding on my door?"
"It's me, The Mouse." Phillipe called. "We need to talk."
"I'm sorry...I regret that I cannot answer the door at the moment." His voice sounded hesitant.
"But I need to talk to you!" Phillipe repeated. "Aj's knows something is up. She's gonna find out I took her book!"
"I cant come down right now! You're just going to have to come back later."
What was going on here? Phillipe thought. This raptor creature was obviously up to something up there. His thoughts were broken by the sound of a crash from above, followed by several snarling sounds and another crash. Then silence.
"Hey!...Hey up there!" There followed nothing but silence. "I'm coming back! And when I do, we are going to talk about that book I gave you!" He turned to go, and froze.

Aj was standing at the end of the sidewalk. She was looking at him stunned.
"Aj..." he started but her stunned look immediately became fury, silencing him. "How could you." Her words were laced with venom.
"Aj, I.." but again she cut him off, and this time her words echoed across the neighborhood. "How could you!!!?" she screamed, and Phillipe's voice failed him completely.
She walked up to him slowly, all the while her eyes never leaving his. Her hand came up and slowly touched his face, and her face changed. Her look of rage fell into an expression of complete despair. "How could you?" she whispered, tears welling up in her eyes and spilling over. It was pain, disappointment and loneliness all in one, and Phillipe's threadbare hold on his emotions broke at the sound of it.
"Oh Aj, I am so sor..." The slap caught him full force in the middle of his words, and Phillipe tasted blood when he bit his tongue.
He watched as she backed away from him, her shoulders beginning to shake as the sobs began. And then she turned and ran. And he was standing alone.


Date: 2007-10-12 05:43 EST
"How could he....?" She asked herself as she opened the door to that apartment of theirs. "I mean... I trusted him... I dared to trust myself to someone again." The sobs were still as violent as when they started, she simply couldn't stop.

The apartment was empty... and the echo of her footsteps made her all the more furious. Her footsteps carried her over to the bedroom and when she opened the door she instantly gazed at the unmade bed where they had slept together. "I can't stay here..." She whispered to herself before grabbing her bag, and gathering all her clothes and belongings. "How could I have been so naive!? I can trust no one it seems..." Her french accent almost destroyed her attempt of yelling at herself in english. Her words were almost undefinable.

Putting her diary, and grabbing her guitar last she picked up a pen and a piece of paper before writing a note to him.


I cannot stay here anymore...You know damn well I will be staying at the inn... you better of had to have a good explination... I don't even know why I am writing this to you, maybe it's because I still love you... I don't know why I do right at this moment...

Tears flowed from her eyes yet as she continued to write.

I have nothing else to say to you... but goodbye.


She finished the note and stuffed the pen into her bag. She then put the bag down and slipped on her coat and then putting her gloves on. Her eyes glanced to the silver frame, and the picture in it, before walking over and carefully taking the picture out, leaving the back off of the frame she set it down. She put the picture in her bag before throwing it over her shoulder, and grabbing her guitar and leaving.

Not one thing was left behind from her in that apartment... not one single piece of clothing. No old notes to Phillipe, no guitar... nothing. It was almost as if she were never there.

Her tears continued to flow under her helmet as she turned the bike on, and sped off towards the inn.

Phillipe Gaston

Date: 2007-10-12 22:31 EST
He knew she was gone before he opened the door.
Phillipe hadn?t gone straight home. Instead he had walked for hours around Rhy?Din seeing only the ground directly in front of him as he moved. By the time he reached home it was late afternoon, and he knew in his heart that Aj was gone.
Going upstairs, he found the note. He read through the letter, falling into a chair when his legs refused to hold him any longer. He had expected this, but the blow was still just as painful as if she had said goodbye to his face. Then he turned and saw the battered silver frame laying on the couch, it?s back open, the picture gone, and that?s when it really hit him.
He wept.
After a while he moved to the bedroom to lay on her side and smell her scent from the pillow. As he was lying there, he thought about that first day when she had moved in. He had been so excited to give her that key?
The key!
He bolted from the bed, searching all over. But she hadn?t left it. Phillipe thought for a bit. Was it a sign? Could it be that she really hadn?t wanted to leave?
Phillipe ran back and grabbed the letter. Scanning it, his eyes fell on a the phrase??maybe it?s because I still love you?? Phillipe?s thoughts raced. Was it not yet too late? He was going to find out.