Topic: Life's a Beach

Samilee Burke

Date: 2009-03-19 11:38 EST
In the background there was the sound of hot water flowing through a filter full of freshly ground coffee beans. The aroma was starting to waft through the Riverfront apartment the Derby Dame has originally inhabited with her boyfriend, Nix. As of late, the flat was silent except for the sounds she made. That was why Sami spent so much time away from her home. It didn't really feel like home.

In her ear there was something akin to elevator muzak playing. She was on hold. Sami had been trying to reach Mr. Jeffree Day for the last six days without success. Now, she had caught him in the office, but he was just getting in from a meeting. So, Sami was waiting. (And quite patiently, too.)

"Sorry about that Miss Burke. Now, what can I help you with this morning?" Mr Day's voice was a bit rough around the edges.

"I need to buy up some ocean-front property. I know you're a busy person, but I need to make an appointment to swing by your office and look at some maps." Sami didn't know much about land surveying, but she did now that the oversized maps (plats) in his office would show the grate of the land and the natural features surrounding it.

"I need to go back into the field to get a job done this afternoon before the cold front comes through." Mr Day's job was highly dependent on the weather. Sami knew this because with the sudden pleasant temperature and clear skies he was almost always out of the office. His assistant, Sarah, was to the point that she could recognize Sami from her voice. "Would you be able to come in to the office Monday morning early? I could sit down with you then and discuss some of the options available to you."

Sami was pleased with this answer. "As much as I hate mornnigs, that sounds ballin', sir. I'll put it on my calendar and will see you then." Mr Day smiled. Sami could hear him smile through the phone.

"Very well, have a good day." "You too, broseph." With that Sami hung up the phone and went to retrieve her freshly brewed coffee. It wasn't even noon yet. She couldn't believe she was awake. Still, there were things to get done and she needed every minute of free time she could get.